Why is brown discharge dangerous? Let's find out whether brown discharge after menstruation is dangerous. Causes of brown discharge, regardless of duration

Most often they indicate a disorder in the genitals. This article will tell you what types of pathologies cause this symptom.

Characteristics of the symptom

The basis of such secretions is the mucous secretion produced by the glands of the genital organs and the fluid of the cervical canal. The brownish tint of mucus comes from blood, which for various reasons gets into the secretion and oxidizes.

Such vaginal fluid in women has different characteristics: abundant and scanty, watery and thick, having a light and dark shade, homogeneous, curdled and streaky consistency, accompanied by discomfort in the form of itching, pain in the lower abdomen, the smell of iron, pus, rotten fish.

The consistency depends on the provocateur of this symptom. These include:

  1. Hormonal imbalance.
  2. Experienced emotional stress.
  3. Endocrinological disorders.
  4. Inflammation.
  5. Infection.
  6. Threat of miscarriage.
  7. Pathologies of the uterus and other female organs.

Sign of normality

Sometimes the appearance of discharge Brown with an iron smell is not a violation. The norm includes secretion that is associated with the course of the menstrual cycle and appears a day or two before menstruation, and is indicated for several days after its completion or during the ovulatory period.

An acceptable characteristic is only a slight smell of iron (that’s what blood smells like), as well as the absence of accompanying uncomfortable symptoms.

Otherwise, the described symptom is indicated as a result of pathologies that tend to make themselves felt most clearly before and after menstruation. Find out what they point out in the article at the link.

Hormonal imbalance

Brown discharge With unpleasant smell quite often appear due to hormone-dependent changes. This secretion can be released during sexual intercourse, before and after menstruation.

Hormone imbalance can occur due to various reasons:

  • endocrinological disruptions;
  • use of hormonal contraceptives and emergency contraception;
  • menopause.

The lack of estrogen and progesterone affects the organs of the reproductive system and their tissues, which secrete a small amount of blood. The biocenosis of the vagina (disturbance of the microflora) also joins, as a result of which the mucous secretion changes its composition and begins to exude Strong smell.

Inflammatory processes

Inflammation of the genital organs is a common problem among the fair half of humanity. They develop due to the entry of pathogenic microorganisms (bacteroides, enterococci, chlamydia, trichomonas, mycoplasmas, ureaplasmas) into the genital tract, when there are favorable conditions. Such conditions are created through:

  • microflora disorders;
  • weakened immunity;
  • poor hygiene;
  • improper lifestyle;
  • hormonal imbalance.

Brown discharge with an unpleasant odor due to illness

  1. Endometritis is inflammation of the basal layer of the endometrium. As the process develops, the body temperature rises, the uterus begins to secrete bloody, purulent brown mucus, and pain is felt in the lower abdomen. Symptoms appear regardless of the menstrual cycle.
  2. Adnexitis, also known as salpingoophoritis, is an inflammatory process affecting the appendages (fallopian tubes). The disease is characterized by:
    • menstrual irregularities;
    • heavy menstruation or acyclic brown discharge (often purulent with
    • strong unpleasant odor);
    • increased body temperature;
    • spasms and pain in the lower abdomen, moving to the lower back.
  3. Colpitis is a lesion of the vaginal mucosa, which indicates an infection. Indicated by brown purulent discharge in women, which can be associated with the appearance of a bad odor. Symptoms overlap with vaginal itching, burning, and pain. Symptoms often appear after sexual intercourse.
  4. Bacterial vaginosis is a common female disease, the main symptom of which is off-white, gray, vaginal itching.
  5. The symptom also characterizes many sexually transmitted diseases in an acute form, due to which blood is released into a pathological secretion that has acquired a brown tint and a foul odor.
  6. Endometriosis can become a prerequisite for the appearance of dark and dark spots.
  7. Cervical erosion is mostly asymptomatic, but there are often cases when it is indicated by a few drops of blood, which coagulates and comes out in the form of light brown mucus with an unpleasant odor. Read about it in the article at the link.
  8. Discharges from brown tint and a putrid odor, accompanied by bursting pain, indicate an ectopic pregnancy or fetal death. This case should be reported to your doctor immediately.
  9. This sign also manifests itself in neoplasms of different etymologies.

Remember, this symptom in most cases indicates a disorder in the woman’s reproductive system. You must definitely tell your gynecologist about it and have the discharge material submitted for analysis to determine the cause and receive proper treatment. Never self-medicate, watch the nature of your sexual secretion and be healthy!

