The most dangerous insects in the summer. The most dangerous insects in Russia Dangerous insects in summer

There are more than 900 species of such insects in the world. They live in different climatic zones and are active at different times of the year. Their bites can cause itching and redness, and can cause allergic reactions or infectious diseases. In children, especially in early age, insect bites can cause a general deterioration in health.

Mosquito- the most numerous and widespread bloodsucker.

Children's skin is quite thin, so they are more likely to mosquito bites. Living in middle lane In Russia, mosquitoes are not carriers of infectious diseases. But you should know that mosquitoes in the Moscow region and the Moscow region can summer season transmit imported malaria, although such cases are very rare.

It was recently discovered that mosquito saliva contains allergens that can cause itching, redness, and various allergic reactions. If there is redness and itching that occurs at the site of the bite, it is necessary to wipe the area ammonia, vodka or soda solution, apply a cold compress.

When multiple bites If you are prone to allergic reactions, you must take an antihistamine. If the victim has swelling of the face, neck, hoarseness, difficulty breathing, then you need to urgently apply for medical care. There are now enough means to combat mosquitoes that you can use to protect yourself and your child. These include repellents (creams, gels and ointments), electrofumigators, smoking coils and candles. Can be used to control mosquitoes folk remedies. It is known that mosquitoes cannot tolerate the smells of tomato leaves, cloves, anise, eucalyptus, camphor, and vinegar.

- the most dangerous type of blood-sucking insect.

A tick bite is painless, since along with saliva it introduces an anesthetic substance into the wound. The sucking tick, having drunk blood, increases in size 20-25 times and takes the form of a wart. Usually, attached adult ticks are detected by humans only after 2-3 days.

Ticks can carry such serious and dangerous diseases to humans as tick-borne encephalitis and Lyme disease (tick-borne borreliosis). Zones where natural foci of tick-borne encephalitis are present cover a significant part of the territory of Russia: Northwestern region (Leningrad region, Karelia, Arkhangelsk region), Central region (Tver, Yaroslavl, Vologda and other regions), the Urals (Sverdlovsk, Perm regions) , Southern part of Siberia (Krasnoyarsk Territory, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Omsk, Irkutsk regions), Far East (Khabarovsk and Primorsky Territories).

According to epidemiologists, this summer the number of cases of tick-borne borreliosis may increase, and tick-borne encephalitis, which has not previously been found in this territory, may reach the Moscow region.

Tick-borne encephalitis and Lyme disease begin with severe headaches, photophobia, high temperature and vomiting. In addition, the muscles hurt very much. Important diagnostic sign is a local skin inflammation at the site of the tick bite, with a diameter of about 10 cm. But there is also an erased course, when the above-described manifestations are expressed only slightly, so you must definitely consult your doctor and say that there was a tick bite. The latent period averages 7-14 days. Therefore, one should not be careless about the bites of this insect and if the described signs appear, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.

When planning to travel to areas where tick-borne encephalitis is endemic, it is necessary to get a preventive anti-encephalitis vaccination. There is no vaccine against Lyme disease yet. You should be aware that if you consume goat or cow milk from an animal bitten by an encephalitis tick, you can also become infected with encephalitis.

When in a forest area, it is necessary to take safety measures in the form of protective clothing and repellents. To protect children, preparations with a reduced content of repellent have been developed - these are Fthalar and Efkalat creams, Pikhtal and Evital colognes, and Kamarant. For children from 3 years of age, the use of Off-Children's cream and Biban-gel is recommended.

Midge- These are blood-sucking dipterous insects that do not pose much danger, but are very annoying.

In appearance, they resemble small (up to 2 - 5 mm in size) flies. Midges, widespread throughout Russia, are not carriers of infectious diseases.

