January 3 is a church holiday. Church Orthodox holiday of January. Remembrance Day for the Fighters of the War of Independence in Estonia

Published 01/03/18 00:24

Today, January 3, 2018, also celebrates the birthday of the cocktail straw and other events.

Which one is today? religious holiday, January 3, 2018: Memorial Day of St. Peter, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia, Wonderworker

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January 3 Russian Orthodox Church remembers Saint Peter, the first of the Russian metropolitans, who lived in Moscow. During the life of the saint, he could be placed on a par with Saints Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian, and so on.

The saint was born in the second half of the 13th century in Volyn. His family was the most ordinary and pious. When Peter was 12 years old, he entered the monastery. He's right there intkbbach He fulfilled all monastic obediences with zeal. Peter devoted a lot of time to the Holy Scriptures and icon painting. After Peter achieved the priesthood, he left the monastery and founded a monastery near the Rats River. The place was deserted. It was there that the miracle worker became famous for his deeds and exploits. He became known throughout Volyn. I would also like to note that it was this man, at the request of Grand Duke John Kalita in 1325, who was able to move the metropolitan see to Moscow from Vladimir.

The birthday of the cocktail straw is celebrated in 2018 on January 3rd. On this day in 1888, Marvin Stone, owner of a paper cigarette holder factory, received a U.S. patent for his invention of the “cocktail straw.” The first patented straw was made from plain paper. Instead, manila paper, which contains hemp, was soon used. Thanks to this modification, the straw stopped getting wet when in contact with drinks.

In 1937, Joseph Friedman patented a tube with a corrugated section, which made it possible to bend it for greater ease of use. In the second half of the 20th century, the store owner sewing machines In Baltimore, Otto Deifenbach invented the cellophane (plastic) drinking straw.

Remembrance Day for the Fighters of the War of Independence in Estonia

Every year on January 3, Estonia celebrates the Day of Remembrance of the Fighters of the War of Independence. The war of independence and liberation of the state was fought by the Estonian people against Soviet Russia from November 28, 1918 to January 3, 1920. On November 28, the Red Army, having crossed the border in two divisions, decided to invade Estonia. The army had about 12 thousand soldiers. The Red Army managed to pass through the Estonian cities of Narva and Tartu. By the end of 1919, the number of soldiers in the Estonian army was 85 thousand. Then it was proposed to hold a truce, which the Soviet authorities agreed to. After this, in 1920, the Tartu Armistice Treaty was concluded. It was February 2. It is worth noting that in such a war, Estonian troops had to hold two fronts and fight not only with Russia, but also with the Germans - the Landeswehr troops.

Leonty, Mikhail, Nikita, Peter, Sergey, Ulyana.

  • 1799 - a Russian-Turkish treaty was signed, formalizing Turkey's entry into the anti-French coalition.
  • 1850 - a mock execution of the Petrashevites took place in St. Petersburg.
  • 1959 - Alaska became the 49th US state.
  • 1963 - was the first flight of the Il-62 aircraft in the USSR.
  • John Tolkien 1892 - English fantasy writer.
  • Alexey Stakhanov 1906 - Soviet miner.
  • Grigory Mkrtchyan 1925 - Soviet hockey player and coach.
  • Nikolai Rubtsov 1936 - Soviet poet.
  • Alexander Lazarev 1938 - Soviet and Russian film and theater actor.
  • Mel Gibson 1956 - American-Australian actor.
  • Michael Schumacher 1969 - German racing driver and multiple record holder and champion of Formula 1.

Today is January 3 (December 21, old style) - Church, Orthodox holiday Today:

Christmas (Filippov) fast from November 28 to January 6. Forefeast of the Nativity of Christ.

* Martyr Juliana and with her 500 husbands and 130 wives, victims in Nicomedia (304). *** Saint Peter, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia, miracle worker (1326). Blessed Princess Juliania of Vyazemskaya (1406). Blessed Procopius of Vyatka, Christ for the Fool's Sake (1627).
Martyr Themistocleus (251). Saint Theophan, Bishop of Monemvasia. Holy Martyrs Michael (Kiselyov) Archpriest, Perm (1918); Nikita (Pribytkov), Bishop of Belevsky (1938); Leonty the deacon (1940).

