The child complains of pain in the groin. Groin pain in men. Pain in the groin on the left, right, nagging, aching pain in the groin area, lower abdomen. Why does a child have a tongue allergy?

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There are many reasons that cause groin pain. Often pain in this area is radiating, i.e. transmitted from another area outside the groin. If any pain in the groin occurs, you should consult a doctor to determine the cause of the pain and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Possible causes of groin pain

Groin pain can be caused by many reasons.

Diseases of internal organs:
1. Pathologies of the genitourinary system:

  • kidneys (urolithiasis);
  • gynecological diseases (adnexitis, endometriosis, endometritis, painful menstruation, tumors of the female genital organs);
  • acute cystitis;
  • diseases of the male genital organs (orchitis, epididymitis, vesiculitis, spermatic cord cyst, prostatitis, testicular torsion, varicocele).
2. Intestinal pathologies:
  • appendicitis;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • intestinal colic.
Diseases of the musculoskeletal system:
1. Spine:
  • radiculitis of the sacrolumbar region;
  • compression of the nerve root between the vertebrae (5th lumbar and 1st sacral);
  • compression of the 4th lumbar nerve root.
2. Hip joint:
  • Perthes disease;
  • coxarthrosis;
  • arthritis, etc.
3. Muscle weakening:
  • inguinal hernia;
  • abdominal proptosis (deformation of the anterior abdominal wall due to muscle weakness).
Nervous system diseases: pinched pudendal nerve.

Diseases of the lymphatic system and circulatory system:
1. Inguinal lymphadenitis (inflammation of the lymph nodes).
2. Aneurysm (enlargement) of the femoral artery.

Other diseases:
1. Trauma to the groin area.
2. Tumors of various localizations.
3. Genital (genital) herpes in men.
4. Psoas abscess (focus of suppuration in the tissue covering the iliopsoas muscle).
5. varicose node of the leg saphenous vein.

Unilateral (right or left) groin pain

Pain in the groin on one side - right or left - can most often occur for three reasons:
1. With an inguinal hernia.
2. For renal colic.
3. For appendicitis.

Vesiculitis (inflammation of the seminal vesicles) is also accompanied by pain in the groin area, testicles, perineum, and above the pubis.

Acute inflammation of the testicles (orchitis) can be a complication of an infection, an inflammatory disease of the genitourinary organs, or a consequence of injury. In this case, intense pain occurs in the groin and testicles, intensifying with movement. The pain is accompanied by swelling and redness of the scrotum. The patient's general condition worsens, body temperature rises, headache appears, and sometimes vomiting.

Acute epididymitis (inflammation of the epididymis) is accompanied by similar symptoms. Pain in the groin and testicles with chronic epididymitis is not so severe; it occurs periodically, but quite often, intensifying when walking.

A spermatic cord cyst causes aching pain in the groin of middle-aged and elderly men. Young men with this pathology usually do not experience pain, and accidentally discover a spherical formation on their scrotum.

Testicular torsion can occur with sudden movements during sports. In this case, the patient experiences severe pain in the groin and testicles. Half of the scrotum rapidly increases in size due to edema. The skin of the scrotum turns blue. A twisted testicle is raised higher than a healthy one. Nausea and vomiting may occur. Body temperature rises.

Dilatation of the testicular veins (varicocele) is characterized by pressing, dull, intermittent pain in the groin that does not have a clear localization. Varicocele can be right- or left-sided, and pain is perceived by the patient on the opposite side, or spreads to the entire groin. Often the patient simply experiences a feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the groin.

Any pain in the groin in men requires contacting an andrologist, because... Many of these diseases, if left untreated, can cause a decrease in sexual activity, the development of impotence and even male infertility.

In children

In girls, the cause of pain in the groin can be injury, an inguinal hernia (a rare pathology) and enlargement of the inguinal lymph nodes, usually associated with cold-like inflammation of the uterine appendages.

The number of reasons that cause groin pain in boys is much broader:

  • Trauma (including trauma to the scrotum during childbirth).
  • Inguinal (inguinal-scrotal) hernia. As in adults, a hernia appears as a swelling in the groin, on the right or left. When pressed, the swelling disappears, but when crying, laughing or coughing, it increases in size.
  • Orchitis (inflammation of the testicle) - often occurs as a complication after mumps, infectious mononucleosis, chickenpox, etc.
  • Testicular torsion is characterized by sudden, severe pain in the groin. The skin of the scrotum turns red or blue, and the twisted testicle is located in the groin above the other, healthy one. The cause of torsion in a child can be tension in the abdominal muscles or sudden movement.
  • Hydrocele (hydrocele) is rarely accompanied by pain. Pain in the groin occurs only in case of infection of dropsy. The scrotum of a boy with hydrocele is enlarged in size (entirely or only one half). The color of the skin of the scrotum does not change.
  • Varicocele is varicose veins of the testicle. In young boys it is most often asymptomatic. Only in adolescence may a child begin to complain of discomfort or mild pain in the groin.

Pain in the inguinal lymph nodes

Enlargement of the inguinal lymph nodes, their hardening, pain in the groin lymph nodes are a signal of trouble in nearby organs. In this case, pain in the inguinal lymph nodes can be very acute. Inguinal lymphadenitis (inflammation of the lymph nodes) may indicate the presence of the following diseases:
  • inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary organs (cystitis, urethritis, adnexitis, endometritis, orchitis, etc.);
  • fungal diseases of the skin of the feet;
  • benign or malignant tumors of the pelvic organs (in this case, the inguinal lymph nodes enlarge, remaining painless);
  • syphilis (primary stage);
  • sexually transmitted infections (AIDS, chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, genital herpes, ureaplasmosis, etc.).
Therefore, if you find an enlarged and painful lymph node (or group of nodes) in your groin, you need to pay close attention to this symptom and immediately consult a doctor.

The nature of groin pain in various diseases


Such pain can occur when:
  • urolithiasis;
  • acute cystitis;
  • arthrosis of the hip joint;
  • pinched pudendal nerve;
  • inflammation of the inguinal lymph nodes.


Severe pain in the groin area is typical for the following pathologies:
  • algomenorrhea (painful menstruation);
  • acute adnexitis;
  • ovarian abscess;
  • orchitis;
  • testicular torsion;
  • malignant tumors.


Dull, intermittent pain in the groin occurs with varicocele - varicose veins of the testicle.

Pulling, aching

Pain of this nature is typical for chronic gynecological diseases (chronic adnexitis, endometriosis, endometritis) and chronic prostatitis. Aching pain in the groin can be accompanied by acute cystitis, as well as physiological menstruation.

In addition, nagging pain occurs in the groin muscles after excessive overload during sports training.


Throbbing pain is usually concentrated in the right or left side of the groin. Right-sided throbbing pain causes the doctor to suspect, first of all, appendicitis.

Severe unilateral throbbing pain in the groin can also occur when a femoral artery aneurysm ruptures (an aneurysm is an enlargement of a vessel associated with stretching or thinning of its wall). The rupture leads to the accumulation of blood in the surrounding tissues; the pain radiates to the groin.

Pain in the muscles of the groin area

Pain in the muscles of the groin and inner thighs often occurs in athletes after competitions or intense training. These muscles experience the greatest load in football, hockey, tennis and basketball players. Muscle pain in the groin has a pulling, aching character.

Athletes may experience groin muscle strains and even inner thigh muscle tears. But these injuries are classified as traumatic and are accompanied by acute pain.

Pain in the groin when moving (walking)

The most common cause of groin pain that worsens with movement (walking) is coxarthrosis, a chronic disease of the hip joint accompanied by deformation of the articular tissues.

Pain in the groin with coxarthrosis is often one-sided and radiates to the thigh. When walking, they first intensify, then the patient “paces” and the intensity of the pain decreases. But long walking again leads to increased pain. With rest the pain subsides.

