The balcony door does not lock in the closed position. Adjusting the plastic balcony door. Get rid of sagging doors

A few years ago, arched openings came into fashion. This design of the entrance to the room is beautiful, original and allows you to do without installing doors. Using modern materials, can be made and finisharched vaultwith your own hands. The work is not too difficult, but requires great care. In addition, you will need to think in advance how finishing will be done openings. You can complete the registration in different styles, considerhow to make an arch in doorway.

An arch is a very effective way to enliven the interior and make it more attractive. A beautifully designed arched opening in the vault will emphasize the beauty of the interior of the room and make the decor more original.

A huge variety of arch shapes and harmoniously selected finishes will transform the room. To verify this, just look at the photo of the room before the arch was inserted into the opening, and after the repairs were completed. Let's consider how you can create a niche in the form of an arch, install it in the vault of the wall and decorate it with your own hands.

Types of arches

When decorating interiors, arched openings are not only decorative, but also practical functions. Making a niche in the vault of a wall separating adjacent rooms, or installing a partition with an opening in the form of an arch in a large room can be used to divide the space into zones without using interior doors.

In most cases, semicircular openings are used; the following types of arches are distinguished:

  • A classic arch is a structure in which the bending radius of the arc is half its width.
  • Arch modern. It has an original shape, in which the arch is performed with some elevation.
  • Romantic arch. This is an almost rectangular opening, the edges of which are rounded.
  • Elliptical arch. In this case, it has the shape of an oval, with widening in the middle part and narrowing at the top and bottom.

Advice! What they look like different types arches, can be seen in photos in interior magazines.

Getting ready to install the arch

Let's look at how you can install and decorate a classic plasterboard arch with your own hands.

Taking measurements

It is necessary to begin creating an arch by taking measurements from the opening. You will need:

  • Take measurements along two diagonals of the opening. These measurements must match, otherwise you will have to first carry out work to level it.
  • Take the width measurement. This measurement is useful for determining the bending radius of the arc.
  • Measure the height.

We purchase materials

In order to install the arch you will need:

  • Sheets arched plasterboard 6.5 or 8 mm thick. If there is an opening in the room standard size, one sheet is enough. This material is very convenient to use. You can use plywood, but it is more difficult to work with.
  • Metal profile. You will need 2 pieces of guide profile 50x40 and 1 piece of rack profile 50x50 mm.
  • Fasteners: dowels with screws (25 pcs.), self-tapping screws measuring 3.5×25 mm and self-tapping screws “seeds” 3.5×11 mm.

After construction is completed, the arch will need to be finished. To do this you need to stock up:

  • Primer;
  • Finishing putty;
  • Perforated arched corners.

The rest of the material is purchased depending on the planned design of the opening and the adjacent wall.

Installation work

First, the frame is constructed. Steps to do this work yourself:

  • We cut two sections of the profile along the height of the opening and one along the width and secure them in the opening using dowels and screws.
  • Now you need to prepare the arcuate part of the frame. The length of the profile for this part is determined by adding two values ​​- the radius of the arch and the height of the indentation from the top of the opening.
  • To make it possible to bend the profile, you need to use metal scissors or a grinder to make cuts in the parallel side parts of the profile. The pitch of the cuts is 4-8 cm. After this, the profile is bent, giving it the required shape.
  • We fix the manufactured part of the frame, having previously leveled it.
  • We cover the finished frame with plasterboard blanks. First, the gable parts are sheathed, cutting out the parts according to the dimensions of the opening. Then it is made inner part arches. To bend a plasterboard blank with your own hands, you need to make cuts on the reverse side without damaging the outer layer. The prepared plasterboard part must be installed, secured to the frame using self-tapping screws.

Finishing work

The plasterboard arch is almost ready. But as you can see in the photo, without finishing it doesn’t look particularly attractive. Let's look at how you can design and frame an assembled arched opening with your own hands.

First of all, you need to putty all the seams and the locations of the screws. We attach a perforated corner to the outer edges of the putty compound so as not to bother with putting out the shape with putty.

