Types, fuel consumption and choice of gas stove for heating a private home. Gas stoves: where they are suitable, homemade moments, choice, evolution Gas stove with a cylinder for the home

Each factor plays a big role. Therefore, it is important to plan the matching of installation parts carefully. The heating system includes thermostats, a connection system, air vents, manifolds, batteries, fasteners, an expansion tank, boiler pipes, and pressure-increasing pumps. On this page of the Internet project we will try to determine the necessary structural components for the desired cottage. The home heating system has important devices.

With the onset of cold weather, every dacha owner decides to organize the heating process. And the owner of the dacha solves several important problems - this is a matter of safety, economy, personal taste and, of course, common sense.

After all, most heating systems cost a lot of money, and a dacha does not always need constant heating. Optimal choice will become a practical gas stove for the dacha. In addition, heating gas models for home use, they are safe due to the fact that gas liquefaction occurs without flame.

The cottage will be heated thanks to the special operating principle of the furnace, where the process of gas oxidation occurs on a gas panel, due to which a large amount of heat is released.

Also, gas stoves do not burn oxygen and are not affected by periodic voltage changes. But what type of heating stove to choose for your home will depend on the characteristics of each type.

From burner to boiler - differences and advantages of types of stoves

When choosing the optimal heating model for yourself, remember that the device can run on fuel different types– liquefied gas (it is supplied in standard cylinders and all types of heaters operate on it) and natural gas (used only in those furnaces where special removal of combustion products is required).

The first fuel option is the most rational for the home, cottage or bathhouse, and the second is used most often on an industrial scale.

1. The most popular gas stove that is purchased for a summer residence is a gas burner. This device is very simple; it consists of a heat exchanger, a fan, a casing and a burner. The heat is transferred to the air by a heat exchanger, and the liquefied gas is supplied to the burner, where it combines with oxygen. This is how the heating process occurs, after which warm air“transmitted” to the room using a fan.

  • The burner can heat up to 60 square meters. m area.
  • The power of the burner depends on its size and can be up to 3000 W.
  • The disadvantage of this type of stove is that high-power burners can dry out the air.

By the way, he uses gas burners to heat bathhouses, since this fuel is more economical than firewood and electricity, and more convenient to use - just light the burner and you can go into the bathhouse in an hour. For bathing procedures, a 2000 W gas burner will be sufficient.

You can purchase powerful 3 kW gas burners for the bathhouse, but for heating stoves at home, use less “gluttonous” ones. True, if you look at the reviews of such models, the burners can only cope with small rooms baths and “lose” heat quite quickly.

Burners are only suitable for quick bath procedures. You can buy burners for a bath for 100 USD. and the price of a gas burner for a summer house starts at $30. The cost will depend on the level of fuel consumption and burner power.

Gas convector oven

This heating model is popular with dacha owners due to its rational power and mobility. It is these two parameters that are noted by all reviews of convector models. Convectors can operate on both natural and bottled gas. Their main advantages:

  • High power – up to 6000 W
  • Simple installation and the ability to move the device to any room
  • Efficient heating up to 80 sq. meters
  • The presence of a thermostat that regulates the intensity of gas supply depending on the set temperature level (you can set temperature regime from +10 to 38 degrees)

This heating stove can be made in two modifications - closed and open camera combustion. Closed stove models are equipped with an additional chimney that removes combustion products; open stoves are models that look like a fireplace and have an open combustion chamber.

This heating stove is installed on the floor. What do reviews say about convector models? For example, a review from Vladislav from Astrakhan: “Tests have shown that this gas thing heats well, it feels like it delivers the stated 4 kW power.

The thermostat is excellent - it allows you to maintain the temperature of the house up to +30 degrees, although it smokes a little, I’ve been looking for the reason for a week now, I think it’s a gas pressure problem.” These gas stoves are also practical from a financial point of view - simple model with a power of 2 kW will cost from $55, but designer heating stoves with an open combustion chamber can be purchased for $50. It won’t work, since they can cost as much as 500 USD.

3. Convection gas ovens - these heating devices are designed for cottages with an area of ​​up to 350 square meters and operate according to simple principle. Here, the lower calorific value is used, that is, the heating of the rooms of the house occurs due to the amount of heat that is generated in the process of complete combustion of the gas.

