Where and how is boric acid used? Boric acid. Using the solution to treat the eyes

"Well said! Well Said! Presentations and conversations that get results.

At the beginning of your speech, you have only 60 seconds to capture the audience's attention, gain people's trust, orient them to the topic and get them ready to listen further. If you waste precious opening minutes on jokes, agendas, apologies, useless details, thank yous, or incoherent stuttering, your audience's attention will be lost forever. You must be creative with the introduction - the most important part of the work. This is a difficult task for any speaker, and you will have to rehearse well and master the challenging opening.

Darlene Price

1. Tell a compelling story

Storytelling is one of the most powerful and successful techniques. From birth, people love to listen and learn from . Fairy-tale heroes, villains from campfire tales or theater characters captivate us with their dialogues, conflicts and destinies. With their help, we gain everyday experience and draw parallels with our own lives, which easily holds the attention of any person.

IN best case scenario it should be a personal, first-hand story that tells the audience why you are interested in the topic of the talk. Although a story about another person whom the audience might recognize would also work. Alternatively, reveal a fable, fairy tale, wisdom or historical event. The idea is that your 60-90 second introduction will captivate the audience and provide the key message for the rest of your presentation.

What problems did you (or someone else) encounter regarding the topic of the speech? How did you (or someone else) overcome them? Who or what helped or hindered you? What conclusions were drawn? What should your audience get and feel after reading the story?

2. Ask a rhetorical question

And what Russian doesn’t like driving fast?

Who are the judges?

Dreams, dreams, where is your sweetness?

Rhetorical questions help persuade. If they are thoughtful and presented in the right form, the audience will follow the path that the speaker intended. With their help, it is easy to persuade listeners to your point of view.

Monkey Business Images/Shutterstock.com

However, the question does not always have to give a clear answer “yes” or “no”. You can pique people's curiosity and get them to think about the answer by asking something a little harder.

3. Share a shocking statistic or headline.

A bold statement or catchy headline is ideal for persuading your audience to listen to your recommendations and follow them further. The main thing is that they accurately reflect the purpose of your speech.

For example, the vice president of sales for a leading American healthcare company successfully sells software for hospitals in a very colorful manner. He begins with dry but painfully poignant numbers: “Medical errors leading to patient death have become the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer. We are talking about 400 thousand cases a year. This is much more than previously thought. We are creating a world without medical errors, and we need your help."

4. Use a strong quote.

Give words of wisdom famous person, whose name will add attractiveness and social weight to your speech. But it’s important to understand that the quote must be relevant: meaningful and relevant to your audience.

Imagine that you are a conflict manager and persuade a group to reach agreement. When opening negotiations, you could quote the words of Mark Twain, who once said: “If two people agree on everything, one of them is not needed.” The next sentence should add a note of unity: “Even though not all of us see the solution to the problem the same way, the efforts of each of us are essential in reaching an agreement.”

5. Show a powerful photo

A picture is worth a thousand words. And maybe more.

Use pictures instead of text whenever possible. High quality photo adds aesthetic appeal, enhances understanding, engages the audience's imagination, and makes the presentation more memorable.

Matej Kastelic/Shutterstock.com

For example, the president of an electrical equipment sales company skillfully inspired his managers to cut costs. Instead of showing them the usual charts, graphs and tables, he opened the meeting with a rather strange question: “Why did the Titanic sink?” In unison, there was a mention of a collision with an iceberg. Then the head of the company displayed an image of an iceberg on the general screen: its tip was visible above the water, but a much larger part was hidden under the surface. “The same thing awaits our company. Hidden costs are the very underwater danger that will drag us to the bottom.” This visual metaphor inspired managers, and their proposals ultimately saved millions of dollars.

6. Add creativity

Thematic props are the right way hold the attention of listeners. Visual support will emphasize your point.

Thus, being an avid tennis fan, the head of a large insurance company began his speech with a spectacular hit with his racket. In this way, he expressed his determination, “won a point against his competitors,” rallied the team and ultimately “won the Grand Slam.”

Think about how you could use Wall Clock, a colorful bag, a bunch of carrots, juggling balls, or manipulating cards to captivate your audience, add humor, and get your message across.

7. Play a short video

Imagine: you are starting a speech in front of production department from a video in which satisfied customers give a positive review of your product. Or you open a fundraising event for endangered species with a mini-film about the Amur leopard and its offspring.

The video evokes an emotional reaction. Unlike words and slides, a short film adds drama and conveys the essence of what is happening faster.

