Legal English: textbooks, dictionaries, podcasts and magazines. Reshebnik just english english for lawyers basic course reshebnik

Our readers have been asking us for a long time to create an instruction on learning English for lawyers. This is not an easy matter, but nevertheless we have prepared such material for you. It will be useful not only for representatives of this profession: many terms are often used in the news, so it will be easier for you to understand what the announcer is talking about.

To begin with, we would like to contact lawyers who are not sure that knowledge of English will be useful in their work. Every year, the process of globalization is increasingly affecting a career: if earlier English was required for literally several specialties, now almost every second employer requires knowledge of English, even if you do not work directly with foreign clients. What if it comes about a prestigious international company, then only people with a level not lower than Intermediate have the chances of getting the desired position. Of course, it's up to you to decide whether or not to acquire new knowledge, but we still advise you to read our article and think about it.

Basic Dictionary of Legal Terms in English

In this part of the article, we will provide a short dictionary of basic legal terms, which are difficult for lawyers to know without. To make it easier for you to remember and use these words correctly, we recommend using the dictionary. Enter any term in the search bar and under the translation you will see live examples from legal texts using this word. Write out any sentence and learn the word in context.

Now let's find out how the different types and areas of law sound in English. By the way, the word law means not only law, but also law in a broad sense, as well as a legislative act.

Word / PhraseTranslation
Bankruptcy lawBankruptcy law
Civil lawCivil law
Company lawLegislation on business entities
Competition lawAntitrust law, protection of competition
Contract lawContract law
Criminal lawCriminal law
Employment lawLabor legislation
Environmental lawEnvironmental regulations
Family lawFamily law
Health lawHealth law
Immigration lawImmigration law
Intellectual property lawIntellectual Property Law
International lawInternational law
Military lawMilitary law
Private lawPrivate right
Procedural lawProcedural law
Public lawPublic (public) law
Real property lawReal estate law
Substantive lawSubstantive law
Tax lawTax law

As you can see, there are a lot of types of law, and each of them has its own terms. We would like to give you the most frequently used definitions from different branches of law, based on the textbook Absolute Legal English. Let's try to learn some basic terminology.

Intellectual property law - Intellectual property law

Word / PhraseTranslation
A commercial nameTrade, brand name
A licenseLicense
A patentPatent
A reproductionPlayback; copy
A trademarkTrademark
Author's rightsCopyright
CopyrightPublishing law, right of reprint / staging
DisclosureDisclosure, disclosure of information
Industrial propertyIndustrial property (a kind of intellectual property)
Infringement / ɪnˈfrɪndʒmənt /Violation (of rights, law, norms), infringement (of copyright)

Competition law - Antitrust law, protection of competition

Word / PhraseTranslation
A criminal sanctionCriminal penalty, sanction
A trustTrust (association of similar enterprises)
Anticompetitive practicesPractice of unfair competition, monopolistic practice
Antitrust lawAntitrust Law
Business entitiesBusiness entities
Predatory pricingDumping (artificial understatement of prices)
Price gougingSpeculation, artificial price inflation
To dominateDominate, dominate (market)
To restrictRestrict, block

Employment law - Labor law

A pensionPension
BenefitsCompensation payments, benefits, allowances (what is paid in addition to the basic salary)
RedundancyFiring (usually downsizing)
SeveranceSeverance pay
TerminationTermination of the contract / agreement
Trade unionUnion
WorkforcePersonnel, employees of the enterprise, labor force

Contract law - Contract law

Word / PhraseTranslation
A warrantyProduct warranty providing replacement / repair
Ambiguity / ˌæmbɪˈɡjuːəti / of expressionsAmbiguity of terms / wording
An anticipatory breachViolation of the contract before its entry into force
LiabilityFinancial, debt liabilities
RepudiationCancellation, termination, unilateral refusal
TermsConditions of a contract)
To dischargeCancel, terminate
To draft a contractConclude a contract
EnforceableLegally binding, enforceable

Real property law - Real estate law

Word / PhraseTranslation
A landlordLandlord, owner of real estate
A tenantTenant
An heir / eə (r) /Heir
EasementEasement (limited right to use land)
EstateProperty, possession
Fee simpleThe right to inherit without restriction
Fee tailLimited right of inheritance
FreeholdFreehold ownership of real estate
LeaseholdRented property
Life estateLifetime property
ReversionTransfer of rights back to the original owner; the right to purchase mortgaged or alienated real estate for debts

