Sega rings of power in Russian. Some useful tips and secrets

Rings of Power game - by downloading the file from the link, you can run this game on your computer or on any other device on which you can install an emulator, but you will have to run it through a special game emulator for the Sega Mega Drive. Without this emulator you will not be able to run this game.

The file with the game Rings of Power must be deleted from your disk within one day after downloading and familiarizing yourself with this game, after which you decide to purchase a licensed product from the owner.

> > > Download the game Rings of Power (Sega Mega Drive)< < <

A role-playing game with very weak graphics. Once upon a time there lived Nexus (Nexus), he was a local god who owned the Rod of Creation (Rod of the Universe), with which he created the world. One day, this staff was stolen from him by the demon Void, who immediately used the newly acquired artifact and created chaos on earth. Nexus gathered an army and went to deal with the upstart and his followers. During the battle, the staff was divided into 2 parts, which turned into Rings of Power and were lost. Main character, Buc (Buck) - a young wizard, a student of the master Thalmus (Talmus) - Head of the Academy of Magic. He will have to find the rings and restore the most powerful artifact. We should not forget that in the 500 years that have passed since the great cataclysm, this is far from the first person to receive such a task, and the rod has still not been restored... We wander around the global map with a top-side view. When entering cities/meeting monsters, switch to local map with the same look. The battles are turn-based, choose an action and see the result...


Once upon a time, the planet USHKA BAU was in darkness. With the advent of the deity called NEXUS, the Golden Age began. NEXUS used THE RODOF CREATION wand to transform the planet into a true paradise. He endowed each resident with one of the magical or martial arts. But the demon VOID stole THE ROD and caused real chaos.
Soon NEXUS and VOID clashed in a battle for the possession of THE ROD OF CREATION. In the end, the rod split into two parts, and each divided its half into rings, which were scattered throughout the world.
Your task is to find all 11 rings so that THE RODOF CREATION, the most powerful item that has ever existed, can be restored again. Along the way, you will have to deal with both the servants of NEXUS and the servants of VOID.

Game conditions:

continue- continue a previously recorded game,
start- begin new game,
intro- read the story of the 11 rings of power,
citizens- see what characters you will have to deal with,
credits- list of game creators.
During the game, the following information is given in the lower left corner - information about the amount of money, time of day, supply of food and drink, a compass indicating the direction of movement. By clicking on Start during the game, you will see the main menu ( IN- choice, WITH- exit the menu):

Main menu

1. INVENTORY- shows what your team currently has (the purpose of most items is given in the description):
GOODS- items that you buy in stores or find in chests);
foods- food;
water- water;
gems- gems(can be sold);
corpse- dead body;
blades- blades;
flower- flower;
tomes- large books, volumes;
jewelry- jewelry (can be sold);
finini- carpets (can be sold);
weapons- weapons (can be sold);
books- books;
flip st- stone - teleporter;
gate st- also a stone - a teleporter;
casket- coffin (can be sold);
wood- firewood (can be sold);
balm- balm that restores the life line;
mana- balm that restores the line of magic;
nectar- a balm that simultaneously restores the lines of life and magic;
lot tix - lottery ticket(you can win money);
crystal- crystal (can be sold);
sand- sand;
flags- flags;
drag st- a stone that summons a dragon;
boat st- a stone calling a boat;
bridge st- a stone with which you can build a bridge across the river.
ITEMS- items that you receive and give during your trip (see description);
PAPERS- papers that you receive or find; they just need to be read;
KEYS- keys to doors and chests that you will use;
RINGS- the same 11 rings that will appear to you as you progress through the game.

2. SPELLS- magic, spells that your team members have. As your skill level increases, you will be able to use more powerful magic. Each character can have 20 types. You will understand the purpose and use of each magic during battles.

3. PARTY- you can get information about each fighter on your team.

4. SEARCH- explore any place inside or outside the building (are there people, chests, objects, stairs, doors).

5. MAP- see where you are at the moment, make an overview of the area (valid only outdoors).

6. CAMP- the change of night and day.

7. SYSTEM(button IN):
load- load a previously recorded game.
save- record the game (only possible on the street);
combat- manual or automatic way fighting;
direct- D-pad control (practice whichever is more convenient for you);
diag- (on) - move, in addition to a straight line, diagonally, ( off) - only in a straight line;
music- you can listen to sounds and melodies;
help- help ( On- an image of a joystick appears in the upper right corner and shows which buttons need to be used at the moment);
quit- leave the game;


1. Button A- move automatically (only on the road or by boat on the river).
2. Button B- enter somewhere or zoom in on the place where you are.
3. Button C- stop automatic movement or get off the boat, ship, dragon. Inside;
1. Button A- scroll through the text of messages.
2. Button B- action (look, take, open, go up, go down, find out the character’s name): arrow towards the object and B.
3. Button C and arrow towards the character - speak.

