Making a multi-level plasterboard ceiling with your own hands. How to make a multi-level plasterboard ceiling with your own hands? Covering the ceiling with plasterboard

From the author: Hello, friends! Surely you have at least once thought that it would be great to find an opportunity to quickly and inexpensively radically transform your home. We would like to tell you about one of these methods. By assembling a multi-level plasterboard ceiling with your own hands, you can completely change the interior of the room, making it stylish and unusual. Drywall is ideal for realizing any, even the most daring ideas. And now first things first...

A little about the material

Before starting work, you will most likely be interested in familiarizing yourself with the basic properties of this finishing material, which make it so in demand on construction market. Drywall is sheets rectangular shape with a gypsum core, lined with cardboard on both sides.

From this material it is possible to create many decorative structures indoors - arches, niches, false walls, partitions, suspended ceiling structures. In addition, it is used to level ceilings and walls.

Properties for which plasterboard is valued:

  • environmental friendliness, thanks to which this building material can be used even in children's rooms;
  • ease of processing and installation - gypsum boards are easy to give the desired shape, they can be easily sawed with a hacksaw, bent, or cut with an ordinary stationery knife;
  • is considered a “breathable” material, since it is capable of releasing moisture when the air in the room is excessively dry and, conversely, absorbing it if the humidity level in the room is high;
  • ability to absorb sounds;
  • low thermal conductivity - by insulating a room from the inside using gypsum plasterboard, you can reduce energy costs for heating it.

Advantages and disadvantages of multi-level ceiling structures

The options for decorating a room are endless. On the Internet you can find a huge number of photographs showing rooms with ceilings decorated with plasterboard. Installing them will allow you to appreciate the following benefits:

  • the ability to perfectly level the surface of the ceiling, hide its cracks and other defects;
  • visual expansion of the room space;
  • reliably hides all communications (telephone cables, electrical wiring, water supply pipes, ventilation) from prying eyes;
  • with the help of suspended ceiling structures you can change the geometry of the room, influence its height, and divide it into functional zones;
  • usage different types lighting in various areas of a multi-tiered gypsum board ceiling allows you to achieve a bizarre play of light and shadows, highlight one zone in the room or, conversely, distract attention from another;
  • plasterboard sheets are affordable and come in a wide range, which gives you the opportunity to choose the appropriate option.

Before making multi-level ceilings, familiarize yourself with some of the disadvantages of plasterboard structures:

  • low moisture resistance - gypsum plasterboard structures do not tolerate moisture well, they will not be able to cope with large floods (for example, in the case of flooding by neighbors above);
  • to create a multi-tiered ceiling structure takes a lot of time;
  • installing such a ceiling is impossible alone due to its heavy weight, so you will need an assistant;
  • the use of multi-level ceiling structures is undesirable in rooms with low ceilings.

Preparatory work

Installation is carried out on a previously prepared surface. To do this you will need to do some preliminary work:

  • clean the ceiling from whitewash residues, old paint, wallpaper, etc.;
  • remove (if any) all fasteners from the ceiling that were previously used;
  • level the base ceiling tiles using plaster, putty, or, if the height of the room allows, using gypsum boards, which in this case will act as the first level of a multi-tiered ceiling.

Tools and materials

To make a multi-tiered ceiling structure from plasterboard sheets, you will need to stock up on the following tools:

  • building level;
  • pencil and tape measure;
  • carpenter's square;
  • marking thread;
  • metal and rubber spatula;
  • rollers and brushes of various widths;
  • knife for cutting gypsum plasterboard;
  • metal scissors;
  • hammer drill;
  • screwdriver.

Necessary materials:

  • fiberglass;
  • reinforcing tape;
  • profile (guide and ceiling);
  • connecting screws for profiles;
  • metal corner;
  • dye;
  • putty;
  • primer;
  • screws and dowels.

This is a rough list of what you will need to purchase before installation begins.

During the renovation process, when choosing a design for any room, you definitely think about what the ceiling will be like. The interior of the ceiling can be anything, as well as the material from which you can realize your ideas. But the most successful and optimal is drywall. With its help you can arrange complex ceiling, consisting of several levels.

Designers are especially pleased with gypsum board ceilings, which allow them to create unique masterpieces. Multi-level plasterboard ceilings can be installed in any design. This can be an arched shape, various canopies or symmetrical elements. Many options are available online and are easy to use. Or you can show your imagination and design your own design.

