Current trends in stylish and fashionable women's clothing. Essay on the topic: what should modern fashion be like? Stylistics and principles of modern fashionable images

Clothing has long ceased to simply protect against cold, wind or other influences of external factors. Today it is, first of all, an indicator of position, status and a unique attitude to life. The variety of styles and trends in clothing design allows everyone to find something in which they will feel free, comfortable and attractive.
Each new season's fashion offers interesting solutions and images that someone happily uses in their wardrobe, someone sifts out and filters, choosing only what resonates in their soul, and someone does not pay attention, dressing in what they have always liked and were comfortable. But to navigate what is fashionable now and what the main trends are modern clothes exist, it will never be superfluous.

Diversity outerwear for autumn

Jackets, coats, jackets and ponchos - stylish and comfortable outerwear will help a woman meet the autumn slush and coolness with good mood. In the large assortment and variety, you can even get confused. To choose something that will resonate with you, you can explore online resources and take a closer look at the models offered. For example, you can use the site, where wide choose jackets and jackets for the first cool days.
Studying trends in outerwear fashion, you will notice that designers have moved away from classic leather and are offering women to wear clothes made from a wide variety of fabrics: tweed, brocade, cashmere and even lace. What seems impossible to combine, designers easily combine, creating unique and elegant images.
As for colors and patterns, black and white combinations, stripes and floral motifs on a dark background are back in fashion.

The beauty of skirts and trousers

Despite the fact that women about a hundred years ago borrowed an item of men's clothing - trousers, designers constantly continue to come up with new variations and combinations. Although the skirt, as a symbol of femininity and elegance, is not inferior to trousers in popularity and the emergence of new models.
This autumn fashion trends placed on diametrically opposite sides of the style: thin tight jeans, emphasizing the slenderness of the legs, will be as popular as wide flared trousers, almost covering the shoes; miniskirts with an uneven asymmetrical hem can be worn in turn with a long silk skirt that covers the ankles. View all the variety of stylish trousers and fashionable skirts You can also do it via the Internet, for example, on the website, because choosing from such a variety seems to be a difficult task. And by following the link you can even see the main prices for this season's fashionable clothes.

General fashion trends for the new season

Every year, designers try to come up with something original and extraordinary to satisfy the tastes and wishes of the most demanding fashionistas. Sometimes it seems that the more unimaginable the combination of textures and elements used in an image, the more popular and in demand it becomes. The main features of fashion this fall:
brightness and character;
desire to experiment;
elegance and ability to be remembered.
Brave girls who are ready to skillfully combine elements in their image different styles, and want to look impressive, they will be able to express themselves and imprint their image in the memory of others.

Modern fashion styles are very diverse. And modern fashion is much more democratic than the fashion of past eras. Fashionistas of our day can afford to choose an individual style, taking into account individual characteristics and preferences.

Let's look at the main current trends in fashion.

History of modern fashion

Since the middle of the last century, fashion began to develop rapidly, one fashion style was replaced by another.

In the 70s, the hippie style gained popularity. Thisexpressed by a free and comfortable style of clothing. Bright, variegated colors predominated.

In the 80s, the hippie style was replaced by a sports style. Girls began to wear fishnet tights, sporty outfits, sneakers and leggings became popularand sports headbands.

By the end of the 20th century, unisex began to gain great popularity. Girls began to prefer comfortable clothes.

Since the beginning of the 21st century, fashion trends have become increasingly diverse. Fashionistas have the opportunity to choose trends to suit their taste. The quality of fabric and cut is becoming increasingly valuable. Large quantity fashionistas prefer not only bright style, but also looks at the quality and comfort of the clothes.

Modern fashion trends

There are many modern styles fashion, among them there are 10 main directions.

1. Classic style– this is restraint in colors, simplicity in lines and shapes, conciseness.

2. Casual style is the most popular modern style. Distinctive feature is convenience and comfort.

3. Sport style – characterized by comfortable, non-restrictive clothing designed for sports.

4. Romantic style- This is a gentle and sophisticated image. Delicate shades predominate.

5. Business style – a combination of restraint and elegance. Unlike classic style, business style more susceptible to changes in fashion.

