What to do if there is dampness in the apartment. How to reduce humidity in an apartment. Possible consequences of dampness

Any smell evokes certain feelings: the smell of hot baked goods awakens the appetite, the smell of perfume creates pleasant associations, the smell of gasoline is associated with cars. What is the smell of dampness, often referred to as the smell of humidity, associated with? As a rule, nothing good: if a musty damp smell appears in the apartment, then it causes nothing but discomfort. Why it appears and how to remove the smell of dampness in a house, apartment or room, what causes it and how you can influence it - now we’ll figure it out.

The main reasons for the smell of dampness:

  • basements with outdated utilities;
  • old housing stock (cracks in the walls);
  • neighbors flooded;
  • roof or attic leakage;
  • non-functional ventilation.

If the water pipes in the basements have not been changed for a long time, and, as a rule, this is what happens, then the steam they create passes through cracks in the walls, enters the apartments and settles on the walls in the form of condensation. But this reason is more suitable for the first floors of houses, since condensate from pipes in basements, as a rule, does not escape higher up.

WITH upper floors buildings may have the same problem, only the cause here will be cracks in the roofs, and, accordingly, leakage through them. Damp attics allow condensation into the apartments - and they smell damp.

On the middle floors of a building, the problem of musty smell appears due to cracks in the walls and divergence of the seams between the slabs - rain and snow pass into these cracks and thereby bring the smell of dampness into the rooms.

One of the most common reasons the appearance of the smell of dampness is due to careless neighbors who accidentally flooded you and your apartment. How longer water will drain from above, the greater the likelihood of a long-term damp smell. Drying the entire apartment after this event is a rather difficult and time-consuming process. But in summer this situation is not so bad, unlike in the cold season. If the house is weak or does not work at all, the smell of dampness will also spread throughout all apartments much faster and more intensely, since the natural flow of air is disrupted, humidity increases, mold and mildew appears, and the apartment or house smells damp.

As a result, the fresh aroma of washed clothes, the smells of freshly prepared dishes or new furniture - all these wonderful little things in life can be overshadowed by dampness, because if the smell appears in the house, it will quickly spread throughout the room, penetrate into the cabinets, and therefore - all the things in the dressers will smell bad. In addition, the smell of dampness contributes to frequent colds, joint problems, chronic bronchitis and other diseases. How to remove the smell of dampness, what methods exist and how to apply them? Let's understand further.

Everyone who is faced with the problem of an unpleasant odor from things and in the house is wondering: how to get rid of the musty smell. The very first and logical solution is to eliminate the cause of the smell of dampness in the apartment. Find out the cause, carry out preventive measures: change or repair the pipes in the basement, patch cracks in the roofs, check the attic, plaster the walls where the seams are leaking, cover the cracks with construction foam, check all ventilation, call special services to fix it and clean it in case of a malfunction.

If all measures have been taken and the main causes have been verified, let’s move on to prevention: here, frequent is the most basic remedy. Periodic flows of fresh air prevent the appearance of damp odors. If a lack of free time or lack of desire prevents you from arranging regular ventilation on a schedule, you can install one that will promptly and automatically deliver Fresh air into the room without your participation, maintaining a healthy microclimate.

If all this ventilation doesn’t really help, it’s worth checking the surfaces for the presence of mold fungus. If it doesn’t immediately catch your eye, it means it’s hiding in the corners of the walls, under the wallpaper, or in places inaccessible to the eye. What will help you fight it? Nowadays there are many different types of fungus, and in addition, there are some clever folk remedies: bleach, ammonia, borax, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, vinegar - based on the same chemistry. However, no matter what product you choose, simply treat the areas where the fungus is found and you will get a clean surface and the source of the damp smell destroyed. But on folk remedies Let's go into a little more detail.

How else can you remove the smell of dampness in a house, room or apartment? You can’t write off folk methods of struggle either. Discarding the most dense and delusional ones, you can find among “grandmother’s recipes” remedies based on scientific laws and quite effective.