Talking to someone:
job- ask what the character does;
class- ask what type of magical or martial arts the character belongs to;
city- ask about what they trade and do in the city;
quest- get information about your trip;
buy- buy something;
sell- sell any of the items you have: (goods); show- show or give an item to a character;
bribe- give a bribe (sometimes useful for obtaining information, opening doors);
fight- fight with the character;

Fight menu

Use button IN.
flee- leave the battle (useful to use if the enemy’s forces are clearly superior to yours, but this does not always work)
berzrk, advnce, hold, wary- difference in regrouping your characters during battle
Magic is also used by the button IN.


the shops ( Shop) - you can buy water and food, as well as various items;
taverns ( Tavernabuy) line of magic;
hotels ( Inn) - can be restored for money ( buy) life line;
temples ( temple) - you can heal for money and in some cases restore a killed character;
vehicle stores ( vehicle) - you can buy a dinosaur, a boat or a ship;
Guild of Mages and Sorcerers ( guilds) - can buy different kinds of magic;
"houses of government" ( center of civic government) - you can find out more about the city you are in;
private houses ( someone's homes), where the townspeople live. In most of these houses you have nothing to do, but in a number of cities you will definitely need to go to some (see description). Also, in many cities there is a main building that you should definitely visit (this could be an academies, libraries, fortresses, a castle).
In several places of USHKA BAU there are GATEWAYS - plots of land bounded by eight stone heads). Having Gate st, you can teleport to other GATEWAYS using the stone in front of the statue. Using Gate st anywhere, you will find yourself at the nearest GATEWAYS.
You can travel on foot or use a dinosaur ( Dino), boat ( Boat), ship ( Ship) or dragon ( Drag). Dinosaurs are good on flat terrain.
It is better to sail on rivers by boat, and for long trips on the open sea it is more convenient to buy a ship.
The dragon is summoned using a special stone ( drag st). This is the fastest form of transportation.
But keep in mind that in all these cases the consumption of food and drink increases sharply, especially when flying on a dragon, so you should always have a large supply of food.

Basic primary information.

At first, controlling your character and performing various actions may seem difficult to you, but these difficulties are only apparent. During the game you will quickly get used to the controls and get great pleasure, if you are in the mood for a complex, multi-day game.

And a few words about the main characters of this game;
BUC- it is you, best student magic academy

During the game you will be joined by:
SLASH- knight ( knight),
FEATHER- girl, archer ( archer)
ALEXI- enchantress ( conjurer)
MORTIMER- necromancer ( necromancer)
OBLIKY- sorcerer ( enchanter)

Some useful tips and secrets:

1. Record your game as often as possible! This can be very useful, because... Sometimes (thankfully, rarely) a VOID will appear and tell you that you will have to start the game from the last entry. This is also useful so that, in the event of a defeat in battle, you do not have to go through an unrecorded section of the game again.
2. Often you will need a large amount of money. North of the city of CATHEDRAL you can find places with “eternal chests”. One of them is 6"5":6"2". You can enter (B) and exit (C) an infinite number of times (as long as you have enough patience!), and each time open the chest, getting money and mass various items(the maximum amount of money you can have is 15,000 gold).
Another such place with four “eternal chests” is 9"9":15"9" (one of the rooms in the temple northeast of the city Fenopolis).
3. Most items ( goods) you can sell in stores; find out what is most valued in a given area.
4. In stores, give a bribe of 10 gold to merchants, then they can make a discount on their goods.
5. While your team is not strong enough, pay tax collectors without engaging in battles with them.
6. Try to travel during the day (less likely to get involved in an unequal battle).
7. You should not continue the game after BUS has been killed, because even if you end up in the temple and your life is restored, you are left with only 100 gold. It is better to start the game from the last entry ( continue).
8. Having enough money, buy food and drink to the fullest, then you for a long time you will be able to travel without worrying about replenishing supplies.


