Lining: linden or aspen, which is better? Bathhouse made of larch, linden, aspen: which is better. Linden or aspen for a bath: which is better?

  1. Wood species
  2. Grade and profile
  3. Advantages of eurolining

Lining is a thin board standard sizes for covering rooms. At first, the interiors of passenger cars of railway trains were lined with it. This is how the term originated.

Eurolining and timber domestic production are widely used, including for finishing saunas and baths. The board is a material that can be used to cover not only the ceiling and walls, but also the floor.

Advantages of using lining in a steam room

It is not for nothing that the material has become popular for covering rooms with high humidity. The main factor that put it in a leading position is its high degree of drying. The only requirement for the correct cladding of the future steam room is to maintain a comfortable temperature inside the room - about 15–20 degrees. After the manipulations have been carried out, the lining does not require extra costs for finishing processing, since it is impregnated with special solutions during production.

An important aspect for sauna cladding is the environmental friendliness of the material. The lining is made from solid wood and does not require artificial covering. The board not only ensures safety, but also has a beneficial effect on the body, especially during bath procedures.

There are several more benefits:

  • Attractiveness. Upon completion of the work, the bathhouse looks aesthetically pleasing, and the craftsmen can sheathe the room as a “timber” or “log.”
  • Soundproofing. Even the minimum thickness of dried wood ensures soundproofing in the steam room.
  • Heat retention. Like all solid wood siding, lining is a heat-resistant material.
  • Disguise. The correctness of the forms makes it easy to sheathe and hide small parts of the structure, masking communications.
  • Treatment. The material can be cut even using the simplest home sawing equipment, for example, a jigsaw. Regardless of the thickness of the timber used for the work.

Wood species

When choosing a lining, the first classification feature you should consider is the raw material. Eurolining and domestic softwood materials are poorly suited for cladding a steam room: during heating, resins can be released from the board, which adversely affect the atmosphere of the room, adding odors to it. Moreover, not all coniferous wood well adapted to moisture and high temperatures. The cost of the material is an order of magnitude lower than its hardwood counterparts. It is for this reason that they try to choose coniferous timber for covering the dressing room. However, there are some exceptions. They are made from pine and Canadian cedar.

  • Pine paneling. Can be used for steam rooms with electric heating of the room. The maximum temperature under such conditions does not reach the level of release of harmful elements. Pine timber is most often positioned as sauna lining.
  • Canadian cedar boards. This material has a beneficial effect on the body with healing substances. They help fight colds. The release of resins is minimal, which allows you to choose lining made of Canadian cedar even for a bathhouse with stove heating. Due to its unique properties, the material is valued much more than hardwood. Canadian cedar siding is an elegant and durable material.

Hardwood is much more often used for cladding inside a bathhouse. The lining for covering the steam room is selected depending on the ratio of price and required characteristics. For a bathhouse, you can use any hardwood board. However, only three species earned the status of leaderswood - linden,and alder.

  • Lining made of linden. The board is used less frequently than aspen or alder. However linden lining for a bath, it is least susceptible to moisture and does not rot when in contact with water. The heat capacity is quite low, touching the lining is safe. Of the usual hardwoods, this lining for the steam room is almost ideal.
  • Aspen material. The bars are harder than lime bars. When heated, they release a characteristic bitter odor. Aspen is white.
  • Alder. The material “combines” the characteristics of linden and aspen. At the same time, the board is cheaper. When used, alder is very reminiscent of linden wood; when heated, it releases a bitter aroma. Over time, alder can change color - from pinkish to brownish-red.
  • Abash wood lining. This is an African novelty. Abash is difficult to compare with any domestic board. Baths lined with this material are quite rare. However, their skin has unique properties. Abash does not accumulate temperature, which means it is impossible to get burned on it. Even if the beam is close to the heating source. However, covering a steam room using abash is expensive.

Grade and profile

Eurolining and domestic material undergo the same stages of processing and drying. Separation into classes occurs immediately before packaging. There are three main categories: A, B and C. Recently, manufacturers often also distinguish the “Extra” or “Premium” class. The lining for saunas and baths must correspond to grade “A”, however, the use of extra-class timber can increase the service life of the cladding.

The board that is taken to finish the bath can be one and a half, three or six meters long. The size should be selected based on the dimensions of the room and the smallest number of joints between finishing parts. Only eurolining is suitable for use in a steam room, the fastenings of which are made using the “tongue/groove” technology. Thanks to this system of joints, the thickness of the cracks in them is minimized.

