DIY septic tank made from cubes step by step. How to make a septic tank from plastic Eurocubes with your own hands. Operating principle of the treatment plant

With independent sewerage, life in the country or in own home will not be intimidated by the lack of basic amenities. If you don’t have extra funds to purchase a ready-made sewer point, you can build a septic tank from Eurocubes with your own hands. It will not require special investments. Agree, this is a solid plus.

The information presented to you is based on personal experience independent builders of their own sewerage structures from euro packaging. Requirements taken into account regulatory documentation. To make the information easier to understand, step-by-step photos and useful video tutorials are included.

Arrangement of a sewer system using Eurocubes among summer residents is considered one of the most economical options.

Moreover, a properly manufactured and high-quality installed septic tank is able to effectively cope with the functions assigned to it.

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All that remains is to firmly connect all the containers to each other by welding metal rods to the frame. It is important that the structure does not fall apart, otherwise all the pipes connecting the compartments to each other will break

Step #2 – installation and installation

When all work on installing pipes and sealing joints is completed, you can proceed to the next stage - installation.

The type of soil matters here - with clayey, mobile soils, it is important to compact the bottom as efficiently as possible by constructing a cushion of sand and gravel. A concrete screed should be made on top of it to ensure that the bottom does not deform under the weight of the filled flasks.

Must be taken into account when pouring concrete screed that the pit should have a stepped bottom, because each subsequent container is shifted 20 cm lower than the previous one

Then you have to lower the septic tank into the pit. It is advisable to anchor it to further secure it in place and protect it from floating. Now you need to connect the incoming and outgoing pipelines to the septic equipment.

The pipes are laid with a slope towards the septic tank of 2 cm per 1 m of length. Moreover, the outlet pipe with the purified liquid is laid at an angle to the filtration field. It is advisable to insulate a section of the pipeline laid above the depth of soil freezing in the region

The walls of the septic tank and the pipeline will need to be insulated. To do this, you can take polystyrene foam or other material. All that remains is to fill the cleaning equipment, assembled with your own hands, with water and cover everything with sand.

Between the walls of the pit and the septic tank, as well as on top, foam or other insulation must be carefully laid

At high level groundwater, the walls of the Eurocubes will have to be additionally protected by pouring concrete. To do this, reinforcement or boards are placed in the gap between the container and the pit wall and the concrete is carefully distributed. If you do everything consistently, not forgetting to fill the septic tank with water, then the walls will not deform.

To prevent squeezing out by heaving soils and damage to the hull, backfilling of the walls can only be done with sand, carefully compacting

Whether or not to concrete the top of the pit depends on the terrain. Pipes protruding above the surface must be protected so that nothing unnecessary gets into the septic tank through them.

To perform ground-based post-treatment of wastewater treated in a septic tank, it is necessary to construct one of the following structures:

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One of the simplest and most economical available options treatment plant for a home or cottage - a septic tank made of eurocubes. Combined with good drainage, it will effectively clean drains and long years work smoothly. Let's look at how to make a septic tank with your own hands from Eurocubes, in detail with calculations and step-by-step instructions.

Those who are faced with the problem of choosing a treatment facility often have a question: is it worth spending money on a septic tank when you can get by with a regular cesspool. It is possible, but it may not withstand large volumes of water from all sanitary facilities, and the aromas hovering around it are not always acceptable in a private area, especially in a small one. In addition, untreated household wastewater can pollute groundwater, then you can smell it or even have a slight taste at the nearest well, and this will not please the workers of the sanitary and epidemiological station.

With a septic tank, these problems can be avoided, but since the cost of industrial structures is quite high, homeowners have to look for an alternative. And the most acceptable option in terms of cost and ease of installation was a septic tank made from a Eurocube.

Construction and

A septic tank made from Eurocubes is a single sealed system that consists of one or more containers. The sewage system is connected to the first tank, and the wastewater enters the tank, where it is roughly cleaned.

The operating principle of a septic tank made from Eurocubes

The sewage settles and is divided into several fractions with different specific gravity, namely, sediment, gases and clarified water, which is located in the middle layers. Also, water purification is facilitated by microorganisms that feed on organic waste. To keep them in required quantity special mixtures of bacteria for septic tanks and cesspools are added to the container. Through an overflow pipe, water from the first container passes into the second, where it also settles and fermentes.

The wastewater clarified in the second tank is approximately 60% cleared of impurities. Next, the water goes into the drainage system, where it undergoes soil purification. As a result of fermentation in the first and second chambers, a certain amount of methane is released, carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide, they are removed through the ventilation pipe. The liquid is pumped out using a sewer truck through a cleaning pipe.

