Meaning of the name Ilona: origin and history. What awaits a girl named Ilona in life: character, family relationships and fate. Ilona: meaning and history of the name

What does a person's name mean? This is a kind of pass to life.

The meaning of the name Ilona is quite interesting. The origin and history of the name Ilona are also ambiguous.

The meaning of the name Ilona

Scientists to this day shrug their shoulders; they cannot single-handedly determine where the name Ilona came from. Most likely it has one root c ancient Greek name Elena. It is believed that the name Ilona means “light, bright.” This girl has an ambiguous character and a great desire to help people.

Also, the name Ilona is interpreted as Greek "torch", "moon". The girl is happy, dreamy and thoughtful. The meaning of the name Ilona changed depending on the continent on which it was used, and the emphasis in the name also changed.

Origin and history of the name Ilona

The ancient Greek origin of the name Ilona, ​​towards which most of the scientific world is inclined, introduces a certain mystery into it. Ilona was not one of the goddesses, the name was practically not mentioned in manuscripts and was little used in Europe in the Middle Ages.

It began to gain popularity among Catholics, who celebrated Ilona’s name day in parallel with Elena’s name day. And Elena was considered one of the great martyrs elevated to the rank of saint.

Ilona's zodiac sign is Leo. This determines her strong-willed character and desire to be first in everything. But her desire to prove that she is right sometimes goes beyond all boundaries. She needs to restrain her emotions so as not to completely quarrel with her loved ones. She is very willful.

The character and fate of Ilona

The character and fate of Elon are quite complex. The girl does not look for easy ways to solve problems, she always one step ahead of competitors, but at the same time it is quite difficult to experience any conflict with loved ones.

This girl’s number is 1. Therefore, she is almost always first in everything. She is quite cheerful, but if she feels false in relation to herself, she immediately stops communication. She doesn't think long about making a decision, many things come to her mind at lightning speed.

She loves extreme situations and creates them herself, literally out of the blue. This is good at work, but it is very difficult for her chosen one to perceive in his personal life. He's quite it takes a long time to decide to start serious relationship , because he sees his partner as an eccentric person.

In the financial sector Ilona don't get involved in business, she will not only not be able to develop it, but will also ruin the work she has already begun. And all because Ilona is too eccentric, and rarely compromises with other people.

If Ilona finds someone’s advice useful for herself, she will make every effort to implement someone else’s idea better and better. She often causes envy with bright appearance and the ability to attract energy to oneself. She loves to listen to other people's complaints in order to get important things. life experience. But you shouldn’t trust her with important things and secrets; she can use it against you at any time.

Demonstrating that she is right, Ilona often aggressive and even nervous. She increasingly attracts attention to herself with ambiguous actions, which evoke a desire not to get closer in communication, but rather to stop it altogether. It is not always necessary to defend your point of view in personal relationships. Sometimes it’s worth taking the man’s side in order to reach a compromise.

She refuses the help of friends and relatives, grows up quite early and becomes an individualist, a rebel. She can touch a man's heart and break him just as quickly. At the same time, Ilona herself It’s quite difficult to accept the end of a relationship.

Ilona's appearance and luck

What does the name Ilona mean? This is light. Outwardly she quite attractive and it’s difficult for her to say that she is deprived of the attention of men. She has incredibly expressive eyes that attract with their depth. The appearance is as bright as the character. But just as he is changeable, so is her mood. appearance. She is either bright and extraordinary, or a simpleton with a soul to plow open.

Ilona is happy lucky, she's gambling, but in moderation. Loves to travel and seek new emotions. To do this, she needs very little - a little free time. Ilona also loves any creative professions; she is ready to attend all extraordinary clubs. It is almost impossible to captivate her with routine and everyday activities. She gets tired of work very quickly and goes into himself.

Men quickly become ignited with the flame of passion for Ilona and just as quickly become disappointed in their chosen one. She not strong not only in matters of everyday life, but also in matters of raising children. She simply doesn’t see the point in wasting her precious time, which is rightfully allotted to her, on this. Ilona loves social events and large parties. She is always the center of attention for them.

