South park stick of truth dragon roar like. South Park: The Stick of Truth: Walkthrough. How to shoot a bow

These black-figures have long been accustomed to the sight of people becoming deities in the Dragonize pool. Naturally, this would not surprise them. However, they were currently still overwhelmed by the huge Azure Dragon Phantom that had appeared behind Linley.

“Azure Dragon Phantom. God is able to manifest the ‘Azure Dragon Phantom’. The men in these black robes were completely stunned.

Much like the divine beasts 'Godeater Rat' and 'Suanni Lion', the divine beast 'Azure Dragon' when using its innate divine abilities will also have the illusion of its true form appearing behind it. If they were truly divine beasts, then when using this innate divine ability, a demigod, illusory Phantom would still appear.

But the Blue Dragon Clan was different.

This is because in all of the Azure Dragons, only the ancestor, the 'Azure Dragon', was a true divine beast, a true Azure Dragon'. As for his descendants, such as the second or third generation clan members up to Linley...they were only the 'bloodline' of the Azure Dragon, but they were not the true Divine Beast 'Azure Dragon'.

Due to their innate Divine ability, they were significantly inferior to their ancestor.

But although inferior to their ancestors, there are different levels of strength due to this innate Divine ability between the descendants of the Azure Dragon Clan.

This is because the innate Divine ability was associated with spiritual energy. Thus, generally speaking, aristocrats who had extremely powerful innate divine abilities would only barely manifest the 'Azure Dragon Phantom' upon reaching the Highgod level when their souls became more powerful.

And for those who have weaker innate divine abilities, even if they become Highgods, they will still not be able to form an Azure Dragon Phantom for themselves.

There were only gods with very powerful innate divine abilities capable of forming an Azure Dragon Phantom for themselves.

For example, the second generation of the Azure Dragon Clan, like the gods, could unveil the Azure Dragon Phantom. As for the third generation, only a portion of them were able to manifest the Azure Dragon Phantom as gods.

“A god who is capable of manifesting the Azure Dragon Phantom.” The black-robed men looked at each other, their gazes filled with shock.


Towards Linley's body, another Linley appeared floating in the air, wearing an azure green robe and a head full of azure green hair that created an aura of water. It was Linley's water divine clone, and it immediately entered all of Linley's body.

The Azure Dragon Phantom disappeared a long time ago.

“So that's what Ancestral Baptism is all about.” Lynley, closing her eyes, felt her sea of ​​​​consciousness and soul.

Deep within his mind, sitting above, that the soul of the sea was his Divine earth, fire, wind and water clones. At the center of these four clones was that black stone, and above that was the black soul stone from Linley's body.

In the same time...

The entire soul of the sea was filled with thick, blue light.

In the Yulan Continent, when Linley was a Saint, this blue light saved Linley several times. But then, when Linley's power grew, the power of this blue light became much worse than attacking the souls of others and unable to withstand them.

However, after such a Baptism of the ancestors, the power of this azure aureole increases ten thousand times.

“Therefore, an innate Divine ability is as miraculous as this.” Linley was incomparably surprised. “This is not just pure Divine power, nor pure spiritual energy. When spiritual energy and this azure aura combine, only then is it the innate Divine ability to be executed.”

Only now did Linley understand why innate divine abilities could only be used by divine beasts, and why others could not learn to use them.

For example, Bibi ‘Godeater’.

For example, Dylin in Paradise Eater’.

They were all divine beasts, causing their souls to have unique properties. Unique property The azure dragons had this ‘Azure Halo’. Linley couldn't understand what the source of energy this blue halo was, exactly.

This is not Divine power, nor was it spiritual energy.

After undergoing the Ancestral Baptism, Linley naturally gained an understanding of this innate Divine ability, and naturally penetrated the deep secrets of the laws of water.

“This innate Divine ability, Dragon Roar, has some similarities with my Blackstone Prison.” They both have an effect on the soul, not lethal techniques.” Linley, after acquiring the "Black Stone" in the Violet Mountains, was able to use the Black Stone to exert powers that had an effect on the soul, causing enemies to enter a semi-conscious state.

This Dragon's roar also touched the soul.

“My innate divine ability, Dragon Roar, is not as strong as the ‘black stone’ in terms of affecting the enemy.” Linley now discovered a second difference. In addition to influencing the enemy’s soul, one’s innate Divine ability, Dragon’s Roar, had another, unique effect.

