How to wash a sofa. How to clean a sofa from dirt at home. How to clean a white leather sofa

The sofa is a place where all the residents of the apartment, including our beloved pets, gather more or less often. The result of this popularity is the emergence various types stains on the upholstery of the sofa, as a result of which the furniture takes on a sloppy and unkempt appearance.

The modern market for household services offers professional cleaning of upholstered furniture with the participation of cleaning companies. And there are situations when this expensive procedure cannot be avoided. But, if you need to remove stains from tea, coffee, blood, cat urine or grease, you can easily do it yourself, at home.

One of the main conditions for dry cleaning is not only the removal of dirt, but also the ability to clean the sofa at home from stains without streaks. To do this, you need to clearly understand that spots of different nature origins interact differently with the cleaning agent. That is why, before we begin global cleaning, we will find out what types of pollution there are and which product is best suited to eliminate them.

  1. Coffee and tea stains. Prepare a soap solution from warm water and a piece of laundry soap. Apply to the cloth using a soft sponge and leave for 10 minutes or longer, depending on the depth of the stain.

    Rinse it off clean water, trying to completely remove soap scum, otherwise streaks may remain.

  2. Wine and juice stains. Blot the fresh stain dry with paper napkins, sprinkle a thick layer of kitchen salt - it will act as an adsorbent.

    Leave for a while, remove and wash the area with a solution of vinegar and ammonia mixed in equal quantities. For better effect, this procedure can be performed twice.

  3. Grease stains. If particles of fat or oil get on the upholstery of the sofa, it is necessary to remove their remains by sprinkling with soda or starch. After this, you can wipe the stain with a napkin with a drop of dishwashing detergent.

    It contains fat-soluble substances and will help you cope with the problem. Rinse with warm water until the solution is completely removed.

  4. Blood stains. The best solution is to wash it off immediately. big amount cold water. If you don’t have this option and the stain has dried, try this method: rub the dirty area with ice cubes.

    Soak the stain in a 9% solution table vinegar and water at the rate of a tablespoon of vinegar per glass. Leave for a while, rinse with a mild soap solution and clean water. Repeat if necessary.

  5. Urine stains. Rinse with clean cool water and dry with a hair dryer. After this, wipe the stain with soapy water, rinse with clean water and dry again.

    For additional disinfection and removal of specific odors, make a weak solution of potassium permanganate with water (dilute to light Pink colour) and wash the fabric well.

    Important! The cleaning recipe with potassium permanganate can only be used for sofas made of dark fabric. On light and white upholstery, this option may leave marks.

  6. Chewing gum stains. If chewing gum is stuck to a fabric sofa, especially velor or suede, never rip it off immediately. This deforms the pile and may even leave a crease in the fabric.

    First, freeze the gum using ice or a piece of meat from the freezer. Only when the gum has hardened, carefully remove it using a knife. If unsightly marks remain on the surface, wipe the stained area with any alcohol-containing liquid.

  7. Stains from ballpoint pen or a children's marker. Remove with a product containing acetone - nail polish remover, solvent, you can try alcohol.

    Note! It is almost impossible to remove ink from a leather sofa, and the use of a solvent can greatly damage the upholstery. IN in this case try rubbing the painted area with an eraser.

  8. Dirt stains. Mix a solution of hydrogen peroxide with baking soda, at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 2 tablespoons of soda. Apply the paste to the dirty area and, using a brush, gently rub into the fabric.

    Leave for half an hour, rinse with clean warm water. This method can not only remove dirt, but also get rid of old, unpleasant odors.

  9. Greasy stains. In this case, it is very effective to use a steam cleaner, the hot steam of which penetrates the layers of fabric and removes old marks.

    This will not only remove grease, but also refresh the color and disinfect the furniture. If you don't have this useful gadget, wipe the area with a soapy solution with a few drops of ammonia.

How to properly clean a sofa

If your cushioned furniture needs complete cleaning, this procedure can also be done at home.