She can organize such events herself, without considering it something shameful to adopt other people’s ideas for holding an event. She can easily become a passionate lover married man, but this will not add happiness to her. She will only be temporarily happy.

Ilona is always in search of what would ignite her soul. She is quite emotional, so she often mopes in the fall and spring. She lacks warmth, but she compensates for it with active communication and attention of the opposite sex. If Ilona gets the idea of ​​starting her own business, she should do it in parallel with her main job, otherwise she will work at a loss

What does the name Ilona mean? A torch that can burn the heart and soul of anyone, so men are in no hurry to cast their lot in with Ilona. Ilona scoffs at those men who literally run after her; she doesn’t even want to hear about romance and eternal love. But when such gentlemen disappear from her life, she is very upset.

Having gained a little life experience, Ilona is looking for just such a relationship, but fate will most likely not give her such an opportunity. She constantly causes trouble for her loved ones, yet they love her madly. Choosing a creative profession, Ilona will not go wrong, but will provide himself with frequent travel and positive emotions.

Some of the most colorful names in our culture are of Greek origin. They are characterized not only by a beautiful sound, but also by a deep, powerful meaning that guides the bearer of this name throughout his life. Ilona is one of these names.

The meaning of the name Ilona refers us to Greek name- that’s what they called beautiful woman, because of which the famous Trojan War broke out. Given name is a Hungarian variation and has a stunningly beautiful interpretation: “light”, “flaming”; the name is also often translated as “fire” or “torch”.

Interestingly, this name is found not only in European culture, but also in Chinese, Korean and Japanese. In the original Hungarian pronunciation, the emphasis in the name is placed on the first syllable, which is completely unusual for our ears. Sometimes you can come across the opinion that full name- Iolanta, but usually the long form coincides with the short one.

Colloquial forms of the name: Ilonka, Ila, Lona, Ilka, Ilonushka, Lonochka.

Character traits

Analyzing the meaning of the name Ilona, ​​we can immediately identify three main features of its bearers:

  • Cheerfulness.
  • Activity.
  • Confidence.

From early childhood, the girl has uncontrollable energy. Her character is cheerful, sociable, she wants to share her positive mood with others. She loves to chat and enthusiastically talks about all the events that happen in her life.

If we remember once again what the name Ilona means, we can see that by nature its bearer is a rebel; she does not like restrictions or strict adherence to rules. It is for this reason that she may have difficulties at school - it’s so difficult to sit still when there are so many interesting things around!

At the same time, the girl studies well. Her innate activity allows her to enthusiastically learn everything new and new, and if you help the child a little to cope with excessive restlessness, difficulties in learning will disappear on their own. Ilona attaches considerable importance to everything unusual in life and knowledge - she has a real experimental spirit, so the girl will often get into all sorts of funny troubles, trying to understand why and how something happens.

Outwardly, she is calm, but in fact, powerful energy rages inside her, sometimes bordering on aggressiveness - this is reflected in the origin of the name. This feature makes the bearer of the name self-confident and steadfast in her views.

Often a girl refuses the help of friends or relatives, because she is used to doing everything herself and relying only on herself and her strong character. Our heroine is also characterized by a love of demonstrating her own achievements: she likes to share her successes with loved ones, she talks about them with pride and without modesty.

The name Ilona rewards its bearer with originality of thinking, rich imagination and creativity, which she has demonstrated since childhood. These traits can make her very successful in the future.

Fate line and relationships

The name Ilona is suitable for people born under several zodiac signs, but three are considered the most successful:

Even if they are not very attractive in appearance, girls with this name drive men crazy thanks to their inner fire and confidence. Ilona does not refuse courtship and enjoys the attention of her fans. Attaching great importance to love and passion, Ilona is not against a light romance and an exciting affair - such love adventures fill her with inspiration.

A girl's sex life is usually intense. She appreciates this side of life and makes love with full dedication. Ilona’s hot temperament requires a suitable man: a partner who is not passionate enough may himself get tired of the girl’s pressure, and she will also be bored with him.