Pain in the groin caused by acute inflammation of the testicle (orchitis) or its appendage (epididymitis) also intensifies when walking.

Pain near the groin (above, below)

Pain localized near the groin can be a sign of diseases such as urethritis, bladder stones, uterine prolapse, endometritis (inflammation of the uterus). An ectopic pregnancy can also cause pain near the groin.

The cause of unilateral (right or left) pain above the groin can be an inguinal hernia. Right-sided pain above the groin is characteristic of appendicitis. Bladder diseases may be accompanied by pain above the groin in the center of the lower abdomen.

Pain below the groin (lower groin) is most often muscle pain. Pain of this localization is possible with prostatitis.

Pain in groin and leg

In a number of diseases, pain in the groin radiates to the leg. In this case, painful sensations can affect part of the leg (thigh) or the entire limb. For example, pain in the groin, radiating to the anterolateral part of the thigh, down to the knee, is characteristic of coxarthrosis.

In addition, pain in the leg and groin can occur due to tumors (benign and malignant), osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, inguinal hernia, gynecological and urological diseases, and trauma to the groin area.

Lower back pain radiating to the groin

This complex of symptoms is possible with osteochondrosis (mainly of the lumbar spine), as well as with prostatitis, inflammation of the hip joints and sacroiliac joints.

Sometimes such pain is referred to as pain in the back and groin.

What to do if you have pain in the groin?

Since groin pain is most often caused by quite serious diseases, you cannot simply drown it out with analgesics (painkillers). You need to see a doctor to determine the cause of the pain.

If there is an inguinal hernia, treatment is prescribed by the surgeon. The patient is recommended to wear a special bandage, limit physical activity, and subsequently undergo a planned operation. If there is a danger of strangulation of the hernia, the operation is performed urgently.

Which doctor should I contact?

In case of urolithiasis - examination by a therapist and urologist. Depending on the location and size of the stone, medical or surgical treatment is carried out.

A neurologist treats spinal osteochondrosis. He may refer the patient to a chiropractor, osteopath, physical therapist, or physical therapist. In severe cases, surgery is performed by a neurosurgeon.

Enlarged inguinal lymph nodes require a thorough examination of the patient. It would be reasonable to first contact a local physician, who will prescribe an initial examination (blood and urine tests), and then refer the patient to a urologist, oncologist, gynecologist or immunologist.

Treatment of groin pain using shock wave therapy - video

There are contraindications. Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Very often, pain in the groin can signal quite serious illnesses. The groin is the area located at the lower border of the abdominal cavity and joins the thigh. This is where the inguinal canal with the large blood vessels of the thigh passes, and also the spermatic cords in men. Therefore, if a nagging pain in the groin appears, like pain of any other kind, it is worth responding to it immediately.

Here are also the round ligament of the uterus in women and loops of intestines that can form a hernia. That is why pain in the groin area (as well as direct pain in the genital organ) should be noted immediately, and if it does not go away within 24 hours, it is necessary to consult a doctor to find out the cause of the pain.

Causes of groin pain

The reasons may be as follows:

  • intestinal diseases (diverticulitis; intestinal cancer; intestinal obstruction accompanied by abdominal pain, constipation or diarrhea, bloating, vomiting and fever);
  • diseases of the uterine appendages of an inflammatory nature, accompanied by acute pain in the groin, deterioration of general condition, elevated temperature, painful sensations in the lower abdomen during palpation;
  • torsion of the pedicle of the ovarian cyst or its rupture. They may be accompanied by unilateral, acute and severe pain in the groin, fever, vomiting, and a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
  • ectopic pregnancy, characterized by cramping, gradually increasing pain in the groin area, combined with abdominal pain radiating to the anus (if the fallopian tubes rupture, the pain becomes unbearable);
  • pregnancy, characterized by nagging, aching pain. Their appearance is associated with the physiological divergence of the pelvic bones before childbirth and with the stretching of the ligaments that hold the uterus to the inner walls of the pelvis;
  • algomenorrhea (pain before menstruation). Such pain can be aching, cramping, starting 1-2 days before menstruation.

Reasons (as well as on the left side and in the center):

  • inguinal hernia, characterized by unilateral pain;
  • chronic prostatitis, manifested by constant aching pain;
  • vesiculitis;
  • orchitis, accompanied by severe pain, aggravated by movement, as well as redness and swelling of the scrotum;
  • acute epididymitis (symptoms similar to orchitis);
  • spermatic cord cyst, accompanied by aching pain (observed in middle-aged and elderly men);
  • testicular torsion, which can occur after sudden movements during sports. It may be accompanied by acute severe pain, enlargement of half of the scrotum and bluish skin on it, as well as nausea, vomiting and fever;
  • varicocele (swelling or swelling on the veins of the penis). It can manifest itself in pressing, dull, intermittent pain in the groin without clear localization.

In addition, groin pain can be caused by:

  • cryptorchidism;
  • groin injury;
  • tumor diseases;
  • vesiculitis;
  • proptosis;
  • colliculitis;
  • lipoma of the spermatic cord;
  • epididymitis;
  • varicose veins located in the great saphenous vein of one of the lower extremities.

Groin pain in a child

Groin pain in a child can be caused by many reasons. The cause of groin pain in girls can be injury, an inguinal hernia, or enlarged inguinal lymph nodes. The latter is often caused by cold inflammation of the uterine appendages.

Pain in the groin in a boy may be associated with:

  • with injury;
  • with an inguinal hernia;
  • with testicular torsion;
  • with orchitis;
  • with hydrocele;
  • with the formation of varicocele.

One way or another, if a child has one or more symptoms of such pain, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Pain in left groin

Pain in the left groin can be caused by either an inguinal hernia or renal colic. Inguinal hernia is a disease mainly of men, and women rarely suffer from it. Pain in the left groin with this disease is accompanied by the appearance of a swelling in the groin, noticeable when standing and painful when touched.

The cause of the disease is the displacement of intestinal loops from the abdominal cavity to the groin, caused by weak muscles and ligaments of the anterior abdominal wall. Advanced cases are characterized by a pinched inguinal hernia, accompanied by symptoms such as sharp pain in the groin on the left side and lower abdomen.

The cause of renal colic, characterized by sudden acute pain in the groin, lumbar region and bladder area, is urolithiasis, complicated by the passage of a stone from the kidney and its movement along the ureter. In this case, sharp and excruciating pain in the left groin and thigh is accompanied by a frequent urge to urinate.

Pain in right groin

Pain in the right groin can accompany inguinal hernia, renal colic and appendicitis. Pain in the groin on the right with appendicitis intensifies gradually, starting in the epigastric region and falling lower and lower.

General pain in this case intensifies when lying on the left side, pain appears in the groin on the right when walking, and sometimes the pain is localized in the rectum. If you have at least one of these symptoms, you should consult a doctor for qualified medical help.

Pain in the lymph nodes in the groin

It is well known that lymph nodes filter lymph and control its composition, and therefore they are the first to suffer when an infection enters the body. Thus, pain in the lymph nodes in the groin, accompanied by their hardening, indicates a threat to human health.

Pain in the inguinal lymph nodes may indicate the presence in the body of:

  • fungal infections;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • tumors of any etiology.

Pain treatment

Any treatment for groin pain is impossible without first contacting a specialist. It involves drug or surgical elimination of the causes of the disease. It is impossible to simply drown out such pain with analgesics due to the fact that it can be a sign of serious diseases leading to pathological changes in the body.

Chronic diseases: bronchial asthma is in question, we were taking asthma medications, but for half a year the doctor stopped everything because, after a thorough examination, the doctor diagnosed laryngitis.

