Office work from A to Z. How to use seals and stamps in an organization. Official seal under the new education law

Props 25 “Seal Imprint”. Currently, in Russian office work, to certify the authenticity of documents and certify copies of documents in an organization, two types of seals are used:

· home (stamp or branded ) seal,

· simple prints of structural units (10).

The main seal of the organization is used to certify the signatures of the head, his deputies, heads of the financial service, the chief accountant, his deputy, as well as other officials who have been granted the appropriate powers by a power of attorney or by order of the head.

The right to depict the State Emblem Russian Federation on the seal of the organization is determined by Art. 4 of the Federal Constitutional Law of December 25, 2000 No. 2-FZ “On the State Emblem of the Russian Federation”. The rules for issuing the official seal are established in GOST R 51511-2001. Seals with a reproduction of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation. Shape, dimensions and technical requirements (as amended No. 1 dated December 26, 2002).

The main element stamp The seal is an image of a double-headed eagle. The official seal certifies the signatures of the head, his deputies, heads of the financial service, the chief accountant, his deputy, as well as other officials who have been granted the appropriate powers.

Official seals are placed on documents that require special identification: those related to the receipt of money or material assets, on identity documents, on letters of guarantee and contracts.

The official seal is also used to certify copies of a number of documents, for example: copies of regulations, charters sent to government organizations, copies of court decisions and some other documents. There is a list of documents on which the official seal is affixed.

Used in non-governmental organizations branded a seal that is equivalent to a stamp. The emblem of the organization or the abbreviation of its name is placed in the center of the seal, and the full name of the organization and its state registration number (OGRN) are indicated around the circle.

The location of the main seal imprint in relation to the title of the position and the personal signature of the official is determined in the Standard Instructions for Office Work in Federal Executive Bodies (approved by Order of the Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation dated November 8, 2005 No. 536 and registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 27 2006 No. 418). The seal impression must be clearly readable and include only the end of the name of the official who signed the document. Imposing a seal on a personal signature is unacceptable (11).

Simple stamps used for internal documentation of the institution, on duplicate copies of administrative documents, on certificates, passes, when sealing parcels and packages. There may be several simple seals in an institution, organization, or enterprise. In this case, two names are reproduced on the seal - the organization and the structural unit: “secretariat”, “office”, “administration”, “personnel department”, “protocol sector”, “administrative department”, etc. Unlike official seals, which have round shape And standard sizes, simple seals can be of various sizes, and in shape - not only round, but also square, triangular, oval, etc.

Based on the nature of the materials from which the seals are made, they are divided into rubber and metal.

To mark the receipt, registration, passage and execution of documents, as well as other reference marks, the appropriate mastic stamps .

18.5. Marks on documents as a reflection of stages

their passage and execution

Requisite 26 “Copy certification mark” used to certify the compliance of a copy of a document with its original. The mark is placed below the “Signature” attribute from the left margin of the document. The details consist of a certification inscription Right(with a capital letter, without quotation marks), the title of the position of the person who certified the copy; personal signature, transcript of the signature (initials, surname), date of certification.

Copies of documents are certified by the head of the organization or officials authorized by him (deputy, head of personnel services, office management, etc.).

Head of the Protocol Sector Personal signature L. I. Ivanov

On the copy of the outgoing letter that remains in the affairs of the enterprise, the date of its certification and the name of the position of the person who certified the copy may not be indicated.

When sending a copy to other organizations, the certification copy is certified with the organization’s seal. When sending documents to subordinate organizations, their copies are certified with the seal of the department (sector) where the original document is stored. On such copies, in the place where the manager’s signature is provided, the seal of the administration, office, protocol sector, etc. is placed.

Props 27 « Mark about the performer" indicates the person who drew up the document. GOST R 6.30-2003 recommends only one way to design props: the initials and surname of the performer, his phone number:

V.A. Petrov

The details are intended for prompt telephone communication with the contractor in order to obtain clarifications and clarifications on the issues raised in the document. Business Etiquette prescribes addressing an unfamiliar official either by first name and patronymic, or by last name in combination with the word “Mr.” The method of registering details proposed by GOST excludes the possibility of the first option of address (initials do not carry the necessary information). The second option of address (only by last name) is not always convenient, especially if the performer’s last name is not declined (Chernykh, Lominago, Shevchenko, etc.). Therefore, in the props it is permissible to indicate the full name and patronymic of the performer instead of initials (12).

A mark about the performer is placed on the front side of the last sheet of the document in the lower left corner. The phone number is indicated by three groups of numbers with no dashes between them.

In response letters, you can indicate not only a telephone number, but also an office number, if the recipient of the letter expresses a desire to personally meet with the person who prepared the document. In long-distance letters, the city code is indicated in parentheses before the office telephone number.

