Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis by traction of the vertebrae. Collar for stretching the neck

Gentle and gentle traction of the spine for many becomes a real panacea in the treatment of osteochondrosis, osteoarthritis, scoliosis, herniated discs, problems with the muscles and nerves of the upper back and neck, and other diseases of this kind. The Glisson loop often comes to the rescue of people in these situations.


This is one of the hardware simulators, with the help of which traction (traction) of the spine is carried out. This device is easy to use, can be used independently, does not require the participation of other persons during installation, is available, usually available in any medical centers, dispensaries, and even in massage rooms. The Glisson loop is named after an English doctor who lived in the 17th century and offered to use his invention for medicinal purposes.

Manipulation can be carried out both in a horizontal position on a special bed, and in a vertical position, sitting on a hard surface. The first method is used exclusively in medical institutions, since special devices for fixation are required. The second can be done at home.

How does the Glisson loop device work?

A person sits down and puts on a Glisson loop, hung on a hook with a strong rope or cable, at the other end of which a load is fixed. At home, you can use a bottle of water or sand, pebbles. Weight must be pre-calculated by a doctor. The weight is lowered down and traction is carried out. The chin is fixed with a wide panel.

An even simpler option is to do without a load, and pull the free end of the strap by hand. At the same time, you need to carefully monitor the sensations and make the movement smoothly, without jerking. If there is pain, then the exercise is performed incorrectly and should be stopped immediately.

Preparing for execution

When to deal with a device such as a Glisson loop?

The optimal time for stretching is in the evening, about 1.5 hours after dinner. After completing the procedure, it is advisable to immediately go to bed. You need to lie on your back without a pillow at all or get an orthopedic one so that the stretched neck does not return to the reverse twisted position.

Before starting, it is necessary to do a warm-up for the muscles of the neck and upper spine so as not to injure them. To warm up for a few minutes, a warm heating pad or a heated towel is applied, then a light massage and rubbing of the muscles are performed.

You may feel a little dizzy during the process. This is due to the fact that the vessels were freed and began to pass more blood, respectively, and oxygen into the brain. If the dizziness does not increase and remains at an acceptable level, does not cause discomfort, then everything is in order.

1. All movements should be performed slowly and not cause discomfort.

2. In the first week after class, pain may appear in the muscles of the neck and jaw, due to their stretching. They should be gone by the middle of the second week. If the pain persists, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

3. When performing the procedure without a chair in full or incomplete hanging, you need to squat smoothly and carefully, controlling the weight. The load should last from 5 seconds to a minute, depending on fitness and well-being, followed by a return to the starting position.

4. It is optimal to conduct 1-3 classes per day.

5. You can carry out the procedure in a special hard collar-collar, quilted with cotton, and put on a mouth guard - this will reduce pain in the neck and jaw.


The following manipulations will help determine whether it is necessary to apply traction with a Glisson loop:

  • Ask someone to put one hand on the back of the head, the other under the lower jaw and gently pull the head up as gently as possible. If relief is felt, the method can be applied. If it becomes painful or uncomfortable, then it is impossible.
  • Press on the head from above, just as gently and smoothly. Traction is indicated if the patient experiences discomfort.
  • Be sure to take a picture of the disturbing area.

Is it possible to make an apparatus?

How to make a Glisson loop at home? Many people ask this question.

In fact, this is just a bandage made of dense fabric, preferably elastic and springy, tapering towards the ends and with a cutout in the middle. Therefore, it is quite possible to make the device with your own hands. The loop should be wide enough to fix the chin and the back of the head. It is better to sew elastic bands or straps to the bandage area under the ears to connect the pieces of fabric between the jaw and the back of the head. This is done so that the bandage does not move out of the back of the head.

You can make it even easier - take two strips of fabric about a palm wide and about 25 cm long, sew them at the ends, thread two laces - and the loop is ready. If necessary, the laces are tied at the top of the head. The angle between the stripes on the chin and on the back of the head should be approximately 45 degrees. Is a pattern necessary for such an apparatus as the Glisson loop? Such a product can be sewn without a pattern, it is enough to have an example in front of your eyes.

Next, you need straight hangers for clothes. At the ends, you need to drill holes and strengthen the ropes or straps in them that hold the loop itself. They must, of course, be strong enough to support the weight of the body. This is not the best option, but you can use it.

It will be more convenient to make a hook from a thick wire or a metal rod, attach it to the door, and hang a Glisson loop on this hook.

The downside is that the metal of such a fortress is very difficult to bend as it should. But, in the end, in hardware stores you can find the right metal for the device.

Here is how a Glisson loop can be made at home.


In no case should you use traction at home, especially in hanging, in the following cases:

  • diseases of the spine in the acute stage;
  • weakness of the intervertebral discs, cartilage;
  • pregnancy;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia in severe form and disorders in the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • lesions of the vestibular apparatus;
  • old age from 70 years;
  • hypertension grade 3;
  • spondylosis;
  • the presence of neoplasms, both malignant and benign.

Before you start working with the Glisson loop, you need to consult a doctor and take a picture of problem areas.

But if there are no contraindications, then you can make a Glisson loop with your own hands. Be healthy!

The cervical spine is the most vulnerable to various kinds of injuries and pathologies. Discs undergo changes with age, which causes a number of neurological diseases. In addition, the aging of the body increases the risk of damage to the vertebrae. The Glisson loop will help to avoid such troubles.

Today, many people use this device at home.

General information about the Glisson loop

What is needed for

Glisson's loop in these pathologies is not only able to stop pain, but also has a positive effect on the functions of memory, vision, and susceptibility of the surrounding world. Moreover, the effect is not only on the cervical, but also on the thoracic, lumbar regions.