You, BUC, are on the road leading to the city of MIND. It's time to go to the academy - master THALMUS wants to see you.
When you arrive in the city, go to the SORCERER ACADEMY academy of magicians. Explore all the chests and shelves with books that are there. In one of the chests (the key is nearby) you will find something you really need - a MAP card. Find TALMUS and talk to him. He will invite you to go to the room for practical classes, where the other students of this academy should come to teach everyone how to use the STUN spell.
Then he sends you to the NEXUS temple (THETEMPLE OF NEXUS) to the priest AKTNUL. After talking with him, you receive the TOME paper and with it return to the academy, to TALMUS. He asks you to find a hermit living in the southern part of the city, who last night stole THE EYE SYMBOL from the door of the academy.
Finding the hermit's house A RATTY LITTLE SNACK ON A HILL and defeating him will give you back the stolen SOEYE symbol.
Give the symbol to TALMUS at the academy, and he promises to teach you the second spell - CLUE. TALMUS also says that if anything happens to him, you should find his friend NASK in the city of DIVISION.
During a lesson, one of the students of TALMUS and DARIUS kills his teacher.
After this, you find yourself at the gates of the DIVISION city. After entering the city, go to the building of the weapons guild (The GUILD of Pieces).
There, find NASK and talk to him. HACK will tell you that the black priest SCOURGE stole the key to the chest, which contains the symbol of the knights. If you find the key and bring the symbol to NASK, he will be able to help you. Also from the knight named RAZOR you you will learn about an old woman living behind the waterfall (30"1":5"4") who knows something about rings.
To enter a room with many chests, bribe (Bribe) the guard at the entrance. In one of these chests, which cannot be opened without a key, is the symbol you need.
In order to find out where the black priest THE BLACK PRIEST SCOURGE is, you need to talk to the knights in the city. In the buildings of the guild of knights GUILD OF THE KNIGHTS, after talking with the people there (use “quest”), you will learn that they do not know about the whereabouts of SCOURGE"a, but RASHIID, a traveling merchant who often visits his friends on lighthouse, not far from the city.
To get to the lighthouse, you need to buy a boat (Boat) from one of the shops (A Vehicle Master). The boat will be waiting for you at the pier.
After entering the right lighthouse, go to the very top, bribe the lighthouse guard, and he will tell you that RASHIID can be found in an oasis on a large island west of the city of DIVISION.
After finding the oasis, talk to the merchant (use "quest"). RASHIID will tell you that in the city of DIVISION, in front of the entrance to the temple, there is a staircase leading underground. That's where SCOURGE is located.
Then, after bribing RASHIID, you will find out that just west of the city of CATHEDRAL, in a cave behind a waterfall, the pirates hid a magic sextant.
Return to DIVISION, find these stairs (use the button IN) and, having defeated SCOURGEa, take the key to the chest (KNGT KEY).
To go back to the room with the chests, show (“show”) the key at the entrance to the guard. Having taken the symbol (KNSYM), go to NASK and show it to him. As a reward, HACK gives you a young knight named SLASH to help you and advises you to go to the city of SPEED, where the best archers live.
The city of SPEED is located far to the west. After leaving DIVISION, along the road (constantly checking the map) go south, go through the city of BLOOD, then go west past the city of FENOPOLIS, then north past the city of PERFECTION, behind the large gray stone massif, turn west, go through Big city CATHEDRAL and in the southwest go to the city of SPEED (if necessary, replenish the supply of water and drinking in one of the cities).
Before reaching the city of SPEED, on the map on the right you will see a long bridge (it is a little west of the city of CATHEDRAL). Explore ( IN) place in front of the waterfalls, and you will discover a hidden cave (A HIDDEN CAVE), where you will find a sextant (SXTNT). From now on, it will be much easier for you to navigate the huge world of USHKA BAU, you will be able to constantly write down the coordinates of a particular place and then easily find it (the coordinates appear in the lower left corner of the map).
In the city of SPEED (1":8"), go to the building of the archers' guild ARCHER'S GUILD. There you will learn by talking with the woman at the entrance (all archers are women) that they can only let you in if you - bring flowers from the city of PERFECTION.
In the temple, go down into the dungeon and, having explored ( IN) -places with lamps in the wall, take a mirror (MIRROR).