The main element of the treatment plant is the Eurocube

Eurocube is a plastic container made of high-density polyethylene; its wall thickness varies between 1.5-2 mm. In the upper part of the cube there is a filler neck with a diameter of 150 mm; a polyethylene cap is installed on it; in addition, it can be equipped with a ventilation valve. There is a drain valve at the bottom of the container.

The operating principle of a septic tank made from Eurocubes

Each Eurocube is enclosed in a metal frame and mounted on a wooden, steel or plastic pallet. Like many other plastic containers, Eurocubes have their own standard sizes, so the question: which one to buy rarely arises. A container with a volume of 1000 liters is considered standard, its length is 1.2 m, width – 1 m, height 1.16 m, weight about 50 kg. The Eurocube is a practically ready-made tank and requires only minimal installation work, which is why sewage systems with a septic tank made of polyethylene tanks are becoming increasingly popular.

Norms and rules for the location of a septic tank on the site

The basic requirements for the installation of a septic tank are formalized in construction and sanitary norms and rules; these are the main documents that determine the construction of a treatment plant, taking into account adjacent buildings and the characteristics of the territory. Before installing treatment facilities in a private house or country house, it is necessary to prepare and approve the project in the relevant organization.

When building a septic tank, it is important to pay attention to some features of its installation in certain conditions.

Norms and rules for the location of the septic tank

  • The installation depth of the septic tank, regardless of its design, should not be less than the freezing limit of the soil; if the requirement is not feasible, the septic tank must be insulated.
  • The soil must have high permeability; sandy and sandy soils are considered optimal.
    gravel soils. In case of clay soil Construction of cesspools and installation of a pump will be required.
  • If there is not enough territory on a private plot
    for ground filtration, the construction of an aeration well will be required.
  • When placing a septic tank on the site, it is worth considering that, like cesspools, it will require pumping and you need to take care of the possibility
    equipment entrance.

Calculation of septic tank capacity

In order for the sewage system to be functional, and the installation of a new septic tank in a private house not to be in vain, you should calculate in advance the expected volume of wastewater, and, accordingly, the volume and number of containers.

According to SNiP 2.04.03-85 “Sewerage. External networks and structures” per person, the volume of water consumed is about 150-200 liters per day.

The standard rate of water consumption per person per day is 200 liters, even if in fact it is less, they take this number into account and multiply it by the number of people living in the house. The resulting figure is multiplied by 3. 3 days is the standard time during which the water in the septic tank is purified and partially drained. Now, to determine the volume of the tank in m3, the resulting amount is divided by 1000. Thus, for a family of 3 people, the volume of the septic tank should be 1.8-2 m3, that is, you will need 2 eurocubes. If there are guests in the house, it is recommended to add 200 liters to the total capacity.

Stages of installation of a septic tank from Eurocubes

Sewerage with a septic tank made from Eurocubes differs from other treatment facilities in that additional equipment will be required

Drainage and drainage system

s, but with correct installation such a design will be a reliable and durable solution in a private home or country house.

Before you start installation work, think over the design and location of the septic tank on the site, decide which one is best to install so that the sewage system in a private house is functional and coordinate the plan with the SES.

Preparing a pit for a septic tank.

The length and width of the pit should correspond to the size of the septic tank assembly with a small margin of 15-20 cm around the entire perimeter. Thermal insulation and durable material will be placed in this gap to protect the septic tank from compression.

The required depth is determined taking into account the size of the Eurocube and the slope of the common pipeline. They also take into account the height of the concrete base for the septic tank and the fact that each subsequent container is installed 20-30 cm lower than the previous one, respectively, the bottom is screeded with a step, and fastening loops for the Eurocube are installed in the fresh solution.

Excavation and concreting of the base for a septic tank

Anchoring will protect the structure from displacement in the event of a groundwater breakthrough.

Important point: so that the septic tank does not squeeze out in the spring groundwater it needs to be attached to concrete base belts.

The next stage of excavation work will be digging cesspool trenches for a filtration field or well. The work may vary depending on the selected method of soil purification.

Septic tank drainage system

Soil purification can be organized in several ways.

  • Filtration wells are a simple and inexpensive structure; they are a well, the bottom of which is made in the form of a filtration pad made of sand and gravel. But it is prohibited to install it on many types of soil: sandy loam, sand, cracked soil and loam. The productivity of the wells is small, and the installation must be coordinated with the sanitary and epidemiological service.
  • Fields of underground or above-ground filtration represent a kind of irrigation system, through which wastewater processed by a septic tank passes and enters the soil. Set up a system of ceramic or plastic perforated pipes laid on the filtrate. At the end of each channel they output ventilation riser to a height of up to 0.5 m.