As Walt Disney said:

I would rather entertain people and hope they learn something than educate people and hope they are entertained.

How difficult it is sometimes to introduce yourself, don’t you agree? But this is how the first impression of you is formed. And you need to be able to produce it.

"Tell me about yourself, Innokenty."

Frightened, he huddles in the corner and doesn’t know what exactly to say: that he likes to cross-stitch and cook cheesecakes, or maybe it’s still worth mentioning what your position sounds like? It’s difficult for Innocent, and for us too. What to do?

Tip #1: Information as input

So let's compare:

"Hello, my name is Innokenty Vorchunov and I am a manager at McDonald's."

This is very good, of course, but even Innocent has a business card, or it’s fashionable to say business card, where the same thing is written. After such a performance, you will not have any impression of the person; you will have the feeling that he has not revealed himself to you. This is the same as writing dry letters and constantly reminding about respect (dear sir, it would be disrespectful on my part, with respect, etc.).

The following would sound much better:

"Hello, I'm Innokenty. I've been representing McDonald's for 15 years, and I have quite a great experience working with a variety of clients, I grow with our company and know everything and a little more about the service. Probably." // You can add that you are glad to meet you or are now ready to start your report / story, and so on.

A joke will be very helpful, as will a few words about something else like your emotions, for example.

Tip #2: Try to be memorable

Most often, after an introduction, a person forgets your name within 10 seconds. Can you imagine what will happen to your job description? That is why you need to add details and emotions to the story. What’s even better (and more effective) is to immediately draw the audience’s attention to the fact that you can really be useful.

For example, if Innocent had mentioned that he was ready to answer any questions related to working in the restaurant business, perhaps things would have gone better.

You have to give something to be remembered. Let it be something simple, unobtrusive.

// If you really have a hard time remembering and you have to give a presentation, then why not offer everyone a bar of chocolate or give everyone an apple (we’ll improvise). But this is only the case when you know that you will have to introduce yourself and speak in public.

Tip #3: Cultural Aspect

This is where we remember humor again. When people sit with serious faces during a presentation or just at an event, but at the same time think that they need to buy sausage for the evening, then this is... a failure.

In our country, of course, not everyone will be happy with the new joke. Don't overdo it political aspects(please a person with a joke about sanctions only if he does not work for government agencies :)).

If you are talking to a foreigner, then try to draw some cultural parallels and discuss with him aspects that relate to life in another country. Show interest. If you joke about Silvio Berlusconi in front of an Italian, he will most likely appreciate it.

In general, if you often meet with foreigners, then try to study the traditions of holding business events. Just to avoid getting into trouble.

Good afternoon My name is Innocent.

And my parents, of course, dreamed of me becoming an actor (option for Russia). But my last name has nothing in common with Smoktunovsky, just like my artistic abilities.

I have been working at McDonald's as an administrator for 15 years, during which time I have learned a lot about service and aspects of running a restaurant business in Russia. The fast food chain in our country developed completely differently and I was able to have a hand in it. If you're interested, I can tell you a little later.

// Very glad to see you at this event // Nice to meet you. ...

P.S. Innocent is a fictional character (all similarities are random). We just wanted to give you a fairly clear example.

Dating rules have existed among all peoples at all times. And many of the ancient traditions of dating have found their place in modern etiquette. In particular, the current rule of dating when mandatory presence intermediary or substitute letter of recommendation- an echo of the etiquette of the early Middle Ages.

However, the dating ritual in the Middle Ages was too complicated a procedure. Today the rules of dating are much simpler. How to get acquainted correctly in order to produce good impression on your interlocutor at the first meeting, you will find out by studying a small list of tips.


Any acquaintance begins with an introduction. And, as you know, the first impression you make on a new acquaintance often determines the fate of further communication. Therefore, you need to introduce yourself, following the rules of etiquette:

  • If in an official or business setting you need to address a stranger about any issue, first of all introduce yourself to the interlocutor - state your last name, first name and patronymic. This dating rule does not apply to situations such as when you ask a random passer-by for directions.
  • When a man and a woman meet, the representative of the stronger sex says his name first. However, there are some exceptions to this rule. In some cases, the woman must introduce herself first. For example, if she is a student and meets a teacher, or if a girl is younger in official position and age than the one she is meeting.
  • When meeting people who are at the same level in career ladder, the one who is younger in age introduces himself first.
  • When introducing one person to a whole company, he should say his name first. The same thing happens when a woman meets a married couple.
  • In order to produce pleasant impression When introducing yourself, you should smile and try to look into the face of the person you are introducing yourself to or who is introducing yourself to you.
  • If you are introduced to one person among other people, you should wait for your turn to shake hands.