Company law - Law governing the activities of joint stock companies (Corporate law)

BankruptcyBankruptcy, insolvency
ConsentConsent, permission
EnlargementConsolidation (enterprises)
RecessionCrisis, recession
RemunerationFee, payment, remuneration
RepaymentReturn, repayment of debt
SustainabilityAbility to stay at the same level for a long time
To contributeContribute
To maintainSupport
To remedyCorrect, eliminate

Are you ready to continue? All of the above terminology refers to specific areas of law, but there is a vocabulary that almost every lawyer needs to know. These words characterize judicial activity, pre-trial proceedings, as well as the results of trials and types of punishments. Are you interested? Then let's get acquainted with these terms.

Word / PhraseTranslation
A breach / briːtʃ / / violation / ˌvaɪəˈleɪʃ (ə) n / of (the) lawLaw violation
A caseCourt case
A complaintStatement of claim, legal complaint
A contractAgreement, deal
A defenseResponse to the statement of claim, defense in court, argumentation of the accused
A defendantDefendant, Defendant
A fineFine
A hearingCourt session, hearing of the case
A judgeJudge
A juryJury
A lawsuitLitigation, legal dispute, civil action
A legal actionLegal action, going to court, litigation
A litigant / ˈlɪtɪɡənt /Any of the parties to the court case (plaintiff or defendant)
A plaintiffClaimant, claimant
A prosecution attorney / prosecutorProsecutor, prosecutor
A tribunalSpecial Court: Labor Court, Tribunal, etc.
A verdict / ˈvɜː (r) dɪkt /Verdict, jury decision
An accusation (of)Accusation (of something)
An allegation (of)Statement (about something) in court (usually unfounded), a statement without evidence of guilt
An injunctionInjunction prohibiting injunction
An offenceOffense
A settlementSettlement agreement
CourtCourt (as an abstract concept and place of the hearing)
The courtCommon name for jury and judge
DamagesMaterial compensation, compensation for damages
JudgmentThe court's decision
Law enforcement agencyJustice body, law enforcement body
Legal abuseBreaking the law, abuse of the law
Legal proceedingLegal proceedings, procedural actions
LegislationLegislation, law
TrialHearing, trial, trial
To accuseBlame
To appealAppeal, protest (verdict)
To fineFine
Binding (document, decision)Obligatory for execution (document, decision)
CivilCivil law, civil (not criminal, not military)
Judicial / dʒuːˈdɪʃ (ə) l /Judicial, legal
LegalLegal, legitimate

Well, knowing words alone is not enough: you need to be able to combine them correctly. Below you will see some expressions that will be useful to remember in their entirety, without parsing them into separate words.

A charge againstAccusation against anyone
A heavy / substantial / large fineLarge fine
A minor / ˈmaɪnə (r) / offencePetty offense
To accuse falselyTo blame is false, to slander
To accuse someone of something / To accuse someone of doing somethingBlame someone for doing something / Blame someone for doing something
To appear in courtTo appear in court
To assert your rightsTo stand for your rights
To be charged with an offence / a crimeBe charged with an offense / crime
To be guilty of ...To be guilty of ...
To come to trialGo to court (about the case)
To deny / refute / rɪˈfjuːt / allegationsDeny / refute the allegation, unfounded accusation
To face / get a fineGet a fine
You’ll face / get a fine. - You will be fined.
To file a lawsuitFile a claim, initiate a case
To make allegations against / about someoneMake a statement against someone / about someone
To make / bring an accusation against someonePress charges against someone, blame someone
To pay a fineTo pay a fine
To preside over a court / caseSupervise the court session
To stand trialTo answer to the court, to appear before the court

Please note that we have only provided basic terms for each topic as an example. If you want to get more complete knowledge, you need to take one of the special textbooks, which we will talk about at the end of the article, and study using it. And in order to quickly master it and easily understand difficult moments, we recommend that you contact. They will help you to improve your knowledge significantly.

Criminal law - dictionary of criminal law in english

This area of ​​law is rich in specific terms, so we decided to pay more attention to it than to others. And we will start by studying the names of crimes in English. A complete dictionary with the names of criminals who commit illegal acts can be found in the article "Types of crime in English". Here we will give a few basic terms.