She will most likely not get married in her early youth, since her unbridled character does not allow men to conquer this girl. But when there is that knight who will win the heart of the rebel, his fate will become the happiest.

Ilona is a faithful, loving and always passionate wife who will do everything to make the marriage strong and real. Although Ilona’s emotionality can lead to heated arguments, it will also affect the love relationship between husband and wife, so her partner will put up with this character trait.

With the birth of children, Ilona’s character will not change - her temperament will still be as hot. But there is a bright side here: thanks to her ability to love deeply, Ilona will become a caring, tender mother, although in matters of upbringing she will have to rely more on her husband.

Professional area

Ilona’s fiery and passionate character predetermines her penchant for all kinds of creative professions. The ideal job is one that is related to manual labor and creativity.

The girl will make a successful career as a fashion and clothing designer, artist or illustrator. The love of beauty, the ability to take care of oneself and a genuine interest in this side of life make Elon an excellent cosmetologist, hairdresser or makeup artist.

At the same time, the desire to be recognized can lead Ilona to the political arena, as well as to the role of a TV presenter or a successful journalist. Anyway ideal profession for Ilona it will be one that will allow her to demonstrate her talents to a wide audience.

In our tradition, the name Ilona is considered synonymous with the name Elena, so the girl’s name day coincides with the latter’s angel’s day. They fall on the following days: March 19, June 3 and 8, November 12. For other Eastern European peoples, name days will fall on different dates. Author: Ksenia Dumcheva

The exact origin of the name Ilona is unknown. But there is a version that it came from, which is translated from Greek language as "light". The name Ilona is very popular in Hungary, but in Russia it is very rare. The emphasis in this name can be placed on either the first or the second syllable. Let's find out in more detail what is the meaning of the name Ilona?

Since childhood a girl named Ilona has a mysterious and secretive character; she prefers not to share her secrets with anyone. Despite this name, Ilona gives its owner a very emotional and hot-tempered character. In a fit of anger, she can offend a person and tell him to his face everything that she thinks about him, while not paying attention to the people around her.

School friends have to put up with such violent displays of emotions. A girl named Ilona has complex character, it is not easy for parents to raise such a child. She does not tolerate instructions and lectures; she prefers to make her own decisions.

He may silently listen to the parents' point of view, but will still do it his own way, because of this, conflicts may arise in the house.

The name Ilona gives the girl good intuition, so most often her decisions turn out to be correct. Parents need to know what the name Ilona means in order to find correct method education. Such a girl cannot be kept on a short leash; she needs freedom. Thanks to good intuition, such a girl will be able to avoid many troubles. Ilona usually has no problems with studying; she has a good memory, so she absorbs any information like a sponge.

Young woman with the name Ilona has a different personality from her friends. She has no idols or authorities, she does not strive to be like any of the celebrities. Since childhood, he has relied exclusively on himself, so if he takes on something, then in case of failure he does not shift responsibility to other people.

  • Such a girl does not suffer from loneliness, she always has many friends, and she feels free in any company.
  • Thanks to her individuality and good sense of humor, a girl named Ilona attracts people to her.
  • Her reputation is very dear to her, so she usually does not commit rash actions.

The girl’s emotionality and bright personality helps her to be a real generator of ideas. But unfortunately, she lacks the patience to turn her brilliant ideas into reality. She quickly gets excited about a new project, but just as quickly loses interest in it.

A girl named Ilona is a leader by nature, has masculine character, which often inherits from the father. It is difficult to convince her of something, it is useless to argue with her, she only admits her own point of view, because of this she may have problems communicating with loved ones. Hot temper and emotional incontinence are also shortcomings that need to be worked on.

Love and family

The name Ilona endowed its owner with a temperamental and loving character. Such a woman collects men, they are crazy about her.

In love, she is a real hunter, she pursues the victim, and as soon as she achieves it, she immediately abandons her. It is difficult for a man to resist the magnetism of a woman named Ilona.

By conquering men's hearts, she thus fights uncertainty and asserts herself at their expense. In most cases, things don't go further than flirting. She enters into intimate intimacy only with a man whom she completely trusts. She likes intelligent representatives of the stronger sex who know how to beautifully look after a girl.

