Dominican Republic. Interesting facts about Dominican women Dominican girls

In the Dominican Republic, a Russian tourist, a native of the Chelyabinsk region, who leaned out of the car window in only her swimsuit shorts, died. The girl reportedly ran head first into a roadside sign at speed. This moment was caught on video.

The tragedy happened on October 10 on the highway leading to Punta Cana airport. The girl, along with her companion who was driving, was swaggering in the car, showing her magnificent breasts to the camera. The KiaPicanto was driven by Ukrainian Ivanna Boyrachuk.

At moments, the tourist leaned out of the window up to her waist, posed and did not watch the road. At the moment when she is simply blown away from the car window, the recording ends. It is not clear from the video what the deceased encountered. Most likely it was a roadside sign. Although some sources write that it was a bus.

The passport details of the deceased appeared on Facebook - Natalya Borisovna Borodina, 35 years old. The entry is accompanied by a request to report it Additional information. The woman was taken to the hospital, but doctors were unable to save her due to the very serious injuries she received.

Internet users write that the girl’s relatives are aware of what happened.

The hospital reports that death was due to severe traumatic brain injury.

(previous parts of Ilyich’s memoirs).

Dominican girls vs. young Ilyich

What else has he managed to do in 9 months in the Dominican Republic? Oh yes. Go to Bayahibe and lose your virginity with a prostitute. A crucial moment that cannot be missed.
And at the end of the post, I’ll probably post photos of Dominican girls, yes.

Aspiratedly: “And her photo is still in my wallet.”

Bayahibe. It was a small village then, no more than 50 houses. Right on the shore, crystal pure water, at all a small amount of idiot boatmen, which allowed me to enjoy the views of living corals in the morning, and, without completing the mission, tear off one antennae from a lobster.

But it was approaching Dominican noon and, no less, a bottle of cold Dominican beer, which would help somewhat dilute the southern temperatures. Towards the end of my fish dinner, a guy, well, about 30 years old, sat down. Following the tradition established in our latitudes, I treated Ramon, as he introduced himself, to a glass of intoxicating drink. Ramon managed to tell about his extensive knowledge in the fishing field, and also assured that within a shot’s distance [weapon unspecified] it is difficult to find a more respected person, and if you need anything, you can not hesitate to contact him. Just ask Ramon, or call Ramon, or say that I am from Ramon. Sorry. Oh, well, he invited me to an evening disco.
Time flew by quickly, and just after the third time the gramophone was started, that same disco opened, and beer lovers and bachata lovers began to flock to the loud music. To my great surprise it turned out that in this city there are even some girls. True, until this moment I didn’t quite understand what could be done with them. More precisely, there were only theoretical guesses and some extracts/diagrams from a biology textbook.

Some kind of fashionable melody of the time, Queen of the Bachata Charts, started playing with the usual Dominican tune, like “amor, corazon”... Maybe you heard it, didn’t you? In general, Ramon’s eyes, like any Dominican’s, became clouded, and his legs began to dance on their own – he was thoroughly spun around, sucked into the whirlpool of a meaningless and merciless bachata. Less than ten minutes had passed before he returned with two lovely chicks, about 25 years old, whose names were impossible to remember, and I left this activity. Pretty, really. Naturally, I immediately liked the plumper one. Long eyelashes, beautiful face, breasts = in general, the brain quickly checked the diagrams in anatomy textbooks, and authoritatively stated that everything was with her. Let's call her Diana.

Having asked Ramon if there was any unusual cocktail on the menu to surprise the lady, he realized that he had been stupid, and from three items, with the help of Diana, he chose a wine with a strange name. As my advisor said, not bad. When the girls left to dance once again, the adviser asked with a conspiratorial wink, How do I like Diana and what are my plans?, just in case, clarifying that they (the girls) were actually working. Apparently for reasons of decency, a mask of bewilderment appeared on my face, saying, what a horror, really, after which I decided to immediately move on to business conversation, which ended at $50, which suited me quite well.

And it’s not her, just let her lie here. He's sleeping.

