The name Eva means a name for a child. Meaning of the female name Eva

The meaning of the name Eve hides a connection with the progenitor of all humanity, because it comes from the first woman created by God. According to the Book of Genesis, it was Eve who gave the Forbidden fruit, after which the couple was expelled from the Garden of Eden.

In Hebrew, Eve sounds like Chava and is translated as “life-giver.” It is also interpreted as “breathe, live, move, play mischief.” The name Eva is used in many Christian and Catholic countries, where it sounds slightly modified (Eva, Iva, Efa).

Although the name Eva comes from a Hebrew word, among the Slavs it became a short form for multiple female and male names:

  • Evangelika,
  • Evstigney et al.

Characteristics of the name

The cold energy of the name Eva slightly pushes parents away from him when choosing. This is also facilitated by the mythological component, since Eve is considered a temptress, because it was through her that she and Adam were driven out of Paradise. Therefore, many are cautious about Eve and do not often call their girls by this name. The ambiguous image of a woman who has committed sin repels many. But, despite this, the characteristics of the name Eva indicate that The girl is purposeful, lively and lively.

The coldness of the energy component of the name Eva is also given by its insufficient softness, both in pronunciation and based on the girl’s personality.

  • In general, its bearer is a rather purposeful person with great ambitions.
  • Behind the impregnable mask of indifference and coldness hides a subtle nature, which not everyone can recognize.
  • The screen of efficiency and inaccessibility that Eva wears makes her irritable, as it does not allow her to show weakness and vulnerability in some situations.

Due to a split personality that is proportionally opposite in public and within the girl herself, it is rarely possible to recognize what the name Eva means.

Some of them remain two-faced, opening up only to those closest to them, while in others one of the personalities breaks through. Then the woman becomes completely cold and stony internally and externally, or vice versa, throwing off the mask of indifference, she turns into a sensual and caring person.

The biblical character still leaves a certain imprint on Eve’s entire life story. Therefore it is:

  • wise,
  • cunning,
  • strong-willed,
  • purposeful.

No matter how the card lies in life situation, our heroine will under no circumstances bend and adapt to circumstances or a specific person if she considers this unacceptable for herself.

The girl defends her point of view, even if she feels that she is wrong in some way. Excessive pride prevents you from admitting defeat.

Advice for girls named Eva. Wanting to achieve favor, as well as to do family life blooming, more is needed:

  • communicate with loved ones,
  • don't be afraid to reveal your soul to them,
  • talk about pressing problems.

Eva's childhood and adolescence

  • From an early age, a girl named Eva becomes a leader in the team. It’s as if on an extrasensory level she subjugates her peers.
  • Among the crowd, Eva becomes exactly the person who sets the rhythm and sets her own rules.
  • Moreover, her actions do not in any way infringe on the sense of dignity of other children.
  • Even older people and even teachers listen to Eva and take her into account. good advice and suggestions.

To high achievements in sciences and curriculum She doesn’t have the name Eva, so our heroine is a mediocre student. Conceit, eccentricity and, in some cases, passion for the opposite sex lead to the extraordinary behavior and actions of our heroine.

To prevent falling into early age, parents must explain to their Eve the structure of life relationships and sexual development in a timely manner.

Professional orientation and hobbies

Eva Jacqueline Longoria (American actress, model, restaurateur and television producer)

Although the meaning of the name Eva hides a certain debauchery, coldness and originality, these women can be divided into two types.

  1. Those who get married early, becoming a mother and a housewife. At the same time, order reigns in their house, and the Eves themselves live for their own pleasure. Spa salons, communication with girlfriends, caring for children and husbands, that’s their prerogative.
  2. For the second type, the name Eva promises a successful career, an interesting and varied life. At the same time, it is difficult for our heroine to work in a team where she has to be in the role of a subordinate. Ambitions take over, and our Eva herself becomes the head of a department, company, or opens her own business, where she is a full-fledged owner.

With a successful combination of circumstances, Eva can become a fashion designer, where she will be the one to set the rules. Having overcome laziness, realizing that she should acquire a good specialty, a girl named Eva will become beautiful:

  • teacher,
  • doctor,
  • translator

Having positioned herself correctly and put aside unnecessary arrogance, she will successfully work for her own pleasure.