A woman named Ilona is in no hurry to get married, first she wants to enjoy free life and numerous love affairs. As a rule, people begin to think about starting a family by the age of 30.

After marriage, her character becomes softer, she turns into a loving and faithful wife, but she is a mediocre housewife.

Problems in marriage may arise due to the fact that a girl named Ilona strives to become a leader in the family; not every man will agree to this, so the marriage may collapse. But if she gives up the place of head of the family to a man, then the marriage can turn out quite successfully. Only her husband needs to prepare for the fact that it will certainly not be boring with such a woman; periodic outbursts of anger are guaranteed.

This woman loves children very much, can sacrifice his career for their sake. He tries to spend all his free time with them, is involved in their education, and takes them to various clubs and sports clubs. She can be strict in her upbringing if necessary, but in general she cannot be called a strict mother.

Business and career

A girl named Ilona can realize herself in any field of activity. Since childhood, she has become accustomed to relying only on herself, so thanks to responsibility and hard work, she may well achieve success in her chosen profession. It’s good if close people support her, she needs their care, although she may not show it.

Ilona Kalyuvna Korstin (Russian basketball player, shooting guard/small forward; Honored Master of Sports of Russia)

  • She may choose a creative profession and will make an excellent designer or artist.
  • A girl named Ilona has good intuition and business acumen, so she can also be realized in business.
  • She performs well in conditions of fierce competition; such an atmosphere does not allow her to relax, and she has an incentive for new achievements.

For such a girl, it is very important that her career brings her not only material, but also moral satisfaction. If your job is no longer inspiring, then you need to think about changing it, otherwise you may experience emotional burnout.

The meaning of the name Ilona is a little contradictory; this name has both its advantages and disadvantages. It is very important to give the child the correct name at birth; parents should definitely look up its meaning and origin. Each name has a certain energy that will influence a person throughout his life and this influence is not always positive.

If you looked here, it means you want to learn more about the meaning of the name Ilona.

What does the name Ilona mean?

The name Ilona means bright (Greek)

The meaning of the name Ilona is character and destiny

A woman named Ilona is hot-tempered and has difficulty getting along with people, especially those born in winter. She is inquisitive, reads a lot, and constantly expands her knowledge. She has high self-esteem, is a self-confident, proud woman. “December” - strongly depends on your mood: it can be the most kindness, but a minute later it can be rude to a loved one, drive away your lover. A woman named Ilona is stubborn and will always find a way to insist on her own. It's difficult to convince her of anything. The character inherits his father's. He studies well and, thanks to his hard work, achieves significant success in life. He has a sharp mind and a logical way of thinking. It takes a long time to choose a profession. Whatever a woman named Ilona undertakes, she does it in good faith, everything comes easy to her. Materialist by nature, not suspicious, devoid of prejudices. She knows how to surround herself with devoted people who are close to her in spirit. She takes a long time to choose her future husband, is principled, scrupulous, and powerful. The first marriage may be unsuccessful due to Ilona’s desire to lead her husband. She is a leader by nature; not every man will agree with the role of a subordinate in the family. Ilona is going through a difficult divorce, but he knows how to draw conclusions and does not repeat the mistakes in his second marriage. Ilona’s fate is not cloudless; she has to overcome many obstacles on the way to her goal. But she successfully, although not quickly, builds a career and arranges her personal life. Not all women named Ilona are ideal housewives. Ilons with patronymics Nikolaevna, Dmitrievna, Anatolyevna and being “December” or “November” - put their career first, and then their family. It is better for such Elons to live with their parents in order to be able to devote themselves to what they love. Ilona is moderately strict with children, building relationships with them on complete trust. A woman named Ilona gives birth to boys more often. She is attentive to her family and treats all household members with care.

Meaning of the name Ilona for sex

Ilona is very sexy and can make love at any time of the day. She gets excited quickly, it doesn’t take long to persuade her. She herself is the initiator of intimate relationships. Even your favorite job can wait for an hour. With a professional partner, a woman named Ilona can disappear for several days and return cheerful, full of new strength to plunge headlong into business.

