Ash for strawberries in spring. How to feed strawberries during flowering and fruiting. Foliar feeding of strawberries in spring is carried out

Garden crops produce a high-quality harvest only if the requirements of agricultural technology are met. Fragrant strawberries are no exception, and require competent actions on the part of the gardener. The responsiveness of strawberries to care is high, but in order to enjoy delicious berries to the fullest, you need to make an effort. One of the important points of berry care is timely spring feeding.

Preparing for the season

In spring, the feeding schedule and composition of strawberries varies depending on the age of the bushes. Plants in their first year provide nutrition when planted. If the crop is planned to be planted in early spring, then the soil is prepared in the fall. But, when it is not possible to fertilize the beds in the fall, this event is postponed to early spring and combined with planting seedlings.

At spring planting For strawberries, organic matter is added to the garden bed - humus, rotted manure or ready-made compost. 7 kg of substance per 1 square meter is enough. m area. The fertilizer is laid out on the surface of the earth and dug deep. This nutritious soil fertilizing is done no later than 7 days before planting strawberry seedlings.

The second option for preparing beds for planting is more economical in terms of time and fertilizer. On the ridges along the future rows, they dig holes and add the necessary fertilizer to them. Component standards:

  • compost or humus - 1 bucket;
  • potassium salt – 20 g;
  • urea – 25 g;
  • simple superphosphate – 40 g.

The substances are mixed immediately in the recesses or in a separate place, and then added as a mixture. The grooves are spilled generously with water, at least one bucket per 1 square meter. meter of area.

If strawberry bushes were planted last season, then after the snow melts, the beds are completely cleared of debris, winter shelter, and remaining foliage. Dry leaves and tendrils are trimmed from plants, and dead bushes are removed. Gently loosen the soil and mulch the strawberries with humus.

Before the leaves bloom, you need to carry out the first feeding.

What to use?

During the growing season, plants are subject to attacks by pests and fungal infections, so it is more rational to combine fertilizing with protective spraying.

Organic substances, mineral supplements and microelements are used to feed strawberries.

The listed components are needed by strawberries during a certain period of development, so we will dwell on the significance of each of them.


  1. Avian or horse dung. Only rotted manure is used. The fresh substance contains pathogenic microorganisms that can cause diseases in strawberries and weed seeds.
  2. Humus. Fully decomposed manure that contains nutrients in the most digestible form for strawberries.
  3. Compost. A mixture of organic matter, soil and various garden residues. Used in mature, finished form.
  4. Poultry droppings (chicken). Fertilize strawberries with a weak solution of manure. Otherwise, the caustic substance can burn the plants. An important source of nitrogen for strawberries.
  5. Wood ash. Supplier of potassium and phosphorus for strawberries.

When calculating the need for organic matter, the fertility and composition of the soil are taken into account.


Mineral components are used more often due to their availability.

Nitrogen. Everyone needs an element garden plants and is responsible for the condition of the above-ground green part of the bush. However, it is recommended to feed strawberries with nitrogen taking into account the growing season and strictly observing the dosage. Most often, urea or ammonium nitrate is used in areas. To prepare the fertilizer, take 10 liters of clean water, in which 1 tbsp is dissolved. spoon of urea. The composition is applied in the spring after cleaning and loosening the ridges in the amount of 0.5 liters per root.

At air temperatures below 16°C, it is not advisable to apply nitrogen fertilizers.

Phosphorus. Without phosphorus, it is difficult for bushes to absorb nitrogen. The second meaning of the element is participation in the development of the root system. Therefore, phosphorus is necessary for seedlings during the rooting period. For phosphorus nutrition of strawberries, simple or double superphosphate and ammophosphate are used. These substances easily pass into soluble form. For 1 sq. m area, 30 g of superphosphate is usually added a week before planting seedlings.

Potassium. Increases the resistance of berry crops to frost, heat, temperature changes and pests. Potassium nitrate, potassium magnesium and potassium sulfate are suitable for strawberry bushes. Try to avoid potassium chloride, because the crop reacts negatively to the chlorine content in fertilizers.

To achieve the maximum effect from nutritional compositions, it is necessary to correctly distribute fertilizing during the strawberry growing season.

Feeding process

The schedule and composition of nutrition varies depending on the age of the bushes. Plants of the first year of life are provided with nutrition when planting; in the 2nd and 4th years they alternate organic and mineral components, but it is recommended to feed strawberries of the 3rd year of life only with mineral compounds.

Upon landing

Proper fertilizing during planting increases the yield by 30-35% of the usual indicators.

