Drainage hood in your home. Sewer ventilation in a private house - find out what types and examples of schemes there are, do-it-yourself installation. The principle of constructing a ventilation riser for sewerage in an apartment building

Installing a sewer hood in a private house is prerequisite For normal functioning systems. After spending simple work By making minimal financial investments, the formation of an unpleasant odor in residential premises is prevented. Simple steps will guarantee the absence of characteristic sounds of water suction, which happens when low pressure zones form.

Why is ventilation needed?

According to modern building regulations, sewerage ventilation in a private house is mandatory if the building has more than 1 floor. The hood is installed when the system contains risers with a diameter above 50 mm.

If ventilation is not provided, when draining a large volume of liquid, the lumen of the pipeline is blocked, which leads to the formation of a vacuum. As a result, water is sucked out of the siphons. This element of the sewer system is a kind of valve that blocks the movement of unpleasant odors outward. In the absence of water, the siphon is not able to perform its intended function.

Unpleasant sewer odors occur when the sewer system is designed and installed to meet building codes. If the water drain in the building is small and the sewer pipe is not completely blocked, the water from the siphons may evaporate. This happens when you do not use a plumbing fixture for 3-5 days. Modern siphons have a small volume, which reduces their cost, but impairs their efficiency.

When installing a ventilation system, choose the installation of a drain pipe or a vacuum valve. The first method is more effective. Installing vacuum valves will not always give the desired result.

Installation of a drain pipe

Effective ventilation of the sewer system riser is formed using a drain pipe. It is a kind of continuation of it. The principle of operation of the fan pipe is quite simple. Warm air inside sewer riser rises out. A kind of draft is formed in the system. It promotes the absorption of air from the room. Therefore, unpleasant odors will be able to leave the sewer system. As a result, the comfort of living of the owners will not be disturbed.

When installing a sewer riser using a waste pipe, the following rules should be followed:

  • rises above the roof level by 500 mm (more is allowed);
  • diameter exhaust system must correspond to the diameter of the sewer riser;
  • if there are 2-3 sewer risers, it is allowed to connect them at the top point and exit through a single drain pipe;
  • It is strictly forbidden to combine a sewer hood with a stove or building ventilation;
  • It is not advisable to install the vent pipeline near windows and balconies. This will cause an unpleasant odor to spread inside the building. The fan pipe moves away from the windows at a distance of 4 m;
  • If there is a multi-slope roof, it is prohibited to route the ventilation pipeline under the slopes. It can break under the weight of snow cover;
  • It is not recommended to install a deflector on the upper edge of the hood. There is a possibility of condensation forming. The resulting liquid freezes in winter at sub-zero temperatures, which will significantly reduce the efficiency of the hood;
  • The sewer pipe is made from materials used for the production of sewer risers. Cast iron quickly deteriorates under the influence of the environment. It is unacceptable to use it.

Application of Vacuum Valve

Sewer ventilation in a private house can be installed using a vacuum valve. The device works according to the following principle:

  • the device body contains a spring and a rubber seal;
  • when a sudden release of a large volume of water occurs, the spring provokes the opening of the seal. This allows you to take air from the room and equalize the pressure in the system;
  • after performing the necessary actions, the spring returns to its original position. In the following position, it prevents the penetration of unpleasant odors into the room.

This sewer ventilation scheme in a private house is imperfect, but there is a certain efficiency in its installation. The vacuum valve will prevent the formation of an unpleasant odor when the water inside the siphon dries out.

Vacuum valve installation rules

Installation of a vacuum valve requires compliance with the following rules:

  • The device should be installed at the top of the riser in a heated room. If the air temperature drops below zero, the vacuum valve will not work effectively;
  • the device is installed above the drains of plumbing fixtures;
  • if there is a shower stall, the vacuum valve is installed at a level exceeding a distance of 35 cm from the drain location;
  • Good access should be provided to the mounted device for maintenance and repair work.

What is a sewer vacuum valve for?

Non-standard solutions for arranging a ventilation system

If a building with a sewer system has been built, and it is physically or materially difficult to change them, you can use several alternative ventilation options. They do not contradict basic building codes and are quite effective. The installation of the presented schemes is possible if there is a septic tank or other treatment facilities. If they are present on the site, you can try to install the hood in several ways.

