Energy efficient equipment. Energy efficiency of equipment. Concept development, equipment arrangement

Issue No. 30

New energy-efficient equipment for various types of elevators

Concern "RUSELPROM" has started industrial production new energy efficient equipment for conventional and high-speed elevators. Expanding its product line, the concern introduced to the market the first Russian gearless drive - an innovation that can reduce dependence on foreign manufacturers and help in the modernization of housing and communal services.

Equipment energy efficiency labeling

In addition to traditional directions energy saving, developed after energy crisis of the 1970s, in last years another direction has emerged - labeling energy efficiency equipment and products. The essence of labeling is that based on analysis and testing energy consumption in a group of products, each of them is assigned a specific index energy efficiency, recorded in the technical documentation. In addition, this index is applied to the product in the form of a colorful label.

Energy efficiency is at the forefront of the boiler

There is a very short summer in Russia, and the end of another heating season always acutely raises the problems of repair, modernization and renewal of the boiler plant equipment. Fuel becomes more expensive every year, so when designing and equipping a boiler room energy saving aspects inextricably linked with parameters energy efficiency basicequipment, are becoming increasingly important. Efficiency is nothing, technical specification is everything?

3D model of a biogas plant

Energy efficiency of company equipment

In countries EU energy saving equipment based on analysis and testing, one of the following is assigned 7 indexes energy efficiency With letter designations from A(most energy efficient class) up to G(most high level power consumption).

Energy efficient equipment for heat and water supply

Recently, not only large enterprises, but also private consumers are more interested than ever in reducing energy consumption, therefore, all technical innovations and rationalization ideas in this area are of great interest. At the specialized exhibition “Stroyexpo-2003” in the section “ Energy- and resource saving” more than 30 participating companies were represented. One of the represented companies, Triatherm LLC, held a seminar on the topic “Modern energy efficient equipment for heat and water supply.”

Energy from Waste (Philippines)

Energy-efficient equipment from Schneider Electric has been installed in the central heating points of Chelyabinsk

Use of modern energy efficient equipment from Schneider Electric in the central heating center is designed to significantly reduce the costs of city residents for thermal energy, increase the reliability of heat supply to the region and extend the life of energy systems. Thanks to the automation of all central heating centers, it is planned to minimize the human factor by ensuring centralized control of the system based on a single control room.

Read Energy efficient equipment in heating points

A chip has been created for portable equipment that saves energy

Thanks to the use of a new chip efficiency energy use can be increased by 10 times compared to solutions used today.

The hard way to save

Russian market climate systems aboundsenergy efficient equipment , but this does not compensate for the lag in business energy and resource saving. In 70% of cases, the customer, out of a desire to reduce capital costs, underestimates or misses an opportunity to save on energy saving . An integrated approach to building design based on the results energy saving several times higher than projects where one or more energy efficient engineering systems.

A new power plant has been created in the toilet

We have previously heard about the production energy from Wastewater, so to speak, about “toilets-power plants”, only at that time these were projects of bacterial fuel cells that generate current due to the decomposition of organic matter in such a flow.

Solar trees will illuminate European streets

The idea of ​​using accumulated solar energy for illuminating city streets is becoming increasingly popular. This became possible thanks to technological breakthroughs in several directions at once: effective Solar cells, compact and durable rechargeable batteries, and of course, LED light sources, characterized by very low energy consumption. We recently wrote about the American experience in this direction, today we will talk about the European project.

Companies using energy efficient equipment will pay less taxes

Enterprises that will purchase new energy efficient equipment, in the first year of its operation they will not pay property tax. The head of the Ministry of Economic Development, Elvira Nabiullina, announced this today at the innovation forum in Tomsk. She explained that the department will soon complete the development of the relevant bill.

Experience in implementing energy efficiency requirements for electrical equipment

Years of investment in capacity building in IEA member countries have provided most of them with a strong foundation for introducing minimum standards energy efficiency(MSEE) and mandatory energy labels that are the cornerstone of national strategies energy efficiency.