However, this does not mean that they are so harmless. The fact is that when a midge bites, it injects saliva into the wound, which contains an anesthetic substance and an enzyme that prevents blood clotting. In most cases, a person or animal does not feel pain at the time of the bite. The burning sensation appears after the insect has drunk blood. The substances in insect saliva themselves are foreign proteins, that is, they cause an immune response in the victim’s body: swelling develops at the site of the bite within a few minutes, and itching appears. With multiple bites, body temperature may rise.

Bite areas should not be scratched, as this can introduce infection into the wound, which will further strengthen the body's immune response. For midge bites, a hot compress or taking a shower very well relieves the itching. The bite site can be lubricated with a soda solution or any antiallergic ointment.

Horsefly- This is a fairly large insect, up to 3 cm, their habitat is quite extensive, but they are especially numerous in the wetlands of Siberia.

Horseflies transmit pathogens relatively rarely, but there are cases of transmission of pathogens such as tularemia, anthrax and a number of other infections. A horsefly bite is dangerous due to an infection that they can pick up by sitting, for example, on the “waste products” of animals.

On warm sunny days, large bullflies are more active, and on cloudy days, small dark-winged horseflies are more active. Favorite habitats are near water bodies. At the moment of a horsefly bite, a sharp burning sensation is felt. A white blister with redness appears around the wound and itches. The bite site can be anointed with iodine or alcohol, and ice applied. A baking soda solution will soothe the itching. Horseflies are attracted to dark clothing and the smell of sweat. To avoid being bitten, you need to treat your skin with repellent.

Mokretsy- the smallest of the blood-sucking dipterans (their total body length is 1 - 3 mm) live on almost a quarter of the territory of Russia, numbering over 15 genera.

In calm weather, with high humidity In the air, biting midges attack in swarms all living things - from humans to amphibians. The favorite time to hunt for humans is during the day. The bites of the tiny bloodsuckers are usually numerous and cause very intense itching. Their saliva contains toxic substances. You can alleviate the condition by treating the bite sites with vodka, soda solution, or cologne.

Summer is great time when adults and children go on vacation. Many families traditionally go to their dachas in the summer. Fresh air, vegetables and fruits straight from the garden, what could be better. But the rest is sometimes overshadowed by bites different insects, to which young children are most susceptible.

The bite sites become swollen and itchy, and in some cases the victim's condition quickly deteriorates. You need to know what insects you should be wary of in your dacha.

Many people consider these insects to be harmless workers who tirelessly run to the anthill all day long. In fact, ants pose a danger to human health and life. Doctors are aware of the cross-reaction between aspen and ant venom.
Insects are carriers of pathogenic bacteria. can cause dangerous diseases - dysentery, salmonellosis and cholera. Carried by ants and helminth eggs;

When bitten by large forest ants, which often live in villages, there is a strong allergic reaction. The bite site becomes swollen, inflamed and itchy; Bites big ants painful, which is explained by the work of the jaws; When bitten by red fire ants, they leave thermal burns on the body. If a person is prone to allergies, then just 3-4 bites can trigger anaphylactic shock.

In case of ant bites, the victim should be given an antihistamine and the wounds should be treated with alcohol-containing solutions. To reduce pain, apply cold to the blisters and lubricate them with Golden Star balm.

They are removed using a thread or tweezers, carefully twisting them together with the head. The bite site is smeared with iodine, and the tick is sent to the laboratory to determine whether it is a carrier of dangerous diseases.


People who keep pets in their dachas often encounter these insects. Horseflies bite very painfully. Swelling and hardening occurs at the site of the bite, and the affected area becomes hot. Particularly sensitive people may experience an increase in body temperature.
Horseflies are carriers of dangerous diseases, which include:

  • Tularemia;
  • Anthrax;
  • Filariasis.

In people prone to allergies, horsefly bites cause a strong reaction. In this case, you need to urgently consult a doctor.

To reduce pain, wash the wound with vodka or hydrogen peroxide, and then apply ice. The victim is given an antihistamine.