The most popular of them is a mixture of salt and ground activated carbon. These ingredients are known to absorb moisture well, and with it the smell. You can pour the mixture into a decorative vase and make it part of the interior. The contents will have to be changed about once a week. However, in in this case the folk mixture can be replaced with modern silka gel if you don’t want to bother with vases and salt. The absorbent is well suited for removing the smell of dampness from closets and chests of drawers. First you need to take out all the things from them and carefully examine them for the presence of fungus. Then, if there is one, treat it with all of the above methods (except for ammonia), dry the inner walls using a heating device. Then put a mixture of coal and salt inside. Once the damp smell has subsided, place fragrances or fragrant herbs like lavender inside the cabinet and the problem will be solved.

Another folk way to hide the smell of dampness - the so-called “pomanders” - citrus (orange, lemon, grapefruit) in which clove stems are stuck - a rather beautiful and pleasant-smelling method that works for one to two months. This design neutralizes the smell of humidity very well.

How to eliminate damp smell from upholstered furniture?

We talked about cabinets, but how to eliminate the smell of dampness from upholstered furniture? It is more difficult to remove odors from furniture, since the base itself, usually foam rubber, is located inside, takes a long time to dry, and there is no guarantee that the odors will go away completely. In a good way, such furniture is taken out into the fresh air for several days, for example, to the country house. There, under the sun, it warms up to a sufficient depth for the smell of dampness to disappear. But, if this is not possible, you can dry the furniture using household heaters and fan heaters. If possible, you can replace the upholstery with a new one. In cases where this is not possible, try pouring green tea, coffee (or other aromatic herb 🙂) for 8-10 hours - these ingredients have a rich and specific aroma, capable of removing the smell of dampness.

If we talk about protecting shoes and clothes, then again we need to go back to ventilated and dried closets and chests of drawers, since both shoes and clothes are stored there. Outerwear, when unpleasant odor, must be dried and then washed. Naturally, you shouldn’t hang it in a closet that smells damp. It is better to protect shoes with a special deodorant and good ventilation or wipe them off ammonia, put salt inside and leave for a day.

Ventilation ducts covered with furniture, walls covered with synthetic “non-breathable” materials, plastic windows - all this dooms the apartment to the formation of excess moisture. High humidity is most relevant for bathrooms, toilets and kitchens.

Harm from excess humidity in a living space

Dampness in an apartment can lead to many problems. Mold, unpleasant smell, falling wallpaper, wet spots, damaged furniture - this is only a small part of everything that can befall the owner of a damp home.

Constant dampness can provoke chronic colds. Fungi, which multiply quickly in a humid environment favorable to them, can cause allergic reactions and bronchial asthma, and the appearance of mold on the walls.

Ventilation check

One of probable causes The appearance of dampness in the apartment is clogging of the ventilation ducts. The effectiveness of such communications can be checked with a lit match or candle.

If the flame leans towards the grate, it means there is draft, and ventilation ducts free. If the flame continues to burn vertically, then there is no draft. The solution to this problem is cleaning the ventilation ducts.

To clean the ventilation communications in the apartment, you can use a simple mechanical method, which involves the use of brushes, scrapers and other similar devices.

To make the job easier, you can use cleaning solutions specifically designed for this purpose.

In order to increase the efficiency of ventilation, a centrifugal fan can be installed instead of a grille. In any case, it will be useful in the toilet, kitchen or bathroom.

There are two ways to deal with dampness in an apartment:

  1. complete source isolation high humidity;
  2. drying a humid environment through ventilation and heating.

One of the main reasons for the appearance of moisture on the walls during the cold season is the high thermal conductivity of such structures. A significant difference between the air temperatures outside and indoors leads to the formation of condensation on the walls.

In this case, the dampening of the walls occurs unevenly - mainly individual areas are affected, especially windows and corners.