The less ambitious Eva, who has curbed her exaltation, will become a good secretary or middle manager.

But no matter who our heroine works, she is wasteful. Spends money on:

  • trinkets,
  • spa salons,
  • restaurants,
  • expensive clothes.

Eva always looks brand new, you won’t take her by surprise.

What talents the name Eve hides in itself is what was given to her by God. Sometimes her career combines her skills with professional activity, such women can be called doubly happy. In general, Eva can draw, sing or dance in her free time.

Love relationships and family ties

The girl called Eva is beautiful, knows her worth, so she has no shortage of admirers. If she didn’t get married “by chance” at an early age, burdening herself with a husband and children, then she will not enter into a family relationship soon.

  • Women named Eva are unpredictable, which is why they take a long time to choose a mate.
  • A relationship with a cold and calculating companion will lead to divorce, our heroine will be oppressed by them.
  • Only with a charismatic person of the same temperament will a great union be achieved.
  • Having trusted her beloved, a girl named Eva will blossom, become soft and responsive.

Hello friends. Let's continue the theme of names. Today I will talk about one biblical name. You probably found out and guessed what this name is? Yes, that's right - this is the name of the foremother of humanity. What does the name Eva mean? What does a name mean for a girl, girl, woman?

How does it affect the character and fate of its owner? Let's find out!

The Russian version of the Hebrew Chava is Eva. Translated from Hebrew it means “life”, “living”. It is often used as a short form in women's full names Evgenia, Evangelina, Evdokia and in male names Eutropius, Evstigney.

As you know, Adam became the first man in paradise. In order to brighten up his loneliness, God created a woman from his rib. They lived very happily. But God forbade them to pluck fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Adam and Eve knew about this, but, breaking the ban, they ate the fruit, for which they were expelled from paradise.

In the Orthodox world the name Eva is church calendar remains unchanged.

The bearer of this beautiful name As a child she is a dreamer. She likes everything mysterious and mystical. For her, fairy tales are everything. She really believes in them. The girl's real friends are the fictional images of her wonderful stories, which she tells her family and friends about.

In her character there is a combination of maternal perseverance and independence with fatherly kindness and friendliness. Eva has an independent, but flexible and accommodating character. She hardly causes any trouble for her parents. Eva is very cheerful, energetic, lively, and loves to be the center of attention. Having several hobbies, she achieves many achievements in them.

The girl at school is interested in exact sciences. She also likes classes in biology, chemistry, and history. It is the child's responsibility to learn. Evochka is a wonderful friend, she is trustworthy and you can rely on her.

Young Eva has an unpredictable character: sometimes irritated and serious, sometimes friendly and gentle. If you want to find her mutual language, then a calm dialogue is needed. She is naturally intelligent and makes friends with intellectuals who value her independence.

Eve does not share her experiences, but she can understand a person's thoughts and intentions. Although the girl has a strong character, she is vulnerable, cannot defend herself, and finds it difficult to bear accusations against her. Therefore, Eve needs the protection of loved ones.

This diligent, thrifty, arrogant, proud girl is easily vulnerable and cautious. She doesn't have many friends. She likes to be a leader.

What does the name Eva mean for a woman?

Eva can be called a sensual, dreamy, active woman. This person does not like a monotonous life and she likes to make changes every day. She charges the people around her with her temperament.

She has a changeable mood, and a woman can make a lot of mistakes. Sometimes she shows excessive severity and integrity towards people. Eva is always ready to take risks in life. Sometimes one gets the wrong impression about her, because behind her callousness lies a good-natured, sensitive nature that is ready to open her soul to people who have earned her trust.

This woman is a leader and works hard to win. She also likes to be a leader in the family. Hostility and jealousy are not inherent in the strong Eve with her character. She loves harmony very much and strives for peaceful relationships.

The bearer of this name has moral principles, decency and integrity at the forefront. It also gives in other people great importance morality and ethics.

Eva in different languages

Eva on different languages sounds differently: in Greek - Hebe, in Polish and Czech - Eva, in Arabic - Hawa.

