Effective folk remedies for cockroaches: recipes, tips for use. How to get rid of cockroaches in an apartment forever: effective means of poisoning cockroaches, methods of control and prevention How can you poison cockroaches in an apartment

Behind long years coexistence, humanity has invented a large number of different methods and means of combating these household pests. Therefore, it is impossible to solve the question of how to poison cockroaches special labor. Poisoning them in an apartment is possible using:

  • special professional services.

Use of chemicals

You can get rid of cockroaches in your apartment using effective drugs insecticidal groups, which are produced in various modifications. The line of toxic substances includes sprays, aerosols, traps, powders, and aerosols.

Liquid products

The leaders in efficiency and frequency of use are liquid toxic substances, which must be diluted to the desired consistency and treated with sprayers or atomizers. Consumers prefer these brands:

  • . This product is universal and is used not only to kill cockroaches, but also other pests. The main substance in its composition is chlorpyrifos. The liquid is odorless and safe for humans and animals. It is still valid for six months after its use. The price of a 100 mm bottle is around 800 rubles.

    Alexander, Moscow

  • Medilis Cyper. The active ingredient is cypermethrin. The domestic drug fights against a huge number of cockroaches and also destroys their larvae. This product is classified as a moderately toxic poison, so it is prohibited for use in medical and children's organizations. It is economical; one bottle is enough to treat a room with an area of ​​about 100 sq.m.


Funds in the form are becoming increasingly popular among the population. They are odorless and not dangerous to humans and pets. When using the substance, apartment residents do not need to leave the apartment. The big advantage of helium poisons is the ease of handling them at home. Using a syringe, the drug is applied dropwise to any surface, including places where cockroaches have settled. The composition contains a special bait that attracts Prussians. Once in the pest's body, the poison does not immediately kill the individual, but contributes to the infection of other relatives. One pest can poison up to fifty insects. Very popular in this line of drugs are:

  • . This is a German-made gel. The product fights cockroaches quite effectively. You can destroy more than five hundred individuals in an apartment or other room with one drop. The high price is an excuse for quality and speed modern drug. A year ago, the manufacturer changed the name of this product. Now it sounds like ExilSchabenPaste Gel. It comes in a tube containing 75 g. means and its cost is approximately 280 rubles.

    Important! You should be careful when buying this product. The Global and Global drugs available on the market have nothing in common with the original.

  • MaxForce. This is ultragel - a drug from French manufacturers. It appeared in Russia recently, but has already gained great popularity. The product is professional and is used to kill ants and cockroaches. It is recommended for use in medical, children's organizations and institutions Catering. From the moment of its use, it remains valid for another 60 calendar days. The package contains a 20-gram syringe in the form of a tube.
  • . The product in the form of a gel allows you to solve the problem of poisoning cockroaches, which have a strong immunity to many drugs. It contains two insecticides - diazinon and cypermethrin, which eliminates the addictive effect. The smell of the gel is so attractive to pests that they eat it better than leftover food. After two weeks of using Fas gel, the cockroaches disappear completely.

    Irina, Samara

  • . It is also possible to poison cockroaches using this substance, which is one of the most popular products on the market. It can be applied to any surface. It has a damaging effect on pests. It is recommended to repeat the etching procedure, but not earlier than one to one and a half months after the first use. Within a week, you can kill all the cockroaches living in the room.
  • . Effective drug, sold in gel form. It ensures the death of insects three days after they are infected. It is applied with a dotted line in the places where they live. Treatment should be repeated approximately 3 weeks after initial use.
  • Paste-gel Sturm. The product is one of the best. With its help you can finally get rid of cockroaches. It is safe for people and animals, eliminates the effect of addiction to the insecticide due to the use of two toxic components. A tangible positive result will be noticeable after a short period of time.


Aerosol preparations are inferior in their effectiveness to the substances described above. They are characterized by high performance. It is recommended to close the room after treatment for several hours. If the degree of infestation of a house or apartment is high, then aerosols will not be able to cope with pests. The special nozzles that the packages are equipped with allow you to treat the most secluded places with poison. Working with aerosols requires the use individual funds protection. It is necessary to remove all strangers from the premises, including animals. How to poison cockroaches in an apartment using these drugs is described in detail in the attached instructions. Consumers prefer the following products:

Aerosols are popular and quite effective in controlling insects in apartments and houses.