Word / PhraseTranslation
(A) burglary / ˈbɜː (r) ɡləri /Break-in
(A) car / auto theft / θeft /Car theft
(A) murderIntentional murder
(A) rapeRape
(A) robberyRobbery, theft
An outrageGross violation, atrocity, desecration
Drug traffickingDrug smuggling
HijackingHijacking the plane
Illegal acts / actionsIllegal actions
Malfeasance / ˌmælˈfiːz (ə) ns /Malpractice / Power
ManslaughterUnintentional murder
MuggingStreet robbery
SkimmingA crime in which scammers read your bank card details while you use an ATM

Please note: next to some types of crimes, we have written in brackets indefinite article a / an. The fact is that, depending on the context, these words can be both countable (used with an article) and uncountable (used without an indefinite article).

Are you going to become a lawyer and defend clients in court? Or maybe you want to become a prosecutor and fight crime? You must be able to correctly express your thoughts in English, in terms of legal terms. In the plate, we have collected for you the basic words and phrases that you need to know for sure, and for additional knowledge, refer to the textbook.

Word / PhraseTranslation
A crimeThe crime
A victimVictim, victim
A witnessWitness
DisputesDisagreements, disputes
EvidenceEvidence, testimony (uncountable noun, used without article)
Investigation of a crimeInvestigation, investigation (of some crime)
ProsecutionProsecution, criminal prosecution
TestimonyWitness's testimonies
To acquitJustify
To arrestArrest, take into custody
To be in custodyBe in custody (pending trial)
To commitTo commit a crime)
To convictFind guilty, convict
To incriminateIncriminate (crime), indict
To plead guilty / To admit guiltPlead guilty
To plead innocentDeclare innocence
To prosecuteCharge, prosecute
CriminalCriminal, criminal
A criminal offenceCriminal offense
Accused courtroom rightsThe rights of the accused at the trial
Circumstantial evidenceCircumstantial evidence
Conclusive / Incriminating / Hard evidenceHard facts, compelling evidence
Juvenile / ˈdʒuːvənaɪl / crimeJuvenile delinquency
Crime sceneCrime scene
To arrest someone for somethingArrest someone for something
To arrest someone on charges / suspicion of somethingArrest someone on charges / suspicion of something
To be under arrestBe under arrest
To be under investigationBe under investigation
To bring to responsibility / To bring to accountProsecute
To collect / gather evidenceCollect Evidence, Collect Testimony
To commit a crime / an offense (against)Commit a crime (against)
To commit a fraudCheat
To convict someone of an offence / a crimeBring to criminal responsibility for an offense
To drop the chargesDrop charges
To escape prosecutionAvoid prosecution
To fight / combat crimeFight crime
To find someone guilty / not guilty of somethingFind someone guilty / innocent of something
To give evidenceTestify, testify
To press / prefer / bring chargesPress charges
To produce evidenceShow evidence
To release someone without chargeLet go without charge
To solve a crimeSolve the crime

What English Learning Resources to Use for Lawyers

Of course, the vocabulary and knowledge of a lawyer is not limited to the vocabulary we have proposed. Therefore, we have found resources for you that you can use to improve your knowledge. We recommend that you take one of the textbooks below as a basis, in which case you will receive a “set of laws” of the English language - a clear program of actions to improve your skills. And sites will help you keep abreast of the latest developments in the legal world.

What textbooks on English for lawyers do we recommend using:

  1. “Absolute Legal English Book (English for International Law)” by Helen Callanan and Lynda Edwards is used to prepare for the Cambridge ILEC Preparation legal exam.
  2. “Introduction to International Legal English (A course for classroom or self-study use)” by Amy Krois-Lindner and Matt Firth (Cambridge).
  3. “The Lawyer" s English Language Coursebook "by Catherine Mason, Rosemary Atkins.
  4. “Career Path: LAW” by Virginia Evans, Jenny Dooley, David J. Smith.
  5. “English for Legal Professionals” by Andrew Frost.
  6. “Legal English: How to understand and master the language of law” by William R. McKay and Helen E. Charlton.

