Fallout 4 side quests walkthrough. Main quests

Before you move on, read these two extremely useful tips:

1. By default, subtitles are disabled in the game. Considering that there is no Russian voice acting without subtitles you can’t understand anything. Therefore, as soon as you start playing press ESC, then go to “Settings” then to “Video” and enable two subtitle settings:

2. The difficulty of the game can be changed at any time in the settings, so if you find it difficult to complete, or some episode you can reduce the difficulty (Menu -> Settings -> Game).

Time is running out

The game begins in an ordinary morning, in the bathroom. Here we can choose the appearance of ourselves and our spouse.

After we have decided on the appearance, press Enter and confirm the choice. Next there will be some time to walk around the house. There will be 3 small scenes in the house:

  • Cry baby robot Codsworth will say that he will calm the child down
  • The doorbell rings a Vault-Tec representative will come in and ask you to fill out a registration form. In the questionnaire you will need to indicate the name and distribute the characteristics.
  • The baby's second cry this time the robot will say that he wants to see his father we go to the nursery and play with the baby.

Only after these three events are completed will the final television message begin about the start of nuclear bombing. If one of the events does not happen, for example, you do not open the door when the Vault-Tec representative arrives, then the following events will not happen. You can sit on the couch and watch TV for hours.

It's funny, isn't it, the start of a nuclear war depends on when we tear our butts off the sofa and open the door? It’s a pity there is no emergency exit in the house it would be possible to exit through it and continue a peaceful life))

In general, after completing all 3 scenes, the television will report nuclear explosions, after which the siren will begin to wail. We leave the house and follow the direction of people’s movement:

Next there will be a fence with guards; it will be enough just to talk to the military man so that he will let us through. The final goal is to descend to shelter 111. As soon as we get there, it happens nuclear explosion, but the hatch has already begun to descend and we remain safe.

In the shelter everything will be simple we go in the direction of travel, take the overalls, reach freezer and we climb inside.

We are frozen (without warning about this), then we watch the scene as unknown persons open the cell of our spouse (or spouse) and take away the child. She resists and is killed.

We fall asleep again, and then wake up again, because of some emergency situation. Now we are on our own. Before leaving the shelter, you can open Nora's freezer use the control panel on the right.

By clicking on her body (key “E”), the character makes a promise:

Will it work? Time will tell.

We begin to get out of the shelter. Where you need to go is indicated on the compass below, as well as the right doors are highlighted with a square icon.

In one of the sections, on the glass we will see a huge cockroach under the glass there will be a Security Rod we take it, this is our first weapon.

Useful information: the shelter has taps with clean water. By drinking from them you can restore your health without receiving any dose of radiation. Use it.

One of the following doors will not open just like that, you need to sit at the terminal nearby (computer) and open the door through it:

To do this, in the menu on the terminal you need to select “Open evacuation tunnel” and press Enter. By the way, there will be a 10mm pistol nearby, don’t forget to take it.

Then we look down and see a “Pip-Boy” on the floor, put it on, then, with the Pip-Boy on, activate the stand.

The hatch will open, we go to the lifting rack, wait until it goes down and the doors open, we stand on it and go up.

Vault 111 is behind us, in front of us completely open world Fallout 4. From now on you can do whatever you want. But within this walkthrough, we will, of course, focus on completing the main story.

Now we need to return to our house and find the Codsworth robot there.

Useful information: look around the houses you meet, you will find many useful items in them. In Fallout 4, even garbage is useful - it is easily recycled into resources, of which there are never too many.

200 years have passed, and he still tries to take care of the house and trims the bushes:

We talk with him, then the robot will offer to check the surroundings and see if his missing son is there. We agree, then he will go into a couple of houses and kill several cockroaches there.

After which we talk to him again - he will say that his son is nowhere to be found (cap), and will give us the next tip for the task - Concord. Let's go there.

It’s important that along the way you will come across this building:

Be sure to check it out inside there is a workshop and a weapons workbench extremely useful things, which you will use constantly.

Near the same house you will meet a dog who will happily join you and keep you company in all subsequent adventures.

The final goal of the task is the museum. There will be several raiders next to him that will need to be killed. As soon as you approach building , the “Time is Running Out” task will end and a new one will immediately begin.

Call of freedom

Note: You can skip this task and go straight to the next one.

We need to go into the museum, but before doing this, do not forget to pick up the laser musket, which lies right there at the entrance.

Several more raiders and confusing passages await you inside. We explore it until we find this room there, with several civilians:

We're talking to Preston Garvey. He will tell you that they are constantly being attacked by gangs of raiders, but they have one idea on how to fight them off: find a nuclear unit, activate the power armor, which is located on the roof of the same house, and kill the raiders.

As it is not difficult to guess, we need to do all this. We agree.

In the same building we find the following passage on the first floor:

To the left of the door, there will be 6 hairpins on the table; take them and break the lock. Read how to do this on the Hacking page.

And we take the nuclear block.

Our next goal is in a place that is not so easy to get to. Here is the door we need to go through:

But you can't go up there by stairs. Standing at the same point where the screenshot was taken, turn the camera to the right:

There will be boxes right in front of you. And above these boxes there is a hole in the ceiling. Stand on them and jump to the floor above. It may not work on the first try, but after jumping for a couple of minutes it will work.

Having entered the door indicated by the cursor, we will find ourselves on the roof, and power armor will stand right in front of us. Press [E] the character will install a nuclear unit and “enter” the power armor.

Then you need to take a minigun (right there, nearby, in the helicopter), after which you can calmly jump from the roof (it’s safe in power armor), and we begin to exterminate the raiders, of whom by this moment there will be a decent number of them.

Having killed most of them, we will see a huge monster similar to a dinosaur crawl out of the ground nearby:

This is the Deathclaw. It will be difficult to deal with him head-on; try to shoot at him from afar while he is distracted by the remaining raiders.

After the Deathclaw and all the raiders are killed we return to Preston Garvey. He will thank you and ask if we would like to go with them to Sanctuary we agree. Sanctuary is the place of our home.

At this point, the grandmother nearby will say that she had visions about our son, and she believes that he is in Diamond City. After this conversation, you will immediately begin a new task: “Pearl of the Commonwealth.”

But before moving on to a new task, let's finish with the current one. To do this, you need to follow Preston Garvey until he, along with his “squad,” reaches Sanctuary.

We return to our house, which is now home not only for us, but also for our new comrades.

We listen again to the thanks and the task ends here. Before Preston says goodbye, Garvey will tell you that there are still settlements where people need help. We agree to help and receive additional task"First step"

Note: Power armor remains where you removed it. Therefore, it is best to film it near your home.

Pearl of the Commonwealth

Note: This task can be obtained either through a conversation with Mother Murphy, or simply by visiting Diamond City.

Now we need to go to Diamond City, which is a great distance away get ready for a long journey.

Diamond City is located here:

At the entrance we observe the situation as one of the city residents, Piper, is not allowed into the city.

Just wait a little after she expresses everything she thinks about such “defense of the city”, she will talk to us and offer to play along that you are a merchant, with big amount goods.

The gate will open and Piper and I can go in. As soon as you enter the city, a new task will be added The plot of the century. At the same time, the marker for the “Pearl of the Commonwealth” task will disappear, they say look for information about Sean wherever you want.

What to do go to the quest log (button [J]) and activate the quest “Plot of the Century” (just click on it with the mouse). The marker will point to Piper's house we look for it and go in.