“Does speed matter?” Linley shook his head. “Wrong. Its impact...time. Right. It's time!

The Azure Dragon Clan's innate Divine Ability, 'Dragon Roar', does not just affect the soul; it also contains the possibility of time effects. Although the power of influence on souls is not too great, the power of the influence of time was absolutely monstrous.

Neither the seven elementary laws nor the four higher decrees influenced time.

Time was something completely inviolable.

The innate divine ability of the divine beast, Azure Dragon’, was affected by time. Most likely, only this is kind of innate, internal divine abilities can affect time.

‘Godeater Bibi’ allows direct devouring of the Divine Spark.

The Azure Dragon's 'Roar of the Dragon' is influenced by time.

Couldn't be trained. Unfortunately, Linley is not a true Azure Dragon, and therefore the true power of the Dragon's Roar is not fully realized.

“When I use 'Dragon's Roar', the effect on time for just a minute is almost negligible.” Linley thought to the ancestor. “However, if he were the ancestor true ‘Azure Dragon’ who used this Divine Ability, the effect would undoubtedly be terrifying.”

Although his blood was very pure, it was still far from comparable to his ancestor.

“Currently, my soul’s power is not very great, so when I use this innate divine ability, the influence on others is very limited. Once I reach the Highgod stage and assimilate a large volume of amethyst, my soul will strengthen tens of times more, and the effect over time of this innate divine skill will undoubtedly become more noticeable.”

Lynley knew very well how terrible the influence of time is.

“However, this Ancestral Baptism has already had a huge impact on my strength.” Linley's heart was filled with joy.

The biggest gainer for the Lynleys from this increase in power was that of the Azure Halo. The azure radiance, combined with his spiritual energy, can not only fulfill his innate Divine ability, it can used to protect the soul!

For example, even at Saint level, Azure Halo blocked soul attacks.

But now, after the baptism of the ancestors, the power that Azure halo was multiplied ten thousand times. Once he merged with his spiritual energy, Linley's soul defense power was now extremely shocking.

“Given my current defense of the soul wounded soul, protecting the sovereign artifact by helping him, most likely only seven star fiends who specialize in soul attacks are capable of posing a threat to me. But whether they can really kill me is another story.”

Linley was completely confident.

In the Dragonize pool, Linley opened his eyes. Those black-robed men and twenty-seven people were all staring at him in amazement. Linley looked around the Dragonize pool, realizing that he was the only one left in it.

“I don’t understand why I’m so slow.” Linley laughed calmly, then flew away.

Only now the bald, black-robed man waved his hand and that Dragonize jewel immediately jumped out of the Dragonize pool. Currently, only half of the Dragonize stone is Azure in color, the other half is clear.

“Half the energy was used up.” The bald, black man looked sideways at Linley in surprise.

“Take steps to ensure that these people are sent back.” The bald, black man said to the gray-haired man.

"Fine". The white-haired man nodded.

Linley was very happy. Smiling, he followed the gray-haired man, preparing to leave with him.

“Linley, hold him.” The bald, black man suddenly said.

"Yes?" Lynley turned to look at him, puzzled.

The bald, black man is forced to smile. “During the Ancestral Baptism, all by yourself, you absorbed half of Dragonize Jewel's energy in one night and half a day. As a God, when using our innate divine abilities, you managed to form the Azure Dragon Phantom. You are truly the genius of our clan...come on a journey with me. Later, the elders will surely want to meet you.”

"ABOUT". Linley also laughed.

Baruch also told him that after his Baptism of the Ancestors, because his family was almost as pure as that of the third generation of aristocrats, he was accepted as the eldest, and thus learned a lot about the clan.”

Twenty-seven were immediately led away, while Linley followed, bald and black-robed, forward, passing through a passage into the palace hall, then through another corridor before arriving at the East Hall of the palace.

In a separate room, which was deep inside the eastern hall of the palace.

“Wait for me here.” Bald, black,” he said.

Linley nodded.

A bald man in black cassocks immediately came out.

Linley had a hint of a smile on his lips. The baptism of his ancestors must have been a great blessing for him. His soul defense received an unexpected, delightful increase in power, and for Dragon's Roar, in the future, when his soul grew more powerful, he would be able to truly unleash it as much as possible.

“I hope that the elders do not communicate with me about all the various issues concerning the clan.” Linley said to himself. “It'll be pretty boring listening to it a second time.”

