Horoscope for October 9. Zodiac horoscope for the week. Health horoscope – Cancer

The day is not without problems and difficulties, but you simply do not notice them. Boundless optimism and unshakable self-confidence help you succeed where others have failed. There will be a chance to gain the upper hand over long-time opponents and significantly strengthen your position.
You are charming and sometimes simply irresistible. It is not surprising that today many people want to get to know you better. You are picky and accept signs of attention only from people who deserve respect.

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Love horoscope - Aries

Your young man is infinitely charming and resourceful, something you have always dreamed of. It won't be boring with him. If you manage to stir it up, you will be swimming in a sea of ​​pleasure. This won't be too difficult for you. So go for it and get what you want.


Family horoscope - Aries

Relationships with children will develop quite easily, and as for parents, conflicts are not excluded - however, quite solvable. With brothers and sisters you can easily find mutual language, and if there were any contradictions between you, then now is the time to make peace.

Business horoscope - Aries

Take advantage of the moment of favor from the luminaries to bring your professional projects to fruition. The white streak begins! But while luck is with you, do not forget that Fortune is fickle, and prepare for harsher times.

Health horoscope - Aries

Thanks to the support of energetic luminaries, you will feel great. Patients, even those who are seriously ill, will be able to recover, not least thanks to the use of alternative medicine. Those who are not sick will simply feel great. Just beware of your cravings for goodies: baked goods and weaknesses in large doses are like poison.

Mobile horoscope - Aries

Your friends will suggest you relax and have fun today, but your thoughts seem to be occupied with something completely different. Before your eyes you have dreams and ideas that require you to implement them. And although your friends will not appreciate your zeal, do not despair and continue to strive for your goal. Hard work will definitely lead you to the best results.

Beauty Horoscope – Aries

On October 28, 2017, he advises you to pay attention to what you had not noticed before. You will get a hint which things are worth taking on now and which ones to put off. Misunderstandings in communication are possible, since it is not easy to find a common language with others.

Horoscope for October 28, 2017 Aries

Aries should spend this weekend with friends or with a loved one. Unity of interests and the presence of a common company will unite the marital union. If you are absorbed in business development, then you will usefully spend the weekend in the company of business partners. Free Aries also better not be left alone: ​​it makes sense to spend time at a recreation center, accept an invitation to a party or other event. It is worth remembering that today mutual sympathy does not exclude psychological difficulties in communication.

Horoscope for October 28, 2017 Taurus

Taurus should not go into conflict if misunderstandings arise. This weekend is not the best time to fight for leadership and sort things out, especially on your part. An attempt to establish a dialogue may fail if you and the interlocutor begin to look for shortcomings in each other’s behavior, instead of noticing advantages. If verbal contact leads to a dead end, you should not exchange sarcastic remarks; mutual favors, voluntary gestures of attention and friendliness will be much more effective.

Horoscope for October 28, 2017 Gemini

For Geminis today, friendship, love and creativity have a healing power, if they are not overshadowed by nagging, suspicion and despondency. When choosing an image, company and occupation, it is advisable to take into account your well-being and mood: if you are not in a good mood, or are in constant anxiety, your advantages will not work at full strength. It is not advisable to go on a trip and meet new people “with a long-term view.” You should not rely on your eloquence, as today it can fail.

Solving other people's problems today takes more time and effort than usual, and this irritates you quite a bit. It's hard to stay calm when you constantly have to take time off from what you're doing to answer questions you're not particularly interested in. In addition, people who are known for their consumerist attitude towards others often come to you with requests.
However, serious conflicts will not arise: you will not allow this. In the afternoon, it is advisable to find time to rest, because the stress is very serious now, and this can have a bad effect on your well-being.

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Love horoscope - Cancer

Don’t try to seem better than you really are, your loved one already appreciates and loves you, you can be convinced of this tomorrow.


When you, driven by the desire to maintain peace in your relationship with your partner, hide your true thoughts and feelings from him, you are actually doing yourself a disservice. You must firmly defend your desires and views in your personal life, otherwise your passion will never be able to make you truly happy. Therefore, believe that she sincerely wants to know your feelings and share them with her.
Of course, you want to share all your joys and sorrows with the person you are interested in, but do you really really need to dedicate him to all the ins and outs of your life? A small amount of secrecy will greatly benefit your relationship with him - and save you from many possible conflicts and problems.

Scandals and showdowns are likely. If your fighting spirit has left you, then try to avoid sharp corners and remain silent where you feel a clear challenge in his words. Keep calm and don't give in to his provocations, let him blow off steam somewhere else.


Family horoscope – Cancer

The influence of luminaries can provoke tension in relationships with your family members. You will have to show miracles of tolerance and flexibility, but in the end all difficulties will be happily resolved.

Business horoscope – Cancer


Change for the better at work is very real. It is possible that you will find original solution for a financial plan problem.

Health horoscope – Cancer

You, Cancers, are quite healthy, the only thing Cancers lack is a good working spirit, so take care of this in the morning. Do exercises, take cold shower and get ready to conquer new heights, they are already waiting for you. A sense of humor and a good and cheerful mood will help Cancers accomplish everything they need.


From time to time, replace meat in your diet with legumes, which contain a lot of iron and fiber, but very few toxins. In addition, not only your health will benefit, but also your budget!

Mobile horoscope - Cancer

You hope that a diplomatic approach to your rival will prevent an unpleasant confrontation. However, your opponent does not think so, and while you try to express your liberal opinion, he will go ahead and aggravate the situation. Fortunately, you will quickly find the right approach and resolve the conflict in an honest way.

Beauty Horoscope – Cancer

Recently, you have managed to achieve a number of undoubted successes and victories, and today is the best time to take a break from your many practical endeavors and give yourself a short break. Enjoy fun, carefree communication with your friends - you clearly deserve it.