Many topics of an intimate nature arise in girls and women at different times, and it is not always possible or desirable to immediately go to doctors for a consultation. There are some things you want to figure out on your own first.

There is something to read for both 10-year-old girls and adult women. To save time searching for information, you can ask a specialist a question. Great option for girls who are tormented by some problem, but are afraid to ask their mother or consult a gynecologist.

Everything about gynecology, accessible and simple

According to doctors, half of all women over 18 years of age suffer from various gynecological diseases. And the reason for this is the general deterioration in the health of the population, combined with serious physical and psychological stress.

Since the topic of “female” diseases is extremely subtle, few representatives of the fair sex go to the doctor when symptoms appear. Women's modesty and shyness do not allow them to talk about their intimate problems to a stranger, which often leads to serious problems that could be easily avoided. Symptoms that characterize the presence of problems with “women’s” health:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • bleeding between periods;
  • pain during urination or sex;
  • purulent or foamy vaginal discharge;
  • burning or itching of the external genitalia.

In addition, gynecology includes obstetrics and pregnancy management. Recently, such a direction as gynecology-endocrinology has developed, revealing the relationship between the hormonal and anatomical-physiological spheres.

Gynecology most often deals with:

  • diseases of the uterus;
  • ovarian cysts;
  • inflammation of the appendages;
  • tubal obstruction;
  • female infertility;
  • not by gestation;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • disruptions of the menstrual cycle;
  • family planning;
  • menopause;
  • medical abortion;
  • installing a spiral;
  • preparation for IVF;
  • diseases of the female excretory system;
  • oncology, etc.

Gynecological diseases are divided into the following groups:

  1. Endocrine (hyperprolactinemia, hyperthyroidism, adrenogenital syndrome, resistant ovarian syndrome and others). This type of disease is associated with dysfunction endocrine system the body, in particular with the activity of the endocrine glands. Endocrine diseases can negatively affect both a woman’s general well-being and her ability to conceive.
  2. Infectious (chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, syphilis, candidiasis and others). The causes, as the name suggests, of these diseases are sexually transmitted infections. They lead to serious menstrual irregularities and reproductive function, as well as to the consequences affecting the “personal” life of a woman.
  3. Benign and malignant neoplasms (uterine fibroids, cervical cancer, ovarian cysts and others). They pose a serious threat to the health and life of women. It is precisely because of the risk of such diseases that regular gynecological examinations are recommended. Then even a malignant tumor will be detected at an early stage.

There are three types of treatment for “female” diseases:

  • Medication. Most often, anti-inflammatory drugs, antiviral and antifungal drugs are used in the treatment of gynecological diseases. To treat endocrine disorders, hormonal therapy is used, which has a complex effect on the body. With its help, it is even possible to effectively cure infertility. One or another vitamin preparation may be prescribed as a restorative agent;
  • Physiotherapeutic. Devices for physiotherapeutic procedures are available in any serious hospital specializing in gynecological diseases. The main advantage of physiotherapy is the ability to avoid surgical intervention. Cryodestruction and chemical destruction are actively used in the treatment of cervical erosion, cervicitis and other diseases. Laser therapy is used for intimate plastic surgery and reconstructive surgeries. Radio wave therapy is used to destroy pathological areas of organs without surgical intervention;
  • Surgical. Most operations are performed using laparoscopy - punctures in the vagina and abdominal cavity without causing significant tissue damage. Surgical intervention is most often required when tumors appear that cannot be cured otherwise.

The best way not to worry about gynecological diseases is effective prevention. Actions to help protect yourself from disease genitourinary system, relate:

  • barrier protection;
  • do not abuse diets for weight loss (they can negatively affect hormonal levels);
  • avoid stress if possible;
  • avoid hypothermia of the “lower” part of the body.

One of the most common complaints when gynecological examination is the presence of vaginal discharge with a brown tint after the cessation of menstruation.

Sometimes this condition is considered normal, but it can also be a signal of the presence of pathologies in the woman’s reproductive system.

is a physiological process consisting of systematic changes in the body of a woman of childbearing age, a characteristic manifestation of which is the release of blood from the uterus.

The characteristics of the menstrual cycle are individual for each female body. But there are general norms for some indicators: the duration of menstruation is from 2 to 7 days, with a regularity of 20-35 days. The average volume of blood loss is 40-80 ml.

According to experts, the presence of brown discharge for several days after the cessation of menstruation is considered normal. This is explained by the slow release of blood at the final stage of menstruation. During this period, it curls up inside the vagina and acquires a brown tint by the time it comes out.