The main reason for the occurrence of such an unpleasant phenomenon is a violation of construction technology and deviation from current standards. To rid the walls of condensation, they need to be coated thermal insulation material, for example, polystyrene foam or stone wool.

Another reason for dampness in a living room may be regular washing and drying of clothes in it. You need to wash your clothes in the bathroom and dry them on the balcony.

If you still have to wash and dry clothes in a living room, then they should be hung as close to the ventilation ducts as possible.

Every meal preparation in the kitchen should be accompanied by turning on the hood. Frying pans, pots and other containers in which food is prepared should be covered with lids.

Dampness and subsequently black mold can also appear due to the fact that there is no vestibule at the entrance to the apartment. To avoid increased humidity and to maintain a stable temperature, use an electric heater.

If the apartment is located on the first floor of the house, and dampness begins to appear in the floor area, then the main reason for this may be ineffective waterproofing of the part of the base that directly interacts with the ground.

The appearance of dampness can be prevented with the help of modern preventive measures, aimed at increasing the level of moisture protection of walls, and the destruction of waterproofing that has already begun is eliminated by carrying out effective repair work.

In the second option, completely remove flooring and carry out all necessary waterproofing work.

If the apartment is located on top floor at home, then such an unpleasant phenomenon as a wall leak may appear. Water can penetrate both through the roof and along the wall through microcracks, which are present in large quantities.

You can determine the cause of a leak by observing the ceiling and wall as they fall out. atmospheric precipitation. If the problem arose precisely because of precipitation, then you should first determine where exactly the leak appeared, and then fix it.

Repair work should be carried out using modern moisture-normalizing materials, for example, dry plaster, liquid wallpaper or the so-called gypsum board.

The quality of the repair work carried out to eliminate dampness in the apartment determines the comfort and convenience of further living in it.

Since a home with an excessive level of moisture is not a favorable place for a person to live, how to remove humidity in an apartment becomes more relevant.

The modern lifestyle of almost all people contributes to an increase in the level of humidity indoors in which they live.

To understand this, it is enough to give a simple example: previously people took a bath approximately once every 5-7 days.

Today, daily showering is the norm for the common person.

Some people play sports or go to the gym, as a result of which they constantly sweat.

In addition to the developed habit of taking a shower or shower every day, you also have to wash clothes, and some even have to take care of pets.

The main sources of humidity in the room include:

  • respiratory process of the human body
  • daily bath procedures
  • laundry care, including drying, washing and ironing
  • influence of the external atmosphere
  • cooking in the kitchen

In any case, all these everyday moments cannot be avoided, so you will have to deal with excessive humidity in.

Possible consequences of dampness

The most favorable place for the proliferation of microflora is a room with high air humidity. This could be a bathroom or a basement. Humidity in the room often contributes to the appearance chronic disease from the person who lives here.

Most often, children suffer, since the child’s body is not yet formed and the immune system is not fully strengthened. Old people also suffer from living in such premises, since the protective and other functions of the body weaken with age.

Residents of houses made of brick most often complain about the problem of high humidity in the room. In turn, residents of panel buildings complain about the lack of the required level of moisture inside. Dry air also negatively affects human health, as a result of which he can get sick.

If the room has a high level of humidity, you should immediately address the problem, since replacing several household items is much cheaper than spending money on treatment.

In addition to possible harm to human health, increased humidity levels create an uncomfortable state of being inside.

Often, due to an excessive level of dampness, an unpleasant odor and a feeling of coolness form inside the home or any other room. In damp room Food spoils quickly, including even vegetables and fruits.

In such rooms mold and harmful microflora often form. Dampness is one of the most unpleasant phenomena that can ruin the entire comfort of living or being inside a building. If this problem is detected, you should immediately take measures to eliminate the dampness.

Reasons for dampness in an apartment

Before you begin the process of eliminating the problem, it is worth identifying the main reason for the accumulation of damp air inside.