Traditional methods

Most used folk medicine is also bait made on its basis. The main fillers are eggs, potatoes, starch, vegetable oil and other products that can neutralize the smell of the strongest poison, which is the powder.

People very often use strong-smelling essential oils and liquids, such as, to treat apartments. Cockroaches have a well-developed sense of smell, and strong odors capable of depriving them of the ability to navigate in space. As a result, they will not be able to find food and water. How effective these means are can be seen in practice.

Professional room cleaning

If all attempts to independently cope with cockroaches in houses and apartments have not been successful, insects multiply catastrophically, then it’s time. You should immediately find out from exterminators what professionals use to poison cockroaches.

When processing apartments, service workers use effective professional product Sinuzan or others. It leaves no chance for insects to survive. The drug is toxic to humans, so processing is carried out in protective equipment. The concentrated substance is brought to a working solution and then sprayed into the apartment by a professional. After several hours and the event was carried out correctly, not a single live cockroach remains in the room.

The variety of means and methods that can be used to combat insects in an apartment allows you to choose the preferred option. You can find out how much it costs to poison cockroaches in Moscow or other regions using your own calculations or find out from exterminators.

“The cockroaches appeared unexpectedly. Since there was no experience in dealing with them, we turned to professionals. Apartment of the results of the work. Yes, it’s more expensive than conventional means, but it’s definitely faster and more reliable!”

Ekaterina, Moscow

Cockroaches not only look disgusting, but also cause significant harm: they spoil food, chew paper and clothing made from natural fabrics, and carry dangerous infections. Moreover, these insects are very tenacious and prolific, so getting rid of them is difficult not only traditional methods, but also specially developed toxic insecticides (poisons). True, if you approach the problem of removing cockroaches comprehensively, then victory can only be won through safe means– tested for own experience. Next we will share this knowledge.

Meanwhile, there are time-tested, cheap and safe solutions to get rid of cockroaches using folk remedies. Of course, destroying pests using self-prepared mixtures will take quite a long time, but you don’t have to worry about someone getting sick from inhaling harmful fumes.

Folk remedies for fighting cockroaches

All homemade products can be divided into two categories:

  • traps;
  • poison baits.

If you use only one category, then the fight against insects can drag on for many months. To remove cockroaches as quickly as possible, simultaneously set traps, lay out baits and be sure to use cockroach repellents. Also don't forget about cleanliness.

Creating unfavorable conditions for cockroaches

It is much easier to prevent cockroaches from appearing in the house than to deal with nasty insects later. In order to avoid invasion, you need to take into account the habits of the pest:

  • cockroaches love darkness and warmth, feed on a variety of foods;
  • they urgently need water - it is easier for them to live for several days without food than to do without water;
  • in apartment buildings, “barbels” easily move between apartments along ventilation ducts, therefore, to completely get rid of cockroaches, the joint efforts of all residents of the house will be needed.

Cockroaches love dirt and clutter. Crumbs on the table, a full trash can, a mountain of dishes in the sink, a pile of stale linen in the bathroom - this is their native element. Therefore, to make insects feel uncomfortable, first point perfect order in the house. After eating, be sure to wipe the table to remove crumbs. Hide food in the refrigerator or airtight trays, keep bread in a closed bread bin. In the evenings, be sure to take out the trash, leaving the bin empty at night.

Ideal habitat for cockroaches in the kitchen

Deny pests access to water. Remember: a poisoned cockroach can recover after drinking water. Wash the dishes in the evening and wipe the sink dry. Cover the toilet with a lid. Wipe the bathtub and shower stall dry.

Cockroaches often enter the room through cracks in the floor, so carefully inspect the kitchen floor and seal all holes with cement or plaster. Cover the places where insects most often appear. thin layer baking soda.

Cover the ventilation ducts with grilles. If there are no metal bars at hand, and cockroaches are crawling from neighbors, then as a temporary measure vent You can cover it with a nylon stocking.

