Games and competitions for a group of different ages. Remember without looking. Competition for art lovers “Modern Storytellers”

It's great to get together with friends and play various games at home or outdoors, taking a break from the busy work routine! After all, games exist not only for children, but also for adults: funny games, prank games, table games, outdoor games. People of any age can participate in the games: adults, teenagers, and children. Games can be different: exciting, educational, romantic, calm or active. Games help you relax, forget about shyness and timidity; give the opportunity to find out each other better; They give laughter, a smile along with colorful memories and vivid experiences that stay with us for life. So you can have a lot of fun this weekend! Don't forget about exciting games, they bring joy and fun into our lives. We have compiled a collection of games for any occasion especially for you! Take advantage of it and bring more positive emotions into your life and those around you!

In contact with

Funny, active and exciting competitions in nature for a fun company

On fresh air You can spend an unforgettable holiday. After all, everyone wants their birthday to be enchanting, noisy and memorable.

Outdoor competitions for children

Competitions for parties and feasts

Table games make dull gatherings interesting, fun and delicious at the same time. And there will not be a single sad face at the holiday! Ideas funny competitions For fun company who celebrates her holiday at the table.

Competitions for children

  1. Children's games help children have a great time, get to know everyone and make friends. Is it possible to come up with some kind of entertainment? for babies who are only one year old? It turns out that it is possible! And here are some of them:
  2. Next competitions for older children - 5-6 years old

    Slightly matured children at this age already want to be active participants, and not passive observers. It is better to hold harmless competitions without winners, so that there are no tears.

Any event held at home must include competitions for a small company. They will help you have a fun and unforgettable time, as well as get to know each other better. But it is better to select them in advance to take into account the composition of the company and the preferences of each person. Fortunately, the choice of games and competitions for a small company is quite large, so this will not be a problem.

"Why are you here?"

At the very beginning of the event you can conduct interesting competition, which does not require special props. To do this, you need to prepare several pieces of paper on which answers to the most important question about why a person attended this holiday will be written. They can be very different:

  • eat for free;
  • I'm afraid to be alone at home;
  • no place to stay";
  • the owner of the house owes me a large sum.

All these pieces of paper are placed in a small bag. Each guest has to take out one of them and loudly voice what is written. Although there are no winners here, this game can definitely lift your spirits.

New Year competitions for a small company, made like this one, will definitely please the participants. Thanks to them, you can cheer everyone up at the very beginning, so that further games take place in a good environment.


Interesting competitions for a small company were invented several decades ago, because just having a conversation is not always interesting, but you want to have some fun. One fun option is a game called Picasso. You need to play it in a not completely sober state, without leaving the table. To play the game, you need to prepare several identical images with unfinished details in advance.

The task for the guests is that they need to finish the drawings the way they want. It would seem that it couldn’t be simpler, but there is a small catch in this game - you need to fill in the missing details with the hand with which the person works the least (for right-handers - the left, for left-handers - the right). Winner in in this case determined by popular vote.


Competitions for a small company at home should help people get to know each other better. One of them is “Journalist,” for which you will need to first prepare a box of paper with various questions written on it.

The participants' task is simple - they pass the box around in a circle, each guest takes out one question and gives the most truthful answer to it. The most important thing is not to write too frank questions so that the participant does not feel uncomfortable. You can ask about a funny incident in life, a New Year's wish, having a pet, an unsuccessful vacation, and so on.

After all the guests have answered, you will have to choose a winner. This is done by voting. Each player will have to point out the story that he liked the most (with the exception of his own). Thus, whoever has the most votes wins.

"Flight of the card"

Fun competitions for a small adult company are practically no different from children's games. A rather interesting and exciting option for entertainment is “Card Flight”. For it you will need to take ordinary playing cards and some kind of container for papers (basket, hat, box).

Players need to move a couple of meters away from the tank and draw a line there - this will be the start. Each participant is given exactly 5 cards, the names of which are written down by the presenter. Then people stand behind the drawn line and, without crossing it, try to throw all their cards into the box/hat/basket.

First, you need to conduct a practice round so that the participants test their strength. If a player does not maintain balance and takes a step beyond the line, his throw will not be counted. The winner is the person who was able to throw the most cards. If there are several winners (score the same number of points), then another round is held between them.

"The Umbrella Game"

TO best competitions For a small company, it is worth including a game designed for only two players. For it you need to stock up on the following props:

  • a pair of sticks;
  • two glasses;
  • wide tape.

You need to attach a glass to one end of the stick with tape and fill it with water. Then two participants stand opposite each other, take the opposite end of the sticks and put their hands behind their backs. One opponent asks the second a question, to which he answers and takes three steps forward, and then the same number back, trying not to spill water. In total, each participant must ask three questions. After this, the game ends and the winner is determined by the amount of water remaining in the glass.

"Jam Jars"

Fun competitions for a small group include games of dexterity and tests of patience. For this entertainment you will need to take 6 tennis balls and jam jars. Only two players take part in it.