These beneficial insects can be very dangerous to humans. Bee venom is very allergenic, even in people who do not suffer from allergies, a large blister appears at the site of the sting. This may be accompanied by fever, convulsions and symptoms of intoxication. The greatest danger is posed by insect bites to the head and the passage of large blood vessels. If a bee stings your neck, there is a high risk of suffocation.

For an allergy sufferer, even a single bee sting can lead to anaphylactic shock and death. For a person who is not prone to allergies, the bite of 100 or more insects at the same time can be fatal.

If a bee stings the head, the victim is immediately given an antiallergic drug and taken to the hospital. Do not hesitate to consult a doctor even if you have numerous bites.

The blister beetle is a very poisonous insect that has more than 70 species. The elongated body of this bug contains cantharidin, which, when it comes into contact with human skin, leaves deep abscesses and blisters. Such wounds are difficult to treat and often cause complications. If cantharidin falls into a person’s blood, it can be fatal. In the Middle Ages, many rulers were poisoned with the poison of this bug.

After contact with blister, the affected areas are treated with an antiseptic. The victim is given adsorbents and antihistamines.

When relaxing in the countryside, you should avoid contact with insects if possible. Of particular danger to humans are ants, bees, ticks, horseflies and blister beetles. Contact with these insects can cause a severe allergic reaction and death. Poisonous spiders are also dangerous, but they are rare in the middle zone.

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The summer period brings not only the joy of the holidays, the opportunity to sunbathe and swim, but also high risks for children. This is due to many factors. In the summer, children go on vacation to children's camps, to the village to visit their grandmothers, go swimming in the river and play in the forest, all this, combined with high sun activity, insects and perishable food, poses various threats. Ensuring the safety of children in the summer is primarily the responsibility of parents. Even if you send your child somewhere in the summer, then provide him with protective equipment, discuss safety precautions with him, take care of regular communication and advise those who will look after your child about the nuances of his behavior and the characteristics of his body.

It seems that in our cruel age, not only people are warlike towards each other, but even nature shows aggression towards humans. Very symbolic and makes you think deeply. However, this problem goes beyond philosophical reflection as soon as you take your child to the forest, to the country for the first time, or go with him on vacation to another country. Snakes and ticks, strange midges whose bite gives a powerful allergic reaction, poisonous spiders that appeared out of nowhere. How to protect a child from “aggressive” nature?...

Nature also has its own rules. Knowing and following them can prevent many problems. The very first and most important of them: “I don’t touch you, and you don’t touch me.” Most troubles happen not because of the aggressiveness of animals and insects, but because of human curiosity and inattention, or because of disrespect for the inhabitants of the forest, sea or steppe. Example of a couple more simple rules: If you go to the forest, dress appropriately yourself and dress your child the same way. If you are not sure that your body reacts adequately to bee stings, cancel your excursion to the apiary.

A hat will help protect against tick bites; always put it on your child when going to the forest or park. Also, if there is a high risk of a tick bite, it is advisable to wear clothing that covers your legs and arms. Apply special means to repel insects, but try to avoid applying poisonous sprays to your child; it is better to carry repellent wipes with you that will repel insects.

Avoid contact with wasps, bees, bumblebees and hornets; their stings are painful and can cause an allergic reaction and even cause psychological trauma to the child. Keep insect bite treatment in your first aid kit.

You can negotiate with nature and its inhabitants - this means respecting and thoroughly studying those who cause us to fear danger. Their habits and lifestyle, their passions and what is unpleasant for them or completely unacceptable for existence. And based on this knowledge, compose a “message” - that is, take some actions that make it clear that our neighborhood is extremely undesirable. Of course, this is relevant if we are talking about potentially dangerous animals and insects in our own home. In an apartment, “agreeing” is more difficult, or rather, almost impossible. As a rule, nature takes into account the needs and desires of people and, with the right message, restores balance itself. But this is possible and realistic only if a certain space “accepts” people as part of it - that is, for rural residents, and not for random encounters with serious inhabitants of nature. What if this is impossible? Is it possible, for example, to kill a snake or other animal for the sake of self-defense and the protection of your child, pet, or family? In some situations, it is not only possible, but also necessary, while understanding what you are actually doing and maintaining inner good nature, and not giving free rein to primitive fear, your imaginary omnipotent power and the “right” of the owner.