At the docks opposite the temple (1"1":8"4") (button IN) talk to the person there. He will advise you to look into the “government house”, as well as the LOBOTOMY CLUB.
Buy a FLIP ST from the store and go to the city "government house". The bandit LENNY, who is being held there, will ask you to Flip st (use "show") to escape the city, and in return will give you a map (MM map) of the mines (THE MINES OF MYSTERY).
After that, go to the city of PERFECTION (4":14"). In the temple below, in the dungeon, in one of the lamps, take the paper (MEMO). Buy a flower in the store (FLOWER). In the building of the wizards' guild (CONJURER'S GUILD), upstairs in the library, examine the bookshelves and take several papers. The door located in the library is locked and after negotiations with the sorceress located here, you will learn that the supreme sorceress named HAZE can and will agree to meet with you, but not now.
The door leading to it is called the door of perfection IDEAL DOOR and can only be opened with a special key.
In the city, find a small restaurant called A NICE LITTLE RESTORAUNT and talk to the head waiter named MALDAVIN. He will tell you that he has the key to IDEAL DOOR, but in return he needs FLAME'S WOOD firewood. One of the notes (NOTE) found in the library says that they are only available in THE CAVE OF FIRE.
Now head back to SPEED town again. At the Archers' Guild, show ("show") the flowers to the girl at the entrance, and she will let you in to see the Mistress of the Archers, ARROW. Show ARROW the map of the mines and she will ask you to free her people who are locked in the mine by bandits. ARROW will give you the Arrow Symbol (ARSYM) to take into the mines and show it to QUILL, ARROW's assistant. Then she will give your team the best of her archers - FEATHER.
The mines are located at coordinates 3"7":8"0". After defeating the bandits, show ("show") AR SYM QUILL and she will give you FEATHER. QUILL also advises talking to FLEMM"OM in the city of BLOOD and XYLOTYL, in the city of KAOS.
To open the chest in THE CAVE OF FIRE, you need a FIRE KEY.
Visit LOBOTOMYCLUB(10"7":12"4"). A man named STATVOL will tell you about the fiery swamp FIRE SWAMP, where the vile sorceress HIDEOUS lives, who can take the form of any person by touching his hair. Its power is in its finger (FINGER), safely hidden somewhere in the swamp.
Also look for a person named LARRY. Buy him a drink and he'll tell you that he sold the FIRE KEY to an old sorceress who lives on a small island (8":5").
Having been on the island, you will find out that the old sorceress will give you the key only in exchange for the OGRE'S EGG stolen from her, which is hidden somewhere in a cave (6":21") (since your team is not yet strong enough, this the mission of finding the egg can be postponed for now).
Travel to the city of sorcerers KAOS (11":9"). Go into the tower (THE TOWER OF KAOS). You are told that the XYLOTYLa master is difficult to find without his secretary, who can be found in a cell in the temple.
On the second floor of the tower, buy a BINGO CARD. At the temple, show (“show”) BINGO and MIRROR to the person behind bars. He will tell you that XYLOTYL is in the top room of the tower every night.
Defeat the black priest that appears (BLACK PRIEST), get a whip (WHIP). Show the whip to another black priest, who will tell you about a rocky island in the center of the ocean (21"8":8"7").
At night, go to the very top of the tower and talk to C XYLOTYL"OM. He will give you his symbol (ENSYM) for FLEMM"a in the city of BLOOD. From HAZE from the city of PERFECTION you must receive her symbol and bring XYLOTYL"y.
Now go to the city of BLOOD (14":17"). Go to THE NECROMANTIC ACADEMY, find the key in the bookshelf next to the door and take the corpse. After talking with people at the academy, you will learn that FLEMM is now busy, and in order to meet him, you must bring the corpse to the old TSALAMIS cemetery at night.
In NECROMANCER'S GUILD you can find out about the casino (CASINO ON THE ARTIC COAST) 24"5":20"9".
You can learn about the old cemetery in one of the taverns near MORDICHI. It is located in the south, on a large hill 15"5": 18"3".
At night, take the corpse there and you can go back to the academy to FLEMM"y. He will give you his symbol (NESYM) for HAZE. Give FLEMM"y the symbol XYLOTYL"a, and he will allow you to take the young MORTIMER"a into your team, which you can found in GUILD HALL on the hill north of town (16"7":16"4").
In another cemetery (16"7":16"4"), meet with KURTIS"OM, he will tell you about the tomb of a black priest named PAIN, where one of the rings is located.