Convection appliances have several advantages:

  • Minimum level of heat loss.
  • A variety of modifications that allow you to choose a model for any dacha, be it 40 square meters or 250.
  • Availability of protection functions in case of an emergency.
  • Possibility of automatic temperature adjustment.

Convection models also have their drawback - most ovens have a low power of up to 1000 W. True, reviews from consumers of such stoves note low power as an advantage - the device saves fuel.

Convection heating stoves are also convenient because they can be installed on the wall, thereby increasing the heating area of ​​the house. There are, of course, models that are installed on the floor or a special platform, but such a convection oven is more industrial than “home”, since it has a power of several MW.

As for the price of devices, convection heating models will cost more than other stoves. Their price starts from 310 USD. but the most expensive stove can be bought for $1,500. As a rule, the cost will directly depend on the additional functions and power of the furnace.

Five criteria for choosing a gas furnace

To choose a practical and economical model for heating your dacha, pay attention to several criteria:

And one more thing - when permanent residence at the dacha, it is best to buy convection models with additional functions safety - the heating furnace can automatically reduce the gas supply if the oxygen level is low or turn off the supply at a critical level of the device's inclination.

Source: http://homebuild2.ru/otoplenie/gazovye-pechi-dlya-dachi.html

Source: http://aquagroup.ru/articles/gazovye-pechi-otopleniya.html

Have you studied the market carefully? heating systems, listened to the opinions of experts, read reviews and decided to install it at home gas heating stoves. Then you should find out in more detail what these heating stoves consist of.

The most important figure in a gas heating system is the heat generator, or, in other words, the boiler.

Boilers are divided into the following types:

  • Single-circuit boilers;
  • Double-circuit boilers.

Single-circuit boilers are used only for space heating, while double-circuit boilers are intended for both room heating and water heating.

The boiler elements are a heat exchanger and gas burners for heating; they constantly interact with each other.

Gas burners are inflatable and atmospheric.

Atmospheric burners operate exclusively on gas, while inflatable burners operate on both gas and liquid fuel.

Gas heating stoves may include a gas water heater for heating. It is necessary to heat water. When purchasing it, pay attention to its power and the ability to control gas consumption, water flow, its method of igniting gas and its reducer to maintain constant gas pressure.

In addition, gas heating furnaces include circulation pumps, a combustion process control unit, blocking and protection systems, pressure and temperature sensors.

Gas heating furnaces are ignited using a pilot burner. Instructions for its use must be provided by the manufacturer.

Remember. If the burner does not light within the first five seconds, turn off the stove, ventilate the room and try again. If this fails again, contact your supplier.

From us you can order boilers produced by one of the leading European manufacturers, the Swedish concern STS. Every year the plant produces more than 20,000 boilers with a capacity of 10 to 200 kW, running on liquid fuel, gas, electricity, coal and wood.

To heat a summer cottage with seasonal residence, using a conventional brick stove is not always convenient because of its bulkiness. A good option is a gas stove that can operate on both main and liquefied gas.

Design Features

The internal structure of gas furnaces is very similar to conventional boilers. The only difference is how the operation occurs: unlike the boiler, there is no pipeline system connected to the furnace. This allows you to get a very convenient way to heat your home. If necessary, the temperature in the house can be raised very quickly without the risk of defrosting the coolant circuit.

A gas stove for a summer residence, operating from main or bottled fuel, includes a housing, a firebox with a burner and a heating panel. Devices designed for liquefied gas are installed in small houses. There is not enough power to heat large areas. Natural gas heaters are capable of operating in various modes - both continuous and temporary. The operation of such a furnace is based on heating the walls of the firebox due to gas combustion. The air that supports combustion enters through the ash pan. The upper area of ​​the firebox is equipped with a chimney designed to remove combustion products.

Benefits of using gas

Modern gas heaters for cottages and country houses are energy efficient heating systems. The strengths of this heating option come from the characteristics of the fuel used and the specific operation of the equipment.