Reviews of doctors indicate that the method is effective and has found wide application not only in medical therapy, but also in physiotherapy exercises.

Prevention of muscular and vertebral diseases

This device can be an excellent assistant in the prevention of muscular and spinal diseases for users who spend most of the day at the computer. It is this category of people that makes up a greater percentage of patients diagnosed with cervical osteochondrosis.

Treatment of osteochondrosis

It seems that the problem of osteochondrosis is not so important. But, we dare to assure you that it is ready to significantly spoil the quality of life, causing pain and disruption of the functioning of the cardiovascular system, causing problems with blood pressure. Therefore, it is recommended to stretch the vertebrae with a Glisson loop, since the benefit of the device is obvious.


The device is designed for vertebral traction or traction. The name of the Glisson loop was taken in honor of the name of a doctor from England, who began to practice the treatment of diseases of the spine with this method back in the 17th century.

The device should wrap your head as comfortably as possible. A person needs to smoothly bend his legs at the knees until a feeling of tension appears in the upper spine. It should be the maximum.

After a second of such exposure, the legs straighten and the body returns to its original position. At the beginning of treatment, it is enough to repeat the exercise 4 times. Sometimes the patient feels a little discomfort at the beginning of treatment.

It is not necessary to completely bend the legs. Treatment is allowed for incomplete hanging. When the patient is all the time in a sitting position, but at the same time makes head movements to the sides, forward, backward. All movements must be smooth. This leads to relaxation of the muscular apparatus.

Important! The principle of gradualness works, that is, at first the exercises are performed with a partial seed.

When to apply?

You need to finish the evening workout by going to bed, observing several conditions:

  • sleep only on your back;
  • use an orthopedic pillow or sleep without a pillow at all.

Otherwise, the result achieved from the treatment is lost, because the neck will take the usual wrong position.

What are the loads

Everything that is connected with therapeutic training should bring joy. During the first days, the patient may experience minor pain, which disappears soon. When stretching with a partial hang, the muscle tissues are relaxed.

After the head is fixed in the structure, you can slowly bend your knees up to 1/3 or up to half of the body.

Important! The legs do not come off the surface and, moreover, do not bounce!

After 3-5 seconds, you can smoothly straighten your legs and lean on them. After four repetitions of the exercise, you can remove the structure.

Partial or incomplete hang

It is performed as follows:

  1. The body is fixed. You can hold on to the door frame to keep your head still.
  2. The head turns first to the right, then to the left, then back and forth. Repeat 4 times.

Important! If dizziness occurs, you should immediately stop the procedure and consult a specialist for advice.

Full hang

More challenging exercise. Feet come off the floor, but it is important to consider your well-being. It is allowed to hang from 5 to 8 seconds and bring this time up to 60 seconds. Exercises are also done 2 times a day. After a week, the adaptation ends and the pain, if any, disappears. Do not neglect the use of a mouthguard, which is a plastic protection for the jaw.

Important! If your blood pressure rises after exercise, tell your doctor immediately.

Basic rules for doing exercises

Always be aware of the fragility of the spine.

In order not to harm, you must follow the rules:

To soften the load on the neck, you need to use a collar with a cotton layer. It can be bought in an orthopedic salon.

In case traction does not help with muscle pain after 1.5 weeks of treatment, there is no point in practicing this method further.

How to choose

Glisson loop modifications

Designs can vary in size:

  • for young children;
  • for teenagers;
  • for adults.

Bands for fixation on the back of the head and chin

A pattern is usually not needed, since everything is very simple. After all, in fact, the design is a bandage. It is recommended to sew a rubber strap in the area of ​​the ears to unite the two segments between the back of the head and the jaw. You can sew a Glisson loop according to individual parameters.

After the bandage is ready, a clothes hanger is taken, holes are drilled at the ends, in which laces or elastic bands are fixed that support the entire structure. It must be borne in mind that they must not only hold the device, but also the weight of the person.


The spine is a very complex structure and it takes a lot of time and effort to restore. Glisson's adaptation requires regularity and patience from the patient. Stretching can be vertical, horizontal, in water, in a pool, with or without weights.

This design is very effectively used for neck deformities, pinched nerve roots, and interdiscal hernias. Positive feedback is available for the elimination of muscle spasms in the cervical vertebrae. Glisson's loop relaxes the muscular apparatus, restores the flexibility and mobility of the body.

This orthopedic device is simple, safe and budget-friendly. But, it is only an additional tool in the treatment of vertebral pathologies and, unfortunately, will not get rid of all problems. Glisson's loop is an excellent prophylactic and does not eliminate the need to seek help from a specialist.

In acute radicular syndrome, disc deformity and hernia, neurogenic pain, other pathologies of the back and support column, spinal traction is prescribed. The method has both supporters and opponents among doctors, but the benefits of proper traction are confirmed by research results and patient reviews.

What is spinal traction? Harm and benefit of antigravitational influence. Which type of procedure is safer? What are the contraindications for dry and underwater traction of the support post? Answers in the article.

general information

Traction of the spine is an effective method of reducing pressure on the structures of the support column to restore the functionality of an important element of the musculoskeletal system. With deformation of the intervertebral discs, thinning of the shock-absorbing pad, the vertebrae sag, friction of the bone structures occurs. Gradually, the cartilage tissue wears out, cannot fully function, compression provokes damage to the discs, development, and pain.

The stronger the compression of the vertebrae, the higher the risk of neurological disorders and damage to the elements of the support column. Traction of the spine reduces compression, "moves" the bone elements away from each other, stretches the bone tube, which leads to a reduction in pain, elimination of muscle spasm, and stops further destruction of cartilaginous and dense structures.