Features of installation of the structure

A positive characteristic of drywall is the ease of working with it. This allows you to install plasterboard ceilings of any complexity. Even for beginners this will not be much of a problem. Here large field for experiments. But, nevertheless, installing multi-level plasterboard ceilings with your own hands requires studying some of the features of their installation:

  1. The basis of a plasterboard suspended ceiling is the frame. It is constructed from galvanized metal profiles. The peculiarity of arranging the frame is that when installing a multi-tiered ceiling, it is necessary to use a very large number of parts that are placed at different heights.
  2. The next step is covering the frame with plasterboard elements. They are cut and adjusted to the appropriate sizes. These can be segments of different geometric shapes or strips for covering curved surfaces.
  3. The final stage is to putty the plasterboard surface of the ceiling and perform the final finishing.

Purchasing materials

For installation of multi-level plasterboard ceilings First of all, you should decide on the materials. You must first calculate required quantity. To work you will need:

  • drywall. When purchasing gypsum sheets, it is necessary to take into account the area of ​​the room and the number of ceiling levels to be installed;
  • metallic profile for suspended ceiling. With its help, a frame for a suspended ceiling is built. Plasterboard structures are attached to them;
  • starting metal profile, which is attached to the ceiling and walls, and then profiles are attached to it for sheathing with gypsum sheets. For the second and third levels, the starting profiles are attached using special hangers;
  • special hangers which are used for attaching profiles to the wall;
  • elements for connection, used to further increase the profile for cladding;
  • elements for crab connection. This element ensures fastening of profiles at right angles;
  • fasteners: “fleas”, self-tapping screws, dowels.

All these materials are used when installing a suspended ceiling. But after this, work is done to seal the seams and putty the ceiling.

To do this, you need to purchase a plastic reinforcing mesh, a primer, putty mixtures and finishing materials.

Preparing tools

In principle, it is not difficult to arrange a multi-level plasterboard ceiling with your own hands. But this will require special tools that will greatly facilitate the work. These include common and simple tools found in almost every home. You need to prepare:

  • To facilitate fastening, a screwdriver is used. It is better if the attachment on it is magnetic;
  • hammer drill or impact drill. Depends on the type of walls. For concrete walls It is better to use a hammer drill;
  • use a level to check vertical and horizontal lines;
  • scissors for cutting metal;
  • special construction knife for cutting plasterboard sheets;
  • hammer;
  • a roller with needles for creating punctures on gypsum sheets. This must be done to facilitate the process of bending plasterboard elements;
  • spatula for sealing seams and filling the ceiling surface.

In rooms that are quite high, it is better to use special shelving for work. In this case, you will not need to jump from stool to stool.

Preparing for work

Any work requires preliminary preparations. To arrange suspended ceiling from plasterboard, it is also necessary to perform a series preparatory stages. This is what will ensure the quality of the work performed, and the result will please you. long years.

Preparing the ceiling surface

The quality of a multi-level plasterboard ceiling depends not only on reliable fastening, but also on how correctly it was carried out preparatory work ceiling surface. To do this you need:

  1. Completely free the ceiling from various objects: lamps, chandeliers, cornices, etc.
  2. Clear from old decoration. For example, from whitewash or paint, wallpaper or ceiling tiles.
  3. Repair any cracks or other defects. It is better to do this using quickly hardening mixtures.
  4. Treat the ceiling surface with a special antibacterial liquid to prevent the formation various types fungi.

With these measures, you can ensure an optimal microclimate, which will ensure a longer service life of the ceiling structure.


The most important stage when installing hypocardboard ceilings, especially complex ones, is carrying out correct marking. It is precise marking that will ensure the correct shape of the ceiling and a smooth surface. To complete the marking steps, you must perform the following steps:

  • On the walls, using a level, we draw lines of all ceiling levels. For example, a three-level ceiling will have three parallel lines on the wall.

Important! The differences between ceiling levels must be of such a height that it is possible to easily place the lamps and carry out their unhindered installation.

To do this, lamps must be purchased in advance.

