Penoizol insulation: material features, installation instructions. How is house insulation done with liquid foam? Do-it-yourself insulation of walls with liquid foam

Liquid polystyrene foam in cylinders, or penoizol, has recently gained immense popularity as insulation. And this is understandable, because with the help of such foam you can fill even the smallest cracks and insulate your home as reliably as possible.

Positive reviews from those who insulated a house with foam insulation, its affordable cost compared to analogues, and much more - these are not all the advantages of this insulation.

Today we will tell you what liquid foam is, what its key characteristics and benefits for home insulation. In addition, you will read reviews from those who have had positive experiences with penoizol.

Features and Key Specifications

Liquid penoizol made from resin polymer composition. This foam has several varieties. For example, if we talk about the classification of penoizol by purpose, then foam technical type will be more harmful and toxic. And the foam that is used for insulation residential buildings and apartments, differs from it in composition, it is harmless and well cleaned.

As for manufacturing technology, the safest insulation is based on hardened foam plastic. Sometimes liquid foam can release harmful substances when it hardens.

The safest penoizol in liquid form is made on the basis of urea-formaldehyde resin.

Each foam insulation is produced by hardening the material. If the foam needs to be applied directly to the surface that you are insulating, then adhesion increases significantly compared to installing a foam board.

Most best option liquid foam is made on the basis of urea-formaldehyde resins.

Each of the insulation materials that have a foamed purpose is formed by hardening the material from which it is made. If the foam is applied directly to the surface that needs to be insulated, then its adhesion to it increases several times than if a foam slab is installed on that same surface.

For preparing liquid foam Resin and hardener required. A special machine mixes the ingredients and beats them until foamy. Then the foam is pumped through a hose to the insulation site. The finished product is sold in the form of a foam container.

Once penoizol hits the insulated surface, it instantly hardens and provides warmth in the house.

Main benefits of penoizol as insulation for the house are:

Despite the large number of advantages and positive feedback About this insulation, it also has its drawbacks. Among them:

  • linear shrinkage of the material, necessary if it is poured without the required pressure;
  • temporary bad smell emanating from the insulation;
  • the ability to absorb moisture, so penoizol must be protected on all sides;
  • due to the presence of formaldehyde in the composition, penoizol is best used for external insulation at home or as an intermediate layer of thermal protection inside.

Areas of application of liquid foam

Liquid foam is used less often inside houses than for external insulation. Most often, with its help The interior of the premises is equipped with:

Also using penoizol containers can be insulated and use it to make all kinds of foam products:

  • baguettes;
  • skirting boards;
  • slabs;
  • relief elements and much more.

When making such products with your own hands, you should carefully check all materials. Do not use liquid foam from unknown manufacturers at a suspiciously low price. As a rule, this is a low quality product that can negatively affect your health. It is advisable to monitor reviews on the Internet about a particular product before purchasing. trademark penoizol, and only then make your choice.

Liquid foam, sold in cans, can be used as glue. In shape and scope of use, it resembles polyurethane foam, although it has more high level thermal conductivity and vapor permeability.

Using liquid foam, you can attach insulation boards to walls and other surfaces. When working you need follow a number of the following rules:

  • check the surface for defects. It should be free of rust, chips and cracks, and it should also be smooth;
  • the surface is cleaned and all dust is removed;
  • in places where the foam comes into contact with the slab, you need to apply water to improve adhesion;
  • Penoizol can be applied to both full surface, and horizontally and diagonally in order to save money;
  • After applying the foam to the surface of the slab, it must be immediately pressed against the wall.

Also remember that if, when equipping the surface with liquid foam, you do not take care of ventilation in advance, this will subsequently lead to the formation of condensation.

Reviews from customers of liquid foam indicate that one of the reasons for choosing this insulation is the absence of the need to thoroughly prepare the surface before work and the versatility of using penoizol.