Filtration systems for septic tanks

  • Filtration trenches are pits up to 1 meter deep, into which pipes more than 30 meters long are laid, through which water flows by gravity into the existing network or storm sewer.

Assembly and installation of a septic tank

The septic tank is assembled according to a pre-developed scheme, adhering to the basic rule - all connections must be absolutely sealed; builders do not have a consensus on which sealant is best to use.

Assembly begins by preparing the first container. From the upper edge of the Eurocube, step back 20 cm and make a hole for a pipe that will connect the treatment facility with the external sewage system. On the opposite side of the cube, at a distance of 30 cm from the top, a second hole is made for overflow, through which the waste will flow into the second container.

Several holes are also made on the second Eurocube. The first is cut out for the overflow pipe, which will connect the container to the first tank. The height of the cut is calculated taking into account that the second tank will be located 20 cm below the first. On its opposite side, 15-20 cm below, a hole is made for the second overflow pipe; it will drain pre-purified wastewater to the filtration field.

On top of each tank it is necessary to arrange a hole for cleaning and ventilation duct. As a rule, only one hole is made at the top, and a pipe is fixed in it for cleaning, and the ventilation riser is brought out, using a ready-made hole in the filler neck. The pipe is selected of the appropriate diameter and raised to a height of up to 2 meters. Be sure to take into account the fact that the ventilation pipe should not be lowered into the container below the overflow pipe.

Assembly and installation of a septic tank from Eurocubes

Advice! If the ventilation riser is made collapsible, then liquid can be pumped out of the septic tank through it in the future and no additional hole or pipe outlet will be required for cleaning

Septic tanks are connected to each other with steel elements at a distance of 15-20 cm. The structure can be insulated with mineral, basalt wool or polystyrene foam, do not forget about insulating pipes that are located above the freezing level of the soil.

For arrangement autonomous sewerage you can go several ways. One of them is a septic tank.

This installation consists of 2 containers, between which there are overflow pipes. Sewage, falling into these containers, as a result, waste sinks to the bottom, turning into sludge, and the purified water moves on. The water coming out of the unit is quite clean. Therefore, its entry into the soil is harmless. Here .

Installing a septic tank is more profitable than installing a standard cesspool. After all, for a septic tank, the services of a vacuum cleaner are ordered much less often. The vacuum cleaner simply needs to remove the solid residues that have settled to the bottom. This leads to significant cost savings.

Helpful information:

Septic tanks can be budget or industrial production(), or you can make such a sewerage device with your own hands from a Eurocube. Of course, the production version is better; it comes with everything you need for modern waste processing. But it has a significant drawback - the cost, which cannot be called cheap. Arranging a sewer collection site from Eurocubes is one of the most acceptable options.

What is a Eurocube?

Eurocube is a container designed for storing or transporting liquids. This could be water, food or fuel. The material for the Eurocube is polyethylene; the walls of the product are very thick and durable. It can hold 1000 liters of liquid. It is not difficult to purchase a Eurocube; they are sold by business outlets. Most often, such containers are used to store water in dachas and personal plots.

It is known that normal operation A septic tank is possible if its volume can accommodate the water consumption for 3 days. This means that 540 must be multiplied by 3 days. It turns out 1620 liters. This should be the volume of containers for septic tanks. Therefore, for the installation of septic tanks it is necessary to take 2 eurocubes. The resulting system will be able to work without problems. There will even be some reserve left. The containers don’t even have to be filled to the top line. After all, the overflow pipes are located lower.

Advice on choosing sewer pipes

According to experts, plastic pipes with a diameter of 110 mm are ideal for sewerage installations. This diameter allows you to easily install a sewer system, because the pipe coming out of the toilet has a similar diameter.

The filtration system in a septic tank made from Eurocubes looks like this. Effluent from the house goes through sewer pipes to the first compartment of the septic tank. Here heavy particles settle, and dirty water accumulates to a level of half a meter. When will it be enough required quantity liquid, water flows through the pipe into the second part. You can make the flow easier by burying the second container about 30 cm lower.

The second part is supplemented with drainage pipes; they are installed at a distance of 20 cm from the bottom. To improve the result, install a drainage well or a filtration field.