Then apply a layer over the entire surface of the arch finishing putty, and after it dries, we grind the surfaces, achieving smoothness. All that remains is to prime the surface, after which finishing can be done.

How can you finish an arch? The chosen option should be harmoniously combined with the wall decoration. For example, if the walls are covered with wallpaper, the same material can be used to decorate the arch.

You can use other options that match the wall decoration. For example, you can decorate interior arches with artificial stone, tiles, decorative plaster, or you can use a combination different materials. You can see the photo to see how beautiful and original the decoration of the arch can be.

So, interior openings in the shape of arches are an original and very attractive way to decorate the interior and create an opening between adjacent rooms without installing a door. If you wish, making an arch yourself is not difficult. You can see how interesting it is to decorate an arch in photos in interior magazines.

An arched vault gives the room elegance, looks modern and stylish - they are classified depending on the shape, material, style.




Interior arches are used to create the effect of a seamless space - this is a current trend modern design interior

note! Arched vaults are used in small apartments: they visually make the room more spacious and freer.

The most popular are plasterboard arches:

  • The material allows you to realize any, even complex and asymmetrical, shape.
  • Drywall can be handled by a person who does not have a narrow knowledge of construction - the material is easy to process.
  • Drywall does not create additional load on the structure of the house.
  • Such an arch can be decorated with all kinds of decorative elements: shelves, niches, spotlights.
  • Drywall is environmentally friendly, safe material. You can even use it in children's rooms.
  • Compared to other materials for installing arches, plasterboard is the most affordable.

Attention ! To install an arched vault, you need to buy special drywall. It is characterized by its smaller thickness, the presence of special reinforcing fibers, high quality. For ease of installation, it is recommended to buy ready-made sets of arched frames. Lighting must be done at the stage of frame installation.

Stages of installation of arched plasterboard vaults

A popular design option for a doorway is an imitation arch. This design option can be used in the case of a high doorway. Pseudo-segments of the structure are attached to the edges of the opening and in the corners. The imitation is suitable for oriental-style rooms.

note! A common way to decorate arched openings is polyurethane stucco. An interior in classic, baroque, and empire styles will be decorated with such stylish decorative elements. The stucco molding is attached using special glue. Polyurethane decor made in the form of overhead strips - moldings, protruding parts - sandriks, artificial columns.

The choice of arch option for a doorway depends on:

  • Doorway parameters;
  • Ceiling heights;
  • The style in which the room is made.

You can make an arch in a doorway in various ways. Each of them is selected based on specific situation. It is necessary to take into account the construction skills possessed House master, as well as financial opportunities.

It is worth noting that it is possible to qualitatively install an arch in a doorway with your own hands only when all the features of this design are taken into account. The fact is that this finishing option has its pros and cons.

The advantages include the following aspects:

  • Visual increase in space. IN in this case two factors combine at once. The first is that an opening without a door unites two rooms, this erases some existing border. The second is based on the shape of the structure.
  • An excellent option for zoning. Indeed, an arch can be an excellent solution to the problem of dividing a single area.
  • Nice decorative look. This design can decorate any interior. It should be taken into account that overall design must be harmoniously thought out.

We must not forget about the existing shortcomings. They lie in the fact that the peculiarity of this product is openness, since there is no door leaf. Therefore, there is a complete lack of sound insulation, penetration of foreign odors, if we are talking about the border with kitchen area.

When designing an arch, you should think about the fact that the feeling of security will disappear

Existing options

What is special about installing an arch in a doorway? The fact is that there are different types of these structures:

  1. Ellipse. This configuration is considered to be classic. It is made round. All transitions are very smooth.
  2. Round. This option allows you to expand the opening. This method is suitable for cases where zoning is required.
  3. Trapezoid. Assumes the absence of rounded areas.

Arch - various types of structures

On a note! You can often hear that an arch and a portal are two different architectural elements. In fact, the portal is the most simple solution arched design. It is made in the form of a rectangle, sometimes supplemented with rounded corners.