"Attention! Dangerous insects!

Senior group

Teachers: Golushko O.S.

Yatsenko D.A


Target: Give children an idea of ​​a variety of dangerous and beneficial insects.


  • To form an idea of ​​different insects and their necessity for humans.
  • To consolidate children's knowledge about insects that are dangerous to life and health,

Which they occur in nature. To provide knowledge about the rules of behavior when encountering different insects.

  • Form the idea that one’s life must be protected and not endangered.
  • Develop an interest in understanding the surrounding nature, observing caution and prudence.

Vocabulary work:Replenish and activate children's vocabulary: wasp, bee, mosquito, ant, bumblebee, fly, midge, tick.

Material for the lesson: subject pictures of various insects and their habitat. Doll, insect toys.

Preliminary work:

  • Conversations about insects.
  • Getting to know literary works: G. H. Andersen “Thumbelina”, A. Bianchi “How an ant hurried home”, “Spider - Pilot”, G. Glushnev “Grasshopper and Grasshoppers”, S. Mikhalkov “Academy of Sciences”, G. Skrebitsky “Happy Bug” , V. Zotov from the book “Forest Mosaic” (“Ladybug”, “Grasshopper”, “Chaferbug”), K. Ushinsky “Bees on reconnaissance”, K. Chukovsky “Fly-Tsokotuha”;
  • Outdoor games.
  • Looking at illustrations of insects.

Methods and techniques:

  • Conversation with children, questions for children.
  • Teacher's story, asking riddles.
  • Looking at illustrations.
  • Games.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator. Wherever we are - in the forest, in the meadow, near the river - we always encounter insects.

When in a fragrant draft

You will sit down in the pine forest in the summer,

Take a good look around

You'll notice a lot, friend.

An ant drags the larva

Hurries somewhere between the roots

Big pine. On a fat bitch

The golden beetle settled down.

A light moth flutters,

Drinks fragrant juice with its proboscis.

And the bee collects honey.

Everyone is busy, everyone has things to do.

My friend, take a close look,

You will see a magical life.

Children are invited to look at the illustrations on display.

Guys, which insect do you recognize? (Wasp, bee, mosquito, ant, bumblebee, fly, midge).

How are all insects similar to each other, what do they have in common?

The teacher summarizes the children’s answers:

Ant, ladybug, grasshopper, butterfly, mosquito, fly, bee, wasp - these are all insects. Insects are animals that have six legs, and the body consists of three parts - the head, on which there are two ears, the middle part and the abdomen.

But insects are different from each other. Tell me, by what signs were you able to recognize a mosquito? ( At the mosquito…….)

How did you determine that it was a wasp? ( The wasp…………).

How did you recognize the ant? (At the ant.....).

But all the insects are so small, they are difficult to see. And not everyone will be noticed. Try hiding a piece of colored paper on the table. Each child takes a small square of green, yellow or Brown(different shades). On the table there are large sheets of the same colors and shades.

Why do insects hide easily? Because their coloring is the same as the places where they like to be.

Why do they have this coloring? For protection from enemies. (Show the children a picture of a grasshopper on green grass, a bark beetle on a tree trunk.).

Look who it is? The back is red, there are black circles on it, and there are three legs on each side. This ladybug.

She approached the blade of grass and began to eat small round creatures, which with appetite stuck their proboscis into the leaves and sucked the juice from them. This aphid.

Which of them do you think is useful to humans and which is harmful? The ladybug destroys various pests of the garden and fields.