IN hidden room, a bald and handsome young man was currently sitting in a meditative pose, waiting for a bald, black-robed man. Only when he entered did they open their eyes.

“You are so slow.” The bald man said coldly. “Give me the Dragonize Pearl.”

“Yes, Elder.” A bald, black man was offered a Dragonize jewel.

Seeing him, a bald and handsome young man, both were shocked.

“Only half the rest?” He immediately said a wonderful young man.

"Right. This Epiphany of the Ancestors was a genius named Linley. He took half a day and a night to absorb the energy from the Dragonize Stone, and only now is he full of Ancestral Baptism.” The bald, black man said hastily.

The handsome young man and the bald man exchanged glances in shock.

“Emanuel [Yi"niu Muslim Er], another person with potential has appeared in our clan.” The handsome youth sighed in praise.

“Quick, it’s coming to you.” The bald man shouted hastily.

"Yes". The bald, black man immediately left.

Soon Linley, dressed in sky blue and with his long Brown hair, shoulders casually flowing down, entered with a smile. Seeing these two people, Linley immediately bowed respectfully. “Linley greets the elders.”

“So it’s you.” The two had some memories of Lynley. It would be strange if they could not remember the god-level God involved in the baptism of their ancestors.

The handsome youth laughed, “Linley, your family is very pure, quite comparable to our third generation aristocrats.” You absolutely cannot waste such excellent abilities. The clan needs you." As he says, he clicked his hand and produced a rather thin book.

“The fall of our clan ten thousand years ago, as well as our current crisis. When you read this book, you will understand everything.” A beautiful young man, from the draw, the book flies straight to Linley.

Linley let out a secret sigh of relief. So he just gave me the book. He was worried he would have to listen to the story again.

“Makes sense...” Linley said to himself. “If this should be said so that every person with great potential and every person who becomes a Highgod, won't the elders get tired of it?” Linley took the book, pretending to leaf through it.

“Yes, Elder.” Linley answered immediately.

“Linley.” That bald one, 'Emmanuel', also laughed. “Natural talent is one thing, but putting in the effort and training is very important. Enough, you can return by train. Remember...You are not allowed to use the Divine Spark. You must rely on yourself to become Highgod.”

If such a genius, how to use the Divine Spark to cast waste.

"Yes". Linley immediately bowed, then turned and began to walk towards the outside.

“Emanuel, this is very rare for us to have the opportunity to encounter such a genius.” The beautiful young man, 'Harvey', sighed in praise.

“Yes, this happens quite rarely. Let's". The bald one, 'Emmanuel', laughed, and then he rose to his feet. But when his gaze involuntarily swept over Linley, who had already reached the threshold, Emanuel's gaze suddenly sharpened!

An expression of amazement appeared on his face, how good!

He looked with an unblinking gaze at right hand Lynley is everything. As Linley was a few steps away, rare movements of his hand showed a glimpse of a black ring...a Dragon winding ring.

“ an ancestor ring. Soul-protection sovereign artifact!”

The balding man's face instantly turned purple and his whole body trembled, his mind lost in a fog. “Soul-protecting sovereign artifact. This is the soul-protection of the sovereign artifact!!!”

“Emanuel, what is this?” Harvey was quite puzzled.

Right now, Linley had already opened the door and walked out.

Only now did the bald man come to his senses, and he immediately shouted, “Linley, stop!!!”

In the trailer for the Dragonborn expansion, fans were able to see Dovahkiin flying on a dragon. The idea of ​​taming the most powerful monster in the game has captured the minds of many players. The article will tell you how to control a dragon in Skyrim, how to tame it and make it your ally for a while.

For the first time, Dovahkiin will be able to fly into the sky in Solstheim. To do this you will need to master a new cry. The first word "Gol" (Earth) can be learned at Saering Outpost.

With the help of this incomplete cry, Dovahkiin will be able to purify sacred stones, which will be required to complete the quest “The Fate of the Skaal”.

Hermaeus Mora himself teaches two other words to the protagonist’s mind in the Apocrypha, towards the end storyline Dragonborn addon. These are the words “Ha” (Mind) and “Dov” (Dragon). A complete mind is called “Submission of the will.”

With its help, you can summon not only other characters to your side, but also almost all dragons.

The scream will not affect the game's undead, with the exception of vampires.