The competition is held as follows:

  1. Glass containers are placed on the floor close to each other.
  2. Each player is given three balls.
  3. Participants move three meters away from the cans and take turns throwing their balls at them.

In this case, there can be only one ball in one jar. At first glance, everything seems extremely simple, but do not forget that such balls are quite bouncy, so it is unlikely that you will be able to throw them without a certain concentration and attention. The winner, of course, is the one who can send the most balls into the containers.

"Collect an article"

New Year's competitions for a small company are especially interesting, because the beginning of the year should be remembered for a long time. In a game called “Collect an Article,” you need to find a funny article from the Internet, print it in several copies (depending on the number of players) and prepare the same number of regular envelopes.

The presenter will have to cut each sheet into several strips (line by line) and fold them into envelopes. They are then distributed to the players, who must collect the text as quickly as possible. The winner is the one who puts the strips in the correct order the fastest.


The list of competitions for a small company should include a great game that every person knows about. For her, all the players sit in a circle and take turns saying “I”. If someone laughs, the presenter comes up with an additional word for him, which the person will have to pronounce after his “I”. Those participants who can no longer remember or pronounce their phrase without laughing will gradually drop out of the game. Whoever stays is the one who wins.

"Blind Lunch"

Everyone, without exception, likes competitions for a small group at a table, because in order to entertain yourself, you don’t need to leave the table at all. At any celebration you can hold a “Blind Lunch”. For this game you will need to bring blindfolds for all participants.

The players sit down at the usual festive table with various dishes, but without cutlery (the only thing that can be placed in the center of the table is skewers). The presenter blindfolds them all and gives the command “start”. After it, participants will need to feed themselves and their neighbor by any means. The winner is the player who remains cleaner than the rest.

"Blow Me Off"

The two-player competition is great for both adults and children. For the race you will need to take a couple of pipettes, the same number of feathers and tissue paper circles with a diameter of 2-2.5 cm. The last props need to be rolled into cones.

Each participant is given a pen and pipette. The task is to propel your pen a certain distance using only the air coming from the pipette. At the same time, it is forbidden to wave your arms and blow in order to achieve the goal faster. Of course, the fastest participant wins.

"Agility on your feet"

Another game for a couple of participants helps test coordination and endurance. For it you need to stock up on chalk and a couple of ropes. Using this prop, you need to draw and fix circles, the diameter of which should accommodate the player’s two feet. Both participants stand on right leg, keep their balance, and with their left they try to push their opponent beyond the boundaries of his circle. The loser is the person who touches the ground with his left foot or goes beyond his boundaries.

"Writing on the Go"

This competition can be held in any company. For this, each participant will need to be given one sheet of paper and a pen or pencil. After this, the players will need to line up in one line and, in a standing position, write the phrase that the presenter asked them. The one who completes the task faster and more beautifully wins.

"Free your friend"

The list ends with a game that is recommended for children over 12 years old. It can be played both at home and on a picnic or in some other place. The most important thing is that more than two people take part in it. Required equipment: blindfolds, rope.

You need to sit one person on a chair and tie his hands and feet. The second participant will act as a security guard who sits next to him blindfolded. The rest of the people are at a distance of a couple of meters from them. At a certain point, they must quietly approach the tied participant and release him. At the same time, the guard must determine by ear who is approaching and prevent release. The person who manages to untie his “friend” takes the place of the blindfolded player in the next game, and the one whom the guard touched is eliminated.

A line of wallpaper is placed on the floor. Women are invited to spread their legs wide apart and walk along the “stream” without getting their feet wet. After the first attempt, you are asked to repeat the “walk along the stream,” but blindfolded. All other future participants in the game should not see how it is played. Having passed a stream blindfolded, and at the end of the path having removed the blindfold, the woman discovers that a man is lying on the stream, face up (the man lies down on the wallpaper after the task has been completed, but the blindfold has not yet been removed from the participant’s eyes). The woman is embarrassed. The second contestant is invited, and when everything is repeated again, the first contestant laughs heartily. And then the third, fourth... Everyone has fun!


Game for a bar: a glass/glass with wine/vodka/beer is placed in the center, on which a napkin is placed so that a flat plane(the edges can be folded in a circle, if necessary, moisten a little). A coin is placed in the center (like a ruble - not too heavy so as not to steal the napkin, but not too light so that the game does not drag on), a cigarette is lit and the players take turns touching the napkin with the light, burning holes (don’t forget that there is something in the napkin they are spreading). The loser is the one whose touch causes the web from the napkin to burst and the coin to fall into the glass. And the loser is told that he must drink the contents of the vessel (along with the ashes, of course the coin can be spat out).


Only women participate in the competition. The participants stand facing the audience. Behind each is a chair. The presenter quietly places a small object on each chair. On command, all participants sit down and try to determine what kind of object is under them. Looking at and using hands is prohibited. The first one to determine wins.