Now that your team already has 4 fighters, you can go to the cave (6"6":21"4"). After defeating the sorceresses, take the egg (About EGG) and give (“show”) it to the old sorceress on the island, but in order to pick up the FIRE KEY, you will have to fight with her, since she does not want to give it back in an amicable way.
After receiving the key, open the chest in THE CAVE OF FIRE (5"4":10"9"), take the FLAME WOOD, give them to the head waiter in the restaurant in the city of PERFECTION, and he will give you the key to the IDEAL DOOR (WITH KEY).
After opening the door in the library, go to HAZE. She will give her symbol (Co Sym). Show her NE SYM and the fifth member of the team will join you - ALEXI (she is waiting on the first floor). ALEXI will give you a RUBY ruby, which is called "Eye of NEXUS"a.
Now go to the city of CATHEDRAL, to the largest NEXUS"a cathedral in the world. When you go there, not far from the entrance you will see a red statue of NEXUS"a. Insert RUBY into the empty eye socket and the statue will give you a note (NOTE) to take to WWII in the city of SUNRISE. RUBY will return to you again.
In the three bookshelves of the temple, find documents (MEMO, SCRAP, SCRAP). Talk to the red priests, they will tell you about the rings of power.
In the fortress (CITADEL) at the top one chest is locked, and the key to it must be found from the warriors in the city of SPARTA. Buy books from the store (TOMES).
Go to the city of KAOS and show TO SYM XYLOTYL"y He will allow you to take into your team one of his sorcerers named OBLIKY), who is currently located in the house of DRUNKEN DRAGON south of the city of BLOOD (13"7": 19"0 ").
Having taken OBLIKY, do not get involved in a battle below with a bunch of sorcerers yet, your team is not yet strong enough (you can use “camp” to escape from the house), but then you will definitely need to return here.
Now you can head to the abode of the “frogs” - FENOPOLIS (7":17").
Through closed door talk to King FEN NO, who asks to bring a contract from the guild of defenders from the city of PROTECTOR (7":2").
Southwest of FENOPOLIS, go to SHADYRESTFUNERAL HOME (5"9":17"7") and take the skull there (SKULL).
In the house north of the town of CATHEDRAL, take the glass (GOBLET).
Go to the city of PROTECTOR to the building of the Defenders' Guild. Talk to SWARE2, the mistress of this fortress of defenders, and you will learn that you can receive a contract to guard the king of FEN BUT in exchange for honey. Buy a balm (BALM) in the store that restores
vital energy. Take honey from the house in the forest (33"8":10"5").
After you get the honey, so as not to waste time, go to CELESTIAL CITY (26": 15").
Between the two temples there is a secret cave (26;3": 15"4"). Entering there ( IN), you will have to show the priests the items in the following sequence: 1. So Sym; 2.Whip; 3. Scull; 4. Goblet; 5. Ruby A little trick: talk to the priests in the cave repeatedly, then with each conversation your team members can increase their level. But keep in mind that after every wrong answer you lose some money. After talking with the fifth priest and opening the last door, you will take the first of eleven rings - RING OF THOUGHT.
CELESTIAL CITY is divided into two parts: dark and light pyramids. “Moon people” live in the dark and you need to communicate with them only at night. Accordingly, you need to go to the second half of the city, to the “sunny people” during the day. After going upstairs in the solar temple and talking to the red priest, you will learn that he can help you, but he needs special embalming fluid (SPECIAL EMBALMING FLUIDS). The chest at the very top is locked, you need a SUN KEY.
In the moon temple, also talk to the red priest. He will tell you that the warriors of the city of SPARTA are constantly attacking them and have already killed many. The priest will give you a letter (note) to the king of SPARTA asking you not to touch the “moon people”.
North-west of CELESTIAL CITY is the city of MESA, but you can only get there if you have DRAG ST, with which you summon a dragon. This stone can only be bought in the city of MESA itself or found in one of the chests (be sure to find at least one!).
Now it makes sense to go to the residence of the bandit leader - BELMONTRESIDENCE (20":11") Downstairs, talk to Mr. BELMONT"OM. The bandits are interested in the city of MESA, the only one not controlled by their organization. They need information from this city.
Before going to MESA, visit the house again where you found OBLIKY, defeat the sorcerers below and take the painting (PIC).
Visit the city of SPARTA (11":21"). In the fortress (CITADEL), to get into the room with chests, bribe the guard at the entrance. In one of the chests you will find the key (WAR KEY) to the chest in the fortress of the city of CATHEDRAL.
