Winter garden design styles: tropical and other types of plants. How to set up a small greenhouse. Plants for the winter garden Indoor flowers for the winter garden

The winter garden has become the same accessory of an elite home as a garage, patio, swimming pool, or fireplace. Human attraction to nature played a significant role in this. The wall of the winter garden is a thin border between man-made natural environment inside the house (plants in tubs, artificial ponds, birds living in spacious cages) and that which surrounds it outside. On our geographic latitude depending on the time of year, this glass border can be completely invisible in the height of summer, or very sharp due to the contrast between the frost, whiteness of the snow outside and the warmth, greenery inside. The winter garden is perfect for business negotiations, receiving guests, and for everyday life.

The design of winter gardens is varied. They can be decorative, fruit (citrus), or reminiscent of a tropical forest, desert, coastal or rocky landscape. There are compositions like a blooming garden, and various water gardens are also interesting - a water lily garden, a florarium garden, a waterfall garden. Depending on the area, the composition can be placed entirely in a stationary flower box, or you can use plants, each of which is in its own pot. In the latter case, there is the advantage of mobility - plants can be moved, and one can be replaced with another at any time. Hanging and hanging flowerpots will help save space on the floor.

The most common compositions are:

Rocky landscape. Close to deserted. Material: sand, stones. The phytocomposition is placed against the background of the untreated surface of the stone. Some plants are located in vertical plane, in the cracks between stones, slabs, and partly at the foot of a rock (stone). They use agaves, cacti, saxifrage, aloe, and Crassula (epiphytes and succulents).

A tropical forest. To imitate a tropical landscape, various palm trees, vines, bromeliads, ferns, ficuses, and ground covers are suitable. Here you can arrange an artificial pond, fountain, cascade.

Coastal landscape. Composition up to one and a half meters high in containers, a small pond, fountain or cascade. Plants with a weeping crown shape, large ferns, aglaonemas, philodendrons, dracaenas, spathiphyllums, dieffenbachias, anthuriums, syngoniums, ivy.

Mandatory in the background tall plant- monstera, ficus.

Fruit garden. For creating orchard Suitable citrus fruits (lemon), coffee trees, pomegranate, pineapple, feijoa. Original fruits add decorative value to such a garden.

Blooming garden. The composition can be made up of beautifully flowering plants with large, brightly colored flowers: oleander (pink, white double flowers with a strong odor), azaleas, hyperastrum, passionflower.

A blooming greenhouse in your home, or as it is now commonly called, a winter garden, at first glance requires a significant investment of effort and money. Therefore, there is an opinion that this pleasure is available only to very rich people. But if you try to create your own garden yourself, you can get by with much less money.

To begin, draw a plan for your future garden. Preference should be given flowering plants, but conifers and plants with beautiful foliage should also not be forgotten. Once the plan is ready and you are determined, let's get started.

A phytodesigner will help you place plants so that they look impressive, highlight and complement each other’s beauty. Plants for the winter garden are selected according to similar bioecological requirements. IN big garden you can create several “climate zones”

Plant species originating from the Mediterranean region require a temperature of 12–15 ° C and humidity of up to 50–60% in winter. tropical plants Southeast Asia and America require temperatures of 22–26 °C and 80–90% humidity throughout the year. Located in greenhouse conditions exotic plants may suffer without taking into account the above factors.

When choosing plants, you should remember the biological and aesthetic connections between different species. Some plants, such as orchids, require a lot of space. They do not tolerate other plants around them, so they begin to wither and die. Others, on the contrary, are unpretentious and quite calm about the proximity of other subspecies of plants.

Paradoxically, a winter garden filled with artificial plants. Alternative option– dried flowers and preserved plants.


Tropical plants of Africa and Asia. Ficus lyre-shaped, asparagus pinnate, long pepper, thunbergia grandiflora, dallalia dissected, green pellea, ocasia, Dracaena Sander, begonia goeg, cyperus sequentifolia (for a mini-pond).

Plants of the humid tropics of America. Anthurium climbing, Philodendron climbing, Billbergia magnificent, Vriesia brilliant, Brovallia beautiful, Columnea glorious, Eschynanthus beautiful, Anthurium majestic, Anthurium detailed, Differenachia spotted, Dieffenbachia seguina, Calathea striped, Calathea decorated, Begonia cuffed, Peperomia silvery, Callisia graceful, saururus drooping (for mini-ponds).