Also, the factors that cause the appearance of brown discharge in a woman’s healthy body include the following:

  • Use of oral contraception and hormonal medications
  • The presence of discharge in the middle of the cycle indicates the onset of
  • As a result of intense sexual contact, resulting in injury to the mucous membrane of the vaginal walls
  • Beginning of sexual activity

In what cases is the presence of brown mucus a pathology that portends the development of gynecological diseases:

It is worth noting that careful attention to your health will help you timely determine the nature and danger of brown discharge after menstruation.

Brown discharge: pathology

Quite often, the results of the secretory activity of the glandular structures located in the vagina are an indicator of the presence of gynecological diseases in a woman’s body.

The presence of brown discharge is a clear sign of the following diseases:

All these pathological processes lead to the uncontrolled appearance of intermenstrual mucous membranes of a characteristic rich brown color. Therefore, it is very important to immediately seek help at the first symptoms. medical care to avoid serious complications.

Discharge: what to do

Very rarely, when intermenstrual discharge appears, representatives of the fair sex run to the antenatal clinic to determine the cause of its occurrence. Unfortunately, in most cases, women self-medicate, putting their lives and health at risk.

Gynecologists allocated following conditions, in which the presence vaginal discharge is considered normal and does not require medical intervention:

  • The menstrual cycle was not disrupted, and the appearance of such discharge was observed for the first time
  • passed without any pain
  • No fever, dizziness or weakness
  • The volume of monthly discharge did not exceed the permissible norm
  • Full confidence in the absence of an intrauterine fetus

In these cases, you can eliminate the discharge yourself by normalizing physical and emotional stress and creating a balanced diet.

The use of strong medications is not recommended. It will be enough to use alternative medicine methods.

It is worth remembering that atypical postmenstrual discharge may portend the development of diseases. Therefore, if they continue for a long time or are accompanied by a deterioration in health, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The specialist in the video will talk about pathological discharge:

  • Delayed menstruation and brown discharge: possible causes,…

Brown discharge in women, what is it, should it be regarded as menstruation or a symptom of a disease? There are quite a few reasons for the appearance of this symptom. If this happens repeatedly, you need to be examined by a gynecologist, who will not only refer you for an ultrasound, but also examine the walls of the vagina and cervix, and collect an anamnesis. In this way, the causes of brown discharge are clarified and the issue of treatment is decided.


In this disease, endometrial cells (this upper layer in the uterine cavity, which is renewed with each menstruation) grow deep into the uterus, into its muscle layer - the myometrium. Adenomyosis is one of the main causes of infertility. A very common disease. Causes pain in the lower abdomen, heavy menstruation, dark brown discharge in women at the end of menstruation.

This diagnosis is made preliminary using ultrasound. Adenomyosis, as well as the prevalence of the process in the uterus, can be accurately determined using hysteroscopy - examination of the uterine cavity with a special optical device.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to cure adenomyosis. Only if the uterus is removed. But this is done extremely rarely, and if adenomyosis is combined with another pathology, for example, multiple uterine fibroids, a very large node, endometrial hyperplasia, large blood losses during menstruation and intermenstrual bleeding.

Adenomyosis is a hormone-dependent disease. That is, you can wait until menopause and its symptoms will disappear. Also, brown discharge during pregnancy cannot be a consequence of adenomyosis. Pregnancy serves as a kind of treatment.
If you are far from menopause, doctors prescribe hormonal drugs according to different schemes. If the symptoms are not too pronounced, and if pregnancy is not planned in the near future, hormonal contraceptives are prescribed in the form of tablets or an intrauterine system. Brown intermenstrual discharge in women disappears. My periods come regularly and are painless. Blood loss with them is insignificant.

Chronic endometritis

This disease causes damage to the endometrium by any infectious pathogens. They can enter the uterus as a result of various gynecological procedures that require penetration into the cavity of this organ. For example, collection of material for endometrial biopsy, abortion, hysteroscopy, etc.

Symptoms of the disease - low-grade fever, irregular menstrual cycle, light brown discharge, prolonged, heavy and painful menstruation, intermenstrual bleeding. Sometimes menstruation disappears altogether. Pelvic pain appears.

The causative agents of the inflammatory process can be a variety of microorganisms, including those that provoke bacterial vaginosis. Brown discharge with an odor in women is evidence of this. However, viruses can also be to blame for chronic endometritis. For example, cytomegalovirus and herpes infections. It is necessary to undergo treatment, otherwise the inflammation will spread to the ovaries and fallopian tubes. Antibacterial agents are usually prescribed - antibiotics.