The main reasons for the accumulation of dampness inside a building include:

  • Lack of room ventilation. Even if ventilation is present, its functionality and quality of operation should be checked.
  • Moisture may appear due to flooding of the apartment by neighbors above. Often this problem difficult to identify, since a neighbor who lives above an apartment with high humidity may not be aware of the breakdown of his plumbing. It is always necessary to check whether this is not the main cause of orphanage in the home.
  • If the building has unsealed seams between the walls, moisture can also appear inside the building.
  • If the basement multi-storey building flooded, moisture will rise upward, resulting in dampness. Before you remove moisture from a ground-floor apartment, you should make sure whether a flooded basement is the main source of moisture.
  • Wrong location kitchen appliances may influence the appearance of dampness.

To eliminate the problem, you always need to find the source of the dampness. The easiest way to detect increased moisture levels is to lean a mirror or piece of glass against the surface.

If after a few minutes drops of water appear on the surface of the glass or mirror, it means there is an increased level of dampness in a separate room or the whole room. If the glass turns out to be clean, you should not rejoice ahead of time, since moisture can only be stored in the walls of the building.

How to get rid of dampness

As mentioned above, if a problem is discovered, it should be eliminated immediately, since the influence of a humid environment can negatively affect the human body.

The most common methods for eliminating indoor humidity include:

  • Installation of an air dehumidifier, which can be purchased at any electronic and electronics supermarket household appliances. The price of a dehumidifier directly depends on its model and power. In any case, to fix the problem you need to purchase a similar unit. When purchasing, it is worth considering the fact that the greater the power of the device, the faster dampness in a particular building will be eliminated. The market for similar products offers devices with built-in dampness control sensors. If the moisture level on the dehumidifier sensor drops, the device automatically changes the heating temperature. Thus, the device will not dry out the air, but will maintain a stable temperature and humidity level inside the room or building. Note that such models consume more electricity than standard, simple dehumidifiers that do not have a control sensor.
  • Installing a radiator if there is none. If there are radiators in the building, then it is worth using them. A damp room needs to be warmed up from time to time. When radiators emit heat, all of the unfavorable microflora, including fungi, can disappear, and the apartment can dry out well. Based on the advice of experts, the room should be heated not strongly, but often.

How to Prevent Excessive Humidity

Houseplants absorb moisture. This is why it’s worth getting plants if you don’t already have them. Flowers on the windowsill, in addition to their aesthetic function, perfectly absorb the dampness that is in the building.

Indoor flowers or other plants minimize any chance of increased moisture levels. Eg, tropical plants absorb huge amounts of water, so placing such a plant in the bathroom or bedroom would be the right decision.

Cacti are the most “powerful” plants in terms of absorption capacity.

Unfortunately, due to the fact that these plants are not very decorative, many do not want to place them at home.

When choosing a plant for a room, kitchen or bathroom, you should first study the characteristics of various plants.

If the problem described above is identified, the main source of the emitted moisture should be urgently identified. And only after identifying the problem, the owner of the house should choose a method that is ideal for him personally to regulate the microclimate and, accordingly, reduce the level of moisture inside the building.

Watch the video on how to get rid of dampness in an apartment or house:

There are four main reasons why you need to get rid of humidity in your apartment as soon as possible:

Causes of dampness

Poor ventilation, nearby sources of moisture, savings on heating and improper insulation are the main reasons causing dampness in a private or apartment building.

Insufficient ventilation is the most common cause of high air humidity. IN apartment buildings, especially in the old foundation, the installed ventilation shafts and grilles become clogged and overgrown with debris. As a result, air movement stops. The situation is aggravated by plastic windows, especially cheap ones, low quality materials for covering ceilings and walls. In private houses, especially self-built ones, owners sometimes try to save money by using ventilation, believing that there are enough windows and doors. This is wrong!

If the ventilation system cannot cope, it is not necessary to create a draft, especially in winter - this can lead to hypothermia. More expensive, but most practical solution will be forced exhaust ventilation, as well as amplifiers of an existing system, for example, exhaust fans.

