The effect of alcohol on the nervous system. How alcohol affects the human nervous system. Nicotine and the nervous system

One of the most complex structures in the human body is the central nervous system. The central nervous system is responsible for the uninterrupted and correct functioning of all organs. Its main task is to receive and process external signals and messages inside the body. Thanks to this structure, a person can breathe, move, speak, drink and eat. The central nervous system controls body temperature and heart rate. It has long been known that nicotine is one of the most powerful neurotoxins. Therefore, regular use of tobacco products negatively affects the human nervous system and leads to malfunctions in its functioning. A smoker may develop neurosis and many other pathologies. Let us consider in detail the effects of tobacco on the central nervous system and ways to restore it after quitting smoking.

Ever since school, every person knows that a drop of nicotine can kill a horse. For humans, 0.3 grams of this substance will be enough. A cigarette, of course, does not contain such an amount of poison, and not all of the nicotine will enter the bloodstream when smoked. Some remains in the mouth and is later eliminated from the body through the respiratory tract or body fluids. The other half of the toxin disperses into the air. However, over time, the need to increase the dose of the harmful substance grows, and the person begins to consume more and more cigarettes.

Nicotine tends to accumulate. After a year or two, the harmful effect of smoking on the central nervous system increases several times. The accumulated components of the cigarette begin to actively disrupt complex electrochemical processes. Further, tobacco products lead to the death of neurons. These small particles are responsible for receiving, processing information and subsequently transmitting the signal to the brain.

When a person starts smoking, the nervous system is excited under the influence of nicotine. After a few puffs, the opposite effect occurs - depression of the central nervous system occurs. This happens because the toxic substance causes vasospasm. The brain sends a signal about the need for rest, muscle weakness begins, attention becomes distracted, the head stops thinking.

Thus, smoking leads to the fact that tobacco smoke becomes the main stimulant nervous system and brain. This is why smokers feel that cigarettes calm them down, help them concentrate, quickly restore strength, and increase their ability to work.

The longer the smoking period, the more destructive the effect nicotine has on the nervous system. Ultimately, it all ends with the human brain refusing to function independently and requiring another portion of poison. If for some reason the smoker cannot fulfill this request, then severe anxiety and irritability arises.

Neurasthenia as a consequence of smoking

It has been noted that people suffering from nicotine addiction often suffer from neurasthenia. This is the name of a central nervous system disorder that belongs to the group of neuroses.

This problem is considered a mental illness, characterized by the following symptoms:

  • excessive irritability;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • absent-minded attention;
  • inability to engage in mental or physical activities for a long time;
  • mood swings;
  • frequent headaches;
  • sleep problems.

Without treatment of neurasthenia, under the further influence of nicotine on the nervous system, diseases such as radiculitis, neuritis, and polyneuritis can develop. All these diseases are accompanied severe pain, cause difficulties in movement.

Nicotine has a detrimental effect on receptor sensitivity. Cigarette smoke can partially disrupt their functioning or completely block them. The defeat leads to the fact that an experienced smoker notices a deterioration in hearing, vision, touch and smell.

In addition to neurasthenia, tobacco consumption negatively affects the autonomic part of the nervous structure of the human body. Changes in the functioning of certain groups of neurons will lead to disruption of the functioning of the respiratory, digestive and heart organs.

The composition of the cigarette is especially dangerous for teenagers. Smoking is a severe stressor for a growing body. Tobacco smoke excites the nervous system, so the child becomes nervous and unbalanced. Smoking at a young age often leads to the development of hypertension.

Withdrawal syndrome

Quitting smoking leads to the fact that the nervous system, accustomed to nicotine, cannot function fully without the next dose. This causes a deterioration in the general condition.

Withdrawal syndrome has a number of signs:

  • sudden change of mood;
  • panic attack;
  • irritability;
  • nervousness;
  • anxiety;
  • increased sweating;
  • a feeling of cold, which is replaced by a rush of heat;
  • migraine;
  • depression;
  • depression;
  • problems with pulse.

The listed symptoms will be pronounced in the first weeks after quitting smoking. They will begin to disappear only after a month. Approximately 30 days are needed for the functioning of the nervous system to recover by at least 50%. Over time, processes between neurons will begin to occur with fewer deviations from the norm.

