A person's lucky number by date of birth. Calculating lucky numbers by date of birth

The main numbers that make up your numerological core are numbers Life Path, Expressions, Souls, Appearance and Birthday - are a constant, never changing basis for all calculations. Including to identify lucky numbers.

However, each of the basic numbers has its own “sphere of influence,” and this feature must be taken into account. Otherwise, mistakes cannot be avoided, and any of them can become fatal for you.

Using lucky numbers for your date of birth

Based on the date of birth, two Main Numbers are determined - the Life Path Number and the Birthday Number. Both of these numbers are “responsible” for a person’s capabilities. Therefore, their meanings are directly related to the functional, practical side of life. In particular, to the circumstances that shape our destiny.

Accordingly, one should resort to their help in cases that fall under these parameters:

  • when determining a good date for a job interview;
  • for a business trip;
  • to enter into an important financial agreement;
  • when choosing a car number and office phone number.
Both the Main Numbers themselves and all their derivatives will become precise guidelines for you.

Lucky numbers based on your birth date numbers

How to use name lucky numbers

As for the name numbers - the Number of Expression, the Number of the Soul and the Number of External Appearance, they are in charge of the spiritual and emotional spheres of life. This means that they need to be used in situations that correspond to these characteristics:

  • determining the date of the first date;
  • engagement or marriage;
  • choosing a house or apartment number for moving with your family, etc.

Lucky numbers based on your name numbers

Having understood these general principles, You will quickly learn to navigate in any situation and will know exactly which numerical indicators are dominant in each specific case.

How to calculate your lucky numbers?

So, the birth date numbers are the Life Path Number and the Birthday Number. Let's say you were born on August 15, 1993. Therefore, the Life Path Number is 15+8+1993=2016, 2+0+1+6=9. Thus, the “nine” itself and all the numbers that can be reduced to it are lucky: 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 99. And these are only the numbers of the first hundred. And you can continue ad infinitum.

How to use it? Let's say you are choosing from two cars. One was released in 2007, the second in 2008. Take the first one, even with high mileage. She is a “nine” just like you. Well, you'll save money.

Birthday number in in this case– 1+5=6. Your lucky numbers are not only 6 and 15, but also each of the derivatives: 24, 33, 42 and so on. Since the Birthday Number is responsible for your course of action in specific situation, focus on these indicators when choosing a day and even an hour for serious purchases and sales, important business meetings.

Now let's move on to the full name numbers. Let’s take an arbitrary combination of name numbers, say, 5 – 1 – 4. That is, the Expression Number, which is the sum of the numerical values ​​of all letters, in this case – “5”, the Soul Number, determined by the sum of the vowel numbers – “1”, the Appearance Number (consonants) – “4”.

Consequently, all numbers that are in one way or another connected with the manifestation of abilities must coincide with the derivatives of the number “5”. For example, it is better to take the aptitude test on the 5th, 14th or 23rd.

To fulfill personal desires, you need to focus on the derivatives of the Soul Number “1”: 10, 28, 37, etc., and check for compliance any numbers related to this component of life - dates of intimate meetings, registration of marriage and even divorce.

Finally, Appearance Number “4” indicates the need to use derivatives of this number in cases where the first impression will be of key importance. These are the dates of the first calls and first contacts with representatives of the opposite sex or future business partners: 4th, 13th, 22nd and 31st.

A person always strives to know the future and learn to influence it. This is precisely the reason for the question of how to find out your number. Why does human consciousness seek help in numbers? Even in ancient times, they were given a special, magical meaning. Learned people those with knowledge of numbers and mathematical laws were very rare. Their understanding of the world was unique. And everything that is not accessible to the broad masses is always frightening and is considered magic, witchcraft. In addition, in the Middle Ages, science coexisted with pseudo sciences, which is why the most direct associations of a happy future and numbers, magic and numbers were made. All this has survived to this day. Faith in numbers remains, and who knows whether it carries true knowledge. So far no one can confirm or refute this theory on a realistic level. Therefore, knowledge about how to find your number is passed down from generation to generation.