How to fly a dragon in Skyrim

By using “Submission of Will” on the dragon, you can ride it and rise into the sky. Use the keyboard to control the monster while flying.

1. Key “E” - allows you to mount a landing dragon. While in the sky, using the same key you can order the dragon to land. If you gave the order by mistake, press “E” again.

2. “Space” key - used to select a target. The dragon will attack unfriendly characters with screams or melee bites.

3. Keys “1” and “2” - allow you to assign two targets for the dragon’s attacks and switch between them. If hostile characters get too far away or die, the target lock mode will turn off.

4. “Ctrl” key - gives a direct order to attack the selected target.

5. “M” key - during the flight you can open the map and quickly move to Right place. This best option, since in Skyrim you won’t be able to fly a dragon over long distances. The winged lizard will describe circles over the place where it was saddled by Dovahkiin.


2. Sometimes, having received an order to attack its relative, a tamed dragon begins to endlessly take off and land on the ground.

3. There is a known bug in which the prompt to press the “E” key does not appear when Dovahkiin can mount a subordinate dragon. In this case, interaction with the monster works normally, and flying on it is quite possible.

4. A saddled dragon does not take off - another bug. Fixed by loading the last save. You should press the “F5” key every time before Dovahkiin wants to rise into the sky.


  • In Skyrim, dragons use the tu\"minds they know in battle. Depending on the type, these can be fire or cold attacks. Some winged lizards are familiar with the tu\"mind "Life Drain".

  • There are several very powerful dragons in the game, which cannot be subdued by shouting. These are Voslarum, Paarthurnax, Durnevir, Vulturjol and, of course, Alduin. You can't tame the skeleton dragon in Labyrinthian either. Perhaps this is due to the fact that this lizard in the game is an undead creature of increased power.

  • During the flight, you can use screams and magical attacks against enemies. You won't be able to fight with weapons. Magic attacks use the left and right mouse buttons.

  • If the subordinate dragon is too badly wounded, it will land and engage in melee combat. When he dies, Dovahkiin will fall to the ground and be stunned for a while. The soul of a defeated tamed dragon passes to the protagonist in the usual manner.

  • Where can I find a dragon to fly in Skyrim? It is almost certain that fire-breathing reptiles will be found on the mountain peaks where they usually live. This will not happen if Dovahkiin cleared the location earlier. If you have progressed far enough in the main plot of the game, you can call upon Odahviing at any time and experience all the delights of flying on a dragon.

The Fury Warrior or Fury War has very good single-target DPS, as well as competitive AoE DPS. In addition, the fury var rotation in WOW Mists of Pandaria is quite simple and does not require much skill to master.

In this guide you will learn everything you need to know to play Fury Warrior in raids, but everything written here can also be used in normal and heroic difficulty dungeons.

The stat priority for Fury Var is as follows:


Accuracy (7.5%) >= Mastery (7.5%) > Force > Crete >Mastery > Speed


Accuracy (7.5%) >= Mastery (7.5%) > Force > Crete >Mastery > Speed

Accuracy (7.5%)— the accuracy cap (7.5% or 2550 rating) will eliminate the chance of any of your abilities missing the target. This cap does not depend on the type of weapon. Missing with special abilities is a big loss of DPS. Check if you have an accuracy cap. To do this, go to the character window and hover over Accuracy.

Mastery (7.5%)— the mastery cap (7.5% or 2550 rating) will eliminate the chance of the target evading your attack. Having a mastery cap will help you prevent more DPS losses. Check if you have a mastery cap. To do this, go to the character window and hover over Mastery.

Force— increases attack power and damage from all your abilities.

Crete- Crit increases the chance of your attack to cause critical damage. A critical hit with Bloodthirst and Colossus Strike will activate Enrage.

Cooldowns of Fury Var

These cooldowns can be used if you choose them as a talent:

  • Use Dragon's Roar on CD in rotation for one target.
  • Use Bloodbath on CD in single-target rotation and AOE rotation.

The rest of the cooldowns you should try to use in every fight.

  • Use Battle Shout to maintain the buff and gain additional rage.
  • Use Berserker's Rage to enter Enrage.
  • Use Heroic Leap to quickly reach your target.
  • Use Recklessness as often as possible. Best used in conjunction with other DPS cooldowns.
  • Use the crushing throw as often as possible. Best used in conjunction with other raid cooldowns.
  • Use the skull banner as often as possible. Best used in conjunction with other raid cooldowns.