Requisite 28 “Note on the execution of the document and sending it to file” affixed to executed documents subject to write-off for later storage and use for reference purposes.

The execution mark is placed on the first sheet of the document below the performer mark. The details include the following data: a link to the date and number of the document indicating its execution, and in the absence of such a document - brief information about the execution, as well as the words In case no. indicating the case number in which the document will be stored; signature of the performer and date of affixing the mark.

The results of execution can be formulated as follows: “Answer sent, date, No.”; “An oral response was given”; “Taking into account when preparing the application”; “The issue was resolved over the phone,” etc.

Requisite 29 “Stamp on receipt of the document by the organization” affixed by hand or using a special numberer in the lower right part of the front side of the first sheet of incoming documents. It is possible to put a mark on the reverse side of the sheet.

The details consist of the name of the organization (or structural unit) where the document was received; the date of its receipt and the incoming registration number. The arrival time stamp may, if necessary, contain an indication of hours and minutes. The name of the organization is usually indicated in abbreviated form.

03.01.2008 № 001

Props 30 “Identifier of the electronic copy of the document” is a mark (footer) that is placed at the bottom of each page of the document and contains the name of the file on computer media, operator code, date and other search data installed in the organization.

Typically, the file name reflects its contents, as well as information about names and dates. The length of the file name (number of characters) is determined by the characteristics of the computer operating system.

Control questions for self-test:

1) What documents are signed by the head of the organization and/or his deputies? In what case are all copies of sent documents signed?

2) In what case is only the first copy of the document being sent signed? What mark is placed in other copies of the document?

3) Tell us about the rules for registering the “Signature” requisite.

4) What is the procedure for signing a document if the official whose signature is prepared on the draft document is absent?

5) When are two or more signatures required on a document? Give examples of documents that are certified with two signatures.

6) Is it acceptable to use a facsimile signature on an original document? What regulatory documents regulate the use of facsimile and electronic signatures in documents?

7) What does document approval mean? Name the methods of coordination.

8) How is the document coordinated if there are several external authorities?

9) Is refusal of approval acceptable? How is the “Document Approval Visa” required in cases where an official disagrees with the contents of the document?

10) What seals are used in Russian office work to certify the authenticity of documents?

11) Tell us about the rules for designing the “Seal Imprint” props.

12) How can the details “mark about the performer” be issued? Give reasons for your answer.


· Federal Law of January 10, 2002 No. 1-FZ “On Electronic Digital Signature”.

· Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ “On information, information technology and on the protection of information."

· GOST R 51141-98. Record keeping and archiving. Terms and Definitions. - M.: Gosstandart, 1998.

· GOST R 6.30-2003. Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements. - M.: Gosstandart, 2003.

· Standard instructions on office work in federal executive authorities, approved by Order of the Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation dated November 8, 2005 No. 536 and registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on January 27, 2006 No. 418.

· Basakov M.I. Office work [Documentation support of management]: Textbook / M.I. Basakov, O.I. Zamytskova. - 5th ed., rev. and additional - Rostov n/d: Phoenix, 2007. - 352 p.

· Berezina N.M., Vorontsova E.P., Lysenko L.M. Modern office work. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2004. - 256 p.

· Demin Yu.M. Office work. Preparation official documents/Yu.M. Demin. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2003. - 220 p.

· Kryukova N.P. Documentation management activities: Textbook. allowance. - M.: INFRA-M, 2008. - 268 p.

· Kugusheva T.V. Office work: Textbook. allowance /T.V. Kugusheva. - Rostov n/d.: Phoenix, 2007. - 256 p.

· Novoselov V.I. Legal force of the document //Soviet archives. 1971. No. 1. P. 57-63.

· Pshenko A.V., Doronina L.A. Office work: A practical guide. - M.: Yurait-Izdat, 2004. - 182 p.

· Razdorozhny A.A. Documentation of management activities: Proc. allowance. - M.: INFRA-M, 2008. - 304 p.

· Spivak V.A. Documentation of management activities (Office management). - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2005. - 240 p.

· Chukovenkov A.Yu., Yankovaya V.F. Rules for document preparation: Commentary on GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements." - M.: Publishing house. "Prospect", 2004. - 216 p.

  • - orders (budgetary, banking, pension, summary - payment);
  • — petitions and submissions, characteristics, awards and certifications;
  • — registers (budget orders, checks, documents submitted to the bank);
  • - cost estimates;
  • — agreements and contracts signed on behalf of the institution;
  • — instructions and orders;
  • - certificates;
  • — certificates of employees of the institution;
  • - staffing schedule of the institution;
  • - graduate certificates;
  • — personal affairs of pupils and students;
  • — certificates of honor and diplomas;
  • — instructions that must be followed;
  • — work books of employees;
  • - in a cool magazine.