Introducing people to each other

  • In situations where you need to introduce people, you need to bring the acquaintances to each other and say their names. According to the rules of etiquette, you should not force guests to introduce themselves to each other.
  • If you introduce a man to a woman, you must first introduce the lady, calling her by her first name and patronymic.
  • According to dating etiquette, the person to whom the person was introduced should be the first to offer a hand for a handshake. Thus, it turns out that a woman should shake hands with a man, a senior in service or age should shake hands with a junior according to the relevant criteria.
  • If you have invited people who know each other and one newcomer, you need to introduce him to the whole society, giving his first and last name. After introducing him to those present, the newcomer should make one small bow with his head to everyone present.
  • In the event that a person unfamiliar to your guests for some reason did not make it to the start of the feast, you must introduce him to the whole company and seat him in an unoccupied seat. The latecomer will have to get to know his table neighbors on his own.
  • If you need to introduce a person to two people who are busy talking to each other at the time, wait until the conversation ends or postpone the introduction to a more opportune moment.
  • A man should stand when introduced. A woman needs to get up only in cases where she is introduced to a lady who is much older, or to a very respected man.
  • When introducing someone to your relatives, introduce them first, starting with the phrases: “my niece,” “my brother,” “my son,” etc. However, if you are introducing someone to their parents, first of all you should, on the contrary, say the name of the guest.
  • If you are introducing people of the same age, it would be correct to introduce people close and dear to you to your friends and acquaintances. For example, you should introduce your sister to a friend. And also, if we are talking about people of equal age, at the stage of introducing them to each other, you can only call them names.
  • It is unethical to say “this is my friend” when introducing a friend to guests. She may offend others in the audience.

After the show

After someone has been introduced to you, you must state your first and last name, adding an etiquette phrase such as: “Very nice,” “Nice to meet you,” or “Nice to meet you.”

Further, according to etiquette, people introduced to each other need to exchange at least a few sentences. The conversation should be initiated by a person who is higher in social status or older in age. If a man and a woman have been introduced to each other, the “honorable duty” of starting the conversation is given to the fair sex.

During a conversation, you should address someone you barely know as “you.” Only a friend is allowed to say “you” to a loved one, relative or child.

If you were introduced the whole company people, try to exchange a few words with all its participants during the “on-duty” conversation. Giving preference in communication to one person in such a situation is impolite.


It's no secret that all people are selfish by nature. Therefore, during an acquaintance, they tend to assess the situation and calculate the possibility of extracting personal benefit from the current situation. But educated people know how to suppress their selfish interests, as a result of which they are always successful in society. They put aside extraneous considerations of profit and, when introducing themselves to others, radiate a sincere smile and demonstrate absolute friendliness.

So how to make new acquaintances to make a positive impression? - Very simple!

  • During communication, try to show genuine interest in what your counterpart is talking about. Even if you cannot advise your interlocutor anything, cannot help him in any way, listen carefully - and then, have no doubt, he will like you.
  • Try to look your interlocutor in the face. By looking around, you will thereby show ignorance and give the impression of a person who is not interested in meeting new people.
  • During the conversation, smile at your counterpart. But only with a sincere smile. Your interlocutor will immediately notice that it is forced and false and is unlikely to want to continue communication.
  • Show interest in the personality of the person you just met. Listen to him and invite him to talk.
  • Try not to think about extraneous topics during a conversation. Distracted thoughts will immediately be reflected on your face and spoil the acquaintance.
  • Be prepared to sacrifice some of your interests, overcome your self-interest, make it “silence”.
  • Call the person introduced to you by name as often as possible. He is no less selfish by nature than you yourself. And you, agree, are always pleased to hear your name.
  • Choose topics for conversation that will interest not only you, but also your counterpart.
  • On the day you meet a person, under no circumstances start a conversation about your personal problems. This is unlikely to interest him. It is advisable not to touch the topic of personal life at all.
  • When discussing issues during the first conversation with a person, do not demonstrate qualities such as stubbornness and excessive persistence. Better be patient and calm.
  • Make your interlocutor happy - let him feel his own importance. But do not flatter under any circumstances. Mark only those qualities that you really consider excellent.

- an exciting and challenging task.