Once in her house, the girl Nat will immediately speak to us. She will talk about a certain institute that kidnaps people, and then ask what we are doing here. We answer directly: we are looking for our son. She will answer that they are not looking for anyone here. We say that this is important (or something like that, the answer will be highlighted in yellow), and she will say that there is one detective who can help.

Here we have a new lead on the main task. We go into the magazine and turn off the “Plot of the Century” task from the active ones so as not to distract.

Now, the task marker points to the detective's house - let's go there.

In the house we talk with Ellie Perkins, she will say that the detective agency is closed, we again say that this is very important for us (will be highlighted in yellow), after which she apologizes and explains the situation the detective has disappeared. We say that we will help him find him.

This concludes the mission “Pearl of the Commonwealth”, and a new one begins “Valentine’s Day”

Valentine's day

We go in search of a detective. To do this, we leave the city and run in the direction of the sign; on the spot we will see the following entrance:

Let's go inside. Inside you will have to kill a lot of gangsters and run a lot.

At this point we jump down, carefully:

We explore the location until we meet the prisoner - this is the detective:

There will be a terminal just to the right of the door. To open the door you will need to hack it, read more about how to do this on the terminal hacking page. It is worth adding that hacking terminals is the most difficult part of the gameplay for most players. Therefore, immediately tune in to 5 or more minutes of fiddling with the terminal, and a long search of attempts.

After successful hacking, a menu will appear through which we open the door and talk to the detective.

And the detective turned out to be a robot...

Now we need to get out. Just follow the detective and kill the gangsters who get in your way.

At the end there will be an episode with the gang leader and his girlfriend:

During the dialogue, I told Darla that she should go home - to which she agreed and left. Goon Malone is angry, but gives us 10 seconds to get out. You can leave, or you can kill him.

After we go to the surface, the detective will ask why we risked it for him we talk about the search for our son. He will offer to meet in his office.

This concludes the “Valentine’s Day” task, and a new “Revelation” begins.


We return to Diamond City and go to the detective agency.

Valentine will offer to sit down and tell us everything connected with the disappearance of his son. We sit down and talk.

Most importantly, do not forget to mention that the kidnapper was bald and had a scar across his left eye; based on the description, Valentine will immediately say that it is most likely Kellogg. And he just had a house in Diamond City. Let's go there (just follow Valentine).

Having reached his house, it turns out that the lock is of a very complex level, and it will not be possible to break it (unless you are a burglary master). You need a key, and you can only get it from the city mayor. Let's go to him.

Having reached the mer (you will need to take the elevator), there will be several options to get the key, and if the mer cannot be persuaded in any way, we go to his secretary and try through her. I managed to bribe the secretary for 250 coins.

After a successful bribe, she will say that she was just about to forget the key on the table.

We go to her desk and take the key.

We return to the house, open the door, and explore it. You need to find a secret room and a device that opens it. The button is located under the table:

We go into the secret room and take cigars from the table:

Then, we talk to Valentine, he will offer to let the dog take the trail. We leave the house, the task will be completed, and Valentine will leave us at this point.

And immediately a new Reunion begins.


Let the dog smell cigarettes (just talk to it). Get ready for a long run after the dog.

Having reached a small lake, she stops:

You need to take a cigarette from the chair next to it and let it smell - it will pick up the trail again. Let's follow her.

Then there will be a third place where she will stop:

Pay attention to the bloody rag nearby take it again and let the dog smell it, it will continue to run.

The next place she stops, and again she needs to be given a new “goal”:

There is a passage on the left side, and in the right corner there will be a bed (highlighted as “Evidence. Inspect”), examine it, after which the dog will continue on its way.

Stops again:

There will be a cigar on the steel suitcase; take it and let the dog smell it again. She will continue on her way.

Then there will be a fifth, last place before ultimate goal. There will be a sign on the fence - we inspect it:

And after all this endless running, she leads us to Fort Hagen. It was here that the nit settled, killing our spouse. The nit is buried very deep, and in order to get to it you will need to sweat.

There are two entrances to Fort Hagen, one from the roof and the other from the basement. To enter the basement, go around the building to the left from the central entrance; if you want to climb through the roof, go around the building to the right from the central entrance; there will be a staircase to the roof.

Since there are turrets on the roof, and I really don’t like it when someone shoots at me from above, I chose the option of entering through the roof. Of course, you will have to kill all the turrets.

This is what the entrance to the roof looks like:

Inside you will have to kill several heaps of synths and turrets. We spend a long time clearing the building. There was so much loot there that I went outside several times and ran to the house to throw things away.

When you are already at the lower level, in this place:

Be sure to go into the passage on the right (the one with the red glow), there in the corner, next to the corpse, there will be a password for the terminal in a red box.

Well, we've reached our goal:

Before killing him talk to him. He will say that his son is at the Institute. No more interesting information he won’t tell you, and you can kill him (unfortunately, there are no particularly cruel methods of killing in the game, you will have to kill “the simple way,” although, of course, he deserved a long and painful death).

We kill him (be prepared for the fact that he can disappear), after which we remove the next password from the corpse and sit down at the terminal nearby. We automatically access it and find out Additional information about his son (however, the same thing that Kellogg told us).

Through the same terminal, we open the door nearby to get out faster, and return to Valentine, tell him everything that happened, and this will complete the task.

By the way, when you come to the surface from Fort Hagen a huge ship will fly in the sky, and the additional task “Wake Up” will begin.

Fallout 4 is undoubtedly an amazing game with a huge game world, many quests and opportunities, so it is incredibly difficult to describe its passage in one go. We decided to post it in parts, so don’t be upset if you couldn’t find the task you need today – it’s quite possible that we’ll have it tomorrow.


Walkthrough of Fallout 4 begins with choosing a character. Despite rumors that in the fourth part we will not be able to play as a female hero, this opportunity was nevertheless implemented in the game. The face editor has noticeably changed since the days of Fallout: New Vegas, and therefore we will finally be able to create a truly beautiful shelter dweller. However, you can get by with standard face settings (they look, by the way, quite beautiful).

Having played enough with the editor, we go to the kitchen, where the robot butler will be waiting for us. Let us remind you that in the fourth part of the series main character remembers very well what the world was like before the start of nuclear war. “How did he manage to wait 200 years,” you ask. We'll talk about this a little later.

We listen to a short monologue of the robot, and then go to inspect our house. Unfortunately, we can’t take anything with us, so we’re just looking at how people lived in an alternative 2077. In a couple of minutes, a Vault-Tec employee will be knocking on your door. You must listen to his proposal regarding placing your family in one of the company’s Shelters. You can ask the employee about this place or immediately move on to agreeing on all the details. In this case, a Vault-Tec employee will ask you to provide some information about yourself. A special menu will open in which you can select the main characteristics of your character. After distributing the parameters, we see off the annoying clerk and go to our child.

After some time, breaking news will be shown on TV, in which the US President informs all residents that Chinese nuclear warheads will fall on the country very soon. You need to immediately gather your family and go to the Vault-Tec Vault. Being near a life-saving bomb shelter, you will see an atomic bomb explode not far from you.

After a certain period of time we wake up. We study the surrounding space, and then pick up the guard's baton. You can browse some computers, which provide interesting information about the Vault. We kill radroaches indoors. In one of the rooms on the table there will be a 10 mm pistol and a pack of stimulants. At the entrance to the bunker you should pick up the Pip-Boy. Next, open the door and go out into the Wasteland. We look around the post-nuclear landscape and head towards our house.