6. Folklore style– use of elements of national costumes in clothing.

7. Minimalism is a laconic style, nothing superfluous.

The variety of styles allows fashionistas to create their own unique style and be individual.

In the Damoda24 online store you can find various styles of clothing for every fashionista. The clothes presented in our catalog combine fashion design And high quality cut.

Stylist, style coach

We have all noticed that fashion has changed a lot over the past ten years - the approach to creating things has changed, a new interpretation of styles has appeared, categorical “yes” or “no” no longer exist, fashion is focused on the individual, and this allows it to continuously change.

Without even knowing it, we have become participants in the media revolution. A hundred years ago, information spread very slowly to appear in printed edition the text about fashion went through a long journey of statements, and only after some time could the reader see it.

In 2008, when social networks gained widespread popularity, information began to spread at lightning speed. People became its main bearer - opinion leaders appeared, the masses began to produce fashion for themselves.

Today I want to talk about how the way of presenting information has changed the vector of fashion development. The fusion style embodies A New Look on fashion and new way adapting what we see around us.

Factor 1

The woman leaves the stage and gets closer to real life. More subtle methods of self-expression become available to her. The perception of a woman in fashion can be easily tracked by the most popular faces different eras. The most popular top model of recent years, Cara Delevingne, set the trend for spontaneous, easy and accessible charm.

Factor 2

Modern fashion has moved away from the idea of ​​originality and the idea of ​​creating something completely new and unique. The same solutions (in in this case a combination of soft pink with dark skin) are used in different situations, be it an Instagram picture or Rihanna’s evening look.

Factor 3

Two directions have been established: things are divided into art objects and practical clothes that are easy to wear and mix with each other. In order to attract attention, clothing should be slightly exaggerated. Exaggeration, which is not applicable in real life, looks natural on a computer screen. It becomes the promotion of new ideas.

Factor 4

Fashion begins to live in a real environment. When choosing an image, it is important to focus on how it will look in the place where you will appear in it.

Factor 5

Bright eclectic combinations, sometimes even very bold, are another way to express a woman’s individuality.

Factor 6

There are fewer complaints about the new standard of the human body. The most popular female body ideal, the one most cited in the media, is a tall, athletic silhouette with long legs, narrow hips, broad shoulders and a disproportionately small head. Making it exaggeratedly round and fragile does not work. There is also nothing to emphasize about it, because it is neutral. And one more thing: in most cases, clothes do not fit the body, but become a kind of armor, a convention.

Factor 7

The main style directions have acquired a new concept. A woman in sportswear impresses with her brightness, energy and strength - not exactly feminine qualities that have now become very attractive. For the same reasons, masculine style is not losing ground, and military clothing is actively making friends with femininity.

At all times, people have been interested in fashion. In Russia, one could determine by appearance what class a person belonged to. Times changed, fashion also changed, it became more convenient and practical.

Almost every person who cares about him strives to look beautiful and dress fashionably. appearance, the opinion of others about him. You can look modern at any age. The main thing is that the clothes fit the person’s lifestyle and, as they say, suit him. It is important to skillfully use the details of the toilet, skillfully select a wardrobe according to the color scheme.

Modern fashion is alternative and diverse. What is fashionable is what a person is comfortable in, what emphasizes his individuality and uniqueness.

Psychologists say that 25% of students indicated that when forming an attractive image of a teacher, a special role should be given to him appearance. “They meet you by their clothes, they see you off by their minds” is a long-known proverb.

It is important for a teacher to look modern and follow fashion trends.

Modern fashion, in my opinion, should be elegant, comfortable, practical and necessarily emphasize individuality. It is also important not to look pretentious or too extravagant. In fashion, everything is good in moderation.


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  • essay on the topic Modern clothing

I often hear: “I’m not interested in fashion,” “I don’t strive to be fashionable,” “I just need to update my wardrobe, pick out outfits.”