Day of St. Peter, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia, Wonderworker

Saint Metropolitan Peter was born in Volyn into a pious family. At a young age he went to live in a monastery. After his ordination to the priesthood, with the blessing of his mentor, he retired from the monastery and founded a monastery in a secluded place on the banks of the Rati River. Here he became so famous for his deeds of piety that he became famous throughout Volyn. In 1308, Patriarch Athanasius of Constantinople erected St. Peter to the Russian Metropolis. The High Hierarch experienced many difficulties during his years of governance. In suffering under Tatar yoke He affirmed the true faith of the Russian Land and called upon the warring princes to peace and unity. In 1325 St. Peter, at the request of John Kalita, transferred the metropolitan see from Vladimir to Moscow, which had important for the entire Russian Land. The saint died in 1326. The outstanding church-state activity of Saint Peter already gave his contemporaries reason to compare him with Saints Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom. The main feat of Saint Peter is the struggle for the unity of the Russian state and the blessing of Moscow as the collector of the Russian land.
In 1339, under Saint Theognostus, he was canonized. At the tomb of the saint, the princes kissed the cross as a sign of fidelity to the Grand Duke of Moscow. As a particularly revered patron of Moscow, the saint was called as a witness when drawing up state treaties. The Novgorodians, who had the right to elect their rulers at St. Sophia, after joining Moscow under John III, swore an oath to install their archbishops only at the tomb of St. Peter the Wonderworker. At the tomb of the saint, the Russians were named and elected First Hierarch.

Other Orthodox holidays and Saints:

Cathedral of the Holy Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John. January 20th. Orthodox church calendar
Venerable Martinian of Athens. Venerable Simeon the Myrrh-Streaming. February 26. Orthodox church calendar
Saint Gregory Dvoeslov. Venerable Simeon the New Theologian. Rev. Confessor Theophan of Sigrian. March 25. Orthodox church calendar
Hieromartyr Mark, Bishop of Arethusia. Venerable Jonah and Mark. Memory of the Monk Eustathius the Confessor, Bishop of Bithynia. 11 April. Orthodox church calendar
Hieromartyr Timothy. Martyrs Alexander and Antonina. June 23. Orthodox church calendar
Saint Tikhon. Reverend Tikhon Lukhovsky. Martyrs Tigrius the Presbyter and Eutropius the Reader. June 29. Orthodox church calendar
Hieromartyr Athenogenes. Martyr Virgin Julia. Icon of the Mother of God of Chirskaya (Pskov). July 29. Orthodox church calendar

Birthday Cocktail Straws

This very unusual holiday is celebrated around the world at the very beginning of the new year - January 3. A simple, uncomplicated device called a “straw” is a tube designed for sucking various drinks and cocktails into the mouth. Initially, the straw was made from ordinary straw, which contained hollow stems inside cereal crops- rye tubes. This is where the name of this device came from - “straw”.

Remembrance Day for the Fighters of the War of Independence in Estonia

In Estonia, the entire Estonian people celebrates the Day of Remembrance of the fighters who died in the War of Independence for the liberation and independence of the state. This was a war of the Estonian people against Soviet Russia. It lasted from November 28, 1918 to January 3, 1920, when the Red Army, consisting of two divisions (12 thousand people), crossed the border and invaded Estonia.

Church holidays


– Orthodox holiday January 3
Memorial Day of St. Peter, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia, miracle worker.
On January 3, the Orthodox Church honors the memory of St. Peter, Metropolitan of Moscow and All Rus', a miracle worker who, one of the first Russian metropolitans, lived not in Vladimir or Kiev, but in Moscow. Even during his lifetime, Saint Peter was ranked by his contemporaries on a par with the famous saints John Chrysostom, Gregory the Theologian and Basil the Great. After the death of Metropolitan Peter of Moscow, Russian chronicles often mentioned him. In the old days, not a single government undertaking was complete without prayer at the tomb of St. Peter. Russian High Priests were named and elected there.
National holiday January 3


The national holiday on January 3 was named after Proclus, a 5th-century saint who served as archbishop of Constantinople.
Proclus is known for having studied theology with John Chrysostom himself and received from him a deep knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, and also mastered the art of oratory.
Proclus was famous for having witnessed the appearance of the Apostle Paul to St. John.
After the death of his teacher, Proclus became a Bishop and in this rank he exposed paganism and fervently preached Christianity. Proclus was also popularly known for his concern for the disadvantaged.
Name day today: Leonty, Mikhail, Nikita, Peter, Sergey, Ulyana.