Spinal traction is a complex procedure. In the conditions of the sanatorium and resort complex and the physical room, doctors use modern equipment for underwater and dry traction of the spine. The use of the technique at home is fraught with risks, only simple varieties are allowed without serious burdening. Self-treatment, the use of untested methods of stretching the support column can lead to dangerous consequences, including disability, spinal cord ruptures, and vertebral fractures.


Spinal traction is suitable for patients with various diseases of bone structures. Correct execution of the procedure, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient, has a positive effect on the state of the weakened support column and the affected elements.

Spinal traction is carried out for orthopedic pathologies and various types of neuralgia, pain syndrome,. Conducting underwater traction in diseases of the support column is allowed for elderly patients.

An important advantage of the method is an increase in the distance between adjacent vertebrae. No other procedure gives such an effect. Therapeutic gymnastics increases the flexibility of the spinal column, activates nutrition and blood supply to problem areas, but it is impossible to quickly “push back” the vertebrae to reduce compression with the help of exercises.

The result of treatment with the use of dry and underwater traction of the spine:

  • increasing the distance between the vertebrae, reducing pressure on cartilage structures;
  • elimination of spasms of the back muscles;
  • normalization of local blood circulation, reducing the risk of stagnation of blood and lymph;
  • a decrease in compression of the nerve roots against the background of growth, excessive tension of spasmodic muscle fibers,;
  • stretching of the ligaments and muscles of the paravertebral zone;
  • restoration of optimal values ​​of osmotic pressure in the nucleus pulposus of the elastic cartilage lining between the vertebrae;
  • protrusion of displaced discs and vertebral bodies under tension of the longitudinal posterior ligament of the support column;
  • an increase in the diameter of the intervertebral foramen during traction up to 0.5 mm between adjacent bone structures - by 1-3 mm.

Indications for the procedure

Spinal traction is prescribed for various problems with the supporting column and paravertebral zone:

  • (except for certain varieties);
  • pain syndrome of a neurogenic nature;
  • a crack in the tissue of the fibrous ring;
  • support column deformations;
  • all departments of the support column;
  • deforming;
  • in the intervertebral discs;
  • compression changes in the sections of the support column;
  • initial stage of development;
  • radiculo-ischemic syndrome (subacute stage);
  • compression of the disc capsule;


The procedure is not carried out in the following cases:

  • the period of exacerbation in any chronic pathologies;
  • pregnancy;
  • severe lesions of bone and cartilage elements in old age;
  • pathologies in the stage of decompensation;
  • diseases of the supporting column, in which the density decreases, the structure of the bone tissue is disturbed, for example,;
  • childhood;
  • a malignant tumor process was detected in any part of the body;
  • tendency to bleed;
  • during the period of therapy, a negative dynamics of the patient's condition was manifested;
  • revealed foraminal or;
  • the patient suffers from mental disorders.

Important! Extraction of the spine is carried out after examining the patient, clarifying the diagnosis and stage of pathology. Carrying out the traction of the supporting column in the wrong period of the disease can result in the activation of the inflammatory process, serious damage to the cartilage and ligamentous apparatus. Self-medication is prohibited until the doctor indicates all the nuances for home traction of the spine.

Benefit and harm

Proper traction of the spine is a prerequisite for achieving a therapeutic effect. After a course of procedures, patients feel relief, pain decreases, blood supply to problem areas improves, and the progression of many pathologies stops.

Spinal traction is harmful in case of violation of the therapy process, insufficient examination before the sessions (the doctor missed the manifestations in which it is forbidden to carry out the procedure). Dangerous is traction of the spinal column, carried out by a non-specialist or the use at home of immoderate weights on the arms, waist and legs. When side effects often develop, uncontrolled stretching of the spine is harmful.

Possible complications after spinal traction:

  • injury to cartilage tissue with excessive burdening, violation of the rules of procedure or self-treatment;
  • muscle spasm in pain points and areas of fibrosis.

Negative reactions develop when the restrictions for spinal traction are ignored, the patient violates the doctor's instructions, and the support column is stretched incorrectly. To eliminate side effects, the doctor destroys trigger zones before the session or changes the patient's position during the procedure.

Types of anti-gravity impact

On an individual basis or an orthopedic traumatologist selects a certain type of procedure. The water variety is a “softer” option: the load on the heart and the whole body is lower.

Look at the list, and also learn about the features of their use in cervical osteochondrosis.

The rules for performing exercises to strengthen the back muscles for pain at home are described on the page.

Go to the address and read about the symptoms and effective treatments for a bruised lumbar spine.

Spinal traction happens:

  • Dry. Hanging on the crossbar or the use of special medical simulators. There is horizontal, vertical, inversion traction. Good result with a hernia in the lumbosacral region.
  • Hardware traction. The special device looks like a rack from the Middle Ages, but the stretching of the support post is carried out with minimal stress so as not to harm the patient. The device stretches the vertebrae, the procedure is carried out by experienced specialists in high-level clinics. Dry type of support column hood.
  • . The most efficient and safest method. For the session you need a pool with warm water and special equipment. How is the procedure? Doctors select the weight of the burden, fill the pool with water of the desired temperature, the patient puts the prepared weight on his feet. The warm liquid and slight stretching due to weight account for the good relaxing effect. The trophism of problematic muscles is better than before the procedure, the blood circulates more actively through the vessels. Decompression is pronounced, muscle fibers and ligamentous apparatus are relaxed. Underwater spinal traction is used by doctors in severe intervertebral hernia and in patients aged 50-60 years with moderate stages of pathologies.