After reviewing the above list, you can find out exactly which documents are certified with the official seal.

What documents are stamped with the official seal?

Official seals are used in government agencies, government bodies and organizations vested with government powers (for example, in private notary offices). The official seal is placed on documents that require special confirmation of authenticity, in particular, on contracts, work books, diplomas, certificates, service IDs, diplomas.

The seal provides the document with legal force and confirms the authenticity of the signature of the official who endorsed it. The official seal is required on the originals of the most important documents, in particular those proving identity, qualifications and work experience.

What documents are affixed with the official seal of the institution?

First you need to determine the list of company documents on which you will be required to put a stamp. Then you need to draw up instructions for using stamps, in which you should write when a stamp equivalent to a stamp stamp is affixed, and when a simple one is affixed, and how stamps are used, if the organization has them.
Specify separately where the seal will be stored and who is appointed responsible for its storage (this issue is usually decided by the head of the organization). It is advisable to make this instruction along with the list an appendix to general instructions on the records management of your company, and if there is none - an independent document or an addition to the charter.

In the future, if it is necessary to certify a document with a seal that is not specified in the local act, the head of the organization issues a special order about this. The list of documents certified by the seal can be supplemented over time.

Rules of use are established for the imprint of each authorized seal according to the following approximate diagram: Imprint of the seal of the preschool educational institution service Name of the document Position of the employee who affixes the imprint Imprint of the official seal Name of the document Position of the employee who affixes the imprint The basis of the instructions is a list of documents certified by the official seal. It may indicate: - staffing schedule; — samples of signatures for opening accounts, etc.


Changes and additions to the list are allowed only on the instructions of the head of the organization. The use of seals in the organization is permitted only to employees specially appointed by order of the manager.

The right to use the official seal is granted to the first managers, officials from among the employees of the preschool education service or the financial service.

Where can I put a stamp “for documents”?

The instructions for using seals must specify the procedure for destroying outdated seals. Seal in the work book Separately, it is necessary to say about the seal imprint in the employee’s work book. The procedure for filling out work books is clearly stated in two regulations— Rules for maintaining and storing work books* and Instructions for filling out work books**, which must be strictly followed.

Having studied these documents, we conclude: there are only three cases when the seal of an organization or personnel service is placed in an employee’s work book (any of them can be used): - when registering the book for the first time - on the title page; - when changing the employee’s personal data - on inside cover; - upon dismissal - after recording the dismissal in the “Work Information” section.* Approved by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003.

7. use of a seal imprint when preparing documents

Stamp imprint on the receipt cash receipt order should also cover that part of the document that remains in your organization. It is unacceptable to put a stamp over a personal signature. And finally, it is strictly forbidden to put a seal on blank sheets and blank forms, because

This is a real provocation for abuse and a security threat. How to stamp?

  • When “printing” documents, especially payment ones, try to ensure that the print is not dull or blurry. A poorly readable or partially printed seal impression may become grounds for a notary to refuse to certify a copy of a document, or for a bank to refuse to accept payment order for execution. Therefore, change (refill) the ink pad in a timely manner.
  • After replacing or refilling the ink pad, before putting a stamp on the document, make a control impression on the draft.

Once again about printing

Sometimes the print needs to be blotted of excess ink to avoid the print being washed out or smeared.

  • When preparing to “stamp” a document, make sure there is nothing underneath it. A paper clip, unevenly folded sheets of a multi-page document, or another foreign object lying under a stack of documents may interfere with the print.
    As a result, you will get half of it or a smeared print.

Caring for the seal As a result of use, the rubber cliche becomes clogged with dirt, the letters become like blots. A sloppy seal on documents not only does not look good on the organization, but is also grounds for refusing to accept certain documents, such as payment orders.
You can maintain the seal in proper form using an ordinary toothbrush, which can gently clean the cliche without damaging the applied design.


The seal certifies not only personnel documents, but also accounting papers (orders, registers, estimates), as well as the constituent documents of the organization, a collective agreement, and various agreements. Documents not mentioned in this list do not require certification with a seal.

Letters written on forms (except for guarantees) do not need to be certified with a seal. Which documents should be stamped? We certify documents according to the rules. Of course, nothing bad will happen if you mistakenly put a stamp on a personnel order or letter. But if you do not certify a document that really needs it (for example, a contract), the consequences can be very dire.

Such an agreement will not have legal force, and the court most likely will not consider it as evidence. To avoid such troubles, we advise you to clearly define the procedure for using the seal at the local level.