The resulting septic tank needs ventilation pipes. They are inserted into the first and second containers. The height of the pipes above ground level is 2 meters, it is needed so that the vapors go up and are carried by the wind. The pipe coming out of the first compartment is fixed so that it starts approximately 15 cm above the connecting hole. Its task includes not only ventilation functions, but also to ensure the ability to pump out sludge using a sewer truck.

Advice! To facilitate access for the vacuum cleaner hose to the first container, the pipe should be made detachable. Then you can easily disconnect the upper part of the pipe and insert the hose of the vacuum cleaner into the lower part.

When installing the pipe in the second container, it must be placed at a distance of 15 cm from the drainage pipes.

When will they be finished preparatory work, Eurocubes must be installed on permanent place in a specially dug pit, and then carefully secure everything connecting elements and pipes. Usually slings are used for this.

How to choose a place for sewerage from Eurocubes?

There are several rules to follow when choosing ideal place for a septic tank.

  1. The laying of sewer pipes should follow the shortest path, it should be straight.
  2. If you need to install a septic tank further than 15 meters, you need to build an inspection well; it will be needed if blockages form.
  3. If it is necessary to lay pipes with bends, rotary wells are installed there at the bends.
  4. Unobstructed access to the septic tank must be guaranteed for vacuum cleaner equipment.

Features of laying a trench

A trench is laid under the sewer pipe that connects the house and the septic tank. The colder the climate of the area, the deeper the trench should be made. In the center of Russia, they usually make a depth of 50 - 100 cm. To protect yourself from freezing, it is better to insulate the laid pipe mineral wool or polystyrene foam.

When laying a trench, it is necessary to take into account the slope required for the subsequent movement of wastewater by gravity. Usually the pipe is laid so that the slope is 2 - 3 cm per linear meter. This means that for 8 meters of sewer pipe, the difference between the first and last point of the pipe will be 16 - 24 cm.

When the trench is completely dug. Its bottom is covered with a thick layer of sand. This is done so that during operation the joints are not disturbed due to subsidence; this will be prevented by a sand cushion.

Features of pits for sewerage from Eurocubes

It is not difficult to dig a pit for Eurocubes. The main thing is to follow some conditions.

  1. The size of the pit must exceed the size of Eurocubes. Only in this case will it be possible to safely place containers there. Don't forget about thermal insulation. You should have some space left to place insulation or to strengthen the container.
  2. The bottom of the pit must be filled with concrete. A solid base guarantees the stability and reliability of the entire structure. Otherwise, individual containers may shift, which will damage the entire structure. Sometimes a mixture of gravel and sand is used instead of concrete. But this is a less reliable basis.
  3. To prevent the soil from crumbling and putting pressure on the walls of the containers, the walls of the pit are covered metal sheets or simple slate.

Advice! Arranging a full concrete box in a pit is more expedient than reinforcing the walls with other materials. To do this, formwork is installed and poured concrete mortar. When the pit is strengthened, the containers are fixed by attaching them to the base. Otherwise, the entire installation may float under the influence of flood waters.

If you follow all the tips given, septic tanks made from Eurocubes will become a reliable element of the sewer system and will be used for many years.

The procedure for installing sewerage from Eurocubes

2 Eurocubes with plastic pallets are being prepared. The volume of each of them should be 800 liters.

Drains from Eurocubes are hermetically sealed.

They measure whether it is possible to insert a tee into the neck. If it doesn’t work out, the neck will have to be widened. They use a grinder.

Then they bend the edge and measure again.

Take a short pipe, if there is no short one, you can shorten it to required sizes any other.

Advice! All work with the angle grinder should be carried out only if there is protective casing and protective gloves. The master in the photo is violating security measures. This is not recommended. When working, all precautions must be taken, otherwise it may result in injury.

Compare the pipe and the tee and see if they fit together.

The sewer pipe coming from the house has a diameter of 110 cm; a hole of the same size is made in the container where the wastewater will flow.

A prepared short pipe is inserted into the Eurocube.

Above the location of the tee, a slot is made on top, intended for further installation of the pipe for ventilation. A short piece of sewer pipe is inserted into this slot.

A slot is made in the Eurocube round shape for installation of an overflow pipe. It should be located lower than the incoming one.

The edges of the holes are processed.

The second cube is shifted 20 cm below the first in order to use the volume of containers to the greatest advantage.

It is necessary to install tees to the connecting pipes so that it is possible to arrange a ventilation outlet, and also to clean the connection area as it becomes dirty, then a crust will not form in the lumen.

All connections between pipes and containers are treated with sealant.

This is what the finished joint should look like.

Install a ventilation and cleaning pipe with a plug.

The steel frame parts are firmly connected using welding equipment. Additionally, fittings are installed. It is needed to enhance strength and rigidity.