Music, slow for 9-10 minutes. Couples, a man holds a girl in his arms. Whichever couple lasts the longest wins. When fatigue appears, players either guess or are told to put their partner over their shoulder, sit them on their shoulders, etc.

3 couples participate. Props for the competition: 3 chairs, standing at a distance of 1.5 m from each other, 3 needles and threads, 3 scarves, 15 fabric hearts. Women sit on chairs blindfolded, role sewing machine performed by men on all fours in front of women. The task of the woman is the seamstress, while the music is playing, to sew 5 hearts on the man’s butt. The winner is the couple whose seamstress carefully sews hearts on their partner.


Wearing thick mittens, you need to determine by touch what kind of person is in front of you. Guys guess girls, girls guess guys. You can feel the whole person.


The girl lies down horizontally, napkins with lemon slices are laid out over her body, and one must be placed in her mouth (not swallowed). The guy is blindfolded, and he must find all the slices and eat them. Possibly washed down with vodka/water. More soft version- instead of lemon - candy. The fastest pair wins.


The essence of the game is as follows. The girl or guy lies down on the floor (on the carpet) or, if size allows, on the sofa (sofa, bed). A coin is placed on his/her belly. A player of the opposite sex lies on top of the player (of course, as you like), and they must turn over so that the coin ends up on the stomach of the second player without falling. And so on. If the coin falls, then the couple responsible for its fall must kiss.

The game is as follows. 3-4 men are invited to participate in the game. To play the game, empty 0.5 liter beer bottles are required. in quantity according to the number of players. Participants have a fresh carrot tied to their belt so that it hangs in front at knee level. On command, the men must race to get the carrot into the neck of the bottle in such a way that they can then lift the bottle on a rope to which the carrot is tied.


The players have belts around their waists, from which an apple is suspended on a rope. A board with nails is placed in front of the players. It is necessary to “prick” the apple onto the nail as quickly as possible.


It can be played with any number of players, who, by the way, can be of any age and any gender. The game goes off with a bang in any condition. And this is its essence. Everyone stands in a circle, into which a certain leader also sits. Moreover, the circle should be quite tight - shoulder to shoulder, and the hands are behind. Take an ordinary fresh cucumber, preferably a larger one. The presenter’s task is to determine in whose hands this cucumber is now. And the players’ task is to pass the cucumber to each other, and when the host is not looking, bite off a piece.

You also need to chew very carefully, so as not to arouse unnecessary suspicions of the presenter. If the operation was successful, and the cucumber was happily, and most importantly, unbeknownst to the host, eaten, then this very victim of his own inattention fulfills the desire of the entire already-fed team!


Two or more M-F couples participate. The task of each pair is to eat a (long) cucumber - or banana - from both ends at the same time, faster than the others, without touching their hands. Others watch and provide moral support. Blindfold option: couples are selected by mutual consent, and after they are blindfolded, partners are quietly changed.


M-F participate, but if you want to prolong your pleasure, then a few more couples can be hidden during the initial (secondary) viewing of the joke. The guy and the girl, whose acquaintance does not play any role, are seated separately, each under a blanket. Participants squat on the floor. The presenter, usually the only one who knows how everything should end, says the following to the participants completely hidden under the blankets: “Each of you has one extra thing on, take it off and give it to me.”

What follows is a logic-defying sequence of things being taken off, pulled out from under the blanket with a trembling hand. Well, if the game has reached such a climactic moment, when in general there is nothing to shoot, then the presenter utters a phrase that at one moment makes the victims experience a feeling of horror: “My friends, you guessed wrong, this object is still on you, this "The blanket! Take it off and give it to me." Then there is a scene when something under the blanket clings to it from the inside with all its limbs, screams and shamefully crawls away. Everything, however, depends on the degree of drinking. It should be said that if one of the participants guessed early stage, i.e. when he is still almost dressed, he (she) simply steps aside and has fun at everything that is happening.


A bottle (vodka, wine, cognac, etc.) is placed on the table. A deck of cards is placed on top of it ( better cards new or plastic). The players' task is to blow off a few cards from the deck, but not the entire deck. Whoever blew away the entire deck must take a sip from the bottle.


This is a common children's game where chairs are placed in a circle and there are one more players than chairs. Players move to the music in one direction around the chairs, and when the music stops, they sit on the nearest chair. Whoever does not have enough chairs is eliminated from the game, taking away one chair. The game continues until the fastest of the remaining two players sits on the last chair. The transformation of this game into an “adult” one is that men sit on chairs, and girls, dancing around the chairs, plop down on their laps when the music stops.

The one who didn’t get the knees is eliminated along with his husband or friend and the chair on which he was sitting (this is a small punishment for him because his partner was not quick enough). The coolest moments in the game are when two girls, pushing each other away, try to fit on the lap of one man, and you also have to see the waiting eyes of the men - which of the girls will be his. The climax, naturally, is at the end of the game. Almost the entire company has already left, and everyone begins to cheer loudly and cheer for the remaining players. You can try to play this game in reverse - girls on chairs, guys on knees.