To ask the king for something, you need to defeat all the animals in the arenas. After the victory, the king will promise not to touch the “moon people” again.
Visit the city of COMMERCE (15":1") There you can sell those items that you do not need at a higher price than in other places. It costs nothing to buy here, except, perhaps, nectar (NECTAR).
In the same city, go to one of the private houses (with stairs to the second floor) and help a man named FIVER leave the city (use " city»).
If you have enough money, you can visit MAGIC BUS ( large building east of the city COMMERCE (24"3":2"6"), where you can buy almost all types of magic for each fighter and then use them as team members level up.
Now you can go to MESA city. Entering THE DESERT FORTRESS fortress, take the paper (LOG) at the top.
On the street near a private house, explore ( IN) earth and take ( IN), approximately in the middle of the enlarged area, sand (SAND).
At the hotel (A CUTE LITTLE INN) downstairs (during daytime!) there are two women. Show (“show”) one of them a picture (PIC), and the woman will turn into 8 RING OF MUTATION.
Go to BELMONT's residence. Show him the paper from the city of MESA, and he will allow you to leave his house. At the bottom of the other stairs, go down to the basement and in the chest take the ID pass (papers), which will allow you to communicate with the bandits in the BANDIT HOLE.
In the city of CATHEDRAL in the fortress in the chest, using the key found in SPARTA, take the paper (file).
Take the honey to PROTECTION and receive a security contract FEN NO.
Find the cave behind the waterfall (30"1":5"4"). Talk to the sorceress MYST. She knows where one of the rings is, but will tell you if you find her lost CRYSTAL BALL. The ball was stolen by the leader of the ANAV pirates, whose ship sank somewhere in the sea.
To the west of the cave there are two cities nearby: OXBRIDGE (25":4") and RICHY (22":4").
In the southeast there is a large amphitheater (GREATE AMPHITHEATRE) (27":9"). A man named NOCUS will give you a fake mustache (MUSCH).
In the city of OXBRIDGE, in the library building, on one of the shelves with books (in the center of the hall), find a pass (PASS) to the secret laboratory of necromancers in the city of BLOOD.
In the Mages Guild building (GUILD OF SO), in one of the cabinets, take the lost treasure map (SCRAP). By bribing one of the magicians there, you will receive a beautiful fat pigeon (DOVE).
In a private house (24"9":5"4") on the second floor, find a man named BRAINIAC. After talking with him (select "class") you will learn that if you manage to find the lost treasure map, he will tell you where one lives one of the magicians who can help you. Show him SCRAP with a map and BRAINIAK will give you the coordinates of the person living on the island (13"6":4"7"). You can only get to it at night.
The island is located west of the city of RICHY. Get to it by boat and enter the cave at night ( IN). The door will be opened for you. Go down the stairs and talk to the magician (use "quest"). You will find out that he can give you the INTUITION KEY if you find the ORB lost by his friend from OXBRIDGE.
The lost ball can be found among the snow. Reach the snowy lands, zoom in ( IN) place with coordinates 26"2":0"6" and explore ( IN) step by step this section. In the center, next to the gray stones, you will find the lost orb (ORB). Give it to the man on the island and he will give you the IN KEY, which can open the FLAMORY dragon's cave. You must find out where to look for this cave in OXBRIDGE by showing IN KEY to the Mages Guild.
In OXBRIDGE, the magician to whom you show (“show”) the key will tell you that the cave of the dragon FLAMORY must be sought where the world of life meets the world of death, among the sands, exploring a place neither high nor low, with a fiery path.
Go to RICHY town now. In the fortress (CITADEL) talk to the queen. She will promise to help in your search, but will ask you to get lenses for the telescope at the observatory.
In the observatory, go upstairs and you will be given drawings of lenses ( IN). With them you need to go to the city SHARD (18":20"). where the craftsmen will make the lenses. For this, in addition to drawings, you also need special books (TOMES) and sand from the city of MESA (SAND).
Small note:
Now you can already visit cities and islands more or less randomly, depending on where you are at the moment, so it is not necessary to strictly adhere to the order given in the description, but without completing any task, without taking the necessary item or Without talking to who you need, you risk visiting this or that place repeatedly and to no avail. The description gives a relatively convenient sequence of actions, although it may be somewhat different.