In Russian conditions, achieving the introduction of only energy-efficient equipment is not easy, since a private user cannot always save resources; this is not in his power. You can talk about saving resources with the owner of a private house, but only if the organization serving the village behaves correctly and decently.

If the costs of various energy losses in village networks are large, then the savings of an individual user may be too insignificant. In this case, organizational problems of network maintenance, problems of old networks and other similar insoluble utility issues will become much more important. In new urban-type settlements there are usually fewer utility problems; owners of private houses can be more free in choosing equipment. No one is more interested in the energy efficiency of their home than a private owner. The quality of the equipment and its service life is also a private choice, so a private owner can save energy resources without fear that all his savings may be negated by the need to replace a bad meter or a low-quality pump that the service organization installed.

The use of only high-quality and most durable energy-efficient equipment, it seems, should not raise any questions. However, such energy efficiency issues arise in places where there are plenty of other resource-saving opportunities. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate all losses due to normal aging of equipment. New homes do not have this problem, but not everyone can use the most energy-efficient equipment, since it costs more. The question arises of the return on investment in energy-efficient equipment. In some cases, houses are built for sale, so the most expensive and energy-efficient equipment is not always installed in them. On the contrary, they are looking for a way to supply the oldest and cheapest equipment that is supplied from abroad. Therefore, the number of people who can fully benefit technical progress, not that big. These are people who are building a “house for themselves” and want to operate it as cheaply as possible. To do this, they need to supply the most expensive and energy-efficient equipment and incur the highest one-time costs. The issue of choosing equipment and its necessary and sufficient functionality is very important here. Quality is very important construction work, quality and execution of engineering projects.

When choosing an energy-efficient gas condensing boiler, it is important to understand that all other resource saving opportunities have been exhausted. There are savings opportunities that most people don't even realize about. For example, the work optimization method may not be exhausted heating system due to uniform heat distribution. This situation, in which the heating system operates extremely unevenly, occurs quite often. In this case, even with thermostats, it is impossible to achieve desired temperature in the premises of the house. To correct this situation, it is necessary to set balancing valves. The valve regulates the volume of coolant that passes through each heating circuit or through each heating device. Direct resource savings when installing valves are up to 40%, while the use of a condensing gas boiler cannot provide savings of more than 35%. The procedure for setting up a heating system does not cost more than 1% of the total cost of the entire heating system at home.

Savings on balancing the system do not end there. The fact is that when balancing the system, all heating equipment (boiler, radiators and pipes with fittings) operate in better conditions, which affects their durability. However, it is necessary to strive to optimize costs and use the most modern equipment; this quickly pays off. "Smart", intelligent heating properties gas boiler allow you to adjust the gas flow in direct proportion to the heat demand. The boiler automation (AUTO function) maintains the water temperature in the heating circuit. The INFO TOP function makes it possible to control the operation of the boiler and its modes. The display shows all values ​​on the screen. COMFORT function reduces waiting time for arrival hot water into the faucet mixer. Water arrives in 5 seconds. A private homeowner can achieve such operating conditions for the equipment so that not a single calorie of heat is wasted. The use of battery thermostats can save 20% of energy resources in the heating system.

Savings occur due to the fact that individual temperatures are set in each room. There is no longer any need to open and close the windows to regulate the temperature in the rooms. Modern thermostats can set the temperature in the range of 6-26 degrees. For example, you can lower the temperature in rooms that are not in use or turn off the heating at night. Energy savings can be achieved through the use of energy-efficient pumps that operate in heating systems. Energy-efficient pumps provide savings of about 30% of all the electricity that is used to maintain the operation of the pumps in the individual heating system of the house.

Energy efficiency is the rational use of energy resources. In energy-efficient buildings, less electricity is consumed, but the level of energy supply to the building remains the same. If we compare this term with energy saving, then its difference will not be saving energy, but its efficient use, without harming consumers.