Features of the construction of arches

You can make an arch in several ways, but you need to take into account the height of the openings.

For low openings

This method of creating an arch involves pre-marking the surface. The marked area is cut out (hollowed).

The general technology is as follows:

  • The opening is being dismantled. Deleted old box. Part of the crumbling plaster is removed.
  • The height of the future structure is determined. Lines are drawn along two vertical sides. They must be equal and made exactly at the specified height.
  • To obtain the radius of the arch, the existing width is measured. This value is divided in half.
  • A horizontal line is drawn between the vertical posts. It should be located at a level that will correspond to the beginning of the rounding.

    On a note! It is important to consider that the distance to the ceiling should not be less than 30 cm.

  • The center is marked on the drawn line. The self-tapping screw is screwed in. A cord is attached to the screw, which must be equal to a given radius. A pencil is attached to the end of the rope. This tool marks the bend.
  • Trimming is done according to the existing markings. If the wall is strong enough, then chiselling is performed. To make the work easier, pre-drilling is done.

It is necessary to comply with the requirements for the construction of the arch

Thus, the required shape is obtained. Next, you should process it carefully. This is done by grinding. The resulting structure is treated with putty or plaster. They can serve as final finishing material.

For high openings

The door arch can also be made in another way. It lies in the fact that plasterboard and a metal profile are used as the main material. The technology assumes that everything will be done along an existing opening. The following actions are performed:

On a note! The created sheathing should be recessed to the thickness of the gypsum plaster boards used. Minor errors may occur. They can be easily corrected with plaster.

On a note! If you need to install an arch very quickly, the best solution would be to use a ready-made structure. These products are made from various materials and have standard configurations.

After all the procedures, an almost finished design is obtained. All you need to do is install a fragment of a gypsum plasterboard that will close the open arc-shaped space. The procedure is performed as follows:

  1. The bending section is measured.
  2. The resulting size is transferred to the drywall.
  3. The required fragment is cut out.
  4. This part needs to be bent. To do this, it is cut from the wrong side into strips.
  5. Carefully place into place and secure.

Finished plasterboard arch

The completed design requires additional decorative finishing. It should be noted that drywall makes it quite easy to create an arch with your own hands. If you use wood as a material, you must have sufficient experience to correctly process and install such a product.

Fiberboards and plywood are used as substitutes for gypsum boards.

Plywood is often used to create arched openings instead of drywall.

There are some tips that will help you get a beautiful arched opening:

  • The general appearance of the arch should correspond to the interior design.
  • To get more original design- it is drawn up with different sides individually.
  • Existing communications should be laid in advance.

Summarizing the above, it can be noted that there are various ways to make a door arch. You just need to be patient and adhere to certain rules and recommendations. Then everything will definitely work out.

The open opening in the wall is a very old architectural element. The designers claim that the arch the best way zones the rooms, while visually adding volume to each room. Perfect door arch with your own hands - the task is quite feasible. And now we will tell you how to make such an opening in accordance with the interior style and your acceptable costs. After all, it depends on the budget how high-quality and aesthetic material you can afford.

Modern interior arch made of wood, boards, plywood, brick, plasterboard, plastic, MDF or other materials. By types of openings distinguish between a U-shaped portal or a vaulted arch. Arch vaults can be varied in shape:

  • classical (Romanesque) in the form of a half circle;
  • modern - a “flattened” circle with small corner radii;
  • lancet - a pair of circles connect, stretching upward;
  • romance - a wide opening in which two arcs round the corners and are connected by a straight line in the center;
  • trapezoid, prism - straight lines are connected using obtuse angles;
  • ellipse - an opening, the upper part of which repeats half of the oval along the long axis;
  • semi-arch - an asymmetrical design in which one corner is left straight, and the other is rounded or trimmed with unusual shapes.