How to repel cockroaches

Cockroaches are quite sensitive to scents. They are repelled by strong odors:

  • ammonia. Wash the floors with an aqueous solution of ammonia (a tablespoon per bucket of water) - and cockroaches will not crawl into the apartment, and those that are already there will quickly scatter. If you notice a cockroach in your house, wipe it with this solution. kitchen furniture, and the back and wall of the refrigerator;
  • turpentine. Despite Strong smell, in small quantities turpentine smells much more pleasant than ammonia. If the parquet flooring in the rooms is not varnished, dilute the mastic with turpentine, rub the floor and ventilate the room thoroughly. The rooms will smell fresh, and cockroaches will not get in there. You can also rub baseboards in the kitchen with turpentine;
  • wormwood and bay leaf. Place a vase with dried wormwood or laurel branches in the kitchen;
  • fresh geranium. Pots of geraniums will decorate the windows and repel cockroaches (even moths do not like this smell). But it is better not to keep geranium in the bedroom, as the aroma of flowers can cause headaches.

The listed remedies only work for a short time, when the smell subsides, the insects return.

Cockroach traps

The two most common types of cockroach traps are:

Banks. Take several half-liter jars, pour a little beer on the bottom of each, and wipe the inside walls (about 3 cm from the neck) with vegetable oil. In the evening, place the jars in different corners of the kitchen. To make it easier for insects to climb into the trap, lean a piece against each jar. wooden slats or sticks. If there is no beer in the house, the drink can be replaced with a teaspoon of honey or mayonnaise. Even a mixture of a teaspoon of sugar with a pinch of vanillin will do.

At night, pests, attracted by the smell of bait, will crawl into the jar and will not be able to get out. All that remains is to clean the traps in the morning and install them again in the evening. Insects caught in jars should be thrown into the trash bin, tightly tied. plastic bag, otherwise they will spread out. To avoid clogging the drain, drowning cockroaches in the toilet is not recommended.

Sticky cardboards. Any cardboard is suitable for such traps, for example, packaging for tea, sweets, oatmeal. Cut out squares with a side of 10–15 cm. Glue the edges of the cardboard around the perimeter double-sided tape. In the middle of each square, place a teaspoon of mayonnaise, minced meat, sugar with vanilla or honey. Place the cardboards in the kitchen in the evening.

On their way to the bait, most cockroaches will stick to the tape. True, if there are too many of them, then the “especially lucky” ones will walk over the bodies of those stuck to them. To prevent those who are lucky from surviving, you can mix a little boric acid into the bait. In the morning, cardboard boxes with insects stuck to them should be thrown away, having previously been packed in plastic bags.

Homemade cockroach baits

To remove cockroaches using folk remedies, you will definitely need boric acid or borax (sodium salt of boric acid). These substances are harmless for people and warm-blooded animals (however, make sure that pets do not eat the bait), and for cockroaches they are a nerve poison.

A packet of boric acid (10 grams) is enough to kill 3,000 cockroaches. Of course, in practice it will not be possible to save the poison, so it is better to buy 10 sachets at once.

A cockroach poisoned with boric acid has its insides decomposed. Even if an insect simply touches the poison, a terrible itching will begin, and a little later paralysis will develop. A pest that stains its antennae or paws in boric acid usually returns to its native nest. All individuals that he touches with his antennae will also be poisoned.

Boric acid is a deadly poison for cockroaches and a substance safe for people and animals.

However, boric acid does not attract cockroaches. To poison pests, you need to add this substance to their favorite treats.

Bait recipes:

  • Dissolve a teaspoon of sugar or honey and 10 grams of boric acid in 50–60 ml of water. Place a plastic or metal lid from a jar in a dry sink and pour the resulting liquid into it. Another lid with poison can be placed in the washbasin. Thirsty cockroaches will surely crawl and drink the poisoned syrup;
  • knead the “dough” from the yolk of a boiled egg, a medium-sized boiled potato and 20 grams of boric acid. To make the mass more flexible, add a couple of drops vegetable oil. Make balls slightly larger than a pea from this mixture. Scatter the balls where cockroaches most often appear. The most convenient way is to place the balls on cardboards. Then during the day the bait can be hidden so that no one tramples it and pets do not accidentally eat it. Poisoned balls are also made from minced meat, fruit or mashed potatoes, regular dough sweetened with sugar or honey, or porridge with butter. Instead of balls, you can place small pieces of bread soaked in a concentrated solution of boric acid on cardboard. Every week make bait from other products;
  • mix borax and flour in equal quantities, add a little sugar. Pour this mixture onto cardboards and place them where cockroaches appear. You can also fill cracks in baseboards with powder;
  • prepare a liquid choux pastry, almost a paste: pour boiling water over 20 grams of flour. When the mass has cooled, add 20 grams of boric acid to it, then mix thoroughly. Then apply the composition with a brush to the kitchen baseboards and seal the cracks;
  • Sprinkle a thin layer of pyrethrum (chamomile flower powder) in the corners of the kitchen. This substance is toxic for cockroaches, but not for humans.