Rolling of wood is performed. Instead, you can use corrugated sheets or concreting.

Because a septic tank made with your own hands from Eurocubes will not be able to completely purify the water. It is necessary to supplement the system with a drainage field. In this case, you can get good water purification.

Construction of a drainage field

The function of the drainage field is to completely purify the water coming from the last Eurocube. To do this, a pipe with a diameter of 50 mm is cut into the Eurocube. After installing the pipe, the joint is sealed.

The drainage field has several layers that can remove contaminants of different sizes:

  • a large crushed stone, it is needed to retain all large particles coming out of the pipe;
  • next – sand, to remove small particles;
  • the last layer is gravel.


It is not difficult to make sewerage from Eurocubes, but the basic rules for creating such a treatment facility must not be violated. First, proper slope for sewer pipes is necessary. Secondly, the connection must be tight. Thirdly, insulation should be provided. If all requirements are met during construction work you will receive high quality sewer system, capable of serving the house for a long time.

Regular maintenance costs for a septic tank consist of the purchase of special bacterial compounds that are needed for processing solid organic waste. You will also have to order a sewer truck every year to pump out sludge.

Thus, building a septic tank from Eurocubes takes little time and is inexpensive.




A septic tank made from Eurocubes is an effective autonomous system removal of waste and sewage. It provides a comfortable life for a person in country house where there is no central sewerage system.

Sewer structure made of Eurocubes

The cubes that we will use to make a septic tank are made in the form of containers made of polyethylene that is resistant to chemical compounds. Such material, when in contact with an aggressive environment, completely retains its mechanical and physical properties. Containers are placed in a welded frame made of metal profiles. The volume of Eurocubes varies - 640–1250 liters. The inside of the described containers is additionally reinforced with special shields (they are placed in the corners).

Due to this, polyethylene containers resist operational abrasion well. Eurocubes have other advantages. They are: completely sealed; can withstand, thanks to the presence steel profiles and ergonomic cubic configuration, serious loads; resist influences external environment. Such containers are originally manufactured for long-term storage and transportation of aggressive substances. Therefore, they can be called ideal for the construction of autonomous ones.

A septic tank made from Eurocubes has a number of advantages:

  • high speed of building the system with your own hands;
  • the opportunity to purchase used containers at a minimal cost;
  • ease of operation and maintenance;
  • excellent waterproofing of containers and their durability;
  • a small amount of work to prepare plastic containers for the cleaning system.

The disadvantage of Eurocubes is their relative lightness. If flood waters flood your suburban area, they may well “float” to the surface of the ground. This can be avoided by securing the containers to the concrete base with tie straps and cables. Also, Eurocubes with thin walls can become deformed under the influence of increased loads. It is not recommended to use such containers for arranging a septic tank.

  • perform thorough waterproofing of containers;
  • wisely choose the location for their installation, taking into account the terrain in order to reduce the influence of heaving soils on the stability of the septic tank;
  • tie containers together with steel rods;
  • protect the cubes from strong compression (completely concrete the ditch under country sewerage or make container lining from boards).

Such measures significantly increase the efficiency of operation and reduce all its “cons” to a minimum.

Country sewerage without pumping out wastewater - device diagram

By making a septic tank from Eurocubes with your own hands, you will have at your disposal a reliable and fairly environmentally friendly “mini-sewage system”. Its operation is based on the separation (mechanical) of large waste particles found in Wastewater Oh. This becomes possible thanks to the two-level design of the septic tank, which provides the so-called “overflow phenomenon.”

The operating diagram of the system looks like this:

  1. From the plumbing equipment, wastewater flows through pipes into the first container. It separates heavy fractions, which sink to the bottom of a plastic container.
  2. When the level of waste reaches a certain level (its value depends on the volume of Eurocubes used), they are moved to an adjacent container. The flow of large particles is ensured by the fact that a certain height difference is provided between the containers.
  3. By drainage pipe waste from the second container is discharged into the ground. The pipe, note, is mounted approximately 20 centimeters higher from the bottom of the container. It must be mounted at its end check valve. It prevents the possibility of wastewater flowing back into the pipe.

Often special biological activators are added to Eurocubes. They form a special environment in containers that effectively breaks down wastewater. The use of activators ensures the production of waste with a minimum volume of undissolved fractions (no more than 0.5% of the total amount of waste). Due to this, wastewater enters the ground, which does not cause any damage to the environment.

You can improve a cleaning system for your dacha that does not require waste pumping by constructing filtration fields in your suburban area or a drainage well. As you can see, it is quite possible to make a truly effective “private sewerage system” for a dacha.