Examples of alternative ventilation arrangements

Installation on the wall of a building. The presented option is considered advantageous, since the ventilation pipeline will not differ in appearance from a regular drain. He won't spoil appearance buildings, which is important for many owners. When installing, the pipe is installed above the roof level. Its diameter is 110 mm. It is also recommended to install the exhaust duct away from windows to prevent the spread of unpleasant odors.

Fence installation. Installation of ventilation is no different from installation along the wall of a building. It is recommended to take into account that the hood is removed from the building at a considerable distance. When installing it, you should take into account the placement of the main and additional buildings on your own and neighboring sites.

Septic tank ventilation. Treatment plant should be located at a distance of 5-20 m from the building (depending on the requirements regulatory documentation). This will prevent unpleasant odors from entering the living space. Installation of a septic tank ventilation pipe can be carried out on finishing stage construction. Installation is not difficult to perform.

The selection of the sewer system exhaust system option is made based on its initial parameters and the needs of residents. Fan pipe, vacuum valve – best solutions, which are preferred by most private property owners. The alternative options presented are not always successful, but are acceptable.

Video: Ventilation of a private house

Accommodation in country house in some cases it is associated with a rather unpleasant effect associated with the absence or insufficient provision of a sewerage system. Deficiencies may manifest themselves in the sound of water flow. These inconveniences in a private home can be eliminated using sewer ventilation.

This article covers in detail all the points relating to the arrangement of a ventilation sewerage system.

We will explain in detail how to install ventilation system, and what types it comes in (with vacuum valves, natural, forced, etc.), what are the schemes for its arrangement, necessary materials and installation tools, how to make a deflector and what are the disadvantages of ventilation in a private house.

Ventilation pipe installation diagrams

This is a reliable way to get rid of the effects described above, associated with the removal of odors through the ventilation system. At the same time, unpleasant sounds also disappear, since an additional air flow is formed, eliminating the siphon effect.

Several sewerage ventilation schemes are used in a private house:

  • wall-mounted external location, in which the pipe is led outside the house and secured with brackets;

  • remote location - the pipe is located at a distance of more than 5 meters from the house and is attached to any convenient object, such as a fence;

  • installation of a ventilation pipe in the septic tank body, which is located at a distance of 5 - 20 meters from the house.

For all of these ventilation systems, it is mandatory to protect the upper end with a hood. Deflectors are most often used as a head, improving the conditions for purging the room.

Ventilation through a vent pipe

This term refers to a pipe that is a continuation of the riser. For installation, a revision is installed at its upper end, the continuation of which is the fan pipe.

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The upper end should be higher than the roof ridge and located at a distance of at least four meters from the nearest window. Otherwise, an unpleasant odor may enter the living space.

Obviously, the cross-sectional size of the fan channel must correspond to the cross-section of the riser, of which it is a continuation. The most common size is 110 millimeters.

The fan outlet is, in fact, a ventilation option with an internal location. The main problem with such a ventilation installation is the moment of intersection with ceiling covering And roofing pie . But construction market is fully equipped with devices for such a transition for roofs of any slope angle.

Ventilation with vacuum valves

The cause of unpleasant odors from the sewer system is a malfunction of the siphon valves in the toilet, sink or sink. This can happen during a volley discharge of wastewater in the riser.

For some time it is completely blocked waste water and a vacuum occurs in the riser. It naturally draws liquid from the water seal into the drain, after which a communication channel between the drain system and the living space appears.

This phenomenon is successfully counteracted by installing a fan pipe, which equalizes the pressure in the riser. However, let's imagine the process of installing it with the intersection of two floors. Troublesome and expensive!

Instead of such a device, you can use a vacuum valve, which is installed instead of the fan channel.

When the pressure in the riser increases, the shut-off device is pressed tightly against the seat and prevents the penetration of air from it. At the moment the salvo portion is drained, the valve opens slightly, compensating for the change in pressure inside the system. Siphon valves are not affected by this.

The shut-off valve cover operates only under its own weight and this is sufficient to perform the functions assigned to the device. It should be noted that as a result of long-term use, the cover may become contaminated with dust deposits on its surface, because it works in conditions high humidity.

Therefore, it must be periodically removed and cleaned of plaque. The installation location of the vacuum valve is directly on the top of the drain after inspection.