Don’t expect cockroaches to start dying en masse after the first day. Tune in for long " fighting" Mass death of pests will begin in about two to three weeks. But to replace the destroyed insects, young individuals will hatch from the eggs. So final victory is possible no earlier than in a few months.

An ancient folk remedy for domestic cockroaches

In the old days, cockroaches were dealt with simply by “freezing out” the house. This method can be tried where there is no steam heating, for example, in the country. Our ancestors noticed long ago that cockroaches cannot withstand frost and die at a temperature of -8°C. Therefore, in winter, when the temperature drops below -10°C, open all doors and windows for about 3-4 hours, creating a draft.

The method is quite effective, but it is not suitable for a city apartment or private house: there is a high risk of freezing and damage to the heating system pipes.

Nobody likes living with mustachioed pests, but the red brood will not rush to leave your apartment unless you take drastic measures. If cockroaches appear, how to get rid of them, what is the reason for their appearance? Before you start fighting, carefully study why your house is full of insects. Try to correct all the shortcomings, after which you can begin to free your home from crawling little enemies.

How to remove cockroaches from an apartment

Some tips on how to prevent insects from appearing:

  1. Do not store food in accessible places.
  2. Insects love humidity and breed in such conditions, so don’t be lazy to wipe down the spaces under the sink in the kitchen and bathroom.
  3. Clean bread bins and cabinets periodically to prevent the appearance of crumbs that pests love so much.
  4. Try to seal all the cracks, because... insects are infested not only by dirt, but also crawl from neighbors through ventilation and cracks in the floor.

If uninvited guests still appear, ignoring your tricks, then you will have to address the issue of how to get rid of cockroaches in the apartment. There are several types of insect control products:

  • folk methods using simple available reagents and products;
  • chemical traps, gels, powders, Velcro;
  • pest control companies.

Professional extermination of cockroaches in an apartment

The simplest, but far from it budget method to get rid of pests – use the services of pest control companies. A team of specialists, including a sanitary doctor, comes to your home. The team determines the size of the room, the degree of insect infestation, selects the optimal microcapsule preparation or concentrate and method of destruction. Often the company provides a guarantee, for the entire period of which you can order a free call back if necessary. There are 3 ways to poison cockroaches using companies:

  1. Cold fog (with the drug).
  2. Hot fog (similar).
  3. Installing a barrier (pests will not crawl in from neighbors).

Poison for cockroaches

Modern chemical industry helps to completely get rid of mustachioed “guests”. 1-2 applications are enough for the insects to completely disappear. You can choose an effective remedy for cockroaches in any convenient form of release:

  • Aerosol. They must be used directly in the pest zone. Popular brands are Raptor, Raid, Combat, Dust, Dichlorvos.
  • Traps. Small boxes are pasted or placed in all suspected habitats of cockroaches. Famous brands– Global, Clean House, Raptor, Combat.
  • Gels. The preparations have a specific odor that is attractive to barbels. Getting rid of cockroaches occurs by poisoning individual individuals and then entire populations. The gel will prove its effectiveness within a month. Popular manufacturers are Absolut, Brownie, Dohlox, Adamant, Rubit, Eurogard.
  • Pencils or powders. An economical option to start with when you don’t know what to poison cockroaches with. You should be careful with these products if you have a pet. Popular chemistry for fighting insects - Mashenka, Clean House, Titanic, Brownie.
  • Concentrates. They are sold in the form of powders and liquids already diluted in a jar. Spray in all secluded places and possible habitats of cockroaches. Famous brands - Extermin, Duplet, Agran, Solfisan.

Folk remedies for cockroaches in the apartment

The red-haired inhabitants of the apartment cannot stand the cold, so you can freeze them out by for a long time opening windows and doors. This method is not suitable if communication systems and household appliances do not have sufficient thermal insulation. What are cockroaches afraid of besides the cold? Various caustic substances and acids can have an insecticidal effect on pests. A person will not notice it in any way, and baits and sprinkles will become destructive for insects.