Near the house we will be met by Mr. Helper, our robot butler. You can ask him about what exactly happened, but he still won’t be able to tell you any important information, so we continue to explore the city. Many homes will need to deal with radroaches. Having cleared the territory, we go to Concord. In the parking lot trucks you can find your first partner - a cute shepherd. There is also a small auto repair shop here, which can become our second home. True, first it will have to be cleared of mole rats. By the way, there is a small cave under the gas station.

In Concord, you should go to the Liberty Museum and kill all the raiders in it. After clearing, you should talk to Preston Gavri. In the same room there is a baby doll on the table. You should take it to enhance your perception.

Next we go down and try to open the locked door. This can be done using a master key or a computer, standing nearby. We take the nuclear battery, go upstairs and repair the power armor. Then you need to find a minigun in a crashed plane. We kill the remaining raiders using power armor and a machine gun, and also shoot the death claw. Then you can return to the museum and agree with Preston regarding the need to restore the Sanctuary.

Walkthrough for the Institute

Pearl of the Commonwealth

Near the entrance to Diamond City we meet a girl named Piper, who cannot get into the city. We talk with her, and then go to Diamond City. We find Mayor McDonagh and talk to him. Then we go to Piper’s house and again try to extract the information we need from her. The girl will tell us about detective Nick Valentine. But in the end it turns out that the detective has disappeared somewhere and no one has seen him for a long time.

Valentine's day

We go to Boston Common and go down to the station called Park Street. We kill all the bandits who captured the underground complex and go even further underground. At the very end of the complex there is a door to Vault 114. We open it and go down even lower. There we find a large hall leading directly to the basement. We go into it and find ourselves in another spacious room.

We fight with Dino and go further down. Next, you need to hack the computer terminal and free the locked detective. There is a baby doll on the table in the cell. We take it to increase eloquence. We talk with Nick, and then we go with him to the exit from the shelter. When you rise to the surface, you will meet the head of the bandits. You can either kill Darla or convince her to return to her home. We talk with the detective again, and then we go with him to his office.


Nick will invite us to sit at the table. We tell him everything we know, and then we go with him to the person who is suspected of committing a crime.

Neither we nor the detective will be able to break into the door leading to Kellogg's house, and therefore we will need the appropriate key. We go to the city hall, go up to top floor on the elevator, and then we talk with Geneva. You can bribe her or simply convince her. We get the key and return to Kellogg's house.

It is worth inspecting all the rooms in the house. Under the table on the 1st floor there is a red button that opens the door to a secret room. We follow our dog, who was able to pick up the scent.


Your dog will lead you to a small river where you can find the clue you need. Let's move along railway and detect the transition. Here you can find rags covered in blood, which the shepherd will definitely point out.

We go even further and find ourselves in small room with a basement. But we don’t find anything here either. Get ready to fight some ghouls. We discover a defective Stormtrooper, and then move on. Again we select bloody rags that will hang directly on the fence. Then we get to Fort Hagen.

We move left to the place where the dog points. We go down and find ourselves in a car park. Then we go into the door, above which hangs a sign that says Exit. Inside you will find a lot of synthetics. Not far from one of the tables there is a safe located right in the floor. You can try to open it.

Next we go to the room in which the synthetics have barricaded themselves. We go inside and get into the elevator. We leave it and go forward, gradually descending underground. Kellogg's voice will be heard in the distance. We continue to move forward. To get into the arsenal you will need a password, located in a red box, which is located in one of the right branches of the corridor.

In the arsenal you can find many useful items and weapons. We go even further and find Kellogg, who agrees to talk with us. You can find out from him that Sean grew up a long time ago and currently works at the Institute. We kill Kellogg and get a password, good armor and a pistol from him. We examine the room and find a computer. You can find a lot of interesting information in it. We go back to the city and talk with the detective.

Dangerous thoughts

We go to the meeting place with Dr. Amari. We go to Good Neighborhood and solve the problem with the boorish young man at the entrance. Once in the house of memories, we find a staircase leading down. We watch a short cut-scene, and then go into the capsule.

We walk along the chains of our memories, watch short cut scenes and listen carefully to the dialogues. This will help you understand the plot better. Then we talk with the doctor and detective.

Glowing Sea

We buy medical supplies that can reduce the negative effect of radiation, put on power armor and quickly pass through a huge field with high radiation. You need to run down to the left corner of the map. We rise to a hill and find a small locality called Crater of the Atom.

We talk with the young girl, and then move on to find the Rocky Cave. Along the way there will be a dialogue with Virgil.


We need to go to the Ruins of the Institute. In your hand-held mini-computer “Pip-Boy” you need to find the hunter’s signal in the section with the radio. We are moving towards improving the signal. After some time we discover large building green (will be marked on the map as Greentek Genetics). We go inside the building.

We turn immediately right, find the stairs and go up to the next floor. We go further along the corridor and kill all the shooters. We pass further and find another staircase leading upstairs. There we find an elevator and get into it. We use it to get to the very top of the building. We talk with Z2, and then we enter into a fight with the hunter. He can turn invisible and heal himself, so it is advisable to kill him quickly. Then we take the required chip from his corpse. Before leaving the building, you can save the synthetic girl K1-98. The password needed to save her can be easily found opposite the terminal in a red box lying under the stairs.

Molecular level

We give the chip taken from the hunter's corpse to Dr. Amari. Next we find the building of the Old Northern Church, located not far from Good Neighborhood on a hill.

We go inside and walk down the stairs. In the underground complex we find the Ring button, the path of freedom. You need to twist the ring, using the red arrow to select the letters on the wall. Enter the following word: RAILROAD. We talk with the residents of the underground town, and then give the chip to be analyzed. In return you will be given a code. Now you can go to Virgil.

It would be useful to talk with members of the Minutemen, the Underground and the Brotherhood of Steel. We go to Sanctuary and talk with Preston. He will give us a task, without completing which we will not be able to advance further in the plot.

First step

We begin to complete Preston's mission, while the Molecular Level will still hang in our journal in the section of uncompleted quests. We get to Tenpines Bluff and talk with a local resident. He will ask us to deal with the raiders attacking ordinary people, from the Corvega automobile manufacturing plant. We arrive there and kill all the raiders. We go back to the settlers and tell them that you managed to destroy all the bandits. Afterwards we talk with Preston again. He will give you another quest, but will look at the diagram without completing this task.

Molecular level - continued

After talking with Preston, we go to Sturges. To build a platform, you need to mine three units of wiring, ten units of aluminum and five units of steel, as well as gain access to electricity. All these materials are easily found on the territory of Sanctuary - just take apart all the trash you see. Then we build in suitable place the desired object and again we talk with Sturges.

We will need three more items: a repeater antenna, a console and an emitter. To build an antenna you need to get three units of copper, six units of textiles, three units of steel and three units of gold. The console will require three units of copper, two units of rubber, five units of steel and one biometric scanner. The emitter cannot be created without five units of copper, two units of rubber, ten units of steel, three units of wiring and one military electrical diagram. Sturges will point out on the map where you can find all these things. If you have problems with copper, we advise you to read our guide on building settlements.

Once at Medford Hospital, get ready to fight a lot of super mutants (many of them can explode). Here you can find a nuclear block and a biometric scanner. Then we go to the food warehouse, where you can find a military electrical circuit.

We go back and finish building the structure. We install the generators and connect all parts using a cable. We talk with Sturges, and then go up to the platform.