The main thing is to do it correctly:

  • First of all, thoroughly clean the sofa from dust using a vacuum cleaner. Never wet dry clean dusty furniture. The liquid will only dissolve the dust, and the material will become even dirtier;
  • Before using cleaners, carefully inspect the surface of the upholstery. If there are solid contaminants, carefully scrape them off with a knife, preferably with the blunt side;
  • cover the sofa with gauze or other thin cloth soaked in a weak solution of vinegar and pat it with a special carpet beater or just with your hands. This will remove any remaining dust and prevent it from getting into the air.

If you not only need to clean, but also remove the odor that has permeated them from the sofa cushions, the most effective way will use the universal stain remover Vanish.

It is sold in the form of a spray for minor stains, shampoo, gel and dry powder. According to reviews from housewives, this product deserves the highest rating.

Note! Before using any chemical substance To remove stains and dirt, try the reagent on an inconspicuous area of ​​the upholstery. By applying and leaving the solution for a while, you will be sure that this product will not harm the material.

Remember the rules for handling various materials upholstery:

Sofa upholstery material Rules of care
Leather (including artificial and eco-leather) Use commercially available special skin wipes.

As a folk remedy, you can try cleaning the surface with milk or beaten egg whites. This will clean the material and give it extra shine.

Velor Fuzzy fabric is very susceptible to pet hair and fluff.
Suede It is advisable to immediately apply a special liquid for suede fabrics. This impregnation will repel dirt and prevent it from penetrating into deeper layers.

If you have not done this, clean the upholstery with an alcohol solution and salt or soda.

The best way to protect upholstered furniture from stains and dirt, as well as extend its service life, is to use special covers or bedspreads for sofas and armchairs. You can easily wash them if necessary.

If you prefer not to cover pillows and seats, use our tips and your home will always be clean and comfortable.

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Bringing upholstered furniture back to life is a simple task, and you can do it yourself, without the help of professionals. How to clean a fabric sofa from grease? household chemicals, so folk remedies. But you should begin such a procedure only armed with the necessary information, so as not to worsen the situation.

How to clean a greasy sofa

Upholstered furniture is prone to getting dirty, especially if it white. Therefore, after purchasing a sofa, it is better to immediately acquire special covers. They are made of a material that can be easily washed using any detergent.

If a person did not suspect the existence of such capes, and the furniture is already covered with an unpleasant coating, then it’s time to clean the sofa upholstery. Before the main wash you need to:

  1. Vacuum the sofa to remove all the crumbs, debris and dust. You should immediately carry out a thorough cleaning, and do not forget to look into hard-to-reach places.
  2. After this, you need to take an unnecessary sheet, moisten it in a weak solution of vinegar (1 tablespoon of substance per 5 liters of water), and cover the sofa. Next, you need to take a stick and beat the product well.
  3. If the upholstered furniture is in disrepair, then you should sprinkle particularly greasy areas with salt and leave for 3-4 hours. During this time, she will have time to absorb the maximum amount of fat.

Grease can be removed with glycerin. To do this, you need to moisten a cosmetic disc in the substance and walk it over the upholstery.

If the sofa is light in color, then you should proceed in the same way, only instead of glycerin you need to use milk or chalk, having previously dissolved it in water.

Laundry soap is a housewife's faithful friend, as it can cope with almost any contamination. To use it to make the sofa look decent, you should:

  • Grate 1 piece of laundry soap on a coarse grater;
  • add shavings to 5 l. warm water and stir until light foam forms;
  • moisten a soft sponge in the solution, treat the entire surface of the sofa and leave for 1-2 minutes;
  • After which, rinse off the soap thoroughly and let the sofa dry.

A solution of ammonia will help clean a greasy sofa. To prepare it, mix the substance with water in equal quantities and stir. Soak a cotton pad or soft cloth in the product and remove fat using blotting movements until they come off completely. After this, you need to wipe the upholstery with a clean cloth and let the sofa dry.

If the furniture has special grease stain, and the described procedure is powerless against it, then you need to take a soft brush and rub the sebaceous area.