This device can only be used in heated rooms. Otherwise, it will freeze and will not be able to perform its assigned functions.

The valves present on our market are produced by various manufacturers in Russia and Europe. The price range is surprising, ranging from 170 to 1400 rubles. A careful study of designs and application practices does not provide justification for this phenomenon.

Natural ventilation of sewerage facilities

Ensuring spontaneous air circulation in the ventilation system of drainage systems is ensured by the generation of heat in the mass of sewered products through the natural processes of their decomposition.

At the same time, the produced gases have more high temperature and rise upward, providing circulation and their removal into environment.

But they have one unpleasant feature - flammability.

Therefore, wastewater storage and accumulation facilities are flammable, and in large quantities can be explosive. .

Therefore, the presence of ventilation in such facilities is mandatory. Currently, the main material for ventilation devices is plastic pipes with a diameter of 100-110 millimeters. The pipe from under the cesspool cover is brought out at a distance of 4-5 meters to a ventilated place.

To increase the efficiency of the extraction process, a deflector is installed on it. In addition to protecting the upper end of the pipe from clogging with leaves and other debris, this device actively enhances the air flow, although active exhaust through the deflectors only works in windy weather.

In windless regions, it is advisable to use low-power axial fans for exhaust to ensure forced removal of gases from the sewer system.

External ventilation is arranged in the same way.

To eliminate strong odors in the cesspool itself, you can use chemicals.

Forced ventilation of sewerage systems

In accordance with existing construction standards, low-rise individual buildings can be used without installing a drain pipe. This depends on the number of residents and the number of plumbing fixtures in use.

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The size of the riser pipe also matters, because the siphons fail only when its cross-section is completely filled with waste. An alternative to a drain pipe is a vacuum valve, which reliably compensates for pressure drops in the sewage system.

Exhaust ventilation

As noted above, the main reason for the leakage of the sewer system is the failure of the siphon, as a result of which sewer odors penetrate into the a private house.

However, this is not the only reason. In houses that are visited periodically, such as a summer house, the reason for the siphon not working may be drying out. If the plumbing is inactive for a long time, the water in it dries out, opening the channel for sewer gases. In this case, visiting owners are greeted by an unhealthy environment in the house.

To eliminate this cause of sewer gas breakthrough, exhaust ventilation is installed in the house.

It can be located in those arranged during construction ventilation ducts, and if such are not provided for by the project - in square or rectangular pipes.

Along the entire length of such a channel, gratings equipped with a curtain mechanism are installed. It allows you to completely or partially block the outflow of air if necessary. The upper end of the ventilation pipe is brought above the level of the roof ridge and is protected from above by a cap.

Deflectors are often used as such shelter. When using them, the hood becomes forced, operating periodically only in windy weather.

However, in low-wind regions, deflectors are ineffective because they create draft only in the presence of horizontal air currents. Deflectors installed in an area protected from the wind are generally ineffective.

In such cases, drive fans must be used. Their power is small and for a small private house a device of 200-250 watts is sufficient. There are several types of fans:

  • field - in them an impeller is installed on the motor shaft, enclosed in a casing in the form of a snail;
  • axial - installed directly in the ventilation pipe, the air flow is formed under the influence of a screw.

Usage exhaust ventilation guarantees constantly fresh air in all areas of the house.

Country house ventilation schemes

Current trend suburban construction provides for maximum tightness of premises. Of course, this has a beneficial effect on the financial and economic performance of the building.

But, at the same time, the conditions for air exchange and safety of living are difficult. After all, one person needs about 30 cubic meters of air per hour for normal life.

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For the correct formation of ventilation systems, it is necessary to take into account their certain features:

  1. Indoor air quality is significantly influenced by the external conditions of the construction region and the composition of the materials used in the construction process.
  2. Methods of controlling heating systems, air conditioning and ventilation devices are important.
  3. Products cannot be used on the farm household chemicals, which emit harmful substances and are not recommended for use in a confined environment.
  4. For premises for various purposes, there are specific standards for the composition of the air in them - for bathrooms, bedrooms, gyms and others.
  5. It is necessary to take into account the physiological characteristics of each person living in the house, for example, the presence of allergic reactions to certain substances and materials.

For high-quality ventilation premises country house combined supply and exhaust systems, which operate according to the scheme below.