Boric acid for cockroaches

Over many years of unpleasant coexistence, people noticed positive influence boric acid to reduce the insect population in the house. To put it simply, the pests experience instant poisoning, which is transmitted through contact to the entire family in the nest. Insects experience severe itching, from which they die - this is how natural poison against cockroaches works. Boric acid does not affect the health of households and animals, but it quickly gets rid of pests.

Cockroach traps

Boric acid has a drawback - it evaporates quickly, so treatment against pests must be carried out regularly. You can use a more clever home method:

  1. Boil the egg and potato.
  2. Finely grind the ingredients in a blender.
  3. Add oil and boric acid to the mixture.
  4. Create small balls and dry them.
  5. Place the pellets throughout the kitchen.

You can mix sugar, flour and boric acid to form a dough, after which the traps are dried and laid out. How to fight cockroaches with borax? You can make a pest trap from the sodium salt of boric acid by adding powdered sugar, vanilla sugar and starch to 200 g of the substance. The mixture is diluted with water and a bait is formed.

We were faced with such a terrible problem as the appearance of cockroaches. These unpleasant insects appear suddenly and quickly, but getting rid of such uninvited guests is very difficult. We will tell you in this article how to get rid of cockroaches forever using folk remedies or chemical poisons.

Can cockroaches be useful?!

I would like to note that cockroaches, it turns out, are not our enemies at all, but, on the contrary, helpers! They are forced to eat up the remains of our food, saving us from appearing dangerous infections and bacteria caused by spoiled food. But the saddest thing is that, while helping to “clean up,” they themselves can be sources of various diseases. And in general, it’s not very pleasant when disgusting insects scurry around the house. Therefore, you are unlikely to find a person who would treat them with gratitude. Of course, with their appearance in the house, everyone thinks about how to get rid of domestic cockroaches.

What to do when they already exist?

There are a lot of ways to expel uninvited “guests”, ranging from modern chemical aerosols, gels, crayons, etc. to old grandmother’s recipes. In this article you will learn how to get rid of

First of all, put your house in order: carefully sweep or vacuum the floor, the joints between the sofa cushions, soft chairs. Then, with a good disinfectant, wash all problem areas in the apartment, Special attention devoting to the kitchen.

If you add ammonia to your cleaning product, you will make it even better - cockroaches cannot tolerate it.

It’s worth saying a few words about store products getting rid of cockroaches.

Let's go shopping

How to quickly get rid of cockroaches using chemicals? On the shelves of hardware stores there are a wide variety of gels, aerosols and others:

  • Traps. Plastic boxes with poison inside. They are attached with Velcro and poison cockroaches.
  • Gel. Apply with a syringe to areas where insects are most concentrated
  • Crayons. Similar to regular children's drawing crayons. They are used to treat baseboards, walls, and cracks.
  • Aerosols. Sprayed into problem areas apartments, especially in the kitchen and toilet.

But not everyone buys newfangled chemicals, because this is not at all the best way to get rid of cockroaches. After all, they all contain poison, which means they are harmful not only to these insects, but also to the person himself. Chemical vapors negatively affect our body, weakening the immune system and making it impossible to resist various infections. And if there are small children or animals in the house, then this method becomes completely dangerous. Babies crawling on the floor can accidentally put their fingers in their mouths and thereby get severe poisoning. But cats and dogs of small breeds face a completely sad fate: when washing, they lick their paws and fur, on which traces of toxic chemicals may remain. And then many of them die. In addition, such products have a sharp bad smell, which can cause allergies in sensitive people. In addition, many consumers note that cockroaches disappear only for a while, and then appear again, or there are simply fewer of them.

So, you have cockroaches. How to get rid of them without using any means of modern “chemistry”? And here there is only one solution left - to use something more gentle. For example, folk methods on how to get rid of cockroaches can help you.

Temperature effect

Cockroaches are terribly afraid of the cold. If the temperature in the room drops to 5 degrees, then the life of your insects will begin to be in danger. They will hide wherever possible and look for a warmer shelter. Of course, this method is not entirely suitable for apartments, because it threatens to rupture the fuel system pipes, but for dachas, houses with stove heating may well be used. Open all windows and doors and ventilate the room for several hours. Of course, the temperature outside should be minus. And the result will not be long in coming.