Before planting the seedlings, the beds are prepared - cleared of weeds, debris, loosen and level.

The prepared wells are filled with a nutrient mixture, which is prepared according to one of the proposed options. Mix:

  • one bucket of turf soil, rotted manure or compost with two glasses of wood sol;
  • a bucket of compost with mineral components - potassium salt and urea (25 g each), superphosphate 40 g;
  • a bucket of humus with 1 cup of wood ash and 30 g of superphosphate.

Finally, the ridges are watered.

After landing

It is not necessary to additionally feed bushes planted on fertilized soil in the first year of life. Plants only need the supply of nutrients added before planting. The next full-fledged feeding is done in the fall. For this:

  • add potassium humate to the soil, you can add superphosphate;
  • water the rows with infusion chicken manure, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10;
  • mulch the ridges with peat, straw, and hay.

By spring, the nutrients will be in a form that can be absorbed by plants.

For adult strawberries

As soon as the snow melts on the site, you need to carry out the first fertilizing before the leaves bloom. Usually this event is combined with spring pruning. The bushes need to gain mass, so the first element for spring nutrition is nitrogen:

  1. Add 2 cups of mature mullein or compost and 1 tablespoon of ammonium sulfate to a container with 10 liters of water. Stir thoroughly and water the bushes, using 1 liter of solution for each.
  2. You can replace the mineral components with 1 tablespoon of nitroammophoska, and leave the volume of water the same. For one plant, 0.5 liters of solution is enough.
  3. From organic compositions, use an infusion of chicken manure or mullein. The proportion of organic matter and water is maintained in a ratio of 1:10, infused for 4 days, then the bushes are watered with 0.5 liters of infusion.

When fertilizing, avoid getting the solution on the green parts of the plant. Water the beds around the plants.

Before and during flowering

During the flowering period of strawberries, the plant needs potassium. For convenient absorption of the element by the roots, gardeners use mineral fertilizer compositions. For example, potassium nitrate (1 teaspoon per bucket of clean water). A good alternative to chemical complexes are folk recipes with wood ash or humus. The ash is used in dry form - it pollinates plants and is applied to the rows. Or prepare an infusion (1:10) and pour over the strawberries.

Foliar feeding

When foliar spraying, the above-ground part of the plant is irrigated with the composition. Nutrients are best absorbed by the lower part of the leaf blades. This must be taken into account when spraying. Foliar treatments are indicated at the time of mass flowering of strawberries. For high-quality spraying of the solution, it is good to use a garden sprayer.

Solutions of ready-made fertilizers are usually used for garden strawberries. You can add 2 g of potassium sulfate and potassium permanganate and 1 g of boric acid for one procedure.

Remontant strawberry

The feeding schedule for remontant strawberry varieties at the beginning of the growing season completely coincides with the nutrition of conventional varieties. The only important difference is the mandatory feeding after the end of fruiting. After all, remontant varieties They harvest more than once per season, and in the fall they lay fruit buds. In this period nitrogen fertilizers do not contribute so as not to stimulate shoot growth. Plants need potassium supplements. Therefore, potassium nitrate or potassium sulfate is used for autumn feeding. From folk remedies the best option An infusion of wood ash or dry application of ash powder to the root zone is considered.

Popular wisdom advises using environmental solutions.

  1. Herbal infusion nourishes strawberries well with nitrogen. Nettles are placed tightly in a bucket and poured warm water. Leave for at least 3 days, then apply in accordance with the type of feeding. Root feeding is done with an infusion diluted with water 1:10. For foliar spraying, the infusion is first filtered and then diluted with water 1:20. Straining allows you to use a spray bottle and saves the leaves from getting burned.
  2. Baker's yeast in an amount of 1 kg is diluted in 10 liters of clean water and infused for 24 hours. Then add water to 20 liters and feed the bushes 0.5 liters for one.

In addition to the listed compounds, microfertilizers are used to feed garden strawberry bushes. They contain elements important for the plant - boron, magnesium, calcium, manganese and iodine. Such spraying compositions are used to make the elements more accessible to plants. The dose is maintained according to the manufacturer's recommendations.


Feeding strawberries has its own rules. The main thing is reasonable expediency. It implies the preparation of high-quality compositions and the absence of excessive zeal. There is no need to increase the amount of fertilizing or dosage. This will negatively affect the condition of the strawberries and the yield.


It's hard to meet a person who doesn't like strawberries! But in order to collect large harvests from one bush, you need to properly care for your garden, paying special attention to fertilizing.