Calculating your lucky number

It's very easy to do. You must write your date of birth in digital format. For example, your birthday is March 31, 1971, then we add up all the numbers - 1+9+7+1+3+1+0+3 = 25. But 25 is not yours at all lucky number, and the sum of the digits in a two-digit number is: 2+5=7. So your talisman is number 7. What should you do with it? It turns out that you now have a lot of lucky numbers, these are all derivatives of sevens: 61, 52, 34, 43, 25, 16. As many as six numbers! At least play Sportloto! If an important event is scheduled for the 16th of the month, then it should bring you good result. If you bought an apartment and its number is 7, then this is also yours happy apartment. For example, you live in house 4 and apartment 48, add up all the numbers of the address and get 16, add up the numbers up to the first ten and get 7! So this is also your lucky address! You can engrave your lucky number on jewelry, embroider it on napkins, in short, do everything to surround yourself with a talisman number.

Number for good luck, luck in business and in business

To attract luck into your affairs, you need to know how to calculate your lucky number by last name, first name, patronymic. It's the same simple process. First, we give a list of numbers and indicate which letters of the Russian alphabet correspond to them.

  • Unit - a * and * s * b.
  • Two – f*ck*t*s.
  • Three - in *k * y* b.
  • Four – g*l*f*e.
  • Five – d*m*x*y.
  • Six is ​​f*n*t*i.
  • Seven – e*o*h.
  • Eight – f * p * w.
  • Nine – z * r * sch.

Now write your first, middle and last names on one line, and the numerical value of the letters on the next line. It will look like this.


3111412 6137416317 838316

Now you need to add up the numbers of these three words separately. It turns out like this.

Now we sum up these three numbers, we get 81. We add up both digits of this number and we get 9. Therefore, Comrade Pupkin has his own lucky number of luck in his affairs - 9. The number is very good, strong. In addition to her, six more are added to the lucky numbers, as you remember, these are 81, 18, 27, 72, 36, 63, 45 and 54.

Knowing which lucky numbers relate to a particular figure, you can plan your affairs so that they are completed successfully. Each number corresponds to several numbers of the month. They are distributed like this.

  • Number 1 corresponds to the 1st, 10th, 19th, 28th of the month.
  • Number 2 – 2nd, 11th, 20th, 29th number
  • 3 – 3rd, 12th, 21st, 30th
  • 4 – 4th, 13th, 22nd, 31st of the month
  • 5 – 5th, 14th, 23rd
  • 6 – 6th, 15th, 24th
  • 7 – 7th, 16th, 25th
  • 8 – 8th, 17th, 26th
  • 9 – 9th, 18th, 27th.

Each number also corresponds to lists of things to do that will be especially successful these days.

  • Dates under the number one are days for good money transactions, when you can settle disputes in your favor.
  • Dates numbered two are days of analysis and planning. A day of calm.
  • Dates under three are days for travel, trips, shopping, entertainment.
  • Days marked 4 are passive time, don’t start anything new.
  • Days numbered 5 are days of surprises and new things to do. Success comes these days.
  • Days with the number 6 are days of harmony, housekeeping, do not take risks and do not show uncertainty.
  • Days with the number 7 are suitable for study, creativity, happy days.
  • Days numbered 8 – important days, you can start and accomplish a lot, everything will be successful and bring profit.
  • Days numbered 9 – for art and finance – are the most favorable days.

How to calculate gua number

If you are wondering how to calculate your gua number, you need to compare your birth date with lunar calendar. The year may not be the same. When will you find out lunar year birth, then discard the first two digits of the year. And add the second two numbers. If you get a number that is not in the top ten, then add them up again. For example, you got the number 7. Next, you need to subtract the resulting number from ten: 10-7 = 3. Yours personal number"gua" - 3. But this is if you are a man and you were born before 2000. If after, then you need to subtract from 9. If your gender is female, then you need to add 5 to the resulting number. If you were born after January 1, after 2001, then you need to add 6. Gua number can tell the future, help determine the type of occupation that suits you, tell about your character. It comes with tables that are easy to find on the Internet.

Lucky number of the year

You can also calculate your personal number that will be lucky in a particular year. You need to act the same way as in the first example, but add the coming year to the amount. So, if you were born on November 25, 1993, and want to find out the lucky number in 2013, then add all the numbers of the date of birth and the coming year 2013. We get 37. Add 3 and 7, resulting in 10. So the lucky number is 1.

Mathematicians and astrologers have long held the general opinion that all processes in this world are based on a certain algorithm, and the result of any activity can be calculated using calculations.