Unusual holidays

— Birthday cocktail straws
— Day of sparklers and garland lights.

January 3 in history

- as a result of betrayal, Joan of Arc was sold to a representative of the church
- signing of the Russian-Turkish treaty, thanks to which Türkiye entered the anti-French coalition
— patented cocktail straw
— a mock execution of the Petrashevites took place. Fyodor Dostoevsky and his associates had their execution replaced by hard labor
- the Krasnoyarsk Republic was defeated
— found the main treasure of the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun: his stone sarcophagus, which contained a golden coffin with a mummy
- in the USSR they conducted an experiment on detecting aircraft using the radar method
— Alaska received the status of the 49th US state
- the last military unit in Cuba surrendered to the revolutionaries. The revolution finally won
— US diplomatic relations with Cuba were severed
— Fidel Castro excommunicated by the Pope
— signing of an arms reduction treaty between Russia and the United States


The national holiday “Prokopiev Day” is celebrated on January 3 (according to the old style - December 21). Other names for the holiday: “Half-feed”, “Peter”, “Peter-half-feed”, “Prokofy”, “Ulyana”.

In Rus', the peasants of Prokopyev called the day Half Feed, since by this day half of the feed prepared for the winter for livestock was consumed. Procopius was born into a peasant family in 1578 and, according to legend, at the age of 12 he was struck by lightning. The boy experienced shock and was seriously damaged mentally. His parents brought him for treatment to the Assumption Trifonov Monastery, where the child was taken out and cured. In 1595-1598 he lived and helped Father Hilarion in the Church of St. Catherine in Slobodskoye. In 1598 he went to Khlynov and began to act like a fool. He predicted the recovery or death of the sick, wordlessly warned about fires and tax increases by the Moscow authorities. For this ability, people began to honor him as a saint.

What church holiday is today January 3: traditions of celebrating this day among the people

On this day, the barns were checked, the haystacks were counted, the bottoms were hemmed - they moved with a wooden shovel so that the grain did not cake. In addition, the suseki listened: they put their ears to it. If there was a hum in the bottom of the barrel, it foreshadowed an angry summer. On Peter - half of the winter food has been eaten.

Smoke from a fire or chimney stands like a pillar - to frosty clear weather. The morning dawn is quickly fading - the weather will be cold, without precipitation. The wind changes direction clockwise - towards cloudy and relatively warm weather for January. Steady weakening of frost - to cloudy and snowy weather.

31st Week after Pentecost, Advent, fast day.

The following memorial dates have been established:

Memorial Day of the Martyr Juliana and with her 500 husbands and 130 wives who suffered in Nicomedia;

Memorial Day of St. Peter, Metropolitan of Moscow, Wonderworker of All Rus';

Memorial Day of the Blessed Princess Juliania of Vyazemskaya, Novotorzhskaya;

Memorial Day of Blessed Procopius, Christ for the Fool's Sake, Vyatka;

Memorial Day of St. Philaret (Amphiteatrov), in the schema of Theodosius, Metropolitan of Kyiv;

Memorial Day of the Martyr Themistocles of Myra;

Memorial Day of Hieromartyr Mikhail Kiselev, presbyter;

Memorial Day of Hieromartyr Sergius Tsvetkov, deacon;

Memorial Day of the Hieromartyr Nikita (Pribytkov), Bishop of Belevsky;

Memorial Day of Hieromartyr Leonty Strotsyuk, deacon.

What church holiday is today January 3: There are weather signs for Prokopiev Day

Winter is a magical time when Higher powers give many signs through which you can find out your destiny. After all, many winter signs can predict the future. Be attentive to the clues of nature and weather to make friends with luck and avoid troubles.

On Prokopyev Day, the girls did not leave the house, but swept the floors from early morning. The more grain they scoop, the more happiness they will have. Afterwards, the grain was ground into flour, from which a lean pancake was baked and jelly was prepared. All this was supposed to be done in complete silence. The pancake was eaten, washed down with jelly and not shared with anyone. It was believed that if you make a wish, it will definitely come true.