Another solution to the problem is to install a recuperator or use a special air dryer. Last device indispensable if the cause of dampness is excess moisture (for example, in a bathroom, swimming pool, with an abundance of house flowers).

Source of moisture

Sources of moisture in the apartment:

  • precipitation: rain, melting snow, condensation can enter the apartment through a leaking roof, through wall pores and unsealed seams (especially if the wind, improper roof overhang or defective drainage constantly direct precipitation onto the wall);
  • stagnation of water in the apartment: leaking plumbing equipment, swimming pools, baths, aquariums, including those located on the floor below; the same effect is achieved by running a bath or taking a long shower;
  • the greenhouse effect from poor window ventilation (condensation accumulates on the glass), abundance indoor plants, especially if they need abundant watering;
  • The breathing of people, animals, and plants also increases humidity - usually this factor is not noticeable, but in cramped and / or poorly ventilated rooms it will be noticeable.

Near a private house there may be chambos or septic tanks that saturate the grant with moisture. As a result, the basement becomes very damp and mold develops in it. Another source of moisture in the basement and on the 1st floor is a split blind area (a waterproof covering located around the perimeter of the house). Moisture from the soil and precipitation will seep into the house or basement.

An unheated room is a refuge for dampness. Ideally, the walls of an apartment or house should be heated to at least half their thickness, then the place where condensation forms will go outside (to the street). In frozen walls, the place where condensation forms is shifted to a warm area, and is often even located on the surface of the walls on the residential side. The problem is aggravated by poor ventilation of the premises.

Housing where no people live or which is not heated enough begins to become damp very quickly: the wall decoration is destroyed on average in two seasons. In addition, in addition to natural wear and tear, the structure loses an additional 5% of its strength every year due to dampness.

Advice! Vacation home, dacha - no seasonal housing should be left without heating. Hire a person or arrange with a neighbor who will periodically monitor this. If you are going away for a couple of weeks, do not close the battery valves.

Improper insulation also causes dampness. The main mistakes are an insufficient layer to provide warmth, and poor materials with zero vapor permeability.

To properly insulate an apartment, you can use one of two options:

  1. The thickness of the polystyrene insulation layer is within 10-15 cm (and this is relevant for any region of the Russian Federation).
  2. Use vapor-permeable material as insulation, for example, ecowool, mineral wool. This will make it possible to ensure that moisture in the walls is removed.

How to remove high humidity

Dealing with moisture will likely require a significant investment of either money, time and patience.

The most reliable methods of dealing with dampness are expensive. However, after the restructuring you will not have to think about drafts or sachets. The methods are expensive, but they pay off with interest:

  1. Replacement of the ventilation system, installation of fans, hoods.
  2. A major overhaul that completely removes old plaster in damp areas. After this, the room is dried and the walls are covered with a fresh layer of plaster.
  3. Replacement and repair heating systems and water supply pipes. The task becomes more difficult if these systems are hidden.
  4. Solving problems with the waterproofing properties of the foundation, walls and roof, which is the most labor-intensive and expensive procedure. It is unlikely that you will be able to cope here on your own, without the involvement of specialists.

Affordable and simple ways to reduce indoor humidity:

  1. When the weather is dry and warm outside, you should ventilate the room more often by opening the windows.
  2. The bathroom needs especially frequent ventilation; the hood in this room requires regular cleaning.
  3. You should not dry clothes in the room, as this will significantly increase air humidity. This is only permissible in winter, when the air is dried out by the heating system and needs to be humidified. In summer, it is better to dry clothes on the balcony or street.
  4. When cooking, pots with boiling water must be covered with lids. It is also recommended to close the doors to the kitchen, this will serve as an obstacle to the spread of steam throughout the rooms in the apartment. Open the windows for slot ventilation in winter or full ventilation in summer, do not forget to turn on the hood. Try not to let the pans steam too much (reduce heat).
  5. Reducing the number of indoor plants will help to slightly reduce the humidity in the room.
  6. A special air dryer (compressor or adsorption) will eliminate high humidity in a separate room.