Closed institution

We wait for the end of Father’s monologue and go to the elevator. We look for Sean and talk with him. Afterwards we talk with the Father. Next, we go to the heads of research departments to get to know them better. They all work in various parts building. Then we go upstairs, find the central terminal and download the virus into it.


We talk with the Father and go look for the synthetic, who leads a gang of raiders. We discover the hunter, and then capture the main base. We send to the ships and kill all the raiders in the area. We climb onto the overturned cargo ship, look for the door and go inside the ship. We resolve the issue with Gabriel and return to the Father. We will be given our own room, where we should go after talking with “Dad”.

Battle of Bunker Hill

We talk with the Father again. Afterwards we go to the point indicated on the map and talk with the hunter. We decide to choose the side of the Institute. We destroy all the enemies at the entrance and go through the fence, walking along the roof of the blue bus.

Next we go to the basement, where we will be met by many enemies. We find a room with fugitive synthetics and turn on the reset codes. We go back to the Old Institute and talk with the Father, who is waiting for us at the top of the building.

New face of humanity

We go to the Institute and participate in the negotiations taking place there. Then we stay in the building and talk with the Father alone. New information will be revealed that we need to complete the main storyline, so listen carefully to the Father.

Mass Fusion

We find Ellie Fillmore and have a heart-to-heart talk with her. Then we go to the indicated point on the minimap using the teleport (for this we use the local elevator).

Note: If you teleport to Mass Fusion, you will automatically become an enemy of the Brotherhood of Steel faction. You won't be able to make friends with them again.

We find ourselves in the desired location and enter into battle with the paladins of the Brotherhood of Steel. We look for the terminal (the pass and key for the elevator can be found in the room located near the room with the terminal), and then we get from it information about where the beryllium impeller can be found.

We go into the elevator and take it down to the lower level. Here you will need to defeat several members of the Brotherhood. We find the switch that returns power to the elevator and turn it on. We get into the elevator again and go even lower. Next we look for the second lift.

As a result, we find ourselves in a location with a reactor. We make our way inside by opening the gateway by pressing the big red button. The reactor releases a huge amount of radiation, so we advise you to prepare in advance before going here. We go upstairs and select the “unlock reactor” option. We put it in our bag and run back. We destroy the huge robot guard and other enemies. We get out of the building and go to the Institute.


We talk with the Father again and go to the desired location. We kill everyone with a shooter and talk with Enrico in his home. Then we need to persuade Wallace to fulfill our request. You will have to speak through the door.


Once again we talk with the Father (he really loves to talk to us) and record the speech for the community on a voice recorder. We talk to Father again and go to Diamond City. We approach the radio station and place three mechanisms from left to right: a radio thing with buttons, a radio thing with disks, and a radio thing with tubes.

For the hundredth time we are talking with Father, who is currently in the room where the Institute’s reactor is located. We put the battery in the reactor, and then we launch it on the computer terminal. We talk with Father and take part in a meeting of the directorate. A choice will need to be made: improve the weapon being designed or increase the production of synths. We choose to increase the production of synthetics.

At the last line

You managed to get to the last quests of the main storyline of the game, in which the Institute will have to destroy its main enemies: the Brotherhood of Steel and the Underground. In this task you will need to deal with all members of the Underground.

In this quest you will be given one last chance to side with the Underground faction. To do this, you do not need to eliminate the entire organization, but talk with Desdemona, telling her that the Institute is going to destroy them all. She will answer that it is urgent to talk with Patriot. In this case, a branch for the Underground will begin. We will talk about it separately, but this walkthrough describes the storyline for the Institute.

Dealing with the Underground won't be difficult. We teleport to their headquarters and methodically destroy every member of this organization. Then we go back to the Institute and tell the Father that everything was done as he ordered.


Now we need to finally solve the problem with the Brotherhood of Steel. Destroying this faction will be much more difficult than the Underground.

We look for Dr. Lee and have a heart-to-heart talk with him. He will tell us how to destroy all members of the Brotherhood of Steel. The conversation will be long and tedious. In short, you have to do the following: destroy three reactors, and then reach a large robot called Liberty Prime. Near a huge combat vehicle, you will need to protect a synth who is hacking a robot. The latter will perceive the Brotherhood ship as the main enemy and destroy it.

So the basic plan is clear. Now you can go to the room with the teleport and go straight to the base of the hostile faction. We find reactors and blow them up. Above is a screenshot of this device.

Then you need to break through to Liberty Prime. Having reached the robot, we wait for a synth to approach us, who will begin hacking the combat vehicle. We need to protect him from hostile members of the Brotherhood.

Then we go down and run away from last place as far as possible, while not forgetting to look at the airship. Next, we will be teleported several hundred meters from the Brotherhood of Steel base and shown a powerful explosion. This will end the quest.

Family split

This is the last task of the main story of the game when playing as the Institute. We return to the research center and talk with Father.

He will tell us all the remaining secrets. In addition, it becomes clear that the Father will soon die. We talk to him in last time, and then watch the final video.

Walkthrough for the Underground

At the last line

As we said above, when completing this quest you will be able to choose the side of the Underground. To do this, you do not need to kill Desdemona, but tell her about the plans of the Institute. After this, she will say that we need to talk to Patriot.

Underground and undercover

We talk with engineer Tom and show him a holographic video sent by the Minutemen. Now you need to go to the institute and load this recording into the computer terminal. A window will appear in which you need to select the following command: “copy encrypted message.” After this, we read in the terminal the response sent to us by Patriot.

We send it indoors Maintenance and enter into dialogue with Liam. He will take us to the synth who is cleaning. You should talk to the synth, and then return to the underground headquarters. We talk with Desdemona again. We rewrite the information to the main computer terminal and communicate with PAM.

We begin to look for the password for Defender. First of all, we go to the Cambridge Polymer laboratory complex. We talk with Molly, the machine standing at the entrance to the laboratory, and take the research quest from her. She will decide to take us into the building. Once in the building, we go up to the second floor and get to the large hall, in which there will be a terminal with the password we need. You can get here from the third floor using a hole in the floor. In the terminal, select the command “request for password (archive)”. Now you can return to the subway and tell Desdemona about your success.

Next, you need to go to the institute and chat with Liam and Z1-14 there. We tell the first of them the password. We wait one day, and then we talk with the synth again. He will ask us to find the equipment he needs. You can also leave weapons in the box (an additional target).

We go into the tunnel and kill a small group of enemies. We send all the information received to Z1-14. He, in turn, will tell us that the Brotherhood of Steel is going to attack the underground. We go to Desdemona and warn her about the attack.

On the brink of war

When talking with Desdemona, it is unclear where the Brotherhood fighters will appear from. We repel the attack, and then talk with the girl again. We make our way through the sewer and destroy a group of soldiers in a spacious hall. We talk to Desdemona again, and then make our way to the police station.

We talk with Tom and learn a lot from him useful information. Next we begin the assault on the building. We rise to the very top of the structure and climb into the rotorcraft. We protect the transport while Tom prepares it to take off. Before departure we talk with the Deacon.

Red flash of rockets

Thanks to the rotorcraft, we quickly get to Prydwen. We put on the Brotherhood of Steel costume, climb inside the ship and go up to its deck. We get to the command center and go up the stairs again. You will need to place explosives here. Try to plant the bombs quietly. If you are discovered, you will have to fight your way out of the ship. We return back to the rotorcraft and fly away. In the subway we talk with Desdemona again.

Now we should go to the institute again and find the synth we need there. We enter into dialogue with him, and then destroy all the security in the room. We expect teleportation, and then we talk with Desdemona. We get to the reactor (it is not necessary to stop to fight with each enemy - you can just run to the desired point). Here you will meet many explorers and armed soldiers.