If you feel that the vocabulary of the main textbook is not enough, or you want to practice your knowledge with exercises, refer to the following tutorials:

  1. “Check Your English Vocabulary for Law” by Rawdon Wyatt.
  2. “Oxford: Dictionary of Law” by Elizabeth A Martin
  3. “Test Your Professional English: Law” by Nick Brieger

In addition to books, online resources will also come to your aid. To begin with, we want to introduce you to a very useful site from the University of Cambridge, Here you will find an interactive trainer for learning unknown words. All terms are categorized by topic - choose the one you need and learn new words, do exercises and play special games for better memorization.

  1. - An online dictionary with simple definitions of terms.
  2. is a PDF dictionary of basic terms and stable phrases.
  3. is another modern dictionary legal terms.

Do you prefer reading periodicals in English? Read not the entertainment press, but the professional one. Online newspapers and legal magazines will greatly help you in the study of this complex area in the language and provide you with all the relevant information in this area.

10 educational platforms: where to get knowledge in English ”.

We have tried to compile for you the most useful and complete guide to learning English for lawyers. If we have not mentioned any resource you know, write about it in the comments, we will gladly supplement our article.

And if you want to master English for lawyers quickly and professionally, we invite you to, within which you will learn only the vocabulary and grammar you need.

We have compiled a document for you, which contains all the words and phrases on this topic. You can download it from the link below.

The textbook contains methodologically competently organized authentic regional and professionally oriented English-language texts and exercises for the development of target competencies. The main purpose of the textbook is to master the necessary skills of professional communication in a foreign language, which will allow them to solve communication problems in different areas legal activity. The textbook includes texts and exercises for the practice of legal translation, a well-thought-out methodological apparatus, including a glossary, bibliography, samples of legal documents, the required number of illustrations, diagrams and tables, as well as links to audio-video support.

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  2. - means we continue the rubric for specialists. Today's issue is dedicated to legal English. In this article, we have collected textbooks, dictionaries, free professional magazines, etc. to promote your English higher and higher.

    A lawyer needs English (full stop). This is undeniable. For work in international companies, and in a Russian company, but with more high salary... For reading professional literature and foreign regulations, drawing up contracts with foreign contractors, doing scientific activities and much more.

    First of all, a lawyer needs specific vocabulary, which must be pumped from four sides: reading, listening, speaking and writing. So we have found for you the highest quality sources of legal terminology.

    I'll make a reservation right away: This article is intended for those who already have a good level of basic English. Indeed, in any case, you first need to master General English - common words and 4 skills.

    Contents of the article "English for Lawyers":

    We are looking for professional vocabulary:

    Downloading skills:

    Legal terms in English: vocabulary sources

    The vocabulary for lawyers is very extensive, at least due to the large number of areas of legal activity (civil and criminal specialization, different types of law, etc.). So, in dictionaries, basically, basic legal vocabulary is concentrated, and in textbooks and English-language materials, you can already find more highly specialized words. But first things first.

    1. Legal English: textbooks

    Textbooks will help those who have decided to fully master legal English on their own, since they will give a certain guideline, a curriculum.

    English for Legal Professionals- express course from Oxford for those who communicate in English with clients, business partners and colleagues. Great for self-study.

    Professional English in Use: Lawtraining course from Cambridge, covering a wide range of legal vocabulary. Topics include corporate and commercial law, intellectual property law, and more.

    Absolute Legal English Book (English for International Law)- a course that is even suitable for preparing for the ILEC exam. Consists of nine units and covers the main areas of international law.

    Legal English: How to Understand and Master the Language of Law- another full-fledged course that covers everything you need: vocabulary, written legal language, etc.

    Test Your Professional English: Law- the book contains more than 60 tests and more than 500 words and phrases necessary for a lawyer.

    Check Your English Vocabulary for Law- a workbook designed to improve knowledge and understanding of legal terminology. Includes crosswords, puzzles, etc.

    Just English. English for Lawyers. Basic course- contains a lot of English-language materials, which means you will learn a "living" legal language. It will help to master the basic concepts, develop the skills of text analysis, discussion, etc. The textbook is Russian-language, which means it is suitable for those who are not yet ready to study entirely in English-language manuals.

    2. English Courses for Lawyers: Online Resources

    On the Internet (especially in the English-speaking segment) you can find a large number of sites with various "activities" for the development of legal English.