In the town of SHARD, in the glassblowing tower below, show TOMES and SPECS to the master, and at the top, show SAND. Then the master upstairs will give you lenses (LENS), which you must give to Queen B RICHY.
In the city of BLOOD in the southern cemetery (15"6":18"3") (button B) there is a staircase leading to an underground secret laboratory of necromancers. Since you have a pass, you can get embalming fluid (MED SUP) for the “sunny people”. Be sure to buy the RAISE spell from the necromancer who sells magic (without it you will not be able to take one of the rings). You can also buy REAPER (this is very strong magic). These two magics and also WYRM for OBLIKY are not sold in MAGIC BUS.
North-west of the city of BLOOD is the city of DOGGAN (13":14"). You can get there by boat. Before going to the castle of the king of the country, try to spend as much as possible wisely more money, since in the castle you will be forced to give up almost half of the available funds.
Defeat the King's Regent and get the key (DIVKEY) that opens the door on the left. The door to the king is locked. Talk to the woman in the room next to the king, and she will tell you that the king's nanny, who lives in the same city, in the house near the sign, has the iron key (IRON KEU). Upon entering the house, you will find out that SARAH is now in the shelter of the city of SUNRISE.
Now take a boat along the river to the southwest, to FIRE SWAMP, where the sorceress HIDEUS (12"2":14"4") lives. Defeating the sorceress in the tower will give you a lock of hair (HAIRLK). Explore ( IN) area of ​​the swamp near the entrance to the tower (12"1":13"7"). There you will meet a frog named MUCK, who will ask if you have come to kill him. Answer "by" and MUCK will tell you that the witch's finger (FINGER) is to be found here in the southeast corner. Take FINGER.
Go to FENOPOLIS, give the contract from PROTECTOR "a. In gratitude, FEN BUT will tell you about KEEF"e, the king of the robbers, who knows where one of the rings is. For KEEF you must find a leaf from the COMEZ tree, which is located in a water cave with a very confusing labyrinth. FEN BUT gives you a paper (NOTE) that will help you figure out this puzzle.
Go to the city of SUNRISE (3":21"), where only children and very old people live.
In one of the houses (3"5":22"1"), on the second floor, give a note from the temple in CATHEDRAL"e to a man named VOV (use "show"). In return, he will give you another paper (NOTE).
In another house (3" 4" : 21" 5") find SARAH - the nanny of the king of the city DOGGAN. She will tell you that the witch HIDEOUS stole her hair and take off her beauty together. You return her hair ("show") and SARAH will give you the key to the king's room (IRON KEY), saying that the king needs help.
In another house (3"2":21"8") you will see two boys and a staircase leading down. But there is no key to the door. A boy named CENTY says (use " quest"), that he may have left it on the nightstand of friends in a house nearby. In the house (3"1":21"7") you will find a MILK KEY in the nightstand next to the bed. Open the locked door with the key, go down and take the milk (Y MILK) in the middle of the pool.
Return to DOGGAN, talk to the king (use "job") and you will learn that he is under the Regent's Curse. The king does not remember anything and needs the milk of youth (MILK OF YOUTH), which you found in SUNRISE. Pour ("show") milk into the king, and he will give you an old ring that he inherited from his great-grandfather - RING OF DIVISION.
Now you can visit CELESTIAL CITY again. In the solar temple, give (“show”) the MED SUP priest. He will give you a SUN KEY, which you will use to open the chest at the top and take the S GEM.
In the moon temple, give (use "quest") the letter from SPARTA to the priest, and he will tell you that at the top, in the middle of the pool, you can find a moon stone (MOON GEM).
You will need these two stones. to take the ring in CHAMBRE OF PERFECTION (32"9":18"4"), but to win the battle for the ring, you will need a very strong team. While your fighters are not yet sufficiently developed, postpone going there until better times.
In the southeast of CELESTIAL CITY, there is a lair of bandits (BANDIT HOLE) (30":18"). When you go there, take a paper (SCRAP) near the entrance. Talk to OGNON, near the locked door in the center and since you have the ID, he will let you through. At the next door you will meet “old acquaintance” LENNY, whom you helped escape from prison in the city of SPEED. He will also allow you to enter the door and go to the chests. In one of the chests you will find a sacred seal (H SEAL).
When you try to leave the building, you will be forced to fight with bandits, who are quite strong. If you see that you are not yet ready to fight, it is better to use “satr” to exit.
Now go to the city of MAGICINIA (30":3"). In the store you can buy MANA to restore the magic line (useful more than once when there is no tavern nearby!) and talk to the merchant standing opposite the entrance (use "city"). He says that he has a treasure map from a sunken pirate ship that interests you. You must kill 5 gangs of pirates and capture their flags (FLAGS). Pirates are found in abundance off the coast of the city (it is enough to get flags once, and perhaps you already have this item). FLAGS is simply used in the store (Start, select goods, button IN, select FLAGS button IN). You receive a MAPBIT, which says that the ANAV ship sank 18":5"... Now you need the second half of the map.