To open the door, we go upstairs and find the manager’s computer terminal (you will need to hack it) and turn off the doorway blocking system. We head to the reactor, destroying all the synths along the way. We place an explosive charge in the reactor, and then talk with Desdemona. As soon as the teleportation works, the synth Sean will approach us. We talk to him, and then we leave. Next, we talk with Tom and go up to the teleport. Now you need to turn on the detonator.

Walkthrough for the Brotherhood of Steel

In Fallout 4, the Brotherhood of Steel is one of the most powerful and influential factions, so it is not surprising that many players want to join this group. However, this is not as easy to do as it might seem at first glance.

The first step is to take on the main storyline task called “The First Step”, which is given by Preston. This will open up a new location for us - the Corvega Assembly Plant. The mission itself may not be completed. You just need to wander around the plant and look for a new radio signal on the military frequency AF95.

On this frequency we will hear a signal for help. We immediately go to the Cambridge police station, which will appear on your mini-map. Having arrived at the indicated point, we will see the paladin Dance, who will fight with several super mutants and ghouls. We help him deal with the monsters, and then talk with him.

Call to Arms

He will give us a new quest. The first step is to inspect the police station and collect everything useful items. Afterwards you need to chat with Dance again. He will say that he is looking for a wide-range transmitter and will ask us to help him in his search. We agree and follow him. Prepare to fight several enemies on your way to the location where the paladin believes the device is located.

This place will be ArcJet Systems. You will have to deal with a large number of opponents in the building. Don't worry if your hero is not yet ready for such shootouts - Paladin Dance can easily kill everyone on his own.

First, you need to repair the elevator and supply power to it. Next, you should wait until Dance has dealt with all the enemies. Then we get into the elevator and go up. There you need to kill a few more enemies. One of them will have the transmitter we need. We return to the elevator, which will take us to the surface.

We talk with Dance and take his reward - a good weapon called the Righteous Lord. He will also invite us to become a member of the Brotherhood of Steel.

Shadow of Steel

Having become a member of the Brotherhood, we again enter into dialogue with Dans, and then go to Prydwen. You don't have to complete his second mission. You need to get to the roof of the police building. The rotorcraft will be waiting for us there. While on Prydwen, we talk with Kels and listen to his last report.

We go inside the ship and find Elder Maxson. We will see him for the first time when he gives a speech to members of his faction. After the performance we chat with him for a short time. Then we find Dance again.

Business trip

One of the easiest quests in this toy. You just need to walk around the ship and find several proctors, as well as the knight captain. Talk to all of them, and then take the T-60 power armor. That's it, the mission is over.

Without mercy

We find Maxson and take the task from him. We fly to Fort Strong by air. Here we have to fire from heavy weapons at a dozen super mutants and their boss nicknamed the Beast.

Then the rotorcraft will land and we will have to finish off the remnants of the super mutants. We select all the useful things and go to the arsenal. We deal with all the enemies on the first floor, go into the elevator and go down to the lower tier of the building. Here you need to kill all the remaining mutants. After a short conversation with Dance, we go back to the rotorcraft and fly to the ship. We report to Maxson about the successful completion of the mission.

From the inside

Let's go to the Institute. There we should find Dr. Lee. You need to persuade the girl to come back (it’s not bad to have a high Charisma parameter). Afterwards we go back to the elder.


We go to Proctor Ingram. He needs to give him the recording that we managed to get from the Institute. This ends the quest.

Prime found

We follow Ingram, and then we receive the original recording from her. Afterwards you need to talk to the paladin Dance. We look for Dr. Lee and ask her to repair Liberty Prime. We report on Ingram's success.

Next we have to start building electromagnetic drives. First you will need to find strong magnets. However, if you used to constantly pick up all sorts of rubbish while walking through the wasteland, then you probably already have it in your inventory this item. Now we create four drives.

We communicate with Ingram and visit the location indicated by her. There we will find the scriptor Heylin. From him we will receive a special device with which we can search for bombs. It will be easier to get to the place we need from the Rocky Cave (at this stage of the game you have probably already been there).

Now you need to get to the Presscot Sentinel Site. If you are wearing power armor, then your character will most likely survive the jump down. We go through the tunnel filled with ghouls and find the vault. Here we will meet Brother Henry. We must persuade him to help us complete the mission. From it you can get the password to the computer terminal. Using the computer, we unlock the door and place the equipment we received earlier. After a short dialogue with Dance, we report to Ingram about the success of the operation. Next you need to launch Liberty Prime.

Blind betrayal

We go into the ship and talk with Maxson. He will tell us to talk to Proctor Quinlan to find out what happened to Dance. Then we follow Heylin and talk with her for a short time. She will tell you where you can find Dance. We visit outpost Bravo. Using the elevator we go down to its lower floors.

There we find Dance. We have a heart-to-heart talk with him, and then choose whether to kill the paladin or leave him alive. In any case, we will need to take his dog tag as proof of death. If you decide to spare Dance, then at the exit from the building you will need to talk to Maxson and persuade him to let the boy go.

Strategic Thinking

Kels will tell us interesting news, according to which we will need to deal with the Underground. We kill everyone in the basement and destroy several main targets. Doctor Carrington will meet us at the entrance. We kill him, destroy the door and go down to the first level.

Here we have to kill Desdemona, Deacon and Technician Tom. Next, you need to load the PAM decryption program into the computer terminal. Afterwards we talk with Kels again.

War booty

After a short conversation with Ingram, we go to Mass Fusion. We shoot at the enemies on the roof with a machine gun, and then jump down.

We climb inside the building and disassemble the synths into bolts. We find the terminal and try to find out where we can find the beryllium impeller (the ID and code can be found there). Using the elevator we get to the lower floors. We destroy a few more synths, jump down, and then go into the elevator again.

You can get into the compartment with the reactor through the passage located on the left. Inside, the radiation level is off the charts, so we advise you to stock up on antiradin. We take the beryllium impeller we need and leave the compartment. We destroy the guards and assist the Brotherhood in the battle with the synths (you don’t have to help). We go back to the airport and report to Ingram about the successful completion of the mission.

Ad Victoria

We install the beryllium impeller obtained earlier in our huge robot Liberty Prime and activate it. We follow the giant machine to the Institute and destroy all the synths along the way.

We get to the old institute and prevent the synths from harming the robot while it scans the area. We go to the institute after the robot carries out the descent.

Critical mass

We talk with Maxson, and then we go to the reactor. On the way we will meet scientists and synths. You don't have to fight them, but just run until the very end. Using the elevator located in the central hall, we go upstairs and find ourselves in the manager’s office. Here you need to hack the computer terminal and disable the locks. We destroy all the guards in the reactor compartment and place a nuclear charge. We report to Maxson and teleport from the Institute. We enter into dialogue first with Sean, and then with Ingram. Next, turn on the detonator and watch the final video.

This is where our walkthrough of Fallout 4 ends for now, but we will certainly tell you about the endings for other factions.

Together with the dog and Nick Valentine (depending on the choice made), you will try to find the person who took Sean. His name is Kellogg. This mission can be quite long, but along the way you can collect a lot of useful loot.

Follow the dog

In the first part of the task, players must simply follow the dog. Be careful and kill your enemies. Save as often as possible. If there is no marker on the dog, then you should pause and look for evidence somewhere nearby.