Difficulties in ventilation can arise for various reasons, but most often this occurs due to long horizontal sections in the pipeline system, as well as a large number of turns. In this case, forced ventilation of the premises is used.

Materials and installation of sewerage ventilation

For sewerage in a low-rise country house, the same materials are used as in urban housing. Basically, this is the case - the most popular polyethylene pipes, but their sizes are minimal.

Thus, pipes with a diameter of 110 millimeters and corresponding fittings are used for the riser. Naturally, fan output performed with the same pipe. If a private house does not have a special shaft for such ventilation, a turn is made from the upper end of the riser and the air duct is routed along the wall of the house.

The upper end of the pipe with the tip is brought out above the roof ridge. For a small building, the ventilation pipe in the size of the riser is chosen to be 50 mm, but such decisions are rarely made. In this case, flooding with the drain is too likely, with subsequent loss of the water seal in the siphon.

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How to make a deflector with your own hands

Do-it-yourself sewer ventilation in private houses is usually accompanied by the use of a deflector. It is necessary to increase the traction force in ventilation ducts.

To make a deflector with your own hands, you need to perform a number of sequential steps:

  1. Select its model.
  2. Make drawings in dimensions, scale 1:1.
  3. Prepare necessary tools.
  4. Select and purchase materials.
  5. Make patterns of parts from cardboard.
  6. Assemble a mock-up of the deflector from cardboard, and, if necessary, change the dimensions of the parts.
  7. Using the patterns, make the deflector parts.
  8. Assemble the device in metal.

Model selection

For self-production, it is better to choose the most simple model, providing effective exhaust from the sewer in a private house.

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The basic size is the diameter of the fan pipe, from which the parameters of the remaining parts are determined.

Development of drawings

First, you need to draw an assembly drawing of the product and calculate the connecting dimensions, as well as the parameters of each part separately. Then you need to scan all the parts in real sizes and natural scale. The drawing must be transferred to cardboard.

Preparing tools

As the deflector is designed, the technology for its assembly and the tools that will be needed in the manufacture of the product are thought through. But in any case you need to have:

  1. simplest drawing tool to create technical documentation - a ruler, 30 and 45 degree squares, a protractor, a compass.
  2. Bench shears for cutting sheet metal.
  3. File – for removing burrs.
  4. Marker used when marking parts.
  5. Drill for drilling a hole for fasteners.
  6. Metal drills.
  7. Bench hammer.
  8. Bench vice.
  9. Awl.
  10. Cardboard scissors.

The listed tool is available to the practically practical owner.

Materials for making the deflector

The main material is sheet metal. The selection criterion is its availability and financial capabilities. You can make a deflector for ventilating a sewer riser in a private house with your own hands. To do this you will need:

  1. Stainless steel sheet with a thickness of 0.25-0.5 millimeters. This the best option choice in terms of durability.
  2. Aluminum sheet 0.4-0.8 millimeters thick. In terms of durability, it is not much inferior to stainless steel.
  3. Sheets of other metals - copper, titanium, zinc and the like.
  4. Steel sheets made of galvanized steel with a thickness of 0.4-0.6 millimeters. The most common material in terms of the ratio of price – quality – availability.
  5. Cardboard 1.0-1.5 millimeters thick for making mock-ups and part developments.
  6. Standard aluminum or blind rivets.

As you progress, you may need other supporting materials.

Making a fixture

First of all, you need to cut out mock-ups of the device parts from cardboard. Then a mock-up of the deflector is assembled from them; the parts can be fastened with a stapler.

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After checking all the dimensions on the cardboard components, holes are made with an awl in the places where the rivets are installed. The model is dismantled, and metal parts are cut out using the patterns. Following the marks of the holes from the awl, you need to drill holes for the fasteners used.

Significant deficiencies in sewer system ventilation

Insufficient ventilation of the sewer riser in a private house manifests itself very quickly in the form of unpleasant odors. And the most common reasons for this are the following:

  • insufficient size of the sewer riser pipe, leading to the failure of siphons;
  • prolonged downtime of plumbing equipment, leading to their drying out;
  • occurrence of cracks in sewer pipes ah if the rules for their installation are violated.

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A sewer hood in a private home is crucial in creating comfortable living conditions.