How to make an arch with your own hands: portal

In this section we describe how to make a portal-type arch based on a doorway step by step. This simplest form Do-it-yourself modifications of the interroom transition. In short - it will be necessary to dismantle the door and finish the opening with wood, plastic or plasterboard. And now the whole process step by step:

  1. complete dismantling of the door is completed by removing the trim and door hinges;
  2. decide on the width of the future arch; it may be necessary to remove the old door frame;
  3. to expand the opening, you need to remove the door frame and level the opening on all sides with cement mortar;
  4. in order to narrow the arch, it is necessary to install extensions - long strips of chipboard along the inside of the opening are nailed to the wall with dowels or nails to the wooden door frame(if she remains); the additional strip should be a couple of centimeters shorter than the height of the opening, and the width is less than a centimeter than the thickness of the wall;
  5. the space from the additional strip to the wall is closed polyurethane foam, and excess foam is eliminated.

The finishing stage depends on your aesthetic preferences and repair skills. Can be used wallpaper, decorative plaster, interior stone, solid wood set.

DIY installation of a vaulted arch

And even a more complex arch with vaults can be made a reality with home renovation. An important point is that simply placing a vault on the top of the doorway will not work for aesthetic reasons. You will have to increase the height of the opening so that the passage between the rooms does not resemble a pirate grotto pressing on all sides. Solve the issue of expanding the wall opening or tear down the wall and put up a new one plasterboard construction . Please note that to violate the integrity in any way It is prohibited to change load-bearing walls.

And now - step-by-step instructions on how to make a vaulted arch in an interior partition:

  1. Option with opening expansion. We mark the boundaries of the future opening on the existing one. To the desired width of the arch, add 4 cm in width and the same in height. Mark with serifs on the wall. Next, every 10 cm you need to punch through holes in the wall and expand the opening circular saw. Then we will organize a base for the side panels made of plasterboard or chipboard with installation on a U-profile. You will see how the vault is made in a separate section.
  2. Option with an interior arch made of plasterboard on a new wall. Before installing a new one plasterboard wall apply vertical markings using a plumb line on load-bearing wall, to which the structure will adjoin. Take a piece of profile and transfer the markings to the opposite wall. Install and secure the U-shaped CD profile with dowels according to the markings. From the sidewalls on both sides, place profile sections on the floor equal to the width of the plasterboard wall to the arched opening, and screw these elements. The ceiling profile will take up the entire width of the wall. Next, we draw two slats from the ceiling profile and connect them to the ends of the segments on the floor to form the base of the side arched panels. We mount crossbars on the frame in increments of 20 cm, which contributes to the stable position of gypsum boards (plasterboard sheets), which we will lay on this frame. And on last stage we will make a vault for the arch.

How to make an arched vault from gypsum plasterboard

Once you have decided on the shape of the vault, it will become clear which recess for the sides of the vault to cut out of plasterboard. In this case a pencil and a rope will help for rounded outlines. And if you plan to decorate the opening with a prismatic vault, the arch from the profile will consist of straight segments and will also be covered with straight strips of plasterboard.

Lower inner part of the vault sheathed with a curved element made of special ceiling plasterboard of smaller thickness. Here are the basic rules for bending gypsum boards using dry and wet methods.

How to dry bend drywall

How to bend plasterboard sheet wet method

The method is suitable for bends with small curvature and arches of small depth

The method is applicable for creating bends with small radii

The sheet is cut across the bend in parallel lines every centimeter, then the sheet is bent by carefully breaking along the cuts.

On one side, the gypsum board is perforated with a needle roller, moistened with water until it can be absorbed: wait for the appearance of a glossy “mirror” surface. Transverse step frame profiles for covering the vault, reduce it to 10 cm so that the material does not warp when it dries.

The installation of the broken sheet is done very carefully, taking into account the connection of the segments with only one cardboard layer.

When forming a bend, take into account the depth of the arch:

  • shallow depth (up to 25 cm) - bending and fixing occurs right in place;
  • with an arched depth of more than 25 cm, the bend is made through a template that follows the shape of the arch.