Preparatory stage - taking into account all the little things

You will be able to build a high-quality sewer system without pumping if you correctly select the volume of containers and choose a place to install the system, and also purchase all necessary tools and materials. First you need to decide on the place where you will build a septic tank from Eurocubes with your own hands. It is selected so that:

  • the septic tank was located at a distance of more than 5 meters from the house, and 2 meters from other buildings;
  • it was possible to ensure a slope of the sewer pipe for each meter of at least 2 centimeters;
  • it was possible to easily approach the containers to service them;
  • the pipeline had no bends (if it is not possible to do without them, it is necessary to install intermediate wells).

In addition, it is worth understanding that excessive removal of the septic tank from a residential building will require you to spend considerable money on the construction of an extended pipeline. And the long length of the pipes contributes to the formation of blockages in them, which you will have to clear. Therefore, there is no need to build a septic tank without pumping at a distance of more than 15 meters from the house, even when the area of ​​your suburban area allows you to do this.

The volume of containers is selected according to the number of sanitary equipment installed in the house and the number of permanent residents, as well as the activity of using sanitary equipment. If you are at the dacha only in the warm season, it is enough to take Eurocubes with a volume of 650–800 liters. But when people live in the house permanently, it is better to install larger containers. According to existing standards, one person consumes about 200 liters of water per day. It is recommended to install a septic tank three times larger in volume.

This means that if 3 people live in a house, you will need to make a septic tank from two cubes with a total volume of 1800 liters. This is quite enough for comfortable life in private housing construction.

Let's get started - prepare the pit and containers

We will install plastic Eurocubes in the pit. He must have certain geometric dimensions. It’s easy to decide on them - add 15 cm in length to each side of the containers used. And you dig a pit for the obtained parameters. A gravel cushion should be made at its bottom. Then pour concrete mortar onto it (up to 0.3 m thick) and immediately install it into it metal hinges. They will be needed to secure the containers.

At the excavation stage it is also necessary to dig trenches. You will lay sewer pipes in them. Please note - you need to provide slight slope trenches towards the installed wastewater collection and treatment system. Now you can start preparing the containers. We will need to make several holes in them for ventilation and pipes (inlet and outlet), and the drains in the lower parts must be carefully sealed. If you are installing a system with two cubes, you need to stock up on four 10–15 cm sections of pipes and tees. The latter are inserted into containers as follows:

  • Make a cut around the necks of the containers (it should look like the letter P);
  • bend the edge;
  • install a tee.

Next, make holes on the sides of the containers. Pipes will be connected to them. In the first Eurocube, a sewer pipe will be connected to the hole. She'll tie it together internal system and a septic tank. The connection is made quickly and without difficulty - cut the tubular product to the required length, feed it into the hole and attach it to the tee. Be sure to seal the joints individual elements systems! Above the tee it is necessary to provide vent. A pipe with a cross-section of 5 cm, no less, is usually inserted into it.

On the other side of the cube there is another hole - the exit hole. It should be somewhere 0.2 m below the first one. Make the same hole in the second container. Then connect them with a pipe - use tees. Ventilation outlets also need to be provided above them. After this, you need to weld the Eurocube bodies together (you can additionally use reinforcing bars). Due to this, the containers will not move in relation to one another. And then you need to seal the necks of the cubes, fasten them (as firmly as possible) with rivets and coat them with sealant.

Installing a septic tank - sequential assembly

After the concrete in the pit has dried, we lower the Eurocubes into it (don’t forget that they should already be fastened together) and fix them with a cable to the loops mounted at the bottom of the pit. If the soil in the area is unstable and there is a possibility of flooding, line the containers with boards or sheet metal. It is also allowed to fill the gap between the ground and the walls of the cubes with concrete mortar to increase their stability.

But concrete should only be poured after you have filled the containers with water. The next important stage of work is the insulation of Eurocubes. This operation must be carried out necessarily, otherwise aerobic bacteria will not be able to decompose wastewater when low temperatures. Insulation of containers is most often carried out polystyrene foam boards or pieces of foam plastic.

All you have to do is lay a layer of insulation on the surface of the septic tank and cover it with earth, leaving only the pipe outlets (cleaning and ventilation) on the surface, and lay perforated pipe products for drainage. Their recommended diameter is 5 cm. The drainage is connected through a tee to the outlet pipe of the second Eurocube, and then it is covered with gravel (layer about 20 cm) to eliminate the risk of silting of the system. Your country septic tank is ready!

