Do cameras work in the absence of compulsory motor insurance? Which cameras and when will they be fined for lack of compulsory insurance? RSA has questions regarding automatic control of insurance from cameras

Already on September 1, traffic police cameras in Moscow will begin to automatically check the presence of a compulsory motor liability insurance policy on cars passing on the roads. In another three months (or even earlier), cameras will begin to be automatically issued to all caught violators. ABOUT the decision taken said today the director of the Russian Union of Insurers (RUI) E. Ufimtsev.

Those who drive without compulsory motor liability insurance face at least 400 rubles a day. This is exactly the amount of the fine for lack of insurance if paid within 20 days. The RSS promises that the system will not issue more than one letter of happiness per day, although, according to Mr. Ufimtsev, the traffic police insisted on the principle of “one trip under the camera - one fine.”

In the near future, traffic cameras will fine for the absence of compulsory motor insurance

According to insurers, once the system has been rolled out in Moscow, it can be quickly transferred to other regions. In addition, the RSS representative emphasized that each fine at the first stage will be double-checked in order to avoid false penalties for drivers who took out insurance on that day.

Let us remind you that for the first time we are talking about automatic fines for the lack of compulsory motor third party liability insurance according to cameras. Then they even started to launch the system in test mode in Moscow and Kazan, but quickly put it on pause. The official reason for stopping the experiment was then given as errors in the synchronization of the traffic police and RSA databases.

Although judging by the speed of adoption of unpopular laws this June, it can be assumed that the real reason there was a desire to postpone total control over compulsory motor liability insurance until after the parliamentary and presidential elections.

It is not yet clear whether the system will simply check the availability of a valid MTPL policy by car number or, in addition, compare the registration data specified in the traffic police and in the RSA (those that appear in the contract with the insurance company and affect the cost of insurance).

Otherwise, we can expect mass registration of fictitious MTPL policies concluded with supposedly residents of “cheap” regions, where the territorial coefficient is small and prices for MTPL are low (for example, Crimea and some Caucasian republics). In any case, it is obvious that the camera will not be able to check who is driving and to avoid an automatic fine, it is enough to take out a compulsory motor liability insurance policy for at least one driver.

In any case, law-abiding drivers will only benefit from the new measure, since the growing number of cars without insurance (according to various estimates, from 2 to 4 million such cars move on Russian roads) has already become a serious problem. More and more often, topics appear on automobile forums from motorists who have been injured in accidents through no fault of their own. They cannot recover compensation either from the insurance company under compulsory motor liability insurance (due to the lack of a policy) or from the culprit (due to his formal lack of income). The main thing is that the system does not issue false fines due to errors

If now only a traffic police representative can catch a driver for driving without a motor vehicle license, then from September 1, 2018, cameras will be fined for the absence of compulsory motor insurance. More precisely, they will record such violators, to whom “chain letters” will subsequently be sent. The pilot project will work only in Moscow for now, but if successfully implemented, it will spread to other regions of the country.

The launch of the system was planned back in 2016, but did not take place due to technical difficulties with synchronizing the databases of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate and RSA (Russian Union of Auto Insurers). As a result, two years later, specialists from these structures managed to create a unified database, which is already at the final stage of development and is ready to be launched in test mode.

Already from September 1, 2018, an auto-fixing system should be launched, which will issue fines for driving without insurance. It will work as follows: during the day, cameras will collect information about passing cars, and at night (when the traffic load is reduced) they will transmit them for processing. Next, each car will be checked against the RSA and traffic police databases. If there is no information about the presence of a valid insurance policy, then the driver will automatically be issued a fine. To avoid system failures and to avoid false penalties for drivers, each fact will be additionally checked by an inspector.

This approach will make it possible to hold car owners accountable without a compulsory motor liability insurance policy, even if they only drove once a day. At the same time, in the Resolution Supreme Court Drivers are given time to eliminate the offense, that is, to issue an insurance policy.

It is assumed that law-abiding car owners will only benefit from the introduction of the new auto registration, since the number of cars without a “car license” is only growing every year and becoming big problem. Drivers who find themselves injured in an accident cannot recover damages either through the insurance company under the terms of compulsory motor liability insurance (due to the lack of the policy itself) or from the culprit himself (due to the lack of official income).