Budget-friendly, but at the same time durable ventilation in a private house from sewer pipes allows you to quickly remove unpleasant odors and normalize the air flow in general. Right installed structure provides protection of the structure from fungus and mold, which, in turn, reduces the likelihood of developing diseases. A technically correct drawing will help you fully enjoy all the benefits of ventilation.

There is no single approach to this issue. While some focus on the possibility of building an efficient ventilation system in a private home at minimal financial cost, others call for attention to the durability of such a structure.

As a rule, previously used pipes quickly become unusable, but this, according to builders, is a very controversial point.

Much depends on the quality of the material and the sealing of the seams. The more accurately everything is done, the longer the ventilation from sewer pipes will last.

Speaking about the options for using such structures, the builders highlighted several aspects:

  • In frequent house construction, the ventilation riser is made using a PVC pipe having a round or rectangular cross-section;
  • Pipes are available in several color variations;
  • The ability to create a ventilation system of any degree of complexity thanks to improved sealing characteristics;
  • Environmental safety - all types of manufactured pipes are made on the basis of PVC, polyurethane and polypropylene.

An environmentally friendly, durable and versatile socket made from sewer pipes allows you to create a ventilation system of any degree of complexity in a private home. The main thing is to choose pipes with a round or rectangular cross-section.

Statistical charge: ventilation in a private house made of plastic pipes

One of the few significant stones in the garden of plastic pipes used to build ventilation with your own hands is physics. We are talking about static voltage that forms on inner surface products. As the air moves, it creates a friction effect similar to that seen when rubbing a metal stick against a wool surface.

The charge level does not pose a threat to life and health, but there is another significant drawback:

  • The more air passes over the inner surface of plastic pipes, the greater the charge is formed;
  • If it is not quickly removed, the surface acquires insignificant magnetic properties;
  • Despite the relatively low magnetic potential, the charge is enough to constantly attract dust and dirt;
  • In a few days, the inner surface of the pipe will be covered with a thick layer of contamination - a breeding ground for pathogenic microorganisms;
  • Installing pipes with mandatory treatment with an antistatic agent will help to avoid such a development.

The presence of a slight static charge on the inner surface of the pipe is a problem that must be resolved before installation. Enough a small amount treat the pipes with antiseptic so that it does not become a magnet for dirt.

Safe sewer ventilation in a private house: diagram

Continuing the topic of pipe processing, it is worthwhile to dwell separately on the sanitary and hygienic component. If you plan to use used pipes or the system is located near a latrine, you should take a sufficient amount of septic tank and treat the surface. The same applies when installing newly purchased pipes.

After this, the process of constructing a ventilation system in a single-story or two-story house as follows:

  • The preliminary pipe laying scheme should ensure a temperature difference;
  • The larger the specified parameter, the more actively the hood works;
  • On the roof, the ventilation pipe must be insulated, otherwise condensation cannot be avoided;
  • Another way to protect the ventilation system from dampness is to install an exhaust fan;
  • If ventilation is necessary in a bathroom or toilet, then in this case you need to calculate the minimum required height of the structure;
  • Insufficient height or its excessive value is not in the best possible way will affect the freshness of the air.

A technically correct diagram is needed to calculate the power of the entire building. The power of a bathroom or living room hood depends on the different temperatures outside and inside. If this is significantly significant or insufficient, you will need to install a shut-off valve-regulator.

We install ventilation from sewer pipes with our own hands

IN capital building where a constant inflow system is required fresh air, you must first build the brickwork.

Its task is to insulate one of the ends of the pipe and ensure the stability of the system.

If we're talking about about a frame or wooden private house, then in this case brickwork will provoke a rapid discharge of incoming air.

In this regard, we can limit ourselves to the following practical recommendations:

  • The sewerage and ventilation system is built using pipes with a smooth inner surface;
  • If you plan to use a cesspool, then in this case it is necessary to isolate both pipe systems from each other;
  • Availability sewer well is mandatory when it comes to seasonal use of the system.

Ventilation in a private house from sewer pipes (video)

The construction of a ventilation system based on sewer pipes is a budget-friendly and durable way to ensure a flow of fresh air. The success of the project largely depends on correct calculation pipe cross-section diameter, required draft and room area. In this case, a sufficient temperature difference is created to provide the minimum required draft.