So, with its help you can:

Preparatory work

However, some things still need to be taken into account before using penoizol. So, the surface needs to be cleaned of dust and dirt and doused with a little water. Work also needs to be done at a temperature of about 20 degrees. If it is lower, but the mixture needs to be heated in hot water, if more, then it should be cooled.

Before use, the foam container is shaken up to 15 times so that the material from the inside is evenly distributed over its entire area.

Technology of home insulation using penoizol

The surface should be filled with liquid foam directly onto construction site, so everything happens easily and quickly. Penoizol does not expand, but may experience slight shrinkage. In order to prevent cracks from appearing during the shrinkage process, you must strictly follow all the rules for insulating houses using of this material.

As we said earlier, carefully choose purchased penoizol or material for it. self-cooking. Read the instructions carefully.

When dry, polystyrene foam is suitable for insulating any surface. After pouring it, a seamless layer appears, which has excellent characteristics in terms of sound and heat insulation. Despite minor cracks, this protective layer practically does not allow moisture to enter the house.

How to make penoizol yourself

Liquid foam in finished form very expensive, if you do it yourself, it will cost you much less. But even if you prefer finished products, ask the seller about the availability of quality certificates and information about the composition of the product.

If you comply all stages of creating penoizol independently, the insulation process with its help will be high-quality and effective.

In order to make penoizol with your own hands, you need to mix water foam with a hardener and urea resin. Then you need to let the finished substance harden.

After hardening, the material takes the form of foam. It should be applied to the surface in the form of a thick mixture. Thanks to this consistency, you can insulate even the most hard to reach places, take care of the method of applying pressure so that the foam can completely cover the surfaces.

After hardening, the material serves as insulation. Insulated in this way, the house does not need excessive heating, therefore, you can save on this.

First comes pour the material onto the insulated surface, adhering to all recommendations regarding the installation of the gap.

As a rule, to insulate a house with an area of ​​about 70 square meters you need to allocate about 6 hours to carry out repair work. If you invite a team of specialists to do this, they will probably do it better and faster, but you will significantly reduce costs on your own.

To insulate the surface with liquid foam, you need to fill all empty areas of the walls with foam. To do this, you first need to drill holes and insert a hose into them. And the pressure will ensure the tightest possible fit of the foam to the wall and will ensure that all penoizol and cavities are closed.

Is liquid foam safe?

Many people are interested in the safety of liquid foam and its impact on human health. After all, as you know, formaldehyde, which is part of it, may harm the body. For example, in some US states, fully insulated clothing was prohibited.

However, detailed studies were carried out, and it turned out that if liquid foam is used as insulation, it does not in any way affect the health of people living in cheap house. If, of course, you use a product from a trusted manufacturer, and do not buy penoizol a product of dubious origin.

The current production technology for this material, used by the largest manufacturers of penoizol insulation, completely eliminates the negative impact on the body. Formaldehyde is still present in its composition, but it is neutralized through special additives. And this, in turn, ensures absolute safety of the data for humans.

Insulation with penoizol

Insulation with penoizol

How is insulation done?

For example, to insulate walls in a residential building, pouring occurs through small holes and allows installation of insulation without disassembling building structures. And for thermal insulation of houses under construction, penoizol is pumped into the voids of the walls, without joints and seams, thereby filling all the smallest cracks and cracks in the masonry. Penoizol has been used in Russia from the 50s to this day, and in the 70-80s, filling was carried out en masse. In addition to insulation by pouring material, it is possible to produce insulation with ready-made penoizol in the form of sheets or crumbs (crushed penoizol). This type of work is usually carried out on horizontal surfaces ( interfloor ceilings, attics, floors, etc.)

Moscow, st. Bolshaya Nikitskaya.

Insulation of the roof of a historical building by pouring foam insulation from the outside into the under-roof space. Moscow, st. Bolshaya Nikitskaya.

Two-story old building, early 19th century. The walls are made of logs, plastered, and insulated with felt from the inside. Roller pitched roof made of galvanized metal 0.5 mm thick. Rafter system wooden, attic floor insulated with sawdust. By wooden sheathing vapor barrier installed. There is no roof insulation. During the operation of the building, significant heat leaks through the roof were discovered due to the lack of thermal insulation of the roof covering.