Spell Eve

It is very interesting to interpret the meaning of the name by letter. So:

E - prone to independent reasoning. This trait often causes her loneliness. But she is not withdrawn, but sociable, sometimes often intrusive. This is how she strives to express herself.

B - optimistic, cheerful, honest, sociable. She is a passionate person, but monogamous.

A - loves to lead, strives for spiritual and physical improvement.

Characteristics by seasons

"Winter" Eve

This person is smug, she has a difficult and contradictory character. At the first opportunity, she will begin to lead. She enjoys her influence and sometimes forgets about being responsive. When he tries to correct his wrongdoing, it is often too late. She doesn’t have many friends, but she does everything so that people trust the purity of her thoughts.

"Spring" Eva

She is an intellectual, frank and attractive person. Science, together with art, can replace conversation between people and become an obstacle to the development of family relations. But with her mind she forces the stronger sex to fear her, and women to seem stupid in comparison. But this is not a reason for frustration, since in her circle there will definitely be intellectual people.

"Summer" Eva

This is a magnificent, attentive, good-natured, gentle, tactful person who strives to create a happy and loving atmosphere around himself. Smiling Eva will always lend a hand to people in need of help. But, often taking advantage of her kindness and humanity, people hurt and offend the selfless Eva. Therefore, she needs to strengthen her character.

"Autumn" Eve

Autumn Eve is a peaceful, serene, reserved person who, when resolving issues, is accustomed to being guided by the interests of those around her. She often forgets about her personality and disappears into the worries of other people. It is easy to wound Eve, born in autumn. But the girl is not vindictive and will be the first to settle the relationship.

Look video about the meaning of the name Eva :

Symbols - talismans

Dear readers, do you know which stones are patrons for Eve? These are ruby ​​and jade. And blue, red and green colors bring her luck.

  • Its number is 1;
  • The element of the owner of this estate is fire;
  • Patron planets - Sun, Saturn;
  • The dove and doe are considered totemic animals for her;
  • Magnolia, date palm, lily - symbolic plants;
  • Eve's metal is gold.
  • Sunday is an auspicious day;
  • Summer is the time of year.

There are so many interesting things, isn’t it? There is a lot to be said about this name. I tried to briefly outline the main features inherent in the owners of the name Eva. If you have any additions and others Interesting Facts, please write in the comments.

Version 1. What does the name Eva mean?

- from other Hebrew alive.


sayings, folk signs:

endowed with flesh, Eve with sin.

She deceived Adam and destroyed the whole family.


represents a true woman. She can't imagine being lonely or unsettled
fate, is actively looking for her prince, and having found him, she becomes the best of wives, the most hospitable
of housewives, a caring mother. Moreover, Eve is not satisfied with “heaven in a hut”; she
loves comfort, luxury, outfits. When she achieves everything she strives for, then
God forbid that someone encroaches on her world! Eve's actions are unpredictable
she is jealous, “flammable”, and is not afraid of conflicts. If everything is ok, Eva
gentle, cheerful, charming.

3 version of the meaning of the name Eva

alive (Hebrew).

Name day: April 12 - Saint Eve the Great Martyr,
died in the name Orthodox faith(III century).

Zodiac sign
- Aries.

Planet - Sun.

Color - red.

The auspicious tree is the date palm.

The treasured plant is magnolia. Patron
name - doe. Talisman stone - ruby.


The main feature that sets Eva apart from other women is sensuality;
it predetermines many other qualities: jealousy, unpredictability, some
conflict. You won’t get bored with Eva, she’s cheerful and active, although she never
will not forgive betrayal. She is busy in life mainly with looking for a man of her own,
and, having found such a one, Eve becomes the best of wives, the most hospitable of housewives,
caring mother. Eva has a sweet tooth and loves comfort and luxurious clothes.

4th version of the interpretation of the name Eva

Personality. Women reigning in heaven and on earth.

Character. 95%.

Radiation. 97%.

Vibration. 120,000 vibrations/s.

Color. Blue.

Main features. Will - receptivity -
morality is activity.

Totem plant. Lily.

Totem animal. Pigeon.

Sign. Virgo.