Advantages of eurolining

Unlike domestic analogues, it is produced not according to regional GOSTs, but according to international standards. It is the eurolining that has the “Extra” and “Premium” class. It is noted that it is subjected to more thorough surface treatment and high level drying. Equipped with longitudinal grooves for ventilation and stress relief wooden beam. Sheathing elements remove excess condensation. Eurolining has an improved fastening system. This is facilitated by deeper mechanisms. The characteristics of foreign class “A” boards are much higher than the GOST parameters, and, according to domestic requirements, it can be classified as “Extra” grade.

The advantages of Euro timber affect the final cost, so the demand for it is not too great. The dimensions of foreign and local material are practically no different: thickness - 12.5; 14 and 15 mm, and the width can vary from 80 to 135 mm excluding grooves. Eurolining has more stringent parameters, and in domestic products some errors are allowed. Although this, if it affects the final result of the facing work, is insignificant. Determine and choose between imported and domestic manufacturer necessary, based on the estimated cost of the bath. Imported and domestic materials in the mid-price category are almost the same in the quality of wood and its processing.

At one time, I had to see steam rooms made of various breeds wood: from pine, and from larch, and from linden, and from aspen, and I must say that they are all good in their own way, or even very good, choose according to your taste.

Folklore has created an aura of mysticism and mystery around the aspen. In proverbs and sayings it is characterized unflatteringly:
"Aspen is ugly, bitchy and noisy."
"Aspen does not burn without kerosene."
“The aspen keeps whispering, damned tree.”
“There is blood under the bark on the aspen tree” (the bark under the skin is reddish).
“Fever and teeth are spoken to the aspen tree” (rubbing the gums with bark until they bleed).
Wood carvers love aspen, like linden, for its ease of processing, light tone, fine fiber texture, and because it is accessible and even more common than linden. In the handicraft industry, aspen is also “respected” for the fact that it is not afraid of moisture and for its low density. Only Siberian fir and poplar have a density less than that of aspen, and linden has the same density. Therefore, aspen is used to make lightweight toys and dishes. Previously, troughs, tubs, and gangs were made from it. In addition, it does not crack or prick from impact. In addition, aspen peels well - it is used to make shingles and matches.
A healthy aspen tree, if it has dried out for at least two to three months, burns very well even without kerosene. When aspen is burned, the chimney of the stove is cleared of soot, since it has an amazing ability to burn during its combustion the soot that remains in the stove from other types of trees. Therefore, it is used to fire rural and regional bathhouses, village houses, and boiler houses. The practice of our ancestors confirms what has been said, although it does not fully reveal all the reasons and secrets. It turns out that the walls of the huts, built from aspen many years ago, still amaze with their strength, whiteness and cleanliness. The ax bounces off such wood and, at best, penetrates only shallowly. It is not for nothing that aspen is now used in villages for making shelves and benches in bathhouses, and for lining their walls - it is hygienic, light and clean, not afraid of moisture, does not warp or crack.
Experienced villagers make handles and handles for agricultural implements, when the combination of lightness and strength, just from aspen, is worth its weight in gold. Only for this purpose it is necessary to cut down a young aspen in the spring, when the wood is filled with sap, and give it the opportunity to dry well in the shade - to wither. Then it will become both light and strong, like bone.
Obviously, the aspen does not just dry out, some kind of polymerization occurs under the influence of the components of its juice.
In terms of chipping strength, aspen is similar to linden and is superior in this to coniferous species, as well as poplar. And in terms of resistance to splitting from impact, it stands next to birch and ash, even ahead of beech, oak, maple, walnut, linden, coniferous trees. This indicates the viscosity of aspen.
We can also mention the famous property of the silvery glow of aspen, which we observe on the roofs of the cathedrals of wooden architecture of the North of our country covered with ploughshares (curly carved planks). It must be assumed that for the ploughshare, the old masters used high-quality wood blanks, i.e. cut down while filling the aspen with spring sap.
Aspen or trembling poplar