Gas heating has the following undeniable advantages:

  • Environmental friendliness. It can be said without exaggeration that at present gas furnaces and boilers have no equal in terms of safety and environmental friendliness. For example, solid fuel analogues are much more toxic.
  • High efficiency. Even more low temperatures do not interfere with gas stoves efficiently heating homes.
  • Economical. This is especially noticeable in gasified areas where there is direct access to main gas. In cases where there is no gas pipeline, there is an option with liquefied fuel in cylinders. Heating costs from this option remain just as insignificant.
  • Easy to use. Having accomplished correct installation and connecting the device, in the future you don’t have to worry about its proper operation.
  • Reliability and durability. Manufacturers of gas furnaces provide a guarantee for their products for 10 - 12 years. Judging by user reviews, in practice this period is noticeably longer.

Along with strengths stoves for summer cottages, gas stoves also have certain disadvantages:

  • Expensive. The cheapness of gas as a fuel is somewhat offset by the high cost of equipment.
  • Difficulty of installation. They should only be carried out by qualified specialists, because... The slightest mistake can cause a serious accident. It’s good if the matter only ends with the heater failing. Sometimes there are cases where premises and people suffer due to a domestic gas explosion.

Homemade stoves for a summer residence

One of the serious stopping factors, which is why many users do not dare to acquire a convenient gas stove, is the high cost of such equipment. However, if you have certain skills in construction, this problem can be solved by reconstructing a conventional wood-burning stove made of brick. The conversion process itself is not very complicated: you need to put a burner in the firebox and make changes to the design of the chimney. This will allow you to switch to continuous operation to maintain a stable temperature in the house.

Thanks to additional installation automation kit transforms the once primitive oven into an autonomous one heating device. If suddenly traction will disappear, the temperature will rise sharply or there will be interruptions in the gas supply, the fuses will trip and the furnace will stop working. The main difficulty of this constructive solution lies in the labor-intensive process of remaking the chimney.

For the technical possibility of supplying gas, it is necessary to ensure high-quality removal of combustion products in accordance with the requirements of the gas service. Whether it is necessary to start such a complex enterprise at a dacha with seasonal residence is decided by the owner of the house himself. Judging by practical experience, it is more convenient to equip such houses with ready-made models.

What should a chimney look like?

When connecting chimneys to gas equipment, the following recommendations must be observed:

  1. The chimney can operate no more than two appliances. If two gas units are switched, they must be placed on different levels relative to each other at a distance of 50 cm.
  2. If both devices are located on the same level, cuts are installed in the chimney.
  3. The diameter of the smoke exhaust pipe should not be smaller than the cross-section of the connecting pipe.
  4. If you need to connect several devices, when determining the cross-section, it is assumed that all units will be turned on simultaneously.
  5. The pipe must be lined to protect it from condensation: it has a destructive effect on brickwork. This is done by installing a stainless pipe inside.
  6. Preference should be given to a cylindrical or oval chimney shape. As for square structures, they are not able to create effective traction necessary for proper operation of gas equipment.
  7. The chimney pipe should only be located in a vertical position: there should be no protrusions on it. It is allowed to make a slight slope (up to 30 degrees), subject to strict adherence to the cross-section of the entire structure.

Prohibitions from SNiP:

  • Porous materials cannot be used to make a chimney.
  • It is prohibited to lay the pipe in residential or non-residential premises with poor ventilation.

Repairing the chimney of a typically wood-burning stove usually requires some serious effort.

Features of operation

If you connect a ready-made model to the main line, it can be used immediately. When it comes to alterations from a wood-burning stove, you have to take into account some nuances. The fact is that burning wood involves circulation flue gases through the outlet channels: in this case, heat transfer occurs. Thus, the air in the room heats up as the stove itself heats up.

As a result of reconstruction, the chimney is deprived of all internal channels, which causes a decrease in heat accumulation. At first glance, this should lead to a decrease in efficiency. However, as experience shows, the efficiency of even such a homemade gas stove is an order of magnitude higher than modern solid fuel appliances. The same goes for gas oven for a summer residence with a cylinder. The reason is the fact that the firebox is able to burn constantly, without pauses for loading fuel.

Factory products

Although converting an ordinary brick wood-burning stove for gas is a completely doable task, it is recommended to purchase ready-made products. Fortunately, manufacturers of such equipment offer a huge range to choose from. Each of the models has its own characteristics. A common feature of all devices of this type is ease of operation. Strictly speaking, to start using a finished stove, you only need to connect it to a gas pipe (or cylinder) and connect the chimney.