Before stretching the spine, you should not eat and drink a large amount of liquid, you need to measure the pressure. There are no other significant rules for preparing for the procedure. All the nuances can be clarified with a physiotherapist who will conduct sessions of underwater or dry traction of the support column.

Before the procedure, the doctor calculates the weight of the burden, the duration of the session. It is important to identify limitations, to first do it in order to clarify the type of intervertebral hernia: with a foraminal variety of pathology of the vertebrae L4 - L5, the procedure is not prescribed.

After the session, to consolidate the effect, prevent complications and displacement of the vertebrae, the patient is taken to the ward on a stretcher. The horizontal position during transportation can be observed only in a medical institution and a sanatorium. Be sure to rest for one to two hours. Doctors fix the stretched spine with an orthosis.

The total number of sessions is from 10 to 20 for one course. The frequency of carrying out depends on the reaction of the body: the lack of positive dynamics is a reason for refusing antigravity therapy. The price in high-level clinics is from 1700 to 2500 rubles.

The risk of damage to the cervical vertebrae increases as the body ages. Glisson's loop helps to avoid the development of many painful pathologies of the spinal column. The ability to use this device at home eliminates the need to travel to the clinic for outpatient treatment.

What is a device

With its help, traction of the vertebrae occurs, in other words, neck traction. It is easy to use this device, you can use it yourself, without third-party participation. It got its name in honor of an English doctor who, back in the 17th century, practiced the treatment of diseases of the cervical spine with his device. Today, this method of therapy for patients lying on a special bed is used in clinics and hospitals, and sitting on a chair - at home.

The simulator is a system of belts with fasteners, which are fixed under the chin and hold the head in the resulting strap. The upper part of the structure is fixed with a cable at a certain height, and a load is suspended from it. It is he who has a stretching effect on the cervical vertebrae. As a load, you can even use a plastic container with water. Her weight should be calculated exclusively by a doctor. The patient performs exercises, overcoming the resistance of the load with his head, which then goes down, then rises. This is how the diseased vertebrae are stretched.

This process at home can be carried out even without a load. The opposite end of the belt can simply be pulled with your own hand and then released.

It is only important to smoothly perform such movements, avoiding rough jerks. In this case, there should not be the slightest pain. If it appears, this is a signal that the procedure is not performed correctly. The exercise should be corrected immediately.

Design purpose

The benefits of the Glisson loop are obvious. Since the simulator relieves pressure on the spine, the condition of tissues in osteochondrosis improves, they are saturated with nutrients and moisture. At the same time, vessels are released from excessive pressure, blood circulation in the brain area is activated. This is an important condition for the successful fight against chronic pain. Slight stretching of the spinal column with a load of muscles stimulates the metabolism, stabilizes the intervertebral discs.

The therapeutic effect lies in the fact that the distance between the vertebrae increases, the muscular-ligamentous apparatus is strengthened. Reviews of doctors show that this method is recognized as effective, and the design is widely used in physiotherapy exercises. The Glisson simulator has found application in such pathologies of the cervical region as:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • bulging and ;
  • compression (squeezing) of disks;
  • rigidity (increased tone, tightness) of the muscles;
  • hernia.

Glisson's design is a valuable help for everyone whose work is constantly connected with a computer, since a long static posture at the monitor provokes the development of cervical osteochondrosis. According to the feedback from the users of the simulator, pain soon disappears, vision improves, memory strengthens. To check if there is a need for traction using the Glisson design, you can do this:

  1. Let someone put one hand on the back of the head, and the other under the lower jaw, and very carefully pull the head up a little. If at the same time relief is felt, it is advisable to use the simulator. But if there is even a slight pain, then you can not use it.
  2. Then you should definitely take an x-ray of the cervical spine and consult a doctor.

This is necessary so as not to harm your own spine. Despite the fact that Glisson's loop traction looks completely harmless, there are contraindications for which this method cannot be used. These include:

  • vertebral fractures;
  • spondylosis (their growth in the form of spikes);
  • listhesis (displacement of the vertebral bodies);
  • degeneration of cartilage or discs;
  • narrow spinal canal;
  • severe hypertension;
  • osteoporosis;
  • weak vestibular apparatus;
  • pregnancy;
  • age over 70 years;
  • any tumors.

Structural modifications

Traction devices come in a variety of sizes for small children, teens and adults. There are 2 of their modifications: and Glisson lines. The first version of the design consists of strips, one of which is fixed at the back of the head, and the other under the chin. A strap extends from their connection, with the help of which the device is attached to a hook fixed on the room door.

There is also a block on the belt, a cord is thrown through it, one end of which is free. The traction process is carried out by the user by pulling down the free end of the cord. He regulates the degree of stretching himself, weakening or increasing the efforts applied to the cord. The change in load occurs smoothly, as the spring protects against jerks. In medical institutions, its function is performed by a special simulator.

This model can be used for both treatment and prevention of osteochondrosis. Glisson hinges of the second type are equipped with a block, a door fastener, and a spring. Structures of the first type do not have such a configuration.

Glisson slings are an addition to the main structure. With their help, it is possible to carry out therapeutic traction for lumbar or thoracic osteochondrosis, as well as for prevention purposes. Slings are 2 bands, one of them encircles the torso at the level of the ilium, the other is under the ribs. They are attached to the trainer. Traction occurs as a result of the action of efforts of the opposite direction: the upper belt moves towards the head, and the lower one - towards the feet.