The wastewater that comes from your home ends up in the sewer system. If you live in multi-storey building, then you have one, centralized system. Residents of private houses are forced to make their own sewage system: dig a cesspool or install a septic tank. It’s simply impossible to do without them. As is known, wastewater releases bad smell, which can enter your home. Especially such organic gas is intensively released in summer period under the influence of the sun. Therefore, every resident should think about installing a ventilation system.

Ventilation options


  1. Balanced pressure in the system.
  2. Supply of fresh air and its circulation through the sewer system.
  3. Absence unpleasant sound suction of water in areas of low pressure.

Sewer ventilation can be carried out regardless of the number of floors and drain points. The main task is to make the diagram correctly. There are two suitable options:

  1. System using a drain pipe;
  2. System using vacuum valves.

To make a choice, you need to consider all the nuances of installing systems. When installing a drain pipe, it is important to comply with the following conditions:

  • the house must have several floors, where drain points are located above the 1st floor;
  • risers must have a diameter greater than 50 mm;
  • the cesspool should be located close to the house.

In other cases, the homeowner may choose simple system ventilation using vacuum valves. But, as experts say, the level of efficiency of the sewer system is noticeably reduced if such valves are used exclusively. Since such equipment cannot be a full-fledged replacement for a waste pipe, the homeowner must decide for himself whether he needs ventilation of the sewer riser using a waste pipe, even if, according to the rules, its presence is not required. After all, using only vacuum valves will not completely prevent the penetration of odor into the house.

The most effective will be a combination of these two options. You can install a drain pipe and equip the sewer with a vacuum valve. This will come in handy if the drain pipe freezes.

If we talk about the fan pipe, then common benefits You can add correct operation of the sewerage system. If the siphon (water seal) dries out, the unpleasant odor will not penetrate the house. What does it mean?

A siphon or water seal is a barrier that prevents odor from entering the house. It is a curved pipe or channel that is filled with water and extends from sinks, bathtubs and toilets. If the water seal dries out when the plumbing has not been used for a long time, the sewer smell will penetrate into your home. If you have a drain pipe installed, it will be removed through it.

Also, thanks to the installation of a drain pipe, a vacuum will not form in your sewer pipe. Therefore, you will not hear the sounds of air being sucked from the sink or bathtub. Your sewage system will “breathe,” preventing unpleasant odors from entering your home.

What you need to know during installation

To ensure better sealing of joints, ventilation pipe you need to choose from the same material from which the sewage system is made. But mostly in quality fan boner choose a plastic pipe.

The clamps are attached to the wall along which the pipe runs. At a level of 1.5 m you need to put inspection hatch, in order to clean the pipe. In the ceiling or ceiling, depending on how many floors you have, you need to make holes for the pipe. After the pipe is fixed in the house, it needs to be brought to the roof. There are three options for how you can install it:

  1. Vertically straight.
  2. At an angle of 45˚.
  3. At an angle of 90˚.

In order to bring the pipe vertically, nothing additional needs to be done. If you need to install it at an angle, you need to buy special elbows. The pipe is routed under the roof ridge. After that all that remains is to carry out work on the roof. You need to secure the outlet of the fan pipe, make a mortgage and put up an umbrella.

The pipe can be lined with insulation. It will ensure not only maintaining the desired temperature, but will also play the role of sound insulation. After all the work has been completed, the pipe can be covered with a box so that it is not visible. In the place where the revision is located, it is also necessary to make a hatch to provide access to it.

Alternative method - vacuum valves

Another way to ensure sewer ventilation is to install valves. But it is worth choosing this option in the case when it is technically impossible or cost-ineffective to install a fan pipe.

How does he work? The valve is equipped with a flap that is connected to a spring that has a slight resistance. When the device is closed, the airtight seal prevents air from entering. When a vacuum develops in the system, which can occur when flushing a toilet, flushing water under pressure, or draining water from washing machine pump happens automatic opening valve Then the air in the room passes through the valve into the sewage system, restoring pressure. When the balance is restored, the flap takes the reverse position, hermetically blocking the access of air. In this condition, sewer “odors” will not be able to penetrate your premises. And when the valve opens, the air flow that is sucked into the system prevents odor from leaking out.