In cases where retrofitting brick chimney wood stove is problematic, it can be replaced coaxial chimney. These heating structures can be installed even in city apartments. Such products are characterized by some high cost: this is fully compensated by their efficiency and ease of operation.

Both heat-intensive and non-heat-intensive models are available for sale. The first option will be great solution for a dacha that is visited irregularly in winter. This type of stove accumulates heat at the same level as a conventional wood stove. Cooling of the heated surface usually takes place within 4 – 12 hours, depending on the model. As for non-heat-intensive stoves, these are the same potbelly stoves, only gas-powered. For such a device to work, a flame must be constantly burning in it.

Gas heater - heater

Like electric convectors, gas heaters are equipped with automation. It monitors the operation of the equipment, maintaining optimal temperature conditions. Most often they are used in small dachas area up to 60 m2. Gas heaters are characterized by safety and efficiency, which allows high speed heat the home, maintaining it at the desired temperature. At the same time, they do not need constant supervision, because... in the event of critical situations, the equipment simply turns off.

Gas stoves for heating a home are sometimes the only solution to the issue of warmth and comfort in the room. A stationary or portable version of the heater will be able to quickly and evenly gain temperature, and if it is additionally lined with brick, you have a reliable and productive unit that can compete with other types of heaters.


Features of gas stoves for summer cottages

Such stoves are the most practical and economical after those operating on solid fuel. Refuel gas cylinder possible for any gas station, and the level of performance of the latest infrared and other types of heaters exceeds classic stoves.

Gas-fired stoves use a burner flame mounted in the combustion chamber. By design, gas furnaces are similar to wood-burning units.


But here you can install a system for automatically adjusting the operation of the heating device. This feature allows you to further save fuel and maintain a constant temperature in the room.

By installing a container for heating water on the stove, we get the opportunity to install a water heating system. Gas stoves are good for everyone for heating a home, but the most suitable option remains to buy combined devices, capable of operating on several types of fuel.

Advantages and disadvantages

Many experts argue about these types of heating devices and the advisability of installing them in a country house. For us, consumers, knowledge of all the positive and negative qualities of such structures is required:

  • By concluding an agreement with the gas service, you do not have to fill the cylinders with fuel yourself, and interruptions in the operation of the heating device are eliminated;
  • in comparison with electricity, the cost of gas is much lower;
  • modern designs allow significant fuel savings while maintaining power and thermal energy productivity;
  • the operation of the equipment can be fully automated and controlled mobile phone on distance;
  • After burning fuel, only carbon dioxide, so you won’t have to clean it of soot.

Quite controversial disadvantages include:


Heat capacity level

Gas heating stoves differ in the level of heat capacity. This depends on the ability of the structure to accumulate heat. They can be carried out under the condition of continuous or periodic operation of the equipment.

  • Furnaces with a constant heating cycle are made with thin walls and cannot accumulate thermal energy. But such devices are able to quickly and evenly heat the room of a country house. These devices consume more fuel and are not as economical and are suitable for periodic heating of premises when the owners visit their dacha.
  • Heating devices that turn on periodically are a stationary stove, lined with bricks or fenced with reflective screens. Automatic system The control lights the burner when the temperature in the room drops, and after turning off, the stone screen gradually releases heat into the atmosphere of the room.

Furnace material

The price and durability of heating stoves depends on the materials from which the firebox and other parts of the unit are made:

  • The best option is a cast iron stove with a combustion door made of fireproof glass. But such a design is expensive.
  • The next one is the firebox and walls made of stainless or heat-resistant steel. Such equipment will serve for a long time and reliably, but the level of heat capacity of such stoves is much lower, but in terms of the speed of heating the room they are preferable.
  • Can be done homemade designs from sheet iron or scrap materials and cover them with bricks/ceramic tiles. This equipment will not last as long as a cast iron stove, but in terms of basic characteristics and price, such stoves can compete with industrial designs,

By purpose

Based on this characteristic, we will single out stoves that operate in a house with permanently residing owners and periodic switching on of the stove.

The main purpose of stoves is the same, regardless of the type of fuel - to heat a residential building quickly and maintain a comfortable temperature.

By fuel type

Stoves running on bottled gas are, of course, good. But if there is an interruption in refilling your cylinder, you will have to freeze.

