Air ionizers with ultraviolet lamp. Ultraviolet Air Purifier for Home Wall Mounted UV Air Purifier

The autumn-winter period for most families marks the beginning of frequent periods. It is no secret that most viruses, microbes and bacteria are located in the air of home premises, on the surface of furniture and electrical appliances. Unfortunately, during epidemics, cut onions or garlic help little. An air purifier with an ionizer and a UV lamp will help stop the spread of infection, clean and improve the air.

How does an air ionizer-purifier with an ultraviolet lamp work?

Under the plastic body of the device there is an electrically conductive plate. Under the influence of negatively charged ions various particles in the air (bacteria, pollen, wool, dust, pollution, etc.) rush to the plate and stick to special dust collectors. As a result, dust collects not on the surfaces of equipment and furniture, but inside the air purifier with an ionizer for the home. The air becomes clean and fresh, there are no odors in it.

But that's not all. Home air purifier models with a built-in UV lamp distribute UV radiation throughout the room, which neutralizes pathogenic viruses and bacteria, which often cause diseases. When these microorganisms pass through the gaps of the dust collector, UV light destroys their DNA. Thanks to this, the air becomes sterilized.

How to choose an ionizer-purifier with a UV lamp?

The most important thing you need to pay attention to when choosing an air purifier-ionizer for an apartment or house is quiet operation. If the device buzzes, unpleasant sound will interfere with rest or work.

The second aspect of choice is the maximum area that the device can serve. It is usually indicated on the box or in technical passport air purifier. The above figure largely depends on the power devices. The higher it is, the faster the room is serviced. And, accordingly, more electricity consumption.

It is better to choose a device with a built-in UV lamp from models in which the ionization and UV radiation modes can be turned on independently of each other.

Electronic control, display, backlight - such additional options are optional. It is clear that the price of air purifiers with these functions is higher than those without them.

Among the popular manufacturers of ionizer-cleaners with a UV lamp, the leaders are Zenet, Ovion-S, AIC, Super-Eco and Maxion.

Multifunctional air purifier "ATMOS-MAXI-105"

Air ionizers with an ultraviolet lamp - to protect your health

Air purity in the home can affect the health of all family members. To cleanse it and create a healthy atmosphere in the rooms, air ionizers, which enrich the air mass with negatively charged particles.

The principle of their operation is based on the contact of air with an ultraviolet lamp, resulting in direct cleaning of allergens, pollen, bacteria, viruses, and tobacco smoke. Purpose ionizer air with ultraviolet lamps is as follows:

  • Saturation of indoor air with anions;
  • Cleansing from infectious agents and contaminants;
  • Decrease negative influence electromagnetic radiation household appliances;
  • Elimination of unpleasant odors;
  • Cleaning the air from pollen and household dust.

Take advantage modern ionizer with ultraviolet radiation should be used in case of poor health, poor health, frequent infectious diseases. This is an ideal choice for children's rooms, bedrooms and kitchens. You can purchase a high-quality model from a reliable manufacturer on our website.

About the advantages

In addition to the list of the above purposes, an ionizer with ultraviolet lamps also has several noteworthy advantages:

  • Can work in the presence of people due to the lack of ozone emission;
  • Characterized by silent operation;
  • It is highly economical to use due to low power consumption;
  • Easy to use.

Also, devices with ultraviolet disinfection lamps have the ability to be reinstalled from one room to another.

Correct operation

When using air ionizers You should follow a few simple rules:

  • Use the product after studying the instructions in detail;
  • Do not remove the cover while the device is operating;
  • Do not turn on the device in the bathroom, near a fireplace or oven;
  • Take care of each UV lamp and clean it regularly;
  • Disconnect equipment from electricity before washing;
  • Do not allow small children to play with the device.

Use the ultraviolet lamp for the recommended number of hours. Next, it must be disposed of and a new one installed in the device for better effect.

Fully featured system air heating"Antares Comfort", produced in Moscow, is becoming increasingly popular in home improvement. To its basic kit, which only provides air heating and ventilation, you can optionally connect an ultraviolet purifier and humidifier.