Props: glasses (shot glasses or bottles) and straws or baby pacifiers, respectively. Who will suck the liquid out of a glass faster with a straw (from a bottle with a nipple). The composition of the liquid is determined depending on the condition of the players. The hardest thing to pull through a straw is thick tomato juice, and from a bottle - liquid semolina (or powdered, poorly mixed milk).

The game is pretty tough. Designed for men. Before the game begins, beer is poured into a basin, large bowl or some large vessel. Players with 100-gram glasses sit around this vessel and scoop up beer with their glasses, drinking EVERY MINUTE. So 100 times 100 grams. The one who “survives” to the end wins, i.e. drinks 100 hundred gram glasses of beer. The good thing about the game is that very often no one wins. Therefore, envy does not gnaw at anyone.
P.S. Participants can go to the toilet, but they do not have the right to stray from the drinking schedule, i.e. in exactly one minute they must drink another glass of beer.


Each player is given a blank sheet of paper. The player writes a question at the very top of the sheet (for example: “What are your girlfriend’s eyes?”). Then the sheet is folded so that the text of the question is not visible, and on the fold itself a short question is written (in this case - “which ones?”). The sheet is passed to the next player. He answers the top question, immediately writes his own (for example: “Poisonous. Who do storks bring?”), folds the sheet, signs a short question and passes the sheet on. And so on until the paper runs out. After this, the sheets are unfolded. In this case, the texts of the questions and the answers to them will appear on one side of the sheet, and short questions on the other. Read, have fun.


With the help of colored hair ties you can hold such a competition. Men participate in it - 2 or 3. Everyone receives elastic bands a certain color. The participants’ task is to “ring” as many women present as possible in a few musical minutes. “Rings” - rubber bands are put on ladies’ legs, above the feet. And then they count the number of “ringed” by each participant. The fastest one wins a prize.

4-5 couples (M-F) are invited. The music turns on. A task is given: a young man plays the role of a pillar, and the girl must dance around him, but with the condition that at the end of the dance as little clothes as possible remain on the “pillar”. It is advisable to entice the players with a good prize. This competition is most successfully held in a tipsy company.


In secret from the culprit (or culprit) of the holiday, make a silhouette of a human figure from cardboard full height. Glue a photo of the birthday boy or girl in place of the face. Put on this mannequin all possible items of clothing: from panties to a hat. They can be either real or made of paper. Just pin the paper ones to the mannequin. Then the host asks the guests questions about the hero of the day: when was he born, favorite dish etc.

If the guest makes a mistake, he must remove any item of clothing from the mannequin. The most intimate parts can be covered with fig leaves made of green paper. And, if you are sure that the birthday person will not be offended, you can write comic wishes on these pieces of paper.

Guests stand or sit in a circle and, to the music, begin to pass a large box. As soon as the host stops the music, the guest who has the box opens it, takes off one thing and puts it in the box. After the players are already sufficiently undressed, the box is started in a circle again, but after the music stops, the players must, without looking into the box, take out the first item they come across and put it on themselves. This item must be worn for a certain time. For example, half an hour or until the end of the party. You can first put a variety of items of clothing in the box: from children's caps to huge specially tailored panties and bras.


Two or more pairs are selected. There are sheets of larger format (A1..A3) according to the number of couples participating, and each couple must dance without leaving these sheets while the music plays (for a while). The one who stumbles is eliminated. If the music ends and a few pairs remain, the fun begins - the sheets of paper are folded in half and everything is repeated. Whoever can hold out the longest wins. One more detail - the choice of partners in such games can be left to chance and you can pull a piece of paper with a name from somewhere. It makes sense to get rid of the possibility of matching the genders of the players, otherwise girls will dance with girls, guys with guys. One of the options is whole pieces of paper for girls, cut pieces for guys. Checked: with such an announcement, laughter does not subside for a long time.


You need to prepare in advance two identical sets of pieces of paper on which parts of the body are written: head, back, arm, chest, butt, leg, etc., to the best of your imagination and the degree of looseness of the company. Then each set is placed in a separate box (header). In our case, we even packed each piece of paper in a Kinder Surprise box. It is desirable that the boxes are somehow different. This is necessary to ensure that the sets of papers do not get mixed up in the future. Then everyone present is divided into M-F couples. Then a pair is chosen to start the game. Each person is given a personal set of papers.

To begin with, everyone randomly draws one piece of paper from their set (and they, as you remember, are the same). For example, M - arm, F - back. They must touch with these parts of the body. Next, the participants draw out one more piece of paper: M - head F - chest. Now they must, while maintaining the same contacts, come into contact with new parts of the body. And so on. During the game, the pose can and even needs to be changed constantly. After a couple pulls out the third or fourth piece of paper, it’s usually impossible to stand on your feet. This is where auxiliary means come into play - chairs, a sofa, the floor. Any furniture is allowed. The game continues until the couple can no longer keep in contact simultaneously all those parts of the body that they pulled out. Then the next pair is called, the papers are placed in their boxes, and everything starts again. The winner is the pair that manages to simultaneously hold greatest number contacts.