Therefore the most best option, especially if you live in a wooded area - these are combination stoves that can operate on all types solid fuel and on liquefied gas.

Such equipment costs a little more, but its characteristics and operating savings quickly pay for the funds spent on the purchase of combined heaters.

Which gas stove is best to choose for your home?

When choosing, be sure to take into account several main factors.

Criterias of choice

Characteristic Description

Method of obtaining heat

Conventional stoves with burners can be used. Their performance level is significantly higher than that of.

Catalytic stoves can be installed in rooms with a small volume. Their maximum power is 4.9 kW.

Burner type

The industry produces 3 types of these devices:
  • the simplest ones are single-stage. Low cost, independent of power supply, but only one operating mode. Automation only turns the device on and off;
  • expensive two-stage devices operate in 2 modes. By turning on the economical mode, the consumer has the opportunity to reduce the operating power to 40% of the nominal value. This feature allows you to lower the temperature in the room during hours when there are no people in the room and quickly increase the temperature when you turn on the normal operating mode;
  • even more expensive, but convenient option burners are a continuously adjustable device. The advantage of such a device is the ability to adjust the level of any heat power.

Organization of air supply to the furnace

Two types of combustion chamber ventilation devices can be installed:
  • atmospheric. This option provides natural air draft. The efficiency of such devices is up to 90%;
  • inflatable. Here, air is forced into the combustion zone using fans. The efficiency level immediately increases to 95%.

Type of fuel combustion chamber

  1. Furnaces with an open fuel combustion chamber are produced. In this option, air enters the combustion chamber from the living space and exhaust gases can exit here. Such stoves are mobile, but require good ventilation in the house or you will have to open windows or doors.
  2. For closed fuel combustion chambers, you will need to build a reliable chimney, but this design does not burn oxygen in the room and is better suited for a residential building.


Among equipment manufacturers, we will highlight several undisputed leaders.

Manufacturer Short description
"Master" These infrared ovens are equipped with ceramic panels. A system for monitoring the oxygen content in the air is being installed. When its value decreases, the device stops operating in automatic mode.
"Remington" The emitter is of the light type. The stove can be connected to bottled and main gas. Equipped with a device for monitoring the state of the atmosphere in the building.
"Timberk" A gas stove for a summer residence with a cylinder with a cylinder is capable of heating a room with a total area of ​​up to 60 m2 and maintaining a comfortable temperature for a long period.
"Elitech" Capable of operating from main gas. Equipped with automation to monitor the work and atmosphere in the building.
"Teplodar" The Russian company produces productive and reliable combination stoves that run on solid fuel and gas. Additionally, the ovens are equipped with a convection system for cold air flows. This design allows you to quickly and evenly heat the air and maintain heat for a long period.

How to calculate gas consumption?

The calculation requires knowledge of 2 parameters:

  • heating device power;
  • total area of ​​the garden house.

building with large area will require large reserves of fuel. When choosing equipment, we remember the basic rule for choosing a furnace based on power - for every m2 you will need 1 kW of unit power.

  1. The calculation of the gas required for the season is carried out according to a certain formula - 0.112 m 3 of gas is required to generate 1 kW of power.
  2. Now you can easily calculate how much gas is needed to heat a room whose area is, for example, 50 m2.
  3. Multiply 5 kW by 0.112.
  4. The result is 0.56 m 3 of gas will be required to heat the room in 1 hour of operation of the furnace.
  5. Now it is easy to calculate the amount of gas consumption for 1 day and the entire season.
  6. We will spend 13.44 m 3 per day, and for a month of continuous operation we will need 403 m 3 of gas.

Features of operation

How to reduce fuel consumption by using gas stoves for heating your dacha? To do this you will need to follow a few simple recommendations:

About security

During the operation of gas appliances, it is important to comply with all requirements fire safety.

We pay special attention to the rules for maintaining gas cylinders:


A gas stove for heating a cottage or home is an excellent and economical choice. But before use, be sure to study the fire safety rules and operating instructions.

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Gas heaters for cottages

Heating a summer house with seasonal residence is not an easy task. Classic version for such houses - brick kilns, but they have a number of disadvantages. An excellent alternative to traditions has become a gas stove for a summer residence and country house. This heating method is especially suitable in villages where a main gas pipeline has already been installed, but the heater can be easily installed in any house, since it can also operate on bottled gas.