These subsystems greatly improve indoor air quality:

  • maintain optimal humidity;
  • clean the air from microorganisms and unwanted odors, chemical substances;
  • add small quantities ozone, which have a positive effect on the functioning of the human body.

You can find out the price and buy an ultraviolet cleaner in our sales department.

How do UV purifiers work?

UV radiation of the UVC range in the band from 250 to 260 nm reaches the Earth from the Sun and has a beneficial effect on the entire life of terrestrial plants and living beings. But in increased doses it has a bactericidal effect on microorganisms, inhibiting or destroying their reproductive, i.e., reproductive functions. Colonies of microorganisms quickly die out after ultraviolet irradiation. These include bacteria, fungal and mold spores, viruses and even mites and some other micro-insects.

When air is irradiated with UV light, it is ionized, and diatomic ordinary oxygen molecules disintegrate into single ionized atoms, which have increased chemical activity. This allows them to combine in triplets and thereby form triatomic oxygen. It was called "ozone". This gas, in addition to being large quantities very toxic, has strong oxidizing properties. In the air, even with a small presence of ozone, oxidative or destructive reactions begin. As a result, complex and long molecules of artificial chemicals are destroyed, breaking up into smaller and shorter chains. Long molecules are polymeric substances that for the most part do not contribute to living organisms, i.e. they are toxic (poisonous). At the same time, short molecules have significantly lower toxicity or relative safety.

“Ultraviolet” cleaning is inherently bactericidal. It is environmentally friendly, because chemical “poisonous substances” are not used to destroy microorganisms, but additional properties, which ozone gives it, make this technology unique and exclusive.

In the air heating system, our company's engineers used UV cleaning devices based on a bactericidal ultraviolet lamp with a quartz glass bulb. It freely transmits ultraviolet radiation generated during electrical discharge in heavy metal vapors.

The device is mounted in special windows provided in the design of the return channels - air ducts. Through these channels, air is supplied through a filter system to the inlet channel of the air heater. When passing through a UV purifier, the air is disinfected and, enriched with ozone, is supplied through air ducts to heated rooms. The UV rays themselves do not enter the room from the lamp. When transported in a stream of hot air, in conditions high temperature, accelerated reactions of chemical and bacteriological neutralization occur - molecules of artificial chemicals decompose, microorganisms are suppressed and destroyed, and even the finest dust is deposited in the filters, which ordinary filters cannot retain. Heated, purified and disinfected air is supplied through a distribution network of air ducts to living rooms and/or production premises.

Buy an air purifier with a UV lamp, install it in your air heating system and get a more comfortable air environment in your home.

In autumn and winter, many families are faced with frequent acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections. Everyone knows that a huge number of viruses, bacteria and microbes are in the air of home premises, as well as on furniture and on electrical appliances. A cleaner with an ionizer and a UV lamp helps to clean it and make it healthier.

Operating principle and design features of an air purifier with UV and ionizer

The operation of this device is based on ultraviolet radiation. quartz lamp, which destroys disease-causing microorganisms.

The device is housed in a plastic case, under which there is an electrically conductive plate. Bacteria, dust, and contaminants in the air are directed to the plate under the influence of negative ions and stick to special dust collectors. Thanks to this, all the dust is collected inside the cleaner, and does not accumulate on the surfaces of furniture and equipment. The air is purified, becomes fresh and has no odor.

Cleaner air masses, which has a built-in UV lamp, distributes ultraviolet radiation throughout the house. It can neutralize viruses and bacteria that cause colds, as well as fungi and mold. Ultraviolet light destroys the DNA of microorganisms as they pass through the dust collector. Therefore, the air in such a room is sterilized.


Advantages of modern ultraviolet cleaners:

  • Easy controls. The device is connected to electrical power, the timer is set, and after that the air purification process begins.
  • Inexpensive service. Filters in this device are not replaceable, so the device does not require expensive maintenance.
  • Light weight and small size. The device does not consist of complex mechanisms.
  • High-quality air purification from organic pollutants.
  • Consumes little energy.