  • At the next stage, we mark parallel lines on ceiling. The distance between the lines is about 60 cm. The starting profile, that is, the first level profile, will be attached to them in the future.
  • Next we apply the second level markings. Depending on the design, markings are applied to the initial ceiling level or to the ceiling.
  • Curvilinear markings, arcs or circles are applied using a cord or a special strip with holes. A screw is inserted into one of the holes, and a pencil into the second. Thus, we obtain a tool that replaces a compass.
  • Different complex markup We perform using pre-prepared templates.

Installation of a multi-level ceiling

This section will discuss how to make a multi-level plasterboard ceiling yourself. This process consists of several stages: installation of the frame, covering with plasterboard and finishing the ceiling.

Let's look at the first two stages in more detail.

Frame installation

When starting the process of installing the frame, you should first draw up a diagram on paper. The most important elements and transitions should be marked on it. After this, we proceed directly to arranging the frame:

  1. Starting profiles are attached to the preliminary markings on the walls.
  2. Cords are stretched between the attached profiles, which will show the landmark of each level.
  3. Suspensions are attached to the ceiling. With their help, the profile guides will be fixed. To install them, the end parts are inserted into the starting profiles and then attached to the hangers along the entire length.
  4. In those places where the second level is planned, the main profile does not need to be attached. In the place where the border of the second level passes, a starting profile is attached to the ceiling. It is placed strictly along the border line.
  5. We insert parts of the main profile into the starting profile on the ceiling every 20–30 cm. Their length must correspond to the height of the given ceiling level.
  6. A starting profile similar in configuration to the one attached to the ceiling is attached to the lower ends of the main profile parts.
  7. We complete the installation by strengthening the structure with the main profiles, inserting them into the starting profiles and additionally securing them with suspensions on the ceiling.

Important! At the frame installation stage, it is necessary to lay all the necessary wiring for lighting.

Sheathing with plasterboard

At this stage, we cover the finished frame with plasterboard. It is impossible to do this work on your own, since you have to lift heavy sheets of drywall to a certain height. Therefore, we find ourselves a partner in advance.

  1. We apply markings to the drywall and use construction knife draw lines. After this, you need to carefully break the sheet.
  2. We make round holes on the parts that will attach the lamps.
  3. Next, we attach the sheets to the main profile using metal screws. The optimal length of the screws is 2.5 cm. The level of fastening of the screws is determined by the following characteristics: the head should be slightly below the surface of the sheet, but should not break through the cardboard. In this way, all horizontal planes are sutured.
  4. More difficult process– sheathing vertical planes, especially arcs. If you are sewing up curved vertical surfaces, it is better to do it in small pieces of plasterboard, and then carefully seal the seams.
  5. You can bend pieces of drywall using a needle putty knife. First, you need to walk it over the sheet, then use a spray bottle to moisten the part a little and, using gentle movements, try to bend it.

Important! You need to be careful not to over-hydrate. Since if there is excess moisture, the part may simply fall apart.

After completing the cladding, they move on to processing the seams and puttingtying it.


Many people think that arranging a multi-tiered ceiling with their own hands is an impossible task. But, if you carefully study the advice given in this article and adhere to all necessary instructions, then you can get a unique ceiling structure.

Multi-level stretch ceiling

Stretch multi-level ceilings are a modern ceiling covering, which is distinguished by its beauty, originality, and designer’s flight of fancy. This great choice, because such a ceiling really looks beautiful. In addition, a very wide range of products is available on the market. color solutions and styles from classic to modern and high-tech. Modern ones Construction Materials make it possible to make such a ceiling in 1-2 days with your own hands.

Stretch multi-level ceilings and their advantages

A stretch ceiling is a canvas made of PVC films, stretched over a frame made of metal or plastic profiles. This ceiling covering hides the imperfections of the base, helps hide pipes, wiring, ventilation, and also visually expands the space of the room. Besides, tension structure creates additional comfort and emphasizes the beauty of lamps installed around the perimeter of the room.

Stretch ceilings can have a multi-level design. They are often performed using only stretched vinyl fabric. It is also possible combined design from PVC film and plasterboard.

Levels made from gypsum plasterboard take away the height of the room, so this option is not suitable for arranging low ceilings.

There are two systems for fastening suspended ceilings: harpoon and wedge. The harpoon system is more common, since it does not require special skills during installation, which allows an untrained person to do everything as correctly as possible. Harpoons are attached during the manufacturing process, so it is necessary to accurately take measurements of the room. It is recommended to take 7% canvas less area rooms to avoid sagging stretch ceiling in future.