10. Type. Cholerics with a difficult character. This
reasonable, hardworking women, somewhat gloomy, envious, but have huge
reserves of love and tenderness.

11. Psyche. Introverts tend to withdraw
in themselves and do not always reveal their thoughts and feelings. Secretive. Very self-confident
and prudent.

12. Will. Very strong, leaving no space
selfishness. Their totem is the lily - symbol
beauty and responsiveness, the strong smell of which, however, not everyone can tolerate.

13. Excitability. Combined with responsiveness
becomes simply explosive!

14. Reaction speed. Huge! If you don't agree
with something, they express their disagreement very violently. Stubborn. Defeats and failures are frustrating
them, but they don’t make a tragedy out of it.

15. Field of activity. Usually these are exemplary
students. They are attracted to professions where they need to give their all, but most of all
The role of mother of the family and homemaker suits them. They like to work
with children and caring for the sick, they can become doctors, nurses, orderlies,
teachers, etc.

16. Intuition. They have good intuition, but
they do not use it, preferring the beaten path to various surprises. Eve
stand firmly on the ground.

17. Intelligence. They don’t strive to shine, rather
prefer to give way to people who want to attract attention. They are analytical
mindset, hence the interest in little things, and not in the whole.

18. Receptivity. Such women are easy to offend
and injure. But they will quickly stand up for others than defend themselves. Able
for strong attachments, but their circle of friends is limited and carefully selected.

19. Morality. Adhere too strict
moral rules. They have an innate sense of decency, which is especially pronounced
V turning points their lives.

20. Health. They have enviable health and stamina.
Must lead a measured lifestyle. Weak “sides” are the intestines, lungs and skin.

21. Sexuality. Plays a huge role in their
life. The most important thing for them is the joy of giving.

22. Activity. It seems that
What others have to take with difficulty is given to them with ease.

23. Sociability. In society they feel
easy and relaxed, although they themselves do not strive for communication.

24. Conclusion. In childhood
Eva is no trouble
since early on he learns to solve his problems on his own, without saddled with them
the shoulders of others.

5th version of the meaning of the name Eva

Giver of life
life (translated from Hebrew). Eve is the name of the biblical ancestress.
Little Eva took after her father in her kind character, although she inherited stubbornness
from mother. Persistence and adherence to principles also characterize the adult Eva.

But the main feature
Eva, which sets her apart from many other women, is her sensuality
many other qualities of Eve are predetermined: jealousy, unpredictability,
some conflict. Men love these living women because they are like
they say, “you won’t get bored,” although they never forgive men’s infidelities. Eve
she is looking for a husband with the same temperament as hers, a cold man is not for her.
In search of a worthy partner, some of them never get married. Married
Evas are good cooks, they are especially good at sweet dishes. They are hospitable
They love society, especially men’s, and they assign an important role in life to their appearance
and clothes; prefer black and red colors. Eve usually has one child
(for “winter” - girls, for “summer” and “autumn”
- boys).

- with a contradictory, quarrelsome character (it is better for them to live apart from their mother-in-law!). Many
of them marry twice.

- calmer, softer and more tolerant.

Eva is one of those women
that they can’t sit still for long: long trips, skiing, swimming for them
- “name day of the heart.” The owner of this name is usually a lively, thin blonde
(often dyed, because she believes that men prefer blondes).

Eva choose a job
secretary-typist, doctor, translator, tailor, hairdresser, teacher.

The most suitable
for Eve a man: Vladimir, Zinovy, Adam, Mikhail, Miroslav, Yaroslav, Moses,
Bronislav, Adolf, Oleg or Oles. Marriage with one of those called Vladislav,
Miron, Maximillian, Nazar, Nikolai, Robert, Rodion or Rostislav
will not be successful.

Name day named after Eva

August 27,

A person has only one name day - this is either the name day that falls on the birthday, or the first after the birthday

Numerology of the name Eva

Name number: 1

A few are extremely purposeful individuals who are ready to give all their strength to bring ideas to life. These creative people They will never suffer from poor imagination, and their leadership skills will help them reach the top in business.
A few are always in the center of attention of others; they know how to subjugate others. Sometimes aggressiveness can be excessive, but perseverance allows you to achieve your goals. These are quite contradictory personalities who may doubt themselves, but will never lose self-respect. Units are good partners if you give them due attention.