The result of such changes will be:

  • normalization of sleep;
  • calm;
  • aggression and irritability will go away;
  • the ability to distinguish smells, see and hear better will return;
  • cognitive abilities will be restored.

If you smoke for a long time, it will take at least 6 months for the nervous system to fully recover. The uniqueness of the central nervous system lies in the fact that its structure is able to quickly regenerate, so giving up cigarettes guarantees recovery.

Medicines to restore the nervous system

Medications are often required to normalize the functioning of the central nervous system. The drugs renew blood circulation and restore damaged nerve tissue.

Numerous studies have shown that antidepressants help a person quit smoking. At the same time, they will calm the nerves, relieve stress, which means that the former smoker will have a greater chance of not relapse.

To restore the central nervous system, the following is widely used in world practice:

  • Bupropion. The product was invented in 1956. Then it was patented under the name Amphebutamon. The medicine slows down the action of catecholamines. These substances are responsible for the body's response to stress. The tablets have an antidepressant effect and reduce the negative effects caused by withdrawal syndrome. In addition, the drug slows down brain activity. At the same time, the medicine does not cause weight gain;

  • Nortriptyline– a Czech drug that helps cope with depression that arises as a result of quitting smoking. The medicine is used only after consultation with a doctor. The doctor prescribes the minimum dose first. The average dosage is 75-100 milligrams per day, which is 3-4 doses of one tablet. The volume increases as necessary, but it should not exceed 150 milligrams per day. As the person gets better, the dose is gradually reduced.

TO side effects of both medications include:

  • thirst;
  • problems with urination;
  • loss in space;
  • tachycardia.

In addition, the drugs are unlikely to negatively affect sexual function and suppress libido.

Another popular antidepressant is Valdoxan. It belongs to the group of drugs that increase the content of dopamine and serotonin - joy hormones. Restoration of the central nervous system occurs due to the active component of the drug - agomelatine.

The substance acts exclusively on the nervous system and has no effect on other organs.

Other means to normalize the functioning of the central nervous system include:

  • Agomelatine. It removes anxiety, a nervous person becomes calmer, and sleep is restored. Produced in the form of tablets, there are no other forms;
  • – a drug with which the restoration of the nervous system after quitting smoking will go faster. The medicine is classified as a nootropic. The product protects nerves from damage. In addition, the use of the drug will help restore the affected areas. All thanks to the active component of the drug - citicoline, which reduces the number of free radicals. By reducing their concentration, nutrition and respiration of nerve tissues return to normal. The drug is administered intravenously or taken orally. The medicine is well absorbed gastrointestinal tract, and the remains are excreted along with urine;

  • Gliatilin has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system. The drug belongs to the group of nootropic drugs. The medicine has two active ingredients - choline and licerophosate. The first substance is released directly in the brain and improves the process of transmitting/receiving impulses. Lyceophosate acts on neuronal membranes. Both components improve blood circulation to the brain and normalize metabolism in the organ. The drug improves memory;
  • Piracetam. Helps restore concentration and attention. The drug normalizes blood circulation in the brain. The remedy renews communication between both hemispheres. Thanks to this effect of the drug, a person’s cognitive functions, which were slowed down by the cigarette, are restored. Attentiveness returns, speech becomes intelligible. The medicine is marketed in the form of capsules, tablets and injection solutions.

Doctors also prescribe the following pills to patients whose nervous system has suffered from nicotine addiction:

  • Glycine;
  • Actvagin;
  • Cytoflavin;
  • Cerebrolysin;
  • Agrenox;
  • Memoria;
  • Holitylin;
  • Cerepro;
  • Gleatser;
  • Cereton.

When a person begins to quit smoking, at first he will be very nervous, he often wants to take a cigarette, but the decision has already been made and there is no turning back. This situation negatively affects both the physical and mental state of the former smoker. Problems with sleep and panic may occur. Tranquilizers will help calm your nerves. The drug Phenazepam belongs to this group. The product relieves cramps and eliminates spasms. The tablets have a hypnotic and sedative effect.