Advice! Regularly ventilating the room, regardless of the time of year, will allow you to install plastic windows that are equipped with a “micro-ventilation” function.

High humidity is removed if the room is constantly heated at the same temperature.

How to remove damp smell

Often high humidity is accompanied by a characteristic smell of dampness. Its cause is a fungus, therefore, in order to eliminate the problem, the infection must be destroyed. Thoroughly wash away mold stains; if it has become deeply embedded, replace the coating (down to the layer of plaster), if possible. Then treat with a disinfectant compound, and then with a protective one. Products must be labeled “antifungal” or “fungicide.”

To prevent mold from growing again, in addition to treating with protective agents, you will need in warm, dry weather:

  • arrange a draft in the apartment, which will ensure good ventilation;
  • hang carpets, bed linen, curtains, clothes outside to dry and disinfect under the sun's rays.

Advice! In winter, heaters, household dehumidifiers, and air conditioners that are equipped with a heating function will allow you to dry the room.

Folk remedies for dampness in the apartment

Folk recipes also help to dry the air in the apartment:

  1. With the onset of summer, warm weather It is recommended to treat walls that are not covered with wallpaper and are covered with mold with the following composition: dissolve half a kilogram in five liters of water laundry soap, then boil the mixture. Cover the wall evenly with a cooled soap solution using a brush and let dry. Repeat the treatment several times. Traces of soap suds should form on the wall. After this, apply another composition consisting of 100 grams of alum diluted in six liters of water.
  2. Calcium chloride absorbs moisture excellently. Place containers with this substance in damp areas of the room. The advantage of calcium chloride is its reusability. It is enough to dry it (for example, in an oven). Be sure to crush calcium chloride before use.
  3. Treatment with a mixture of salicylic acid and alcohol will help eliminate mold and prevent the spread of dampness. Dry the walls thoroughly. After this, combine one part salicylic acid and two hundred (200) parts alcohol. Dilute the mixture a small amount clean water. Lubricate the black mold spots with the resulting product.

Advice! Replace calcium chloride with charcoal or quicklime.

  1. Use a hydrometer. In the warm season, the optimal humidity will be from 30 to 60%, maximum - 65. At the end of autumn, in winter, in early spring Humidity should vary between 30-45% and not exceed 60.
  2. Provide access to the sun's rays.
  3. Ventilate the apartment; this must be done systematically and efficiently.
  4. Seal cracks in walls and floors.
  5. Provide high-quality waterproofing.
  6. Use fans, including exhaust fans, in the kitchen and bathroom. Check your traction periodically ventilation system. Check the condition of the plumbing equipment, and Special attention Pay attention to the pipe connections.
  7. Systematically inspect the seal for plastic windows, promptly replace with a new one.
  8. When making major repairs, use building materials mineral based. This will make it possible to effectively regulate the humidity in an apartment or private house.

You can eliminate dampness in your apartment with simple and accessible ways. Wall treatment special compounds will destroy mold and prevent its reappearance. Systematic prevention will protect against increased humidity and fungus formation.

Everyone dreams of a cozy and comfortable home. But even the most modern apartments are not immune to the appearance of mold due to too high levels of humidity in the premises. You can cope with the problem with the help of effective traditional methods and industrial products.

Causes of dampness

The normal level of humidity in an apartment is no more than 60%. During the hot summer, this figure can be reduced to 45%. It is under such conditions that a person will feel as comfortable as possible. But if it is high, optimal conditions for the development of dampness, and therefore fungus.

High levels of indoor humidity can cause fungus

The reason for the increased level of air humidity in residential premises may be:

  • poor ventilation;
  • damage water pipes and improperly installed home plumbing;
  • regular drying of laundry in residential areas;
  • frequent bathing;
  • the presence of aquariums and a large number of indoor plants in the apartment;
  • not insulated inter-wall seams and cracks.