But there are some nuances that should be taken into account when installing and using such equipment:

  • Unlike fan pipes, vacuum valves cannot ensure a complete absence of sewage odor when the siphons dry out;
  • such equipment is installed on sockets, but if for some reason it is difficult to install it there, this can be done on any horizontal section of pipes of the sewer system;
  • the main disadvantage of valves is wear rubber seals, which make it airtight;
  • The device requires periodic maintenance: if you smell a smell, you need to open it and fix the problem.

If we talk about installation, the process is simple, and, unlike installing a drain pipe, additional repair work not required. It is enough to simply connect the valve to the sewerage system and ensure good sealing junction. A regular rubber cuff is suitable for this purpose.

Non-standard methods

If your building has already been built, but you don’t want to make holes in the ceiling, you can resort to alternative methods, which do not contradict standard requirements and safety rules.

  1. Pipe installation according to external wall. This scheme is quite simple and similar to the classical system. It is necessary to install the pipe along outer wall Houses. Its diameter should be 110 mm. It cuts into the sewer, is secured with clamps to the wall and is brought out to the roof of the building. It is important not to install the pipe near windows and balconies. Externally, such a system is very similar to a drain pipe, so general form It won't ruin the house at all. But in this case it will need to be insulated, otherwise freezing is guaranteed.
  2. Installation of the system to the septic tank. This method can be considered the best option from these 3 ways. According to the rules, storage tanks and purification devices should be located 5–20 m from the home. Therefore, by providing ventilation to the septic tank, you can prevent odors from entering the house. Moreover, removing the pipe from the septic tank is easy to do both before and after building a house.
  3. Installation of the system along the fence. The installation principle is the same, the only difference is the distance of the ventilation outlet from the house.

By using such a system, you could harm your neighbors. So, if your fence is located in close proximity to neighboring houses, the sewer smell will reach them.



In order for sewer ventilation in a private house to be properly designed, you should purchase high-quality plastic pipes, which are much more economical than their iron counterparts. Light weight and ergonomic shape allow you to develop projects for a variety of sewer networks. The plastic parts of the pipeline will not be affected by the aggressive gas environment.

Pipes for ventilation in a private house, made of plastic, will not yield metal models, will even serve more efficiently.

PVC has gained the greatest popularity due to its advantages:

  • they are light and have a high degree of strength;
  • ultraviolet rays have no effect;
  • easy to maintain;
  • do not cause harm to health.

To understand whether sewer pipes can be used for ventilation, you will first need to know all the nuances before purchasing materials. The flow of air along the path of ventilation pipes in a private house will entail the penetration of contaminated particles into the room. In another option, if the pipeline is planned to be installed in an exhaust system, all harmful particles will be drawn from the inside into the external environment.

It is best to make ventilation from the components of durable and expensive plastic, which will ensure the durability of the structure. Without unevenness, as with the accumulation of dirt in iron pipes, plastic options allow oxygen to circulate freely throughout the house.

Do-it-yourself ventilation from sewer pipes can be installed in two ways: forced and natural systems. Easiest to install natural system ventilation in the house, which consists of channels passing through the house and then rising to the roof. Forced sewer ventilation in a private house requires additional costs at the installation stage, namely the purchase of fans and valves.

Types of ventilation systems

There are two common ways to construct ventilation from sewer pipes:

  • internal hood;
  • external ventilation system.

At the stage of installing an internal sewerage exhaust system in a private house, all the nuances of the room and the laying scheme are thought out in advance. Important points:

  1. The diameter of the fan (exhaust) pipe and the riser that extends it must completely match;

  1. According to the rules, the height of the vent pipe must be at least 20 cm and a maximum value of 3 meters, especially if the roof has a steep slope. In most cases, the height of the pipe is a meter above the roof;
  2. The sewer hood with pipe should be 3-4 meters away from the window or balcony;
  3. They enhance the natural draft of the hood by installing a deflector.

Ventilation of sewerage in a private house according to this scheme is possible mainly at the design stage of the building, if it has not yet been built, otherwise they proceed to the external installation option.

External ventilation is installed in three ways:

  • Using a ventilation duct from a sewer pipe, which is mounted outside the structure. The difference from simple drainpipes is that the upper end of the ventilation duct is higher than usual, and its diameter is at least 11 cm;

  • The most successful option would be to install a hood on a septic tank, which, located at a distance from the house, will relieve household members of unpleasant odors;

  • The sewer pipe hood can be located between the toilet and the septic tank.