Some documents cannot be stamped with a stamp

The center of the seal contains an image of the coat of arms of the Russian Federation, and its circumference implies information about the name of a specific legal entity(in accordance with the constituent documents). An abbreviated version of the name is permissible only if it is specified in the constituent documents.

It is usually applied after the main one and in parentheses. If this name is on foreign language, then the main version is initially written in Russian, and then in foreign. Do not forget that in joint stock companies the requirements of another legislative act are presented, namely clause No. 6, Article No. 2 of the Federal Law “On Joint Stock Companies”. They have some differences, but in manufacturing we adhere to exactly the same rules and requirements. Now there are many fly-by-night companies or individuals who provide this type of service regardless of the consequences.

  • Certificates (about salary, insurance payment, limit, etc.);
  • writs of execution;
  • Specifications;
  • Statements (in particular, refusal of acceptance);
  • Consumption rates;
  • Charters of organizations;

A seal is one of the oldest things with which a person marked his ownership of property or documents.

Let us give a modern definition of this concept, which is contained in GOST R 51511-2001 (adopted and put into effect by Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 2001 No. 573-st):

  • seal - a device containing a printing block for making impressions on paper;
  • printing cliches - a seal element containing a mirror image of a seal impression.

The seal has a round shape.

Along with the term “seal”, concepts such as stamp, apostille, facsimile and stamp are often used. Let's understand these terms too.

Stamp (Italian stampa - seal) is a special type of printing form used to make imprints on documents; it contains text information. This can be a complex stamp, for example, repeating the corner form of an organization (as a rule, it contains the name of the organization, address and telephone number, bank details, it can contain empty columns for manually entering variable information into them, a logo or coat of arms), or it can be simple, containing a standard phrase: “for passes”, “paid for”, “for recipes”, “for official use” or others. The shape of the stamps is arbitrary.

Apostille - a special stamp that, in accordance with the 1961 Hague Convention, is placed on official documents of the states parties to the Convention in order to exempt these documents from the need for diplomatic or consular legalization. An apostille certifies “the authenticity of the signature, the quality in which the person signing the document acted, and the authenticity of the seal or stamp with which the document is affixed” (Article 5 of the 1961 Hague Convention).

Facsimile (from Latin fac simile - do something like this) is a seal, the imprint of which reproduces the signature of an official.

Postmark (from German Stempel) is now usually called the stamp affixed by postal workers to postal items. It contains the data of the post office and the date of the operation.

Types of seals:

  • official seal(organizations that have the right to use state symbols, their list is indicated in the Federal Constitutional Law of 23/25/2000 No. 2-FKZ “On the State Emblem of the Russian Federation”);
  • main round seal of the organization(for those who do not have the right to use state symbols);
  • seal of a separate unit(branch, representative office) can be with him only if this is provided for in the Regulations on this division. Such a seal must necessarily contain the word “branch” or “representative office”;
  • additional printing for certain groups of documents or structural divisions of an organization (for example, a seal for references or a seal for the HR department);
  • lawyer's office seal;
  • doctor's stamp;
  • seal of an individual entrepreneur.

The need for a seal

The need for an organization to have a seal is enshrined in federal legislation. Thus, in paragraph 7 of Article 2 of the Law “On Joint-Stock Companies” (No. 208-FZ dated December 26, 1995) it is established that a joint-stock company “must have a round seal containing its full corporate name in Russian and an indication of its location " There is a similar rule in paragraph 5 of Article 2 of the Law “On Limited Liability Companies” (No. 14-FZ of December 8, 1998).

The main purpose of the seal is to certify the authenticity of an official’s signature on documents, which certify the rights of persons, record facts related to financial assets, as well as on other documents that provide for the certification of an original signature (this provision is enshrined in GOST R 6.30-2003). That is why the seal should be affixed only to a document signed by an authorized person, and not to his draft, devoid of a personal touch.

The list of documents on which one or another seal of the organization will be affixed must be approved by order of the manager.

When developing your list, you can build on the example list contained in

a collection of principles and rules for documenting and organizing work with documents on the territory of the Russian Federation " State system documentation support for management" (M., VNIIDAD, 1991). It is somewhat outdated, because... contains documents of the no longer existing USSR. But based on it, we can recommend that you include in your list of documents that must be affixed with the main seal of your organization the following items:

  • acts (work performed, acceptance of equipment, write-off, examination, etc.);
  • powers of attorney (for conducting business in arbitration, for concluding contracts, for receiving inventory items, etc.);
  • contracts and agreements (on cooperation, economic, labor, etc.);
  • documents on cash and credit transactions, receipt orders, orders (banking, pension, payment, etc.), salary certificates;
  • conclusions and reviews of draft documents, dissertations, abstracts and other scientific works;
  • travel certificates;
  • copies of documents requiring special certification of their authenticity;
  • invoices (commodity, goods and transport, etc.);
  • material consumption standards;
  • samples of seal impressions and signatures of employees who have the right to carry out financial and business transactions;
  • letters of guarantee;
  • protocols for agreeing on prices, delivery times, etc.;
  • cost estimates (for production, for capital construction, etc.);
  • certificates (on payment of insurance amounts, limits, etc.);
  • specifications (products, products, etc.);
  • work books;
  • financial documents and reports submitted to financial, tax and statistical authorities, funds;
  • characteristics of employees, presentations and certificates of awards, honorary titles, diplomas, certificates, various certificates (on public service, archival, for the provision of benefits, etc.), staffing tables and changes to them.