Traditional methods of treating the nervous system

To accelerate the regeneration of the central nervous system, you can use traditional medicine, for example, a herbal decoction. This drink not only calms a person, but also suppresses the effects of nicotine.

  • thyme – 4 tablespoons;
  • motherwort – 5 spoons;
  • oregano – 5 spoons.

The herbs are mixed thoroughly. Two large spoons of raw material are poured with half a liter of boiling water and left for two hours. Then the broth is filtered and consumed one tablespoon three times a day. Over time, the dosage increases. The course of treatment is 12 days. Appointments can be renewed several times a year.

Kvass based on elecampane

Elecampane kvass will have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Making this drink is very easy. Both dry and fresh roots are suitable for it. The plant is thoroughly washed and cut. The crushed elecampane is poured into a large jar and poured warm water. You will need 2 liters of liquid. In order for fermentation to begin, yeast (5 grams) and 1 cup of sugar are added to the mixture.

Afterwards, the jar is wrapped in thick cloth and put away in a dark but warm place. The drink will ferment for 10 days. The finished kvass is filtered and stored in the refrigerator. Use the product 3 times a day, 1 spoon.

Wine infusion

Depression after quitting smoking is common. Red wine with herbs can eliminate this problem.

Before preparation and consumption folk remedies you need to make sure that there is no individual intolerance to the components in their composition.

To prepare the product you will need:

  • one root each of elecampane and angelica – 5 grams;
  • St. John's wort – 10 grams;
  • centaury – 5 grams;
  • wine – 2 liters.

The alcohol is heated on the stove and the herbs and roots are crushed. All ingredients are mixed and poured with hot wine. The drink is infused for 12 hours in a saucepan, then poured into a jar with transparent glass. Take 20 milliliters after meals.

Peace of mind and tranquility can be restored with the help of lemon tincture. The product is prepared as follows:

  1. One large spoon of dried motherwort is added to the lemon pulp;
  2. The resulting mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water;
  3. The medicine is infused for 12 hours. It is advisable that this process take place in a glass container. After straining, the drink is ready.

It is recommended to consume half a large spoon 3 times a day. Most the right time for administration - the first minutes after eating.

Pine decoction has a similar effect. Young pine needles are boiled in fatty milk. During cooking conifer tree releases all the essential oils and produces healing nectar. Drink 4 tablespoons of pine milk 3 times a day.

For full-fledged work The central nervous system needs a balanced diet. It is important that a person consumes foods that contain amino acids.

The diet of a former smoker should include:

  • bananas;
  • milk;
  • fatty fish;
  • eggs;
  • greenery;
  • strawberries;
  • tomatoes;
  • nuts;
  • flour products.

If a person has become nervous, then breathing exercises will help to put emotions in order. It is best to conduct classes on fresh air. Exercise renews blood flow, restores nutrition to nerve tissue, thereby elevating mood and improving cognitive abilities.

Adequate sleep is of considerable importance. For normal functioning of the central nervous system, a person must sleep 8 hours. Walking, especially in the evening, reading positive books, and listening to music will also contribute to the restoration of the central nervous system.

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The autonomic nervous system (ANS) regulates the functions of human internal organs. It has control over digestion, urination, sexual arousal, breathing and heart rate. This system is responsible for study skills and many things related to our internal organs. Her work is based on reflexes and unconscious actions. For example, a person does not command the heart to beat faster during stress; this is done by the autonomic nervous system. It is supposed to have no external influences and is considered a natural reaction of the body.

Is there a connection with consciousness?

First, let's define the factors that modern science associated with human consciousness: intention, observation, perception, thoughts and measurement. Previously, experts have proven that factors associated with consciousness can influence human physical systems. This is why some advanced scientists have suggested that there is some kind of relationship between consciousness and the ANS.

Effect on the immune system

We all know that a smoothly functioning immune system protects us from the harmful effects of pathogenic microorganisms. If this system fails, a person may develop autoimmune diseases. But the immune system is controlled by the ANS, which is why it is officially believed that we cannot control the processes of these systems. The only thing we can do is do everything in our power to boost our immunity. However, intensive care researchers Dr. Matthews Cox and Peter Pickers conducted an interesting experiment. The study revealed a person's ability to influence the autonomic immune system through the power of the mind.