Hello, please tell me what I should do. In the morning everything was fine, and in the evening I picked up my son from kindergarten, he walks with a limp and holds his groin on the left side, he said his leg hurts, I looked and felt everything seemed fine, they went to bed, although the son himself told me in the evening there that some kind of ball was rolling around, the pain did not go away at night, in the morning we went to the surgeon, the doctor looked and said that the left testicle had gone up, we need to do an ultrasound and surgery to lower it, is it possible to do without surgery? And can it somehow go down on its own without the intervention of a surgeon, or is it just an operation because he doesn’t step on his foot well, he says it hurts. When I was born at birth, both testicles were lowered down as expected, and not once in 7 years did either of them rise, and so this happened for the first time. Thank you.

Tags: the child has pain in the groin, the child has pain in the groin on the left side

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There is numbness in the groin on the left side. Please tell me, I have been feeling pain in my lower abdomen for over a year now.

Hydrocele of the left ovary A 5-year-old child was recently diagnosed with hydrocele of the left ovary.

My left testicle is swollen and my groin hurts. My left testicle is swollen! And not much aching in the groin.

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You could have a strangulated inguinal hernia. Without examining the child, I cannot say whether surgery is necessary or not. There may be a problem in the hip joint, you need to look, if the hernia is strangulated, surgery is needed, if you have arthritis, then the treatment is mainly conservative.

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Cause of groin pain in the leg

Unpleasant sensations in the groin can be a consequence of many reasons. Because the groin area connects the upper and lower parts of the body. Here passes the inguinal ligament, the hip region, the pubic bone, the bladder area, a collection of blood vessels, and lymph nodes. A large number of muscles that help flex the body are associated with the hip. Very often, pain in the groin and leg is associated with damage to the muscles on the inside of the thigh, the so-called adductors.

When playing various sports, you can pull the adductors, the quadriceps muscle on the front of the thigh, or the hamstring. Strong physical activity overloads the work of these muscles and causes discomfort in the crotch of the legs. Who is most likely to suffer from pain in this area:

  1. Hockey players, football players, basketball players, tennis players due to poor warm-up.
  2. Aged athletes and dancers.
  3. People who sit for a long time with their legs crossed, squatting.
  4. Cyclists.
  5. Fans of roller skates, because of the stress on the hips.
  6. Horse riders.
  7. You need to constantly do special exercises to relax the muscles most often involved in one or another sport.

    With coxarthrosis or osteoarthritis of the hip joint (chronic joint disease, wear and tear), pain in the groin radiates to the leg. Most often, people over 40 years of age are susceptible to this, as well as after various injuries in the hip area, inflammatory processes, and dysplasia. with congenital dislocation of the hip joint. Perthes disease.

    Very often, the human spine can experience complications in its activity, and damage to the intervertebral discs occurs. If they manifest themselves in the lumbar region, then a nagging pain may occur between the leg and groin. Such unpleasant sensations occur in people who constantly lead a sedentary lifestyle, with heavy loads on the spine, or with back injuries. Most often they can occur in those who are over 40, and less often appear at a young age.

    Very often, pain between the legs in men is associated with an inguinal hernia. This disease mainly manifests itself in strong people. Swelling occurs on the right or left side of the perineum, resulting in weakening of the abdominal wall muscles and lowering of the intestines.

    Pain in the groin area of ​​the human body can occur not only with disruption of the musculoskeletal system, but also for other reasons.

    It is important to always remember that you should not endure torment and self-medicate. The cause of discomfort in the groin can be very different. Sometimes everything goes unnoticed, but sometimes you need urgent treatment or even surgery. Therefore, you should always consult a doctor and undergo examinations.

    Diseases of the male and female reproductive system

    Women may experience pain in the perineal area with:

  8. endometritis, inflammation of the inner lining of the uterus caused by streptococcal and other types of infection;
  9. endometriosis, when cells of the inner layer of the uterus grow beyond the organ;
  10. adnexitis, inflammation or infectious disease of the fallopian tubes.
  11. In men, the pain that occurs due to various sexual diseases can be nagging and even acute:

  12. vesiculitis, inflammation of the seminal vesicles;
  13. prostatitis, inflammation of the prostate glands caused by the penetration of various types of infection;
  14. varicocele, with dilation of the veins of the spermatic canal;
  15. torsion of the testicle on the spermatic cord;
  16. orchitis, inflammation of the testicles.
  17. With such manifestations of disease, all representatives of different articles have very strong pain between their legs.

    Other causes of pain in the perineum may be:

  18. Tumor formations in the genitourinary system (benign, malignant).
  19. Cystitis (inflammation of the bladder), in particular chronic, with acute discomfort.
  20. The nerve in the hip joint is pinched, which can cause discomfort, as if the leg hurts in the groin.
  21. The lymph nodes become inflamed, a sign of diseases of the organs that are located in the groin area (listed above).
  22. Various injuries in the groin area.
  23. Monitor your health and consult a doctor on time.

    Groin pain when walking

    Pain in the groin when walking can be caused by a disease such as coxarthrosis. Coxarthrosis is a degenerative-dystrophic disease of the musculoskeletal system - arthrosis deformans. Any age is susceptible to this disease, since there are many reasons for its formation. More frequent cases of the disease are detected in people over forty years of age. In the initial stages, this disease can be cured successfully without surgery. But the most annoying thing is that in the initial stages the pain is not severe and people are in no hurry to go to the doctor, but the disease progresses at this time.

    Coxarthrosis can cause diseases such as:

  • hip dislocation (congenital);
  • Partes disease;
  • all kinds of hip injuries;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • with aseptic necrosis of the femur;
  • inflammation of the hip joint.
  • The main reasons for the development of coxarthrosis are:

  • impaired blood circulation, when venous outflow and arterial inflow are worsened. At the same time, metabolic products accumulate, which subsequently destroy the cartilage;
  • athletes and overweight people are people who overload their joints.
  • hormonal changes and impaired metabolism;
  • injuries (both fractures and dislocations). For this reason, coxarthrosis most often develops in people at a young age;
  • inflammation of the joints, as well as infectious processes in them;
  • aseptic necrosis of the head in the hip bone;
  • pathology in the spinal column and feet, such as flat feet;
  • a huge proportion of coxarthrosis diseases (about twenty percent) is caused by congenital hip dislocation;
  • impaired development of the joint - congenital dysplasia;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • transmission of genetic predisposition to structural features of cartilage tissue;
  • age.
  • Symptoms of coxarthrosis vary depending on the stages of the disease:

  • pain both at rest and with load in the knee, hip, groin area;
  • restricted movements (stiffness);
  • lameness, manifested as pain in the groin when walking;
  • the diseased leg becomes shorter than the healthy one;
  • the thigh muscles atrophy.
  • In the early stages of this disease, when it is easiest to cure, the symptoms are quite mild, so the patient does not rush to see a doctor. And at this time the destruction of the joint occurs. Then the pain intensifies, pain in the groin when walking becomes constant and subsides only when the leg is immobilized. The reduction of the thigh muscles occurs due to their atrophy and drying out, as it becomes difficult to step on the affected leg.

    An erroneous diagnosis is often made - arthrosis of the knee joint, since pain from atrophy of the thigh muscles causes pain in the knee joint. Very often this pain becomes much worse than the pain in the hip.

    One hundred percent coincidence of complaints of pain can occur with damage to the spine and inflammation of the femoral tendon. It is for this reason that diagnosis should be trusted only to experienced doctors.

    A child's leg hurts in the groin area

    Leg pain in the thigh - what is the reason?

    The most common causes of hip pain can be:

    Coxarthrosis is characterized by pain in the leg in the hip and groin area. The pain may move down the front or side of the thigh, spread to the buttocks, or radiate to the knee. It appears when walking, as well as when getting up from a chair or bed. At rest, as a rule, pain does not bother you.