It was still possible to combat the coolness in the rooms on the second floor by increasing the heating power, but freezing and failure of the expensive system automatic fire extinguishing forced us to take urgent measures to insulate the roof.

It was not possible to insulate the roof from the inside due to lack of access to attic space occupied by the air conditioning system. Insulate the roof from the outside traditional methods It was also not possible, because no one will dismantle the roofing in the middle of winter. The only possible method of roof insulation in this situation was considered to be insulation of the roof from the outside by pouring penoizol into the under-roof space. Penoizol was poured in ventilation gap between the sheathing and the counter-lattice from the side of the roof overhangs along the entire perimeter of the building onto a vapor barrier layer, which in this situation performs the function of the enclosing structure.

To access the roof overhangs, it was necessary to use a telescopic aerial platform (installing an aerial platform in a cramped Moscow courtyard turned out to be quite a problem).

To pour penoizol into the under-roof space, a rigid and long tube made of pvc diameter 50 mm and 7 m long. The operator on the aerial platform inserted the tube into the ventilation gap and pushed it under roofing covering to the roof ridge. Then the supply of penoizol was turned on and the operator pulled the tube back as the under-roof space was filled.

All operations were carried out in a given sequence every 1.5 meters, along the entire perimeter of the roof overhangs.

The quality of penoizol pouring was controlled by tapping and visually, by the material exiting through the ventilation holes. As a result of roof insulation, the functionality of the fire extinguishing system was restored, and the temperature in the rooms on the second floor began to meet the standards.

The building's heating costs have decreased significantly.

Moscow region, Sergiev Posad district, Bogorodskoye village.

Insulation of the walls of a multi-apartment 4-storey residential building. Moscow region, Sergiev Posad district, Bogorodskoye village.

During the construction of a residential building, the project provided for technological cavities between the walls of the building, made of cellular blocks and external cladding from sand-lime brick. Penoizol insulation was poured through pre-drilled inside holes. Holes were drilled through the walls made of cellular blocks in a checkerboard pattern, with a step of 1 meter vertically and horizontally. The drilling depth of the holes was calculated in such a way as to penetrate into the technological cavity without damaging the outer layer facing masonry. After finishing pouring penoizol, the holes were sealed with non-shrinking cement composition, inner surface walls are prepared for further finishing works

Theater of Nations

Moscow, Petrovsky Lane. Ancient building, 19th century.

The walls are brick, the ceilings are wooden, and during reconstruction they were replaced with reinforced concrete.

The rafter system is wooden, the roof is pitched, made of galvanized metal 0.5 mm thick.

The roof has unglazed dormers.

The air temperature in the attic is almost equal to the air temperature outside.

There is no roof insulation.

The attic floor is insulated with a 100 mm thick layer of expanded clay and 100 mm thick mineral wool.

At low ambient temperatures in the autumn-winter period, the attic floor freezes, because... insulation with expanded clay and mineral wool turned out to be insufficient for complete thermal insulation of the interior. The air temperature in the rooms located directly under the ceiling is significantly lower than normal, which negatively affects their operation.

Insulating the ceiling by pouring penoizol allowed us to solve several problems at once:

  • High-quality insulation of the attic floor;
  • Comply with fire safety standards;
  • Make the attic space usable.

Penoizol was poured in several stages.

On initial stage the mineral wool and expanded clay were dismantled, bagged and manually carried into the trash container.

Then, a polyethylene film was laid on the surface of the ceiling, with releases along the edges. The joints of the canvases were taped with tape.

According to the laid plastic film a wooden beam frame was assembled. On wooden frame outlets were wound up and plastic film was laid.

At the next stage of work on top polyethylene film a floor was laid from plywood sheets 20 mm thick in such a way that a technological cavity 200 mm wide was formed between the surface of the attic floor and the floor. Holes with a diameter of 20 mm were drilled in the plywood floor in 1 m increments in length and width.