Requirements for stamps

To main seal of the organization (simple round or stamp) had legal force, it must, at a minimum, meet the requirements set by the state. For example, in Moscow, the currently valid Moscow Law of June 30, 2004 No. 44 “On the accounting of seals” was adopted.

During the period when the register of seals was maintained by the Moscow Registration Chamber (MRP), the “Temporary Rules for the Production and Grounds for the Destruction of Seals and Stamps on the Territory of Moscow” were in effect (they were an annex to the now no longer in force order of the Mayor of Moscow dated August 25, 1998 No. 843-RM). But by decree of the Moscow Government dated 02/08/2005 No. 65-PP, the Moscow Registration Chamber (MRC) and the Register of Stamps were liquidated. Instead, the State Unitary Enterprise “Moscow Register” was formed, and the archive of the MCI was transferred to the new structure “by inheritance”. Now the inclusion of an organization’s seal in the state register of seals is carried out only by a voluntary decision of a legal entity. In this case, such a seal receives a registration number indicated on the outermost rim of the seal imprint. Some rightly believe that a registered seal is more protected from counterfeiting.

In 2003, the Corporation of Professional Manufacturers of Seals and Stamps, together with the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Printing, developed National standard of the Russian Federation “Mastic certification stamps. Shape, dimensions and technical requirements." Here is an example of a simple round seal that meets the requirements of the national standard:

Example 1

Collapse Show

You may find seals on documents that do not have the degrees of protection listed here. This does not deprive them of their authenticating power - it simply makes them less protected from forgery by intruders.

Mandatory details of the main seal currently are:

  • full name of the organization in Russian indicating the organizational and legal form;
  • location;
  • OGRN (or number in the registration register - for persons registered before the formation of the Moscow Registration Chamber);
  • The state emblem of the Russian Federation or the coat of arms of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (for organizations that have the right to reproduce them).

In addition, the press often includes a taxpayer identification number (TIN), which for organizations consists of 10, and for organizations individual entrepreneurs of 12 digits. At the request of the customer, other additional information can be located in the circles of the information field, for example, OKPO, KPP, OKVED codes, state registration number of the record of state registration of changes made to the constituent documents.

Since July 1, 2002, all official seals of enterprises, organizations and institutions located on the territory of the Russian Federation are produced in accordance with GOST P 51511-2001 “Seals with the reproduction of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation. Shape, dimensions and technical requirements." According to this document government organizations are required to place orders for printing only from certified manufacturer . Documents certified with an official seal made in violation of GOST and without the appropriate certificate will not have legal force. The authorized body that carries out certification of organizations - manufacturers of seals is the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Printing.

The minimum diameter of a seal cliche with a reproduction of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation is precisely determined by GOST 51511-2001 and is 40 mm, and the maximum is 45 mm. Along the outer ring, the seal cliche is limited by a rim on which microtext is located in a negative outline (white text on a black background), the microtext consists of a repeating entry including the word “certificate” indicating its number, as well as other information determined by the seal manufacturer.

Example 2 shows a seal imprint with a reproduction of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation in accordance with GOST 51511-2001:

Example 2

Collapse Show

The production of seals with emblems, symbols, and Latin script is possible only if they are specified in the Charter or Regulations on the institution or enterprise. Graphics not registered as a logo are permitted only in internal, additional seals and stamps of the organization. If the seal contains a graphic image, then a certificate of registration of a trademark/service mark (or a license agreement, an agreement on the assignment of a trademark/service mark) is also required.

Organizations may have additional (auxiliary) seals for their structural and separate divisions . In this case, in addition to the details listed above, the seal must contain an additional inscription, for example:

  • secretariat;
  • office;
  • business management;
  • Human Resources Department;
  • for certificates;
  • Reference.

Auxiliary seals may have different shape: round, triangular, quadrangular, etc.