    Another characteristic feature of this disease is limited mobility. So, the patient cannot move the sore leg to the side or raise it to the chest. At the same time, during movements, a peculiar crunching sound is heard in the affected joint. With further development of the disease, the affected leg becomes shorter than the healthy one.

    5. Arthritis of various origins - develops in approximately 2-4% of cases of pain in the hip. During the examination, ankylosing spondylitis and various types of reactive lesions of the hip joints may be detected. Patients note morning stiffness of the joints, the pain becomes most intense at night, and may subside somewhat when walking. A characteristic feature of hip pain due to arthritis is that it occurs more often in young people aged 15-40 years.

    Leg pain in children is a special reason for examination

    Pain in the thigh can also occur in the presence of a cancerous process in the body, severe heart damage, stenosis or occlusion of the iliac arteries, or osteomyelitis. tuberculosis, pelvic abscesses and inflammatory diseases of the genital organs.

    There are a lot of reasons for hip pain, so only a qualified doctor can prescribe the necessary examinations and, based on the data obtained, carry out a differential diagnosis.

    By the way, you may also be interested in the following FREE materials:

  • Free lessons on the treatment of lower back pain from a certified physical therapy doctor. This doctor has developed a unique system for restoring all parts of the spine and has already helped more than 2000 clients with various back and neck problems!
  • 35 answers to frequently asked questions about spinal health - get a recording of a free seminar

    Groin (lat. inguen) or groin area (lat. regio inguinalis) is part of the lower edge of the abdominal region adjacent to the thigh. Here is the inguinal canal (lat. canalis inguinalis), through which large blood vessels of the thigh pass and in men the spermatic cord, and in women the round ligament of the uterus, loops of intestines can descend here and form a hernia.

    If you have pain in the right groin, always think about a hernia first. Hernias occur when local supporting tissues weaken and allow loops of intestine to slip out of the abdomen and into the groin. The hernia becomes noticeable as a swelling in the right groin, especially when you are standing. But you may feel pain without a visible bulge. When examining a man, a doctor can detect a hidden hernia by inserting one finger into the scrotum. He will always ask you to cough because this raises the pressure in your abdomen and pushes a loop of intestine into the hernial opening. A hernia can cause unpleasant complications. If the opening is relatively small and the intestinal loop is relatively large, then the latter may be caught or strangulated in it. When this happens, it is called a strangulated hernia. A strangulated hernia requires immediate surgery, as the blood supply to the strangulated intestine is disrupted, which leads to its destruction.

    Infection in the pelvic area (adnexitis, endometritis, proctitis, parametritis), legs can cause enlargement and pain of the lymph nodes in the groin on the right.

    If the pain in the groin on the right is not associated with either enlarged lymph nodes or kidney stones, then it may arise from the fact that the spinal disc compresses the nerves that go to this area. The reason for this may be osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine.

    However, most often, pain in the groin on the right indicates genitourinary infections and inflammation, which lead to enlargement and tenderness of the lymph nodes in the groin on the right. The pain caused by such diseases is most dangerous for a man, since it can result in impaired sexual activity, impotence and even infertility. It is usually accompanied by symptoms such as difficult or painful urination, blood in the urine, and lumbar pain. If the inguinal lymph nodes are swollen but do not hurt, this may also be a manifestation of hidden sexually transmitted infections (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, trichomoniasis).

    The causes of pain in the groin on the right may include the following diseases:

    — Varicose node of the right great saphenous vein of the leg.

    — Aneurysm of the right femoral artery.

    Are you experiencing pain in the right groin? Do you want to know more detailed information or do you need an inspection? You can make an appointment with a doctor Eurolab always at your service! The best doctors will examine you, study external signs and help you identify the disease by symptoms, advise you and provide the necessary assistance. you also can call a doctor at home. Clinic Eurolab open for you around the clock.

    Phone number of our clinic in Kyiv: (+38 044) 206-20-00 (multi-channel). The clinic secretary will select a convenient day and time for you to visit the doctor. Our location and directions are listed here. Look in more detail about all the clinic’s services on its personal page.

    If you have previously performed any research, Be sure to take their results to a doctor for consultation. If the studies have not been performed, we will do everything necessary in our clinic or with our colleagues in other clinics.

    Other types of pain starting with the letter p:

    If you are interested in any other symptoms of diseases and types of pain, or you have any other questions or suggestions, write to us. We will definitely try to help you.

    Pain in the groin radiating to the leg

    Pain in the groin, which does not necessarily radiate to the leg, can occur due to:

    2. Ailments of the musculoskeletal system. For example, the spine may be affected, then radiculitis and compression of the nerve root (lumbar or between the vertebrae) may occur. The disease can affect the hip joint (arthritis, coxarthrosis, Perthes disease). Due to muscle weakening, inguinal hernia and abdominal proptosis occur.

    4. Due to diseases of the circulatory system and lymphatic system. This may be a femoral artery aneurysm or inguinal lymphadenitis (inflamed lymph nodes).

    Quite often, pain in the groin, periodically radiating to the leg, can bother the patient when moving or at rest. When it comes to radiating pain, pay attention to the fact that the underlying disease is located in a completely different place, but it can manifest itself precisely in the area of ​​the lower extremities. In this case, pain symptoms can be observed both in the entire leg (for example, along the back surface) and in one joint.

    Child's ankle hurts

    Causes of ankle pain when walking

    Sometimes it can be quite difficult for a person to understand why he has pain in his ankle when walking; the reasons for this phenomenon remain unknown until he visits a doctor and conducts the necessary examination. However, there are several underlying factors that can cause this symptom, and some of these conditions are quite serious. Ankle pain that occurs when walking is quite capable of disrupting the life plans of anyone, especially if it occurs suddenly, and its causes are not entirely clear. Just yesterday there were no symptoms of the disease, no injuries or bruises, but today the pain showed itself in all its glory. What diseases can cause pain in the ankle when walking and at rest, what are its causes?

    1. Foot and ankle injury. Perhaps the most common cause of pain arising in this area, and among all injuries of the lower extremities, damage to the ankle joint is the most common. This injury often occurs in people involved in sports, but it is still much more common in everyday life. This happens because athletes (gymnasts, football players, tennis players, etc.), realizing that such injuries are very easy to get and can be incapacitating for quite a long time, take all measures to protect the ankle from injury. There are special sports shoes for this, but people in everyday life quite often neglect the choice of the right shoes, preferring fashion over comfort. Unsuccessful mechanical damage, jump with an incorrect landing, fall - the joint is damaged, pain occurs in the ankle. As a result, the consequences can be different, from a simple bruise to a sprain or fracture.

    2. Post-traumatic arthritis. It occurs after an injury and is most often a consequence of damage to the connective tissue of the lower extremity. The consequence of injury can be displacement of the joint, which provokes the development of this disease. In this case, cartilage tissue is replaced by connective tissue, which is less elastic, resulting in a feeling of discomfort and even pain. Post-traumatic arthritis is characterized by constant progression and, as a consequence, an increase in pain over time. In addition to pain, the joint reduces its mobility, its activity is significantly limited. In addition to pain, the most obvious symptoms of this disease are crunching in the joint when moving, aching bones, and swelling.

    Treating such arthritis is quite a difficult task, but with due patience and following all the doctor’s instructions, it is quite possible to achieve recovery. Unfortunately, it is practically impossible to completely cope with the disease using conservative methods alone; such treatment has a short-term effect, so surgery remains today the most effective method of treating post-traumatic arthritis. In particular, endoprosthetics is used, with the help of which the patient gets rid of ankle pain and the accompanying lameness. Treatment of this disease is primarily aimed at reducing pain and at least partially restoring lost joint functions.