    As for the specific terminology:

    • - Words about Justice;
    • - online dictionary of basic legal vocabulary;
    •, www.attorneygeneral.jus - two more online dictionaries of legal terms in English.

    I warn you right away that all the dictionaries listed are explanatory, not English-Russian (that is, an explanation lexical meaning given in English, these are not legal terms in English with translation). If you have difficulties with understanding, use it, which will translate any word in two clicks.

    4. Professional literature: journals, decisions of foreign courts and other materials in English

    The best way to improve your vocabulary is to study legal articles in English and "get" new words out of there. Then the word will have a high-quality context, and memorization will become much more effective.

    Lingualeo Resources: English Legal Articles

    Magazines, court decisions: legal texts in English

    The principle of working with texts and materials on third-party resources can be as convenient as in our library: 1. install ⇒ 2. poke at unfamiliar words ⇒ 3. and add them for further study.

    Another life hack: to our service in order to study it in your free time through (on the road, queues, etc.)

    So where to find those english texts for lawyers:


    Another tip: look for decisions of foreign courts (for requests like judicial decisions). For example, the following sites provide access to court decisions:

    • Public Library of Law
    • Findlaw
    • Justia
    • Cornell University Law School
    • Law Library of Congress Guide to Law Online
    • The Supreme Court of the United States

    We train skills: writing, listening, speaking practice

    As you already know, proficiency in a foreign language includes 4 sub-skills: reading (you will pump it up by studying the above resources), listening, writing and speaking. We found separate sites for the last three skills.

    1. Letter

    This refers to the preparation of legal documentation in English. So, here are your helpers:

    • - Tips and templates for writing official inquiries, appeals, etc.

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    Z Just English vocabulary of legal terms Most interesting- pages of interactive communication between students and teachers. They show the best examples of our joint creativity. For fellow teachers there are guidelines for working with the textbooks of the series Just English. For those who wish - information about the authors and a page of student humor.
    The content of the site is constantly updated.

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    Just English... In the first part - materials Basic Course- reworked and updated, in the second - 101 Texts on Law, and in the third - the newest edition of the book Clones are coming

    (2001-2013) - this is an improved and expanded edition from a series of textbooks Just English.

    2004- 2013 Advanced Course for law students (and now - and political scientists) -). The textbook is intended for senior students, graduate students and lawyers who have set the goal of studying legal English at an advanced level. The uniqueness of this publication is in highlighting the latest trends in the development of the state legal system of Great Britain using modern mass media. Unlike educational literature with similar topics describes not only the legal and political institutions of the country, but also the processes that are currently taking place in British society. We have included in the new course both materials from academic sources and information directly from native speakers - legal professionals. These are politicians, lawyers, judges and lawyers. An appendix is ​​being prepared for the book - "live" interviews will allow you to find out, hear and read about the pressing problems of a professional lawyer and politician at first hand.

    The vocabulary of a modern professional lawyer is about 16 thousand words. Almost half of them are legal terms. The book, "encrypted" words and expressions necessary to familiarize yourself with the concepts and terminology of law in English. This crossword book is the first in a series of mind games for law students.

    Just English for lawyers Just English. It was first published over 10 years ago - in 1995, followed by numerous reprints. Its task is to consistently guide law students through the sections special vocabulary, on modern texts to introduce regional material and form the skills of working with literature in the specialty, the manual has been successfully completed. This is evidenced by its great demand in law schools in Russia and the CIS. Currently, the authors recommend for use a new, improved and supplemented manual.

    This multi-level civil project aims to organize on the basis of the Moscow state university All-Russian youth forum on the fight against terrorism in modern world... The project is based on a bilingual (English and Russian) educational and journalistic manual, published in 2002, designed for the widest audience. Another component of the project is the development of the Just English website as an online discussion club on the topic. The implementation of the project on the basis of the Lomonosov Moscow State University will stimulate civic activity among youth and students. Thus, the project solves both educational and general humanitarian problems.

    Legal support: Daria Belenkaya

    Just english for lawyers basic course

    Z Here are the teachers of the Moscow State University. MV Lomonosov Moscow State University acquaints you with the editions of the series Just English for future lawyers and political scientists. You will find on these pages excerpts from our series of books; vocabulary of legal terms; addresses of sites on the Internet with useful educational and regional information. Most interesting- pages of interactive communication between students and teachers. They show the best examples of our joint creativity. For fellow teachers there are guidelines for working with the textbooks of the series Just English. For those who wish - information about the authors and a page of student humor.
    The content of the site is constantly updated. Visit us more often! We are looking forward to your questions and comments.