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For every person there is a lucky number that influences fate. It is important to calculate it in order to take advantage of it magical power. It’s easy to attract luck if you determine your main number, the calculation of which is based on your date of birth.

    How to find out your number?

    To calculate your lucky number, you need to add up all the digits of your date of birth. For example, if a person was born on June 16, 1992, the calculation can be carried out using the following formulas:

    • birthday + month + year, and then add the numbers in the resulting number (16 + 6 + 1992 = 2014 ⇒ 2 + 0 +1 + 4 = 7);
    • all digits of the date of birth are added up (1 + 6 + 6 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 2 = 34 ⇒ 3 + 4 = 7).

      As can be seen from the examples, the result in both cases is the same, so everyone can find a lucky number by date of birth by choosing the most convenient calculation method for themselves. It should be noted that numbers that are multiples of this figure are also considered lucky; for seven they will be: 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70, 77, etc.

      In life, these numbers carry positive energy for a person. The main number has the greatest power, so it is recommended to take it into account in all processes. If there is an important meeting or deal coming up, it is better to schedule them on your happy dates. When the deal breaks down or the result of the negotiations turns out to be negative, do not be upset. This means that the magic of a lucky number protected a person from subsequent problems.

      By using numerology in practice, gamblers manage to win large sums to the lottery. Experienced players often choose tickets containing their lucky numbers, or mark them themselves.

      Interpretation of lucky number by date of birth

      Having calculated the number of luck, you can use its energy for practical purposes. Number meanings:

      • Unit - helps people gain leadership. Subject to this number, it is best to start new things on the first day of the month. The best periods of the year are January and November. Lucky days for single people are: 1st, 11th, 21st and 31st of the month. The constant desire to be first everywhere and in everything has a negative impact on the psyche of a few. They perceive failures too keenly, so for the best result their number can be combined with nine, which guarantees a happy outcome of any matter.
      • Two is a sociable number. She doesn't let people be alone. The patronage of the deuce predicts a happy family life, good friends and colleagues. For people of this number, the following dates in the month are lucky: 2, 11, 20, 29. If circumstances force a person to act independently, without involving outsiders, you need to supplement the two with a one, which will bring primacy to the events.
      • Three is a family sign. The power of this number determines a person's luck in love and marriage. It is difficult for threes to start and develop something without the support of family and friends, so in business they need to add ones and sixes to their number, which help to carry out their plans. Happy days in the month: 3, 6, 12, 16, 21, 30.
      • Four - reflection and responsibility. People of this number are very reserved and patient. They succeed when things are planned for the 4th, 13th, 22nd, 31st of the month. The number two brings life into their closed world; the 22nd is best suited for marriage for fours, and for large transactions they need to focus on all dates containing the number 4.
      • Five is a badge of honor. Such people always occupy leading positions, but they get these places with great difficulty. Each of their successes is accompanied by incredible efforts, so it is recommended to combine your number with lucky seven and assign important things to the seventh. Lucky days in the month are: 5, 14, 23 and 25.
      • Six is ​​a sad symbol. A person subject to this number needs to seek suitable outside guidance in everything. Independent solutions Sixes often turn out to be unsuccessful. By supplementing their number with seven and four, these people are capable of independent achievements, but it is better to adhere to what is destined by numerology. Sixes always have excellent partners nearby who you can rely on, relieving yourself of the burden of responsibility. Happy days in the month are: 6, 15, 24.
      • Seven is the number of lucky people. The wards of this number are lucky in everything; they do not need to reinforce it with others. Their best day is always Sunday, so the classic five-day work week is not recommended for them, otherwise it will be difficult to advance career ladder. Important dates in each month: 7, 16, 25. Sevens should take trips with travel and adventure in July, and this month is also good for any celebrations and events.
      • Eight is the sign of infinity. This person can handle anything, but he often moves along a closed line, which prevents him from completing many things. To break out of the cycle, these people are advised to start important activities and projects on the 17th, 18th and 19th of the month. In this case, the one contributes to a breakthrough, and the nine contributes to a worthy completion. The choice of numbers and different dates should be stopped at your number and 26 (eight when adding).
      • Nine - results and conclusions. Such people need to choose professions related to the decision complex tasks. They are extremely persistent and purposeful, therefore they are always able to achieve a positive result in any activity. The ratio of nine to five improves the life of such a person, and it is better to avoid fours, because when combined with this number, tediousness and excessive deliberation are manifested. Lucky numbers in any month are: 9, 18, 27, and 14 is the day of the most successful transactions and events.