    3. Arthritis. Arthritis in medicine is usually called various pathologies of the joints that are associated with the inflammatory process. Arthritis has a characteristic difference from other joint diseases - the presence of fluid - exudate - in the joint cavity. Experts today identify about a dozen arthritis, each of which has its own characteristic features. Pain in the joint occurs when moving, due to pressure on the affected area, the skin over the joint turns red, and it changes its shape. This disease affects mainly middle-aged and elderly people, however, since there are quite a few causes for the development of arthritis, almost all people can be considered at risk. Women are more susceptible to the disease; ankle pain may well become a symptom of arthritis, although much more often the disease affects the hip and knee joints. Cartilaginous tissue covers the bone of the joint capsule on the inside and over time begins to wear out, becoming rough and dry. All this provokes the development of this disease, the movement of the joints becomes difficult, they become inflamed, pain occurs in the ankles, as well as in other joints.

    4. Osteoarthritis. A rather dangerous disease, since it disrupts the functioning of the musculoskeletal system as a whole. In general, the term osteoarthritis in medicine usually refers to a whole group of diseases that affect not only the articular cartilage, but the entire joint. Among all the pathological processes occurring in the joints, osteoarthritis is the most common. This disease often causes loss of working capacity, a person becomes disabled, and the quality of life sharply deteriorates. Osteoarthritis is a common disease, found all over the world, and damage to the ankle joint is considered one of the most dangerous and severe, along with diseases of the hip and knee joints. Thus, the main risk factors are: female gender, old age, estrogen deficiency, excess weight, congenital diseases of the joints and bones, joint injuries.

    The diseases mentioned above are the most common causes of ankle pain, but this list is far from complete. Pain in the legs for a modern person is a completely common phenomenon; the joints, tendons, and muscles of the legs are subject to serious stress every day, so swelling, heaviness, and pain in the lower extremities can be observed in people of different ages. Such pain occurs especially often in those who stand on their feet for a long time, engage in sports or perform heavy physical labor.

    Ankle - where is it? The most common ankle diseases

    In people leading an active lifestyle, it is the ankle that is often injured. Where is it? It is located where the calf meets the foot. As for the ankle joint, it includes many components. These are bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons, thanks to which a person can move normally. Ankle pain can be either acute or chronic. The ankle can be easily injured during walking, jumping, and running.

    Acute pain in such situations occurs unexpectedly and subsides after medical care is provided. But chronic lasts much longer and may indicate a whole bunch of pathologies.

    Why does my ankle hurt?

    Common causes of ankle pain:

    - Sprained ligaments. It occurs when a person wears uncomfortable shoes or spends too much time on sports. It is not surprising that such people begin to have ankle pain.

    - Stress fracture. It also causes ankle pain. It is not caused by injuries. The causes of such a fracture include regular excessive loads, as well as pressure on the joint, as a result of which small cracks appear. In this situation, the pain is chronic, becoming stronger every day. This fracture differs from other injuries in that the ankle does not swell, and the patient usually does not need a plaster cast. In order for the leg to return to normal, you just need to refrain from putting stress on the injured area.

    - Arthritis. This disease is quite often the cause of chronic ankle pain, especially in older people. During an exacerbation of arthritis, the leg swells and the joint moves poorly.

    - Gout. This disease is a consequence of a high concentration of uric acid, which is deposited in the joint. It provokes acute unbearable pain in the ankle, which appears unexpectedly. The ankle of the foot can be very sensitive. Even with a light touch, pain often occurs.

    - Osteoarthritis. This is a disease that causes the destruction of cartilage tissue, which results in loosening of the ligaments and muscles in the ankle joint.

    Treatment must include rest. The patient needs to sit and lie down more. While resting, you should raise your legs a little - this way there will be no pressure on the ankle and the swelling will go away. To pacify the pain caused by the injury, it is necessary to apply ice to the ankle. It should be kept for 15 minutes. The procedure must be repeated several times a day.

    With arthritis, on the contrary, heat can help: it will relax the tissues and cause blood flow to the ankle. Sick people need to know about this. After all, they really want their ankles to finally stop hurting! Even children know where it is.

    Swelling is not a problem for many

    Most women don't notice that their ankles and feet swell towards the end of the day. They do not pay attention to the fact that it is more difficult to fasten shoes in the evening, and in general, it is quite difficult to squeeze your feet into shoes. After all, with the onset of a new day, the ankles will return to normal. But you need to understand that if your legs swell every day, this may indicate not only excessive stress, but also some diseases. Swelling of the ankle should be alarming. This should not be taken lightly.

    Why do my ankles swell?

    However, most often the ankles swell from simple fatigue. If you walk or stand on your feet for a long time, they may swell. And this is not surprising. It is no coincidence that ankle swelling most often occurs in women who, due to the nature of their work, have to sit a lot. And if they also wear tight shoes, then their feet suffer doubly. Some women often cross their legs when sitting, and this also causes swelling. When walking in shoes with high heels, the calf muscles are not able to contract, so lymph and blood simply stagnate, resulting in swollen ankles. Girls should forget about excessively high heels. After all, you need to understand how vulnerable the ankle is. Where it is is known to everyone who knows even a little anatomy.

    Diseases that cause swelling

    Legs may swell in the afternoon and with the following pathologies: flat feet, cardiovascular diseases, varicose veins, improper kidney function. Among other things, the ankles become swollen during elephantiasis. With this pathology, normal lymph outflow cannot occur, therefore, its stagnation occurs. Patients also have metabolic disorders. All this leads to very noticeable swelling of the ankles; the legs really resemble those of an elephant. In addition, they can swell due to liver pathologies and thyroid diseases. Sooner or later, the patient notices that the ankle is swollen. He probably knows where it is.

    Diets and pregnancy

    In girls on strict diets, the protein content in their blood may decrease. This is caused by food restriction. As a result, their ankles become swollen. Often, swelling of the legs occurs in pregnant women. During pregnancy, the uterus grows in size and puts pressure on other organs. As a result, blood circulation is impaired, arms and legs swell. Hormonal changes in a woman’s body are also of great importance. Therapeutic knitwear allows you to avoid unpleasant consequences.

    The older a woman is, the more often her legs swell. This is explained by the fact that with age the heart begins to work worse, and the amount of collagen in the subcutaneous tissue decreases, as a result it becomes loose, and the fluid content in this place increases. As a rule, swelling of the ankles occurs in hot weather in obese women with problems with veins. Often the skin of the legs becomes bluish. Of course, it looks quite unpleasant. Some women are upset by the fact that their legs become unsightly, and this may force them to see a doctor and resort to treatment. The sooner therapy begins, the better. You cannot ignore pain and swelling of the ankle - these are serious symptoms that should be a reason to think about the state of your body.

    Leg pain in the ankle area

    I am 42 years old. There were no injuries or diseases of the legs. Pain and swelling began to appear about 2 weeks ago. Swelling appears immediately after waking up in the morning when I get out of bed, then gradually goes away. While walking, severe pain is felt, even going to the doctor is difficult. And nothing else bothers me. There have never been any fractures or dislocations. I go in for sports every day, run 2-3 km a day (including through the forest or rough terrain), jump rope, and try to regain my previous stretch.

    What could be the cause of swelling? Which specialist should I contact? What tests should I take?

    Answers to question (2)

    If pain and swelling of the ankle occurs, the average person is unlikely to be able to qualitatively determine the cause of this pathology. It will not be possible to do without a specialist examination and high-quality diagnostics. But still, an overview of the possible causes of such an illness will not hurt everyone. Pain in the ankle while walking can disrupt anyone’s life, and if the cause of the pain is not established, it will also cause additional worries. Just yesterday, nothing bothered you yet, you didn’t fall, didn’t hit yourself, but today the pain manifested itself in full. Let's look at diseases that can cause such symptoms.