Why is the ladybug so bright? After all, it is clearly visible on a green leaf; any bird will notice it. It turns out that this little girl knows how to defend herself well. In a moment of danger, she secretes liquid white, similar to milk, which smells bad. It is she who scares away enemies. Therefore, the ladybug is inedible for birds

You won't find a saw here,

We didn't cut down the trunks,

They didn't knock with an axe,

And a house grew under the spruce tree.

What house is the riddle talking about? (Anthill.)

Yes, this is an anthill, and ants live in it, they are man’s friends, as they save the forest by destroying many harmful insects. But if you touch it, in defense, it burns painfully, releasing formic acid. At the very beginning of spring, the anthill looks more like a pile of rubbish and old pine needles than an anthill: not a single ant is visible nearby.

Showing a picture of a bee:

Who is this? This bee flies to collect sweet juice from the first flowers. So that later we can have a delicious, very healthy honey. The bee is also brightly colored. Why do you think? The bee seems to say: “Don’t come closer! I’ll sting!”

Showing pictures of various butterflies:

Look at the wings of butterflies. They are always covered with small scales, which are very important for the butterfly. Even if some scales are erased, the butterfly will not be able to fly and will die. If you take the butterfly in your hands, you will see pollen that will remain on your fingers.

The butterfly has a long, thin, curved proboscis, which it lowers into the flower and drinks the sweet juice. Butterfly loves open flowers to sit on them and see what's going on around them.

Where is the butterfly's home?

The ant has a house - ...( anthill)

The bee has ...( hive)

Didactic game “Who lives where?”

Children are divided into two groups. Some hold pictures of insect habitats, others hold pictures of insects. At the signal “Go home!” each insect must “fly” into its “home”.

Dynamic pause “Caterpillar”

(coordination of speech with movement)

This strange house without windows (turn around slowly)

People call it “cocoon”.

Twist this house on a branch (rotate with hands)

The caterpillar sleeps in it. (palms under right cheek)

He sleeps without waking up all winter. (palms under left cheek)

But winter passes by - (waves hands up)

March, April, drops, spring... (clap hands on each word)

Wake up, sleepyhead! (stretch)

Under the bright spring sun (draw the sun with your hands)

The caterpillar has no time to sleep. (they shake a finger)

She became a butterfly! (run in a circle, flapping their arms like wings)

The caterpillar is a nasty pest. She has many enemies. It is a special treat for birds, but with the help of various tricks they manage to escape death. Time will pass, and the caterpillar will turn into a pupa, completely motionless in appearance. And a butterfly will emerge from the pupa. The motionless chrysalis will suddenly move, the skin on its back will burst, first wings will appear, and then the whole butterfly will appear. Her wings hang like wet rags. But an hour or two will pass, and the wings will dry out. The butterfly will move them, straighten them and

This insect has a striped abdomen and a pair of transparent wings. A wasp is a predatory insect. She feeds her larvae with protein foods - flies, bees, reptiles and mammals. She herself feeds on the nectar of flowers and ripe juicy fruits. It is not uncommon that we have to drive away these intrusive insects from jam, compotes, fruits, as well as melons, watermelons and berries.

Name insects that are classified as predatory ( dragonfly, grasshopper, ladybug).

Why are they called predators? ( Because they hunt other insects.)

Name the beneficial insects.( butterfly, bee, ant.)

What benefits do bees, butterflies, and ants bring? ( Bees pollinate flowers and give us honey and wax. Ants carry seeds of many plants throughout the forest. Butterflies pollinate flowers.)

Name the harmful insects.( Fly - spreads germs, caterpillar - eats plant leaves, coma R, tick is a dangerous insect for humans.)

Showing a picture of a tick

Dangerous insect - tick. Be sure to check your body, as the tick burrows under the skin and is a carrier infectious disease. Ticks are small arachnids. They are very small in size and are usually difficult to notice until they are pumped with blood. But then it’s already too late. When a tick lands on a person’s body, it does not immediately dig into his skin, but crawls for a long time, looking for the most delicate places (where the skin is thin). Most often it digs into the groin area, armpits, neck, collarbone area, stomach and back. Its bite is completely insensitive, because the tick's saliva contains an anesthetic substance.