The wedge system for fastening suspended ceilings is technically much more difficult and requires special knowledge and great experience in carrying out installation work. Of course, it has a big plus - versatility. The wedge system does not have a harpoon around the perimeter. In addition, it is not at all necessary to strictly measure the dimensions of the canvas, since you can retighten it many times, adjusting the tension of the film.

Specifics of work when installing multi-level suspended ceilings with a harpoon system

Main design elements harpoon mount are:

  • canvas;
  • harpoon;
  • flashing;
  • baguette.

Using a baguette, the stretch film is attached to the ceiling or walls. There are three types of profiles made of aluminum or plastic:

  • ceiling;
  • connective;
  • h-shaped;
  • U-shaped.

Typically, the installation of multi-level ceilings is carried out last, after preparing the ceiling and laying the electrical wiring for light bulbs and fixtures. The light bulbs themselves are mounted last on the finished ceiling.

First of all, you need to prepare the ceiling for work. First, you must make the right sketch that will be appropriate in the interior and take into account the shape of the ceiling. For this you will need:

  • paper;
  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • roulette;
  • compasses and/or patterns (if curves and waves are planned).

Now you need to transfer the diagram of the entire room onto paper, not forgetting about the windows and doorways. For selection optimal option It is recommended to put furniture and other interior elements on the design diagram.

In the technology of multi-level ceilings, it is assumed that each subsequent profile should end with a suspension. Therefore, when marking, it is necessary to clearly indicate the place for the frame. This will allow you to install the entire ceiling with minimal unevenness.

The preparation of the rough ceiling is carried out in several stages:

  1. Removing all layers of peeling plaster and dust.
  2. Treatment with an antiseptic primer in damp areas to prevent the development of fungus.
  3. Cleaning the premises from construction debris and anything else that interferes with work.

Let's start installation

In order to install a suspended ceiling structure, you will need the following tool:

You should also stock up on materials such as:

Fastening parts must be aligned using a level. If the leveling technology has not been developed, multi-level suspended ceilings after sheathing with plasterboard will be uneven, and it will be impossible to correct this.

Installation of a multi-level stretch ceiling should begin from the corner between the inner and external wall with a window.

The profiles are attached to dowels around the perimeter of the room with a fastening pitch of no more than 30 centimeters. The location must be strictly horizontal, so be sure to use a level.

Next, you should cut off all excess and secure it inside boxes with horizontal slats and vertical posts. The distance between the posts is approximately 20 centimeters. All this is done with a U-shaped profile. All elements of the latter and the connections of its planks are “seated” on self-tapping screws.

It is important that the ceiling frame is strong and level. Its base is attached to hangers that are installed along the perimeter of the walls. In this case, you can extend the structure if it is too short. For this purpose small wooden blocks. The frame assembly is completed.

Installation and finishing

Now you need to do the wiring electrical diagram. If you want to place light bulbs in the suspended part of the ceiling, you need to make a base for them using profiles, which will be hidden with film.

Next, the frame must be covered with plasterboard. This should be done so that the edges of adjacent sheets certainly fall on the same profile. In this case, approximately 12-15 screws are needed per sheet of standard size.

The next step is priming the surface, after which you can begin to putty the uneven surfaces. The seams are covered with reinforcing tape. If necessary, putty is applied in 2-3 layers. Next, you should re-prime and putty, but this time the entire surface of the drywall. The putty is applied in 2 extremely thin layers. After this, you need to prime the planes of the multi-level ceiling again for finishing.

Finally, you can start cutting out the holes for the lamps, after which the levels should be painted. It is recommended to use silicone, water-based or acrylic paint. Plus water-based paint silicone-based is that it is not afraid of moisture and mechanical wear, which allows you to clean the surface without fear of damaging it.

When working with a heat gun, you should beware of overheating - from high temperature PVC film will deform and become unusable.

If everything was done correctly, the cooled ceiling becomes perfectly flat. Now we proceed to the installation of lamps, after which the work is considered completed.

As you can see, making a multi-level stretch ceiling with your own hands is not at all difficult, and besides, all work can be carried out as quickly as possible. This ceiling design has quite a few advantages, including a beautiful appearance and practicality in care. Good luck with the renovation!