Energy-efficient devices can be located in every engineering system of a building and optimize its processes - heating, ventilation, electrical equipment, electric lighting and even energy supply; the main rule is to rationally consume and produce energy. The goal of energy efficient projects is to create a comfortable, optimized and automated environment for people in a building, energy saving and, of course, efficient energy consumption.

How to create an energy efficient project?

For effective use energy resources, different technologies are being introduced:

  • Traditional in Europe, not previously used in Russia;
  • The latest developments with positive experience in use.
  • etc.

Important components of an energy-efficient project are innovative and energy-saving technologies aimed at:

  • Optimization of ventilation and air conditioning systems;
  • Optimization of thermal performance of premises (increasing heating efficiency) - as well as a set of measures that may be associated with other aspects of engineering;
  • Optimization of building power engineering systems
  • Optimization of low-current building systems
  • Optimization and automation of lighting - there are both local and scalable lighting control systems; in local systems, only a motion or presence sensor can be used without additional devices. In local solutions, for example in a bus system, a presence sensor will be a power supply, a controller, a motion recorder and even a light sensor, all of this will be in a single housing, but without the ability to dispatch processes. In scalable systems, sensors are only a part (end device), they are responsible for transmitting information on presence or movement, plus provide up-to-date information on illumination, and depending on this data, the controller makes decisions about turning on, dimming or turning off the lamps. Such systems are usually included in common system BMS buildings.

The most important factor in an energy efficient project is to not only optimize and automate all engineering systems separately, but also to create a unified multifunctional dispatch system for automatic and manual control building.

What is an energy efficiency passport?

An energy efficiency passport is a special document issued on the basis of a survey of engineering and energy systems building. In existing buildings, the purpose of obtaining it is to search possible ways saving energy to improve energy efficiency. In new buildings the passport is mandatory document to obtain permission to put the facility into operation. The passport contains information about:

  • the amount of energy resources consumed;
  • devices used for energy metering;
  • energy efficiency indicators of the building;
  • opportunities for more rational energy consumption;
  • measures necessary to increase the energy efficiency of the building.

Let us dwell in more detail on the use of energy-efficient devices in lighting systems

Energy efficient lighting in projects

A large share of the energy used by buildings is spent on lighting needs. Globally, 19% of energy resources used go to artificial lighting. Therefore, by using energy-efficient devices, you can achieve:

  • reducing lighting operating costs associated with their repair and replacement;
  • maintaining constant degree illumination and improving the quality of light flux;
  • reducing the percentage of injuries at the enterprise and increasing the efficiency of personnel;
  • reduction in energy consumption from 50 to 70%, and as a result, saving money;
  • improving the state of the environment (by consuming less, energy production is also reduced, and as a result, the amount of harmful emissions into the atmosphere is reduced);
  • increasing the service life of the lighting system, and with complex automation, full control over the system is added, which in turn allows you to see how much time a particular lighting device has left to work.

For comparative assessment traditional and energy efficient system lighting, we present the following economic calculations:

Using automated system in stock:

without lighting control with lighting control
power consumption 28.58 kW 28.58 kW
16 hours 4 hours
250 days (4000 hours) 250 days (1000 hours)
Expense per year 114,320 kW 28,580 kW
Cost 1 kW/h 4.5 rub* 4.5 rub*
RUB 514,440 RUB 128,610

When using an automated system in the office:

without lighting control with lighting control
power consumption 3.38 kW 3.38 kW
average daily lighting duration 10 o'clock 4 hours
duration of lighting per year 250 days (2500 hours) 250 days (1500 hours)
Expense per year 8450 kW 3380 kW
Cost 1 kW/h 4.5 rub* 4.5 rub*
Electricity costs per year RUB 38,025 RUB 15,210

*Price per 1 kW. — average value for 2015.

Annual costs in car parks for lighting consumption are 9.82 kW. and using traditional lighting systems are 387,104 rubles, and when installing an energy-efficient and automated lighting system they will be 129,034 rubles.