Late hour time began to incline some to sleep, and others to grandiose achievements. Proudly feeling our full participation in the second-class party (I mean), Diana and I, arm in arm and by the light of lanterns, trudged to some hotel, where the omnipresent Ramon led us. On the way, he managed to do another good thing by cutting three pieces from a whole battery of ultra-cheap condoms and handing them to me.

Through unknown shamanic ways, I found myself in my backpack. notebook with poems, and I, under the impression of the upcoming unimaginable carnal pleasures (seen only in overseas movies on the monitor screen), even read her several poems.
Then he closed the notebook and Next, if you don’t insist, I’ll just turn off the light.
[tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock]
As expected, the next morning I looked at this world with completely different eyes. It had definitely changed, and the brightness of the colors and smells was truly intoxicating. Damn, I'm cool as an octopus! Now it seemed absolutely unconditional that people should treat me differently. Like, it’s a male – definitely, you can’t confuse it with anyone. Fortunately, I lacked a shirt with a wide collar, which I should have had with an exaggerated feeling self-esteem pull down every minute. We said goodbye warmly, and I headed towards the bus, which would take a different person to the bus.
It was a great weekend in Bayahibe, yeah.

Geographically, Bayahibe is located almost in front of La Romana, if you drive from Punta Cana ( Egypt Southeast Dominican Republic ). I suppose that in 6 years there have been many changes there, and I know for sure that merciless tourism has moved in this direction, spreading out a good five hotels on the territory of the once small and cozy Bayahibe, but it’s still worth a visit.

Dominican girls are like that here.

This is some kind of Miss Universe, you guessed it right. But she has a characteristic, purely Dominican type of face. It’s not even an hour, I’ll have a free minute, I’ll take the camera and rush out into the street to come out of our flower garden with a bunch of photos, yes)

They know correct application for umbrellas. It is here mainly from the Sun.

Emphasize that the author, choosing from numerous photos of girls in the Dominican Republic on Google, is inclined to plumper options. Well, that's the author's intention. Which does not mean that all Dominican women are curvy; there are also many thin ones.

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I'm thinking maybe I can organize something like “Thursday Friday with the girls of the Dominican Republic? I promise only juicy sets. In general, write in a personal message, such a secret vote, yes. And then we'll see, sir. Previous contacts:
Mailing address: Dominican Republic, city of Rio San Juan, index - [email protected]
Someone is already writing to

If you are traveling to the country for the purpose of sex tourism, be prepared that such a tour will cost you much more. A two-week “break” with beauties will cost you a tidy sum, at least 2000-2500 dollars per person. But it’s worth it, the impressions will be the most vivid.

Sex tourism in the Dominican Republic for men

Prostitutes in the Dominican Republic are ready to fulfill all your desires, even your wildest ones, if you pay them in hard American or European currency. They see this as one of the most the best ways make quick money, as well as the opportunity to marry a promising and rich foreigner.

Among the local beauties, Haitians predominate, and many of them are quite simple in appearance and are in no way suitable for the title of “sex bomb”. Haiti has a fairly low standard of living, and therefore prostitutes go to the Dominican Republic for what they believe is a decent salary. There are also local night fairies; their age, as a rule, ranges from 16 to 35 years.

The choice of girls is quite large, but if you want to get the best partner, from the “luxury” category, then you need to look for her through locals or those who regularly visit the country.

Choice among men

In addition to women, the country has a good selection of men who are of interest to European women. The prices for their services are quite high, but nevertheless, they are in demand no less than prostitutes of the Dominican Republic. Sex is not the basis of their work, but they do not refuse this opportunity for money.


Price for services sex tourism in the Dominican Republic can be different, depending on many factors: the season, the resort, the degree of beauty of the girl or her mood on a particular day.

For example, in Punta Cana in a brothel you can spend 1-2 hours with a night fairy for $50-60. It is relatively cheap, since in the same club Mangu you will have to pay about $150 for short time, but the choice here is really worthwhile.

The cheapest way to hire a prostitute is either on the street or at a disco. This is not difficult to do: choose a girl and invite her to take a walk. Prices for the services of such beauties average $30 per short.