The employer or employee from the HR department will ask, and you must answer quickly and confidently. Your direct task is to sell yourself at an interview, which means preparing in advance (we talked about what a candidate is most often asked at an interview). Therefore, it is important to understand what to say at an interview when asked to talk about yourself.

As a rule, all questions already have the necessary answers that the employer wants to hear.

However, there are also those that can unleash your creativity and show your individuality. Often during an interview you are asked to tell about yourself.

Or, for example, you will be asked the question: “You are going to work, and suddenly someone calls you best friend who needs help. Your actions?" How to answer such questions?

This question is very insidious; they want to determine your responsibility and moral values.

The answer should be something like this: “Of course, this question is very sensitive. I can’t quit my job, but I can’t leave my friend in trouble either. Therefore, if I have enough time before the work day starts, I will help a friend and go to work.

If not, then I’ll involve my friends and relatives, who will save a friend, and I can work without harming the company.” With this answer you will show your responsibility for your work and demonstrate positive moral qualities.

If an employer asks you to tell us about yourself, then in this situation you need to concentrate and collect your thoughts. Self-presentation is much more complex than answering ordinary questions. Here you need to think very carefully about what to tell about yourself at a job interview.

Let's look at the response plan in more detail. Where to start and present yourself correctly.

What should I say?

  1. Introduce yourself.
  2. How to present yourself at an interview? You can simply say your first and last name. If the position is high-status, then it’s worth adding your middle name. For example, my name is Petrova Irina/Petrova Irina Vladimirovna.

  3. Personal data.
  4. It is worth mentioning your age, marital status and place of residence. For example, I am 23 years old, currently living in Magnitogorsk, and not related to family marriages.

  5. Education.
  6. In 2011, she graduated from the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology and received a bachelor’s degree. teacher education. In 2012, she attended advanced training courses in the same specialty.

  7. Goals.
  8. Since childhood I dreamed of becoming a teacher, I have 3 younger sisters, so I have a love for children from an early age. 5 years of studying at the university proved that this is exactly my profession, here I can reveal all my positive traits. I believe that the creative abilities that I developed at music school help me make the learning process interesting and exciting.

  9. Personal characteristics.
  10. Since my school years, I have been considered purposeful, responsible and active. I believe that these are the qualities needed for professional teacher. I like to take part in scientific conferences, where I can show off my research abilities, and I am also a frequent guest of creative events. This is where you can relax and show your musical and theatrical qualities.

  11. Hobby.
  12. For example, in the evenings to calm my soul, I like to play the piano.

  13. Bottom line.
  14. Like, I think that's all I want to talk about. I will be glad to hear your questions.

The above points are given as an example; you can swap them and add your own points. Self-presentation can also be creative and differ radically from the given plan.

What can you tell us about education?

First of all, it is necessary to voice the main higher education or the one that corresponds to the proposed position.

Then you can talk about the received additional education or about taking courses or seminars.

You can also mention competitions, conferences or olympiads in which you took part during your studies.

It’s especially good if there are certificates or certificates of merit from competitions where the topic is related to the future position.

What can you tell us about the qualities?

Of course, it is worth noting only your positive sides, for example, goal-oriented, easy to train and everything related to work. However, you can mention your shortcomings and others that can be turned into advantages.

For example, I can’t say that I’m a crazy perfectionist and hate being late for work and do my work carefully.

What can you tell us about your skills?

Here it is worth talking about your best qualities, which may be useful at work. For example, fast typing keyboard, confident PC user, fluent in English.

What can you tell us about your achievements?

Talk about your personal achievements, what you achieved in your previous job. For example, in two years I went from a courier to a sales department manager. Also mention achievements in self-government.

For example, for a long time I couldn’t wake up early in the morning, I overcame my desire and after 21 days I woke up with ease every morning, even on weekends.

What can you tell us about your goals?

Present your goals in a “beautiful” color.

For example, say that all your life you have seen how your parents suffer from lack of money and dreamed of prosperity to provide them with a peaceful old age.

Therefore, at school they focused on specialized subjects, then they successfully graduated from the university in their chosen specialty, attended seminars and are now applying for the desired position.

And you can say with confidence that you made every effort to achieve your goal.

It is worth talking about real goals, you should not “have your head in the clouds” and talk about unattainable heights.

What can you tell us about your hobby?

Speaking of hobbies, you need to do right choice from many hobbies. The most advantageous option is sport, which characterizes you as a purposeful and active person who is not afraid of difficulties and has a competitive spirit.