Required Tools


Why fertilize strawberries in spring?

Applying fertilizers in the spring is necessary to obtain a high-quality harvest with excellent taste.

Another purpose of fertilizing is to make the plant itself stronger, less susceptible to various diseases and pests that can simply destroy the entire crop. At the same time, you definitely need to remember that you cannot plant the bushes too densely - it is better to leave space between them, and also do not forget to weed the beds and water the strawberries carefully so as not to make the soil too wet.

After all, the lack of air and wet soil can lead to diseases, weakening of the plant and, as a result, a decrease in yield.

Before you start work, be sure to familiarize yourself with what periods of the growing season to fertilize, because this also affects the growth of the plant, its productivity and health.

Root and foliar feeding of plants

In crop production, two forms of fertilizing are used - root and foliar. The first of them is widely known and is actively used in both industrial and amateur gardening. IN last years The second form has become popular - foliar feeding, when fertilizers are applied by spraying directly onto the leaves of the plant. It is used in various cases:

  • when due to high level soil acidity or alkalinity necessary for the plant the elements end up in a bound form and cannot be absorbed by the roots;
  • when visible signs of a deficiency of one or another chemical element appear on the external organs of the plant;
  • when a plant has problems with the root system due to mechanical trauma during transplantation, damage by pests, overheating or waterlogging of the soil, or low soil aeration.

With foliar feeding, the concentration of applied fertilizers is much lower, since they are absorbed into the plant directly by the surface of the leaf. When root feeding, an increased amount of fertilizer in the solution is simply necessary, if only because a significant part of it is washed away by rain and watering.

Most recommendations for spring fertilizing of strawberries focus on the root form of fertilizing, although it is increasingly noted that foliar fertilizing is possible and even necessary, since it gives an excellent effect.

More details about the procedures in the video

Differences between spring work with young and adult plants

Earlier it was said about the great importance of applying spring fertilizing to strawberries. However, this agronomic operation is carried out differently for young last year’s plantings and for mature plants.

If, when preparing a site for planting strawberries, sufficient quantities of organic and mineral fertilizers were added to the soil, then spring fertilizing of plants in such a site may not be carried out at all. If the soil has not been so thoroughly prepared, then young plants are fed once after cleaning the beds and loosening the soil. To do this, prepare a solution at the rate of 1 tablespoon of sodium sulfate and half a liter of cow manure or chicken droppings per bucket of water. 1 liter of fertilizer is poured under each plant.

Mature plants that are more than two years old are fed in the spring to increase yield in three stages:

  1. after the berry garden has been cleared of last year’s leaves, the soil has been loosened and warm weather has settled;
  2. just before the strawberries begin to bloom, when the buds have not yet opened;
  3. after harvest.

The first feeding, which usually occurs in mid-April - early May depending on the region, stimulates the growth and development of the plant, the second - increases the yield of strawberries, the third - stimulates active planting flower buds next year.

The next section of the article talks about what adult strawberries are fed with in the spring.

How to fertilize strawberries in spring: traditional and folk remedies

Strawberry bushes that have been growing for two years or more must be fed with mineral fertilizers. Immediately after the snow melted and the leaves began to bloom, use the following mixture: 1 spoon of ammonium sulfate and half a liter of mullein are diluted in a 10-liter bucket of water. 1 liter of fertilizer is poured under each strawberry bush.

In the practice of growing strawberries, amateur gardeners use various compositions based on yeast, bread, and fermented milk products for the first and sometimes other fertilizing.

Yeast feeding

You can use yeast to fertilize strawberries during this period. Their proteins, amino acids, minerals contribute good growth plants and strengthening its roots. To feed in half a liter of water, the temperature of which is below 50ºC, dissolve 200 grams of yeast, leave for 20 minutes and pour into 9 liters of water room temperature. Water each strawberry bush generously with this solution.

By the way, yeast will perfectly protect strawberries from gray rot. Even if you haven’t fed your strawberries with yeast, it’s enough to dissolve just 100 grams of it in 10 liters of water and water the plants at the root.

Beer as fertilizer

There are references to the fact that a similar effect is obtained from watering strawberries with beer, but, apparently, due to the high cost of this method, more detailed information Couldn't find it on the net. But there are reports that beer is an excellent bait for strawberry slug pests. Having placed saucers with a drink around the berry garden in the evening, it will be easy to gather these intoxicating drinkers in the morning.

Iodine and boric acid for feeding

Ingredients: iodine – 30 drops, boric acid– a teaspoon, ash – a glass for 10 liters of water.