Through drilled holes Non-flammable insulation foam insulation was poured into the technological cavity between the floor and the ceiling. Penoizol was poured under pressure until all cavities were completely filled.

To insulate a building from the inside and outside repairmen use liquid polystyrene foam (also known as penoizol). This is a relatively recent technology that has become widespread due to the high thermal conductivity and durability of the material. How to use the liquid substance and what will you need for insulation at home?

Three types of liquid foam

Varieties of liquid foam do not differ from each other chemical composition, but the production containers in which they are produced. The scope and complexity of application will depend on the packaging.

Professionals use industrial liquid foam. To mix it, you will need a special installation, which costs over 20,000 rubles. Such a machine allows you to simultaneously mix the composition to a homogeneous consistency and ensure its supply under pressure. It is not worth buying a special unit for one-time insulation. It is better to rent it or use other insulation modifications.

The second industrial option includes liquid foam in cylinders. The kit includes two components: a container with a paste mass and a catalyst. When mixed, they form an insulating mixture, which is distributed under pressure. The cylinders are reusable and easy to recharge.

The simplest option, which is convenient to use at home to perform medium and minor works, – household penoizol in cylinders. To distribute the porous material, use a dispenser included in the kit or a construction gun.

Advantages and disadvantages of penoizol

Liquid foam plastic has several main advantages, which is why modern installers choose it for insulating private and industrial buildings.

Fine-cell structure. Penoizol is a breathable material. It does not create condensation on the surface of the walls, passes moisture through the porous layer and removes it outside. This property of the material allows you to avoid the formation of fungus even with any coating.

Fire safety. Liquid foam belongs to the moderately flammable class G2. In the solid state, the material does not burn, but chars, and no molten or toxic substances are released during combustion. This unique property gives liquid foam another point compared to other insulation materials.

Resistance to temperature and humidity changes. After complete polymerization (hardening), penoizol does not change its structure, despite weather and indoor microclimate. Thanks to this, the service life of the insulation ranges from 50 to 80 years.

Noise insulation. The middle layer of penoizol, 5–7 cm thick, reduces the noise level transmitted to external environment 3 times, and inside the building - 2 times.

Availability of material at a price. Average cost per household cylinder with dispenser 500 rubles. One cylinder is enough for 6–10 m2 of fastening insulation boards.

Lack of surface preparation. There is no need to grind and clean the walls, which significantly saves time and financial costs on purchasing special equipment for preparatory work.

Laying a 10 cm layer of liquid foam corresponds to 0.2 m in thermal insulation properties mineral wool; 0.3 m of ordinary foam; 0.35 m of wood 4 0.9 m of brick and 2 m of concrete.

However, this material also has back side medals to consider:

  • reduced mechanical strength;
  • deterioration of the quality of the material when exposed to moisture;
  • releases a small amount of formaldehyde, maintaining an unpleasant odor for several weeks;
  • shrinkage of the insulating layer by 1% after hardening in frame walls.

Pouring industrial foam into cylinders

Liquid thermal insulation foam consists of urea resin, a catalyst-hardening agent, a foaming agent and water. Additionally, modifiers and additives are introduced that improve the ductility and other characteristics of the material. The process of mixing and transforming into a homogeneous mass takes place under the influence of compressed air in a special apparatus for foam insulation. Purchasing this unit for home use It is only advisable when carrying out large-scale or regular work. Alternatively, the device can be rented.

Typically, craftsmen purchase reusable cylinders with liquid foam. The contents are thoroughly mixed to get rid of air layers and allow the active composition to be distributed as densely as possible over the surface. Quite a lot important point when using liquid foam in cylinders - the temperature of the working mixture. The optimal temperature for application is 20°C; at lower temperatures it must be heated at warm water. Attention, the heating temperature should not exceed 50°C, and in summer time year, the cylinder is cooled to the minimum level regulated by the manufacturer.