The girls did not leave their houses that day. Tirelessly, sweeping the floors from the very morning, so as not to miss a grain, because if you sweep a lot, there will be a lot of happiness. The harvested grain was ground into flour and jelly was cooked and Lenten pancakes were baked. This had to be eaten by herself, without sharing with anyone, and besides, the whole ritual, from sweeping the grain to the last crumb of the pancake, the girl had to be silent, waiting for happiness. You can make this jelly today. To do this, dilute wheat flour in cold milk, then add boiling milk and, season with sugar and salt, cook until the jelly looks like porridge.

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Published 04/03/18 00:10

Today, April 3, 2018, is also celebrated Maundy Tuesday, Birthday mobile phone, Coffee Grinder Birthday and other events.

What holiday is today: April 3, 2018 is the church holiday of Kirill Katanik

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April 3, 2018 is celebrated folk holiday Kirill Katanik. On this day the church remembers St. Cyril of Catania (Sicily), bishop.

People call the day “Katanik”, as it “closes” winter season. In the old days, this holiday was called "The Well". According to popular belief, well water on April 3 is blessed by the Queen of Heaven, the Virgin Mary herself.

According to legend, Cyril lived in the 1st-2nd centuries. He was from the Syrian city of Antioch (modern Türkiye). He was lucky enough to become a disciple of the Apostle Peter, who later appointed him bishop intkbbach in the Sicilian city of Catana.

The Lord awarded Cyril the gift of miracles for his piety, wise management of his flock and all possible help to his parishioners. In one spring, the water had a bitter taste. It was impossible to drink. After Bishop Kirill read a prayer over him, it lost its bitterness and became suitable for consumption. Thanks to this incident, many idolaters accepted Christianity and believed in the Lord.

Bishop Kirill of Katansky lived a long, godly life. He passed away into another world at a very old age. He was buried in Sicily.

According to signs, if thunder strikes today, it means that the year will be very fruitful.

The clouds are colored Blue colour- Expect warm but rainy weather.

If on this day the birch tree gives a lot of sap, it means summer season there will be plenty of rain.

Holy Tuesday in 2018

It is believed that on this day Jesus Christ preached in the Jerusalem Temple. He spoke about His second coming, parables about the tribute to Caesar, the resurrection of the dead, Last Judgment, ten virgins, about talents. The Pharisees tried to confuse and expose the Savior with crafty questions. But the wisdom of His answers left them no chance.

The birthday of the mobile phone is celebrated annually on April 3. The first experimental model of this device was assembled in the Soviet Union back in the late 50s of the 20th century. The invention weighed 3 kg. In 1973, the first functional model of a mobile telephone appeared - the Motorola Dyna TAC. The phone had no screen. There were 12 buttons on the front panel: 10 with numbers and 2 for starting and ending a call. On April 3, 1973, its inventor, Martin Cooper, who at that time was on the staff of Motorola, made the first call on mobile communications to a competing company. This day became the birthday of the mobile phone.

Coffee grinder birthday

The coffee grinder's birthday is celebrated annually on April 3. It is not known for certain who and when designed the first manual coffee grinder, which resembled a mini-version of a mill and consisted of two millstones. Her official birthday is April 3, 1928. On this day, an invention called a “mechanical coffee grinder” was patented.

Vladimir, Kirill, Yakov.

  • 1860 - regular transcontinental service opened in the USA postal service Pony Express.
  • 1874 - Ilya Repin informed Pavel Tretyakov that he had begun work on a portrait of Ivan Turgenev.
  • 1879 - Sofia is proclaimed the capital of Bulgaria.
  • 1892 - birthday of Sande ice cream.
  • 1933 - Russian surgeon Yuri Voronoi performed the world's first human kidney transplant.
  • 1973 - barcode birthday.
  • 1976 - the first presentation of the French Cesar film award took place.
  • Leonid Pasternak 1862 - Russian painter and graphic artist.
  • Stanislawa Walasiewicz 1911 - Polish athlete.
  • Yuri Nagibin 1920 - Soviet writer and screenwriter.
  • Marlon Brando 1924 - American film actor.
  • Rosa Shanina 1924 - Soviet sniper.
  • Vladimir Nosik 1948 - Russian film and theater actor.
  • Valentin Dikul 1948 - Russian doctor, weightlifter.
  • Alec Baldwin 1958 - American film and theater actor.
  • Eddie Murphy 1961 - American film actor, director.