Stamp manufacturing technology

By image reproduction method seals are divided into:

  1. Regular seals of organizations, which we talked about above.
  2. Embossed- leave an extruded (convex) image on the paper. Typically, relief prints are used with special stickers - “labels”. A colored label glued to paper creates a beautiful embossed image. In combination with labels, relief printing is ideal for the design of contracts, certificates, diplomas, diplomas, etc. The impression of a relief seal cannot be copied by fax and photocopiers, which serves additional protection documents.
  3. Seals with protection contain complex halftone drawings or photographs. The background fill itself consists of a large number of small elements; in a standard round print there can be up to 10,000 of them. A halftone pattern is extremely difficult to reconstruct from a print, and it is also impossible to produce using photopolymer technology, which is most common among counterfeiters. In terms of their complex structure, seals with halftone fills are in no way inferior to official seals with security measures specified in GOST P 51511-2001.

Currently, several technologies are used to make printing clichés:

  1. Photopolymer technology is characterized by simplicity and low cost with sufficient high quality the resulting clichés of seals and stamps. In this case, it is assumed that stamp inks will be used on water based, since photopolymers are not resistant to various solvents.
  2. Laser engraving on rubber clichés with complex graphic elements, as well as with special fragments for protection against counterfeiting (microgrid, microfonts, etc.). Rubber stamps differ from polymer ones in higher resolution, resistance to alcohol-based inks, increased wear resistance and, as a result, increased service life. They leave a better quality impression, because... ink does not spread over the surface of the cliche.
  3. Curing- a long, multi-stage, labor-intensive process, as a result of which raw rubber it turns out to be a cliché. This technology is beneficial when there are a large number of identical seals. Its disadvantages are restrictions on resolution, high cost for one-time orders.
  4. Flash technology fundamentally different from the above in that it allows the production of ink-filled seals - the ink accumulates in the porous material and is not supplied from the outside. This is due to the lack of relief on the seal itself, which has undoubted advantages compared to traditional seals. Prints made using flash technology allow you to reproduce very small and thin elements due to their high resolution; an ink pad is not required for such prints. Since the print has no relief, it is practically not subject to wear, and the print is not washed off with water. Such stamps are affixed silently.

Documents required for making stamps

Seals and stamps are made by stamping workshops. To accept your order, the manufacturing organization will ask you to provide a set of documents. It varies from manufacturer to manufacturer and depends on which organization wants to order which seal. In any case, you will need to provide the manufacturer with:

  • notarized copies of the organization’s Charter and state registration certificate;
  • a document confirming the election of the head of the organization to the position;
  • a document recording the fact of making a decision to produce this seal;

Example 3

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If a round seal is ordered by a joint stock company upon creation or due to a change in its name (organizational and legal form, location), reorganization or due to the loss of the seal, then the minutes of the meeting of shareholders of the company on the creation, change, reorganization or loss of the seal are submitted.

If a new round seal is made due to wear and tear of the previous one, or the joint-stock company wants to order an additional seal, then instead of the protocol general meeting shareholders can be provided with an order from the head of the organization, which would include this decision.

  • an application containing a sketch of a seal (stamp);
  • if there is a trademark / service mark on the seal sketch, then you must provide a notarized copy of the certificate of its registration
  • and other documents.

Since this list is not legally established, its full composition should always be checked with the seal manufacturer you are contacting.

Procedure for destroying seals

So, we figured out what kind of seals there are, as well as who makes them and how. Now we propose to consider the rules for their destruction.

When might this be needed? Various reasons are possible:

  • firstly, in the event of a change in the data of the owner of the seal appearing in it (change of legal form or name, location of the organization);
  • secondly, in case of complete liquidation of the enterprise;
  • thirdly, the seal may become unusable (worn out or deformed) and require replacement with a new one that would leave a clear impression. A number of documents require a complete, clear print on which the entire text can be read.

Example 4

Collapse Show

An example would be a check that is used to cash a bank cashier. And if your seal is no longer able to leave a fully readable image with each print, then you have to issue several checks until the seal on the next one leaves the desired print. And if you consider that a checkbook has a limited number of sheets and each check requires the signatures of several high-ranking officials of the organization, then the pain with the seal will be noticeable.

The application for a seal must indicate the reason why a new seal is being made. Such application shall be accompanied by documents confirming the relevant changes: new edition of the charter and a certificate of registration of changes made to the constituent documents, issued by the tax authorities.

The old seal must be destroyed, only after that a new one can be made.

Let us draw your attention to one point. In this situation, it turns out that until a certain date all your documents will have one seal (for example, with an unprintable right edge or without the last letter in the name of the organization), and after this date - another, ideal one. This raises questions. How to avoid getting an old seal bad hands? And how to prove that the changed seal now gives legal force to the documents? It's simple - you need:

  • firstly, physically destroy the old seal and,
  • secondly, document the fact of destruction of the old one and the entry into force of the new seal (see Examples 5 and 7).