Non-tropical plants of Asia and Africa . Himalayan aucuba, silver bemeria, Kashmir cypress, a coffee tree Arabian, fragrant dracaena, deoloid asparagus, Sprenger asparagus, fleshy hoya, mountain ficus, aglaonema changeable, variegated Dieffenbachia, royal begonia, Strelitzia reginas, curculigum reflexum, Pteris longifolia, common ivy.

Subtropical plants of Japan, China, New Zealand. Aucuba japonica, euonymus japonica, hibiscus, camellia japonica, livingstona chinensis, nandina domestica, fatsia japonica, honeysuckle japonica, lygodium japonica, ficus minis, azalea, aspidistra tall, bouvardia rooting, rohea japonica, calamus, ophiopogon japonica, rhinekia meat-red Naya , araucaria varifolia, coastal griselinia, eugenia myrtifolia, southern cordyline, schefflera radiata, confused muhlenbeckia, asplenium bulbiferous, pellea rotundifolia, blue dianella, southern plectrum ranthus, heart-shaped guttuinia (for mini-ponds).

Desert plants of Africa and America. Aloe ciliata, Aloe Marlota, African portulacaria, Euphorbia largehorn, Euphorbia globulus, Oscularia deltoid, Agapanthus umbellata, Gasteria verrucosa, Kalanchoe becharis, Crassula moss, Sedum thick-leaved, Opuntia white-haired, Myrtillocactus sememeri, Cereus peruvian, Agave retina oh, glorious yucca, American agave , Pereskia thorny, Aporocactus whip-shaped, Morgan's sedum, Bocassa mammillaria, Creeping sedum, Elegant echeveria, slender mammillaria, wild short-leaved, Echeveria agave.

04.05.2016 17:54

Just imagine: you live in a city apartment or in a private house, and you have a real garden at home. Moreover, a garden that can delight you not only summer time, when nature blooms, but also in winter, when it’s dark and cold outside. Introduced?

You may be surprised, but such a garden in an apartment is possible! In this article from the women's online magazine "100 Worlds" we will talk about what a winter garden is and why it is needed.

Why do you need a winter garden?

. Firstly, a green corner in the house is beautiful. Just imagine - green plants, bright flowers and even sunny oranges - isn't it pleasing to the eye? Especially when the weather outside is not at all conducive to cheerfulness.

. A winter garden will help you improve your health. In order for a person to be in peace of mind, he simply needs to look at something beautiful. And what can compare in beauty with the creations of nature? In addition, the color of green plants calms the psyche, and their smells also improve mood and have a calming effect.

In addition, we all remember that plants enrich environment oxygen and nitrogen, which we so need, especially when living in a city apartment near highways or in the center of a metropolis. If the dimensions of your home allow it, then the winter garden can also be decorated with water sources - for example, decorative fountains or small artificial lakes. In this case, the calming effect will be better, and your personal corner of nature will look more beautiful and natural.

. Your personal winter garden will become a real outlet for you - a place where you can retire, escape from all your worries and sit quietly, thinking about something pleasant or reading a book. Just imagine: it’s winter outside, it’s windy and cold outside. It gets dark early, the daylight hours are very short, and at the same time this day is cloudy. At such moments, you desperately want to come into contact with living, not sleeping, nature, inhale the smell of fresh plants, enjoy the aroma of flowers and touch delicate petals. And spring is far, far away...

If you have a winter garden at home, then bad weather and a dull natural landscape will bother you less, right? After all, your winter garden is a place where you can inhale the aromas of summer at any time of the year, enjoy unity with nature and its natural beauty. The winter garden is your little piece of summer, your personal corner of nature that no one can disturb.

. In addition, a winter garden can have a practical purpose. In addition to flowers and green plants that will give you aesthetic pleasure, your garden can also bring you real benefits. Tell me - isn’t it great to pluck from a branch the bright orange fruit that grew in your home with your own hand? Yes, yes, you understood correctly. A winter garden is quite suitable for growing fruit plants, and therefore it is possible to grow trees with exotic fruits in your apartment, which we are used to seeing only on store shelves.

However, you must understand that the capabilities of your garden directly depend on the size of your home and your financial capabilities. After all, any plants require care and, accordingly, suitable conditions. In addition, growing exotic plants at home, in principle, is not a very simple task for novice gardeners - this is understandable, because we are dealing with plants designed for other climatic conditions. Therefore, you should start with something less “capricious”, and only then move on to more delicate plants when you gain some experience.