    1. Injuries. Probably the most common cause of pain in this place. According to statistics, among the entire list of leg injuries, injuries to the ankle joint and ankle take first place. This type of injury occurs often in athletes, but is no less rare in everyday life. But athletes take specific measures to prevent ankle injuries, while the average person may not pay enough attention to this issue. In case of mechanical damage, an unsuccessful jump, or a fall, the joint is injured, and the ankle also begins to hurt. The consequences can be different: from a simple bruise to sprains and fractures.

    2. Arthritis. The term arthritis in medicine refers to a variety of joint pathologies caused by inflammation. A distinctive feature of arthritis is the presence of fluid in the joint cavity, called exudate. Experts identify about 10 types of arthritis, differing in certain characteristics. When walking, pain in the joint begins to occur, redness appears on the surface of the skin, and the shape of the joint changes. Arthritis develops in middle-aged and elderly people, although, given the various causes of the disease, almost every person is at risk. Women suffer from arthritis somewhat more often than men. Ankle pain can also be a sign of arthritis, but most often this disease affects the knee and hip joints. The bone of the joint capsule is covered with cartilaginous tissue, which gradually begins to wear off over the years, becomes rough, and dries out. As a result, arthritis begins to develop, the joints begin to move poorly, become inflamed, and pain appears in the ankle and other joints.

    3. Post-traumatic arthritis. It develops mainly after an injury to the connective tissue of the knee, as a result of which the joint has been displaced. Inelastic connective tissue begins to replace cartilaginous tissue, resulting in pain and discomfort. Post-traumatic arthritis is characterized by constant progression and increasing pain over time. The mobility of the joint also decreases, a crunching sound appears when walking, swelling, and aching in the bones.

    4. Osteoarthritis. A serious pathology in which the functioning of the musculoskeletal system is disrupted. The term osteoarthritis in medicine refers to a whole category of diseases affecting not only cartilage, but also the joint as a whole. Osteoarthritis is the most common joint disease. This pathology often causes loss of working capacity - the patient, in fact, becomes disabled, and the quality of life deteriorates significantly. Osteoarthritis is widespread throughout the planet, and along with the hip and knee joints, damage to the ankle is considered one of the most severe injuries to the limbs. Summarizing the above, we can draw conclusions about the main risk factors that provoke the development of osteoarthritis: female gender; mature or old age; overweight; lack of estrogen in the blood; congenital pathologies and joint injuries. But this is not the entire list of causes of ankle pain. Pain in the legs of a modern person has become, in some way, something commonplace. Every day, the leg joints experience serious stress, and pain in them can appear regardless of age. Most often, pain occurs in those who are constantly on their feet, undergo heavy physical activity or play sports.

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    Often patients of different ages come to the doctor and complain that their leg hurts in the thigh. In this case, pain can be constant or periodic, occur after physical activity or independently of it. In some cases, the pain is combined with loss of sensation and limited movement. As a rule, the pain is localized in the groin area, in the area between the lower abdomen and upper thigh, and can be localized in one or both legs. Sometimes patients confuse pain that is concentrated in the lower back or pelvis with pain in the hip.

    Common causes of hip pain

    The appearance of pain in the hip always indicates trouble in the patient’s body - if the discomfort is not associated with injury, then already on the second or third day of the disease it is worth seeking advice from a qualified orthopedist or rheumatologist and undergoing an examination prescribed by a doctor.

    Coxarthrosis is the most common cause of hip pain

    1. Arthrosis of the hip joint (also called coxarthrosis) - this diagnosis is made in approximately 30% of cases of visits to the doctor regarding hip pain. This disease is characterized by a slow course, although sometimes it can develop very quickly after physical activity, injury or severe psycho-emotional stress. It is registered in most cases after 40 years of age and is more common among women.

    2. Aseptic necrosis of the femoral head (so-called hip infarction) causes hip pain in 5% of cases. The symptoms of this pathology are very similar to coxarthrosis, so it is sometimes difficult to distinguish between these two diseases. That is why, looking for an answer to the question of why hip pain appears and deciding how to eliminate this unpleasant symptom should be determined by a qualified doctor.

    It is worth considering that necrotic processes in the femoral head always develop rapidly, so the symptoms of this lesion become intense within a few days after the onset of the disease. Characteristic symptoms of a hip joint infarction are rapid onset, pain on the outer surface of the thigh, absence of stiffness of movement and crunching when walking.

    3. Injuries to the lumbar spine become the etiological factor in 40% of cases of requests for hip pain. They manifest themselves as follows: unilateral damage and pain in the leg, from the hip pain sensations spread to the entire limb, and irradiation to the groin is not typical. Patients complain that pain occurs both day and night, often localized in the lower back or buttocks.

    4. Polymyalgia rheumatica - occurs in only 1% of cases; most often, hip pain develops after severe stress or the flu. Characterized by severe weakness and high fever. symmetrical joint damage, pain and stiffness in the hips, as well as pain in the shoulder joints.

    It must be said that if a child has pain in his leg: hip, knee or other part of it, you should consult a doctor immediately. The cause may be hip dysplasia. congenital hip dislocations, osteochondropathy. fractures of the femoral neck, as well as various bone or joint pathologies.

    Associated pathologies of the body

    The treatment program must be individualized

    If your leg hurts in the thigh and treatment at home is ineffective, the cause may be severe pathology of the muscles, bones or joints, so it is worth using not only folk remedies, but also the achievements of traditional medicine, because traditional methods of therapy are best used in combination with other methods. It should also be remembered that you can get rid of hip pain only by eliminating its cause, and not by acting on the pain syndrome in isolation.

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  • 10 essential nutritional components for a healthy spine - in this report you will learn what your daily diet should be so that you and your spine always have a healthy body and spirit. Very useful information!
  • Do you have osteochondrosis? Then we recommend studying effective methods of treating lumbar pain. cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis without medications.
  • Symptoms of the disease - pain in the groin on the right

    What diseases cause pain in the groin on the right:

    If the lymph nodes in the right groin are swollen but not tender, this may indicate cancer or a benign tumor. This may also be a manifestation of the early (primary stage) of syphilis.

    A low-lying kidney stone, a ureteral stone on the right will also cause pain in the groin on the right. An attack of renal colic occurs suddenly and can last several minutes, hours or days. It is characterized by acute pain in the lower back or hypochondrium with irradiation along the ureter to the groin area on the right, bladder, and external genitalia. Frequent urination and blood in the urine will help determine the correct diagnosis.

    - Injuries to the groin area.

    — Genital herpes in men.

    - Right-sided cryptorchidism (testicle in the inguinal canal).

    — Funiculocele, right-sided lipoma of the spermatic cord.

    — Hematoma (after puncture of the femoral artery).

    - Tumors in the groin on the right (for example, lipoma).

    Which doctors should you contact if you experience pain in the groin on the right:

    Does your right groin hurt? It is necessary to take a very careful approach to your overall health. People don't pay enough attention symptoms of diseases and do not realize that these diseases can be life-threatening. There are many diseases that at first do not manifest themselves in our body, but in the end it turns out that, unfortunately, it is too late to treat them. Each disease has its own specific signs, characteristic external manifestations - the so-called symptoms of the disease. Identifying symptoms is the first step in diagnosing diseases in general. To do this, you just need to do it several times a year. be examined by a doctor. in order not only to prevent a terrible disease, but also to maintain a healthy spirit in the body and the organism as a whole.

    If you want to ask a doctor a question, use the online consultation section. Perhaps you will find answers to your questions there and read self care tips. If you are interested in reviews about clinics and doctors, try to find the information you need on the forum. Also register on the medical portal Eurolab. to be constantly aware of the latest news and information updates on the site, which will be automatically sent to you by email.

    The symptom chart is for educational purposes only. Do not self-medicate; For all questions regarding the definition of the disease and methods of its treatment, consult your doctor. EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal.