      Patron numbers of the zodiac signs

      Another way to calculate a lucky number relates to astrology. Each zodiac sign is influenced by numbers. Therefore, being born under a certain constellation gives a person a lucky number.

      The zodiac circle divides people into 12 types, but astrologers note only 9 lucky numbers for all signs, so the following table presents the most suitable of them.

      Number Zodiac signsImpact on human life
      1 Aquarius, PiscesThe unit for these signs symbolizes determination, leadership and individuality. This figure gives representatives of the zodiac signs unlimited possibilities and very bright desires that these people are able to bring to life. The units under patronage are independent and decisive. Using the influence of their number, Pisces and Aquarius can manage the most important events in their lives. Choosing a house and apartment with number 1 promises family happiness for these signs
      2 Taurus, Cancer, LibraTwos help Taurus, Libra and Cancer discover hidden talents and abilities for diplomacy. Those born under these constellations are recognized by astrologers as sincere, sympathetic and good people. People around you often take advantage of this, so you should choose dates for important matters not only with the number two. The unit's leadership and determination contribute to achieving goals. The 12th and 21st days of the month will be the most successful and productive
      3 Gemini, Virgo, CapricornThe strength of this number plays a vital role in the lives of Gemini, Capricorn and Virgo. On the third day of any month, they are accompanied by success and good luck in solving any problems. Keeping a troika in the license plate of a house and car brings calm and peace to these representatives of the zodiac circle. happy life. When going on a long trip, they need to choose third seats or carriages, and working on the third floor will be more productive for them
      4 Aries, Cancer, ScorpioSymbolizing fidelity, perseverance, boundless intelligence, observation and independence, the four brings Aries, Scorpios and Cancers a stable position in life. So that confidence in the future is not overshadowed by unexpected troubles, people of these signs need to learn to use their number. They should use the fourth month of the year to change jobs, places of residence or other important changes, and dates containing this figure have a favorable effect on the outcome of any business
      5 Cancer, Scorpio, PiscesFive brings energy and determination into the lives of Pisces, Cancers and Scorpios. Overly self-confident Scorpios should avoid this number when sorting out relationships. On the fifth, it is better for them not to contact hostile opponents. But for Cancers and Pisces, who are subject to outside influence, this day is recommended for resolving controversial issues. Number 5, encountered by these signs throughout life, brings financial success, so in lottery tickets and matters related to money, they need to pay Special attention to this figure
      6 Taurus, Libra, Pisces, AquariusThe symbol of six is ​​constantly found in the lives of these representatives of the zodiac circle. Someone always stands in their way and tries to impose their opinion. It is unlikely that you will be able to escape this number, but you can smooth out its impact on life with the help of sevens and ones. If Libra and Pisces get an apartment with number 6, life in it will be successful only with a reasonable partner. But Aquarius and Taurus are not recommended to choose places of residence with this number, otherwise they will face constant conflicts with household members. Representatives of these zodiac signs need to be guided by six in choosing activities that do not depend on them. Only in this case will the number 6 bring good luck
      7 Aries, Virgo, CapricornThe independence and success of the seven brings a touch of eccentricity into the lives of Aries, Capricorns and Virgos. These zodiac signs are considered too serious and gloomy, so they need the number 7 to shake things up. In order not to go deeper into the burden of problems and worries, they need to plan and implement important events on the seventh day of the month. And every Sunday is perfect for them for successful entertainment or trips. If this symbol is present in the work processes of Aries, Virgo and Capricorn, then the career is going very well. The number 7 in the car license plate allows you to avoid unnecessary attention from traffic police officers.
      8 Leo, Sagittarius, CapricornThe energy potential of the number eight has a positive effect on the lives of Sagittarius, Leo and Capricorn. This figure endows the representatives of these constellations with determination, activity and some greed. The excessive generosity of Sagittarius under the influence of the number 8 is noticeably regulated in a reasonable direction, and Leos living in the eighth house or apartment with this number smooth out their craving for extravagance. Capricorn should avoid the presence of number eight in house and car numbers, otherwise the excessive practicality of the sign will increase several times. Things organized on the eighth are the most successful for them. in the best possible way, and the predominance of the number 8 in the phone number brings them good luck in negotiations
      9 Aries, Leo, Libra, ScorpioFor representatives of these constellations, nine is a symbol of intuition and insight. Under the influence of this number, Aries, Scorpio, Leo and Libra are able to predict the development of any events. Carefully selected lottery tickets the ninth, very often turn out to be winning for these signs. Decisions made on such days are the most successful. The predominance of the number 9 in numbers entails the discovery and realization of hidden possibilities, the development of talents in such people, therefore astrologers recommend that they actively use the number nine in all areas of activity.