So let's see what fruit plants you can grow it at home - perhaps something will suit you?

The following fruit plants are widely popular among winter garden lovers:


These plants are accustomed to hot climates, i.e. they require a lot of heat. Therefore, they can be grown in rooms that are reliably protected from the cold. Orange, lemon, grapefruit - these trees are grown not only in greenhouses, they are quite suitable for ordinary home conditions. It is important to note that even beginners in the field of gardening can grow such plants - they are unpretentious and do not require special skills in this area.

A pineapple

Yes, yes, this is not a joke - you can really grow pineapple at home. True, this heat-loving plant can behave ambiguously. Namely, home-grown pineapples may not always produce fruits with a truly aromatic taste. However, if you want to try growing it exotic plant, then - forward.

Then you need to know that in order to plant this plant, you need to cut off the top of the pineapple fruit with a piece of pulp and bury it in wet sand - this is how this plant is planted. Remember also that pineapple needs to be watered frequently.


If you want to grow this exotic fruit at home, then you will have to tinker. Growing bananas is a painstaking task; these plants require special care and great patience on the part of their owners. If you are ready to experiment, then remember the following.

The method of propagation of bananas depends on its species - most bananas reproduce using suckers, but some species reproduce by seeds. A banana requires abundant watering and regular feeding with fertilizers, but most importantly, it needs warmth. The air temperature in the room where the banana grows should be in the range of 24-28 degrees, and in winter - at least 16. At the same time, you should know that your patience will not be rewarded very soon - this plant will begin to bear fruit only after 3 years.


Another plant that is popular with novice gardeners is punica. What it is? This is an indoor pomegranate. The pomegranate is a tree that can easily grow in an ordinary house. It will gradually reach 1 meter in height and will delight you with its flowers every year. And specifically with flowers, since difficulties may arise with fruits.

The fact is that indoor pomegranate is a heat-loving plant, and if it lacks heat, it will not bear fruit. Thus, if you want to enjoy pomegranate fruits, then you should organize heating for your winter garden, and also be prepared to sometimes move the plant to a warm room.


Avocado is also very popular because caring for this plant is not very difficult. To plant an avocado, you will need an avocado seed. The bone is stuck with the blunt end into the soil, and its tip is left sticking out above the surface. Gradually the plant will develop, and at first it will need warmth - until the avocado gives its first leaves, it should be kept at a temperature of about 18 degrees, and in winter - at low temperatures.

Date fruit

Date trees are very popular among “home” gardeners, since this plant is convenient for keeping in a city apartment. First of all, it is convenient to plant - it is known that the date successfully germinates from the seed of a dried fruit, i.e. There is no need to look for fresh fruits.

In addition, the date needs an air temperature above 20 degrees - i.e. the same temperature that is comfortable for the person himself. True, in winter the date needs to “cool down”, providing it with colder conditions - 12-14 degrees.

Coffee and laurel trees

Coffee and bay trees are perfect for growing in a winter garden - even inexperienced gardeners can easily handle them. These plants are unpretentious, they grow well and produce a harvest.

The only thing important rule What is worth learning when keeping such plants is that in winter the air temperature of the winter garden should not exceed 1 degree.

So, how can you be sure It is quite possible to create a real winter garden at home, and in some cases even profitable. In any case, contact with green plants is always beneficial for a person - our green friends help us calm a shaken nervous system and bring our mood back to normal. Why not try organizing such a garden at home?

Anastasia Cherkasova,

Recently, winter gardens have gained global popularity. The key to such popularity is modern and affordable materials that allow you to equip a winter garden in almost any country house.

Contrary to outdated stereotypes, the construction of a winter garden does not require large capital investments, and some structures can be made with your own hands. Very important point in the construction of a winter garden - this is heating and lighting. It is correctly designed communication systems that guarantee a beautiful and blooming winter garden. The calculation of the number of lighting and heat sources is made on a purely individual basis and directly depends on the type of winter garden, its size and location.

Be sure to pay attention to the air humidity level in winter garden. This parameter is very important if plants are planted in the garden. different kinds tropical plants that do not tolerate dry air. To create a winter garden optimal humidity 70-75%, additional devices will be required. Mini fountains and decorative containers with water can also play a significant role in creating the desired level of humidity in the garden.