    Hello to the incoming!


    Language Contest "Food For Thought"


    This unique edition, one of the first books published in the anniversary series of the best textbooks of Moscow State University, contains the most popular textbooks under one cover. Just English... In the first part - materials Basic Course- reworked and updated, in the second - 101 Texts on Law, and in the third - the newest edition of the book Clones are coming... The materials of this collection allow you to master legal vocabulary, study the basic concepts of jurisprudence using interesting and authentic material, learn about the history and functioning of state, political and judicial structures in Great Britain and the United States, as well as develop the skills of text analysis and discussion that are so necessary for a professional lawyer.

    Just English. English for Lawyers. Basic course (2001-2013) - this is an improved and expanded edition from a series of textbooks Just English. It is intended for students law schools and faculties and is designed for a wide audience of specialists studying English in connection with the legal specialty. The textbook helps lay the foundations of the language for special purposes and gives students the opportunity to master the world of the language of jurisprudence. It includes modern authentic professionally oriented materials from legal and socio-political sources in the UK and the USA, processed and adapted for law students. The manual takes into account the construction of the curriculum of law faculties and includes topics that students encounter when studying such courses as "History of State and Law", "Russian and Foreign Law", "Criminology and Forensic Science", etc. Supplement available on audio cassette and CD.

    2004- 2013 Advanced Course for law students (and now - and political scientists)- Just English. The State of Britain. This edition continues the Just English ( English for Lawyers. Basic course). The textbook is intended for senior students, graduate students and lawyers who have set the goal of studying legal English at an advanced level. The uniqueness of this publication is in highlighting the latest trends in the development of the state legal system of Great Britain using modern mass media. Unlike educational and methodological literature with similar topics Just English. The State of Britain. Advanced course describes not only the legal and political institutions of the country, but also the processes that are currently taking place in British society. We have included in the new course both materials from academic sources and information directly from native speakers - legal professionals. These are politicians, lawyers, judges and lawyers. An appendix is ​​being prepared for the book - "live" interviews will allow you to find out, hear and read about the pressing problems of a professional lawyer and politician at first hand.

    Just English. 101 Texts on Law. For future lawyers Is a collection of texts and typical tasks for them with answers. Texts of a similar level of complexity and volume were used earlier in the entrance exams at the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University and can be taken as a basis for the newly introduced entrance test in English. The manual contains a variety of interesting texts on the history of law in Great Britain, Russia and the United States, legal systems and state structure USA and UK. These materials can be used as supplementary to the studied topics or as a basis for individual oral and written communications of students. Guidelines on the work on the translation of the text can be useful in the control translation (oral and written).

    Based on the results of an expert assessment of specialists of the Faculty of Law Harvard Law School, the vocabulary of a modern professional lawyer is about 16 thousand words. Almost half of them are legal terms. Book Just English. Legal Crosswords is designed to make it easier for future luminaries of international jurisprudence to master their professional vocabulary. In crosswords that correspond in their lexical content to the first two chapters of the textbook Just English. English for Lawyers. Basic course, "Encrypted" words and expressions necessary for familiarization with the concepts and terminology of law in English. This crossword book is the first in a series of mind games for law students.

    Just English.Clones are Coming is a collection of thematically selected newspaper articles on a very relevant and modern topic - cloning. The linguistic competence of a lawyer presupposes the ability to conduct a conversation on professional topics, participate in discussions and engage in polemics. That is why in all the textbooks in the Just English series so much attention is paid to the formation and development of public speaking skills. The book solves the problem of not only teaching students to use one or another vocabulary, but also teaching them the techniques of conducting discussions. This manual can be used both for classroom work and as home reading or as auxiliary material to prepare messages on this topic. The book is written lively and cheerfully and is illustrated with pictures from the life of Dolly the sheep. The revised and updated version of the book was included in the collection "The Best of Just English" (2004)

    Just English for lawyers- this is the very first tutorial in a series of original textbooks Just English. It was first published over 10 years ago - in 1995, followed by numerous reprints. The manual has successfully completed its task - to consistently guide law students through the sections of special vocabulary, to introduce regional geographic material on modern texts and to develop skills in working with literature in their specialty. This is evidenced by its great demand in law schools in Russia and the CIS. Currently, the authors recommend for use a new, improved and supplemented manual. Just English. English for Lawyers. Basic course.