In our world, absolutely everything can be expressed through numbers. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that people have always sought to find a number that will bring them luck. For this purpose, many rush to turn to magicians or fortune tellers for help, while it is quite possible to independently calculate lucky numbers by date of birth.

Probably every person is familiar with the concept of an unlucky day, when you “got off on the wrong foot” and all events did not develop as desired. At the same time, there are, on the contrary, especially happy days when the Universe itself sends you significant meetings and helps you solve any problems easily and harmoniously.

It is known that all accidents are not accidental and such a coincidence is usually interpreted by the fact that the number of this day is lucky for a given person.

On your lucky numbers you can successfully perform the following actions:

  • undergo interviews;
  • plan business trips;
  • enter into important financial agreements;
  • you can also use this number as your number mobile phone, car sign and so on.

In total, each person has three lucky numbers: according to the day of birth, according to your birthday and the date of birth of your parents, and also according to your name.

Calculation of lucky number number 1

In the first method, we use your date of birth to find out your lucky number. Just add the first and second numbers together, if you get a two-digit answer, then repeat this operation again.

For example, 25 = 2+5=7.

How to interpret the resulting numbers:

  • 1 is the number of success. All your endeavors are doomed to end successfully;
  • 2 – fate helps you find yourself in right time V in the right place, great if your credit card starts with this number;
  • 3 – allows you to find a harmonious solution in any situation. Use amulets with a three on them;
  • – will protect you from financial losses, acts as a symbol of stability and orderliness. Try to solve all important matters on the 4th;
  • is the number of active and positive people. Helps open up new perspectives and opportunities. We recommend that you get yourself a magic “pocket” and always carry it with you;
  • - is the happiest number of the entire series, but it is fraught with certain dangers. You can easily win the lottery or casino, but do not abuse the mercy of fate;
  • 7 – will help you calculate probable resolution any situation and gives control over it, directs you to the “true path”;
  • - is the patron saint of women. Will bring success in love and family spheres. Schedule everything for the 8th important events own life;
  • 9 – promotes the discovery of new knowledge and self-improvement.

In this video you will learn even more about lucky numbers

Calculation of the second lucky number

In this option, you need to work with your date of birth, as well as your parents. Let's look at how this happens using a specific example:

You will need to add up their sum:

  • 2+5+5+1+9+9+4 = 35
  • 9+1+2+1+9+5+4 =31
  • 1+8+3+1+9+5+1 = 28
  • 35+31+28 =94

Now divide the resulting number by three and get your lucky number:

The numbers are not rounded; the lucky number will be 31, not 32.

Calculation of a name's lucky number

There is another way to find out your lucky number - this is done by the letters of your name. Each letter corresponds to a specific number, for example:

  • Letters A, J, T, Yu – number 1
  • B, K, U, Z - number 2
  • V, L, F – number 3
  • G, M, X – number 4
  • D, N, C – number 5
  • E, O, Ch – number 6
  • F, P, W – number 7
  • Z, R, b – number 8
  • I, S, E – number 9.

Using the data above, we get:

M(4)+A(1)+P(8)+I(9)+N(5)+A(1) = 28

We reduce a two-digit number to a single-digit one:

How to decipher the meaning of numbers

Number 1

Indicates leadership abilities and self-confidence. A person likes to keep everything under his control (and often it just turns out that way by the will of fate). Learn to show more trust to your loved ones.

Typical character traits: pride and ambition, which are ideal for a career, but interfere with creating a happy relationship.