A very important role in the construction of a winter garden is played by its future location. This factor will also be taken into account when calculating the required lighting. The best option for the construction of the winter garden - south side. In addition, the southwest and southeast sides work well. A winter garden located on the south side will receive the maximum dose of natural light, however, this should be taken into account if the garden will not accommodate light-loving plants. In this case, you can include blinds, sliding curtains or awnings in the interior of the winter garden.

Many plants feel great in the eastern side. This location will allow the flowers to receive bright, but not direct sunlight in the morning and during the day. The most irrational sides for placing a winter garden are the west and north. But despite this, in gardens located on these sides you can plant shade-loving plants, for example ficus, ivy or schefflera.

Planting plants in the winter garden

Plants can be planted in a winter garden in three ways:

1. Plants and flowers are placed in all kinds of tubs, pots and flowerpots. This option may also be suitable for mini gardens, which can be placed in glazed loggias.

2. Fresh flowers and plants are planted in large stationary containers, stylized as flower beds. This option is perfect for a medium-sized winter garden.

3. Plants are planted directly in open ground. This option for a winter garden is the most complex and large-scale, and will require not only large areas, but also a special garden design. In such gardens you can use rock gardens and small waterfalls.

Naturally, all of the listed types of planting can be combined with each other, creating an original artistic ensemble.

We also read: and what to plant in it.

Types of plants for the winter garden

There may be two types of plants in the winter garden:

— plants of subtropical species;

- plants of tropical species.

Varieties of winter garden

A modern winter garden can be made in the most different styles, for example, Mediterranean, Oriental or Japanese. In addition, the winter garden can have character traits styles from past centuries, such as Romanesque, Renaissance or Art Nouveau. Winter gardens with the so-called “desert landscape”, reminiscent of endless prairies, look very original and distinctive. Such gardens may contain dracaenas, cacti, Kalanchoe, agapanthus and tree-like toast.

In addition, a modern winter garden can be planted with medicinal or fruit-bearing plants.

Winter garden design

Despite the fact that living plants are a very beautiful design element, any winter garden needs to create a “frame”. Winter gardens may contain arches, stained glass windows and interestingly designed flower pots and tubs. Flooring plays an important artistic role in the interiors of winter gardens. Looks very original in gardens marble tiles and colored mosaic.

If the area of ​​the winter garden is large enough, then you can place a table and several elegant chairs, as well as a small bench or rattan chairs.

As you can see, despite the apparent complexity, equipping a winter garden at home is a completely feasible task.

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There are many plants that either bloom in winter or are capable of blooming regardless of the time of year. That's why the owners country houses allocate separate rooms for the winter garden. Winter Garden should be located on the south side or southeast side so that it is illuminated by the rays of the sun most of the time. For a greenhouse, you can allocate a room with large windows or a glassed-in terrace. you can create a cozy green corner in your own home or even in your apartment.

Flowers for a winter garden in a private house

The main task when organizing a winter garden is correct selection plants, knowledge of their properties, care requirements. Often you have to choose between colors that you like and those that can really take root in your home.

List of plants for the winter garden:

  • Orchids;
  • Anthurium;
  • Hippeastrum;
  • Passionflower;
  • Hibiscus.

Orchid in the winter garden

The queen of any home is the orchid. There are many types of orchids. The most common and unpretentious is Phalaenopsis. He is quite thermophilic and light-loving. Minimum permissible temperature for Phalaenopsis + 16 Celsius. It blooms once a year, but has a long flowering period of about 8 months and is able to bloom continuously for several years at proper care and adequate nutrition.

Cymbidium is one of the most cold-resistant. It tolerates + 10. Moreover, for its proper development a period of cool temperatures is necessary. Cymbidiums come in mini varieties, when the leaf size reaches 50–60 cm. Such plants can feel comfortable in rooms of any size. Tall Cymbidiums (up to 2 m) require greenhouses with an area of ​​at least 20 sq.m., so that, in addition to them, other plants can be placed.

Watch the video: Construction of a winter garden

Dendrobiums, Miltonias, Cattleyas, Coelogins can tolerate +12, but are more picky about care.

All orchids are watered quite rarely - once every 7 - 10 days. In winter, be sure to heat the water, let it sit, and add special fertilizer for orchids every 2 weeks.

Flowers in the winter garden: Anthurium

Anthurium - very beautiful plant with large shiny leaves and “strict” flowers. It comes in different colors - from white to dark red, almost black. Can bloom continuously. Not picky about lighting. Heat-loving.