Design features

In their design, gas furnaces differ little from conventional boilers. The main difference lies in the operating principle - the heater is not connected to the piping system. The result is a very convenient heating method to use. If necessary, the house can be heated very quickly, and there is no risk of freezing of the liquid coolant system, as when installing a boiler.

Structurally, summer cottage stoves operating on mains or bottled gas consist of a housing, a firebox with a burner and a heating panel. Models designed for liquefied gas are suitable for small houses, no more than two floors. They cope poorly with heating large areas. Gas furnaces using natural gas can operate in either continuous or temporary mode.

The operating principle is very simple. During gas combustion, the walls of the firebox heat up. The air required for combustion is supplied through the blower. In the upper part, a chimney is adjacent to the firebox, through which combustion products are discharged.

Ode to gas

Gas stoves for a country house or cottage are a modern, energy-efficient heating system. The advantages of this method of generating heat lie in the characteristics of the fuel used and the operating principles of the equipment. Undeniable advantages gas heating it could be considered:

  • Environmental friendliness. Today, stoves and boilers using gas as fuel are the safest from an environmental point of view. Unlike their solid fuel counterparts, they are not toxic.
  • High efficiency. Even in the most severe frosts, gas furnaces can effectively heat a house.
  • Economical. This criterion is especially pronounced in areas where gasification has already taken place and main gas has been installed. However, for periodic heating of the dacha, a gas stove connected to a regular cylinder will still have the same low operating costs.
  • Ease of use. No comments here. To ensure comfort, it is enough to install a stove and connect it to a gas source.
  • Reliability and durability of use. The warranty period for trouble-free service of a gas furnace is 10 – 12 years. As practice shows, in reality this period is much longer. By choosing this option for heating your dacha, you can long years forget about a whole series of problems.

The extensive list of advantages of gas heating equipment cannot but be diluted a little with the disadvantages inherent in such systems:

  • High cost of heating devices. If you decide to use gas for heating your dacha, you should immediately be prepared for the fact that purchasing and installing a stove will cost a considerable amount.
  • Difficulty in installation and connection. The slightest mistake by the installer can easily result in significant problems in the operation of the gas furnace. IN best case scenario the device simply will not perform its tasks; at worst, it can become a source of danger to the health and lives of people.

Homemade stoves

Gas heater 4.2 kW

One of the above-mentioned disadvantages of gas-powered stoves for summer cottages is the high cost of the equipment. If you have construction and engineering skills, you can try to get around this disadvantage by converting an ordinary brick wood-burning stove. In general, the conversion is quite simple. A burner is installed in the firebox and the design of the chimney is changed. Unlike a wood-burning stove, such a stove is already capable of operating in continuous mode, maintaining a constant comfortable temperature.

Installing an automation kit allows you to get an autonomous heating device in the full sense of the word. If there is no draft, the temperature rises, or the gas supply stops, the sensors are triggered and the automation simply turns off the stove. What's the catch with homemade stoves? The complexity of chimney conversion. In order to be technically able to connect gas, it is necessary to create a combustion product removal system that meets the requirements of the gas service. Is it worth doing this? difficult work, if the question concerns the heating of a summer house with seasonal accommodation, it is up to its owner to decide. As practice shows, for such houses a ready-made model of a gas stove would be a good choice.

Requirements for chimneys

Requirements for the chimney when connecting gas equipment:

  • 1 – 2 devices can be connected to the chimney. When connecting two gas units, they should be located at different levels relative to each other at a distance of more than half a meter.
  • When installing two devices on the same level, a cut-out in the chimney is required.
  • The cross-section of the chimney channels must be no less than the pipe of the stove connected to it.
  • When connecting several units, the cross-section is determined using calculations based on the conditions that all devices will operate simultaneously.
  • The chimney must be lined to protect against excessive condensation, which can destroy the brickwork. For this purpose, a pipe made of of stainless steel.
  • The shape of the chimney can be cylindrical or oval. In some cases it is allowed square section, but it cannot be considered successful, since the chimney will not be able to provide normal draft.
  • The chimney is installed strictly vertically, without ledges. A slope of no more than 30 degrees is possible if the cross-section is strictly observed throughout.

To bring the pipe from a wood stove in accordance with these standards, it requires serious modification.

