Oatmeal cookies kcal per 100 grams. Calories in oatmeal cookies. Chemical composition and nutritional value. Diet oatmeal cookies

Oatmeal cookies are a healthy dessert familiar to everyone since childhood. Hercules flakes quickly satisfy your hunger, and the taste of cookies goes well with any drink.

Calorie content

The average calorie content of oatmeal cookies is 437 kcal per 100 grams of product. The high energy value is due to the large amount of carbohydrates. For 100 grams of cookies there are:

  • 14.4 g fat;
  • 6.5 g proteins;
  • 71.8 g carbohydrates.

The product cannot be called dietary, but with a slight distortion of the original recipe, you can make it less calorie and quite suitable for people who follow a low-calorie diet.

One cookie weighs approximately 20 grams, so 1 – 2 pieces will not harm your figure if consumed periodically. Compared to other popular sweets, the calorie content of the product is lower.

The approximate calorie content of oatmeal cookies with additives is:

  • with chocolate – 459 kcal;
  • with raisins – 417 kcal;
  • with seeds – 469 kcal;
  • with nuts – 442 kcal.

Store-bought cookies contain slightly more calories than homemade ones. It uses additives to improve texture, taste, and smell. The energy value of homemade cookies differs by approximately 30–50 kcal.

If it is important not to get extra carbohydrates, you can reduce the amount of sugar and not use high-calorie additives. The calorie content of oatmeal cookies can be reduced to 130 kcal if you use dietary recipes.

Cooking methods

Oatmeal cookies from various manufacturers are available in almost all grocery stores. Its exact calorie content can be found on the packaging. Store-bought sweets may contain components that improve the taste and aroma of average quality products. You can prepare completely natural and healthy cookies at home.

Baking oatmeal cookies is quite simple. You can add or exclude some ingredients yourself, increase or decrease the calorie content of the product. The most popular recipes are shown in the table.

Recipe no. Name Ingredients Cooking method
1 Classic recipe “according to GOST”
  • 170 g flour;
  • 75 g oatmeal, crushed to powder;
  • from 75 to 140 g of sugar (to taste);
  • 30 g raisins;
  • 85 g butter;
  • 50 ml water;
  • 1/3 tsp. salt;
  • 1/3 tsp. soda;
  • 1/2 tsp. cinnamon;
  • vanillin on the tip of a knife.
  • rinse the raisins;
  • melt butter at room temperature;
  • mix butter, raisins, sugar and vanillin;
  • dissolve salt in water;
  • combine the oil mixture, cinnamon and salt water;
  • add oatmeal;
  • add wheat flour in small portions;
  • form a ball;
  • add a little water if the dough is too thick;
  • roll out the dough to a thickness of about 1 cm and form cookies (you can “cut” them with the top of a glass);
  • preheat the oven to 200 degrees, place the cookies on a baking sheet;
  • bake cookies for 12 minutes.
2 Diet recipe
  • 100 g oatmeal;
  • 100 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 2 egg whites;
  • 1 tbsp. honey;
  • 1 tsp cinnamon;
  • 30 g raisins.
  • connect all components;
  • form thin pancakes;
  • place the cookies on oiled baking paper;
  • heat the oven to 200 degrees.
  • bake cookies for 20 minutes.
3 Oatmeal cookies with kefir
  • 200 ml low-fat kefir;
  • 140 g oatmeal;
  • 30 g raisins;
  • 30 g dried cherries;
  • 1 apple;
  • 10 g nuts or seeds;
  • 1 tsp honey;
  • 1 tsp cinnamon;
  • vanillin on the tip of a knife.
  • mix the flakes with kefir, leave them for 15 minutes;
  • pour boiling water over dried fruits;
  • Peel and chop the apple;
  • connect all components;
  • make cookies on baking paper or a silicone mat;
  • bake at 180 degrees: 15 minutes on the middle tier of the oven, 15 minutes on the top.

Benefit or harm

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Oatmeal cookies are a rich delicacy with a familiar taste from childhood. The cookies have a round shape, golden brown color, the inside is different in color, has a wheat tint, the center is quite soft, and on top there is a crispy crumbly layer of dough. Oatmeal cookies have a textured consistency; small oat grains are clearly felt. Oatmeal cookies may differ in taste from different manufacturers, depending on additives - or dried fruits.

Calorie content of oatmeal cookies

The calorie content of oatmeal cookies is approximately 437 kcal per 100 grams of product, depending on the recipe.