Each participant in the competition is given underpants, an elastic band with a pin. Amid thunderous applause and applause, the participants begin to put these elastic bands into their underpants, and then they are required to put them on themselves. The winner is the one who is the first to “make” panties and wear them.


This game is a draw and you can only play it once, but it's worth it. The conditions are simple: any number of participants are called. Then the game leader brings out the appropriate number of glasses (glasses, etc., but preferably transparent!), in which about 150 grams of liquid with straws are poured. The presenter announces: “Now I will give each participant a glass. All but one glass contain pure water. And in one glass there is pure VODKA!" The task of each participant is to drink the contents of his glass through a straw, trying not to let anyone guess what he is drinking. The task of the observers (everyone else) is to guess who exactly has the vodka poured. Well, then, accordingly, the participants sip the liquid, observers try to guess: who is drinking vodka, expressing their guesses, making bets, etc. When all the contestants have drunk everything, the host announces that... this is actually a joke and all the glasses are filled with vodka!!!

A bottle (vodka, wine, cognac, etc.) is placed on the table. A deck of cards is placed on top of it. The players' task is to blow off a few cards from the deck, but not the entire deck. Whoever blew away the entire deck must take a sip from the bottle.


In a spacious room, chairs are arranged in a circle. The players, men and women, sit on them. The driver is selected. He is blindfolded. The music turns on and the driver walks in a circle. As soon as the music stops, the driver stops and sits on the lap of the person he stopped next to. The one he sat next to must hold his breath and not give himself away. The rest ask: "Who?" If the driver guesses who he is sitting on his lap, then he becomes the driver.

Before the game, remind female participants that men, like birds, are most attractive during the mating season. Let each participant choose a man for herself during the game and create the most “ruffled” one out of him. For this purpose, ladies are given multi-colored hair bands. Their task is to create as many “tufts” as possible from men’s hair using rubber bands. The companion of the most “ruffled” one is awarded a prize.

A real checkers board is used, and instead of checkers there are glasses. Vodka is poured into the glasses on one side, and cognac on the other side. Further everything is the same as in ordinary checkers. For variety, you can play giveaway.


Two participants are called. They are given a roll toilet paper. The participants’ task is to stuff it all into their pockets, down the collar, into trousers, socks, underpants, etc. (it all depends on imagination and skill) in small pieces (like cheat sheets, the presenter must follow this). Whoever is first is the winner.


Any number of people can play the game. Everyone is divided into two teams (differences in the field are not important), the most important thing is that there be the same number of people in each team. The teams line up one after another. A support is placed in front of them at a certain distance, on it:
1. a bottle of vodka (any alcohol, it’s just more interesting with vodka),
2. glass (glass - as you like),
3. a plate with a light snack (eg lemon).

The first person runs - pours vodka into a glass and runs back, the second - drinks and runs back, the third - has a snack and also runs back, the fourth - does everything: pours, drinks, has a snack and runs back, etc. The team that runs out of alcohol the fastest wins.

4 x 200 RELAY

3-4 men are invited to participate in the 4x200 relay race. Each participant is presented with 4 faceted glasses: 1st with water, 2nd with milk, 3rd with beer, 4th with vodka (can be replaced with wine). The first person to drink it all wins.

2 teams are recruited, preferably mixed, i.e. of girls and young people. The teams need to compete in the following competition: the presenter takes 2 eggs and says that they are raw. Men must pass the egg through one pant leg and pull it out through the other, and girls - from one sleeve through the other. It is advisable to hold the competition with cheerful music. Team members can help each other. The funny thing is that, naturally, the eggs are boiled and the winners get these eggs.


There are two duelists - a guy and a girl, however, nothing will stop you from increasing the number of players. The duel is bloodless - the players take turns taking off their things and putting them on a chair or somewhere else. Whoever stops first is the loser. You just need to determine in advance whether keys, coins, tokens, etc. taken out of your pocket are considered to be a removed item.

Several couples participate. Each pair is given a piece of ice. The couple that breaks the ice first wins. You can breathe on the ice, you can lick it, suck it, put it under any part of the body, in general, do whatever you want with it, as long as it melts, except use technical devices and instruments.


All participants write on 3, 4 (etc.) pieces of paper any part of the body (arm, thigh, ear, nose, butt, private parts). All the pieces of paper are put into a hat. The hat is placed on the floor and the participants stand around it. Taking turns, taking out pieces of paper, they touch the indicated places with their hands. As a result, unique poses are formed. The game ends when there are no pieces of paper left in the hat.


Volunteers are called - 2 boys and 1 girl. And so 2 or 3 teams. The task, at the command of the presenter, is to put on the girl as quickly as possible more clothes taken from the guys. As a result, imagine this picture: there is a girl standing, dressed from head to toe in men's clothing, and two naked guys! The degree of their nakedness is determined by the degree of their modesty!