A little history...
Since ancient times, the remarkable properties of this wood have been used by our ancestors in the construction of cellars, wells, roofs of houses, temples and, of course, baths.
With proper drying and processing, aspen products acquire unexpected qualities - they become unusually durable: an ax bounces off, but it is impossible to hammer a nail. At the same time, the wood is absolutely not afraid of moisture and remains light, clean and hygienic, it does not warp, crack or chip from blows. Therefore, aspen products were widely used in everyday life: shelves, benches, and aspen floors were used in steam rooms, baths and saunas.
Experienced craftsmen know that the best axes for joiners and carpenters are made from aspen. Handles for agricultural implements made of aspen are stronger and more durable.
Dry aspen products are practically not subject to rotting. The shelves and walls in the steam room of the bath, lined with aspen clapboard, do not burn upon contact with them.
An aspen log placed in a tub of sauerkraut kills fermentation, mold and rot fungi. This was used to prevent the cabbage from becoming sour.
Here is a description of aspen from Dahl’s dictionary: “For headaches, a log of aspen is placed under the head, and when the leg cramps, it is placed under the legs.”
The unusual and noble property of aspen - the silvery glow of the roofs and domes of wooden churches, covered with ploughshares (carved figured planks), was widely used in Northern architecture. Famous Kizhi in Karelia, a clear confirmation

Steam room, design features

Now a few more words about the “heart of the bath” – the steam room. It is this that determines what is called “bath quality”.
We have already chosen the sizes. Now about the material. There are many points here that give rise to heated discussions. Which tree do you prefer, is it possible to mix different varieties in one room, etc. Most often it is recommended to cover the walls and ceiling with hardwood. The main reason is the lack of secreted resin. Usually, in our area, they choose from linden and aspen. There is also an expensive exotic - abashi, but for me this is very controversial. This tree is African - blacks do not take steam in baths, and what the long-term consequences of using this material are is unknown.
I personally like aspen. It remains light for a long time, only over time it turns a little gray, acquiring a noble silvery tint. Aspen heats up slightly. It is impossible to get burned by it. And, most importantly, aspen contains and constantly releases bactericidal substances. In a cleanly washed steam room there is a subtle sour smell. But only until you heat it up hot. We must not forget that aspen is the cheapest tree. But cheap doesn't mean it's bad at all. Therefore, straighten your fingers and take the aspen - you won’t regret it.
Aspen wood
Aspen wood has a number of amazing qualities: it is whiter than other tree species middle zone; its resistance to abrasion is almost equal to that of oak wood; It is perfectly processed on a lathe and is easy to cut. The homogeneity of the wood allows you to make cuts in almost any direction without chipping or crushing it.
Light and durable dishes have long been made from aspen. To make a carved ladle or spoon, craftsmen steam the blanks in boiling water. After this, it is cut with sharp tools as easily as a turnip. They claim that cabbage soup and pickles do not even turn sour in aspen dishes. Apparently, there are some substances in wood that kill putrefactive bacteria. And it’s not for nothing that in some places housewives put aspen logs in sauerkraut.
Wood is also good because it lasts for a long time in water, and when dried it does not crack or warp. Therefore, from ancient times, well frames were knitted from aspen logs. You can’t find a bathhouse to build the best wood: strong and durable, retains heat well, and does not burn the body when touched - therefore there will be no need to lay a rug on the shelves. Even in areas rich in timber, they preferred to build baths from aspen, however, such preference was given to it only where aspen trees with straight trunks and healthy wood were found.
Standing aspen is short-lived, as it is quite easily affected by heart rot. Therefore, it is necessary to cut down a tree at the age of 40 - 45 years.
Previously, the domes and roofs of churches and other buildings were covered with aspen ploughshare (all the domes of churches in Kizhi are covered with aspen chips), which over time became silvery from the sun and rain. Such a roof is not only beautiful, but also strong, it does not rot for a long time.
An interesting incident speaks about how strong this tree can be. Not long ago, a house was found in the Leningrad region, built more than a hundred years ago from aspen. It was preserved perfectly. The ax bounced off the dry, stone-like logs with a ringing sound.