Installation of a multi-level stretch ceiling, video

When planning a renovation in a room, you cannot ignore the ceiling, which not only performs important functions, but also becomes part of the interior. The market offers a large number of types of materials for this coating, but perhaps one of the richest in options is drywall. Designers are especially fond of multi-level gypsum plasterboard ceilings, which make it possible to create rooms that are unique in design.

One of the main advantages of this type of coating is the unlimited shapes that drywall can take. Thanks to this, you can build arches, steps, canopies, symmetrical figures, and so on on the ceiling and walls; the options depend only on your own imagination. On the Internet and specialized magazines you can find already completed projects that involve multi-level plasterboard ceilings, but you can plan and draw a plan for your own unique design.

Often the technique of lowering some part of the covering is used to mount additional (or main) lighting elements. This contributes functional zoning premises and makes it possible to more effectively illuminate areas where it is necessary: ​​for example, workplace in the kitchen or the area above the mirror in the bathroom. Multi-level plasterboard ceiling in this regard - perfect solution, and doing such an installation with your own hands is not at all difficult.

This is just another important factor: despite the fact that the structure may seem complicated, in fact it is enough to follow the instructions, and you can do it yourself. In addition, the tiered ceiling is quite robust construction, which will serve you for many years and will not require replacement, repainting, etc. Another important advantage is the ability to hide all communication systems under it, even bulky pipes, which often spoil the view in bathrooms.

Correct drawing of a multi-level ceiling

If you want to understand how to make a durable multi-level plasterboard ceiling, then your first step is to draw up detailed diagram what you want to get in the end. It can be done either manually on paper or using specialized construction programs. To do this, you will need to know the dimensions of your room in order to place guides and supporting profiles of all levels on the plan, and also mark the location of the suspensions. It is at this stage that you think about what shape your ceiling will have, whether it will be curved, beveled, wave-shaped, etc.

Then the markings from the drawing must be transferred to the surface. This is done using a ruler, a laser or water level, and a tapping cord if you need to copy curved lines. The attachment lines for the UD profile guides are marked on the walls 10-15 cm from the lowest corner point (it is found by measuring the distance from the floor in all four corners). If you want to hide communication systems using a multi-level plasterboard ceiling, this distance may be greater.

Then you need to mark the laying of the supporting CD profiles and install the hangers on which they will be attached. These lines are located parallel across the entire plane with a step of 40 cm. Suspensions (straight or spring, depending on how low the structure needs to be lowered) are attached at a distance of 60 cm from each other.

Frame installation

Since the frame is the basis of the entire structure, its installation must be treated with maximum responsibility. Today you can find many videos showing the installation of multi-level plasterboard ceilings, including installation load-bearing structure: They can help you understand exactly what to do.

In general, the process looks like this:

  • Installation of guide profiles is carried out, which are installed using dowels, plastic or metal;
  • Suspensions are installed;
  • CD profiles are first inserted into the guides and then screwed to the hangers with self-tapping screws;
  • Jumpers are installed, which can be made from a guide profile. They are also secured with self-tapping screws, and thus a network of profiles is obtained;
  • At the intersection of perpendicular profiles, “crab” connectors are installed and screwed, which strengthen the structure.

In this way, the frame of the first level of a two- or three-level ceiling is constructed. At this stage, you already need to take care of the wiring, which is best kept in a corrugation or cable duct. From these, the wires must be brought to the places where spotlights or a chandelier will be located. After this, sheets of drywall are attached: they must extend at least 20 cm into the area above the second-level structure, and, of course, be everywhere where this level is not provided. It is recommended to putty the seams.

The installation of the frame of the second level of a multi-level ceiling can be done with your own hands according to the same scheme: markings on the walls, fastening guides, hangers and load-bearing profiles, covering with sheets of plasterboard. One of the features is the design of curved lines using profiles. To do this, they are cut with metal scissors and bent to the desired shape. Also, in such cases, the supporting profiles are first attached to the hangers, and then inserted into the guides.

Again, we must remember about the wiring: released before the right place wires for lamps should have a margin of 10-15 cm.

Installation of plasterboard sheets on the ceiling

Sewing with sheets on the second level multi-level ceilings should occur in such a way that the seams do not coincide with the joints on the first level. Otherwise, the process is approximately the same: the sheets are fastened with self-tapping screws onto the drywall so that the seams necessarily lie on the profiles. Before laying it is recommended, firstly, to mark and make holes for all lighting fixtures(chandeliers, spotlights etc.). Secondly, the edges of the sheets are processed with an edge plane, and they are chamfered at an angle of about 40 degrees to make the puttying process easier. All this can be done after installation, but it will be much easier to work on the floor.