Searching for clues about Kellogg

The "follow the dog" goal will be interrupted several times. And every time he will stand in front of you new task– Gather evidence about Kellogg that indicates he was here and your dog is heading in the right direction. After you find the clue, you will again need to follow the dog. If she stops moving, then you will again need to find a new clue. Here are all the tips:

bloody bandage,
bloody bandage.

Remember that the dog will stop every time.

Find a dog

Ultimately, the dog will lead you to Fort Hagen. You will need to find an alternative route inside. The complex is surrounded by turrets. Acting secretly, destroy (disable) them.

Find a way inside Fort Hagen

While facing the buildings, move along them to the left and then go down the set of stairs. You will see an underground parking lot with two burnt out cars. After going down the stairs, you will find a room with a corpse in a chair. Move through the door into the next room and you will find yourself in Fort Hagen.

Find Hagen

When you enter Fort Hagen, you will find yourself in an entrance with several floors above you. You must clear all floors. In total there will be about one and a half dozen synthetics. Nick Valentine will definitely help. It is also necessary to disarm the turrets. Remember that the shots will definitely attract other synthetics from the floors above. Place mines in doorways or on stairs before firing a weapon. Synthetics will run and explode on them.

These are quite aggressive opponents, so it is best to constantly stay on the move. When everyone is dead, examine the floors and collect the loot. By the way, all the terminals that you cannot hack, Nick Valentine can hack. Just ask him about it.

When you're ready to move on, enter the elevator and go down several floors. You will find yourself in the basement of the bunker. In front of you will be a turret and several synthetics. Deal with everyone, go into the room where the turret was, and go down the stairs. A few more rooms with synthetics and you will find yourself in the command center of Fort Hagen.

The path is long. There will be turrets, synthetics and even Kellogg throughout. Step by step guide It's pointless here. In the boiler room you can find the password to the Fort Hagen armory. After you pass the wheelchair in the hallway, look for the stairs and the room on the side (the boiler room). Get your password. Go through the door, there will be an armory on the left side.

Fight Kellogg

When you find yourself in the oval office, Kellogg will tell you that synthetics are behind it. If you haven't visited the armory, do so now and then go through the next door.

Kill Kellogg

Talk to Kellogg. Molotov cocktails will help you in battle with him. Kellogg will be hiding behind tables, and throwing cocktails or grenades will The best way lure him out of there. Remember that when Kellogg scores a critical hit, he replenishes his health. Focus on the synthetics first, and then kill Kellogg and take his legendary gun. There are no other tricks here.

Find more information

Don't forget to take out the cybernetic brain amplifier from Kellogg. Pick up Kellogg's pistol. Step forward and take the password for the Kellogg terminal and the cybernetic brain amplifier. All this you can find on his corpse. Then go to Kellogg's terminal and read the notes. This way you will complete the task.

Discuss your findings with Nick

Just talk to Nick Valentine.

Discuss your findings with Piper

You need to return to Diamond City. Simply get out of Fort Hagen by entering the elevator marked as your target. You will find yourself on the roof and from there you can quickly move to the office. Piper will be inside him.

Dangerous thoughts

This dangerous mission will challenge players to study Kellogg's thoughts in order to find the entrance to the Institute. Dr. Amari will help with this.

Get part of Kellogg's brain

You have already completed this at the end of the previous quest. After Kellogg was killed, you searched the body and found part of his brain. Dr. Amari will need this device to begin his trials.

Talk to Dr. Amari

Talk to Dr. Amari and have Nick Valentine sit in the chair and try to access Kellogg's memories. This won't work. You will have to act together. Sit in the chair and Dr. Amari will automatically start the procedure.

Explore Kellogg's memories

This part of the mission may seem long, but not entirely difficult. You have to go from one memory to another, listening to what happens. You can study any subject in memory. Do this to explore Kellogg's personality. The last two memories are very important! In one of them, you will see Vault 111 opening. In the second flashback, Kellogg's apartment in Diamond City is shown, with Shawn sitting inside. Here you will find out how to get to the Institute. You can return to reality.

In the apartment, interact with the TV and return back to the office with Nick Valentine and Dr. Amari.

Dr. Amari

You should talk with Dr. Amari again, discussing everything that happened. This will begin the next task. You can also talk to Nick Valentine if you wish.

Glowing Sea

In this mission, players will have to track down Virgil, who managed to escape from the Institute. It's not that long, but full of problems mission.

Find Virgil on the Glowing Sea

Open your Pip-Boy and select the quest. The next place to visit is in the lower left corner of the map. If you have a place where you store your accumulated loot, then visit it. Gather all the medications you have. You must be well prepared to deal with radiation. You need about 10 each of Rad-X and RadAway. Take purified water and cooked meat with you.

When you're ready, move across the map to the location closest to the next checkpoint. Move to the indicated marker; Use medications as needed to reduce radiation levels. By the way, you will need to wear a suit with protection from it. When there is no radiation, use the first aid kit to restore your health.

Advice: Be sure to bring a shotgun and Molotov cocktails.

Move on, kill the radioactive scorpions, the legendary Deathclaw and several other opponents. Save as often as possible, using “quick save” using the F5 key. If you just fought, save. If 60 seconds have passed since the last save, then save again. Believe me, dying and going through all the stages again will not be fun.

Try to avoid all the creatures you notice. When you reach the indicated location, you will find several buildings. Soon you will come to a woman. Talk to her to get a new checkpoint. Using the pip-boy, open the map and find the control point you just received. Move towards it through the mountains. Run further without stopping. The legendary Death Claw awaits you ahead. And this monster is unrealistically strong and dangerous.

How to destroy the legendary Deathclaw

If you took Kate with you, then you are in luck, because she has a gun and loves to kill everything around her. Use a shotgun against the monster. Throw Molotov cocktails at him to deal enough damage from a distance. In battle, you will have to spend about ten stimulants and the same number of Molotov cocktails.

Advice: try to climb to the top of the cliff. The legendary Deathclaw is unlikely to be able to get there. This will allow you to attack him while remaining in a safe place.

When the battle is over, search the monster. Follow the marker into the cave. Disable the traps, destroy the turrets, and then move forward until you meet with Virgil. Talk to him and agree on mutual assistance. He will give you the next task, which must be completed.

Hunter and prey

You must tune into the radio frequency, kill the target and take the chip.

Go to C.I.T.

Use the pip-boy and move towards the goal. Fast travel will allow you to move to a location as close as possible. When you find yourself where you need to be, the task will be updated.

Use radio frequency to track target

Tune the radio on your Pip-Boy to pick up the target's signal. You must move around the map trying to track down your target. The stronger the signal, the closer the target. You must go to the genetic research building. Just enter the Greentech Genetics building.

Kill target

Here you can turn off the radio to get rid of the annoying signal. The fact is that the signal is no longer needed here, since the further segment is absolutely linear. Climb to the top of the building after going inside it. It's not that hard to find. Avoid traps, destroy turrets. It is best to go on a trip with a good companion. Let it be the same Kate. Continue to the top, collecting useful items in the rooms and from the corpses of opponents.

Boss fight

Without correct formula killing the enemy is not so easy. Take as many cryogenic grenades with you as you can. They will freeze your target, allowing you to use missiles or any other explosive items. You can also try cryogenic mines if you have them. Molotov cocktails and exploding grenades are not particularly effective. Use V.A.T.S. if possible.

Restore chip

Simply search the body of the defeated enemy, which must be done to complete the mission. Search the area. If you see a synthetic called K1-98, then talk to him.