How to tell about yourself if you have no work experience?

What can you tell about yourself at an interview without work experience? If you haven't worked anywhere before, don't worry! Be confident and talk about your strengths and achievements during educational process. I think they should impress the employer. We provide more information on how to answer questions during an interview and how to behave if you have no work experience.

Many candidates ask: what to tell about yourself at an interview? A similar question can be considered using an example of how to present yourself at an interview.

Telling a story about yourself during an interview, example:

“My name is Marina Ivanova. I am 26 years old. I live in Moscow. Single. Graduated from the Faculty of Economics in 2011 State University. Training and experience in this field convinced me that it was not in vain that I chose this specialty. I want to work as a marketer in your company, since the vacancy provides not only analytics, but also product promotion. For me it has great importance use of English.

I believe that I am good at preparing promotions that attract buyers, as I am creative and communicative. I love setting professional goals and achieving them!”

So that the employer’s request does not take you by surprise, an example of an interview story: “Tell me about yourself” can be downloaded below.

We hope that now the employer’s request: “Tell me a little about yourself” will not confuse you; you understand that at an interview you can tell about yourself and how to present yourself correctly. Now let's talk about what is not included in the employer's range of aspects of your life.

We also invite you to watch the video on how to sell yourself at an interview.

What is it better to remain silent about?

The employer, as a rule, is not interested in your material assets, for example, the availability of living space or jewelry. The successes of parents and loved ones are also not interesting.

What's the best thing not to talk about?

First of all, do not say too personal information, the employer is not interested in your problems, and he is also not interested in your children's successes and achievements that are not related to the chosen position. Also, don't talk negatively about your past work or former colleagues. Don't forget that you may be asked some not very pleasant questions.


I would like to note that even if you know how to correctly talk about yourself at an interview, you should not forget about yours. When going for an interview, choose business style, which looks the most advantageous. Apply modest makeup in pastel colors. It is advisable to collect your hair or do a discreet styling.

Getting your dream job is a difficult but interesting process. You just need to prepare for the interview and approach this issue seriously and responsibly, studying the company’s activities and preparing a successful and “talking” self-presentation. Remember, everything is in your hands! Moreover, now you know what to tell about yourself at an interview.

Your well-being directly depends on the ability to present yourself favorably. In order to get a job, meet people who have something for you important To conclude a profitable deal with a partner in whom you are interested, you need to conduct a kind of advertising campaign, where the advertised “product” should be you yourself or your ideas, experience, knowledge.

In this case, you can adhere to the general principles based on such sequential actions as:

  • познакомиться;
  • find out the basic needs of the opposite party;
  • introduce yourself;
  • give answers to questions and objections that arise fully and in accordance with your interests;
  • negotiate, make a deal or just please;
  • do not disappear for a long time and maintain long-term contacts.

The dating period is very important for you. For it to be successful, pay attention to yourself, do a complete self-assessment. First, examine external data, because, as you know, we are greeted by our clothes. Then look for those character traits in yourself that will help attract and win people over to you.

To do this, you need to do a little work - take a sheet of paper and draw two equidistant vertical lines on it. As a result, you will have three columns. Write down your weak traits in the first, skip the second for now, and fill out the third column by writing your strengths in it. Now take the scissors, cut and burn the first column with all your identified flaws. These qualities will not allow you to present yourself in a favorable light.

But you can’t deceive people with whom you are going to build long-term relationships, so in the free column, the second in a row, rewrite your shortcomings in a softer form. For example, instead of “envy” you can write “imitation of those who have achieved success”, and “increased tendency to argue” can be transformed into “an irreconcilable attitude towards the bad qualities of other people.” This is already, albeit a small, but a step towards victory.

For example, you need, and for this it is important, to know what qualities the assessing party is looking for and wants to see in you. Even if you have some achievements, but in the field, not very interesting to people, in whose opinion you are interested, then you have nothing to be proud of. It’s better to pay attention to those who have already achieved more in that direction, and start adopting their qualities. By borrowing useful skills from others, each of us becomes a more confident person, and self-confidence is very important in relationships.

In this state of mind, you need to give answers to questions asked during an interview. This is not easy to do, so you need to study as a special art, which gives you the opportunity to win over and easily receive

Self-promotion should not be unconscious. Even if you do not belong to the category of rooks who think about beauty, but dream of a more modest fate, remember that you do not need extremes. Neither arrogance nor excessive modesty leads to success.