Plain fabrics should be treated with cosmetic pads or wipes, while fluffy materials can be washed with sponges or brushes.

Another effective cleaning method is soda slurry. It fights not only grease, but also stains from tea, coffee and dirty marks. It is necessary to mix soda with water (1:1), but if the slurry turns out to be too liquid, then it is better to add more substances to make it thicker. After this, you should distribute the mixture over the entire surface of the upholstery and rub in the soda with a brush. Leave the substance on the sofa for 1-2 hours so that it has time to dry completely.

Baking soda in combination with alcohol will help remove greasy stains from the sofa, but it is better to use them for fresh stains. Necessary:

  • Sprinkle a thick layer of baking soda onto the greasy stain and leave for 1 hour;
  • after 60 minutes, collect the soda, pour fresh one in its place, and leave for another 40 minutes;
  • after the specified time, you should collect the substance with a vacuum cleaner;
  • the remaining stains must be treated with a cotton pad and medical alcohol.

All of the methods listed are quite effective, but if the sofa has not been cleaned for years, then you should not expect quick results. It is possible that the processing will have to be carried out more than once.

How to avoid streaks on upholstery

Leaks can form both from the use of professional foam compounds and from home remedies. The reason for this is the use of excessive amounts of water, incorrectly selected products and insufficient rinses.

To avoid such a problem, you need to use as much as possible less water, and carefully collect all the foam with napkins. First you should treat the sofa with a damp cloth, and then dry.

If any detergents were used that produce a large amount of foam, then high-quality rinsing will be required. But here it is important to try not to flood the sofa, and after the procedure, try to dry it as quickly as possible.

The sofa should dry on its own, but if it is too wet, then it would be useful to resort to forced drying. To do this, you can use a fan or hair dryer that has a cold air mode.

Do not dry furniture near heating pipes or near various electrical appliances.

When it was not possible to avoid the appearance of stains, they still cannot be left on the upholstery, since such areas become dirty much faster. It is necessary to take a medium-hard brush and thoroughly rub the stains, then suck out the remaining substance from the sofa using a vacuum cleaner. It is worth using this not too gentle method if the sofa is no longer new and there is no fear of damaging the upholstery.

Upholstered furniture is exactly that piece of furniture that is quite often used by people in Everyday life. Due to this, she is more susceptible various contaminants and unkempt appearance. In order to prevent early wear and tear of furniture, it is important to know the rules for caring for it, as well as specific measures to get rid of dirt.

How to protect your sofa upholstery from dirt

In order not to ask questions about how to clean upholstered furniture, you need to try to protect it from stains. At least two options can provide this.

  1. Cover

The easiest way to protect your sofa upholstery from stains is a blanket or blanket. Perhaps a sofa covered with a blanket will not look aesthetically pleasing to some. But for the safety of the upholstery, it is advisable to cover the sofa with fabric at least for the period when it is especially necessary. For example, if a pet is running around the house with dirty paws or one of the family members decides to have a snack while watching TV.

  1. Case

Sofa covers are a real salvation for upholstered furniture from possible stains. Unlike the option with a bedspread, covers have a wider range of advantages. Firstly, the covers can be made from your preferred fabric and color, which means that the sofa will continue to harmonize with the interior of the room. Secondly, they can increase the period of use of the sofa several times. Another advantage of the covers is that they can be easily removed for washing, which means they are unlikely to have to be changed often.

How to rid a sofa of dust

If it was not possible to prevent the appearance of dirt, you will have to eliminate the problem in every possible way. Options for cleaning furniture at home will depend primarily on the type of contamination.

Upholstered furniture tends to absorb dust from the air, which accumulates over time. Upholstered furniture made from the following materials is most susceptible to this:

  1. velours;
  2. chenille;
  3. matting;
  4. flock;
  5. tapestry.

Over time, furniture becomes dirty during use. This makes it significantly worse appearance. There are ways to restore fabric, leather and other surfaces to their former cleanliness. How to wash a sofa at home will be discussed further.