Two teams are formed: one is men, the other is women. At the signal, the players of each team begin to take off their clothes (whatever they want) and lay them out in a line. Each team has its own line. The team that makes the longest line of clothes wins.

In the modern pace of life, we have almost forgotten how great it is to just get together with friends at home, drink tea and cake and play various games - interesting games for the company. Yes, don't be surprised! Games for company are not only for children. There are a large number of games for youth groups. Student fun games. Youth prank games. And erotic games to liberate people in a company. There are also games for adults, table games. There are games for drunk company- drinking games.

Sociable games-competitions are the lot not only of little children (who, of course, have a lot of their own fun children's games for friends), but also of teenagers (for whom erotic games or alcoholic games are more interesting types of games in a company) and even adults (for which are also suitable for table games or outdoor games). After all, games for a group of friends or a group of colleagues can be exciting, educational, romantic, and even with an erotic slant, which will appeal to growing youth. Games for young people will help timid and modest people overcome their modesty and shyness. For them, these will be memorable memories, impressions and experiences, which will then always be remembered with a smile and warmth in their hearts. You can call a lot of people home and have a lot of fun.

In order to make get-togethers with friends more fun and interesting, you need to have several sociable games ready. Games in a group will help unfamiliar people get to know each other quickly, and those who don’t like each other can make friends. You can play games for a group of young people everywhere, at school, at college, on the street, and at home - games for a cheerful company bring a certain lightness and good mood into our lives.

We must not forget about interesting and exciting games, they help us live more fun. We wish you to use our collection of fun games for the company and have a lot of fun.

10 reasons to play games with friends

1. Fun games in a company allow everyone to have great fun, rejoice and relax.

2. Interesting games in the company of unfamiliar people help everyone get to know each other well, get closer and get to know each other better. The positivity that comes from having a pleasant time playing sociable games and competitions greatly reduces tension and barriers between people.

3. Competitions and games in a work team allow colleagues to look at each other from a different perspective. Not only as workers different professions, and also as cheerful, cheerful, active, friendly people. Corporate entertainment events must include sociable games and competitions to unite the workforce. Everyone unites and becomes friends even more after fun and exciting competitions and games. In addition, games at corporate parties can relieve psychological stress, and also help people learn mutual assistance, responsibility, openness, not to mention the fact that corporate games and competitions in the company develop ingenuity, intuition and force people to think creatively and show their imagination.

4. Erotic games for company help guys and girls relieve excess tension and communicate with each other in a light playful way. After such fun evenings with games, new couples are often formed. Still would! If in games you sometimes need to hold hands, hug, kiss, touch each other, it cannot be any other way.

5. Games for friends allow you to spend an unforgettable holiday. Still would! Everyone wants their birthday to be fun, noisy, interesting and varied. I remembered it to all my friends. It’s so nice to hear from friends later that it was the most fun birthday they’ve ever been to.

6. Games at the table and drinking games allow you to make a boring feast interesting, fun and tasty at the same time. Eat, play and have fun at the same time. And no boring faces at the table when no one wants to say a toast.

7. Competitions for a fun company allow talent to shine. Who could help that your friend sings so well or your friend draws or dances so well. You’re friends, but only in company while playing can you learn something new in each other.

8. For home games in the company of friends, almost nothing is needed. Only your friends and buddies. The minimum props, if necessary, cost a penny. Games do not require complex equipment, computers, electronics, or any investments at all. Only your desire and the interest of your friends.

9. Games on the road help pass the time and spend it usefully. Imagine that you are going to the sea on a train. The ride is long and boring, and there are two pretty girls in the compartment with you. So why waste time! Feel free to offer to play a few simple and well-known games first, and then, as the degree of friendship increases, you can move on to erotic competitions. Before you have time to look back, you will have reached the right place.

10. Children's games at school, kindergarten or children's clubs will help your children have a good time, get to know everyone and make friends.

The customs of our country are such that rarely any holidays are complete without the consumption of strong drinks. So, what can you do to have fun and cheer up during a feast?

This game has been known for a long time, and hardly anyone has not played it at least once. The idea is this: one item is taken from 6 people present at the celebration and placed in a bag specially prepared in advance.
The presenter can ask any of those not participating in the competition: “What should this forfeit do? “After receiving the answer, the presenter shows which forfeit got this task. Fant does it.

Boxing match

This is a game for real men. To participate in it you need to find two volunteers who are not averse to showing their strength.
The presenter gives each person boxing gloves and invites them to stretch out a little, for example, do a couple of exercises.
All other participants must create an atmosphere of tension before the fight. After a few minutes, the presenter announces the start of the battle. Participants take a stand. At this very time, the presenter gives each of the players a chocolate candy.
The players' task is to turn them around. The participant who completes this task faster than the other wins.
He is awarded a prize.

"The Road to Freedom"

Before the game starts, you need to organize two teams: one team of men, the other of women. The point of the game is for each team to make a long rope out of their own things. They should put these things in line. The team that makes the rope longer than the other team wins.