A septic tank made from Eurocubes is a sealed structure for treating used dirty water. It is installed on personal plots where there is no centralized sewage system. It is more convenient and efficient cesspool. Recently, many have been interested in the device and the principle of its operation.

Why is a septic tank made from Eurocubes popular?

Human life is associated with observing the rules of hygiene: washing clothes, washing dishes and food, cleaning premises, bathing, visiting the restroom. Such necessary activity and leads to the formation of wastewater. A septic tank made from Eurocubes helps to arrange conditions at a modern level. It has a number of advantages:

  1. Made from thick plastic.
  2. It has a simple and compact design.
  3. Prevents the appearance of unpleasant odors.
  4. Filters wastewater.

What is a Eurocube

This is a container with rectangular edges made of white, blue or black plastic. Each has holes that are used in the system for collecting and draining liquids. The Eurocube under the septic tank is buried in the ground, where it is subjected to pressure, but the reinforced plastic does not lose its tightness during prolonged use. Its strength is enhanced by rigid ribs and a metal frame, which increases the reliability of the products.

The walls of the cube are able to withstand the load and not deform, even if sewage is fed under pressure. The cube material does not interact with aggressive substances and does not change properties due to changes in temperature and humidity. Cracks do not appear in the housing due to mechanical stress. You don’t have to worry that harmful waste will end up in the environment.

Main parts of the Eurocube:

  • 1) Plastic walls.
  • 2) Filling pipe with a cover, its diameter is 150 mm.
  • 3) Ventilation valve, it is next to the filler neck.
  • 4) Drain valve located at the bottom.
  • 5) Metal sheathing, which contains a plastic container (flask).
  • 6) Pallet made of metal or wood.

Parameters of standard Eurocubes:

The operating principle of a septic tank made from Eurocubes and the stages of filtration

After purification, the contaminated liquid becomes safe for release into the environment, as it first goes through several stages of filtration:

  1. The wastewater enters the first chamber, where large debris is screened out.
  2. After rough cleaning, the sewage enters the chamber with biological products. Here organic matter is processed by microorganisms.
  3. The liquid enters the filtration field for finer purification.
  4. Purified water is released into the soil on the plot.

There is no need to create a filtration field for thorough cleaning. After passing the main stages, the effluents lose bad smell and become safe for nature.

Important Calculations

It’s easy to build a septic tank from a Eurocube at your dacha with your own hands. Before starting work you need preliminary calculations and preparatory work.

Official consumption standards cold water per day per person: 200 liters of cold and 100 liters of hot. Multiply the standard by the number of people in the family and by 3 days required for settling and cleaning. Divide the resulting volume by the volume of one cube and round to the nearest whole number. The table shows the standards and calculation results for cubes with a volume of 1 m3.

Water consumption per day per person, l Number of people in the family Volume of water consumed per day, l Volume of water consumed in 72 hours, l Number of eurocubes for a septic tank based on volume, pcs. Number of eurocubes for a septic tank, taking into account the biochamber, pcs.
1 100 1 100 300 1 2
2 100 2 200 600 1 2
3 100 3 300 900 1 2
4 200 1 200 600 1 2
5 200 2 400 1200 2 2-3
6 200 3 600 1800 2 3
7 300 1 300 900 1 2
8 300 2 600 1800 2 3
9 300 3 900 2700 3 4

It is cheaper and easier to get a septic tank from one Eurocube, but when making calculations it is better to take into account not only personal needs, but also the possibility of visiting guests. Calculate the volume for the septic tank with a margin. Add another cube for step-by-step filtering.

Actual water consumption usually does not correspond to standards, so take into account your individual needs when calculating. Use water meters for calculations.


You cannot arbitrarily build a septic tank even on your own property. It must comply with sanitary and building regulations. The distances from the designed treatment facility to the nearest site facilities are taken into account:

  • Source drinking water, well─ 50 m.
  • Medium-sized fruit trees─ 3 m.
  • Shrubs─ 1 m.
  • Reservoir, lake─ 30 m.
  • Road with active traffic─ 5 m.
  • Streams and rivers─ 10 m.
  • House─ 4-5 m.
  • Outbuildings─ 1m.
  • Neighbor's plot ─ 3 m.
  • Gas pipeline─ 5 m.

When designing, the composition of the soil, its filtering capacity, freezing depth, and relief features are taken into account. On sloping terrain, the septic tank is located below the drinking well.

In order for the supply pipeline to function successfully, an artificial slope is created, and at turns they make inspection wells. Free access for sewer trucks is also provided, who will periodically inspect and clean the septic tank of sludge.