But we can protect ourselves from tick bites (teacher's story-memo)

Unlike mosquitoes, which immediately fly away after sucking blood, ticks stick for three to four days. From drinking blood, the ticks swell greatly, increasing in size three to four times, and only then fall off.

When you see insects in nature, observe them, their appearance, habits. Often children pick up insects, not knowing that they can kill them, but at the same time they themselves can suffer from their bites. Insects are beneficial, and therefore must be treated with care. All insects are useful in their own way.

You saw these insects, identified them external differences. Now listen carefully to the riddles. Who are they about?

Flies, squeaks,

His long legs are dragging,

The opportunity will not be missed:

He will sit down and bite.

Flying all day long

Everyone gets bored.

The night will come-

Then it will stop.

Winged fashionista,

The dress is striped.

Though small in stature,

If it bites, it will be bad.

Not a bird, but with wings.

Flying over the flowers

The honey is collected.

I work in an artel at the roots of a shaggy spruce.

I’m dragging a log over the hills - it’s bigger than a carpenter.


She has four wings

The body is thin, like an arrow.

And big, big eyes

They call her...


She is bright, beautiful,

Graceful, light-winged.

She looks like a flower

And loves to drink flower juice.


She is dearer than all the bugs,

The back is scarlet.

And there are circles on it

Little black dots.


A story about the rules of conduct when meeting insects.

Insects bring great benefit, but sometimes you can get hurt from them, so you need to know how to protect yourself from insects.

Exposed parts of the body should be lubricated with insect repellents.

When going into the forest, you need to wear long trousers and a shirt with long sleeve, headdress.

If you saw vespiary, watch its inhabitants from afar, do not touch it under any circumstances, otherwise the wasps will fly out and sting.

If a bee is flying near you, try to be calm, do not wave your arms, move to another place.

If a bee sting remains after a sting, it must be removed and the stung area should be wiped with a soda solution.

If you meet an ant on the way, do not touch it, observe what it drags along the path to the anthill, what is the size and color of this ant. By watching ants, you can understand what amazing creatures these little ants are. If you don't bother them, they won't bite you.

You need to protect yourself from mosquitoes using ointments that repel insects. The greatest number of mosquitoes fly in the evening, after sunset, or in the morning, after sunrise. During the day, mosquitoes sit in dense vegetation, tree hollows, cracks and other shelters. But in the forest, mosquitoes attack throughout the day.

To get rid of flies, you should not leave rotting food and sewage, which are suitable for the development of fly larvae. It is necessary to follow the rules of maintaining cleanliness at home and outside.

A dangerous insect is a tick: it digs into the skin and a person can get sick.

Be sure to examine your body after returning from a walk in the forest or meadow.

When you see insects in nature, observe them, but do not pick them up: you can harm the insect and suffer from its bites yourself.

Summary of the lesson.

Please tell us what insects you know?

Where do insects live?

How are insects different from birds?

What happens if there are no insects?

How to protect yourself from insects?

(Children's answers.)

- In nature, everything is interconnected. Every insect, even if it is dangerous to us, can be beneficial environment. Let's be attentive and careful when meeting the inhabitants of nature. And in order not to make a mistake, we will study the children's encyclopedia of living inhabitants of the flora and fauna.

Summer has come, when many of us are drawn to nature - to the forest, to the river, to the country house. However, one should not forget about precautions: after all, it is in summer period insects are activated, contact with which can be harmful and even dangerous to health. Here are the most “terrifying” of them.


Every year, tick-borne encephalitis claims tens of thousands of lives. The risk group includes people who are in the countryside, walking in the forest, near water... Unfortunately, there are many types of ticks, and it is impossible to immediately determine Tick-borne Encephalitis or not. To do this, you need to conduct a laboratory test, and while you are looking for the right laboratory, time may be lost and you will get sick.