Meet the Iceman

The Dutchman Wim Hof, nicknamed the Iceman, participated in the experiment as a volunteer. The extreme sportsman surprised and interested many scientists when he was able to immerse his body in a container of ice and remain there for two hours straight. The power of meditation helped the Dutchman with this.
Scientists were also surprised by the fact that during the entire time that Hof was in a container with ice, his body temperature did not change a single degree. It turns out that a person with powerful intellectual abilities, forced his body not to obey external factors and not to become hypothermic. This means that human consciousness plays an important role in our body’s reactions to certain situations or the occurrence of illnesses.

Other achievements of Wim Hof

An even more incomprehensible demonstration of the powers of one's own mind was carried out by Wim Hof ​​a little later. A brave Dutch extreme climber climbed Everest wearing only his underpants. There he was able to resist mountain sickness (a disease associated with oxygen deprivation). However, the Iceman loves to test his body's strength even in unbearable heat. He was able to complete a marathon in the Namib Desert without using a drop of water. And, of course, Hof gave his consent to participate in various laboratory experiments, which showed that the Dutchman controls the autonomic nervous and immune systems of his own free will.

The conclusion of the experiments is jeopardized

So, earlier this was considered completely impossible. But now we know the great importance of meditation or extreme concentration. Here is an extract from the medical center of the University of Nijmegen: “All the results obtained are derived only on the basis of studying the capabilities of one individual.
Therefore, this cannot provide scientific evidence for the hypothesis that the autonomic nervous system and immune response of the body can be controlled through concentration or meditation." In other words, scientists have too few volunteers at their disposal.

How does the immune system respond to bacterial invasion?

However, let's take a closer look at the scientific experiments in which Hof participated. The researchers injected the Dutchman with endotoxin, which is essentially a dead component of the bacterial cell wall. However, after the substance enters the human body, the immune system reacts to it in the same way as if real living bacteria had settled in the body: it instantly reacts to the invasion. U ordinary people with such a picture, a flu-like illness actually develops, since the reaction of the immune system is caused by the production of inflammatory mediators.

Reaction to endotoxin

The scientists assured the volunteer that this experiment was completely safe. Indeed, by that time, about 240 tests had been carried out in laboratory conditions: previously, the medical center had already carried out “injections” of endotoxin into healthy people. As a result of a similar experiment with Wim Hof, scientists discovered a completely different reaction than in previous experiments. After the dead bacterial cells entered the Iceman's body, he began to work with his own consciousness, using attention, mental power and meditation. At this very time, scientists measured the man’s brain activity, monitored the appearance of inflammatory mediators in the blood, and also observed the behavior of the autonomic activity of the nervous system.

What are the true capabilities of the human mind?

As a result, scientists discovered the following. Hof's blood levels of the stress hormone cortisol were much higher than in previous subjects. Experts say that cortisol is produced in response to an increase in the autonomic activity of the nervous system and suppresses the immune response.

But the levels of inflammatory mediators in the Iceman’s blood were lower than those of participants in previous experiments. The researchers found that on average, Hof's immune response was reduced by half compared to other healthy volunteers. He didn't even have the symptoms that come with the flu.


The results of this study are seen by scientists as very promising. However, in order to issue a complete conclusion, a certain group of volunteers is needed who can also skillfully control their own consciousness, maintain concentration and master the technique of meditation. Otherwise, one person's ability may be considered an exception to general rule. But scientists refuse to believe this. They see great potential in such experiments and are eager to prove to the whole world that human consciousness is capable of influencing the autonomic nervous system

Is your stomach churning again? Has herpes popped up on your lip? “It’s all nerves,” you will tell yourself and happily forget about it, rushing to the pharmacy to buy medicine for your ailments. But in fact, there was some truth in your words. Scientists and doctors have long proven that most various diseases are the result of severe nervous shock, stress and depression.