Main sex tourism resorts in the Dominican Republic

Among the most popular hot spots in the Dominican Republic are the following:

  • Punta Cana. The most beautiful prostitutes come here. However, quite wealthy people vacation at this resort, so prices for sexual services can be much higher than in other recreation areas. You can pick up a pretty fairy in the Mangu club, area of ​​the Bavaro Princess casino. Near these places there are a lot of cheap hotels, where you usually go with the girl you like. In brothels, prostitutes are cheaper, but their “quality” is worse. Details about the “fishing” places can be obtained from local taxi drivers.
  • Resort Sosua. Here, almost all hotels operate in the style of small brothels, in which the hotel owner acts as a pimp. In such hotels you can always choose a pretty fairy at the bar. However, the choice is much greater at the discos on Pedro Clisante Street, of which there are a lot.
  • Boca Chica. We can say that the main street of this resort is a real brothel. The girls here are cheap, but not the best, so many tourists avoid this place.
  • La Romana. You can pick up a girl on the way to the Brick shopping center or in a night establishment with the unusual name “Climax”. IN in this case Climax is translated from English as “orgasm”.

The Dominican Republic is located on the island of Haiti. We vacationed at the resort of Punta Cana in May last year.


We were flying from Hamburg. Air carrier - Air France. Transfer in Paris. The flight lasts about 10 hours, but the planes are very comfortable, they feed you a lot and often, a good choice drinks, a lot of films, including in Russian, there is enough space between the rows, blankets and pillows are also in abundance)))

Airport and visa

Punta Cana airport looks more like a hut in tropical forest. There are palm trees everywhere, an atmosphere of relaxation and serenity)) Visa to the Dominican Republic is issued upon arrival, there are no difficulties. To do this, you just need to fill out a couple of standard pieces of paper (by the way, no one checks that they are filled out correctly) and pay a fee of $10. There are several smart guys in the airport building who, for a fee, offer to fill out all the paperwork for you (I don’t recommend asking for their help, because why pay money if a child can handle this task).


All hotels operate according to the system "all inclusive". We were relaxing in a hotel Vista Sol 4*. Budget hotel. A trip for 2 people for 10 days cost us 1800 euros. In hotels big choice drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic. The Dominicans themselves are “meat eaters”. There is a lot of meat, some are cooked deliciously, some dishes contain too many specific seasonings. In expensive hotels huge selection seafood, we also had it almost every day. Very tasty tropical fruits.

I don’t recommend leaving valuables in plain sight (the same goes for expensive cosmetics and perfume). Dominicans are cheerful, fiery people, always ready to dance, but not very serious. A maid can easily use your cream and perfume, and not out of malice, but simply out of interest and curiosity))).

The hotel areas are very beautiful, everything is surrounded by greenery. Peacocks walk around the territory, monitor lizards and parrots are in enclosures.

The situation in the country. What have the Haitians forgotten in the Dominican Republic???

In general, there are rarely high-profile crimes in the country, but thefts are “an everyday matter” for them. Even in a hotel, always make sure the door to the balcony is properly closed. Many guides do not advise walking outside the hotel at night. The Dominican Republic is a former colony, and like many countries that were once colonies, they are still to blame for everything " a white man". We walked in the evening, nothing bad happened to us)))

The average salary in the country is about $400. And in the neighboring country of Haiti it’s even lower, about $150. Therefore, Haitians are "cheap" for Dominicans labor force", they are taken for less money than the Donikans themselves.

Beauty standards in the Dominican Republic

So, while relaxing on the island, I noticed that many locals have “curvy shapes” - hips and breasts. Then the guide revealed to us the secret of this “wealth”. The locals believe that if nature has not rewarded a woman with solid curves, then her life has not been successful))) and many locals wear not only a large push-up bra, but also foam pads for the “5th point”)))

Dreams of Dominican women

Many women openly flirt with white tourists. This is all due to poverty in the country. Deep down, many women hope that a “white gentleman” from a rich country will come and take her to a developed country where there is no poverty.


In terms of culture, there is nothing particularly interesting in the country. But there are excellent excursions to the local beauty. The most popular of them:

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