The method of destroying seals is chosen by the head of the organization, if he has the authority to do so. The seal can be destroyed:

We destroy on our own

In the first case, the destruction of seals and stamps is carried out by a commission specially appointed by the head of the organization. This commission destroys the seal and draws up an act, which is approved by the head of the organization. The act must indicate:

  • time and place of destruction;
  • composition of the commission;
  • basis for destruction of seals/stamps;
  • name and imprints of destroyed seals/stamps;
  • method of destruction (products made of rubber and other polymers are cut into small pieces or burned, and those made of metal are filed in two cross lines);
  • conclusion of the commission on bringing the seal/stamp into a condition that excludes the possibility of restoration and further use;
  • signatures of the commission members.

This act (see Example 5) is the basis for recording the destruction of the seal/stamp in the accounting journal (see Example 9).

The act of destruction with an imprint of the old seal must be kept permanently in case of disputes regarding transactions, reports and other documents that are sealed with the old seal.

Destroyed by a third party

In the second case, old seals/stamps are handed over to the appropriate seal registration authority or to the organization that manufactured the seal (stamp workshop), about which the owner of the seal is issued a certificate. On its back there is an imprint of the destroyed seals and stamps.

In this case, not only the seal itself, but also a set of documents is submitted for destruction. Here is their approximate composition:

  • an application for the destruction of the seal, which is signed only by the manager;
  • photocopy of the manager’s passport (and for government organizations- also a copy of the order on the appointment of a manager, certified by a higher organization);
  • power of attorney from the head of the organization to destroy the seal to the person responsible for its destruction;
  • passport (photocopy) of the person responsible for destroying the seal;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (notarized copy);
  • a document confirming the fact of payment (original Sberbank receipt or payment order).

If the seal is lost, it cannot be destroyed

If you lose your old seal, before making a new one, you must obtain a certificate from the internal affairs authorities about the loss of the seal. It is with this certificate and the above standard package of documents that you can apply for a new seal. It is also necessary to publish an announcement about the loss of the seal in the local media.

If the lost seal has been registered, the registration authority must be notified of the fact of loss. This procedure is considered to be an additional guarantee for the copyright holder of the seal.

If the seal was not registered with the relevant authority before it was lost, then It is advisable to register the new seal to avoid illegal use of the old seal. Thus, if someone illegally uses a lost seal, it will be possible to refute the illegal transaction or any other transaction by providing documents indicating when a new seal with a specific registration number was made to replace the lost one and that the old seal is no longer valid.

Seals and stamps made to replace lost ones must have the letter “D” in their imprint, which indicates that it is a duplicate.

GOST R 51511-2001 allows you to produce a seal with the image of the coat of arms in several copies ( number stamp ), if the seal is lost, it is prepared duplicate .

Example 6

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To protect the seal from counterfeiting, experts recommend changing it once a year.

Responsibility for forgery of seals

At modern capabilities You can even make it at home printed form print on a printer or photopolymer. However, such seals will not have any identification force. Organizations that allow in their document flow stamps made by an uncertified manufacturer without taking into account the requirements of GOST, must remember that their partners or competitors, suppliers or customers can also use this method.

Article 19.11 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation establishes liability for violation of the procedure for the production, use, storage or destruction of forms, seals or other carriers of the image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation in the form of an administrative fine in the amount of 500 to 1,000 rubles. In this case, only employees of the internal affairs bodies are authorized to draw up a protocol on an administrative offense, and the case on this issue is considered in court.

Forgery of documents is a criminal offense.

Here it is worth paying attention to Article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Forgery, production or sale of counterfeit documents, state awards, stamps, seals, forms." Forgery, production or sale of a document granting any rights or releasing from obligations (which may require forging a seal impression), is punished:

  • restriction of freedom for up to 3 years, or
  • arrest for a period of 4 to 6 months, or
  • imprisonment for up to 2 years.

The same acts committed with the aim of concealing another crime or facilitating its commission are punishable by imprisonment for up to 4 years.

Using a knowingly forged document is punishable by:

  • a fine of up to 80,000 rubles or in the amount wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to 6 months, or
  • compulsory work for a period of 180 to 240 hours, or
  • correctional labor for up to 2 years, or
  • arrest for a period of 3 to 6 months.

The punishment in each specific case is determined by the court based on the degree of guilt and the size of the consequences. If a fake document was used for official forgery, then Article 292 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation will also come into force, if for fraud - Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Protection of seals and stamps

To ensure the order of use, safety and accounting of seals in an organization, a Instructions on the procedure for using seals, stamps and facsimiles at the enterprise, applications to which can be:

  • sample application for production or replacement of a seal;
  • form of the register of seals and stamps;
  • a list of documents on which the organization’s seal is affixed;
  • list of documents on which the stamp of the structural unit is affixed.