Homemade traps for cockroaches

For changing store traps, which use chemicals, may well come homemade. Only their principle of influence is completely different. You need to drop glue onto a strip of tape or regular cardboard, and next to it - drops of honey or jam as bait. It is worth placing such traps in places where cockroaches are most concentrated. They will come to the sweet bait, but they will not be destined to leave there; most likely, they will stick and will not be able to escape.

The trap can also be made in another way. To do this you will need a small glass jar, greased inside with oil. You need to put something edible in it; some people add beer. Then the uninvited guests will crawl inside for a treat, but thanks to the slippery oil they will not be able to crawl out. And if these methods don’t help, how to get rid of cockroaches? Effective method Still, there is, however, you will have to learn how to conduct experiments.

No water - no cockroaches

Everyone knows that these annoying insects can live for a very long time without food, but water is the source of life for them. What’s most amazing is that the liquid is even a poison neutralizer for them! If a cockroach has eaten poison but managed to wash it down thoroughly with water, then its chances of continuing to live are very high. By the way, if you stepped on him or slightly crushed him, he will also remain alive: one can only envy his body’s recovery ability! Therefore, when starting the fight with your mustachioed enemy, start by depriving him of his most valuable thing - water. Try to dry all wet corners of your home and wipe the sink with a cloth. Even if after this they do not completely disappear, they will certainly weaken, and it will be easier to defeat them using another method.

Boric acid to the rescue

Another favorite method of controlling cockroaches is the use of boric acid. This is also a kind of poison, but it is not harmful to human body. But for small pets it can be destructive, so you need to know the rules on how to get rid of

The crumbly powder of this acid is laid out around the apartment where there is the most moisture. After all, as you know, cockroaches will not live long without water.

The principle of the effect of boric acid is as follows: the insect eats this poison and cannot drink water. But the cockroach just won’t eat the powder - it’s not tasty, but mixed with food - it’s really okay. Therefore, acid is mixed with food according to various recipes. Most often, ingredients such as an egg, boiled potatoes, boric acid and a little oil are useful for preparing poison.

Mash all these ingredients with a fork and mix into a thick porridge. The egg will hold the mass together, and the potatoes and butter will be a tasty bait. Now you should roll small balls from this dough and scatter them where your uninvited “friends” most often like to be. When a cockroach smells food, it will come at it. As soon as the insects eat this mixture, they will begin to die one by one. The rest will not live where their brothers die, and will quickly run away.

Now you already know how to get rid of it, but this is not the entire list of methods.

Strong smells are not for them

One of distinctive features Our baleen insects are guided in space by smell. But if you deceive them and interrupt the usual aroma by which they find food and water, then they will have no choice but to leave your home and look for something more suitable. Such a remedy can be an essential oil.

These oils are obtained from many plants. Now we’ll tell you in more detail how to get rid of cockroaches. Funds from essential oils Apply with a cotton swab, and to treat a large surface they are added to water. First of all, lubricate those areas where cockroaches like to be most often. They are usually localized near water.

Treat the bathroom, pipes, and faucets most intensively. On those areas that cannot be lubricated, place a swab or cloth soaked in clean oil.

Don't forget about the trash can - it contains the largest accumulation of food scraps.

But this method is good for those who do not react to the strong odors of essential oils. In large quantities, they can negatively affect your well-being, causing headaches.

How to quickly get rid of cockroaches using borax

Every remedy for annoying mustachioed insects has its own negative sides. Everything that can be harmful to a child. Therefore, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons before using anything. Another good way to get rid of cockroaches using folk remedies is borax. This is also a powder with which a poisonous “menu” is prepared.

You will need a small amount of powdered sugar or granulated sugar, vanillin and starch. All this is mixed to a thick mass, divided into pieces and laid out in places favored by cockroaches. Vanillin perfectly attracts the attention of mustaches to the poisoned bait. This method is very similar to the boric acid method, and borax can also be added to egg and potato mash.

Try to thoroughly clean the toilet and kitchen. Place the resulting lumps everywhere: between cabinets, under the sink, near the trash can. The more poisonous treats cockroaches taste, the higher the chances of getting rid of them forever.

Tell the cockroaches "No!"

We have described many universal poisons and how to get rid of cockroaches. Reviews from those who have used these methods are mostly positive. Of course, traditional methods may not be as effective as store-bought chemicals, but their main advantage is their relative safety for humans. Don't panic if you see cockroaches in your home. There are no invincibles! Being savvy, you will cope with this trouble in as soon as possible, knowing how to get rid of cockroaches using folk remedies.