The character and fate of the name Ilona, ​​taking into account the patronymic

First name Ilona and patronymic....

Ilona Alekseevna, Andreevna, Artemovna, Valentinovna, Vasilievna, Viktorovna, Vitalievna, Vladimirovna, Evgenievna, Ivanovna, Ilyinichna, Mikhailovna, Petrovna, Sergeevna, Fedorovna, Yuryevna- sociable, friendly. She responds to requests from loved ones and is ready to help everyone. A good housewife, clean. Loves order in everything. He loves to cook and knows how to make something extraordinary out of nothing. She treats her husband with great respect and patience. He does not allow himself to lose his temper; he considers peace in the house above all else. Raises children in an atmosphere of respect for their father and all elders. He pays a lot of attention to their education. More often one child is born - a boy. A caring and attentive mother. Ilona’s children are often late, so they receive increased attention and great love.

First name Ilona and patronymic....

Ilona Alexandrovna, Arkadyevna, Borisovna, Vadimovna, Grigorievna, Kirillovna, Maksimovna, Matveevna, Nikitichna, Pavlovna, Romanovna, Tarasovna, Timofeevna, Eduardovna, Yakovlevna- emotional, quick-tempered, but kind and sympathetic. Principled and straightforward. A woman named Ilona cannot remain silent even when she knows that every word spoken is to her detriment. The hostess is not very skilled, but she tries very hard to be so. He doesn’t like to cook, but when he’s expecting guests, he’ll do everything to perfection. at its best, knows how to set the table beautifully. She does this better than cooking. Aesthetics always come first. The family is complex, contradictory and unrestrained. However, everyone loves her and forgives her temper because of her extraordinary kindness and desire to help everyone. There is no need to ask her for anything, she sees everything herself and is the first to rush to help. In a bad mood, she quarrels with her husband, and may yell at the children over a trifle. If he does not meet resistance, he quickly calms down and forgets about the reason for the quarrel. Being jealous, she often cannot contain this feeling and gives her spouse a dressing down. He does not tolerate criticism and can give a sharp rebuff. Many people are afraid of her. A woman named Ilona gives birth to boys more often.

First name Ilona and patronymic....

Ilona Bogdanovna, Vilenovna, Vladislavovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gennadievna, Georgievna, Danilovna, Egorovna, Konstantinovna, Makarovna, Robertovna, Svyatoslavovna, Yanovna, Yaroslavovna He has a balanced character and knows how to control himself. Among close people she can be emotional, but she only shows positive emotions. Flexible, calculating, practical. A thrifty housewife, she prepares food for the winter all summer and does it skillfully. Not a big spender, doesn't go overboard family budget, does not like to borrow money. In the house of a woman named Ilona, ​​there is always something to put on the table, even if guests come unexpectedly. The house is perfectly clean and tidy. She is very hospitable, invites everyone to her place, the table is bursting with treats. She takes as her husband a man with good appearance, athletic build, smart and kind. He is not at all interested in his material wealth, believing that the two of them will achieve everything. And she succeeds easily. She treats children depending on her mood - either very affectionate, or irritable for no reason. However, he always lets them know that they are very beloved and dearest creatures in the family. Often, such Ilona’s children grow up with an unbalanced nervous system.

First name Ilona and patronymic....

Ilona Antonovna, Arturovna, Valerievna, Germanovna, Glebovna, Denisovna, Igorevna, Leonidovna, Lvovna, Mironovna, Olegovna, Ruslanovna, Semyonovna, Filippovna, Emmanuilovna- persistent, principled, overly straightforward. Emotional and unrestrained, she can interrupt the interlocutor, ahead of his thoughts. A woman named Ilona loves to be listened to, but she doesn’t know how to listen herself. Talkative, annoying. He often talks about nothing, annoying others. Thus, she irritates those around her; only close people can stand her. Takes care of the interior of the house, beautiful and expensive furnishings, dishes, and household items. Often moves furniture, seeks variety, a change of scenery. He loves works of art in the house; the whole apartment can be hung with paintings. Doesn’t like to cook, can be content with semi-finished products, teaches his family to eat sandwiches, to eat on a quick fix. She is not too strict with children and pays a lot of attention to their all-round development. Children attend a music school, a dance club, and a sports or rhythmic gymnastics section. Children of different sexes are born.