The meaning of the letters in the name Eva

E- sociability, insight, commercialism and selfishness. Owners of this letter are able to win people over. They are simple and charming at the same time. They constantly strive for a good life, which they value more than friendship. They realize themselves well in creative professions. They are interesting conversationalists.

IN- sociability, optimism, love of nature and art. People with names starting with "V" choose professions related to creativity. They are excellent musicians, artists, fashion designers and writers. Despite their passion, they approach the choice of a partner extremely responsibly and are able to live their entire lives with one person.

A- the alphabet begins with it, and it symbolizes the beginning, the desire to achieve success. If a person has this letter in his name, then he will constantly strive for physical and spiritual balance. People whose name starts with A are quite hardworking. They like to take initiative in everything and do not like routine.

Name as a phrase

  • E- Esi (Is, Be, Exist)
  • IN- Lead
  • A- Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)

Name Eva in English (Latin)

When filling out a document in English, you should write your name first, then your patronymic with Latin letters and only then the last name. You may need to write the name Eva in English when applying for a foreign passport, ordering a foreign hotel, when placing an order in an English online store, and so on.

Useful video

The name Eva is not widely used in Russia. The meaning of the nickname Eva endows its owner with sensuality, romanticism, and unpredictability.

This name symbolizes life, and, therefore, the energy of its bearer is very strong and is under the influence of cosmic forces. This gives the owner of the name a groovy and purposeful character.

The biblical “original sin” plays an important role in the formation of Eve’s behavior style.

Therefore, the name conveys eroticism, energy, passion, and the ability to lead another person.

Arguing what the name Eva means, we conclude that her behavior is cold, prudential and businesslike.

These qualities will become a reliable shield that shields nervousness, impressionability and irritability from those around her.

The following middle names are suitable for Eva: Egorovna, Semyonovna, Alexandrovna.

Evgenievna is responsive, kind, and fearless. Andreevna is persistent and cheerful. Alekseevna is hardworking and loves to be the center of attention. Dmitrievna is strong, jealous, hot-tempered.

Would you name your child this name?

Name Jewish origin and a derivative of the nickname Chava. It first appeared in the Bible. This was the name of the first woman-mother on Earth, the wife of Adam. Analyzing what the name Eve means, we learn that in translation it is interpreted as “life-giving.”

History tells us that it may be a short form of the name Evangelina, meaning "good news."

Some researchers suggest that the name came from Greek language and is translated as “noble”.

In Orthodoxy, Mother Eve is revered as a martyr.

The origin of the name Eva mentions its famous namesakes: Eva Braun - Hitler's wife; Eva Longoria is an American actress.

Name forms

Simple: Eva Full: Eva Ancient: Eva (Hava)Affectionate: Evochka

Little Eva is growing up as an inquisitive child. She is interested in secrets and miracles. Unable to find answers to her pressing questions, she comes up with stories about fictional worlds that her rich imagination draws.

The characteristic of the name Eva says that due to her excessive curiosity and gullibility, its adult owner may fall for the tricks of charlatans and sectarians. But if her developed fantasy and imagination are used in a practical direction, she will become a successful writer, journalist or screenwriter.

Eva’s material side of life is also going well. She often spends money thoughtlessly and does not save it for a “rainy day.”

This woman can be called a workaholic who places high moral demands on herself and others. In a calm environment, this woman works with full dedication.

In tense and stressful situations, it loses its ability to work.

Eve’s characterization advises giving her some freedom in her affairs. The support and approval of her colleagues inspires the lady to new work achievements. She will make a good secretary-assistant, librarian, archaeologist, biologist.

The main character traits of Eva that shape her attitude to life are strong will and sensuality. Two contradictory qualities contribute to the unpredictability in Eve’s behavior, which often provokes conflict situations with the environment.

The secret of the name Eva endowed its owner with prudence and self-confidence.