    Today, the problems of terrorism and the fight against it are in the center of attention of all progressive humanity. No country in the world has escaped the horrors of terror. Academic circles did not remain indifferent to this most important topic. It is in the student auditorium of the Moscow State University. MV Lomonosov, the idea of ​​creating this project was born, the purpose of which is to give the reader the opportunity to comprehensively study the problems of terrorism in the modern world, to acquaint the audience with existing definitions, the roots and motives of this phenomenon, as well as outline possible ways to combat terrorism.
    This multi-level civil project aims to organize an All-Russian youth forum on the issues of combating terrorism in the modern world on the basis of Moscow State University. The project is based on a bilingual (English and Russian) educational and journalistic manual, published in 2002, designed for the widest audience. Another component of the project is the development of the Just English website as an online discussion club on the topic. The implementation of the project on the basis of the Lomonosov Moscow State University will stimulate civic activity among youth and students. Thus, the project solves both educational and general humanitarian problems.

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    Just English. English for Lawyers. Basic course. for legal entities universities. -10th ed. + CD

    Since 1999 the book “Just English. English for Lawyers. Basic course. for legal entities vuzov.-10th ed. + CD "was reprinted 27 times. Date of first edition “English for Lawyers. Just English. Basic Course ": December 1999, the last, 27th edition was published in January 2014.

    All editions

    Annotation to the book “Just English. English for Lawyers. Basic course. for legal entities universities. -10th ed. + CD "

    “Just English. English for Lawyers. Basic Course "is a new, improved and enlarged edition, revised in connection with its inclusion in the anniversary series of Lomonosov Moscow State University" Classical University Textbook ".
    The textbook includes modern professionally oriented materials from legal and socio-political sources in the UK and the USA, processed for law students. The texts of the manual allow you to master the legal vocabulary, study the basic concepts of jurisprudence using authentic material, learn about the history and functioning of the state, political and judicial structures of English-speaking countries, and also develop the skills of text analysis and discussion that are so necessary for a professional lawyer.
    The manual was prepared by the faculty of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov based on curriculum English language course for law schools.
    For legal professionals studying English.

    Annotation for the edition: November 2004 (publishing house "Paleotype", ISBN 5-94727-089-7)

    This publication continues the Just English series and is intended for a wide range of advanced English learners in connection with the legal profession. The manual allows you to master the legal vocabulary, study the basic concepts of jurisprudence on the basis of original and authentic material, learn about the history and functioning of the state, political and judicial structures of Great Britain, as well as develop the skills of text analysis and discussion that are so necessary for a professional lawyer. The uniqueness of the manual lies in highlighting the latest trends in the development of the state and legal system of Great Britain using modern media. Unlike educational and methodological literature with a similar topic “The State of Britain. Advanced Course ”describes not only the legal and political institutions of the country, but also the processes that are currently taking place in British society. The publication was prepared by the faculty of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of Moscow State University. MV Lomonosov on the basis of the curriculum of the English language course for law schools.

    The best of just english: just english / english for lawyers. part 1. basic course y. l. humane

    Here you can download the book the best of just english: just english / english for lawyers. part 1. basic course y. l. Humans in fb2, txt, PDF, EPUB, doc, rtf, jar, djvu, lrf!

    How to Learn If you are just learning so I decided first learn Then Reshebnik just english english for lawyers online.

    If you don’t know how to download the file, see the just english online solution for lawyers. Where can I download the answers to the Just English textbook Basic English for Lawyers. Just english shishkina answers to tasks.

    Tops Questions and Answers FAQ. Just english gumanova reshebnik English for lawyers etc. Just english English for lawyers basic course Reshebnik English basic course for non-linguists, tickets and answers. A list of correct answers is attached at the end of the book. This is an improved and expanded edition of the Just English textbook series. Reshebnik just english English for lawyers. English for lawyers Shishkin answers English for lawyers.