There are three filling options:

  1. 1. If the free space between the walls is up to 5 cm, the insulation is poured into drilled holes with a diameter of 32 mm. Perforation of the wall is carried out in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 1 m from each other. A hose (d=30 mm) is inserted into the hole. The foam-like composition is supplied under pressure, filling the cavities until it begins to leak through the adjacent hole.
  2. 2. Filling the walls with insulation in new buildings is done by filling the cavity with foam insulation in several layers.
  3. 3. For frame houses, as well as cavities between the wall and plasterboard partition the insulation is distributed from bottom to top.

After finishing the work, the liquid foam leaves no voids and completely fills the depressions and small cracks. Initial degree The insulation hardens within 20 minutes. Example, after 3-4 hours it becomes stronger, it finally polymerizes after 2-5 days, and after a month it completely gains and stabilizes its solid form.

Household composition with dispenser - heat insulator and glue in one bottle

The most popular among amateur craftsmen is liquid foam with a dispenser, which is easy to apply with your own hands according to the principle polyurethane foam. The first thing the work begins is surface preparation. Complex manipulations are not required, but it is worth performing several procedures for better adhesion of the material to the surface. We remove dust and dirt; a hose with good water pressure will be enough. It won't hurt to degrease the surface either. After removing dust, there is no need to dry the walls; they should remain damp. In this case, tight contact of the liquid foam with the base will be ensured, and the material will harden faster.

Amateur craftsmen often purchase bottles with a dispenser

The next important point is preparing the cylinder. It must be shaken several times and heated until desired temperature specified by the manufacturer. This way you will achieve complete combination of active substances, uniform and dense distribution of the composition over the surface.

The further process of work is not much different from the technology of applying polyurethane foam. The composition is distributed through the dispenser included in the kit, or using a construction gun. If voids appear, the container should be shaken periodically to get rid of air pockets. Excess liquid foam can be easily cut off after polymerization sharp knife, as is the case with polyurethane foam.

Penoizol is used not only for thermal insulation, but also as an adhesive for tile insulation (but not for mineral wool). Sequence of work in in this case next. We check the slabs for rust and defects, if any errors are identified, we eliminate them and clean the surface from dust. We thoroughly moisten the places of contact of the liquid foam with the base with water, and for convenience, use a sprinkler. There are two ways to apply the adhesive. The first option is to distribute the foam mass over the entire surface. The second is along the perimeter of the slab and diagonally. In practice, both options are used, however, in the second case, the adhesion will be lower, but the material consumption will be more economical.

At the end, without waiting for drying, the slab is pressed tightly against the insulated wall. During further installation, the composition is applied not only to the base, but also to the tile joints to ensure maximum fixation. Optimal time For working with penoizol, the period from May to November is considered.

Modern technologies have stepped far forward, and today clay and sawdust used to insulate houses have been replaced by latest materials, like liquid foam in cylinders. Did not hear? It's time to fix this shortcoming!

What kind of liquid foam is this?

So, penoizol (as it is also called) is produced in special foam generator and ejector installations directly on the site during construction. However, such material is also found in cylinders. Of course, the operation of the latter is somewhat simpler. What about the first type, in this case all the necessary components are loaded into the installation, which form foam under the action of compressed air.

After the liquid mass is applied to the treated area of ​​the wall, it turns into a solid state within 20 minutes. But for such insulation to acquire all its properties completely, it will take at least 3 hours. Not bad, right? Let's talk about this material in more detail, what are its advantages and disadvantages, when it can be used, and in what cases it should not be preferred this species insulation, and, of course, we will focus on the features of operation.

Where can we use penoizol in cylinders?

Liquid foam plastic has found its application almost everywhere where insulation needs to be carried out, and therefore in the construction industry and during repair work. Using this new generation material, it is possible to provide thermal insulation for absolutely all structures, regardless of their purpose (residential or industrial). It does not matter what exactly will be insulated, the facade of the building or its roof, foundation, attic, and maybe even the walls of the basement.