For the finishing cladding, the seams are first finished: they are covered with serpyanka and fugenfüller. When the seams are dry, they are rubbed down with an abrasive mesh, and then the entire surface is puttied in several layers and also rubbed down. After this you can paint it.

As for the wiring, after installing multi-level suspended ceilings, you can install lamps in the holes that were made in advance, or make them after installing the slabs. Then you need to connect the wires, not forgetting to calculate the total load on the room, otherwise the wiring may burn out.

Now you have an idea of ​​how to make a multi-level ceiling and what you need for it. In addition to what has been described, there are still quite a lot of options for how to carry out this operation, and if you also have tips that can help with installation, leave them in the comments!

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How to assemble multi-level plasterboard ceilings – 2 different instructions for self-use

Greetings. In this article I will tell you how to make multi-level plasterboard ceilings with your own hands using available tools and inexpensive materials, which can be purchased at most hardware stores.

In previous articles, I talked about how to sheathe a ceiling with sheet plasterboard in one level. This time I propose to complicate the task a little and make the ceiling not only functional, but also beautiful.

Is it possible to cope with multi-level plasterboard covering of building surfaces on your own? Of course, you can, and read on to learn how to do this.

A few words about technology

What are the benefits of multi-level gypsum board ceilings?

Such designs differ from single-level analogues in greater functionality and more attractive design. For example, thanks to a multi-level configuration, it becomes possible to more effectively arrange sources of spot lighting for zoning a room.

In addition, ceiling structures assembled in several levels are more suitable for installing ceiling hoods, air conditioning systems, fasteners for hanging curtains, boxes for roller shutters, etc.

In this article we will look at the technology for assembling multi-level ceilings of two types:

  • A classic ceiling with a predominance of straight lines - it is not much more difficult to install than single-level structures;
  • Designs with more modern design with a predominance of curved lines.

To assemble multi-level ceilings, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • Plasterboard sheet (GKL) - thickness 6.5 mm;
  • Galvanized steel mounting profile;
  • Self-tapping screw (metal-to-metal);
  • Self-tapping screws with press washers;
  • Hammer drill with concrete drill (diameter 6 mm);
  • Screwdriver and bits with limiter;
  • Laser level (alternatively spirit level and plumb line);
  • Tinted lace for leveling;
  • Hacksaw with small teeth and zero setting;
  • Metal scissors;
  • Segment knife.

There are several types of profiles on sale, and they are distinguished from each other not only by price. For example, some profiles have a reinforced design designed to withstand mechanical loads. At the same time, other profiles are thinner and lighter and can be used where excessive rigidity and strength are not necessary.

Assembly of a classic two-level ceiling with lighting

On the proposed diagram you can get acquainted with the features of the design that we will assemble:

  • The center remains plastered concrete floor, that is, it is zero;
  • The ceiling itself will be lowered by 120 mm relative to zero;
  • The design includes a lighting console along the entire internal perimeter;
  • The design provides a niche for placing cornices;
  • The side around the entire perimeter is 600 mm wide;
  • Niche depth 250 mm;
  • The diameter of the decorative recesses is selected in accordance with aesthetic preferences.

You need to understand that the dimensions given in the instructions are given in relation to the object on which they were performed Finishing work. At self-finishing use current dimensions calculated in accordance with the dimensions of the ceiling.

The installation instructions are as follows:

  • By using laser level or spirit level, we determine the most forward point of overlap - the minimum from which subsequent markings will be carried out;

  • We measure 120 mm on the walls relative to the minimum and mark an even line around the perimeter;
  • On the ceiling we mark a rectangle that will correspond to the internal perimeter of the ceiling structure with a distance of 600 mm from the external perimeter;

  • At the corners of the internal perimeter we draw the diameters of circles for decorative elements;

How can you mark a large circle without a compass? In the center of the intended circle, drill a hole for the dowel and nail. We drill two holes in a piece of profile, spaced from each other at a distance equal to the required diameter.
Through one hole we attach the profile to the ceiling with a dowel, and into the other hole we insert the end of a pencil or marker. By turning the profile around the fixing dowel, you can mark a circle of the required size.