Apply from 0.5 liters to 1 liter depending on the size of the bush.

Fertilize with potassium permanganate and boric acid

Feeding composition: potassium permanganate - 3 g, boric acid - 0.5 teaspoon, urea - tablespoon, ash - 0.5 cup per 10 liters of water.

Add up to a liter of solution to each plant.

Boric acid for productivity: video

Strawberry bread

The stale remains of bread collected over the winter (in some recommendations only rye) are placed in a vessel so that they occupy 2/3 of its volume and filled with water. Keep this mixture warm for 6-10 days until fermentation begins, add 3 more equal volumes of water.

Up to a liter of this mixture is poured under each bush, depending on the size of the bush.

Dairy products

One volume of whey or other fermented milk product is diluted with three times the volume of water.

Depending on the size of the bush, add from 0.5 liters to 1 liter of this liquid to each bush.

By the way, simply spraying strawberries with diluted milk saves them from ticks and aphids.

Before the flowers appear, you should feed the strawberries a second time. To do this, take 2 tablespoons of nitrophoska and a teaspoon of potassium sulfate, and dilute the fertilizers in 10 liters of water. Under each bush, carefully, so as not to get on the leaves and buds, pour 500 ml of the mixture.

You can also use an infusion of weeds, which helps the plant better fight harmful insects. To do this, when weeding, put the weeds in a bucket rather than throwing them away, then fill them with water and place the container in a warm room, having previously covered the bucket with film. Allow the solution to brew for seven days, after which you can water the plants.

During the budding period, foliar feeding of strawberries warm solution 30 g of urea in 10 liters of water has a beneficial effect on strengthening the root system and the development of healthy flower stalks. As a result, productivity increases significantly.

The third stage of feeding can only conditionally be called spring. After all, it is carried out after the harvest. But he has great importance, since it is aimed at stimulating the formation of next year’s flower buds by plants. The solution is prepared at the rate of 2 tablespoons of nitrophoska per 10 liters of water. If possible, add another glass of ash. 1 liter of solution is applied under each strawberry bush.

Solutions using ammonia

Various formulations using 10 percent ammonia used at all three stages of feeding strawberries, since it not only promotes plant growth and increased yield, but is also a means of preventing the appearance and control of pests.

  • First feeding.

To water strawberries, pour 1 liter of soap solution and 40 ml of ammonia into 10 liters of clean water.

Plants are watered so that the product gets mainly onto the ground. If a noticeable amount of fertilizer still gets on the leaves, carry out additional watering. clean water.

  • Second.

Treatment is carried out after flowering to rid strawberries of remaining pests. The concentration of the solution used is much lower - 3 tablespoons per 10 liters of water.

  • Third.

The purpose of the last treatment with ammonia after harvesting is to restore the strength of the plants and activate the formation of the next harvest. For treatment, mix 40 ml of alcohol and 5 drops of iodine with 10 liters of water.

Ammonia - a super product for the harvest

We feed strawberry seedlings to get a rich harvest

The result very much depends on how the feeding is carried out (taking into account the variety). Usually, strawberries are simply planted in the ground, fertilized in advance with manure, which is applied to the soil 30 days before planting seedlings (one bucket of manure for one square meter of bed).

If you have properly prepared the land for planting, then during the season all that remains is to add nitrogen-rich compost, 100 g of potassium and the same amount of phosphorus fertilizers. Feeding of remontant plants differs. Such varieties, characterized by a rich harvest and rapid growth, require at least 5 buckets of organic fertilizers, peat and complex fertilizing.

During the growth process, you can add slurry; to prepare it, we need cow dung, which is mixed with water in a ratio of 1:5. For each square meter of strawberry bed we add 10 liters of the mixture. It is important to water the plants before applying fertilizer.

Spring is a time of creativity for gardeners. Summer residents and gardeners make planting plans, choose flowers and varieties of vegetables. The earth is not yet overgrown with weeds, but perennial fruit and berry crops are already awakening. Perhaps the most favorite among them is strawberries. And the first thing you need to do for her at the beginning of the season is to feed her in order to give her the strength to grow powerful bushes and large berries.

What fertilizers do strawberries need in spring?

In the spring, before flowering begins, strawberries actively grow green. The volume of the harvest depends on how large the leaves are and how thick the petioles are. On frail bushes the berries will grow small. In other words: the stronger and healthier the bush, the more large fruits it will have. But you can’t overfeed strawberries, otherwise they will become fatty, won’t set berries, and what’s even worse, they may get burns and die. Therefore, fertilizers should always be applied with caution and not exceed dosages.