Performing traction

Before starting the procedure, you need to warm up the muscles to eliminate the possibility of even the slightest injury. To do this, apply a warm heating pad to the neck for 2-3 minutes, and then lightly massage it. Sometimes after such preparation, a slight dizziness may appear. This is due to the fact that due to the expansion of blood vessels, large portions of oxygen enter the brain along with the blood. If the head soon stops spinning, then this symptom should not be feared.

The instruction recommends that you first put on a firmly fixed part of the device. After that, you should smoothly bend your knees until there is a feeling of maximum stretching of the vertebrae of the neck (see photo). After a 2-3 second pause, the legs should be straightened and returned to the starting position. You should not do this exercise more than 3-4 times at first, as beginners often have a feeling of discomfort.

The principle of gradualness is important, so at first it is better to perform procedures with partial hanging. Sitting on a chair, you should make slow head movements, tilting your neck back and forth. These exercises are great for relaxing your muscles.

Experts advise using the Glisson loop in the morning and evening, no earlier than 1.5 hours after breakfast and dinner. After completing the evening procedure, it is recommended to immediately go to bed. Moreover, you should sleep on your back, using an orthopedic pillow or doing without it, resting your head directly on the mattress. Otherwise, the achieved therapeutic effect will be lost, since the stretched neck will return to its usual twisted position.

Load Options

When stretching with a Glisson loop, training exercises should be enjoyable. Only in the first week, due to an unusual stretching of the cervical muscles, slight pains occur, which soon pass. Procedures can be performed with partial and full hanging. In the first case, muscle relaxation and an increase in the compensatory capabilities of the spine occur.

Having fixed the head in the Glisson loop, the patient slowly bends both knees to a third or half of his body weight. At the same time, the legs do not come off the floor (the worst mistake is bouncing!). After 3–5 seconds, the patient smoothly straightens the lower limbs and fully leans on them. Thanks to three or four repetitions of the exercise according to the “bend-straighten legs” principle, you can remove the traction load from the cervical muscles.

With partial hanging, exercises are also performed for their training. The patient fixes the body, holding on to the door frame so that it does not move at the same time as the head. Then smoothly turns the head to the right, to the left, forward and back. 2-4 repetitions are enough. If dizziness occurs, stop the procedure and consult a chiropractor.

Full hang exercises create a more intense load on the cervical vertebrae and muscles. The time of lifting the legs off the floor should be determined based on your own well-being. You can start hanging from 5-8 seconds and bring it up to 1 minute 2-3 times a day. After a week of adaptation, pain usually disappears. The use of a mouthguard (a plastic device for protecting the teeth of athletes, more often boxers) helps to minimize them. If exercise significantly increases blood pressure, you should definitely tell your doctor about it.

Precautionary measures

When starting traction procedures, one must not forget for a minute about the fragility of the cervical vertebrae, so as not to injure them in any way. For this you should:

  • perform all therapeutic movements slowly and smoothly;
  • squat carefully, while controlling the weight, while doing exercises in partial or full hanging without a chair;
  • limit the maximum duration of loads to 1 minute, focusing on your well-being;
  • do the procedure no more than 3 times a day.

To soften the load, you can perform exercises in a collar-collar with a cotton layer, which is easy to pick up in an orthopedic salon. If the muscle pains in the neck and lower jaw, naturally occurring due to their stretching, do not disappear after 1–1.5 weeks, the procedures will most likely have to be stopped.

In any case, even in the absence of discomfort, it is necessary to conduct classes under the supervision, if not of a chiropractor, then of an instructor in the physiotherapy room.

Traction methods using Glisson's loop are also effective in lumbar osteochondrosis. The reviews that many patients give are unanimous in that this orthopedic design is distinguished by ease of use, safety and affordable price. However, you need to understand that this device is an auxiliary, and not the main method of getting rid of spinal pathologies. Glisson's design does not replace, but effectively complements the main treatment prescribed by the vertebrologist.

Traction or traction of the spine is an effective treatment and rehabilitation method that is performed to eliminate compression (squeezing) of the neurovascular bundles and intervertebral discs in pathologically altered areas of the axial skeleton. The technique is carried out by exposing the altered vertebrae to the patient's own weight, additional weights or special traction simulators.

There is a technique of dry and underwater traction of the spine, in which the procedure is performed in a vertical or horizontal position. The impact of traction can be carried out on the entire spinal column or locally in the area of ​​pathology. Irrespective of the method of traction, they achieve the same result - the restoration of the anatomically correct form of the spine and the consolidation of the achieved effect.

The essence of the method of stretching the spinal column

Age-related changes or exposure to adverse factors such as metabolic disorders, back injuries, excessive physical activity, sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, hereditary diseases cause pathological changes in the vertebrae and intervertebral discs. The nucleus pulposus in the center of the disc loses water, becomes less elastic, which leads to a violation of its integrity - osteochondrosis develops. As a result, the height of the cartilaginous layer between the vertebrae decreases, the depreciation function of the intervertebral discs decreases, back pain appears during movement and at rest.

The progression of the disease leads to displacement of the nucleus pulposus, stretching of the fibrous ring around the cartilage tissue, which is commonly called protrusion. With pressure from the overlying vertebrae on the area of ​​pathology during movement, a rupture of the fibrous ring and leakage of the nucleus away from its anatomically correct position can occur - the formation of an intervertebral hernia. When the vertebrae are displaced, the tone of the back muscles increases to align the spinal column. This worsens the metabolic processes and slows down the blood flow at the site of the pathology, increases the pain syndrome.