There is no better, softer and warmer shelf that never burns the body and exudes a subtle honey aroma. Linden wood almost does not warp and cracks very little in difficult conditions steam room operation. Its most valuable quality is slight drying, or, in scientific terms, resistance to loss of volume. There is no better bathhouse than one made from linden, and there is no better container for honey than a linden barrel
This is a living material that is sensitive to changes in qualitative composition of the steam-air environment of the steam room. Clean and fresh, soft and fragrant, linden wood readily accumulates the aromas of bath brooms and herbal infusions that are akin to its nature. At the same time, linden improves the microclimate of the steam room, neutralizing the odors of pathogenic substances, from which our nature is freed here. Even in the old days, infusions from linden wood were sprayed to disinfect rooms in which infectious patients were located, and powder charcoal It was used to treat wounds, dysentery and burns.
Linden wood is soft and pliable, but at the same time strong and resistant, thin-layered and finely porous. Its pores are filled with air, and this causes its low thermal conductivity even when it is moistened during the operation of the steam room and when filling linden utensils and dishes with hot water. .Being good heat insulator, linden wood heats up little and slowly
Excerpts from the book by Dobrovolsky G.B.

Aspen is right there.
Aspen belongs to the willow family and the poplar genus. Its wood is light, soft, coreless, straight-grained and elastic. It has a satin-white color, sometimes with a slight bluish or greenish tint, and is easily painted and polished. It easily absorbs water and just as easily releases it (an important advantage for the walls of a steam room). Living aspen wood, which easily accepts and releases water, is an excellent material for both a barrel and the walls of steam rooms. Due to swelling, the aspen slabs on the walls and ceiling of the steam room, like the rivets of an aspen barrel, close together; these structures self-seal during their operation and serve people faithfully for a long time. At the same time, the ability of aspen to react sensitively to environmental humidity (“aspen does not burn without kerosene”) leads to gentle regulation of humidity in the steam room atmosphere, which causes a special feeling of comfort. It is especially good to apply hot infusions of those plants that lose their aroma when applied to the hot stones of the stove on the aspen walls of the steam room. They linger on the walls, and the wood gradually gives them back, forming that exceptional steam-air environment that is inherent in the Russian bathhouse.

Lining is a thin, narrow board equipped with a special lock, usually working on the tongue-and-groove principle. The main advantages of this material are: ease of installation, environmental friendliness and aesthetic appearance. Initially, passenger train cars were covered with such boards. This is where the name of this material comes from. Lining can be used for cladding buildings for a wide variety of purposes. Very often this material is used, for example, for lining the inside of baths. IN in this case It is very important to choose the right type of board. Further in the article we will figure out which lining for a bathhouse is better and how not to make a mistake when purchasing this material.

By what criteria can a board be classified?

When choosing lining, first of all pay attention to the following factors:

    the type of wood used to make it;

    material class;

    country of manufacture.

In any case, to the material intended for lining the bathhouse, since it will subsequently be constantly exposed to moisture in combination with elevated temperatures, there are special requirements.

Cedar and pine

Coniferous boards for cladding the inside of steam rooms are used extremely rarely. The best answer to the question of which lining for a bathhouse is better would be: hardwood. The fact is that coniferous boards contain simply a huge amount of resins. Therefore, when heated, hard-to-remove, quickly hardening “tears” appear on its surface. In addition, such material begins to emit a very strong odor. However, despite all this, some coniferous species can still be used for lining steam rooms. These include, for example:

    In addition to the usual material and block house, American boards are also available for sale these days. This option is also a good answer to the question of which clapboard is best to line the inside of a bathhouse. This type of board on the wall imitates timber. The American lining looks very beautiful. However, it should only be used for lining baths. large area. The fact is that this material has a significant thickness.

    Processing of lining

    Such boards come to the market completely ready for installation. However, since the microclimate for wood in the bathhouse is not very favorable, it is advisable to process it additionally before. Most often, inexpensive drying oil that does not release harmful substances into the air is used for this purpose. However, unfortunately, this finish is not very durable. Therefore, when deciding which means is best to treat the lining in a bathhouse, many owners of suburban areas choose a special oil. This material also does not emit harmful substances into the air and serves much longer than drying oil. But at the same time, the oil costs, of course, a little more.

    Cost of lining

    Of course, one of the main factors that influences the choice of board type is price. The cost of the lining depends primarily on its thickness and width, as well as the type of wood and quality class. For example, the price for a linden board 14 x 96 x 1000 mm “Extra” is approximately 550 rubles. Alder A 14 x 80 x 2700 mm costs about 250-270 rubles. For aspen material 12.5 x 42 x 500 mm class B you will have to pay 100-120 rubles. Cedar eurolining of the "Extra" grade 14 x 85 x 2500 mm costs about 1,500 rubles. The price for a block house abash 16 x 85 x 3000 mm is about 1200-1300 rubles. Prices are for 1 square meter material.