Strawberries need a balanced diet to produce healthy foliage and large berries.

The building material for the green parts of any plant is nitrogen, and this is what is needed in the spring. Nitrogen is found in mineral fertilizers, humus, mullein, and bird droppings. In addition, strawberries need microelements, but without nitrogen nutrition they will be ineffective. If you add them additionally, like vitamins after the main course, the result will be noticeable. In particular, microelements help cope with stressful situations (drought, heavy rains, frosts), increase strawberry resistance to disease, and accelerate growth, budding and ripening of fruits. At the same time, the berries grow larger, more beautiful and sweeter.

When to feed strawberries in spring

The timing of feeding depends on your capabilities, but the sooner the plants receive support, the better they will thank you.

  1. If your site is located next to your house, or you have the opportunity to visit the garden in late winter or early spring, scatter dry fertilizers directly over the melted snow. They themselves will dissolve in puddles and go into the soil to the roots. This is what they do with mineral fertilizers and wood ash.
  2. If you enter the garden only after the soil has dried out, apply fertilizer at the first loosening. Scatter them evenly over the bed, mix with top layer soil and water. Or apply liquid fertilizer over damp soil.
  3. If there is no water on the site and the soil is dry, then apply fertilizers before the rain or do foliar feeding on the leaves. It requires little water, you can bring it or bring it with you.

Any root feeding should be applied on damp soil, if possible in liquid form. Do not allow dry granules to get to the roots and dissolve there. In this case, you will get a concentrated solution that will burn the thinnest roots, namely they work as capillaries - they deliver water and nutrition to the bushes.

Mineral, organic and pharmacy fertilizers for strawberries

In the spring, before flowering, strawberries need only one nitrogen fertilizer and one additional fertilizer with microelements. The easiest option is to buy a complex mixture in the store, which immediately contains all the valuable substances for this crop. There are many such nutritional complexes now being produced: Gumi-Omi, Agricola, Fertika and others labeled “for strawberries/strawberries”. Please contact Special attention on the composition. The percentage of nitrogen (N) should be higher than the amount of other elements.

There are a lot of options for spring fertilizing: ready-made complexes are suitable for beginner gardeners, and more experienced ones can make a nutrient mixture for strawberries themselves, using organic fertilizers or pharmaceutical products.

Fertilizing with mineral fertilizers

In stores you can most often find three nitrogen-containing fertilizers: affordable price and with a small consumption of granules:

  • Urea (urea, carbonic acid diamide) of all mineral fertilizers contains the maximum amount of nitrogen - 46%. The rest is hydrogen, oxygen and carbon. When urea interacts with air, ammonia is formed, which evaporates. Therefore, urea must either be incorporated into the soil or applied in the form of a solution. The fertilizer has a slightly acidic reaction, close to neutral, so it can be applied to any soil.
  • Ammonium nitrate (ammonium nitrate, ammonium nitrate) - salt nitric acid, which contains 35% nitrogen. The main disadvantage of this fertilizer is that it significantly increases the acidity of the soil, so it must be applied together with dolomite flour. But this same property is used to fight diseases. By watering the leaves and soil around the bushes with ammonium nitrate solution, you will get rid of fungi.
  • Nitroammofoska is a complex fertilizer containing all three important macroelements: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Different manufacturers produce different brands of mixture under this name, and each of them has its own ratio of macroelements. In addition, the disadvantage of this fertilizer is that it can only be applied in the spring if you did not fertilize the strawberries with superphosphate and potassium salt in the fall.

Photo gallery: popular and inexpensive mineral fertilizers for strawberries

Urea - a universal fertilizer for fruit and berry crops Nitroammofoska - a mineral complex of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus Ammonium nitrate increases the acidity of the soil, but helps fight strawberry diseases

The norms and method of application of mineral fertilizers are indicated on the packages. All three fertilizers can be applied 1 tbsp. l per 1 m² of moist and loose soil or dissolve in 10 l of water and water the same area. However, it is better to apply less mineral fertilizers than to exceed their norm: excess nitrogen accumulates in the leaves, and then in the berries in the form of nitrates.

Nitrates are not dangerous to health, but under certain conditions inside the body they can turn into toxic nitrites. This can happen with low acidity, gastritis, and poor hygiene. Infants and the elderly are most sensitive to nitrites. Therefore, juices made from fruits grown without chemicals are recommended for children and the elderly.