The degree of change in the intervertebral disc

Degenerative-inflammatory processes of the intervertebral discs contribute to the infringement of the spinal roots. This causes a violation of the sensitivity and motor ability of the limbs, impairs the functioning of the innervated organs. In addition, in the chronic process, bone growths appear - osteophytes, which are interconnected and form a complete immobility of the affected part of the spinal column.

To eliminate the above violations, traction of the spine is used. The course of therapy leads to the straightening of the spinal column and the achievement of a normal distance between the vertebrae.

The technique unloads compressed intervertebral discs, thereby preventing the development of protrusions, hernias and infringement of the spinal roots. Thanks to the procedure, metabolism and blood circulation in the area of ​​pathology are normalized, pain in the back is eliminated, and the functioning of internal organs improves. A sick person after treatment returns to daily physical activity.

Dry traction

Dry traction of the spine is performed on a traction table under the patient's own weight or after applying additional traction with the help of weights. Modern medicine uses machines for stretching the spinal column, equipped with an electronic system. Due to this, it is possible to calculate the optimal effect on the axial skeleton, taking into account the age, sex, weight of the patient and the severity of the disease. An individual approach improves the effectiveness of the therapy and reduces the risk of complications.

An example of an electronic installation for stretching the spine is the Ormed device of domestic production. It is a horizontal couch equipped with straps, blocks, rings for attachment to the trunk and limbs. The parameters of spinal column extension are entered through the LCD control panel, strictly dosed and individual for each patient. According to indications, additional functions of the device are used in the form of vibration and heat effects on the body.

Ormed simulator for dry traction of the spinal column

The retraction of the spine by the dry method is carried out by means of a static constant or impulse load on the pathologically changed area. The treatment promotes decompression of the intervertebral discs and nerve roots, eliminates spasm of the back muscles and pain, restores the physiological mobility of the spinal column. To consolidate the achieved effect, the patient must wear a corset during the course of therapy and after it for 2-3 months. In addition, massage sessions and therapeutic exercises are prescribed.

Tables can be arranged both vertically and horizontally - the method of the procedure is chosen by the attending physician. Horizontal stretching of the spine at home can be carried out with daily hanging on the horizontal bar. In this case, you should definitely consult with a specialist. The most effective procedure is to take place in medical rehabilitation institutions under the constant supervision of a doctor. The effectiveness of therapy and the consolidation of a positive result for many years depend on this.

The course of treatment is usually prescribed for 12-18 sessions of stretching the spinal column for 15-20 minutes. After the procedure, the patient must remain in a horizontal position for half an hour, and then put on a fixing corset. During the rehabilitation period, it is recommended to refrain from stress and heavy physical exertion. A properly conducted therapy session should not cause discomfort and increased pain.

The cervical spine is pulled out mainly by the dry method

Indications for the appointment of the technique:

  • spinal column injuries;
  • osteochondrosis with radicular syndrome, sciatica, lumbodynia;
  • prevention of the formation and progression of protrusions, intervertebral hernias;
  • curvature of the spine (scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis);
  • deforming spondylosis, the initial form of Bechterew's disease.

Contraindications for therapy:

  • violation of spinal blood flow and inflammatory spinal diseases (epiduritis, arachnoiditis);
  • acute stage of the disease;
  • oncology;
  • severe pathology of the cardiovascular system;
  • osteoporosis;
  • stone formation in internal organs;
  • epilepsy;
  • active infectious process;
  • vertebral instability;
  • sequestered hernias, especially in the region of the cauda equina;
  • pregnancy;
  • condition after surgery laminectomy;
  • old age (over 59 years old);
  • obesity (body weight over 100 kg).

When prescribing stretching of the spinal column, it is necessary to strictly take into account the indications and contraindications, which will prevent the progression of the pathological process and the development of complications. The question of the application of the technique can be decided by a doctor of appropriate qualification after the patient has undergone X-ray or tomography, studied the history of the disease and the individual characteristics of the patient's body.

Stretching the spine in water is a gentle method of traction therapy. It combines stretching of the spinal column and exposure to fresh or mineral water heated to body temperature. The procedure is carried out in pools or baths, in which a shield or spinal stretcher is placed. Due to the effect of warm water, the muscles of the back relax, which allows you to use less traction loads to achieve a positive result.

Underwater vertical traction method under the force of its own weight

As mineral baths, the most popular are radon, chloride, hydrogen sulfide procedures. The different chemical composition of water has a specific effect on the body. Radon baths are prescribed for severe pain syndrome and minor static disorders of the axial skeleton, chloride baths for venous congestion in internal organs and peripheral vessels, hydrogen sulfide baths for autonomic disorders, circulatory pathology, and significant spasticity of the muscular frame of the back.

The procedure is carried out by the vertical method under the weight of the patient's weight or additional weights are used. For horizontal stretching of the spinal column, traction machines in the form of tables or shields are used. Indications, contraindications, the duration of the procedure and the rules of conduct in the field of treatment sessions correspond to dry stretching of the spine. It should be borne in mind that treatment in warm mineral water is not prescribed for skin diseases, cardiopulmonary insufficiency, a tendency to bleeding, hypertension, tuberculosis and tumor lesions of the spine.

Spinal traction in osteochondrosis is carried out in case of complicated forms of the disease, such as infringement of the spinal roots, the appearance of protrusion, compression of the intervertebral discs with intense pain. The technique is effective for curvature of the spinal column and serious disorders of motor activity. Extraction of the spine with a hernia in an underwater way is prescribed for the treatment of formations up to 60 mm that do not form sequesters - areas of the nucleus pulposus, completely laced from the intervertebral disc.