First name Ilona and patronymic....

Ilona Alanovna, Anatolyevna, Veniaminovna, Vladlenovna, Dmitrievna, Markovna, Nikolaevna, Rostislavovna, Stanislavovna, Stepanovna, Filimonovna strongly depends on her mood, therefore she is unpredictable. Mysterious, especially for men. A woman named Ilona is hot-tempered and takes any unpleasant word addressed to her with hostility, regardless of whether it is fair or not. He may become offended over a trifle, not talk to the offender for a while, or may even break off the relationship completely. She is a good housewife, loves good quality products, and buys them more often at the market than in a store. He collects recipes for unusual dishes and loves to surprise guests. She cannot be herself in the family; she is always constrained and in control of herself. He does not always pay due attention to his spouse, which causes conflicts. She takes as her husband a man who is calm and not picky in everyday life, who will not demand much. He tries to subjugate him to his will, to lead in the family. Most often, this Ilona gives birth to girls.

Ilona's birthday

Ilona celebrates her name day on August 5th. The patron saint of women named Ilona is Ilona of Varneton, a virgin.

What does it mean

Ilona means “bright” (translation from Hungarian).


It makes sense to start the analysis with its origin. The story has Hungarian roots. There is a version that the name Ilona is a Hungarian version of the name Elena.

What does the name Ilona mean?

In accordance with the description of the name Ilona, ​​the main traits of women bearing this name are intuition, sociability, receptivity and excitability.

Type: the character of the name Ilona is very excitable and receptive. Ilona is too impressionable, prone to laziness and slowness.

Psyche: she will be happy only when her life is filled with jewelry, palaces and magnificent receptions. Prefers to live in a world of his own making.

Will: despite its impressionability, the will is quite strong.

Excitability: Ilona is often too excitable and capricious. Relationships with other women are often difficult, so she prefers to be friends with men.

Reaction speed: it is very difficult for Ilona to forgive insults; she never forgets the insults inflicted.

Field of activity: Elon may only be interested in what is related to the world of art. Artists, models, and models often choose the profession.

Intelligence: has a synthetic mentality. She is very curious and has a good visual memory. Grabs the whole without noticing the little things.

Receptivity: Ilona is not capable of treating people with indifference. She either loves him or hates him.

Morality: often makes compromises with his conscience.

Activity: Ilona often uses others, especially fans, for her own personal purposes.

Sociability: Quite friendly. She prefers to involve others in solving her problems rather than helping anyone herself.


According to the description of the name Ilona, ​​the character of women with this name is quite complex, they are secretive and reserved. But behind Ilona’s hidden coldness lies a hot temperament and rich emotions that she never ceases to control.

Ilona is always in search of an ideal, which is created by her rich imagination, so almost no one in her life becomes an authority. Often Ilona makes such grandiose plans that she is not able to implement them herself. In principle, her talents are most often enough to implement these plans. But halfway along the way, she may lose faith in herself and her strength and give up what she started.

Ilonas, as a rule, get married late, as they spend a long time looking for their ideal. And they are happy in marriage only if they achieve sexual harmony with their chosen one. In this case, she will become a faithful and devoted wife, but she will still never love to do household chores.


Options: Ila, Ilo, Lona.

Diminutives: Ilonushka, Ilonochka, Lonka, Isya, Ilosya, Ilonulya, Ilosenka.

Different languages

Famous Elons:

  • Ilona Korstin is a Russian basketball player, player of the Russian national team. Honored Master of Sports of Russia.
  • Ilona Mitresey is a French singer.
  • Ilona Usovich is a Belarusian track and field athlete.
  • Ilona Bronevitskaya is a pop singer, actress, television and radio presenter. Laureate of the All-Union Performers Competition “Yalta-88”. One of the presenters of the TV program “Morning Mail”.