Marking, excavation and foundation

You can learn the technology of how to make a septic tank from Eurocubes with your own hands, then complete the work processes, but first you will have to perform several simple and important steps.

Specify the location of the boundary and the coordinates of your personal plot, and then proceed to the internal layout of the future object. Transfer the main points from the project to nature, mark them on the site with pegs and stretch a string between them.

Now, in the area marked with pegs and twine, dig a pit. The levels for the compartments are made different so that the liquid flows freely from one cube to another. Make the perimeter of the pit wider than each cube by 0.3 m, and the depth of the trench greater than the height of the cube by 0.5 m, excluding the top embankment. If possible, the first container is placed below the freezing depth of the soil.

Add sand to the bottom of the pit, then gravel and compact it. The height of each bedding is approximately 30 cm. Install removable formwork from boards and fill it with concrete 0.2 m high. Cover the surface with polyethylene and wait for it to dry completely. Drying period depends on conditions environment, its duration is approximately 1 month.

Soft soil can sag under the weight of full flasks, and then the tightness at the joints will be broken. Do the backfilling, compaction and concrete pad more carefully.

Connecting Eurocubes into a system

For installation you will need: sealant, liquid waterproofing, insulation, steel elements, tees and plastic pipes (d= 150 mm). Start with the first cube, use a grinder to make a hole in it at a distance of 0.2 m from the top and connect it with sewer pipe. Then, on the opposite side, measure 0.3 m from the top surface for the second hole. Connect the first and second cubes.

On the second and subsequent flasks, also make two holes at a lower distance from the top edge. Connect a pipe to the outermost cube to drain to the filtration field (well). Leave holes on top of each tank for ventilation pipes and periodic cleaning. Insert a control pipe into the neck of the first cube. Secure it with a rubber sleeve and hot glue.

The cubes are placed at a distance of 20 centimeters, connected metal parts or welded. There should be a single rigid structure. Treat the connections between the pipes and the walls silicone sealant and liquid waterproofing.

Insulate the outer surface of the cubes and the pipeline with mineral wool or polystyrene foam. Connect the sections of the system so that the liquid flows freely. Fill the system with water to check for leaks and prevent soil pressure on the walls during backfilling.

Is it possible to make a septic tank from one Eurocube? The system must have at least two chambers that perform settling functions. You can divide one container with an internal partition.


The system must be covered with earth. Masters offer several options for finishing work:

  1. Prepare a mixture of sand and dry cement 5:1, then pour it in layers into the grooves between the walls of the pit and cubes. Water each layer with water.
  2. Pour liquid concrete using the sheathing of Eurocubes as reinforcement.
  3. Insert sheets of corrugated sheets or slate around the cube along the perimeter of the pit.
  4. Connect the concrete pad reinforcement to the system frame.

Choose the method that is optimal in terms of price and soil and climate characteristics. Cover the system with insulation made of polystyrene foam and penoizol on top, fill and level the soil.


Waste creates an environment for rotting and unpleasant odors. Add bacteria to the second chamber to speed up the breakdown of wastewater into simple substances (gas, water, nitrates). The use of anaerobic bacteria together with aerobic bacteria is effective.

Under their action, solid waste first breaks down, then it is converted into fertilizer. The septic tank works more efficiently with microorganisms, less cleaning is required, and there is no smell. Stores sell formulations suitable for processing contaminants that differ in composition and conditions.

Perfect cleaning

It is possible to improve the purification of water after it passes through the septic tank. Dig a filtration well and fill its bottom with sand and gravel. This way the water will undergo natural purification and gradually seep into the soil. Or make a filtration field, it resembles an irrigation system. The wastewater will circulate through pipes with holes, gradually seeping out and at the same time irrigating the soil.

To construct the field, use a central pipe with a diameter of 150 mm or more, lay it at a slope of 2 cm per 1 linear meter. Irrigation pipes up to 20 m long and with a diameter of 100 mm. At the end of each water pipe, make a riser for ventilation.

Constructive decisions

Use plastic containers to enhance an existing system or in conjunction with concrete rings. You can make a septic tank with your own hands from one Eurocube, but in design it will resemble an ordinary cesspool for a village restroom. Plastic reliably protects the soil from impurities, but the flask will have to be cleaned regularly. If you cut off the bottom of a Eurocube and place it on a bed of sand, crushed stone and geotextile, you will get a pit with filter layers.

The Eurocube is universal, it is convenient for various household needs: rainwater collection, a small pool, a shower, food storage, a greenhouse and aquaponics, a cesspool and a septic tank.