Before going to DIVISION for the map, you can take a boat ride to the city of RICHY again. At the observatory, give (“show”) the lenses, and the scientist you spoke with will promise to report to the queen about your service. In the fortress, when talking with the queen (“quest”), you will learn that the first king RICHY had one of the rings. The king's tomb is located here, but to open it you need a special key, since the lock is enchanted. After going up the steps (to the left of the queen), go towards the exit. Behind the unlocked door is a staircase leading down. Down in the tomb, in front of the door there is large plot blue color. If you step on it, it will be painted in green color. Your task is to “paint” the entire floor green (you need to think a little here) and take the key (CHSE KEY).
Entering the tomb, in a not very confusing labyrinth, you will find a treasury with chests, and you will also have to fight a team of your doubles to get Ring of Advance.
In the Great Desert there is a tower of the sorcerer TUTU (З3":9"). Having been there, you will meet with FIVER"OM, who was helped in the city of COMMERCE, and take three papers (SCRAP) upstairs on the bookshelves. Also in this tower you will find the highest magic for OBLIKY - WYRM.
To the south of the snowy lands is the city of GUILD (24":17"). Go to the Robbers' Guild building (THIEVE'S GUILD), go downstairs and talk to the leader named KEEF. He once found one of the rings, but will only give it to you in exchange for a magic leaf from the FLUFFI TREE OF GOMEZ tree. Where is it tree, he doesn’t know, but he heard that this information can be obtained from crazy people in a psychiatric hospital.
At the inn (INN) below, you need to defeat the robber and then you will receive the paper (MAP).
South of the city of GUILD, on the shore (24"5":20"9") there is a casino. Bribe the man standing in the center of the room and he will give a note (NOTE) with the coordinates of an agent named CARL (16"3":11"4") in the city of DIVISION.
After visiting DIVISION again, find CARL and, after giving him a bribe, you will learn that you need to find the MEAN DEAN knight in LOBOTOMY CLUB (10*7": 124"). In the tavern with steps up, find the sorcerer RED BEARD, show him (“show”) the half of the card you have, and for 100 gold he will sell you the second (MAPBIT).
Fight with MEAN DEAN"OM and take from him the pass (ID) to the fortress built on the site of the destroyed city (28"0":18"2").
Visit patients in a psychiatric hospital (30":8") (it is necessary that among " items"were FINGER and MUSTCH). A man named OGNON in one of the first rooms will tell you (use " quest") coordinates of the cave where the TREE OF GOMEZ tree grows (0"7":19"2").
The cave is located on an island, so it can only be reached by sea or by air. In the cave itself you will probably have to rack your brains and be extremely careful. To go through a rather complex labyrinth and get to the tree you are looking for, you need to step on 8 barely noticeable and sometimes unnoticeable buttons in the form of a small green tubercle that open passages. You can only navigate by sounds ( odd number- closed, even - closed). This is very not an easy task, and you need to be prepared for the fact that you may have to spend quite a lot of time in this maze. At the end of it you will find the sheet you need (LEAF).
From this island you can head to the fortress (28": 18"), at the same time "dealing with" the bandits in their lair (30": 18"), if you have not done this before. You can only cross the fortress fence with the help of a dragon. No one here wants to talk to you: all issues are resolved from a position of strength, so be prepared for battles as soon as you go inside. After winning, you receive a key (TWST KEU), which will open the doors in the room. When you go upstairs, take the paper (DIARY). To open another door, you will have to fight again. As a reward you will receive another key (CRWN KEY). In the topmost room with many chests you will be given another key (SCULKEY).
From this fortress it is a stone's throw to the city of GUILD (24":17"). Give KEEF"y (use "show") the sheet he requires, but you still won't get the ring, since KEEF sold it to the priest YOPPA, who is now in the temple in the city of CATHEDRAL. So you will have to go to CATHEDRAL again, but this does not have to be done immediately.
A little west of the city of COMMERCE there is a small island where there is a tomb (13"2":1"7"), which can only be opened with a SCUL KEY. After winning several battles with fairly strong opponents (don’t forget to restore your life and magic lines during the breaks), you will receive another ring - RING OF BLOOD.
CHAMBRE OF PERFECTION is 32"9":18"4". Since you already have the moon and sun stones, you can get another ring (your team must be strong enough for this mission). Go (B) inside, go down the stairs and after some negotiations you will have to deal with another team of your doubles. Having won, take the RING OF PERFECTION in the middle of the room.

Rings of Power is a cult fantasy RPG game released on the Sega game console. You play as the young magician Buck, you were raised by the powerful wizard Tahlmus, you successfully graduated from the Academy of Magic. According to legend, a long time ago, namely 500 years ago according to the Nexus calendar, after a terrible cataclysm, the rings of omnipotence were lost. You go in search of these rings to put the Rod of the Universe together.

cheats, codes, passwords, tips, secrets, walkthrough, reviews, easter eggs, tips, Rings of Power controls

Teleportation: Open the map and press A, C and Start on the second joystick at the same time

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