High humidity is also generated during the cooking process. To eliminate this problem, it is often enough to ventilate the room well. But if the ceiling is leaking, getting rid of the dampness will not be so easy.

The appearance of condensation indoors in summer and winter is also facilitated by the installation of plastic windows.

Where does mold appear?

Most often, mold can be found on walls and windows, on the ceiling and floor. Sometimes the fungus is hidden under carpeting, in pile, behind wallpaper, furniture and decorative objects on the walls, as well as in cabinets and bookshelves. If mold is discovered, immediate action must be taken to prevent the fungus from reproducing and to completely remove it.

Why dampness may appear in the house - video

Instructions for reducing humidity in an apartment or private house

  1. One of the most simple ways One of the ways to effectively combat dampness in rooms is regular ventilation.

    Good room ventilation helps remove excess moisture

  2. It is also necessary to take care to isolate sources of dampness. If a wall in a room becomes damp due to a problem with the plumbing or sewer pipes, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate damage, which will allow the wall to dry out over time. But if dampness in a private house occurs due to close proximity groundwater, the only way to solve the problem is to insulate the walls and foundation with waterproof materials, which can be purchased in specialized construction stores. In some cases, it is advisable to organize additional heating of the room, which will allow drying raw corners and prevent further development of the fungus.

    Additional heating of the room will reduce humidity and dry damp areas walls and floors

  3. To find out the reason why the walls of your home are covered with moisture, you can use this method: attach to inner surface tape a plastic sheet 50 cm long to the wall; after a few days, remove it and check the condition of the surface underneath it. If it is dry, the cause of mold is high level humidity in the room. If it is wet, then the reason lies in water seeping through the wall. You can get rid of this problem using special water-repellent paints or plaster, which contains silicone or synthetic latex. To prevent dampness inside, these products are also applied to external walls. In some cases, it is advisable to carry out complex repair work.

    Water-repellent paints and plasters will protect walls from fungus

  4. Owners of private houses should remember that earthen floors are excellent conductors of moisture. For this reason, it is advisable to cover them polymer materials or concrete.

    Concrete floor does not allow excess moisture to pass through

  5. Cracks must be removed using solutions that harden upon contact with a moist environment. A plaster solution is used for the walls. When sealing defects located at the junctions of walls and floors, epoxy materials are usually used.

    High-quality sealing of cracks will prevent the appearance of fungus in an apartment and private house

  6. Causes of excessive humidity inside wooden buildings- poorly caulked seams between logs and insufficient ventilation. You can cope with the problem by using special antiseptic preparations and bleaches that effectively remove fungus, for example, Bioshield, Neomid, Remmers or Prosept.

    Sealing the seams between the logs and treating the wood with special compounds will prevent the appearance of dampness inside the house

  7. In apartments located in houses made of bricks, foam blocks and aerated concrete, with elevated level humidity, it is advisable to use dehumidifiers. Such devices are ideal for eliminating excess moisture in bathrooms, toilets and kitchens.

    Air dehumidifiers will cope with excess moisture in any living space

How to get rid of fungus in an apartment - video

Often unwanted moisture accumulates under linoleum. It is there that all the conditions are created for the development of mold, which is almost impossible to get rid of completely and the coating has to be changed. In this case, it is advisable to follow important recommendations:

  • Under no circumstances should old materials be laid on floors affected by mold;
  • the fungus often spreads to the walls, so you should cut off the lower part of the wallpaper adjacent to the baseboards;
  • When installing new linoleum, it is advisable to treat it with antifungal drugs.

To remove fungus under linoleum, you need to change the floor covering

Fungus under the wallpaper

If mold has formed under the wallpaper, you need to clean the surface of black spots using one of the solutions:

  • from washing powder and chlorine (1–2 tablespoons of chlorine and 30–50 g of powder) - dilute the dry mixture with 3 liters of cool water, not forgetting to use protective equipment in the form of gloves and a respirator.
  • from ½ bar of laundry soap, 100 g of soda and 5 liters of water.