Entry into force of the new seal must be formalized by order of the head of the organization. We demonstrate a sample of it in Example 7. Please note: this order appoints person responsible for the new seal. This is no coincidence. Firstly, the production, accounting, replacement, storage, transfer and destruction of all seals and stamps of the organization is ensured by an official appointed by order of the manager. It also keeps a Journal of Seals and Stamps. Usually this is an employee of the service responsible for office work at the enterprise. Secondly, the right to use a particular seal, as well as responsibility for its safety, can be transferred to another official (for example, the seal of the personnel department can be controlled by the head of this department).

In the event of dismissal or temporary absence of the responsible employee (for example, due to vacation or business trip), an order is issued to transfer his authority regarding the press to another person (see Example 8). You can also attach this procedure to job description employee, using the following wording: “In the absence of the head of the HR department, the right to use and store the seal of the HR department is transferred to the deputy head of the HR department.”

The very fact of transferring a seal from one employee to another must also be documented. This can be done in the Journal of Seals and Stamps of the organization (see Example 9). At some enterprises, instead of a journal or in addition to it, a seal transfer certificate is drawn up. But, in our opinion, a signature in the journal is enough to ensure that from the date of receipt of the seal responsibility for it is assigned to this official.

The register of seals and stamps is kept by the person responsible for their accounting in the organization and is kept in a safe. The form of such a journal has not been approved, so each organization has the right to develop its own form.

The journal is maintained according to the rules for maintaining strict reporting documents. Each sheet is numbered, the magazine is stitched, sealed and signed by the head of the organization, who by order has appointed the person responsible for recording and storing seals and stamps. We are offering to you approximate form Journal of seals and stamps:

So, in order to minimize the risk of seal falsification and unauthorized affixing of a real seal on a fake document, you must:

  • place an order for the production of seals and stamps only from certified manufacturers (in Russia, a certificate for the production of mastic identification seals, including those with official symbols, is issued by a single organization - the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Printing);
  • produce seals taking into account the requirements of GOST R 51511-2001;
  • use waterproof stamp ink: this will help to easily identify falsification on inkjet printer(his ink is washed out by water);
  • do not use the basic round seal of the organization for all occasions, making for less important documents additional seals;
  • keep records of the seals and stamps of the organization;
  • store seals in securely locked and sealed cabinets.


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A legal entity must have a seal in accordance with the requirements of the law on the relevant types of legal entities:

Paragraph 5 of Article 2 of the Federal Law "On Limited Liability Companies" dated 02/08/98 N 14-FZ:

“The company must have a round seal containing its full company name in Russian and an indication of the location of the company. The company’s seal may also contain the company name in any language of the peoples of the Russian Federation and (or) a foreign language.
The Company has the right to have stamps and forms with its corporate name, its own emblem, as well as registered in in the prescribed manner trademark and other means of individualization."

Clause 7 of Article 2 of the Federal Law “On Joint-Stock Companies” dated December 12, 1995 N 208-FZ:

“The company must have a round seal containing its full company name in Russian and an indication of its location. The seal may also indicate the company name in any foreign language or the language of the peoples of the Russian Federation.
The Company has the right to have stamps and forms with its name, its own emblem, as well as a trademark registered in the prescribed manner and other means of visual identification."

Clause 4 of Article 3 of the Federal Law “On Non-Profit Organizations” dated January 12, 1996 No. 12-FZ:

"Non-profit organization has a seal with the full name of this non-profit organization in Russian.
A non-profit organization has the right to have stamps and forms with its name, as well as a duly registered emblem."

The following persons have the right to place the State Emblem of the Russian Federation on the seal:

  • federal government bodies, other government bodies, organizations and institutions;
  • organizations and institutions, regardless of their form of ownership, vested with individual government powers;
  • bodies implementing state registration acts of civil status;
  • notaries;
  • justices of the peace.

Requirements for the details of seals with the coat of arms (official seals):

  • full name of the legal entity in nominative case, in brackets - its short name (if any);
  • main state registration number (OGRN);
  • taxpayer identification number (TIN);
  • code according to the All-Russian Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (OKPO).

TIN and OGRN numbers are required only on seals that reproduce the State Emblem of the Russian Federation (stamp seals), that is, they may not be indicated on other seals.

The legislation does not contain a ban on reflection additional information on the seal, and therefore you can, at your discretion, reflect the TIN, OGRN, trademark, logo on it.

There are no restrictions on the number of seals an organization can have. An organization may have several seals - for structural departments (HR department, secretariat, office), certification of certain documents (invoices, certificates, etc.).