  • We fasten the profile along the perimeter marked along the walls;

  • We fasten the profile according to the markings made on the ceiling;

How to attach the profile? We drill through holes in the metal strip for the diameter of the screw. We attach the strip to the mounting surface and mark the location of the through holes. Using the marks in the mounting surface, we drill holes the length of the dowel, apply the strip to the surface and fasten the dowel with nails.

  • We fasten the profile along the radial markings;

In order to give the metal strip a rounded shape, outside of the intended bend, approximately every 2 cm, we make cuts with metal scissors. If you bend the profile, the cuts made will diverge evenly and it will be possible to obtain a bend with a more or less uniform diameter.

  • In accordance with the markings, we assemble from the profile the rectangular perimeter of the niche for curtains;
  • We fasten strips of drywall along straight sections of the internal perimeter;

To attach gypsum board strips we use inserts cut from profile pieces, as shown in the photo. By the way, at this stage it is not necessary to cut the strips to the required size in advance. It will be possible to align the transition from one level to another later, and this can be done by level.

  • We attach the strip to the niche area for curtains;
  • In the gap between the outer and inner perimeter, as shown in the photo, we install embedded elements on which the gypsum board will be attached and which will serve as a structural reinforcement;

  • We sew decorative circles;

How to bend a strip of drywall to secure it to a rounded profile? In fact, everything is very simple - you need to make transverse cuts every 3-5 cm along the outside of the fold.

  • Using a level, mark the bottom edge along which you will need to trim the transition from one level to another;

  • Trim off excess drywall around the entire perimeter;
  • We sew up the bottom side of the structure, for now, without cutting the drywall to the required shape;
  • We draw out the internal perimeter of the drywall with a reserve for the console for installation;

  • According to the markings made, we cut the sheathing around the entire perimeter;
  • We screw the profile along the edge of the cut (see how to bend it correctly earlier);

  • We attach a strip of drywall on top of the fixed profile;
  • We cut out technological holes for the lamps and bring the wiring out;

  • We carry out the final finishing of the finished ceiling.

If you are assembling a multi-level ceiling for the first time, the proposed instructions can be simplified a little. For example, you can make a blank box around the perimeter of the room without recessed lights and without a niche for curtains. Again, you can do without gluing the baguette and simply level the edges of the plasterboard structure with putty.

Plasterboard structure in two circles for a suspended ceiling

Another variety plasterboard structures, the assembly of which I wanted to tell you about, is a ceiling with double circle decor. As you can see in the photo, we are talking about a ceiling originally covered with oriented strand panels, on top of which a double perimeter covered with plasterboard was fixed.

A special feature of the design is that it was originally designed for the installation of a stretch ceiling. This feature affected the design of the internal perimeter, which was further strengthened for this purpose.

The multi-level ceiling was assembled as follows:

  • On rough ceiling markings were made - 2 circles, drawn using an improvised compass assembled from a piece of profile;
  • We marked a perimeter equal to the thickness of the lower horizontal level on the walls of the room;

  • According to the markings made, the profile was secured both to the walls and to the ceiling;

  • A strip of drywall began to be attached along the first perimeter of the circle and along the frame of the niche;

  • As the strip is attached, we strengthen the structure with inserts cut from a piece of profile;

To ensure that the assembled structure is level, we check each stage of installation work using a laser level. If there is no laser level, we use a spirit level for these purposes.

  • Along the fixed strip, we install a ring from the profile at the level of the inner perimeter, so that when covering, we get an inner circle;

  • After the outer perimeter was sheathed, an additional profile was attached along its edge, which both strengthens the structure and serves to fasten the horizontal ceiling lining;

  • In the gap between the outer ring and the wall, as shown in the photo, a sheathing was installed from the profile;
  • The sheathing was sheathed plasterboard sheets from the outer circle to the wall;

  • A plasterboard strip was installed along the perimeter of the inner circle at the same level as the profile attached to the end of the outer circle;

  • Based on the shape of the resulting void between the two rings, we make plasterboard inserts, as shown in the photo;

  • We attach the pre-prepared liners to the profile.

After the entire frame is sheathed, you can begin finishing surfaces. We do not putty or level the free space in the inner circle, since it will be possible to subsequently install a stretch vinyl ceiling there.