Hippeastrum for a greenhouse in the house

Hippeastrum – bulbous plant. They are planted in the winter garden in September - October. With proper care, it takes about 2 months from planting to flowering. Hippeastrum has large funnel-shaped flowers. They can reach 20 cm in diameter. As a rule, there are from 3 to 5 flowers on one peduncle, blooming alternately with a difference of 2 to 3 days, and, as a result, forming a luxurious blooming bouquet. The color range ranges from pale white to burgundy. Flowers are simple and double.

After all the flowers have faded, you should gradually transfer the plant into a dormant period. This usually happens by summer. Watering is rare and does not require lighting. Soils – with neutral acidity.

Passiflora for the home

Passionflower is loved for its unusual flower shape. The second name of the plant is “Cavalry Star”. The inflorescence is multi-layered: the lower petals are wider and lighter (white, as a rule), the upper ones are thin 2 - 3 mm, bluish or pale lilac. They bloom in turns. Faded inflorescences are also quite decorative.

Hibiscus in the winter garden in the apartment

Watering should be regular warm water. Soils – with neutral acidity.

A blooming greenhouse is the dream of every housewife, because plants give the room a special coziness. If you are thinking about how to make a winter garden with your own hands, then carefully consider the list of plants, taking into account the features of caring for them.

Who among us has not dreamed that summer would never end? A riot of greenery and colors gives way to a dull gray landscape outside the window, and you really want to prolong the feeling of warmth and freshness. A winter garden can become the embodiment of this dream if you choose the plants wisely and with love.

To create a winter garden, you need to choose plants that have similar growing and care conditions.

Before deciding which plants to choose for the winter garden, you should determine the type of plants in the future garden.

There aren't that many of them:

  • subtropical plants (these flowers require cold wintering (6-12°C), and the humidity should be at least 70%);
  • tropical plants (vegetation of this type requires a year-round temperature of at least 18°C, and humidity should not fall below 80%);
  • plants of desert regions (require moderate or above average temperatures in summer, in winter a temperature of at least 12 ° C is allowed, and are characterized by rare watering in winter - 1-2 times a month).

Based on the above, let's look at the main plants that can be grown for the winter garden.

Tropical flowers

Plants of the tropics delight the eye with their decorative large leaves and original flowers. To imitate a tropical jungle, it would be appropriate to arrange decorative ponds with nymphs, callas and cannas as decoration, and plant Fittonia, saggitaria and selaginella along the banks. A garden in this style is grateful for its originality, because it is not often that flowers of the tropics can be seen in our climatic zones. So, in order.

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Dracaena in your garden

Dracaena leaves need to be wiped from dust from time to time, and abundant watering should be carried out only in summer.

The most popular species possible for our gardeners has become the edged dracaena (D. marginata) due to its interesting looking. It resembles a palm tree with a woody stem and needle-like leaves. This species is rich in varieties that vary in leaf color - from plain to leaves with green, red, yellow or white stripes. She fits in very well various interiors. Another one is Dracaena deremensis (D. Deremensis). It has long leaves covered with stripes of various colors. It is thanks to the originality of the color that the Derema dracaena will decorate your winter garden.

Dracaena is not particularly demanding to care for. It easily adapts to dim lighting (for dracaenas with colored leaves, intense light is necessary for bright colors), like any tropical plant during the dormant period (from October to January), the air temperature should not fall below 18°C. Watering is moderate when the earthen clod dries, and during heating season Be sure to spray with soft water without lime.

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Such a different Dieffenbachia

This flower, despite all its external power, is very delicate indoor plant requiring delicate care. There are a lot of varieties of Dieffenbachia, and they all take root well in our climate. The most common are:

Dieffenbachia must be replanted at least once a year into the ground for decorative foliage plants.

  1. Oersteda (D. oerstedii) is a plant 30-35 cm high, with elongated or oval-pointed green leaves with a clear vein in the middle. Sometimes they have light spots, but this is not typical for this variety.
  2. Spotted (D. maculata) is a large-stemmed plant with elongated large leaves (length reaches 40-50 cm and width 15 cm). It is distinguished by the presence of large white spots on the leaf. Dieffenbachia produces flowers in the form of a cob, which over time forms yellow-red berries. There are many varieties of this variety, and they differ in the type of leaf color.
  3. Bause (D. bause) - you can distinguish it by the oval shape of the leaf yellow tint, which reaches a length of 30-35 cm and has a marbled pattern with white dots.
  4. Seguina (D. seguina) - very similar to spotted, but differs in larger leaves.