UV air purifiers are completely safe for both people and pets. IN modern devices Lamps with soft ultraviolet radiation are used.

Safety Precautions When Using UV Ion Air Purifier

UV purifiers are considered non-hazardous for residential use, but safety precautions must still be followed.

  • Do not remove the device casing while the UV lamp is operating to avoid burns to the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes.
  • While the device is connected to the power supply, it is strictly prohibited to open or disassemble it.
  • The device must be cleaned of dirt at least once a month.
  • Do not place objects that are easily or quickly flammable near the air purifier because the lamp produces a lot of heat.

IMPORTANT! Buy ultraviolet air purifiers only with documents that confirm the safety of the device, and from trusted manufacturers whose brand is trustworthy.

Models on the market

In Russia you can purchase models of UV purifiers such as:

  • Ultraviolet cleaner with air ionization AIC XJ-2100. This device serves premises with an area of ​​up to twenty-five square meters. The built-in ionizer helps the device purify the air from dust and pollen, and also helps to cope with organic pollution. This cleaner does not have replaceable filters, therefore it works in short-term and continuous mode. If you leave the device running in short-term mode, it will turn on every three minutes for thirty seconds. In this mode, ozone will be released in small quantities.

  • UV purifier Air Comfort XJ-2200. The device efficiently serves a room of up to eighteen square meters and is the most functional of all those presented on the Russian market of climate control equipment. In addition to the ultraviolet lamp, the device has the following filters: coarse, photocatalytic, carbon element and HEPA. With the help of these filters, the device is able to purify ninety-nine percent of all air pollutants and eliminate many unpleasant odors.

REFERENCE! Before purchasing a device for air purification with ultraviolet radiation, be sure to consult a specialist.

Today, various products are produced that help create a more pleasant and clean microclimate indoors. Ultraviolet air purifiers are in great demand and can effectively eliminate any organic air contamination. In hospitals and enterprises involved in the production and processing of food this technology Sterilization has been successfully used for decades.

Ultraviolet air purifier - universal device, which allows you to get rid of dust, various allergens and most pathogenic microorganisms that can penetrate the apartment. Cleaning the home atmosphere with such equipment allows you to avoid many respiratory diseases and get rid of allergic attacks.

Criteria for choosing air purifiers with a UV lamp

Air purifier with ultraviolet lamp differs in the following characteristics:

  • power;
  • installation method;
  • equipment.


The performance of ultraviolet air purifiers depends on the area of ​​the room and the dimensions of the device and technical characteristics apparatus. The product description indicates the volume of the room for which the air purifier is selected, but there are parameters by which you can calculate the performance of the device yourself. Yes, for mechanical type It is typical for air purifiers with a UV lamp, when operating in the most “powerful” mode, to pass through them a volume of air equal to the volume of the room in which it is installed three times per hour.


Before purchasing ultraviolet air purifiers, you should decide on the location for it. Modern devices can be:

  • floor;
  • desktop;
  • hanging.

The use of an air purifier indoors depends on the intended purpose. For example, if you need to quickly get rid of cigarette smoke, it is better to choose a hanging model and place it closer to the ceiling. If we're talking about about removing microparticles (allergens, bacteria), then it will do tabletop model or the same hanging model, but located on the wall no higher than a third of the floor.

The air purifier is equipped with a UV lamp

Different types of ultraviolet air purifiers, if they have the necessary filters installed, can be equipped with additional qualities:

  • wet wash;
  • confection filtration;
  • ionization;

Filters are necessary to retain all suspended particles, ultraviolet lamps to eliminate all pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Ionization is necessary to settle dust and improve health. Equipping the device with a water tank allows you to get rid of dry air.

Carefully! Among the range of air purifiers there are models with an atmospheric ozonizer. Do not confuse the pleasant air after rain on the street, enriched with ozone, as the same element, but in significant quantities and in indoors. For breathing, the ozonizer is poison.

The Allergodom store helps you select and purchase an ultraviolet air purifier of any configuration according to affordable price. Breathe deeply!