Types of pollution

Sooner or later, all owners face the question of how to wash a sofa at home. Even the most careful owners notice over time that scuffs and dark spots appear on the upholstery surfaces. When sitting on the sofa, a person leaves dust from clothes, sebum, etc. on the sofa. This leads to surface contamination over time.

The situation becomes more complicated if there are children or animals in the house. They can significantly speed up the need for cleaning. Moreover, the pollution in this case can be very diverse. After all, the sofa becomes a favorite resting place for all inhabitants of an apartment or house.

Many owners like to have a snack on the couch. In this case, crumbs, traces of accidentally spilled coffee, tea or fallen food can leave stains that are difficult to remove. In this case, the sooner measures are taken to eliminate contamination, the better the result will be. Old stains are much more difficult to remove.

Dust removal

Periodically, the sofa needs to be cleaned of dust. This should be done at least once a week. If the owners like to have a snack on the sofa in front of the TV, this procedure should be done even more often. It should also be taken into account that furniture easily absorbs soot, which is contained in car exhaust gases (if there is a highway nearby), construction waste (if neighbors are doing repairs), technical particles (if there is a large production nearby), etc.

There are 2 ways to get rid of dust on furniture coverings. The first is to use a vacuum cleaner. The second is more labor-intensive. How to wash a sofa at home if you don’t have a vacuum cleaner? There is a whole technique. Dust needs to be knocked out of the upholstery. You will need to prepare a sheet. It is moistened in water and squeezed out. Then the sofa is covered with fabric. Next you need to prepare a regular plastic beater. Use it to slap the surface. The wet cloth will absorb the dust. If necessary, the procedure is performed twice. The sheet is rinsed between approaches.

Using a vacuum cleaner can clean your sofa faster. To do this, you need to use a crevice nozzle. If it is not there, you just need to use a hose to go through all the folds of the fabric. Use a regular nozzle to vacuum all flat surfaces.

Oily stains

You should pay attention to technology that allows you to understand how to wash a sofa at home from dirt and grease. There are simple but effective folk recipes. When using them, you need to move from the edges to the center of the dirt. Otherwise, streaks will remain, and the stain will simply spread across the surface of the fabric.

It is very important to remove greasy stains from the surface immediately after they occur. This guarantees high quality washing the surface. To remove the stain you will need a piece of white chalk. It needs to be crushed and sprinkled with crumbs on the stained area. You need to leave it for a few minutes. Chalk absorbs grease well. Then the crumbs are swept away with a brush. The procedure is repeated several times.

Instead of chalk, you can use talc. It can be for children or cosmetic. The cleaning technology is the same as in the case of chalk. Also absorbs fat well salt. You need to sprinkle it liberally onto the stain. It is able to absorb not only fat, but also excess liquid. This is a universal cleaning method.

Blood stains

When considering how to wash at home, it is necessary to consider the procedure for getting rid of stubborn stains. These may be blood stains. If they have not yet had time to absorb and dry, you need to wet the fabric cold water and cover the stain with it. Under no circumstances should you use hot water, warm. This will cause the blood to clot. It will be extremely difficult to get rid of the stain.

When the fabric lies on the surface for a while, it is removed. The surface is blotted with a dry cloth. Then the procedure is repeated several more times.

If the blood has not been removed from the surface immediately, you need to add salt to the water. It is added to a glass of cold water in the amount of 2 teaspoons. The processing procedure will be the same. You need to alternately moisten and dry the fabric. Hydrogen peroxide can be used for cleaning. Use it to treat a dried stain and blot it with a dry cloth. Do not use ammonia for cleaning. It can ruin the upholstery.

Urine stains

Many young parents ask how to wash a sofa at home. It is not easy to clean furniture from child urine. These are persistent stains that require quick removal. Baby urine will leave an odor on the fabric only if it has time to absorb and dry. If the stain on the sofa was left by a four-legged pet, the situation becomes more complicated. Animal urine has a more pungent, concentrated odor. In this case, drastic measures will need to be taken.