No matter how much humanity tries to fight cockroaches, the latter seem to be waging a desperate war on the counter, constantly multiplying with high speed and developing immunity to aggressive chemicals.

When cockroaches appear in a house, it is akin to a real disaster, therefore, the sooner the insects are discovered, the sooner the process of exterminating them begins, the greater the chances of getting rid of red or black uninvited guests in the apartment.

Cockroaches are unpretentious insects, and for them it makes no difference where to settle - in a dirty apartment or in a perfectly clean one. The more reasonable the question becomes, where and why did they come from, if the house is always in order? However, the ways in which longhorned beetles enter a house can be different:

  • from neighbors who already have too many cockroaches (through garbage chutes, pipes, cracks in walls, ceilings or floors, ventilation, etc.);
  • from the same neighbors if they have recently poisoned these insects;
  • with goods brought from shops and especially markets (furniture, clothes, Appliances etc.);
  • with your own things from hotels;
  • from purchased items that were used by other people from their apartment, infested with cockroaches, etc.

The reasons can be any, and unsanitary conditions may have nothing to do with it, but if cockroaches have already appeared, the questions of “where and why” fade into the background in importance. The main thing now is to quickly decide how to get rid of uninvited mustachioed guests and who should poison the cockroaches (the owners of the living quarters themselves or the SES).

How to fight (without chemicals)

There are a lot of methods to combat cockroaches today. Store shelves are replete with a variety of products that promise to get rid of barbels once and for all and, supposedly, with absolutely no danger to the health of humans and pets. This may be true, but we should not discount a special category of people for whom exposure to chemicals is especially harmful. This group includes allergy sufferers, pregnant women and children. And pets will obviously not improve their health after such treatment of the apartment.

If the house is clean, but water and food are always available for cockroaches, they will not leave this room. But as soon as it becomes impossible to get food and drink, the cockroaches will not last long here. However, it is not worth considering establishing and maintaining order as a measure of exterminating cockroaches, because due to the special vitality of these barbels, it will take time for them to leave the premises, during which they will have time to breed to an even greater extent.

If there are pregnant women, children, people with allergies or pets in the house, you should not expose them to the risk of poisoning or hope that an unpredictable reaction will not occur. There are methods for exterminating cockroaches that are harmless to any category of people and do not require their evacuation from the house during the persecution.

If there are children, pregnant women, allergy sufferers or animals in the house

Before you start exterminating cockroaches, it will be useful not only to general cleaning, but also to do redecorating: re-glue the wallpaper, seal all the cracks and cracks, check and replace the plumbing if necessary. In this way, you can prevent the penetration of “new” insects into the apartment from the outside. And only then can you think about how to poison cockroaches.

After this, you can begin the fight by choosing recipes that are gentle and safe for people and animals, presented by folk methods of getting rid of cockroaches:

  1. Boric acid powder. Sprinkle the product around the perimeter of each room, paying special attention to bathrooms, dark corners, places behind furniture, etc. This drug can be easily purchased at a pharmacy at a cheap price; it is harmless to people and animals. But when using boric acid, be sure to cut off access to water, otherwise the cockroaches will simply drown themselves and survive. The product is very effective for weed.
  2. Baits with boric acid. Here you can use both powder and the drug in liquid form. The acid is mixed with crushed potatoes, semolina or egg (egg yolk). Then the mixture is rolled into dense balls and placed in places where there is accumulation and in bathrooms (under the sink, pipes, behind the toilet, etc.) and in the kitchen (behind the microwave, around the trash can, in corners, behind the radiator, etc.) . Cockroaches will be attracted by the smell of food, but they don’t even have to taste it: they just need to touch the poison, and the infected barbel will bring the poison to its relatives. These balls will not provoke an allergy attack and will not harm a woman in any way during pregnancy, but it is still better to place them away from animals and children.
  3. Pyrethrum. A product with a somewhat “chemical” name, but in essence it is just an insecticidal powder made from crushed chamomile flowers. It can be used both in an apartment building and in a private house. Pyrethrum is mixed with food in the same way as boric acid, balls are rolled up and placed around the house in the right places.
  4. Freezing. Safe way, but you will need to take people and pets out of the house (although the latter can sometimes survive this) for several hours.
  5. Insecticidal traps. Not really folk way, but at small quantity cockroaches can help, provided that there are a lot of such devices placed. The contents of such a trap will lure insects and “stick” them safely thanks to the sticky base or poison them with poisonous contents.
  6. Poisonous baits. Safe for allergy sufferers (if there is no contact with poison) and for pregnant women. Bowls of food poisoned with insecticide are placed around the apartment, attracting cockroaches. But there is a minus: in the same way they can attract pets (any cat or dog will be interested in the contents of the dish, considering its contents a treat) and children (elementary curiosity and the desire to taste it will play a role).