These flowers need care: Dieffenbachia will die if the temperature drops below 10°C, watering in winter time moderate is required, and abundant in spring and summer. Also, in winter, these flowers love good lighting, and in the warm season they need partial shade (an eastern or western window would be optimal). Dieffenbachia also does not tolerate drafts and dry air; it requires frequent spraying, but the temperature in the garden should not be lower than 18°C.

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Handsome anthurium and luxurious gloriosa

The roots and stem of the anthurium must be constantly kept moist - peat or moss is suitable for this.

More precisely, Gloriosa superba is a plant of the lily family that grows as vines with shoots that require support. This exotic guest of the winter garden will delight with interesting narrow-lanceolate leaves, twisted at the tips in a spiral, and large single flowers (about 10 cm in diameter) with long bright red petals with a wavy yellow edge. Flowering occurs in August-September.

These flowers are very thermophilic, they need a temperature of 20-22°C. Water abundantly throughout the entire period of growth and flowering, but do not water the tubers during the dormant period. Gloriosa loves moisture very much, so it should be sprayed often, and in rooms with dry air, it may need to be placed in a tray with water.

Anthurium is native to tropical America. The flowers of this species are always exquisite and unusual, and the leaves are leathery and have different shape. The most optimal choice for the winter garden there will be a type of Anthurium Andreanum, since these plants can reach 90 cm in height, and different varieties will give flowers in red, white, orange and white tones. There is a type of anthurium that is grown as an ornamental foliage plant - Anthurium Crystallinum. With age, the color of its leaves changes from purple-bronze to dark green. At good care, namely during exposure temperature regime At a minimum of 18°C, spraying and moderate but regular watering, anthuriums will bloom from spring to late summer, and sometimes all year round.

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Patterned Calathea

During growth, calathea needs to be fed liquid fertilizers For indoor flowers every fifteen days.

Calatheas have long become regulars in the winter garden and window sills of home plant lovers. These plants are perennial and decorative with their leaves, although there are varieties that are distinguished by their extraordinary flowers. In a well-designed tropical winter garden, Calathea crocata will feel great. It is very capricious and sheds its leaves very quickly from dry air. It is valued for its beautiful orange-red flowers on straight peduncles, but the leaves of this calathea are rather inconspicuous.

Calathea picta is amazing for its unusually colored leaves: outer side the leaf has a dark center with symmetrical stripes, a light wavy stripe along the edge, and the central vein has an interesting color from purple to white.

Calathea McCoy is considered the most spectacular: it has very thin oval leaves on straight petioles. The front side of the leaf is silver with a bizarre pattern of veins and dark green spots, and the edge is framed by a dark green edging. Inner surface The leaf repeats the external pattern, but in purple tones. Calathea lanceolate has an interesting leaf shape: they have wavy edges, and the long light green leaf itself is decorated with regular, symmetrically alternating dark green ovals. She looks very impressive.

Caring for calatheas is not very different from caring for other tropical plants: wet air, frequent spraying, abundant watering in the warm season and moderate in winter, good lighting with protection from direct sunlight. Calathea will thank you for your care with amazing beauty.

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Subtropical plants

Plants of the subtropics are among the most rewarding for the winter garden. They can give both amazing flowers with an unforgettable aroma and wonderful fruits with excellent taste.

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Oriental beauty azalea and discreet trachycarpus

Azalea has high requirements for soil, which must be loose and have an acidity of 4-5 units.

Azalea was once mistakenly recorded as a separate genus, although it belongs to the rhododendron genus. This is a perennial, crowned, low-trunked shrub. There are a great variety of its species; they can be divided into early-flowering, mid-flowering and late-flowering. All of them are extremely beautiful, have different colors, can be double, non-double or with a corrugated petal.

These flowers are quite capricious, but are great for the winter garden. They love moist and cool air, abundant watering and spraying only with soft, settled water. The lighting should be bright, but azaleas do not tolerate direct sunlight.

Trachycarpus can become good decoration for the winter garden. They belong to the palm family and are very easy to care for. The fan-shaped leaves always look wonderful, and it produces a peduncle up to 40 cm long, which blooms in white or yellow flower. Trachycarpus - perfect plant for the winter garden, because it loves bright, cool and well-ventilated rooms. In summer it requires abundant watering, but in winter you can reduce watering to 1-2 times a month. If you give this handsome guy the brightest place, you won't go wrong.