Molecular level

This mission is not difficult in terms of battles. On the other hand, you will have to face problems, since crafting items will be needed.

Analyze chip

The first thing to do is go back and talk to Dr. Amari. Since you have already seen her, you should be able to quickly move to her office. Chat with Amari to complete the first task of the mission. She will advise you to find the Underground faction.

Find the Underground headquarters

If you have completed the quest called “The Path to Freedom”, you have already encountered the “Underground” before. If so, then use fast travel and talk to Tom Tinker. If the quest has not been completed, you can use the walkthrough guide above.

Examine the chip

When you complete the Path to Freedom quest, immediately go to the Underground headquarters. Talk to Tom Tinker. He will be able to analyze the chip that you worked so hard to obtain.

Return to Virgil

Leave the Underground headquarters through the church. When you find yourself outside again, immediately go to Virgil in his stone cave. Use radiation protection equipment. Go into the cave and talk to him.

Get help building an interceptor signal

Optionally. Talk to the Minutemen, Underground, or Brotherhood of Steel.

After talking to Virgil, leave his cave and use the Pip-Boy to move to the next objective. Next, you must decide who you want to get help from - the Underground, the Minutemen or the Brotherhood of Steel. In our walkthrough of the game "Fallout 4" the choice is oriented towards the Minutemen. Return to Preston Garvey and talk to him. Next you will need to talk with Sturges.

The scientist you should talk to depends on the faction you choose. In our case it was Sturges. If you chose the Minutemen, then our goals coincide. The rest of the guide describes how to construct an Interceptor in Sanctuary. The way you will do it is Will not change, even if you choose a different faction.

Build a reflector platform

After the conversation with Sturges, you will need to begin construction of the reflecting platform. It is important to do everything as described below, otherwise glitches may occur that will prevent the completion of the quest. When you're ready, create and place a reflective platform in the middle of Sanctuary's open space. Remember that you will need a lot of space.

In addition, problems may arise with finding the items necessary to create the platform. Either find the items or use up the caps to buy them from the traders.

Build an emitter

Find a printed circuit board at the military base.

After installing the reflective platform, build the emitter and make sure it fits onto the platform. They have to fit together like LEGO pieces, otherwise nothing will work. If you don't have printed circuit board, then move to the location indicated in your Pip-Boy's optional objective.

Build a relay

Search telecommunications to find a sensor module.

The relay should be installed as close as possible to the reflector and emitter, but there should be no connections between them. If you don't have a sensor module, use a pip-boy to find one.

Build console

Search the hospital and find the biometric scanner.

This is the fourth and final part of your interceptor. Install it next to the relay, but again do not connect it to anything. If you do not have a biometric scanner, then open your pip-boy and move along the map to the indicated location where the hospital is located.

Launch Interceptor

Three large generators should be enough to trigger the interceptor. You must have enough materials. This is where you might just get stuck. Therefore, further actions will be described in more detail.

Install a reflective platform.
Attach an emitter to it.
Install a relay nearby.
Create and install a console nearby.

Once everything is connected, it is time to apply power to the device. You need 27 units of energy, which can be provided by three large generators. Place three large generators next to each other. Follow the recommendations below exactly!

Use the wire to connect two of the three large generators together.
Place a large power pylon near the large generators.
Take the wire from one of the two large generators connected to each other and connect it to the pylon.
Connect the large pylon to the emitter using one wire.
Place the second large pylon next to the third large generator.
Run the wire from the third large generator to the second large pylon.
Connect the second large pylon and the console with a wire.
Connect the second large pylon and the relay with a wire.
Run the wire from the console to the emitter.
Finally, run another wire from the relay to the emitter.

Of course, there are other ways to connect generators to the interceptor. But a proven method is described above. If you are sure that all the wires are connected correctly, but nothing works, then start over.

Talk to (scientist of the selected faction)

After this, talk to Sturges (or another scientist, depending on the chosen faction).

Use signal interceptor

Let the scientist of your chosen faction know that you are ready to go to the institute, then stand on the reflective platform and just wait. Ultimately, you will find yourself at the Institute.

Closed institution

This quest will allow you to complete the final quest of the main story. Fallout lines 4. You will find out what happened to Sean, and also how the main story ended. You will have to meet with the division leaders, which is difficult only from a navigation and search point of view.

Enter the elevator

This goal will appear once you complete the Molecular Level mission. When you move to the Institute, collect everything you see. When you are ready, go forward and go inside the elevator. Be sure to make sure that the pip-boy is tracking this particular quest. Otherwise, the marker on the radar will not indicate what you need.

After taking the elevator, move along the corridor until you see another elevator. Go inside and press the button to go higher until you find yourself in a room with a small boy locked from the inside. Talk to him, after which you will be interrupted by the leader of the Institute, Father. You can fight him right away, but before you fight, it’s better to find out the truth. Perhaps he cannot be killed at all at this moment. So just talk about everything. Ask him what he wants.

Meet with Division leaders

This is a problem if you don't know where to look for them. Below is a list of people and places where they are located. Go to the location where you spoke with your father and find spiral staircase. Go down the stairs to the lower tier, where the elevator is.

Ellie Fillmore. You can meet the Chief Engineer in this open area, who can move from place to place. Just stay in the middle and wait for Fillmore to show up. If this quest is being tracked, there should be a marker on the radar overhead. Talk to her about everything.

Dr. Clayton Holdren. As you wander around the main square, you will be able to see signs for the various departments of the Institute. When you notice the sign for the Biological Research Department, go through the door and talk to Dr. Clayton Holdren. When you're done, return to the main square.

Justin Ayu. You can find this person in a place where synthetics are kept. Talk to him. When you're done, return to the main location with the elevator in the center.

Use the device

Find any terminal that you can access and then click on the button given at the bottom of the screen to download the hologram. Select a network scanner. By doing this, you will complete the final quest of the main storyline.

But that's not the end of the story. Now you must choose which faction you sympathize with and complete their quests. Ultimately, choosing one of the four factions will lead to the destruction of the others. We have prepared for you a list of all the quests that are necessary to achieve a certain ending.

A traditional article in which the plot and all the endings will be analyzed in detail. This time it will be . Before you start sinking lower and lower. Keep in mind that this article is one big spoiler. And if you haven’t completed the game, then this article will definitely spoil your impression of the Fallout 4 storyline. Although, again, everything depends on you, because maybe you specifically want to know how exactly the game will end. In any case, here you will find the most detailed description storyline and endings. Not understood plot? Didn't understand the essence of the game? Get down below!

Plot, company, denouement, description

So, the story begins from the moment when the most terrible tragedy occurs, around which the entire series is built - with a nuclear war. The nuclear war eventually destroyed almost the entire population of the planet, leaving behind only radioactive ruins and terrible mutants. The main character (or heroine), a couple of minutes before the whole war, is at home - in the suburbs of Boston, just a couple of moments before nuclear strike, fortunately, before this whole disaster, a representative of Vault-Tec came knocking on their door and enrolled them in an experimental government program.

At some point, the news starts on TV with not very good news. On TV they talk about nuclear war. Soon the alarm begins, and the whole family quickly runs to the nearby Vault 111. And literally (seriously) a couple of seconds before the approaching nuclear wave, people on a huge slab are lowered deep into this shelter. Soon, everyone who ended up in Vault 111 is urgently frozen in cryo-chambers, and deep sleep sets in.

It is important to note that in each shelter they conducted their own experiments; somewhere in the entire shelter they left, for example, one woman or man. Somewhere they soon forced everyone to walk around naked. Well, somewhere, they decided to freeze people for several tens, or even hundreds of years!