    There can be many reasons why groin pain occurs. Quite often, this kind of pain in this area radiates to other parts of the body located outside the groin area. For example, pain in the groin that radiates to the leg or lower back is considered radiating; often these sensations are so unpleasant and painful that they become very difficult to tolerate. And is it worth waiting until the pain goes away on its own? Of course not - you should definitely seek the advice of a doctor, since the reasons that caused it can be quite serious. It is a medical specialist who is able to determine the very cause of pain in the groin, and only he can prescribe the appropriate treatment.

    1. Diseases of internal organs, for example, with pathologies of the genitourinary system. These include kidney diseases (urolithiasis), gynecological ailments (endometritis, endometriosis, tumors localized in the female genital organs, adnexitis, etc.), cystitis, diseases of the male genital organs (vesiculitis, prostatitis, varicocele, testicular torsion, cyst spermatic cord, orchitis, etc.). In addition, pain in the groin can cause diseases of internal organs related to the gastrointestinal tract, for example, they occur with appendicitis, intestinal colic, and intestinal obstruction.

    3. Due to diseases of the nervous system. Pain in the groin can occur due to pinching of the genitofemoral nerve.

    Pain in the groin, regardless of whether it radiates to the leg or radiates to another area of ​​the body, can have a different character. Pain can be localized on one side (left or right), most often such unilateral pain indicates diseases such as:

    In cases where groin pain is a consequence appendicitis. pain increases over time, gradually, and it is typical for them to begin in the epigastric region and gradually descend to the lower abdomen. Pain with appendicitis is localized on the right side, intensifies when walking, and sometimes radiates to the intestines (rectal area).

    At renal colic pain in the groin is also felt on one side (right or left), and this pain can be sudden, acute, radiating to the leg, affecting the lumbar region, bladder. Renal colic often becomes a sign of a person having urolithiasis; they arise as a result of the movement of a stone into the ureter from the kidney, followed by gradual movement along the ureter. Such pain is very difficult for a person to bear, since it is very strong and painful, it is accompanied by a constant urge to urinate. The patient requires medical attention.

    Pain may occur due to the formation inguinal hernia. It has long been noted that inguinal hernia occurs much less frequently in women than in men. As a rule, its manifestations are noticeable immediately; the hernia appears on the left or right side in the groin area, like a swelling. It is this swelling that is the inguinal hernia itself. It can be quite painful if you touch it, but an inguinal hernia is best seen when the person is standing. A hernia is formed due to the fact that intestinal loops move to the groin area from the abdominal cavity, when the ligaments and muscles of the anterior abdominal wall are weakened. A serious complication of an inguinal hernia is its strangulation, which causes severe, sharp pain in the groin and abdomen. In this case, the patient requires urgent surgical intervention.

    Pain in the groin in women can be caused by diseases such as inflammation of the uterine appendages (salpingoophoritis, adnexitis, parametritis), ectopic pregnancy, rupture of an ovarian cyst. At inflammation of the appendages Acute severe pain occurs in the groin area, body temperature rises, the general condition worsens, and painful sensations arise in the abdomen when palpated. During development ectopic pregnancy pain in the groin area intensifies gradually, it is cramping in nature, and can radiate to the anus. The pain can become severe, simply unbearable, which indicates a possible rupture of the fallopian tube; sometimes a woman can lose consciousness. In this condition, a woman requires urgent surgical care.

    Acute, one-sided pain may occur with ovarian cyst. At the same time, blood pressure decreases, vomiting occurs, and the temperature rises. Often, an ovarian cyst that has formed on the right side can be confused with appendicitis based on its symptoms. Finally, groin pain in women that radiates to the lower back or leg may be during pregnancy(even if it flows normally). The nature of such pain is nagging, aching, due to the fact that during pregnancy, spraining of the ligaments and softening of the pelvic bones before childbirth are physiologically caused.

Pain in the groin area in boys it may occur due to volvulus or torsion of the testicle. Testicular inversion most often occurs at the age of 10-12 years. With injury to the inguinal scrotum and area, sudden abdominal tension, sudden movements, persistent coughing, masturbation, the testicle may rotate around a horizontal or vertical axis. With testicular torsion blood circulation in the epididymis with the testicle is impaired. An acute disturbance of lymph and blood flow, resulting from compression of the vascular pedicle, can cause a total hemorrhagic infarction. If blood circulation is not restored soon, irreversible pathological changes may occur in the testicle. Testicular necrosis in children occurs quickly - within 6-10 hours from the onset of the disease. In other words, testicular death can happen very quickly.

Signs of testicular torsion

  • severe swelling of the scrotum;
  • the testicle is enlarged in size;
  • the spermatic cord is painful;
  • the child shows anxiety;
  • the baby has an elevated body temperature;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • sudden sharp pain in the groin area;
  • acute urinary retention.

How to help with testicular torsion?

If your baby has such signs, call an ambulance immediately! With testicular torsion The results of treatment depend on the degree of torsion, duration of the disease and destructive changes in the testicle. In many cases, you can save your baby's testicle for 6-8 hours after torsion. But already 24 hours after torsion, the testicle is usually nonviable. Save twisted testicle from necrosis can only untwist the spermatic cord. This can be achieved by two methods - surgically and conservative manipulative untwisting in the opposite direction. The prognosis with timely surgical intervention is most often favorable. The testicle is removed only if it is completely necrosis.

Men often come to the doctor with right-sided colic in the abdomen. The specific structure of the groin area creates many prerequisites for the development of pathological processes. The causes of painful sensations are varied and only an integrated approach will allow the disease to be correctly diagnosed. A significant indicator is the type and location of pain. A dull character indicates a chronic disease, an acute one indicates a life-threatening pathology and the need for urgent surgical intervention.

Causes of groin pain

Right-sided pain in men in the groin is explained by malfunctions of the nervous, reproductive and urinary systems, the musculoskeletal system (MS) and the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). Each of them has its own characteristics, which the doctor must know for correct diagnosis. Prescription of treatment is permissible only after a complete examination of the patient.

Let's take a closer look at common diseases accompanied by pain:


A right-sided inguinal hernia occurs when the peritoneum or internal organs protrude into the inguinal canal. Development is facilitated by thinned areas of the peritoneal walls in the groin - deepening of the inguinal spaces.


Protrusion during an inguinal hernia is not always accompanied by pain, and incarceration, that is, compression of the hernial sac, will always be a source of pain. It can be blurry and localized.

The figure shows the types of hernias and places of their manifestation.

Irritable bowel syndrome– disruptions in intestinal motility, digested food moves very quickly or slowly. The location of the piercing pain determines the location of the affected area.

Intestinal obstruction– improper movement of food in the intestines. The pain becomes increasingly acute, and the location of the pain determines the location of the lesion.

Chronic constipation– problematic and very infrequent bowel movements. The patient is bothered by distension and abdominal pain.

Colon cancer. At first it is asymptomatic, but later aching pain occurs at the site of development of the tumor.

urinary system

Urolithiasis disease– the appearance of stones in the urinary system. During obstruction in the lumbar region, acute colic occurs in the right ureter. At the same time, blood appears in the urine and digestion is disrupted.

Cystitis called inflammation in the bladder. It is expressed by punctate colic, which intensifies during emptying.

Appendicitis. The pathology is accompanied by piercing pain in the lower abdomen, transmitted to the groin and right leg. The vermiform appendix is ​​located in the iliac region on the right. Nausea and fever often occur.

Bladder cancer- neoplasm on the walls of the bladder. The disease does not manifest itself until the malignant cells spread to nearby organs.

Urethral cancer- tumor in the urethra.

Urethritis– infectious or non-infectious inflammation of the urethra. There is a feeling of heaviness in the groin, and when urinating, there is a burning sensation and colic.