Operating a gas oven

Heating the cottage with gas

Once connected to the mains, finished models of gas furnaces are completely ready for operation. Converted wood stoves have a number of nuances. When burning wood, flue gases move through the smoke channels, transferring heat to them. The stove heats up and the air in the house warms up.

After refurbishment of the chimney, all channels are removed from it, as a result, less heat accumulates. It would seem that this factor should have reduced the efficiency, but in practice, even such a homemade gas stove will be more efficient than modern solid fuel equipment. The reason for this is simple - the ability to constantly maintain a fire in the firebox.

Industrial models

Although a conventional brick wood-burning stove can be converted to use gas, it is better to give preference to ready-made models. The choice of such units is huge. The devices differ in their characteristics, technical characteristics. Perhaps they have only one undoubted advantage in common: ease of use. Essentially, in order to start using the stove according to its direct purpose, you only need to ensure a gas supply from the main pipeline or cylinder and connection to the chimney.

There is no desire to refurbish the chimney under gas equipment? You can always opt for stoves with a coaxial chimney. Such heating devices can be installed even in a city apartment, without worrying about the removal of combustion products. Such models are more expensive, but they are much more efficient and easier to operate.

You can choose a heat-intensive or non-heat-intensive model. For a dacha where the owners come from time to time in winter, a heat-intensive stove will best choice. It is capable of accumulating heat, like a regular wood stove. Cooling time depends on the specific model and ranges from 4 to 12 hours. Non-heat-intensive stoves are, in fact, potbelly stoves powered by gas. To maintain heat, it is necessary to ensure its constant combustion.

Gas heater

Portable gas heater

Separately, it is worth mentioning another type of gas heating equipment - heaters. They combine the advantages of conventional electric convection models with the low cost of operating gas ovens. The operating principle of such a heater is no different from a conventional convector. The main difference is the type of fuel. The heater is connected to a gas cylinder.

Just like electric convectors, gas heaters have automation systems that provide normal work and maintenance desired temperature. For small country house, the area of ​​which does not exceed 60 square meters. meters, a heater can be a real salvation. They are safe and effective. With their help, you can quickly warm up your house and maintain the desired temperature. They do not require supervision. While the house is empty, the equipment simply turns off.


Gas heating equipment can be a good alternative to a brick wood-burning stove. To do this, you can choose a ready-made model or convert a conventional stove to run on gas. It should be noted that experts do not recommend rebuilding the stove on their own, since its design must be completely changed so that both the heating device itself and the chimney meet the requirements for gas heating.

Heating a private building is one of the main tasks, which arises in front of people who want to live in a warm and comfortable room.

Until now, a very popular method is the use of a stove, a type of which depends on the size of the building, the preferences of the owners and other factors.

Heating in a private house

You can heat your home using:

  • Wood-burning stoves - peat, coal, and wood are used for heating;
  • Gas— runs on liquefied gas;
  • Cast iron structures - fuel is peat, firewood, coal, diesel fuel;
  • Finnish— only firewood is used;
  • Electrical.

Advantages of a gas oven

It is not for nothing that the gas oven has recently become very popular way to heat a house, since it can also be connected to backbone network, and to a regular cylinder with gas. Design the most economical among all types of stoves.

The unit differs in such positive properties :

  • not dangerous for people's lives;
  • can be placed in houses made from any building materials ;
  • uses for work natural liquefied gas;
  • It has small size;
  • doesn't burn out in room oxygen;
  • different big efficiency;
  • simple in operation;
  • durability and the ability to work without interruption.

Device elements. Types of burners

The equipment in question must include such components:

  • brick or metal body;
  • chimney;
  • foundation.

The building contains three elements:

  1. Heating shield.
  2. Firebox.
  3. Gas burner, which is a replaceable element. It happens one-, two-stage and may have floating adjustment. If necessary, the burner can be replaced with a more or less powerful one.

Such furnaces operate in permanent or temporary mode, which is achieved through the presence of automation. The principle of operation of the units is quite simple: a burner is placed in the firebox, in which the gas combustion process takes place, the latter is discharged through the chimney.

Photo 1. Scheme internal structure gas oven. All main parts of the structure are signed.

In the case when it is planned to build a furnace on one's own, inside she lays out red brick. If used in the device additional types fuel, the brick must be fireproof.