We build a brick arch with our own hands

The brick arch is popular in country interiors in country style. It is most convenient to work with a special wedge brick. The strength of the vaulted structure is ensured by lateral thrust. If the bricks are laid out with a wedge and secured with a “lock” (a brick for fixation that is tightly driven into the masonry), you will get a wedge arch, when laid along a truncated arc, a bow arch, and when a semicircle is formed half the width of the opening in the upper part, then experts say about organizing a complete arc.

The technology for constructing a brick arch is divided into stages:

  • the master designs and develops a vault template from chipboard sheets and beams;
  • installs the template using wooden supports and spacers;
  • before laying out, puts fines to clamp the arch;
  • the process of laying bricks from bottom to top in parallel on both sides is underway;
  • then the structure is crimped and fixed;
  • the template itself is disassembled and removed, the surface is cleaned;
  • the seams are removed, as well as excess mortar, and at the end finishing masonry

Try to avoid the main mistakes of beginners when arranging a brick door arch with your own hands. It's about O uneven distribution loads with a low and wide opening, the template is not protected from moisture ( cover it with polyethylene and dismantle it in time), as well as installation metal corners instead of the pattern ( the metal does not allow shrinkage to occur and can cause cracks to form). In general, a novice master just needs to watch a few videos to figure out how to make a brick arch.

Wooden arch: beginning of installation

Choosing a wooden arch is justified if you have a good budget and want to complement classic style interior This is not only a respectable decoration at the entrance and exit, but also durable protection of the opening. Natural materials always look expensive and reliable, not only in professional interior photos, but also in ordinary apartments. Fiberboard and MDF boards are cheaper and wear out slower than natural wood , therefore, we recommend that novice creators of arched openings try this material. In addition, fiberboard can be purchased with antiseptic treatment, but the wood will have to be prepared on its own (stain, varnish in three layers).

The main stage is preparing the form. Wooden elements will be mounted at the boundaries of the opening, so all measurements must be taken correctly - for precise cutting and material saving. First of all, we decide on the type of arch: what geometric figure will form the basis of the arch: rectangle, circle, ellipse, broken line, asymmetry. Then draw a diagram of the future arch on the opening indicating the dimensions and transfer them using a level to the wall, put serifs.

Wooden arch: cutting, assembly, installation

What parts does an arched opening usually consist of? This a set of trims on two sides, a pair of side panels, corner roundings and an upper cross member. Straight parts are easy to make with your own hands, but for rounded parts you will need a template for drawing out the contours. The parts of the wooden arch are sawed with a jigsaw so that there are no jagged edges. Surface optional sanded with a special grinder or sandpaper. If you have chosen MDF material, after cutting, you can cover a clean, grease-free surface with laminate or veneer.

  • Straight elements are installed first maintaining the accuracy of matching along boundary marks and by level.
  • Arch parts can be glued onto the puttyed and prepared surface of the opening, but if there are distortions, it is better fix on a frame with insulation. When creating complex curved curves, we recommend doing metal carcass, when repeated rectangular shapes A frame made of wooden blocks is sufficient.
  • Only after fixing the sidewalls and straight top bar Let's move on to rounding. The bends must be adjusted to the space of the corners, the joints must be covered with platbands or plastered for finishing.

At the final stage of processing there remains disguise fasteners and joints. As you can see, a do-it-yourself door arch, both made of wood and other materials, is quite accessible to master in theory and practice.

How to make an arch with your own hands? This question worries many who dare to design the interior opening on their own.

A door arch made with your own hands will make you proud of yourself, thereby allowing you to add something original and unique to the interior of your room or bedroom. Despite the fact that many beginners are tormented by vague doubts, in fact there is nothing terrible in this work, the main thing is desire. If you have it, ours detailed plan help you get the job done!

What is an arch and its varieties

Arch – ancient architectural element, which is increasingly used as an internal decorative element input or interior door, or rather a doorway. An arch is a universal opening in a wall that can give “volume” small room, and at the same time, zoning the apartment into a small area.