5 Stones

  • Meta: Rumbling Primal Diamond / Capacity Primal Diamond
  • Colorless:

After the task " Uninvited guest» You will learn the new ability “Dragon Roar”. To use it, press the G button.

How to get to Canada?

Canada is far to the north. You can only get there through the storyline.

How to use a defibrillator?

The defibrillator can be obtained during the mission "Chelmedosvin". It will be needed in order to activate a certain device in the sewer. Until you do this, you will not be able to complete the mission.

How to disperse rats?

Use the Dragon's Roar ability.

How to manage a partner?

Replace shooting mode with partner control. When you need his help, hover over him and press F.

How to pass the moment with aliens?

Minimize the game to windowed mode. Go to the Start menu, then Accessories, Accessibility, On-Screen Keyboard. Then return to the game and quickly press the S button.

How to dance like a goth?

You can learn this during the “Dance Like a Goth” task. While dancing, use the arrow keys on your keyboard.

How to shoot a bow?

Press Q, select shooting, then press F - a crosshair will appear. Use your mouse to select the location where you want to shoot.

This mod improves the Dragon Form shout by adding some effects and features such as:
1) A pair of animated wings for all races, as well as a tail for non-beast races.
2) Increases the duration of the scream from 5 to 10 minutes
3) Adds two new shouts: Fireball and Ice Storm (not to be confused with spells). These screams are used by Dragons when they are far away from you, exploding upon contact with a surface. They do about the same damage as Ice or Fire Breath, but they travel faster and farther and have a lower cooldown.
4) Adds the spell Summon Fire Flying Serpent. You will be able to summon a faster and stronger Fire Serpent, which will fight for you until it is killed. It is locked to your level up to level 50. The cost of the spell is 100 mana points.
5) Adds the Seismic Throw spell - all targets in the area around you that fail the resistance check will fall or be knocked back. Much like the action of the Ruthless Force shout.
6) Damage from falls is removed. You can even jump from High Hrothgar.

Each word of the Dragon Form shout adds a word of the Fireball and Ice Storm shout:
Fau (Cold) - deals 55 cold damage and has a 10 second cooldown (unlocks with the word Mule)
Fusk (Throw) - deals 75 cold damage and has a 20 second cooldown (unlocks with the word Kwa)
Wei (Cut) - deals 200 cold damage and recharges in 45 seconds (unlocks with the word Div)

Kaag (Explosion) - deals 55 fire damage and 10 seconds cooldown (unlocks with the word Mule)
Niv (Ball) - deals 75 fire damage and 20 seconds cooldown (unlocks with the word Kwa)
Ag (Burn) - deals 200 fire damage and a 45 second cooldown (unlocks with the word Div)



1) Download and unzip the archive

2) Select the version you need and copy the files from the folder to the Skyrim/Data folder
If you have the Animated Dragon Wings mod installed, then there is a patch in the archive, you must install it.
Also, if you have a flight mod, then you must install the files from the “flight mod addon” folder.

You only need to copy files from the vanilla skeleton folder if you have a vanilla skeleton in your game! If there are any mods that affect it, then do not install files from this folder!
Order of mods in the launcher list! Important!

P1 FlyingRing.esp (if the flight mod is installed).
Animated Dragon Wings.esp (required for wing options).
More Draconic Dragon Aspect - Powered Edition.esp (if this option is installed).
More Draconic Dragon Aspect - Wings and Tail.esp/Wings.esp/Tail.esp (depending on which option you chose: with a tail, without, etc.).
More Draconic Dragon Aspect - Flying Mod Addon.esp (If you installed the flight mod).


1) wait until the scream effect wears off (if it was active, of course)
2) save
3) delete the following files:

  • Data/meshes/Actors/character/character assets/skeleton.nif
    Data/meshes/Actors/character/character assets female/skeleton_female.nif
    Data/More Draconic Dragon Aspect.esp

3) you can also simply deactivate the mod via NexuxModManager
4) load your saved game
5) save again


1) this mod uses the behavior of the wings from the Animated Dragon Wings mod, so it is important to position the Animated Dragon Wings mod before this mod is in the launcher list. (see mod loading order above)

And the last thing:
Don't worry, you'll be immune to Miraak's Seismic Throw, just a little wobble. This is done because on high difficulty it can be too difficult. True, Miraak is immune to your Throw.

thanks to the author of the mod
and site site