If the stain has not yet been absorbed, it must first be blotted with dry wipes. Next you should prepare: Regular vinegar is mixed with warm water in a concentration of 1:3. The composition is applied to the surface and left for 3 hours. Next, you need to pour soda on it. The powder will absorb excess moisture. Then it is swept away with a brush.

The treated area of ​​the upholstery should be wiped with hydrogen peroxide. Then the wet spot is sprinkled with soda again. When the stain dries, brush off the soda with a sponge or stiff brush. Then the sofa needs to be vacuumed. If the animal's urine has dried, only dry cleaning will help get rid of the smell.

Other types of pollution

There are other ways to clean a sofa at home. You can get rid of dirt without streaks. To do this, you need to take into account the type of upholstery and the substance that left the stain. If marks from a ballpoint pen appear on the surface, alcohol will help remove them. Use a cotton pad to treat the fabric. Do not rub the stain, otherwise streaks will remain. You should frequently change cotton pads by moistening them with alcohol.

Complex stains include fruit or juice stains. In this case, cotton wool and alcohol are also used. Do not rub the stain. This will lead to divorces.

If tea or coffee was spilled on the sofa, you can use a simple soap solution. IN warm water you need to leave a piece of soap. When it becomes limp, treat the stain with water. You can immediately lather up the stain. The solution is then quickly removed with a damp cloth. If you hesitate, stains will appear on the sofa. Quickly apply a soapy solution, followed by a plain damp cloth. Then the surface should be blotted with a dry cloth. The procedure is repeated if necessary.

General rules for sofa care

Exist general recommendations how to wash a sofa at home. Experts say that furniture will not lose its attractive appearance for a long time if the owners use it correctly. If there are small children, animals in the house, or buyers simply like to have a snack while sitting on the sofa, you should not purchase models with velvet, plush upholstery.

Regardless of what type of upholstery was chosen when purchasing, it is important to cover the furniture. You can purchase special covers or bedspreads. They simply need to be machine washed during cleaning.

It is also necessary to carry out periodic preventative cleaning. The sofa is knocked out, animal hair, dust, hair, etc. are removed. You can complete the furniture care procedure wet cleaning. To do this, you need to prepare a damp cloth. It is passed over the surfaces of the sofa. In this case, it is necessary to avoid soaking the fabric with moisture. This is a superficial cleaning.

Leather sofa

There are special recommendations on how to wash leather sofa at home. This is a special material characterized by a porous structure. Small debris, dust, and crumbs get stuck in its folds. Large abrasive particles scratch the surface. Because of this, she quickly loses her original luster.

Caring for leather upholstery is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. It is enough to devote time to cleaning at a certain frequency. First you need to clean the surface from dust. Then the upholstery should be wiped with a damp cloth.

Then you need to take Vaseline or fatty cosmetic cream. The product is applied to a sponge and rubbed onto the surface of the furniture. After this treatment, you need to remove the excess using dry wipes. It is important to thoroughly remove oily shine. After treatment with dry wipes, the sofa should acquire a noble gloss. The surface becomes smooth.

Fabric upholstery

There are also certain recommendations on how to wash a sofa at home, the upholstery of which is made of fabric. These are reliable durable materials. However, if not processed correctly, they can also quickly lose their attractive appearance. Even dense fabrics do not tolerate moisture getting inside the fibers.

Liquid that has soaked the sofa can lead to the destruction of the internal filling. At the same time it appears bad smell mold, and fungus begins to develop in the material. This leads to the establishment of an unhealthy atmosphere indoors. Therefore, you can’t get the sofa wet. If any substance is spilled, it must be removed from the surface immediately.

To avoid causing damage to the upholstery, you must first test the cleaning product you choose. It is applied to an inconspicuous area of ​​fabric. If the material does not lose color, then the product is used to remove stains. Do not use wet cloths for cleaning. They should be slightly damp.

Purchased funds

When considering what you can use to wash your sofa at home, you should pay attention to store-bought formulations. Many housewives use products not intended for cleaning (for example, dishwashing detergents, stove detergents, even shower gels, etc.). This should under no circumstances be done. Cleaning is carried out only by special means for cleaning upholstery, for example, special lines “Vanish”, “Faberlic”, etc.