Taking into account the wishes of homeowners, thanks to arches, designers can turn various ideas into reality, giving the doorway different kind. Today, modern materials make it possible to give arches different geometric shape, and also form intricate vaults. Most often for the manufacture of arches and their cladding they use:

  • Brick.
  • Wooden beam.
  • Plywood.
  • Tiles.
  • GKL, etc.

The structure of the arch is a support for partitions and walls. But, since the doorways in high-rise buildings are not load-bearing, the only requirement that is put forward to them is to withstand their own weight (with finishing finishing material). If the wall is load-bearing, the material must be selected according to external loads.

Any version of the arch, which is mounted instead of a door, performs exclusively decorative function. The frame of the structure can even be made from a lightweight profile for fiberboard or chipboard; you can also use wooden beams. Only important point– reliable fixation of the partition so that the decor does not fall off or become deformed after a few days.

As we noted, the design of a house can be beautifully complemented with an arch, because there is a huge variety of its forms. They can be made in classic or romantic style. Art Nouveau is also often used. No less popular are the ellipsoidal shape, trapezoid, “portal” and many others.

The first example is made as a regular semi-arch, in the shape of a semicircle. On last photo you can observe a square interior opening called a “portal”. This design method is carried out with strict adherence to rectangular outlines. All other samples are intermediate variations between the two basic forms.

But these are not all options. You can also experiment with side supports, use curved posts, etc. You can finish the form and decorate it in different styles, the main thing is that the passage fits harmoniously into the home interior. In some apartments, classics and a round, correctly bent vault look great, in others - portals, it all depends on the taste preferences of the owners. Pay attention to the advice of experienced finishers:

  1. Classic arches are best done in apartments with high ceilings, not less than 3 m.
  2. In panel-type high-rise buildings, it is better to frame the doorway in the Art Nouveau style.
  3. It is preferable to decorate wide doorways from the corridor to the hall in a romantic style, for which wide counters are selected.
  4. The finishing of the “portal” opening goes well with the interior of the room, which uses clear lines. “Portal” is ideal for houses made of lining, logs or timber. This combination is very elegant and harmonious.

What materials can be used to form arches?

To make an arched vault, you need to stock up on the following material:

  • Sheets of drywall.
  • Plywood.

It is worth noting that it is best to sheathe the frame with sheets of plasterboard, because in the future it can be decorated with different decorative materials. But, if you need to create a more sophisticated shape, choose plywood sheets as they bend better. The preparation of the arched frame is formed from:

  • Metal profile.
  • Wood beams.

But, to build an arch, you can also take concrete, aerated concrete and brick, which are decorated with finishing materials. Despite the fact that such structures are solid, it is prohibited to erect them in high-rise buildings due to their heavy weight. It is also prohibited to make door frames from metal, which, moreover, will cost a pretty penny. And how to make an arch in an apartment with your own hands from metal? After all, this is a very labor-intensive process that requires the use of specialized devices. That is why plasterboard is the most acceptable material for finishing apartments.

How to make an interior arch. Step-by-step instructions (video)

How to make an arch from wood?

Do-it-yourself wooden arch, more precisely wooden frame, is formed without special effort. But, in addition to wood blocks, you will also need sheets of plywood. The first thing to do is measure the width of the passage, subtract the thickness of the materials, after which we get optimal thickness wooden beams. Then an arc is drawn on the plywood, which is cut out with a jigsaw.

Subsequent installation is carried out with self-tapping screws (5cm), which secure the beams to the plywood. The arch in the doorway is also fixed with self-tapping screws, which are screwed in at a distance of 15 cm. The final stage– fixing the 2nd wall of plywood and its subsequent covering with sheets of plasterboard. Please note that you need to fix the drywall sheets with special self-tapping screws for working on drywall.

Installing a plywood arch

How to make an arch with your own hands from wood without using natural material? Today this is not difficult, because wood can be replaced with plywood. To correctly calculate the amount necessary materials, including fittings, the first thing experienced finishers do is create a sketch.