Above the firebox is chimney, and below - blower, through which air enters the oven. It is without this part of the entire structure that the fuel will not burn.

The design of gas furnaces is designed in such a way that gases flowed through certain channels having maximum five smoke turns.

Attention! All channels must be located strictly in a vertical position, otherwise it will be prohibited to install the device in question in the house.

Deciding to install a gas stove in your home, the following features must be taken into account:

  • When choosing a device, first of all, pay attention to its power, because the temperature in your home depends only on this. What power the burner will have will be affected by the future heated area, the number of windows and doors in the house, as well as their condition, wall thickness and more.
  • By purchasing gas structure, you should first take care of enough good ventilation in the house. If there is none and it cannot be improved, then the installation of such a stove is strictly prohibited.

  • Consider complete set system you like. In some cases, it is equipped with adapters, which allows you to connect to several fuel sources.
  • The design in question is suitable only if the house has no more than two floors, otherwise the entire heating system will be ineffective.
  • For ease of use and additional control of the device, it is mounted a special sensor that determines the level of carbon dioxide. If there is any change in the air, the oven will turn off automatically.
  • If you buy finished metal oven, you need to inquire about the documents for the device, which indicate whether it is truly safe for use in a residential area.
  • Categorically forbidden install this type of stove in wooden houses, channels in which are located horizontally.

By purchasing gas stove, you need to take into account what it will be square heated room. It's easy to calculate. On 10 square meters living space should be 1 kW power burners (for reserve It’s better to add 15-20%). Thus, in a house whose size will be 100 square meters, need to install a stove power 12 kW.

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Types of stoves

If speak about heat capacity, then in this case the furnaces are divided into two categories:

  1. Heat-intensive have brick building, which accumulates heat in itself, and then gradually releases it into environment. Having already been turned off, the oven, depending on its size, may still continue heat the room for 4-12 hours.
  2. A non-heat-intensive design is made made of metal. She generates heat only when the gas combustion process occurs. After stopping the fuel supply, the device cools down very quickly. The advantages of this design are that it has small size and weight and can be installed even in small spaces.

Photo 2. Compact ceramic gas oven Elitech TP 4GI. A fuel tank is built into the back.

Furnaces in your own way appearance there are:

  1. round;
  2. oval;
  3. rectangular.

The appearance of the device only affects its combination with a certain interior.

Reference. Internal stove design no way not related to her external view.

Placement of a gas heating device

A gas stove can only be installed in those houses in which the air ducts are correctly installed in advance. They must be strictly vertical.

Attention! Never install a structure close to the wall. The acceptable indicator is minimum 50 centimeters.

As grounds It is prohibited to use wood or linoleum. It must be smooth, hard and non-flammable. In addition, depending on the size of the oven, the base must exceed it at least 10-15 cm on each side.

The placement of the device in the house is influenced by its power:

  • Installation in progress in the kitchen, if this indicator no more than 60 kW.
  • In case of excess power ( more than 60 kW) installation is acceptable V separate room or an extension.

Not allowed placement of such stoves in houses, the height of the walls does not reach two meters.

Connection rules

Connect the structures in question only specialists can, because they will do everything quickly and reliably. If you decide to carry out the installation yourself, you should adhere to certain advice and recommendations.

  1. Select well accessible and ventilated place in the house, taking into account the location of the chimney.
  2. Measure at least 50 cm from the walls and make it durable, non-flammable base, which will be on each side more bottom area ovens approximately by 10-15 cm.
  3. If you plan to build a brick building, you need protect the walls with heat-resistant material.
  4. Using stainless steel pipes, connect the chimney with a stove.

Reference! The pipes must be pushed into each other at a minimum by 5 cm.

  1. Connect installed structure With gas pipe special hose, tightening the connections tightly.
  2. Before connecting to the chimney, install there is a stainless pipe inside it.
  3. Smoke exhaust placed strictly vertically.

Important! Acceptable tilt angle chimney is equal 30 degrees.

  1. If outer part there will be no chimney inside a brick well, then it is needed wrap with insulation, and on top cover with a stainless steel sheet.
  2. Number of turns there must be a chimney within 3.
  3. Using brackets, attach the pipe to the wall without allowing sagging.
  4. Connect using a tee pipe with stove.