Patient feedback on therapy

Maria Nikolaevna, 49 years old. I have been suffering from osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine for more than 15 years. In recent years, sciatica began to bother me, there were exacerbations every six months, medications brought only temporary relief. The doctor advised underwater traction and spinal stretching exercises under the supervision of an exercise therapy instructor. The course of treatment took about 3 months, now I feel good.

Horizontal method of underwater traction of the spinal column

Michael, 32 years old. After a car accident, a protrusion appeared in the neck area, headaches, nausea, and hands were often numb. The attending physician recommended traction of the cervical spine. After the treatment, the state of health improved, he returned to regular sports and a full life.

Evgeny Alekseevich, 52 years old. After a severe occupational injury of the back, a curvature of the spine developed, the sciatic nerve was infringed, as a result of which severe pain and numbness in the leg bothered, and it was difficult to move. After a long but unsuccessful treatment, traction of the vertebrae in the lumbar region was prescribed. In addition, I did exercises for stretching the spine in the group of physiotherapy exercises. Six months later, I felt like a new person, there was no exacerbation of the disease for more than 5 years.

Spinal traction is an effective method of treating pathology of the musculoskeletal system. With the correct appointment and conduct of the procedure, it is possible to achieve stable positive results and prevent the development of serious complications.

What is spinal traction

Spinal traction is one of the modern and very effective methods of treatment for spinal hernia, osteochondrosis, scoliosis and other diseases. Consider what methods of spinal traction are used at home and in the hospital.

It is well known that the spine is the main supporting rod of the human body, consisting of vertebrae and intervertebral discs. Interarticular cartilage serves as a kind of buffer between the vertebrae, which allows the joints to maintain flexibility and mobility. The paravertebral muscle corset performs a supporting function and helps maintain a certain distance between the vertebrae.

But along with age-related changes and the appearance of excess weight in a person, the muscles that support the spinal column weaken. As a result, the vertebrae approach each other and begin to put pressure on the intervertebral discs. This leads to loss of elasticity, thinning and destruction of the discs and, as a result, to osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia and other diseases of the spinal column. They are accompanied by severe pain when moving, as the vertebrae press on the paravertebral nerve fibers.

What is the essence of the spinal traction method

If you do not start timely treatment, then the disease in the future can lead to a curvature of the spinal column or its complete immobilization. Spinal stretching is a method in which the spinal column of a sick person is stretched along the vertical axis and aligned. Such traction allows you to increase the distance between the vertebrae, reduce their pressure on the intervertebral cartilage, on nerve fibers and ease pain.

The links of the spine take a natural position, and the patient feels great relief. Spinal traction is very effective for osteochondrosis, scoliosis. The procedure also has a positive effect on the intervertebral hernia and significantly improves the patient's condition.

But spinal traction alone cannot completely cure scoliosis, osteochondrosis, or intervertebral hernia. For a full-fledged result, it is necessary to strengthen the vertebrae in a straightened position, that is, pump up the muscle corset that supports the spinal column. This is done with the help of massage and physiotherapy or special exercises of therapeutic exercises are used,

There are several ways to stretch the spine: underwater and dry traction (horizontal or vertical) and a method that uses a traction machine.

Dry hardware method of traction

For this method, a special apparatus is used - a vertical or horizontal traction couch. The patient lies on her back or stomach. Special belts and belts fix the patient's head (if there are problems in the neck), or the chest and shoulder girdle (if the thoracic region and lower back are being prepared for stretching). With a hernia of the spine in the lower section, the lumbar region is fixed. The spine is stretched under the force of gravity of the body.

How doctors performed the procedure in ancient China

If necessary, weights of different weights are added, which are attached to the fixing belts. They act on the spine in the right area and stretch it. At the same time, it is important to correctly calculate the load force and the duration of the procedure, taking into account the diagnosis and the weight category of the patient. This can only be done by an orthopedic doctor observing the patient. He prescribes the necessary course of treatment, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

For the treatment of the spine with hernia, scoliosis and osteochondrosis, modern medicine uses the Gravitrin stretching device. Its surface is uneven and consists of hollow tubes that repeat the physiological curves of the spinal column. The patient's vertebrae are evenly spaced when laid on this surface. The Gravitrin device (in some models) is equipped with a vibration and heating mode, these functions further strengthen the paravertebral muscles.

Under the influence of body weight, the spine is stretched up to 1 cm per session, and with scoliosis - up to 4 cm. Moreover, the stretching force imperceptibly grows, although it is imperceptible to a person. At the end of the procedure, the patient must wear a special corset that protects the vertebrae from displacement for 2 hours, or endure the same amount of time lying on a regular couch to save the result.

As mentioned earlier, after a traction session, it is necessary to fix the vertebrae in the correct position. For this, special exercises of physiotherapy exercises, massage and physiotherapy are used. Otherwise, the position of the vertebrae in the next day will return back to the deformed position.

Extraction of the spine with a hernia releases pinched capillaries and nerve processes. At the same time, the natural flow of nutrients to the vertebrae is restored, the swelling of the adjacent tissues is stopped, and the normal mobility of the spinal column returns.

Other ways to stretch the spine

Traction of the spine in water. Traction under water is a gentle method in comparison with the hardware and dry methods. Under the influence of water with a body temperature of 37 degrees, muscle spasms relax by themselves, this allows the spine to gently stretch under its own weight.

This method is more suitable for spinal hernia, disc protrusion and sciatica. But it is not prescribed if the patient has diseases of the liver, genitourinary system and heart.

The spine is pulled out in the water by the horizontal and vertical methods.