How nerves affect health

Our physiological state largely depends on our nerves, and you yourself have confirmed this more than once in practice when, after quarreling with your husband, friend or relative, you noticed how hard your heart was beating, and some kind of lump settled in your throat. Mental factors greatly influence our well-being, but few will notice the connection between a reprimand at work in the morning and an attack of vegetative-vascular dystonia in the evening.

There is even a separate science that explains how negative emotions affect our health - psychosomatics. Adherents of this science are convinced that the vast majority of diseases arise as a consequence of mental disorders. Accordingly, it is necessary to treat not only the disease that has arisen, but also to deal with the nerves.

Having realized what exactly was the cause of the illness, changing his worldview and starting new life, a person, despite all the bad prognosis, is often cured of a disease that has tormented him for years and forced him to swallow an incredible amount of pills. This may be the result of a psychosomatic approach to treating an illness.

However, in most cases, people do not pay attention to their nerves, continue to take pills, undergo surgery and do not even try to think about the help of a psychotherapist. In their opinion, it is better to go to some fortune teller or healer who uses chamomile to treat all diseases than to trust a specialist.

Mechanism of development of psychosomatic diseases

When developing a disease based on nerves, the memory of the disease plays an important role. Once having experienced mental trauma and falling ill for this reason, the body will remember this situation. Then, having experienced similar sensations again, he will reflexively trigger a psychosomatic illness. Such triggers of the disease will be repeated every time until the person understands why the real reason his troubles. If independent understanding is impossible, then in this case you should use the services of a psychotherapist. Indeed, it is much easier for people to think that the cause of illness is anything but nerves, because putting your nervous system in order is not at all easy.

It is clear that the help of a psychotherapist does not at all guarantee that the disease will recede. Chronic illness, for example, diabetes mellitus or arthrosis, cannot be cured by psychological methods alone. Therefore, you still have to resort to traditional medicine. However, restoring the nervous system will make it easier to endure the disease and become the best medicine, which will provide long-term remission.

However, the disease can also arise in other ways. psychological reason- unsatisfied need. In total, experts identify 4 basic human needs:

  1. Nutritional need - the need for food, social benefits, money. If a person cannot satisfy nutritional needs, then he may develop gastrointestinal diseases.
  2. The need for security is associated with the desire to have protection, one’s own territory. In this case, the blood vessels, heart, and respiratory organs will be susceptible to diseases.
  3. The need for sex. Dissatisfaction on the love front leads to impotence in men and the inability to experience orgasm in women.
  4. Parental need is the desire to take care of children, parents, and pets. In this case, diseases develop digestive system, hypertension, depression, etc.

However, remember that there are also diseases that have nothing to do with nerves. These include hereditary diseases, injuries, burns, infectious diseases and diseases associated with unhealthy lifestyle. If your illness cannot be attributed to either an infection or a genetic illness, then you can safely make an appointment with a psychotherapist.

“Nerve cells don’t regenerate.” Recently, this phrase has become a kind of symbol of modernity. But it has very little to do with the truth. In fact, our entire body is permeated with a million nerve fibers. Their length is equal to the distance from the moon to the sun and back, that is, about a billion meters. They have the ability to regenerate, but it is very weak, only about 1 mm per day (but still have it).

In every organ, part of the body, etc. there are nerve endings and, accordingly, nerve fibers. Controls them all main body- our brain. This is where all our problems gather. And it is he who is responsible for the functioning of all our organs and the nervous system in particular.

But, surprisingly, the more pleasant worries and interests you have, the easier it is for your nervous system to cope with stress. For example, write down all your interests on a piece of paper (this could include your loved ones, pets, hobbies, etc.), the longer this list is, the easier it is for you to experience stressful situations. This is due human ability to, a kind of “switching” (when troubles appear in one area, you “switch” to another, etc.).

It’s great if you have close people in your life; they are the ones who help reduce (or mitigate) stressful situations. And the more there are, the easier it is for you to experience them. Unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to receive outside support and, as a result, an increasing breakdown of the nervous system.