Feeding with mullein infusion

If you do not want to apply chemical mineral fertilizers to the soil, but have the opportunity to get mullein (manure), then make a nitrogen fertilizer from it. Mullein happens:

  • litter - mixed with peat or straw, it is equally rich in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium;
  • without litter - clean manure containing 50–70% nitrogen.

In spring, nitrogen fertilizing is needed, so use bedding-free mullein, that is, ordinary cow pats, which can be collected where cows walk and graze.

Cows process grass into valuable fertilizer - mullein or manure.

Recipe for feeding from mullein infusion:

  1. Fill the bucket 1/3 full with fresh cow pats.
  2. Fill to the top with water and cover with a lid.
  3. Place in a warm place for 5-7 days to ferment.
  4. Add 1 liter of infusion to 10 liters of water and water the strawberries at the rate of 0.5 liters per bush.

This solution can be poured over the leaves, then the bushes will additionally receive protection from fungal diseases: powdery mildew, various spots and others.

Feeding with bird droppings

Chicken manure is considered the most valuable and concentrated organic fertilizer. It contains 3-4 times more nutrients than any other natural fertilizer. The litter contains nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and trace elements. The infusion is made in the same way as from mullein, but for irrigation the concentration should be 2 times less: 0.5 liters of infusion per 10 liters of water. The watering rate remains the same - 0.5 liters per bush.

The proportions are given for an infusion of fresh droppings. In stores they sell it dried, and often what is hidden under the packaging is not droppings, but chicken humus. Therefore, a solution from store-bought chicken manure should be prepared as indicated on the package.

Use litter from the store according to the instructions on the package.

Fertilizing with humus in spring

Humus is rotted remains of plant and animal origin. More often, humus is called manure that has lain for 1–2 years. But this category also includes compost, rotted litter from a poultry house, and a layer of rotted leaves under trees. All these are valuable organic fertilizers with a high nitrogen content. They are especially relevant in 2–3-year-old strawberry beds, when overgrown adult bushes begin to protrude from the ground and rise above it like hummocks. Spread humus along the rows in such a layer to cover the exposed upper part of the roots. Only hearts and leaves should remain on top.

Humus serves as both top dressing and mulch.

The disadvantage of fertilizing with humus, infusions of mullein and bird droppings is that it is impossible to determine the exact content of nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus in order to reduce or increase the dose of summer and autumn fertilizing.

Fertilizing with wood ash

Ash is a fertilizer that makes no sense to apply in the spring without nitrogen fertilizing(urea, ammonium nitrate, mullein, droppings). It contains all the micro- and macroelements that strawberries need, except for the main one - nitrogen. However, when applied simultaneously with nitrogen-containing mixtures, unnecessary chemical reaction. Ash is an alkali; nitrogen in its presence turns into ammonia and evaporates. It turns out that useful substances simply go into the air and do not fertilize the soil. Therefore, first give basic nutrition containing nitrogen, and after 5–7 days, when it is absorbed by the plants, add ash (a complex of microelements).

Ash can be obtained by burning not only wood, but also any plant residues: dry grass, tops, old brooms from the bathhouse, last year's leaves. When different raw materials are burned, a complex of elements of different composition is obtained. One has more potassium, the other has more phosphorus, etc.

Table: content of substances in ash from different materials

A bucket of ash can be obtained by burning dry potato tops collected from one hundred square meters of land

By the way, wood ash They are sold in gardening stores, but buying it for an entire strawberry plantation is unprofitable, since consumption, compared to mineral fertilizers, is high: 1–2 glasses per bucket of water or per 1 m².

Ash fertilizing can be done in one of the following ways:

  1. Pour a glass of ash into a bucket of water, shake it and, before the heavy fractions settle, pour the strawberries at the root (0.5 liters per bush).
  2. Wet the strawberry leaves with clean water from a watering can. Pour the ash into a large sieve or colander and dust the bushes. No need to rinse off. The leaves will take the necessary nutrition, the remains will fall off or be washed away by rain and go into the ground, to the roots.

Video: about the composition, benefits and use of ash for fertilizer

Contrary to the stereotype, ash and slag formed after burning coal are also fertilizers. But it has the opposite effect of wood ash - it deoxidizes the soil rather than alkalizes it. It is believed that coal ash contains radioactive elements and heavy metals that accumulate in plants. However, this occurs when the ash concentration in the soil is more than 5%. American researchers, as an experiment, fertilized the land for 3 years with coal ash at a rate of 8 tons per 1 acre of land (200 kg per hundred square meters), which is 1.1%. Infections groundwater and land did not occur, metal content remained low, and tomato yields increased by 70%. Such ash contains a lot of potassium, phosphorus, and copper, which prevents late blight. But coal ash must be added simultaneously with organic matter (humus, compost).