The first uses the sagging of the body in the water under its own weight with the help of a special shield. With the vertical method, handrails, circles and other devices are used to support the patient's body in a certain area of ​​the spine. A session of underwater stretching lasts from 6 minutes to half an hour or more, in the future weighting loads can be used.
Exercises for stretching the spine. It seems possible to treat diseases of the spine using a traction apparatus only in a hospital or in sanatoriums. Traction of the spine at home is also possible, but in other ways and only after consulting a specialist. Consider how to treat spinal diseases at home.

Before starting the process, you can relax the muscular tension of the back by applying a 15-minute warm bath and self-massage with the palms or a massager. Next, we will get acquainted with several ways of stretching.

Stretching on the bed. For this method, it is necessary to prepare the bed by setting it with a slope of 30 degrees, then reinforcing two wide 7 cm straps on its headboard. The length of the straps is about one and a half meters. One part of the straps must be filled with cotton.

Next, you need to lie on the bed, passing the soft part of the straps into the armpits of the arms. Stretching will occur under the influence of body weight and can last up to three hours. To enhance the effect, you can put on a belt and attach ropes with 3 kg weights to it, which will hang down. This will add extra weight to the body and increase the stretch.
Spinal stretching exercises. The following exercises stretch the spine well and restore its flexibility:

  • torso turns to the right and left, lying on your back (with one hand to get the other 4 times);
  • pelvic rotations - lower bent legs to the right and left, lying on your back, perform 4 times in each direction;
  • half-hanging on the crossbar, reinforced at the height of the shoulder girdle, is performed from 4 to 8 times;
  • exercises on an inclined surface (“bicycle” is performed on the back, lifting straight legs, lying on the stomach, perform exercises 4 times each);
  • pulling the bent legs to the chest, lying on your back on the rug, perform 4 times;
  • pose of the "cat" - only arching the back (without bending), standing on all fours, perform 4 times.

Spinal stretching should only be performed under supervision or on the recommendation of an orthopedic specialist, as there are contraindications.

Dry traction

The dry stretching procedure is based on the impact of the patient's own weight on the spine. The patient is positioned obliquely, while the doctor can use any weights as an additional load.

This method refers to manual stretching methods, in which it is necessary to constantly monitor the progress of the procedure in order to prevent overstretching of the muscles. Dry stretching of the spine is performed on special tables with a vertical or horizontal arrangement.

One of the popular and safe devices is the Gravitrin table. This is a kind of couch, with a surface identical to the vertebral curves. When the patient lies down on such a table, the convex ribs on the surface of the table are distributed over the entire spine and begin to stretch it. Usually the patient does not feel the force of traction, since only a tenth of the patient's weight takes part in the stretching process.

In half an hour on the equipment, the spine is able to stretch by about a centimeter, and in the presence of scoliosis - by as much as 4 cm. This method is the simplest and most effective, which explains its prevalence. To fix the stretched vertebrae, it is necessary to carry out additional physiotherapeutic procedures (gymnastic exercises, massage), otherwise, after a few hours after the traction, the spine will again take its former position.

Equally popular is the Ormed apparatus, which performs dosed traction of the spinal column. The device with the help of special massage rollers has a vibrational effect on the spinal column. "Ormed" has a multicomponent effect, simultaneously performing vertebral vibration correction, heating, vibromassage of the paravertebral region and stretching of the spinal column. It turns out that four are included in one procedure at once.

As a result of the procedures on the Ormed device, the height of the intervertebral discs increases and the pressure inside the disc decreases, due to which the nerve root compression is eliminated.

The procedures are absolutely safe and highly effective, so they are widely used not only in the treatment, but also for the prevention of spinal pathologies.


Underwater traction involves a procedure under the water column. Such an extract is considered more gentle than a dry method.

For the procedure, water is used at 37-38 ° C, it is this temperature that reduces the tone of the striated muscles, which contributes to the expansion of the intervertebral discs.

As a result of underwater stretching in cervical osteochondrosis, pain decreases, blood supply improves, and vascular spasms are eliminated.

Underwater hood, as well as dry, is carried out:

  1. In a vertical way - in the pool with the help of special devices such as circles, handrails and other devices. In the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, a special holder for the head is used;
  2. In a horizontal way - the patient's body is placed in the bath on a special sagging shield. This method is more acceptable for the treatment of lumbar osteochondrosis.

Spinal traction exercises at home

There are special exercises, performing which the patient independently stretches his spine, thereby eliminating pinching of the spinal roots.

It is necessary to perform a set of such exercises daily. This can be the usual hanging on the horizontal bar, catching on with your legs or arms, using home stretching machines or doing special gymnastic exercises.

In any case, such actions cannot be carried out without medical approval in order to avoid the possible complications of osteochondrosis.

Performing gymnastics:

  • It is preferable to start with a general stretch of the spinal column, for which, while standing straight, you need to take a deep breath and raise your hands up, as if in an attempt to reach the ceiling. As you exhale, lower your arms along the body;
  • Then proceed to stretch the cervical vertebrae:
  1. It is necessary to straighten your shoulders and, as it were, drop your head on them several times, then we do the same actions only forward and backward;
  2. You should stretch one and then the other ear, trying to stretch your neck as much as possible;
  • Then stretch the thoracic region. To do this, they bring their elbows in front of them several times, putting their hands on their belts, bring their shoulder blades together, trying to press the body of the spine with them;
  • Then move on to the lower back. To do this, perform the exercise "Cat", arching the back as much as possible up and down. Twisting is also effective.

These are just a few general exercises. The necessary complex should be compiled individually by the attending physician, depending on the localization of osteochondrosis and the degree of its severity.


The average cost of spinal traction procedures depends on the status of the medical institution, the method of traction and the apparatus used:

  • Underwater traction - 700-2500 rubles;