Moreover, thanks to the convenient form of release, insulation of the floors and walls of houses with liquid foam is accessible even to inexperienced builders; it will not be difficult to insulate even a pipeline or other industrial equipment. This construction material is in great demand not only due to its thermal insulation characteristics, which better properties leaf form, but also due to other positive nuances. For large-scale tasks, you will have to rent or purchase special equipment, but for small-scale work, a very convenient form of release - cylinders - is suitable.

Advantages and disadvantages of liquid foam

Let's start, of course, with the positives. If we compare liquid foam with others insulating materials, which are used to insulate the walls of houses, then its layer with a thickness of only 10 cm can easily be compared with 30 mm sheets of standard polystyrene foam, with 20 cm and with an almost three-meter layer of concrete. At the same time, it is incredibly easy to use and isolates all cracks as reliably as possible.

It is also durable and not afraid of temperature changes. Various microorganisms do not live on it, and such insulation is not of interest to rodents.

It is worth noting the environmental friendliness, high density, as well as excellent soundproofing characteristics of this material. But there is still a fly in the ointment in the use of such a new product in the building materials market. Firstly, it gives linear shrinkage, the values ​​of which reach 5%, this is the case if walls or other cavities are filled without pressure. Secondly, a not very pleasant smell appears immediately, but over time it disappears.

Apply liquid foam yourself

To use casting foam, you should read the instructions for its use. In principle, this technological process is not difficult, especially if the material is sold in cylinders. Absolutely anyone can cope with such a task.

(urea foam, also known as penoizol) in its original form is a liquid foam that hardens on outdoors within two to three hours. The fluidity of the unhardened material allows it to be used to insulate cavities inside the walls of an already built house.

At the same time, the expansion coefficient of this material is zero, which allows it to be used as an adhesive for installing insulating panels, effectively replacing nails and anchors.

Liquid foam for household use sold in small sealed containers, very convenient for do-it-yourself use at home, but if we talk about large-scale construction, then it uses special installations for the production of foam plastic, which produce it at the construction site from special granules, and supply it to the workplace using hoses .

1 Scope of application

The use of liquid foam has spread widely to all areas of construction. Due to its low cost and ease of use, this substance successfully replaces most outdated methods of insulation and sealing of ceilings and walls.

The most common uses of liquid foam are for the following purposes:

  • Insulation for horizontal planes and on;

Liquid foam is one of the most effective insulation materials for attic floors private panel, wooden or brick houses.

It is also common practice to use it when insulating the space between rafters and inclined planes of the inside of roofs, since the adhesion of this substance to any surface is maximum.

  • Insulation of sinuses and hollow spaces;

Due to its optimal consistency, which allows you to seal any small cavity or hole, liquid foam is an indispensable substance for their insulation. It's about on insulation of underground space in wooden floors, brick formwork, or false wall cavities, places where doors and windows join frames.

At the same time, liquid foam can be used where it is impossible to install any other insulation, for example, in small holes or cracks.

  • Insulation of container walls using;

In everyday life, liquid foam plastic is often used to insulate the walls of caissons, wells, or the head of wells; to do this, you just need to make an external formwork with your own hands, the distance between which and the main wall will be 3-5 centimeters, and fill the resulting free space with foam plastic.

  • Applications as an adhesive;

In its structure and composition, liquid foam is not very different from classic polyurethane foam; in fact, it was originally produced as one of its varieties.

The prevalence of using liquid polystyrene foam as an adhesive in everyday life is explained by the fact that, unlike ordinary polyurethane foam, hardened polystyrene foam has good thermal insulation and air permeability.

Based on this, liquid foam in cylinders can be successfully used for installation of any slab insulation, in this case, you will not need any nails or anchors.

IN industrial production liquid foam is the basis for the manufacture of a variety of complex PP structures, such as baguettes, baseboards, relief moldings, and the like.

They are created by filling special forming blanks with foam. By the way, this technology It is quite easy to implement at home, which is a fairly attractive area for small businesses. Foam plastic is also used on.