The presenter makes several cards in advance. On each one are written the first two lines from any song known to everyone. Several participants are selected based on the number of cards. Each player needs to continue the song that he got. For each positive performance result, you need to give a small prize.

"Dress the Lady"

Several couples consisting of a man and a woman must take part in this competition. The men are given a ribbon, one end of which must be secured to the girl’s clothing, and the other end goes to the man, who must wrap it around the woman. The winner is the pair in which the guy completes the task faster than others.
The winning team is awarded a prize.


Before starting this game, you need to organize several pairs. According to the number of pairs, the presenter must prepare a plate of ice cream and a dessert spoon in advance. Players from each team are located at some distance from each other. One of the players must scoop a small amount of ice cream and take it to your partner, but you need to carry it without using your hands - holding the spoon in your teeth. In the same position, this ice cream needs to be fed to the second player. In the end, the couple that eats their ice cream faster than the other wins.

"Feed your loved one"

2 couples should take part in the game, preferably if they consist of a man and a woman. Each pair receives a chocolate candy, which they must unwrap without using their hands. It will be quite interesting for the rest of the audience to see how the participants will do this.


Before starting this game, the leader must prepare pencils (according to the number of participants) and a ring. All participants in the game (there can be no more than 10 people) must form a circle, and it is best for men and women to alternate with each other.
The presenter gives each player a pencil, on which he puts a ring. Participants must pass this ring to each other in a circle, from pencil to pencil.
Using your hands is prohibited. The game turns out to be quite funny.

Men must participate in the competition. The meaning of the game is as follows: men, sitting on a chair with a newspaper in their hands, each read their own newspaper at the same time. Moreover, they should sit in a fairly relaxed position, crossing their legs and rolling up one of their trouser legs (the leg should be visible).
And since the competition is to identify the best reader, they must read as best and as expressively as possible, trying to outshine each other with their talent. The best texts to read are: different styles, it will be more interesting.
After the readers finish their speeches, the presenter announces that this is actually a competition to identify... the hairiest leg. Therefore, the prize goes to the corresponding participant.


Any number of people can join the game, and everyone can participate for themselves or everyone can join into 2 teams.
Before the game starts, the presenter must prepare balloons, and their number must correspond to the number of players. You need to prepare the same amount of regular pushpins and pieces of regular adhesive plaster.
The balls are tied with a thread to any objects, it must be taken into account that the length of the thread should be no more than 30 cm. You need to pierce each piece of adhesive plaster with a button and secure it to the forehead. Each participant should have such a device for piercing balls.
The presenter explains the rules, which boil down to the following: everyone must burst as many balls as possible using a button. Do not use your hands while doing this.
From the outside, the game looks very interesting and funny. If each player plays for himself, then in the end you need to count the number of balloons he has burst.
If the game is a team game, then the total number of burst balloons is calculated accordingly.
For such an interesting competition, the winners should naturally receive a prize.


The game involves the participation of 3-4 pairs of participants, consisting of men and women. Each man is given mittens, and the woman is given a robe with buttons.
The task of each participant is to fasten the buttons, and to do it faster than their opponents.
The winner is the one who completes this task faster than the other.

Match tournament

This game may consist of several stages. Several teams (3-4), 4-5 people each, must take part.
If the team takes first place, it receives three points, second - 2; third - 1 point.

The stages of this game1 are as follows:
1) walk from start to finish, holding a matchbox on a clenched fist;
2) carry a matchbox on your back;
3) go with matchbox on the foot;
4) use matches to spell out the word HOLIDAY;
5) count the matches;
6) etc.
The total number of points is calculated and the winning team is determined.

"Twirl tufts"

Before the game starts, you need to choose four participants. They, in turn, determine their own playing partners.
Each participant is given 10-12 small hair ties. The participants' task is to decorate their boyfriend's hair as best as possible big amount rubber bands
Spectators must determine which of the pairs has the most “decorated” participant. The prize goes to them.

Recognize your partner by their hand

The name of this competition speaks for itself. Several pairs are selected from those who want to play. The essence of the game is as follows: blindfolded, you need to determine which of the men is from her pair.
The winner is the pair whose participant completed the task faster than others.

"Beard jokes"

Anyone can participate in this game. Its meaning boils down to the following: any of the participants begins to tell a joke; one of the other players continues to talk, and a piece of cotton wool is attached to his chin. After 10 minutes of the game, the most “bearded” participant is determined. He is the one who becomes the winner.

The duration of this game is 3-4 minutes. 3 people must participate. The players' task is to create a holiday menu, and each dish on this menu must begin with any letter chosen by the host. Within 3 minutes, participants remember all the dishes they know and write them down. In the end, the winner is determined. The one with the longest list will be considered.