Yeast feeding

Another way to improve the structure of the soil without chemicals is to add regular yeast to it. These single-celled microorganisms contribute to the rapid decomposition of organic matter in the soil, that is, they transform it into a form available for plant nutrition. The soil is enriched with vitamins, amino acids, organic iron, microelements, nitrogen and phosphorus are formed. Fertilizing with yeast improves root formation, and the stronger the roots, the more powerful the bush and the larger the berries on it.

Both dry and compressed yeast are suitable for feeding strawberries.

Fertilizing strawberries with yeast has two features:

  • yeast is added only to warm earth, optimal temperature for their reproduction - above +20 ⁰C;
  • During the fermentation process, a lot of potassium and calcium are absorbed from the ground, so after watering with yeast solution, it is necessary to add ash fertilizer.

The simplest recipe for yeast wort for watering strawberries:

  1. Pour warm water into a three-liter jar up to the hanger.
  2. Add 4-5 tbsp. l. sugar and a pack of dry yeast (12 g) or 25 g of raw (pressed).
  3. Mix everything and put it in a warm place for a while until the yeast starts to “play” and foam appears on top.
  4. Pour all the wort into a 10-liter bucket or watering can and top up with water heated in the sun.
  5. Water the strawberries at the root level at the rate of 0.5–1 liters per bush.

Video: yeast feeding recipe

There are recipes in which the wort is left for several days until the yeast stops working. But during the fermentation process alcohol is formed. The end of fermentation indicates that the yeast died from its high concentration. It turns out that gardeners feed strawberries with a solution that contains alcohol, fusel oils formed during fermentation, and dead yeast. In this case, the whole point of feeding with yeast is lost - to bring it into the soil alive and let it work there.

Fertilizing with ammonia

Ammonia is sold in pharmacies, but is an excellent fertilizer because it contains nitrogen compound- ammonia. In addition, the pungent smell of ammonia repels many pests from strawberries: strawberry weevils, May beetle larvae, aphids, etc. In addition, this solution has disinfectant properties and kills pathogenic fungi that have settled on strawberry leaves.

The standard pharmacy volume is 40 ml; a bucket of feeding takes from half to a whole bottle

For feeding, dilute 2-3 tbsp. l. ammonia in 10 liters of water, mix and water over the leaves and soil. When preparing the solution, follow safety precautions. Ammonia is highly volatile and can burn mucous membranes. Do not inhale its fumes. Open the bottle and measure the required dose in the fresh air.

Video: super remedy for strawberries - ammonia

Treatment of strawberries with iodine

Iodine is found literally everywhere in nature (water, air, soil), but in very small quantities. Iodine is found in all living organisms, including plants, and is especially abundant in algae. An alcohol solution of iodine is another drug from the pharmacy that gardeners have adopted. It is believed that this antiseptic protects plants from diseases, and once in the ground, it serves as a catalyst for nitrogen metabolism.

Iodine protects strawberries from diseases and serves as a catalyst for nitrogen metabolism

Invented and tested different recipes, the iodine concentration in which is very different: from 3 drops to 0.5 tsp. for 10 liters of water. Whether there is any benefit at the minimum dose has not been proven by science; at the maximum dose, no side effects in the form of leaf burns have been observed in practice. According to reviews, iodine treatment serves as a good prevention of fungal diseases of strawberries.

Video: using an alcohol solution of iodine to process strawberries

Some gardeners believe that iodine cannot cause harm. However, this element is poisonous and volatile. As a result of inhaling its vapors, headaches, allergic coughs, and runny nose begin. When ingested, all signs of poisoning appear. If the dose exceeds 3 g, the result can be very disastrous. Iodine solution is not so harmless. Don't overfeed your plants with it. To prepare dressings, select a special spoon, measuring cup, bucket, etc. This applies to all fertilizers and drugs.

Strawberries in the spring need to be fed with fertilizers containing nitrogen. Additionally, to speed up all metabolic processes, microelements are added. But you should not water the beds with all known and available solutions. It is enough to water the strawberries once before flowering with one of the nitrogen-containing fertilizers (mineral, mullein infusion or dung) and after a few days add wood ash or use a purchased mixture of microelements (growth stimulator). Use preparations not intended for plants with caution, since they are not designed to be used in the doses in which they are taken for feeding, and can sometimes be dangerous.