Reproductive system

Acute prostatitis– infectious inflammation of the prostate gland due to the penetration of microbes. The pain in the groin and perineum will be stabbing. The urge to urinate becomes more frequent and problematic.

BPH– strong growth of glandular tissue. The bladder becomes compressed and pain increases when emptying.

Prostate cancer represents a malignant growth from epithelial tissue. In the later stages, cramping pain and repeated urges to defecate occur.

Vesiculitis– infectious inflammation of the seminal vesicles. Pain in the perineum, moving to the groin; the intensity increases with emptying, a full bladder, and ejaculation.

Epididymoochitis– inflammation of the testicles and appendages. The disease is acute: the temperature is above 38 degrees, acute pain occurs in the scrotum.

Testicular torsion– twisting of the seminal canal when rotating the testicle. Piercing pain causes vomiting and dizziness.

Venereal diseases. Caused by sexually transmitted infections. Symptoms depend on the pathogen.

Nervous and ODS

Groin injuries. They are more common among professional athletes. Increased pain with movement, slight swelling is visible.

Nerve damage in the lumbar plexus. Colic is felt in the groin, radiating to the upper thigh and lower abdomen, and sensitivity decreases.


In the video, an ultrasound diagnostic doctor will talk about the main culprits of groin pain that are detected during an ultrasound.

Causes of nagging pain

In most cases, nagging pain is characteristic of chronic diseases. The most common culprit is prostatitis. Long-term statistics state the fact: 1/3 of reproductive men suffer from prostatitis. Most cases are detected at late stages and are complicated by concomitant diseases.

The main culprit is pathogenic microflora that appears in the prostate gland. Signs: colic during bowel movements, small discharge, feeling of discomfort in the perineum.

Reasons for appearance:

  • pelvic injuries;
  • sexual abstinence;
  • the presence of infections in the urinary system;
  • bad habits;
  • hypothermia;
  • stress;
  • hormonal imbalances.

Dull pain indicates a sprain of the inguinal ligaments after excessive stress.

Causes of aching pain

A number of pathologies do not have obvious manifestations and are detected by chance during a routine examination. A person occasionally feels a mild aching pain, but in the future it becomes more pronounced.

Aching pain is a companion to the following diseases:

  • cryptorchidism– hormonal imbalances, problems with conception, delayed puberty in adolescents;
  • prostatitis– problems with urination and potency, the appearance of adenoma, infertility;
  • cancer– weight loss, fever, poor health, sensation of a foreign body inside;
  • cyst– unilateral testicular enlargement;
  • lymphadenitis– single and multiple swellings with adhesions;
  • abscess– impurities in urine, rash, problematic bowel movements, discharge.

Aching pain will be the main symptom of acute cystitis. This is an acute inflammation localized on the mucous membrane of the bladder. The culprits of the acute form are various infections. Manifestations of the acute form: cloudy urine, aching pain, frequent urination with pain, the appearance of blood in the urine, nausea, high fever.

The likelihood of developing cystitis increases:

  • injury to the surface of the bladder;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • simple blood in the pelvic veins;
  • decreased protective functions;
  • hypothermia.

Aching pain is provoked by malignant neoplasms in the rectal mucosa. She talks about the growth of the tumor and the spread of malignant cells into the tissue of nearby organs, the process becomes irreversible. Symptoms: constant constipation, loss of appetite, bloating, bloody stool, feeling of weakness, pale skin.

Causes of sharp (stabbing) pain

Acute pain often indicates the need for emergency surgery. Not only the disease, but also the pain syndrome poses a threat to health. Treatment will necessarily include pain relief measures.

Stitching pain occurs in diseases:

  • Strangulation of a hernia with a small diameter of the hernial ring. The natural process of tissue nutrition changes, which leads to necrosis.
  • Appendicitis - the right side of the abdomen hurts, sometimes under the rib or on the left if it is abnormally located.
  • Testicular torsion is accompanied by swelling of the scrotum.
  • Urolithiasis is characterized by paroxysmal pain, the intensity of which gradually increases.
  • Intestinal obstruction also has a paroxysmal nature of pain, accompanied by digestive disorders.
  • The abscess has a throbbing pain that constantly increases.

Pain in lymph nodes

Lymph nodes filter lymph and control its immunological composition. They are the first to sense the emergence of infection in the human body. If colic occurs in the groin, or the lymph node becomes denser, then something threatens the body. Inflammation of the lymph nodes is possible in groups and is determined by the infectious focus.

Lymph nodes hurt when:

  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • fungal infections of the lower extremities;
  • the appearance and development of tumors in the pelvis;
  • primary stage of syphilis.

If there is pain in the lymph nodes, it is not difficult to recognize the presence of inflammation:

  • the lymph node is the size of a pea and moves easily;
  • during palpation, severe pain is felt, the lymph nodes are not fused with nearby tissues;
  • heat;
  • redness of the skin indicates suppuration.

Treatment involves surgery.


In the video, dermatovenerologist and urologist Sergey Gennadievich Lenkin will talk about the causes of inflammation of the lymph nodes in the groin in men and methods of treating this disease.

Actions for pain in the right groin

If you experience any pain, seek emergency medical attention. A favorable outcome is possible only after determining the causes of its occurrence. The doctor needs to determine the severity of the process and choose the right treatment method. However, in many cases diagnosis is difficult. The cause may be not only organs located close to the groin, but also those located outside the “epicenter” of pain.


Before a medical examination, you should not take painkillers, as they will make it difficult to determine the true cause of the pain. It is also not recommended to make warm compresses or apply a heating pad, so as not to provoke the spread of inflammation. To reduce pain, it is permissible to apply cold for a short time.

The doctor will prescribe a number of studies: laboratory tests, ultrasound (genital organs, abdominal cavity, retroperitoneal space), uroflowmetry. Consultations with other highly specialized specialists are not excluded.

Important! It is necessary to understand that self-medication and refusal to visit a doctor will worsen the situation. When these diseases occur, doctors are left to fight not for recovery, but for the patient’s life. Chronic forms cannot be treated even with modern medical means.

Diagnosis of pain

To diagnose pathologies that provoke right-sided groin pain in men, the following methods are used:

  • taking anamnesis;
  • examination of the patient by a doctor;
  • diagnostics with special drugs;
  • passing various tests.

Diagnosis begins with anamnesis (questioning):

  1. The beginning of pain.
  2. The moment and conditions of the appearance of a pain symptom.
  3. Nature of pain.
  4. Intensity.
  5. Duration.
  6. Localization and reflection.
  7. Associated symptoms.

For groin pain the following are important:

  • the nature of sexual life;
  • hereditary diseases in relatives;
  • past illnesses;
  • bad habits;
  • working conditions;
  • allergy;
  • quality and quantity of food eaten.

After the interview, the doctor begins an objective examination - palpation (palpation), general examination, auscultation (listening) and percussion (tapping).

Laboratory tests include:

  • biochemical, general blood and urine analysis;
  • prostate secretion analysis;
  • taking a smear from the urethra.

Collection of some tests and examinations is possible only if certain conditions are met. After the appointment, you should definitely ask your doctor about preparatory measures.

Instrumental diagnostics may consist of:

  • X-ray diagnostics;
  • Ultrasound;
  • endoscopy.

The doctor does not always prescribe all of the listed examinations. In most cases, an ultrasound, blood and urine tests are sufficient. Drug treatment is prescribed to eliminate symptoms and eliminate the underlying cause of the disease. In severe cases where life is threatened, surgical intervention is performed, after which a certain period of rehabilitation is necessary.

The causes of right-sided pain in men are varied. A doctor can determine them correctly only after conducting a series of studies. Untimely treatment leads to the development of chronic forms of diseases that disrupt the normal lifestyle and begin to threaten a person’s life. Timely examinations and early detection greatly simplify treatment.

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