If there are no animals or sensitive or poisoned people in the house, it is better not to waste time experimenting with traditional methods, but to resort to more effective measures– baiting cockroaches with chemical insecticides.

When you are not sure that you will be able to deal with cockroaches on your own, or you simply do not want to take risks, you can always call the employees of the sanitary and epidemiological station for help, who will quickly do everything correctly and at a high level.

Actions of the SES when baiting cockroaches in a residential area

Contacting the SES is the most reliable and quick way even in large quantities. Achieving such an effect on your own at home will be either very difficult, or not realistic at all, since only professionals understand down to the smallest detail both the methods and the drugs that will give best result in each individual case:

  • the intelligence services have such in their arsenal powerful tools, which cannot be found in any of the city stores;
  • It is better for professionals to know the “habits” of insects (where they hide, where they could come from, how to get them, etc.), depending on which subsequent actions will be carried out;
  • If an entire house or several apartments are infested and the neighbors stubbornly refuse to carry out joint treatment, only the SES can carry out forced disinfestation.

Calling the sanitary and epidemiological station is a paid service, but it guarantees long-awaited peace and life without insects in the house. If you need a second call, this is usually free of charge (but depends on the integrity of each individual company).

However, the SES goes to private apartments only in particularly advanced cases, for example, if there is an infection apartment house, hostel, etc.

What to do before the SES arrives

Insect removal specialists must arrive at the already prepared apartment. Their responsibilities include exclusively processing, and the actions preceding it are on the conscience of the owners. And it’s good if neighbors from infected apartments voluntarily join in. What need to do:

  • hermetically pack food, dishes, hygiene products, etc. or take it all out of the house;
  • to clean up;
  • move all furniture away from the walls (same as with);
  • remove all household members and pets from the house.

After all these steps, the professionals who arrive on call will be able to get to work without delay and quickly poison the cockroaches.

SES services

Employees of the sanitary and epidemiological station discuss the treatment method in advance with the residents of contaminated residential premises. It could be normal use insecticidal preparations, but the most effective are hot or cold mist, acting with a guarantee that insects are unlikely to appear in the house again in the near future:

  • Cold fog. During processing, insecticides are broken down to the smallest microdroplets, which allows the drug to better penetrate into the most hard to reach places and even into very small cracks and cracks.

  • Hot fog. Even more efficient technology, covering during processing much large area than cold fog. The active substance, split and heated, reaches a state similar to a gas and penetrates literally everywhere. Cockroaches have no chance of survival after such an “attack.” After this event, the apartment should not be ventilated for another 2 hours to give the crushed particles of the chemical time to settle (and with hot fog this does not happen immediately). After this time, you can open the windows and clean the apartment.

Extermination of cockroaches in offices and shops

Independent treatment of cockroaches in institutions (any catering establishment, store, etc.), as well as in offices and enterprises, is not always possible. Due to the fact that many insecticides have a pungent odor and require the evacuation of people, these methods are not suitable, since it is simply impossible to stop the work of many institutions.

Therefore, in order not to scare away customers with the obvious smell of insecticides and not to arouse suspicion of uncleanliness, and also to ensure that store products are not saturated with chemical “aromas,” it would be advisable to call the same SES. The service goes to enterprises and institutions first of all, rather than to private apartments, so there shouldn’t be any problems.

The arriving team usually treats such large (comparatively) areas primarily with hot or cold fog, which is much faster and more effective than other methods.

In any case, wherever a cockroach extermination event is carried out, it is important to first close off everything possible ways penetration of insects inside, and only then, in an already “isolated” room, begin to get rid of them. At the same time, it is important to understand: no one, not even the SES, can guarantee that it will work out forever. These insects, adapted to survive in different conditions, can return at any moment, as if from nowhere.