Proper cleaning of sofas is whole science. Taking into account the advice of experts, you can preserve the beauty of the upholstery for a long time.

The sofa is probably the most favorite place in the house. They rest on it, covered with a blanket. Children play on it, often using it as a springboard, climbing on it and jumping to the floor. Our smaller friends, dogs, love to eat on the sofa. Moreover, no matter how much they are driven out of there, they stubbornly jump onto the sofa again. And even with a bone in his teeth.

And often, after some time, the sofa takes on a worn, dirty appearance, becoming covered with unsightly greasy or simply dirty stains.

How can you make sure that the sofa serves you faithfully for many years without losing its original appearance?

Of course, ideally, you should initially buy a sofa that suits your lifestyle.

  • If a sofa is a social place for you, then you need to buy it with upholstery that is easy to clean and less shiny. And of course, exclude the purchase of a leather sofa. Especially if there is a cat or dog in the house, since it is impossible to hide leather upholstery from their claws and teeth.
  • Immediately cover the sofa with a sofa deck, a blanket, or sew a cover for both the sofa itself and its armrests.
  • Eliminate the habit of having a snack or even lunch while sitting on the couch in front of the TV.
  • Periodically carry out preventive cleaning of the sofa. This is very easy to do without resorting to any special means.

To do this, cover the sofa with a damp sheet and pat it with your palms. All the dust collected in the sofa will easily fly out of it and settle on the damp fabric. If the sofa is very dusty, rinse the sheet in clean water, carefully squeeze and repeat the knocking out procedure again.

If you add a little vinegar to the water, it will help restore bright colors sofa upholstery.

Then leave the sofa uncovered until completely dry. Of course, you can’t sit on it at this time.

While the sofa upholstery is drying, clean the armrests, if they are wooden. Furniture polish or non-aggressive stain removers are suitable for this.

How to clean wooden armrests at home

  • If someone left chewing gum on the armrests of the sofa, use Vaseline. Apply a little Vaseline to the gum and start rubbing. After some time, the chewing gum will crumble and can be easily removed.
  • If on wooden surface If there are white stains on the sofa from glasses or glasses, then lubricate them with Vaseline and leave for several hours. The spots should disappear.

If the sofa is leather

If the sofa is leather, then at the same time wipe the upholstery with Vaseline. Then remove excess shine and the sofa will be as good as new.

You can use baby oil instead of Vaseline. The main thing is that after it the sofa does not look like a fatty pie. Remove excess oil with a napkin.

Sometimes it is enough to wipe the sofa with a slightly damp cloth soaked in a soap solution or a weak solution of vinegar.

If the upholstery is fabric

If the upholstery is made of fabric, then you need to know how it will behave when it comes into contact with detergent. After all, it can fade, become discolored, and lose its original appearance. For example, if it is made of plush, velor or velvet.

So before you start cleaning your sofa, test your chosen product on a small piece of upholstery, such as the back of the sofa.

But in any case, the sofa should not be too wet. After all, this is not a carpet or a blanket - you can’t hang it on a crossbar. And excess moisture, getting into the inside of the sofa, can ruin its filling, causing a musty smell, or even mold. And microbes in such an ideal place for them will easily multiply.

Cleaning a sofa with vinegar, baking soda and detergent

This method is probably the most popular at the moment.

To do this, pour about a liter of water into a basin, add a tablespoon baking soda and a teaspoon of any detergent for dish washing. Lather the solution well, arm yourself with a soft brush and begin to carefully clean the sofa, trying to brush in one direction. Do not overdo it with soap, as you will not be able to wash it later. It is better not to use this product on upholstery made of velor or anything similar to it.

Cleaning a sofa with Vanish

Instead of washing powder, you can take Vanish and dilute it in a ratio of 1:9.

Delicate sofa cleaning

To delicately clean your sofa, you will need a regular washing powder for delicate items and warm water.