This is an independent nature. He does not go with the flow, but adheres to the principle that everyone is the architect of his own happiness,

She is purposeful and uses proven methods to achieve her goals. Tries to avoid mistakes. In a critical situation, she is able to aggressively defend her interests.

Eva stands out among the fair sex for her sensuality, combined with jealousy and some conflict.

This woman fits the description of a friendly, stubborn and principled person. She is a romantic person, filled with peace and harmony. If you treat her with good intentions, she will certainly reciprocate. She is diplomatic, peace-loving, knows how to compromise, but at the same time tries not to sacrifice her personal interests.

Unable to react quickly in rapidly changing circumstances.

Prefers to calmly await the outcome of events, thanks to which he gets out of a difficult situation with minimal losses

The bearer of the name is an introvert. Often immersed in his inner world, withdraws into himself. Secretive, does not show her feelings and experiences.

This woman can be easily offended and hurt. When communicating with her you need to be tactful and attentive. She is very attached to friends and family. Her circle of friends is limited and carefully selected.

Character traits




Hard work







Eva is popular among guys. This young lady is ardent and expansive. Love and romantic relationship occupy important place in her life.

She is looking for a temperamental, hot man. But a too domineering partner will make a woman with this name unhappy.

Eve can be so focused on finding a worthy chosen one that as a result she will not get married.

Not inclined to decisive actions, waiting for the first step from the man.

Married Eva is a wonderful housewife and caring wife. Doesn't forgive betrayal.

The meaning of the name Eva for a girl

This name comes from Jewish lands. "Eve" is a sound transformation of the name "Hava" and means "life-giver". Popular in many countries of the world, however, in modern Russia Parents rarely call their daughters that.

The meaning of the name gives the baby a kind and sympathetic disposition. The girl is distinguished by a strong-willed character combined with sensitivity and a rich inner world.

Little Eva is growing up to the delight of her parents. She is cheerful, sociable and restless. Treats adults with respect.

Dad adores Eva. He admires her out-of-the-box thinking and truly royal bearing. Mom is strict towards her daughter. In general, Eva does not cause trouble to her family.

The girl is good-natured, diligent and independent. She shows capriciousness and stubbornness only with those who cannot resist it.

What will Eve be successful at?

At school the girl is interested in history and biology. Loves to take part in laboratory and research work. The child is intelligent and diligent

Eva is interested in medicine, philology, and pedagogy. The girl has a musical gift, but music is just a hobby. Eva is able to manage people and can become the head of an enterprise.

It is necessary to control Eva's casual acquaintances. They can be a source of problems. There is a risk that the girl will fall into the trap of magicians and charlatans.

Parents must learn to compromise and listen to their daughter, otherwise they will not enjoy authority with the headstrong girl.

What games will Eve like?

Eva is interested in supernatural phenomena and is interested in mysticism and fantasy. Reads educational literature, encyclopedias. Loves music, as a rule, knows how to play musical instrument. The girl enjoys drawing and making various crafts.

Among her friends she is sociable, but somewhat detached from reality.

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Eva, its origin, history, and learn about the options for interpreting the name.

What does the name Eva mean?: alive (the name Eve is of Hebrew origin).

Short meaning of the name Eva: Evochka, Evushka, Evka.

Eve's Angel Day: April 12 (March 30) - St. Eve the Great Martyr (III century) died in the name of the Orthodox faith. Also, the name day of the name Eva is celebrated on the week of the Forefather.

Signs of the name Eva: On this day, the brownie rages until midnight, until the rooster crows.

  • Eve's zodiac is Aries
  • Planet – Sun
  • Color Eva Eva - red
  • Auspicious tree - date palm
  • Eve's treasured plant - magnolia
  • The patron of the name Eva is the doe
  • Eva Eva's talisman stone – ruby

Characteristics of the name Eva

Positive features: This is a romantic personality, symbolizing peace and harmony. Eve responds to kindness with kindness. She is diplomatic, peace-loving, prefers compromise rather than confrontation, and still tries to maintain her interests at every opportunity.

Negative features: Eva believes that everything in the world should work out on its own, that she can calmly float with the flow of time. She is characterized by an inability to act in critical situations, but it is precisely thanks to her passivity that Eva is often the only one who can emerge unscathed from difficult alterations.