Classic oatmeal cookies should contain:, (or), and. Due to the presence of wholemeal oatmeal, the product contains indigestible dietary fiber, which, passing through the gastrointestinal tract, takes in not only waste and toxins, but also removes cholesterol (calorizator). The product contains a small amount of vitamins and minerals, but under the influence of high temperatures most of them disappear. The carbohydrates that make up oatmeal cookies saturate the body for a long time and charge you with energy.

Harmful oatmeal cookies

The high calorie content of oatmeal cookies makes the delicacy dangerous for those watching their weight. Some ingredients of the product are allergens, so cookies should be used with caution by anyone who is prone to allergic reactions.

Selection and storage of oatmeal cookies

When choosing ready-made oatmeal cookies, you should carefully study the composition of the product and its shelf life. Many manufacturers add preservatives, flavor enhancers and other E-additives to cookies, which are not always harmless. Therefore, even if the ingredients are difficult to read due to the small print, a too long shelf life indicated on the package should be a reason to refuse the purchase. A visual inspection will help assess the integrity of the cookies; if there are any broken ones, they will be dry and hard. You need to store oatmeal cookies in a glass container with a well-fitted lid, then the cookies will retain their organoleptic properties for 7-10 days.

Oatmeal cookies in cooking

Oatmeal cookies are ideal for tea or coffee, with a glass or - an excellent healthy afternoon snack for children and adults. Of course, oatmeal cookies can be prepared at home; unusual ideas and new recipes are available in our article.

For more information about oatmeal cookies, watch the video “Expertise of oatmeal cookies and ten products that save you from blood clots” from the TV program “NashPotrebNadzor”.

Especially for
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Oatmeal cookies and a cup of tea or milk - what could better remind us of childhood! But it’s also so useful! However, stores now offer such a wide selection of this product that you involuntarily begin to wonder whether there is any difference between them. Meanwhile, it really exists and significantly affects the benefits. Let's take it in order.

Composition and calorie content

Oatmeal cookies are a fairly high-calorie product: according to various estimates, they contain from 400 to 490 kcal per 100 g, the glycemic index is 79. That is, 1 cookie contains more than 85 kcal.

This is due to the high calorie content of its ingredients - butter (or margarine), sugar (or honey). Oatmeal and eggs are not that rich in calories.

Did you know? 100 g of margarine contains more calories than the same amount of butter, which is healthier. 100 g of honey contains more calories than the same amount of sugar, but honey is healthier.

Its nutritional value is represented by proteins (about 6 g), fats (25-30 g), carbohydrates (50-58 g).

Vitamins (,) and microelements (, copper, and others) also have a positive effect on the body.

Benefits of oatmeal cookies

This type of baking is beneficial for humans because:

  • stimulates intestinal motility, cleanses it;
  • provides the necessary energy supply;
  • promotes the production of serotonin (the hormone of joy);
  • Helps quickly satisfy hunger;
  • improves perception, memory, increases performance.

Cooking at home

You can bake oatmeal cookies yourself.
We present to your attention one of the recipes:

  1. Prepare the necessary ingredients: 150 g of oatmeal in the form of flakes (the kind that needs to be boiled), 100 g of sugar, 100 g of butter, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon of baking powder.
  2. Using a coffee grinder, grind the flakes into flour, adding small portions.
  3. Take the butter out of the refrigerator in advance and rub it with the sugar using a fork.
  4. Break the egg, preferably into a separate container so that the shell does not get in. Add the egg to the butter and mix well again.
  5. Add baking powder to the ground oatmeal and mix.
  6. Mix the dry mixture with the oil mixture. Knead the dough and place in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  7. Preheat the oven to 180°C.
  8. Line the deco with baking paper.
  9. Using a spoon, shape the dough into ball shapes.
  10. We lay them out on the deco, maintaining a short interval between them.
  11. Bake in an oven preheated to 180°C for about 20 minutes.
  12. Take out the cookies, cool and taste. It turns out crumbly and light.

Did you know? If you add a small pinch of salt to sweet baked goods, this will highlight its taste.

Cookies while dieting

Particular attention is paid to purchased cookies, as they often contain palm oil, artificial sugar substitutes, and preservatives that are harmful to the body.

However, the same nutritionists say that in order to lose weight, it is important to enjoy food; then, while enjoying it, a person eats more slowly and quickly begins to feel full. The main thing is to eat high-calorie foods in the first half of the day so that you have time to burn calories.
Considering that the number of calories consumed per day for people who want to lose weight properly ranges from 1300 to 1700 (depending on gender, lifestyle, height, weight and age), then 1 cookie, prepared independently and eaten for breakfast, fits perfectly on the menu.

You can also reduce the number of calories contained in this baked goods by almost half if you replace butter with low-fat butter, and sugar with dried fruits and add a few pieces of dark chocolate, a pinch of vanillin, coconut flakes, seeds or for taste.