Recently, a fairly large number of small industrial workshops have emerged that produce products from molded foam plastic. To organize a production line, it is enough to have a foam generator, raw materials (liquid foam is made from special granules), and blanks the desired shape and sizes.

2 Advantages and disadvantages

Objectively comparing the pros and cons of urea foam, we can conclude that among all existing materials to insulate a house, the use of liquid foam is most justified in most cases.


  1. High thermal insulation characteristics;

According to the main functional characteristics, namely coefficient. heat retention, urea foam is superior to any other insulation.

For example, a ten-centimeter layer of this substance is equal in thermal insulation properties to a 30-centimeter layer of ordinary rigid foam, a 20-centimeter layer of mineral wool, or 2.5 meters of additional brickwork. At the same time, this insulation does not lose its functional properties in a wide temperature range, from -70 to +200 degrees.

  1. Moderate cost even at .

In general, the total cost of insulating the floor, roof, or attic of a house with your own hands using liquid foam will be much less than when insulating with any other material.

  1. Ease of use;

If you need a small amount of urea foam, then you can use packaged cylinders sold in any construction stores, if insulation is required in large quantities, then you can rent a special installation that produces it directly at the workplace.

At the same time, of all the insulation materials existing on the market, only liquid polystyrene foam can fill cavities in the walls, floors, and ceilings of existing structures, without compromising their integrity and appearance.

  1. Multifunctionality;

Liquid polystyrene foam for the home is, in fact, an irreplaceable thing - it can be used both as effective insulation, and successfully replace liquid nails, anchors, or ordinary nails when installing any insulating panels with your own hands.

  1. Resistance to external mechanical and atmospheric influences (for example);

Firstly, this insulation is not afraid of rats, mice and other rodents that gnaw and infest most other solid insulation materials. Secondly, urea foam does not become covered with mold and fungi when the air humidity in the building is high.

  1. Fire safety;

A high-quality product manufactured in accordance with GOST requirements, when exposed to high temperatures and fire, does not burn or melt.

  1. High adhesion;

Liquid foam has maximum adhesion to any coating, while the surface on which the insulation will be applied does not require any pre-treatment.

  1. Durability;

An interesting fact is that an attempt to implement a study on the service life of urea foam was stopped 78 years after it began, since penoizol did not show any signs of aging and deformation;

  1. High noise insulation properties;

The significant disadvantages that urea foam has include only two factors: the first (applicable only to low-quality products) is the ability to absorb water, but this issue has long been resolved by leading manufacturers.

Adding special mixtures (hydrophobizers) to the composition of urea foam at the production stage completely eliminates the problem of moisture absorption.

The second is an unpleasant odor that will “delight” the insulation for several hours after installation. However, over time, this smell, which is caused by the presence of uncured formaldehyde in the foam, will completely disappear.

2.1 Security issue

Formaldehyde, which is part of the liquid foam mentioned above, has previously been the subject of heated debate. This substance itself, with constant exposure to a person, causes certain harm to the body. It even got to the point that penoizol was completely banned in several American states.

However, this misunderstanding after detailed research was completely resolved, since it turned out that when insulating a house with polystyrene foam there are no harmful effects does not occur per person, and the beginning of this precedent in the USA was poor-quality insulation from a company that used resins not intended for this purpose for its production.

Modern production technology, which is implemented by leading companies such as Tiger, completely eliminates the possibility of any negative influence of this insulation on the human body.

2.2 Features of use

Insulation of the space between the walls of an already operating house can be carried out if the thickness of the cavity inside the walls is at least 3 centimeters. To insulate such walls with your own hands, you need to drill holes with a diameter of about 30 millimeters in the walls in a checkerboard pattern.

The optimal distance between holes is 1.5 meters. After that, penoizol is poured under pressure into the holes, which, upon completion of the work, are sealed with cement mortar.

When insulating walls under construction, penoizol must be poured in layers, and the height of one layer should not exceed 3 meters. If the walls are higher, you need to let the first layer dry, and then pour the second.