Armed with a few clean rags and a sponge, clean the walls and dry them with household heater or an infrared device. Then you need to apply an antifungal drug, for example, Furacilin or Nystatin.

  1. Dissolve 4-6 tablets well in 0.5 liters of hot water.
  2. Add another 3–5 liters of water.
  3. Treat the walls of the room with the solution. Instead of these drugs, you can also use copper sulfate.
  4. Dry the surfaces thoroughly.
  5. Apply primer for wallpapering. When choosing suitable composition It is worth paying attention to products containing antifungal substances.

Mold on plastic windows

If mold has formed on plastic windows and slopes, you should act immediately.

  1. Remove visible fungal stains using an aqueous bleach solution in a 5:1 ratio.
  2. Treat windows with ready-made antifungal compounds (Vincents, TEKS, Polyline, Dufa) or those made independently.

You can make remedies at home using the following recipes:

  • 0.2 liters of boron and 70 percent acetic acid for 1 liter of water;
  • 100 g of sodium fluoride and copper sulfate for 1 liter of water;
  • 100 ml of copper sulfate and household bleach per 1 liter of water.

The selected composition must be applied to the surface plastic frames and slopes with a brush. To avoid the recurrence of mold, it is recommended to use rubber-based waterproofing mastics. Using such means, you can provide surfaces with a waterproof coating.

Don't forget about protective equipment - gloves and a mask. After completing the treatment, ventilate the room for 40 minutes.

How to get rid of condensation on PVC windows - video

Mold in the bathroom

If mold appears in the bathroom, you also cannot do without treating surfaces with antifungal compounds. If fungus has formed on the ceiling, it should be removed along with the plaster, removing sealant and paint from the affected areas. After completing the work, it is necessary to make sure that the pipes and faucets are not leaking, and to eliminate any damage. Joints plastic parts can be treated with sealant.

What to do if black mold has formed in the bathroom - video

Mold in the basement

If mold has appeared in the basement, but the situation is not yet too advanced, you can use the following method.

  1. Dilute 250 ml of formaldehyde 40% in 10 liters of water.
  2. Apply the mixture to the affected areas of the walls and dry them.
  3. Then apply plaster to the walls and whitewash the ceiling. Having provided the premises good ventilation, O reappearance You won't have to worry about mold.

How to remove dampness from a cellar - video

Home remedies to combat fungus and dampness indoors

In addition to industrial compounds, you can use effective and inexpensive home-made products to combat fungus.

  1. Take 0.5 kg of laundry soap, grate and dissolve in 5 liters of water.
  2. Boil the resulting mixture and cool it.
  3. In warm summer weather, brush several coats of soapy water onto moldy walls without wallpaper.
  4. Then cover them with a composition prepared from 100 g of alum and 6 liters of water.

You can deal with dampness using calcium chloride, placing it in the corners. To reuse it, it must be dried under the influence of high temperatures, and then ceiling. Suitable as a replacement charcoal and quicklime. However, when using this method, care should be taken to ensure that these substances are not accessible to children or pets.

Mold prevention

  1. To prevent mold growth, monitor indoor humidity levels using a hydrometer.
  2. Ensure good ventilation and sufficient sunlight.
  3. Use fans in the bathroom and kitchen, regularly check the draft in ventilation shafts, and monitor the condition of plumbing fixtures, especially at their connections.
  4. Seal cracks in walls and floors.
  5. When conducting overhaul use mineral-based materials that allow you to more effectively regulate the level of humidity in the premises.
  6. Take care of high-quality waterproofing.
  7. Inspect regularly plastic seals on PVC windows, check their suitability and replace them in a timely manner.
  8. At the first appearance of condensation, promptly eliminate the cause of its formation.

Simple and affordable methods will help eliminate excess moisture in the premises, thereby preventing the development of harmful fungus. When using a variety of products and formulations, do not forget about safety measures that can protect your health. Regular preventative measures will minimize the risk of mold reoccurring in your home.