Character of the name Eva: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Eva? Eva is drawn to everything wonderful and unrealizable. Even as a child, he surprises his household with various scary and mysterious stories that allegedly happened to him and her friends. Having become an adult, she easily falls under the influence of various kinds of soothsayers, adherents of the world brotherhood, etc.

Eva and her personal life

Compatible with male names: The union of the name with Augustus, Agathon, Adam, Vissarion, Dasius, Evgraf, Elizar, Joseph, Konon, Milan, Nikon, Orestes, Tryphon is favorable. Complex relationships of the name are likely with Alan, Bulat, Valentin, Valery, German, Emelyan, Zinovy, Kapiton, Kim, Korney, Lev, Manil, Mirko, Nathan, Samuil, Frol, Khariton, Erast.

Love and marriage: Does the meaning of the name Eva promise happiness in love? Kind, peaceful, somewhat lazy and unpredictable, Eva can hardly tolerate a powerful, consistent and straightforward man. In a marriage with such a person, she will suffer.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: In calm situations, Eva works productively, and when severe stress loses its functionality. In a business partnership, Eva needs some freedom to express her approach and creativity, while at the same time needing the support and approval of her colleagues. A girl named Eva can become a good secretary, librarian, historian, biologist.

Eva's business and career: Eva is often capricious, loves to be pampered and indulged in her whims. She often spends money wastefully, not saving for a “rainy day,” but she sometimes gets lucky in lotteries.

Health and energy

Health and talents named after Eva: Eva may have low blood pressure (hypotension). Many are predisposed to overweight and obesity.

The psyche of the name Eva is unbalanced, she is prone to family scandals, after which she harbors anger for a long time.

The only way out for the husband is to attend theaters, fashion shows, and participate in cheerful friendly parties with Eva. Here his wife Eva is pure charm.

The fate of Eve in history

What does the name Eva mean for a woman's destiny?

  1. So that the first man would not be lonely in paradise, God, taking out a rib from the sleeping Adam, created a woman. They lived in happiness and bliss. The only prohibition of God that both Adam and Eve knew about was the command not to take fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, which grew separately from others on round green lawn. The legend about Adam and Eve, the ancestors of mankind, expelled from paradise, exists among all peoples of the earth.
  2. Eva-Alexandra Vasilievna Smirnaya, nee Princess Vyazemskaya, granddaughter of Danila Yakovlevich Zemsky, a contemporary and associate of Peter the Great, was born in 1771, and in her old age settled in the Novo-Devichy Convent in St. Petersburg; here she wrote memoirs, an excerpt of which was published in “Russian Antiquity” (1883); died after 1850
  3. Eva Anna Paula Braun (on the last day of her life - surname Hitler; mistress of Adolf Hitler, then his wife)
  4. Eva Romanova (Czechoslovakian figure skater who competed in ice dancing with her brother Pavel Roman; four-time world champions and two-time European champions)
  5. Eva Jacqueline Longoria Parker (American actress and model, best known for her role as Gabrielle Solis in the TV series Desperate Housewives)
  6. Eve Curie, Eva Curie, Eva Curie ((1904 - 2007) French writer and public figure, daughter of Pierre Curie and Marie Sklodowska-Curie)
  7. Eva Rutkai ((1927 – 1986) Hungarian actress)
  8. Eva Simonaityte ((1897 - 1978) Lithuanian writer, people's writer of Lithuania)
  9. Eva Mendes (American actress)
  10. Eve Figes (English writer, literary critic, and author of feminist studies and memoirs describing her childhood in Berlin and subsequent experiences as a Jewish refugee from Nazi Germany)
  11. Eva Herzigova (Herzigova) (Czech top model and actress)
  12. Eva Neumann (German-Ukrainian film director, citizen of Ukraine)
  13. Eva Rivas (real name - Valeria Aleksandrovna Reshetnikova-Tsaturyan; Russian-Armenian pop singer)
  14. Eva Ohlin (Swedish actress)
  15. Eve Arnold (American photojournalist and first female member of Magnum Photos)
  16. Eva Marie Saint (American actress, Oscar winner (1954))