Mix about half a glass of powder with a glass of water until fluffy.

Spread the foam on the contaminated surface and wait until it disappears. Repeat once or twice. Then gently brush the foamed areas with a soft brush.

After cleaning, remove dirty foam with a washing vacuum cleaner.

There is an opinion that a vacuum cleaner spoils both the upholstery of the sofa and its insides. Of course, if your vacuum cleaner is so powerful that it easily sucks up upholstery along with debris, which you have to forcefully remove from it, then it is better not to use a vacuum cleaner for cleaning. Or you just need to reduce the suction force, that is, the power of the vacuum cleaner.

Stains on the sofa

Now about the stains. Any stain requires a special approach. One stain can be cleaned with ordinary warm (cold, hot) water, another with chalk, starch or talc, and the third can only be cleaned with aggressive solvents.

The result after stain removal also depends on how long ago the sofa was purchased. How, you ask.

When you begin to remove the stain, the upholstery will also be cleaned of the dust that has become embedded in it. And when that place dries, a dirty border will appear around it, right on the border of dirty and clean fabric.

Therefore, it is much easier to remove a stain on a new sofa, and the result will please you more than what you end up with after experimenting with an old sofa.

Therefore, before removing stains or local cleaning, you need to vacuum the entire sofa or knock out dust with a sheet. And only after that start removing the stain.

Remember that any fresh stains are much easier to remove than old ones or those to which you have applied wrong ways cleaning.

Grease stains

  • If a greasy stain appears on the upholstery, sprinkle it with chalk as soon as possible. Wait until it absorbs the fat. Sweep it off with a brush. Add chalk again and wait again. Most often the stain disappears.
  • Talcum powder is also suitable for removing greasy stains from a sofa. Apply talcum powder to the stain and leave for several hours. Then vacuum the sofa. Instead of talc, you can use starch or soda.
  • Sprinkle salt on the greasy stain and wait until it absorbs the grease. Then sweep away the used salt with a brush.

Beer stains

  • Prepare a decoction of soap root. To do this, pour a liter of water into a saucepan, add half a teaspoon of soap root and put on fire. Boil for about an hour. Then strain the broth and use it to clean the stain.
  • You can wipe the stain with a regular soap solution, and then treat the area with a weak solution of vinegar.

Blood stains

  • Blood stains can only be washed off with cold soapy water.
  • If the blood stains are fresh, prepare a thick paste of talcum powder and water and apply it to the stained area. Let the paste dry and brush thoroughly. Talc can be replaced with starch or corn flour.

Urine stains

  • If your child has just stained the sofa, immediately remove as much moisture as possible using napkins. Then rub the area with alcohol or diluted citric acid.
  • If there is no alcohol, then after getting rid of excess moisture Wash the stain with soapy water or Vanish stain remover.

Ballpoint pen stains

  • Stains from ink and ballpoint pen can be easily wiped off with alcohol. But you cannot rub a swab with alcohol over the fabric, making large circles. This causes the ink to spread, forming a large purple spot. You need to stock up on a few pieces of cotton wool and change them as they become dirty.

Juice stains

  • Juice and fruit stains can be removed by rubbing the stained area with diluted ammonia or mix alcohol with ammonia in a 1:1 ratio. Let the liquid dry, then rinse with warm water and pat dry.

Coffee stains

  • To remove coffee stains, add a little vinegar to the soap solution and wash the stain with this solution and dry it.

Stains on velvet or plush upholstery

  • This upholstery cannot be cleaned with water or soap solutions. Therefore everything problem areas Clean with alcohol or gasoline. Both cheap and cheerful.
  • If you use a soap solution, clean not with water, but with plenty of foam. And always in the direction of the pile. It is also not recommended to clean such a sofa with brushes. For cleaning it is better to use a soft sponge or microfiber cloth.
  • Difficult spots on delicate fabric Still, it is better to entrust it to specialists.

But still, I would like to remind you that it is easier to prevent the appearance of stains and dirt on the sofa than to selflessly clean it all!