What does it mean to be fashionable?

Fashionable is a person who adheres to fashion. Fashion is often associated with extravagance and the indispensable possession of the latest fashion items.

Of course, one should not blindly follow fashion, become its victim and perceive the absence of fashionable velvet boots or a jacket as a tragedy.

But we, willingly or unwillingly, buy current, modern things.

The image of a person is perceived as a whole. For example, watching a film, even without sound, by a number of signs we can unmistakably determine in which years the events take place.

Fashion is not divorced from life!

Fashion is influenced by politics, economics, new technologies, and social development.

Fashion industry studies our needs, anticipates trends for which we will be ready!

Life changes, women's lives change, and it is impossible to avoid it!

According to established tradition, shows of new clothing collections for spring-summer are held in New York, London, Milan and Paris in the fall, and in winter for autumn-winter next year and only after a few months they appear on sale.

The rhythm of life accelerates and changes are happening in the fashion business. Burberry, Tommy Hilfiger, Tom Ford deviate from the rules and at fashion weeks show collections of the current season, which can be purchased immediately after the show.

High-fashion demonstrates advanced design ideas, which reflect fashion trends of the near future. Of course, it will take some time to creatively comprehend and implement them.

Eat fashion trends, which we accept immediately, but there are also those that we need to get used to, to understand where, how and what to wear it with.

Some people want to stand out from the crowd and quickly perceive, while others, on the contrary, want to be like everyone else.

Two years ago I wrote an article. Then Karl Lagerfeld suggested that we wear sneakers with a classic Chanel-style suit. This is understandable, because it’s in fashion healthy image life, besides, in our fast-paced times, there is a lot to be done and convenience and comfort come to the fore.

The trend was not immediately accepted but time has passed and now we are not surprised to see men in a classic suit and sneakers, and women in a dress and sports shoes.

Almost all fashion trends of that time are still relevant today. So what has changed in fashion over the past few years?

Modern fashion is a creative game in which there are no rules!

Generally accepted standards are a thing of the past. Until recently, the ability to match tone-on-tone shoes, bags, scarves, gloves, and hats was considered a model of taste and style. Today such a person looks archaic and out of date!

The game of oppositions is relevant, unusual combinations, unexpected combinations of accessories, mixing styles, seasons, conceptually distant colors, textures, in other words,Mix&Match.

Most often our the wardrobe was divided into three main groups: clothes for work, casual and weekend.

Today things from one group easily move into another.

It would seem that, velvet suit or jacket exceptionally elegant things, but no, they are worn with Cossacks and a large bag, jeans and shorts.

Oversized sweatshirts, denim jackets fits perfectly into .

Transparent, lace blouses worn with a down jacket or bomber jacket.

Shiny trousers and skirts with a simple top.

Silk dresses in linen style put on a turtleneck with long sleeves or worn with a sports jacket.

If the climate allows, then .

It is not surprising that coats are worn with open shoes, and dresses with boots.

Modern fashion has also shaken the theory of harmonious color combinations.

The bravest ones go against the rules and cleverly mix complex prints and colors.

The concept of a stylish image has also undergone changes.

Now this is not an image consistent in one style, but a mix of styles, brands, textures, and prints.

Surely many of you, consciously or not, use these techniques for creating relevant images.

Modern fashion gives us freedom of choice,

the opportunity to express yourself through clothes and that's great!

But making a choice is much more difficult than acting within the given rules.

It would seem that there are no rules, wear whatever you want, but why do some look harmonious and natural, while others cause bewilderment and it’s immediately clear that there’s something wrong with the image?!

How to become modern?

To be modern you need to know yourself, the proportions of your body, fashion trends not only in clothes, but also in shoes, accessories, and makeup. When creating an image, understand where you are going with this, what impression you want to make.

Knowing this, having good taste, among the many proposals fashion designers you can always choose what suits you.

Taste is like a muscle, you need to train it!

You can develop your taste and sense of style and I see this in my clients, many of whom have themselves become role models.

Be bold, experiment, and I’m always ready to help!