To work with plywood, you will need the following handy tool:

  • Jigsaw (or hacksaw).
  • Drill.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Finishing equipment.

Since plywood is a rather unique material that allows you to create original and unusual shapes, you need to work with it following the step-by-step instructions:

  1. Measure the doorway and note what size the arch will be.
  2. Then you need to cut the strip and carefully process it.
  3. The resulting strip is slightly moistened and left for some time.
  4. After these manipulations, the plywood will be pliable and will easily take the desired shape.
  5. The prepared strip is bent in the required way and immediately inserted into the required doorway, carefully fixed and spacers installed in the corners.

Forming an arch from plywood. After the canvas is installed, you need to wait a little until the sheet dries completely and takes its final form. At the next stage, you can act in two scenarios:

  • Form inserts from wooden blocks and cover the surface with plasterboard.
  • Use polyurethane foam to fill the voids.

Installation of a plasterboard arch

Working with plasterboard, as with plywood, is very similar and does not cause difficulties, but is cheap. If you have the opportunity to build walls and form an arch at the same time, this way you can complete the work as quickly as possible. Before forming an arch, you need to prepare the surface step by step, namely:

  • Dismantle the old one door panel, decorative overlays, platbands and other accessories.
  • Repair all damage to the walls to avoid troubles in the future.
  • Get some tools.
  • Draw up a detailed work plan and sketch.

You can install a plasterboard arch in different ways; below we will describe each method in more detail. The first option is the most popular:

  • Take 2 sheets of drywall, one of which is cut in half.
  • A U-shaped frame is formed in the doors using a metal profile.

  • One segment is fixed to the frame, having previously been marked into 2 equal parts and marking the center.
  • A hole is drilled in the rail from the edge and in the center. The distance between them should be equal to the middle of the arc of the formed arch. To do this, determine what distance will be maintained between the edges of the semicircle.
  • Then a curved line is applied, with the help of which the hole in the middle of the batten is connected to the center of the piece of drywall sheet, which is fixed to the frame. You should immediately check whether the height of such an opening is suitable.
  • Then the sheet is removed and the excess is cut off, after which it is fixed again on the frame.
  • The second sheet of drywall is installed on the opposite side. Taking a corner and the first segment (like a stencil), transfer the dimensions of the arc. Next, cutting out the arc and fixing it is repeated according to the same pattern.
  • After the work has been done, a void is left in which the frame is mounted. To do this, the profile is cut and bent. The resulting structure is fixed to the racks and drywall. It is also worth installing jumpers for the reliability and strength of the structure.

  • Next, cut out the required strip, bend it, and make deep cuts on the inside. You need to fix it without haste, with careful movements.
  • That's all, the arch is formed. All that's left to do is to paste the wallpaper or paint it in the desired colors.

The second method is much more complicated. The masonry is formed using the following technology:

  • Drywall pieces are fixed from the corners on both sides using a mixture of PVA glue and water.
  • Drywall is cut so that each next fragment is smaller than the previous one.
  • Work continues until the smallest fragment is installed.
  • As additional fixation use self-tapping screws or anchors.

It's just preparatory process. Further it will be even more difficult. The next stage will require plaster and putty. Large expansions and other defects are sealed with plaster, and a smooth arc is created with putty. This is enough painstaking work, which requires solid and experienced hand masters, so it is better for a beginner to immediately purchase template blanks.

Step-by-step instruction

If you decide to install an arch in the hallway, kitchen or balcony, follow the recommendations below:

  • Dismantle old door and platbands.
  • Widen the doorway to the desired size.
  • Level the walls and repair any defects.
  • If the structure will be backlit, carry out the wiring.
  • Take all measurements in different places to minimize errors.
  • At uneven walls choose the depth of the arch at the thickest point.
  • Don’t be too lazy to make a life-size sketch (this will allow you not only to install the arch as accurately as possible, but also to pre-assess what the arch will look like).
  • Start installation work load-bearing frame need in this order:
  • Create a main contour from the profile around the perimeter of the doorway and fix it on the wall.
  • Secure the frame system.