Although such additives will lead to a deviation in the taste of baked goods from classic oatmeal cookies.

Important! If you want to lose weight, do not eat more than 1 cookie; enjoy it only for breakfast with unsweetened coffee, tea or low-fat yogurt.

Harm and contraindications

Even such a healthy treat as oatmeal cookies can seriously harm your health if you have:

  • diabetes;
  • obesity;
  • problems with teeth and gums;
  • allergies to chemical additives;
  • elevated cholesterol levels;
  • high blood pressure.

If you don’t have time to prepare the delicacy yourself, you can buy it in the store, but you need to familiarize yourself with the intricacies of the choice.

To choose the “right” oatmeal cookies, pay attention to the following indicators:

  1. Appearance. The treat should not crumble, be small, light, smooth or with dents and cracks, covered with glaze, with traces of rodent bites.
  2. The taste is moderately sweet, not cloying, oat-like, without any extraneous tastes from the addition of chemical flavors, not bitter, without the unpleasant feeling of a greasy aftertaste. Cookies should not be hard.
  3. Ingredients - oatmeal, oatmeal, wheat flour, sugar (or honey), eggs (not egg powder), butter or vegetable oil (indicating its specific type).
  4. Shelf life. Normally, it should not exceed 1 month. An extended period indicates that preservatives have been added to the dough, even if they are not listed in the composition.

Important! Dyes, preservatives, flavorings, flavor enhancers, sugar substitutes (except for fructose in sweets for diabetics), and palm oil are not allowed in high-quality cookies.

How to use it correctly

If you do not plan to gain weight, then the number of oatmeal cookies you eat should not exceed 3 pieces. This should not be a daily meal, especially for those on a diet.

The drinks you wash it down with should not contain sugar: there is already enough of it in the cookies, because a sufficiently high glycemic index indicates an increase in blood sugar levels after such a meal, and this is fraught with problems with insulin production.

Low-fat fermented milk products, green tea, and natural coffee are suitable.

According to scientists, our body spends more calories in the period before lunch, and after that it begins to be “lazy.”
After 6 pm he is in the mood to relax and sleep. Therefore, eating sweets should occur no later than 12 noon to avoid fat deposition.

Other equally healthy oat products

Not only oatmeal cookies are useful; oatmeal or oatmeal will bring much more benefit.


This product is made from grains by cleaning, steaming and flattening, during which some of the beneficial substances are lost. This procedure allows you to reduce the cooking time from 40 minutes to 5-10.

Some types of oatmeal are steamed with boiling water, others are boiled for about 10 minutes.


Oatmeal is prepared from whole oat grains, which resemble in appearance. It takes much longer to prepare, but it is healthier, it has a lower glycemic index and a higher glycemic index, which gives a greater feeling of fullness.

Oatmeal cookies are one of the healthiest sweets. Whether you prepare it yourself or choose it in a store is up to you, but remember the need to choose the right products and do not overdo it in eating delicacies so as not to gain weight.

People with a sweet tooth often wonder what flour products or sweets can be consumed while following a diet, and in what quantities. Today we will take a closer look at one of the most common products - oatmeal cookies, which are not only tasty, but also healthy.

Cookie composition

Traditionally, oatmeal cookies are made from oat and wheat flour, hence the name of the product. Sugar, animal or vegetable fat are also added to cookies. Many confectioners like to add additional ingredients to create a unique taste of the product. These include honey, vanillin, nuts, cinnamon, chocolate or poppy seeds. All this, combined with a crispy crust and moderately soft dough inside, is familiar to all people since childhood. However, it is worth adding that oatmeal cookies on an industrial scale are often made with the addition of all sorts of food additives and flavorings.

Nutritional value of oatmeal cookies

Oatmeal, from which the cookies are made, is a storehouse of vegetable fats and vitamins A, E, PP and group B. In addition, oatmeal cookies contain useful substances such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, mineral salts, amino acids and trace elements. Proteins, which are so abundant in oatmeal, are quickly absorbed by the body.

Calorie content of oatmeal cookies

Oatmeal cookies contain an average of 437 calories per 100 g of product. Of these, proteins are 6.5 g, which is 26 kcal, fats are 14.4 g (130 kcal), carbohydrates are 71.8 (287 kcal). Moreover, 1 piece. oatmeal cookies are 20 g, and therefore 87.4 kilocalories. The energy value of oatmeal cookies is 1745 kJ, which is 20% of the average daily requirement for a dieter (2000 kcal/day).