Trauma to the vagina and cervix

In case of injury received during sexual intercourse, the woman feels pain and bleeding is short-lived. Does not require treatment. Only short-term sexual abstinence and further exclusion of actions that led to injury.

In case of injury to the cervix, erosion occurs on it. It is called true. Goes away on its own within 10 days. Some women use sea buckthorn suppositories and others to speed up healing. folk remedies treatment. But they are optional.

It may bleed after gynecological manipulation - for example, taking material from the cervix for analysis.

Hello! The appearance of brownish discharge at the beginning of pregnancy does not always indicate a pathology that requires immediate medical intervention. Moreover, it can be said that at the most early stages pregnancy, minor bleeding is considered a normal symptom that is not a cause for concern and does not pose a danger to the normal course of pregnancy. After all, the first weeks are a time of global restructuring of a woman’s body, hormonal and physiological. The reason for the discharge of blood from the genital tract of a pregnant woman, first of all, may be the following. During the implantation of the fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus, small fragments of its mucous membrane may be rejected, which causes the appearance of small bloody discharge from the vagina. These vaginal discharge may have a brown, brown or intense red color. Most often, the discharge is not abundant. Sometimes they are accompanied by minor spasms, sometimes they pass completely painlessly for the pregnant woman. But you should definitely consult a doctor to make sure that everything is fine with the fetus and that it is developing, since bloody issues may be a signal of threat. After the fertilized egg has implanted into the wall of the uterus (this happens approximately on the 7th day after ovulation), any bleeding should alert the pregnant woman and make her immediately see the obstetrician-gynecologist leading the pregnancy. You actually did just that. A fairly common cause of bleeding from the genital tract in pregnant women in the early stages of pregnancy is. This also happens for a completely understandable reason: due to increased blood flow to the uterus during pregnancy, the mucous membrane of the cervix may begin to bleed, turning into some kind of inflammatory ulcer. In the case of cervical erosion in pregnant women, blood from the genital tract appears after sexual intercourse or for no apparent reason at all; this is not accompanied by pain, is insignificant and quickly stops spontaneously. In addition to erosion, the cause of bleeding in pregnant women in the first trimester of pregnancy can be polyps of the cervical canal and decidual polyps - harmless tumors growing in the uterus or cervix. Bleeding is also insignificant and is not accompanied by pain. Depending on the specific situation, the doctor can remove the polyp or wait until the polyp falls off on its own, as this most often happens. Removing a bleeding polyp does not harm the course of pregnancy, since curettage of the uterine cavity is not required when removing it. In parallel with the removal of the polyp, treatment is necessarily carried out aimed at replenishing blood loss and maintaining pregnancy. Have you discovered that you have cervical erosion or decidual polyps? However, there are other cases when bleeding in the first trimester of pregnancy serves as a signal of existing problems. In particular, such severe complications of the first trimester of pregnancy as spontaneous miscarriage and may begin with vaginal bleeding. An ectopic pregnancy has been ruled out because an ultrasound revealed a fertilized egg in the uterine cavity. Spontaneous miscarriage is an extremely serious complication of pregnancy that occurs in the early stages of pregnancy and usually begins with bleeding. Bleeding, indicating an incipient miscarriage, may be minor and painless. However, it does not stop after a short time, but continues to increase both in intensity and in the unpleasant sensations accompanying it. Spontaneous miscarriage occurs in several stages: threatened miscarriage, incipient miscarriage, ongoing abortion, incomplete and complete spontaneous miscarriage. These stages differ precisely in the intensity of bleeding and the presence of pain. With a threatened miscarriage, bloody discharge from the genital tract of a pregnant woman is extremely scanty, pain, as a rule, is absent or is manifested by aching sensations in the lower abdomen. The uterus has not yet changed, and with active and timely treatment, the pregnancy can be maintained. I would recommend that you take a blood test to determine your levels of beta human chorionic gonadotropin, estradiol and. This will help eliminate the risk of miscarriage, and if it exists, prescribe treatment correctly and in a timely manner. In addition, the discharge of blood from the genital tract of a pregnant woman may indicate the development of some severe pathology of the cervix, including cancer. This is apparently not your case, since you were examined by a gynecologist. Other causes of bleeding include varicose veins blood vessels of the external genitalia, vaginal infections. If your symptoms do not go away, but continue, or new signs appear, this should be a reason to consult a doctor again. With proper and timely treatment, many complications can be avoided; the doctor always strives to preserve the pregnancy even in its earliest stages. All the best!