Manifestations of nervous disorder

CNS disorders are not only standard:
  • Irritability for any reason or without it;
  • Anger (sometimes unfounded);
  • Increased excitability, etc.
Doctors identify symptoms such as:
  • Dizziness;
  • Insomnia (sometimes chronic);
  • Depression;
  • Chronic fatigue;
  • Dependence on weather conditions;
  • Various degrees of neurasthenia;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Stuttering;
  • Regular headaches;
  • Pinched or inflammation of nerves (facial or ternary), etc.
In addition to the above, there are a number of diseases that affect the nervous system (for example, some diseases of the thyroid gland or concussions).

Of course, there are people who are irritable from birth, but for the most part this is an acquired rather than an innate condition.

And each person has their own manifestations of the disorder, for example, some constantly walk from window to door and back, or bite their nails, tear paper, endlessly sharpen pencils, etc. All this is a reason to turn to a specialist for help.

What has a beneficial effect on our nervous system?

To have a strong nervous system, you need to regularly pamper it with positive emotions. Find time to have a good time as often as possible. And it doesn’t matter at all whether it’s cross-stitching or replanting plants, the main thing is that it brings you pleasure.

TO enjoyable activities Love joys can also be included. Because sex causes an explosion of emotions and provokes a powerful production of endorphins, which have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system.

Positive stress (for example, falling in love) is also beneficial for the nerves. Such states cause a feeling of euphoria and bliss (especially when seeing the object of desire). All this has a great effect on the state of the nervous system.


Sturdy and healthy sleep this is something that our nervous system really likes. She will be very grateful to you for such care, and at this time she will recover. At the same time, sleep time is individual for each person - for some, 6-7 hours is enough, but for others, eight hours is not enough. So listen carefully to your body and give it as much sleep as it needs.

Physical training

Physical exercise(even in mild form) have a beneficial effect on many body functions:
  • Improvement physical fitness(strengthening bone tissue, ligaments, joints, uniform development of muscle tissue) due to which there is a kind of protection against injuries dangerous to the central nervous system;
  • Strengthening metabolic processes;
  • Improved mood;
  • When you exercise in the morning, you get a boost of energy for the whole day.
Physical education and the functioning of the nervous system were not ignored. When playing sports, there is a powerful release of endorphins, and they are a natural “rescuer” from stress. Therefore, even performing simple exercises on a daily basis will protect your nerves.

Air baths and walks

Walking in the fresh air and even just being outside (preferably away from the city) has a beneficial effect on brain function. Because, despite its small size relative to the entire body (only about 2%), it absorbs oxygen many times more than all other organs (about 18%).

Change of occupations

For good functioning of the central nervous system, a regular change of activities is simply necessary, that is, a transition from physical to mental labor. Monotony is extremely undesirable, so take care of diversity in activities.


Despite all its whims, our nervous system is not picky when it comes to food:
  • Porridge (oatmeal and buckwheat are especially useful);
  • Beans and legumes;
  • Bread (preferably coarsely ground);
  • Fish and fish products (including fish fat);
  • Meat products;
  • By-products (heart, lungs, kidneys, etc.);
  • Porcini mushrooms (dried ones are especially important).
All these products are high in B vitamins, as well as nicotinic acid, which has a particularly beneficial effect on normal operation neurons.

What is detrimental to the central nervous system.

In rare cases, our nervous system is able to cope on its own if it is given enough time to do so, but chronic stressful conditions pose a huge danger to the central nervous system and can easily turn into neuroses of varying degrees.


Noise is a real scourge for city dwellers. It seems that you can get used to everything, both to the excess of information and to the noise of city streets, but this is not entirely true. Our central nervous system reacts sharply to external stimuli, and even if you don’t notice any extraneous noise, rest assured that the nervous system is already reacting. The same can be applied to television. Many people are so accustomed to television noise that they love to fall asleep to its monotonous hubbub. Meanwhile, this is extremely undesirable for the nerves. Try to wean yourself from this bad habit.


Ticks pose a particular danger to the nervous system (especially encephalitic ones, infecting with a dangerous disease that affects the nervous system). Their time is from spring until autumn. Therefore, when going outdoors, take precautions - dress in such a way as to prevent these blood-sucking creatures from entering your body or get the appropriate vaccination.