Method for preparing diet oatmeal cookies

As you know, no one can prepare dietary food better than ourselves; culinary delights can be added to this category. So, to make dietary oatmeal cookies you need:

  • 2 cups chopped oatmeal;
  • 200 g baby fruit puree without added sugar;
  • 40-50 g dried fruits + 10 g coconut flakes.

Then mix all the ingredients together and place in the oven, having previously formed small round-shaped livers from the dough. The oven should be preheated to 190 degrees. Bake at this temperature for no more than 20 minutes. Excluding eggs, butter and sugar from the product will make its digestion by the body more comfortable, and you will not only be pleased with its excellent taste, but also with its beneficial properties.

Benefits of oatmeal cookies

This confectionery product has a lot of useful properties - its balanced composition, when consumed in moderation, stimulates digestion and helps remove toxins from the body. In addition, cookies can help lower blood sugar levels. For those who are on a diet, the dietary option described above is perfect.

Harm of oatmeal cookies

There are no contraindications as such, however, for people who are obese or overweight, it is better to eat only the dietary version of home-made cookies, when you can independently monitor the composition of the product. Another option is to eat low-calorie cookies, which can be found in the diet or diabetic aisle. Do not forget that it is difficult to “break away” from oatmeal cookies due to their impeccable taste, so buy small cookies and clearly highlight how much of the product you can afford to eat in 1 sitting or in 1 day.

You can argue that many more people love oatmeal cookies than despite the fact that Hercules is considered perhaps the best breakfast of all time. They say that the very first cookies made from such flour appeared in the human diet almost immediately when the first bread was baked. The only difference between ancient oatmeal cookies and modern ones was that they were unsweetened. It was later that they began to add sugar to it and make small round cakes from the dough.

People in Russia learned about it back in the times of the Tsars, and the most appetizing and delicious things were baked, naturally, in St. Petersburg. Adherents of this delicacy came from all over the country just to buy themselves a kilogram or two of this delicious, sweet and crumbly culinary masterpiece. In those days, there were even magnificent receptions with tea parties, where St. Petersburg oatmeal cookies, whose calorie content was probably high, would certainly be present.

Tsarist times are long gone, but oatmeal baked goods still exist and are loved by many for their delicious taste and beneficial properties. Modern recipes for these cookies often include all kinds of fillings in the form of vanilla, raisins, delicious fruit syrups, pieces of chocolate, jam and much more.

Despite the calorie content of oatmeal cookies, a breakfast of a few of them, washed down with a glass of milk, can completely replace a whole plate in terms of the number of vitamins and nutritional value. Therefore, let there always be fresh and tasty baked goods on your table, in a vase, because the proteins that make up oats are almost 100% absorbed by the human body and contain very valuable provitamins A, vitamins of groups PP and B, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, minerals, amino acids and trace elements, which are similar in composition to muscle protein.

As mentioned above, there are many recipes for how to cook O all kinds of cookies. The calorie content of such homemade baked goods is slightly lower than store-bought ones, so those with a sweet tooth who are losing weight will enjoy it. Here is one of the recipes. Cookies baked using it turn out incredibly tasty and not too high in calories. So, we will need:

Oatmeal "Hercules" - 3 cups;

Wheat flour - 3 cups;

Margarine - 1 pack (250g);

Chicken egg - 2 pieces;

Sugar - 2 cups, but less is possible;

Soda - 1 teaspoon;

Kefir - a little, just to quench the soda;

Honey - 2 tablespoons;

Salt - to taste.

This homemade oatmeal has a moderate amount, approximately 300-320 Kcal, while store-bought oatmeal contains more than 400 Kcal. So, we put it through a meat grinder and sift the wheat flour. Grind the eggs with sugar, add not hot, melted margarine, soda quenched with kefir, honey, salt. Mix everything thoroughly and gradually add wheat flour and oatmeal minced through a meat grinder. If necessary, flour with ground Hercules can be added in equal proportions. We hide the resulting dough in the refrigerator for half an hour, and then roll it out into a pancake 1 cm thick, cut out cookies with a mold or a glass, sprinkle a little sugar and bake for approximately 15-25 minutes at 170 degrees until the desired color is obtained.

Naturally, when adding a large amount of sweet ingredients to oatmeal cookies, their calorie content increases. So anyone who wants to lose weight should most likely exclude sugar, jams and other “impurities” from these baked goods. But you can include dried fruits and walnuts. This delicacy will be especially useful for those whose diet is sorely lacking in animal proteins, fats, microelements and vitamins. In addition, oatmeal in all its forms has the most essential beneficial elements that effectively fight atherosclerosis.

If you are now little interested in oatmeal cookies, calorie content and everything else related to food, try making a face mask from Hercules or simply washing your face with crushed cereal. You will see that your skin will literally transform before your eyes.