At some point, the main character (or again the heroine) thaws out and sees a heartbreaking picture in front of him: two unknown people, opened a cryo-chamber with a wife (or husband) and a child, after which they take the child, kill the wife, and freeze the main character again. Waking up much later (as much as 60 years), GG immediately goes in search of his missing son, Sean (while not realizing that 60 years have passed since the kidnapping of my son). Thus, getting out into freedom into the Wasteland.

As a result of a long search, the protagonist’s investigation leads to one mercenary (Kellogg), who again supposedly lived with a young boy in a local town on the surface, but soon simply disappeared. During the search, the GG finds the necessary “thread” and finds out the location of that same mercenary and learns that the son, Sean, is now, perhaps, in a certain “Institute”, where they produce synthetics and periodically kidnap ordinary people who live in the Wasteland. After the GG reads the memories of the murdered mercenary (Kellogg), he goes in search of a secret entrance inside this place (the Institute).

A little later, he learns that the “Institute” does not have an entrance inside from the outside and you can only get there using a teleporter, which reads the secret code and thereby moves you to the “Institute”. Finding out the code is not so easy - you need a synth, which is part of a synthetic secret organization. As soon as the GG finds such a person, he takes his beacon and, with the help of a former employee and, of course, the faction he has chosen (and it can be any - your choice), he teleports inside the “Institute”.

Upon arrival, GG finds something strange research institution, which long years was underground. And as it turns out, GG’s son, Sean, is at the head of this organization. Sean is now 60 years old and is now an old man, with gray oxen and peeling skin. What does the Institute do? Mainly scientific work: they create synthetics, weapons, try to grow organic matter and generally simply develop, regardless of the outside world and what is happening there. No matter what anyone says in the Wasteland, the goal of the “Institute” is noble - to restore humanity! Of course, using atomic energy and new discoveries in robotics.

But why was the child kidnapped? And why didn’t they capture the mother and father? Scientists (the same researchers) required pure DNA of an unborn child, not subject to mutations and radiation. It was this same child who turned out to be Sean, who was frozen along with his mother (or father). But the father (or mother) was not killed for the reason that he was the donor of this valuable material. That is why all these people were frozen. But when GG finds Sean, he reports that GG no longer has value and calmly releases him. Although this, again, is all for the sake of experimentation. Allegedly, will GG be able to find out the truth and, in general, what will happen to him after he ends up in the Wasteland and gets out of the safety of Vault 111?

After this, the storyline begins to diverge sharply. The ending and subsequent events depend only on whose side the main character (or heroine) chooses. There are several endings in the game. Each of them is correct in its own way.

Fallout 4 endings

Ending for "The Institute"

In this case, the GG joins the “Institute”. After Sean dies (he is also called “father” at the Institute), GG becomes the head of this place. With the help of the GG, the remaining groups are dealt heavy blows. The same “Brotherhood of Steel” is suffering huge losses. Soon the “warriors” who arrived in Boston were simply defeated. The “underground” (scientists who sought to give freedom to synths) is also subject to destruction (which, in general, is what is happening).

The rest, so to speak “free peoples,” remain to live where they lived. Using an enhanced beacon, the GG transmits a message to everyone in the Wasteland, the text of which is chosen only by the player, but the essence of which is something like this: “We are an institution that is engaged in the revival of humanity. We do not pose a threat to anyone, but if someone dares to disturb us, there will be consequences decision taken" And as mentioned above, GG becomes the main one in the research complex.

Ending for the Brotherhood of Steel

In this case, the GG joins the Brotherhood of Steel and goes to fight the Institute. Thus, GG becomes enemy number one for Sean, since he finds himself “on the other side of the barricades.” Together with the Brotherhood of Steel, the main character finds a way to get into the underground research complex in order to destroy everyone who is there. With the help of a huge robot (Liberty Prime), he creates a huge tunnel that allows him to enter the Institute bunker. After destroying the remaining synths, GG says goodbye to the dying Sean. The head of the “Brotherhood of Steel” gives the highest rank for the completed task and sends the GG further to build “ new world" As for the rest of the inhabitants of the Wasteland, no one else is taking part in this conflict.

Minutemen ending

After the Minutemen are victorious in capturing the "Castle" (which used to belong to the Minutemen who were at the peak of their power) with your help, of course. An open conflict with this group (synths vs minutemen) begins to increase. To prevent the threat, the Minutemen decide to strike at the very heart of the synths - the Institute. Soon they find a new secret entrance - the sewer. So, the main character (heroine) sneaks inside. Next, a portal is built and communication is established. With the help of the portal, fighters are delivered inside the “Institute” and the assault takes place. The main goal of the Minutemen: capture nuclear reactor and the capture of scientists' technology, which will be used for the benefit of the surviving people. As for scientists, they remain alive.

Ending for "Underground"

To achieve this end, the GG first needs to infiltrate the “Institute” and talk to a certain Patriot and a synth. Patriot is a scientist who helped a pair of synths escape. Together with him, you will have to organize an escape for all the synths, arm them and destroy the Institute along with the Brotherhood of Steel. Having done everything, the GG awaits the signal to begin the special operation. To do this, you will have to first complete all the tasks of “Father” (aka Sean), but with some amendments: you need to hard reset the synth raider, and drain the second hard reset. And when “Father” finally issues a task that involves an attack on the main base of the “Underground,” you need to protect the “Underground” from the attack of the “Brotherhood of Steel” and help them deal with them by destroying the airship. GG goes to the scene of hostilities and repels the attack of the Brotherhood of Steel. A counterattack begins: GG hijacks a rotorcraft with a technician, invades a huge airship, sets explosives and soon the airship explodes. Next, GG needs to put an end to the “Institute”. GG seizes the teleport, teleports the Underground employees to the scene of hostilities (in the Institute bunker), destroying everyone and together they plant explosives in the reactor. After planting the bomb, GG and the Underground employees leave the Institute using a teleport and blow up the Institute’s base. As a result, all hostile groups were dealt with, the synths were free, and the Minutemen lived and still live.

Additional Information

The employees of the Institute sought to revive humanity. This was their main goal, for the sake of which they carried out all the experiments and tried to isolate themselves from the rest.

The Brotherhood of Steel flew to Boston for only one thing - to destroy the Institute and seize their weapons. This was their main goal.

The main character (or heroine) was frozen in Vault 111 in order to conduct an experiment. Most likely, the Institute is also somehow involved in the Vault-Tec organization, so there is also a possibility that everything was planned in advance.

The father (or mother) is not killed for the reason that an order was given in advance that he should be kept alive for future experiments. People were frozen for a reason - they all had to serve to ensure that humanity was reborn. But there is nothing surprising here; one could immediately guess that people were locked in cryo-chambers for a reason, but for some purpose.

The Podzemka (Path of Freedom) organization sought to free synthetics. They considered them a reasonable race, which has and should have its own rights to life in society. In general, synths were intelligent in terms of consciousness.

Kellogg lived so many years because he was subjected to life extension experiments. Although the project was discontinued, experiments were carried out on it. The project was canceled for the reason that the longer Kellogg (aka the experimental subject) lived, the crazier he became (went crazy).

Although the order was given not to kill anyone, the wife (or husband) was killed. When the child was taken away, the researcher in overalls did not want to kill the girl, but apparently, the mercenary (Kellogg) violated the order and shot the girl (perhaps thereby demonstrating his madness even then, which again may have been why the project was closed for life extension).