How to arrange sewer ventilation

First, you need to decide whether ventilation will be needed for sewerage in a private house, and develop a detailed design scheme, which will depend on the number of floors and drainage points.

Ventilation in a private house from sewer pipes will prevent the penetration of a fetid odor into the structure, and if there are several risers, it is advisable to combine them into a common system.

Nuances of installing ventilation risers:

  • the exhaust pipe leading to the roof of the house must be extended at least a meter in height;
  • to avoid the formation of condensation and winter period ice plugs on the top of the ventilation pipe, you should not install a cap there;
  • When combining several systems into one, it is important to buy pipes of the same diameter of 110 mm;
  • It is strictly not recommended to connect together general ventilation in the house and sewer;
  • To avoid damage from snow or ice in winter, do not place the vent pipe under the roof overhang.

To use vent pipes for their intended purpose, the following conditions must be met:

  • installation is possible in an apartment building if the drain point is above the first floor level;
  • the size of the risers does not exceed half a meter in diameter.

If the fan pipe for ventilation in a private house is not suitable, you can choose a simpler installation method using valves, but this may reduce the efficiency of the system. Owners should understand that ventilating sewer pipes using valves does not always guarantee the absence of unpleasant odors and noise.

How to make a ventilation valve with your own hands

To prevent sewer ventilation from becoming too costly, you can build a valve in your home yourself, which is simple in design and stable in operation. An experienced specialist always has at hand the materials with which to install a sewer ventilation valve. Despite the fact that valves are inferior to vent pipes, they prevent frost from forming in the pipeline by blocking the flow of warm air from the septic tank.

The sewer ventilation valve is manufactured in several steps:

  1. To begin with, you will need a small spring mechanism (a part made from ballpoint pen), under which a 45 mm long self-tapping screw will be selected;
  2. Next, a round plastic pancake with a diameter of 50 mm is made, and a hole is drilled in the center of the circle, suitable for inserting a self-tapping screw into it;
  3. The spring in combination with the self-tapping screw must be inserted without any snags and rest against the pancake;
  4. After this, a circle of larger diameter, approximately 60 mm, is cut out of cardboard, with a hole in the center where the self-tapping screw will be inserted;
  5. Both products, a plastic pancake and a cardboard circle, are glued together;
  6. A plastic tee 100 mm in diameter is prepared in advance, into which three small holes are drilled. All three holes should not be more than 4-5 mm. You need to check the distance from the holes to the edge of the cover; it should not be more than 20 mm.

The final action is to insert a self-tapping screw into the center of the cover, which will ensure the integrity of the entire structure.

How to check if the valve is working properly

Evaluate performance ventilation valve possible after it is completely assembled. Air is released from the lid hole, which should come out evenly. If, when you inhale air, it comes out, you need to compress the spring more and tighten the screw. Such actions will relieve the owners of the faulty valve and ensure its operation, so gases from the septic tank will not enter the air duct.

Valve Application

The most important thing when installing a ventilation valve is that it ensures tightness at low pressure in the sewer. This is useful for houses with three floors, three or four rooms. In order for the incoming air to help equalize the low pressure in the pipeline, it is worth choosing a diameter of the product larger than that of the horizontal drain. This will ensure reliable drainage of waste water.

The air valve must be designed for short-term operation in public places, have the necessary power and maintain constant pressure in the general ventilation system.

With a constant air exchange of 33 to 48 liters per second, a comfortable microclimate is ensured in the house. An important indicator during installation air valve is its capacity, as well as compliance regulatory requirements. The level of throughput will depend on the number of floors of the premises: the more floors, the correspondingly higher the indicator. Most often, to achieve ventilation, the throughput must be five times higher than the capacity of the riser.

Important! For ductwork to function properly, it must meet industry regulations and standards. At the design stage of a building or when changing the arrangement of an already created room, the indicator of the ejection capacity of water, that is, the suction capacity, must be taken into account.

To prevent the appearance of a foul odor from the sewer, use a ventilation system of drain pipes or valves. These devices will not require a lengthy installation process, but will thus be effective in the overall design of the sewer system. Their installation must be carried out at the design stage of a private house.


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