"Fairy-tale character"

Before starting the game, the presenter must prepare several cards with names fairy-tale heroes. The number of participants corresponds to the number of cards. Everyone must come to the table and, without saying a word, but using only facial expressions and gestures, explain to everyone else which hero he got.
There can be multiple winners in this game. They will be all those whose explanations were understood and guessed by the audience. As a continuation of this game, you can offer the participants a number of more cards; naturally, the names of the heroes should be different. Thus, several more players are eliminated. And so on, until there are 2 participants left, who, by competing, determine which of them is the winner.

"Mystery Prize"

Before starting the game, you need to identify a participant and prepare a gift: for this, any object that is intended as such must be wrapped in paper, and a piece of paper with any riddle placed on top. After that, wrap the item again and put the piece of paper with the riddle again, and so on. The number of layers can be any. The participant’s task is to unfold this paper and say the answer out loud. If a participant finds it difficult to answer, any other player who was the first to guess the answer can join the game. In this case, it is he, and not the previous player, who continues the game. The last one to solve the riddle wins the prize.

"Mobile phone"

It is best for everyone present at the celebration to participate in this game.
The rules of the game are very simple: without leaving the table, participants must start counting from one, but there is one peculiarity: if, when counting, a participant gets the number 3 or a number ending with it, he must say “ding-ding” instead.
If the number 5 is “dong-dong”, the number 7 is “ding-ding”. The one who makes a mistake is out of the game. And the rest continue the game.

“Choose a prize!”

This is a very interesting game in the sense that each participant will eventually receive a prize. You need to prepare several bags with gifts hidden in them in advance. Before the game starts, the host must prepare several gifts. What it will be, the participants do not know.
Each bag is hung on a thread, which in turn is tied to a rope. It turns out that there should be several bags on the rope.
The number of players participating in this game must correspond to the number of bags. They are all blindfolded and given scissors, with which they must cut one bag from the rope.
This game does not assume there is a winner.

"Slipper for Cinderella"

All participants must remove their shoes and place them in a common pile. After that, they are blindfolded and asked to find their mate.
The participant who completed this task faster than others wins.


This competition is aimed at identifying the artistic abilities of participants. You can play without leaving your seat, and everyone can participate. All participants must be provided with blank sheets of paper and markers. The essence of the game is very simple: you need to draw any object on the letter given by the leader. Those who drew the same objects are eliminated. At the end, when 2 people remain, the most original drawing, and its artist is awarded first place.

"To the Discoverer"

Participants must play the role of discoverers of planets. The role of planets should be played by ordinary balloons. Several participants must inflate as many balloons as possible within a certain time and then draw little figures on them.
The participant who has more figures than other participants wins.


For this competition you need to select 4-5 participants. Props: glass of wine or beer, teaspoon. Participants must drink the contents of the glass using a spoon. The winner is the one who completed this task first.

"Alcohol relay race"

A very interesting game, it suggests motor activity participants. Two teams of participants of 5-7 people each should be organized. The most important thing is that the number of participants is odd. The finish and start lines are marked, on which the participants of each team line up in 2 lines. A chair is placed at the finish line, an empty glass and a bottle of wine or beer or vodka are placed on it. This is determined by the relay participants themselves. The first player must run to the finish line, pour the contents of the bottle into a glass and return to the team, standing at the rear. Only after the first participant comes running can the second participant enter the game. His task is to run to the chair and drink the glass poured by the first player. And this continues until the bottle is empty.

"Best Speaker"

This competition is to identify the best speaker among those present.
Several people can try to become one. Everyone is given a “lollipop” and asked to say a tongue twister... with the “lollipop” in their mouth. If a participant does not complete the task, he is eliminated from the competition. If he succeeds, he is given another candy, after which he must say the next tongue twister. The game continues until one participant remains. He becomes the best speaker of the evening.

"Pass the leaflet"

This competition is very interesting. At least 8 people must participate. They all stand in a circle, and one of them is given a blank sheet of white paper. The participant must pass this sheet to the next player, holding it by inhaling air. If the sheet was not handed over for any reason, the participant is eliminated from the game.
The remaining 2 or 3 participants can be considered winners. They are awarded prizes accordingly.

"Beer lover"

This competition requires 2 volunteers. They can be chosen from among beer lovers. Each participant is given a bottle of beer with a nipple attached to the neck. They must drink this beer directly through the nipple. The winner is the participant who completed the task faster than the other.

"Blow up the balloon"

Each participant is given a new balloon. Music is turned on, during which they must inflate this balloon. The rules of this game suggest that the participant who gets the ball wins bigger size or it will burst.
For this competition, it is best to choose a large ball.


The game was borrowed from the West, where it was called “Simon, Speak.” Here it has changed somewhat and for some reason received a different name: “Please.”
About 10 people can take part in the game. They all stand in a circle, with a leader in the middle who gives various commands to the participants. But participants must only perform those that begin with the word “please.”
If a participant executes a command without this word, he is eliminated from the game.
Commands should sound quickly so that the players cannot immediately figure out whether to execute this command or not. The remaining three people can be considered winners.