Number 2

These people are excellent empaths. They need loved ones very much and are prone to indecisiveness. Having a happy family is more important to them than having an impressive career. Twos are suitable for professions related to communication. It is important not to become depressed and accept yourself as you are.

Number 3

Real “live” people, they are always on a positive wave. But they are distinguished by inconsistency in decisions and capriciousness. They can let others down with their irresponsibility.

Number 4

These are declared materialists. They are quite closed from the outside world, straightforward, prefer to follow logic rather than feelings. Fours need to learn to look at some things more simply.

Number 5

Responsible for unpredictability, gives good luck in life. Fives are unusually active, they love variety and cannot stay in one place for long. Fives find it easy to make new acquaintances, as well as lose old ones. They have a very broad outlook.

Number 6

These people are distinguished by harmony, tranquility, and value family comfort. For them, family is the most an important part life. Sixes are crazy about order, unlike the previous version, and hate chaos and adventure. They have sufficient diplomacy.

Number 7

Single people and philosophers. They do not have a strong need for others and material goods. I love magic, the unknown, I am prone to creativity.

Number 8

These are very enterprising people, inclined towards business, with management skills. They have a strong character and will, and are closely connected with the sphere of material wealth. They can be very fixated on finances.

Number 9

Nine carries creative energy and indicates a rather interesting and extraordinary personality. But it can be quite difficult for these people to find themselves in this world. It is important not to neglect your talent.

Now you know how to find out your lucky numbers by date of birth to win the lottery, successfully conclude important transactions and resolve any issues. Use them as amulets and don’t forget about them!

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Surely, each of us has our own lucky number. As a rule, it is associated either with a certain important date in our lives or simply became successful due to a strange coincidence. Many people believe in luck numbers and use them in their lives. However, numerologists assure that sometimes a person’s lucky number is just a figment of his imagination. Numbers truly attract luck only when they are chosen by a special numerological calculation. Find out your luck number right now!

Luck number

In order to find out your lucky number, you need to turn to numerology by date of birth. Write your date of birth on a piece of paper, add all these numbers and bring the result to a single digit by addition.

Example: 12/19/1977 = 1+9+1+2+1+9+7+7 = 37 = 3+7 = 10 = 1+0 = 1. The resulting number will be successful in this case.

When you make a numerological calculation of your date of birth and get your lucky number, then you should find out its meaning and magical power which it emits.

Number meanings in numerology

  • Number 1 - you will have good luck in money, business, in leadership and in communicating with people. Use this number everywhere, then you can achieve brilliant results in your career and increase your wealth.
  • Number 2 - you will be lucky in friendship and in relationships with people. You can easily benefit from communicating with others and also make useful contacts. This number will also make you a more harmonious and confident person.
  • Number 3 - luck will come to you through creativity and creative thinking. Number three will help you gain respect and authority in your social circle, and will also reveal all your hidden talents and abilities.
  • Number 4 - this number gives you stability and confidence in the future. It will protect you from surprises and troubles. According to the numerology of numbers, four gives all the material benefits that one can only dream of.
  • The number 5 is a rather unpredictable number. If you like to take risks, then this will help you. In addition, the A will push you to action and activity.
  • Number 6 - good luck in love and family. With this numerical talisman you can find your soulmate, improve relationships with relatives and strengthen your connection with your loved one.
  • The number 7 is the number of ideal and harmony. If you strive for perfection, then this will help you achieve it. Seven also favors the acquisition of knowledge, personal and spiritual development.
  • Number 8 - you will be lucky with money. Using figure eight Everyday life, you yourself will not notice how your financial situation will gradually improve.
  • Number 9 - this number will bring good luck in all areas of life. It will attract money, love, success, new acquaintances, and knowledge to you.

The meaning of numbers in numerology will allow you to find out the magical power of your digital talisman. But how can you use this magic to attract good luck? To do this, you can make a talisman with your lucky number inscribed. In this case, the magical vibrations of the number will affect you 24 hours a day.

You can also use your lucky number when choosing something or when accepting important decision. For example, if you are in an exam and you have to draw a ticket, then choose the one that matches your luck number. You can also use lucky numbers in everyday life. For example, if your luck number is 3, then you can get a phone number with a three in it.

With help, you can attract into your life what you dream of. Using your luck number, you will be able to change your life in better side and enlist the support of Fortune. Be successful and happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

05.02.2014 13:14

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