    Not a review, but a missive for those who are looking for smart books. The book "Freak of the human race". How to Create a Unique Story for Your Brand and Make Your Products Irresistible: A Non-Trivial Approach to Branding. Fairy tale "Barberry" Tatyana Vyatkina. Review of the story "The Last Train". The Best of Just English: English for Lawyers "- Gumanova Yulia Enter E-mail or ID: English for Lawyers". Jurisprudence, Foreign languages.

    Tikhomirova Just English English Tikhomirova Just English English for lawyers basic course. English-Russian dictionaries, Russian-English dictionaries, English dictionary.

    English for lawyers - Julia Gumanova - download English for lawyers by Julia Gumanova. Can be downloaded in fb2 and other formats. Lomonosov Classical University Textbook. Gumanova Yulia Leonidovna Just English. The textbook was prepared by the faculty of the Department of English for the humanities faculties of Moscow State University. Lomonosov based on the curriculum of the English language course

    Name: English for Lawyers.

    This manual is the main part of the educational and methodological complex designed to teach English to students of law schools and faculties.
    A number of materials of the manual make it possible to partially use it at other humanitarian faculties.
    The manual is based on the principle of interconnected teaching of types of speech activity on professionally oriented material.
    The content of the lexical and grammatical material corresponds to the requirements of the English language program for the humanitarian faculties of universities.
    The manual is designed for approximately 90 -120 hours of classroom studies (depending on the level of training of students).

    The structure of the manual
    The manual includes 18 lessons and a short grammar reference.
    Learner Reading Texts 1-3 lessons reflect topics such as: biography, family, student life, educational institution... The texts of all other lessons are thematically related to the special subjects studied in the Faculty of Law. All texts of the section for the student reading are connected by one storyline and by the same actors.
    A short grammatical reference includes a lesson explanation of the rules of word formation and grammatical phenomena, a summary table of the tenses of the verb.
    Each lesson begins with a listing of phonetic and lexical-grammatical material and consists of 8 sections: phonetic (Sound Right), word-building (Word-building), studying reading (Full Understanding), practice of communication (Practice in Communication), introductory reading (General Understanding ), viewing reading (Scan ning Practice), listening (Listening Practice) and additional (Time for Fun).

    Free download an e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
    Download the book English for Lawyers - A.Ya. Zelikman. -, fast and free download.

    • English books
    • English for Lawyers, Zelikman A.Ya., 2006 - The textbook is the main part of the educational-methodical complex, designed for teaching English to students of legal institutes and faculties. Designed for 90 120 ... English books
    • Grammar of the English language, Book for parents, grade 4, Barashkova E.A., 2019 - This manual fully complies with the federal state educational standard (second generation) for primary school... It is the third component of the training kit, ... English books

    The following tutorials and books:

    • - How to write a math article in English. Sosinsky A.B. 2000. The manual sets out the basic principles of translating mathematical texts into English. Book … English books
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    • Grammar - Collection of exercises - Golitsinsky Yu.B. - Grammar - A collection of exercises. Golitsynsky Yu.B. 2003. A collection of exercises for all sections of English grammar. The exercises are based on simple vocabulary. They … English books
    • Grammar - Keys to exercises - Golitsynsky Y.B., Golitsynskaya N.A. - Grammar - Keys to Exercise. Golitsynsky Yu.B., Golitsynskaya N.A. 2003. Collection of exercises on English grammar Yu.B. Golitsynsky - a book ... English books

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    • English for university students - Reading, writing and oral practice - Merkulova E.M., Filimonova O.E., Kostygina S.I., Ivanova Yu.A., Papanova L.V. - English language for university students - Reading , written and oral practice. Merkulova E.M., Filimonova O.E., Kostygina S.I., Ivanova ... English books
    • English language - Textbook for students and graduate students of humanitarian specialties of universities - Kolykhalova O.A., Makaev V.V. - English language - Textbook for students and postgraduates of humanitarian specialties of universities. Kolykhalova O.A., Makaev V.V. 1998. The textbook was written by young professionals ... English books
    • English article in speech situations - Volkova E.A. - English article v speech situations... E.A. Volkova This guide is for teachers high school... It should contribute to the conscious consolidation in ... English books
    • Basic English grammar for students, Betty Azar - Basic English grammar. Betty Azar. 1996. Basic English Grammar is a developmental skills text for students of English as a ... English books
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