This might seem funny if it weren't so sad. An inconspicuous pimple may well cause a problem such as a brain abscess, and this is a real threat to life. Therefore, do not try to squeeze or influence in other ways such a seemingly insignificant detail. Monitor the condition of your skin through basic hygiene.

ENT diseases and teeth

Infections are insidious; sometimes, in order to get to vital organs, they choose detours, reaching their intended target through blood vessels. It penetrates the brain (to its membranes) and transforms into purulent meningitis. All this is possible if the disease or inflammation is seriously triggered (inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, ear diseases and dental infections). However, it also happens that the disease itself actively progresses, making it impossible to take timely measures.


Common diseases such as ARVI or influenza can also cause central nervous system disorders. The infection penetrates the body and makes a forced attack on all fronts. As a result, we get consequences in the form of weakness, headaches, aching joints and active work of the sweat glands. In such a situation, it is especially dangerous for our central nervous system to transfer the disease to a non-resting state, that is, on the legs. Do not expose her to unnecessary stress; ensure yourself absolute peace and deep sleep if possible. And thus, you will provide an invaluable service to your body and nervous system in particular.

Blows, bruises and concussions

Despite the fact that the brain, like a fortress surrounded by powerful towers, is closed on all sides by the skull, you should not play with fire and test its strength. Do not forget that your brain is surrounded by fragile blood vessels and even a slight blow is enough to cause serious consequences. If we talk about blows and bruises, then the blood supply to the damaged area is disrupted, hematomas appear and hemorrhages occur. Depending on the complexity of the damage manifested, the consequences can be disastrous - mental disorders, paralysis and even death.

It is also necessary to know that a concussion is not necessarily preceded by a blow to the head; for this, it is quite enough to fall unsuccessfully on the tailbone and through it (along the spine) the blow can reach the brain.

Another nuance is that it is not always possible to correctly diagnose a concussion. It happens that such an injury goes unnoticed and appears only after some time (sometimes up to several years). Therefore, if you accidentally fell and the landing was not entirely successful, this is a reason to contact a specialist.


The sun itself does not pose any great danger. Sunstroke is a completely different matter. Avoid overheating and prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. Otherwise, you risk exposing your central nervous system to real danger, from the consequences of which it may not recover. The result can be vegetative-vascular dystonia and this is with the most favorable outcome.

In addition to the recommendations described, there are a lot of means and techniques, both for prevention and for stabilizing the functioning of the nervous system. One of the most effective ways– auto-training technique. Its essence lies in psychological adjustment by pronouncing certain phrases and expressions out loud. It is advisable that light soothing music be played at this time. You can come up with phrases yourself, for example: “I am calm, I am completely calm.” At the same time, try to relax and imagine yourself in some pleasant place, for example on the seashore, imagine how the wind sways your curls and the sun tickles your skin with soft rays.

This may seem like a futile action. But it actually works. After all, we are what we believe in. Don’t be discouraged if you don’t succeed the first time, after some time everything will work out and you will be surprised by the effect. True, in case of serious disorders this technique is useless. In this case, it is more prudent to seek help from specialists.

Medications to strengthen the nervous system

Let us repeat, in case of serious disorders, specialized help is necessary, otherwise you risk aggravating the situation. But if the degree of disorder of your nervous system is not too great, it is quite possible to do without prescription drugs. In pharmacy chains huge selection. Most of them are quite effective. But you should not get too carried away with increasing the recommended dosage.
  • Novo-Passit;
  • Barboval;
  • Valocardine;
  • Afobazole;
  • Persen Forte;
  • Adaptol and many others.
If nervousness is not too pronounced, you can get by with taking valerian (in any form). This is one of the most gentle drugs.

When taking drugs of this group, it should be taken into account that they somewhat dull the reaction and therefore are not recommended for use by people with increased risks in the professional field (for example, drivers). The usual course of treatment is 10 to 14 days. Read all this and much more (for example, compatibility with other medications) in the instructions for use. Don't do anything reckless. Not only your health, but even your life may depend on this.

Melissa and mint

These two herbs are famous for their sedative effects. You can make tea from one of them or in combination. To do this, take three teaspoons of the herb and pour half a glass of boiling water. Cover with a lid or saucer and leave for about ten minutes. This tea should be taken three times a day. If you add honey, the effect of tea as a sleeping pill will increase. It may seem that the dose of herb is too high, but this is not at all the case. For maximum effect The dosage should be exactly like this.