Garden strawberries are a favorite delicacy of children and adults, which is popularly called simply strawberries. This is not a capricious crop, so it can be grown in the garden or even in pots on the balcony. If you know how to feed strawberries, then in return you will receive a bountiful and tasty harvest. We will look at several fertilizers that will help you get the most berries without harming your health.

Not a single crop can give you a rich harvest if it is not fertilized on time. Today, there are many substances that were created in the laboratory and protect fruits from pests. However, we should not forget about traditional methods, which are often no less effective.

Organic fertilizers for strawberries

No matter what they come up with in chemical laboratories, nothing can replace manure and humus. Manure is a mixture of pet droppings and stall bedding that are needed to fertilize the soil. You can use this fertilizer for strawberries only in rotted form, because fresh manure can contain a large number of seeds of various herbs. Believe me, it will be very difficult for you to get rid of weeds later.

Humus is the same manure that has long since decomposed and turned into dark mass. This fertilizer is considered the best because it contains many nutrients.

Chicken droppings also refer to organic fertilizers. Every gardener knows that this is an invaluable source of nitrogen. A small solution of chicken manure is enough, and you will be pleasantly surprised by a bountiful strawberry harvest. Remember that when preparing the solution you should not skimp on water.

Mineral fertilizers for strawberries

Mineral fertilizer for strawberries also promotes active and healthy growth of strawberries. Fertilizers such as potassium 27%, nitrogen 14%, magnesium 0.5% and phosphorus 7% prevent the occurrence of various diseases. Fertilizing strawberries with complex mineral fertilizers gives the greatest effect. They can be purchased at any gardening supply store.


In order for your berries to be large, red and have excellent taste, you need to fertilize them with nitrogen. Ammonium nitrate and urea are rich in this substance. Urea dissolves very easily, so one tablespoon will be enough for 10 liters of water. Strawberries need to be fertilized in early spring. Only half a liter of solution can be poured under each bush. However, do not increase the dose under any circumstances, because the berry may become unsweetened.


Every experienced gardener knows that fertilizer for strawberries, such as potassium, helps to increase the shelf life of the berries, the amount of sugar and improve the taste. If the tips of the leaves turn brown, this is the first sign of potassium deficiency. Potassium fertilizers are poured under the bush in early spring.

Dairy products

Fertilizing strawberries with fermented milk products is considered folk method, however, it is not known to everyone. Milk contains nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, calcium, minerals and many amino acids, which contribute to rapid growth berries. It is recommended to mix fermented milk products with manure, ash or humus.

Preparing the bed

You already know what to feed your strawberries to ensure they grow healthy and tasty, but garden bed preparation plays an equally important role in growing strawberries. Plant garden strawberries It is possible in autumn and spring, but the planting site must be prepared in advance. This garden culture loves moisture very much, but the beds need to be made 30-50 cm higher.

First you need to make a drainage hole and fill it with sand. This is usually a difficult procedure, but the sand will absorb excess moisture and thereby provide comfortable conditions for strawberries.

The soil that has accumulated as a result of digging a hole must be mixed with compost or manure and mineral fertilizers added. For 1 sq.m. 10 g of calcium chloride and 30 g of superphosphate are sufficient for soil. If desired, you can add 0.5 liters of ash per 1 sq.m. soil. And finally, fill the hole with prepared nutrient soil.

We have listed all the possible fertilizers for strawberries, but it is important to know how to use them correctly. As previously noted, fertilizing strawberries begins in the fall or spring along with digging a hole. The second feeding of the berries must be done after the first harvest. It is during this period that complex mineral fertilizers should be used. If you have light soil, then you need to fertilize your strawberries in the spring. In the presence of clay soil autumn time is ideal. During abundant flowering and fruiting, feeding strawberries is not recommended.

To form new roots, you need to fertilize strawberries even after harvesting. And final feeding of the berries is necessary in mid-September. At the beginning of autumn, you can fertilize with fermented mullein and wood ash (half a glass for each bucket).

In the middle of the month, it is recommended to use the following solution: a glass of ash is dissolved in 10 liters of water. Then add two tablespoons of nitrophoska and 20-30 grams of potash fertilizers. Using such a system, already in next year you will get a large and healthy harvest.

If you decide to transplant strawberries to a new place, then it is worth adding 30 g of mineral and 8 kg of organic fertilizers to the soil.

Fertilizers can greatly affect the yield of your crop. However, the amount of fertilizer applied and the timing must be observed.

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