In hotels, with lighting consumption - 4.3 kW, without automation of lighting for the year you will need to pay 169,506 rubles, and when using a control system - 70,627 rubles.

Sequence of development of an energy-efficient lighting system design

The steps to improve the energy efficiency of a lighting system are:

Inspection of the facility, study of the lighting system.

At the first stage, in existing buildings, it is possible to seek help from specialized agencies on improving energy efficiency in general, if the question concerns only the lighting system, our specialists are always ready to go to the site and collect the necessary data for developing the project. In new buildings, energy-efficient equipment must be used at the design stage, so that at the construction stage all the necessary communications have already been laid, this significantly reduces the implementation time and quality of energy-efficient solutions, our specialists are always ready to help designers with the arrangement of equipment and complete technical support project, of any complexity.

Concept development, equipment arrangement.

At the second stage, according to the data obtained after inspecting the facility, the most energy-efficient rooms and rooms where automation can significantly save energy are selected. Next, work is carried out to develop the concept, which includes the selection of equipment for different types premises, placement of energy-saving equipment in the project, drawing connection diagrams and developing algorithms for equipment operation.

Calculation of energy efficiency for the project.

At the third stage, based on the data collected during the inspection of the facility and after choosing a concept with the arrangement of equipment, an energy efficiency calculation is created, which collects all the information on the current state of the lighting system, and the most important thing is in it detailed information to improve and optimize an existing or planned lighting system to improve the energy efficiency of a building.

Important!We help in developing such a project !

  1. Purchasing energy efficient equipment .
  2. Installation and configuration of equipment and its maintenance .
  3. Summing up the optimization and rationalization of the lighting system .

State support for energy efficient projects

In order to stimulate and implement energy efficiency projects, the state holds competitions for the best development in the field of optimizing energy costs. Implemented projects of energy-efficient premises take part in this competition, from which a winner is selected. The best applicants are awarded, and their experience becomes the property of all regions of Russia.

Energy efficient lighting is an issue of great importance. Globally, almost 20% of energy consumption comes from artificial lighting. By using innovative developments to improve the energy efficiency of a lighting system, savings of up to 70% of total lighting costs can be achieved.

Automation of the lighting system makes it possible V environment, by reducing consumption. Installing intelligent systems for monitoring and controlling lamps, as well as motion, presence and light sensors that control lighting depending on daylight, will save up to 70% of the funds allocated for energy consumption.

To our blog so as not to miss useful materials about lighting automation and energy efficiency.

Energy efficiency of equipment implies the use in production and in everyday life of devices that consume less energy resources to achieve performance indicators or even improve them compared to conventional equipment.

Increasing the energy efficiency of equipment in enterprises is an important and economically feasible, but so far little-used way to increase the profits and competitiveness of an enterprise. It can be confidently stated that increasing the energy efficiency of equipment will allow industries to more successfully overcome dependence on energy resources, not be afraid of unreliable energy supplies, compensate for rising prices and increased energy bills, and also reduce damage to the environment and health.

Why is the implementation of technologies that increase the energy efficiency of equipment, despite the obvious benefits, proceeding rather slowly? There are several reasons for this. First of all, conservatism. It takes some time before something new becomes fashionable and then habitual and obligatory. Another reason is the lack of awareness of the population in the field of energy efficiency of equipment. For example, unfounded claims about the dangers of fluorescent lamps force consumers to avoid purchasing them, although objectively there are no reasons for this. The next factor is price. It is of great importance, because, at first glance, the costs of new equipment are prohibitively high. But an economic calculation of investments in improving the energy efficiency of equipment has shown that the payback period, depending on the type of project, ranges from six months to six years, and this is a very good indicator when compared with investments in traditional enterprises. And this is completely natural, since with a constant increase in energy prices, thanks to the high energy efficiency of equipment, the period of financial return becomes shorter.