  • Install the vertical guides with an indentation from the plane of the interior surface to the thickness of the drywall and add 2 mm to the data (make a reserve for plaster).
  • The surface must be rolled out with plaster until it is as even as possible.
  • To create a semicircle from the profile, cuts are made on it in increments of 5-7cm.
  • When an ideal curve is formed from the profile, it is installed in Right place and fixed to the frame.
  • For greater strength, the arc must be fixed with several hangers to the horizontal upper guide.
  • Then the crossbars are installed in increments of 40-60cm.
  • The result should be a structure made of metal profiles in the shape of an arch for further cladding.


When the arched frame is ready and sheathed, you can begin finishing work. To do this, you need to cover the edges and joints of the materials with specialized paper tape or fiberglass mesh. You will also need to apply putty in at least 3 layers and sand the structure. Once you are convinced of the reliability of the formed structure, you can proceed by following some of the recommendations given below.

To do everything Finishing work, you need to purchase acrylic putty, which is intended for interior work. But, please note, it is better to use a special mass for drywall. Before use, the putty mass is thoroughly stirred until smooth.

When starting work, put on gloves and other equipment. personal protection! The putty is applied in linear movements with a rectangular spatula. In addition to filling all the unevenness and joints of materials with putty, it must also be applied to the heads of the screws so that their edging does not show through. Similar actions are carried out until the surface becomes ideal.

After puttying, you can begin gluing the joint and edges to remove all sorts of irregularities and give the material strength. To do this, you can take a fiberglass mesh or paper tape, it all depends on your preferences (both options are good). Cut a piece of mesh and place it at the joint (in the very center), pressing it with your fingers into the putty that has not yet dried. Check that the tape is securely fastened and that there are no wrinkles.

After all the joints have been treated with mesh, you can cover the curved parts of the arch with it. The work needs to be done according to a similar scheme. When the mesh forms folds during the processing of arcuate sections, they can be smoothed out by cutting the fabric with a sharp knife.

After drying, the putty will become snow-white. This will be a signal that you need to take sandpaper and go smooth the surfaces. But, work carefully, do not remove too much putty, so as not to expose the mesh. For this work, use a respirator, because during surface grinding there will be a lot of dust, which is very harmful to human lungs.

When all 3 layers of putty have been applied and the surface has been cleaned, you need to wait about 12 hours for the structure to dry completely. Work again sandpaper fine grain, achieving a perfect surface. That's all, you can decorate the surface.

Decorating the arch

It doesn’t matter at all what material you used to install the arch, because even a do-it-yourself brick arch needs final decoration. To decorate a door arch, you can use the following techniques:

  • Painting to match the walls.
  • Sheathing with wood blocks (as an option, laminate, siding, etc. are often used for this).
  • Wallpapering.
  • Use fake diamond based on gypsum.
  • Decorate the structure with mirrors or mosaics (for mosaics you can use small pebbles, corks, glass, etc.).
  • Use foam molding or surface painting.

Important! Try not to overdo it, so as not to clutter the aisle and mix incompatible items. It is worth noting that sometimes a simple paint job is enough to add elegance.

As you can see, there are a lot of options for finishing decoration, for which you can use not only natural materials. It all depends on the designer’s idea and the wishes of the owners, as well as the general style of the room. The classic additional interior can be complemented with stucco molding and fabrics so that everything fits harmoniously together. The finishing of the columns looks no less laconic if clinker is glued to them.

Ready-made arch kits

If you are not confident in your own abilities, and the educational video lessons from the Internet are not entirely clear to you, you can make your life much easier by purchasing a ready-made kit for forming an arch. Such kits can be made from different materials, have different design, color, design and texture, which will allow each person to find the most suitable option. The most suitable option is a set made of fiberboard or MDF. Such materials are very similar to wood, but are less complex to process and install. In a ready-made standard kit interior arch enters.