Baths with lemon balm (can be combined with mint) also have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. To prepare it you will need 50-60 g of grass and 1 liter of water. Make a decoction of these ingredients (just bring to a boil, leave for 10-15 minutes), strain and add to a filled bath (200 l). The recommended procedure time is 10-20 minutes.


This amazing herb is not only used as a seasoning, it is an excellent antioxidant. Among other things, it is successfully used to improve memory. Essential oils This herb relieves stress, improves concentration and relieves anxiety.

St. John's wort

St. John's wort is an excellent antidepressant. A decoction of it is taken in the presence of neurasthenia (mild forms), increased nervous excitability and depression. You can use not only decoctions; preparations based on St. John's wort have also proven themselves to be excellent.


IN in this case we're talking about about the evasive peony. As in the case of St. John's wort, you can use both decoctions and medicinal forms. Effective for migraines, insomnia, neurasthenia. After full course After taking this medication, there is an increase in performance, a general improvement in well-being and stabilization of mood.

Against the background of chronic gastritis, nervous tension can provoke a stomach ulcer. When nerves are at their limit, various cardiac dysfunctions often occur.

There are many similar examples. “Classical” psychosomatic diseases, in the development of which disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system play an important role, are considered to be: hypertension, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, bronchial asthma. Recently, another “dark side” of nervous tension was discovered: scientists found that stress weakens the protective functions of the skin, making it practically defenseless against microbes.

This conclusion was reached by employees of the University of San Francisco under the leadership of Professor of Medicine Kenneth Feingold. As a result of a series of experiments carried out by scientists, it turned out that experiences not only violate normal functioning skin, but also affect its structure.

The experiment was carried out on a special breed of laboratory mice, characterized by the absence of hair. In order to test their theory, the researchers kept the animals in suspense: a bright light was on in their cages for two days, and a radio was constantly playing in the room where the experiment took place.

After such a difficult test for the mice, a strain of staphylococcus bacteria was applied to their skin. A week later, the rodents developed a more serious infection. A similar pattern has been found in humans.

However, this is far from full list diseases. Thus, Swiss scientists have found that nervous tension causes considerable harm to dental health.

Fifty medical students participated in the study. Psychologists and dentists from Zurich carefully studied the teeth and psyche of young people. They were divided into two groups. Representatives of the first spent a month preparing for a difficult session, while participants of the second attended regular classes.

Experts were able to find out that the feeling of anxiety negatively affects the condition of teeth and gums: almost all students from the first group had worsened oral health, and some had inflamed gums. Students from the second group were able to maintain the condition of their teeth and oral cavity unchanged.

Based on the results of the study, scientists hypothesized that during times of stress, people clench their teeth more often. It was this factor that was the main cause of the harm he caused.

And scientists from the USA have found that severe nervous tension affects a person’s weight. The more nervous and worried a man or woman is, the greater the likelihood of extra pounds.

Research has shown that stress has a direct impact on a person's body mass index. Moreover, the weight of a man and a woman can change to a greater or lesser extent depending on the area of ​​life in which they are experiencing problems.

Thus, women most often gain weight if they have financial troubles, difficulties at work or in the family. But men begin to gain excess weight if they lose authority in the work team.

Observations also allowed scientists to conclude that weight changes under the influence of stress in fat people more noticeable than those of slender people.

But, fortunately, there is a way to deal with stress. Resist nervous tension and B vitamins help our body fight its consequences.

You can get the vitamins your nerves need from food without taking supplements. To do this, you need to eat large quantities of rice, but not just any rice, but only coarse brown rice, bread - only coarse grain, pasta - only high-quality durum wheat.

However, most of us prefer White bread- it is softer and more delicate in taste, white rice and regular pasta - they just cost less. It is impossible to get enough B vitamins in such a situation. Taking brewer's yeast in this case - great option, because they contain the maximum range of B vitamins.

Remember that the simultaneous action of B vitamins is much more effective and efficient than each one separately.