According to expert calculations, it turns out that increasing the energy efficiency of equipment in Russia by just 1% will ensure a significant increase in GDP. This can be explained, among other things, by the fact that the required costs for measures to improve the energy efficiency of equipment in the fuel and energy sector, industry and utilities are two times lower compared to capital investments in the construction of new facilities with traditional technologies. And if we take into account the amount of resources in the form of oil, coal and gas that will be required for an equivalent increase, the conclusion suggests itself: increased energy efficiency of equipment is the additional power needed by our growing economy. Power that will allow, while maintaining production volumes, due to rational use and savings to transfer the “extra” energy to another consumer.

Increasing the energy efficiency of equipment is not advertising slogans or dubious demands of environmentalists, but a commercial means that allows you to increase profitability and strengthen your financial position. In general, increasing the energy efficiency of enterprise equipment leads to:

 reducing energy costs;
 increasing the profitability of enterprises;
 increasing the quality of manufactured products;
 formation of a positive image of the company;
 increasing the competitiveness and capitalization of the company.

For every enterprise, settlement, and even for every building in the future, a program should be developed to increase the energy efficiency of equipment. And its step-by-step implementation will lead to rapid economic growth in our country, increased labor productivity and improved environmental conditions.

You need to save money not when purchasing engineering equipment, but when using it. Energy-saving systems, as a rule, are significantly more expensive, but over time they will definitely pay for themselves, and then some more. long years ensure conservation of resources and your funds.

How bigger house(or office), the higher the cost of maintaining it. That is why it is so important, when installing engineering systems, to pay attention not only to the quality and manufacturer, but also to the level of energy efficiency of the equipment.

Most successful in this European countries(affected by the high cost of utility bills). It is in Europe that passive houses have become widespread and are being actively implemented. energy efficient technologies.

Gradually, the topic of energy saving is becoming more and more popular in Russia. What equipment that reduces energy costs is on our market?

Even more energy efficient - ventilation units with air heat pumps , capable of not only providing air exchange, but also cooling or partially heating the air in the room.

Recently on sale mini heat pumps - duct heat exchangers with connection to a geothermal circuit for preheating or cooling supply air in the ventilation system.

The use of heat pumps in ventilation systems makes it possible to provide air conditioning at home with minimal energy consumption. But even among traditional air conditioners there are devices that save energy - these are inverter split systems . They have a compressor that changes the engine speed, and therefore the cooling power. Thanks to this technology, air conditioners not only more accurately maintain the set air temperature, but also reduce electricity consumption by an average of 30% compared to other models.

Energy saving heating:

Geothermal heat pumps They also allow you to spend a minimum of energy when heating your home. They provide optimal temperature indoor air, are used to provide hot water supply in the water supply system. However, for the climatic conditions of the Ural region, the use of such devices as the only source of heating is not always justified. Heat pumps, as a rule, are installed together with boilers.

Among gas boilers, they have high energy-saving properties condensing boilers . And among solid fuels - pyrolysis. Thanks to the special method of fuel combustion in such boilers, efficiency increases several times, and energy consumption is reduced.

If temporary heating is required, for example, in the off-season, then it is better to choose electric convectors , and those that can automatically turn off when the desired temperature is reached.

However, LEDs have their drawbacks, for example, they are very difficult to dim. Therefore, in some cases it is worth using energy-saving fluorescent lamps.

Alternative energy sources:

In addition to the heat pumps that we talked about above, there are others: wind generators, solar panels.
Alternative energy can be used for home heating, water heating, lighting, etc.

However, for the Urals the use of wind generators and solar panels justified only when used in conjunction with other equipment.

Automation systems as an energy saving tool:

Smart House allows you to reduce costs for heating, ventilation, air conditioning, lighting, and other life support and comfort subsystems, even if engineering equipment does not have high energy-saving properties.

Specialists of the Terkont group of companies are ready to offer the most modern, high-quality, energy-saving equipment that ensures minimum costs for the maintenance of a home or office. You can order the design and installation of turnkey engineering systems from our sales offices in Yekaterinburg or Chelyabinsk.