Safety measures: to protect yourself from ticks, experts advise wearing closed clothing, since in order to “suck in”, these insects look for unprotected areas of the body. If it’s too warm outside, then at least periodically examine your body.


They can be found both at home, feeding on your supplies, and in nature. Ants bite painfully (especially red ones), and can also carry various pathogenic bacteria, such as typhoid fever and cholera. In any case, it is theoretically possible.

Safety measures: when in nature, carefully look under your feet so as not to accidentally step on an anthill. If you spot ants, try to stay away. If you see an ant crawling on you, quickly shake it off.


Mostly in Russia there are red and black ones. They multiply very quickly and are capable of not only eating food supplies in the room, but also transmitting various infections, for example, dysentery or diphtheria. They can also crawl into natural openings on the human body, for example, the ears.

Safety precautions: fortunately, cockroaches are rarely seen on the street. They began to appear indoors less often. If you notice cockroaches, say, in your dacha, try using various baits and traps against them. By the way, cockroaches are afraid of cats, which can eat them.


Safety precautions: Do not come into contact with stray animals, as they are more likely to contract fleas than domestic ones. When returning from the street, carefully check your clothes. If fleas or larvae are noticed, it should be sanitized immediately.

Mosquitoes and flies

Mr.Smith Chetanachan/

We often think of them as harmless, but they are not. These insects can serve as carriers of malaria, yellow fever, encephalitis, cholera, typhoid fever, and dysentery. And you can also get worms from flies.

Safety precautions: use repellents and others protective equipment from insects when you go outside. Mosquito nets must be used indoors.


These large, hairy, big-headed flies can lay larvae inside someone else's body, including a human body, destroying its tissue. They are especially dangerous if they get into the nose, throat and eyes.

Safety measures: if you notice a gadfly, it is better to move away. Use insect repellent.


They love to attack in a whole flock. Horsefly bites are very painful. Only females bite, secreting saliva with toxins and anticoagulants into the bite site. Such a wound does not heal for a long time. Allergic reactions and swelling may also occur. But what’s even worse is that these insects can carry pathogens such as anthrax, filariasis or tularemia.

Safety measures: the same as in the case of gadflies.


PiccoloNamek - English wikipedia

The sting of a common wasp causes pain, but the sting of a hornet (only females have a sting) is truly dangerous to life and health. The venom secreted by the insect contains histamine and toxic substances. This can lead to a severe allergic reaction, and the acetylcholine contained in the same poison causes severe irritation of the nerve endings and sharp pain at the site of the bite. In some cases, a hornet sting can lead to anaphylactic shock and death.

Security measures: the same.


Inara Prusakova/

are very painful, and swelling and redness of the skin immediately appear in their place. But if a bee bites a person with an allergy to bee venom (and there are many of them), it can end tragically. The victim may experience fever, chills and convulsions, dizziness and vomiting. Bee stings in the area of ​​blood vessels, head and mouth are especially dangerous. As a rule, the patient simply does not have time to receive help and quickly dies.

Security measures: first of all, do not bother bee hives. If you see a bee, try not to disturb it in any way: bees rarely attack those who do not touch them, do not wave their arms, etc. It's better to move away.

Blister beetle

arz, commons.wikimedia

©entomart, Attribution, commons.wikimedia

There are about 70 species of this insect, and all of them are poisonous. The body of the blister beetle contains cantharidin, a substance that, when it comes into contact with the skin, leaves blisters and abscesses (hence the name of the insect). If the poison gets into the blood, it negatively affects the urinary tract, which can be fatal. It is known that during the Middle Ages, killings of these particular insects with the help of poison were widespread. People died in terrible agony, and no one could save them.

Safety measures: the only way to avoid this situation is to avoid all contact with the blister beetle. If he does bite you, it is better to consult a doctor without delay.