At the moment it remains open question whether the system will compare vehicle registration data from the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate and the RSA (which are specified in the contract with the insurance company and affect the price of the policy). Otherwise, many drivers can use this “loophole” to issue fictitious MTPL policies, negotiating with residents of “cheap” regions with a minimum territorial coefficient and, accordingly, the cost of the policy. But in any case, the camera will not identify the driver behind the wheel, so to avoid a fine, you can get by with insurance even for one driver.

Payment of fines

The amount of the fine for the absence of a “motor vehicle license” for 2018 is 800 rubles. But if it is paid within 20 days, a 50% discount applies, that is, in this case you can only pay 400 rubles. For letters that will arrive after the “discount” deadline, constitutional Court provided for the possibility of its restoration.

The absence of a compulsory motor liability insurance policy will only result in a fine. At the same time, the concept of “repeated violation” does not apply to him, so the car owner will receive a punishment every time he gets into the camera’s field of view.

On a note! Initially, the traffic police insisted on the “fine for every trip under the camera” approach, but according to RSS representatives, they eventually managed to agree that no more than one fine would be issued per day.

Thanks to this system, the authorities expect to replenish the budget with significant amounts throughout the year. No other measures are provided for violators, so cars will not be sent to the impound area.

Potential Difficulties

The question of solving the situation remains open for drivers who purchased a car less than 10 days ago, since Federal Law-40 “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance” provides for the opportunity to drive for 10 days without taking out insurance. There is no information in official sources about how the cameras will react to such a car. A change in ownership is initially reflected only in a paper purchase and sale agreement, but does not even require certification from a notary, and the traffic police are notified of this fact only upon registration vehicle. Most likely, the only way out for such cases will be to go to court to appeal the fine for not having a policy after it has been issued. To do this, you will need to present the same purchase and sale agreement.

In addition, difficulties may arise for residents of some settlements, where insurers refuse to issue MTPL policies due to their unprofitability. Despite the fact that they do not have the right to refuse service, representatives often come up with various “obstacles”. For example, branches open in inconvenient places, work only a couple of hours a day, or refer to the lack of forms. The only way out in this case will be to apply for insurance through the insurer’s website.

Cameras check for the presence of compulsory motor liability insurance: video

The Union of Auto Insurers announced that from September 1 they will not fine motorists for the lack of compulsory motor insurance.

The RSA reported that there are still many legal issues in this project. The traffic police and the Moscow leadership have not yet agreed among themselves who will need to be prosecuted - the driver or the owner of the car, and what the amount of the fine will be. However, there is also a version that the project will be revised due to the fact that there will soon be elections for the mayor of Moscow. Immediately after the elections, the Moscow government will enterprisingly begin to address this issue.

The traffic police will not fine you for driving without compulsory motor liability insurance using video surveillance in September

The implementation of a project to check the availability of an MTPL policy using video surveillance, which was supposed to start working in September 2018, has been postponed. The executive director of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RUA) Evgeny Ufimtsev spoke about this.

Back in 2016, it was planned that the traffic police would use a video camera to monitor who has a policy, and then they would be fined if they did not have compulsory motor liability insurance. After this, the implementation of this project was repeatedly postponed. Now it has been announced that the project should launch on September 1st. However, this date for the cameras to start working has now been disrupted. The MTPL check will be required to be carried out according to the license plate number of the car in the AIS MTPL database.

“There is a certain slowing factor, because the authorities have not yet decided under what article and in what amount the fine will be calculated. This is one of the problems that is currently considered a kind of brake,” Ufimtsev explained.

He also said that RSA had done everything necessary to start working with this technology and that insurers had been ready for this for a long time.

“The ball is in the court of the Moscow government, because their task is to immediately launch and start working on this project,” Ufimtsev added.

How many times in a row can I be fined for driving without compulsory motor liability insurance?

The Moscow government has decided to postpone the introduction of fines using a camera if the car owner does not have an MTPL policy.

Traffic police officers will not issue fines for driving without a functioning MTPL if they detect this using CCTV cameras. It turned out that the government still has not decided how exactly it will fine people and how often it will do it. Since each complex will record who drove without a policy, which means the traffic police will prepare a decision on a fine.

At the same time, the Russian Union of Auto Insurers (RUA) reported full readiness for changes and access to the AIS RSA database, where data on all operating policies is stored.

It was planned that first, as an experiment, cameras would record driving without compulsory motor liability insurance in Moscow, and then in Tatarstan.

What is the fine for lack of compulsory motor liability insurance?

Currently, the fine for lack of insurance is 800 rubles under Part 2 of Article 12.37 of the Administrative Code. There is a 50% discount on it (you can pay 400 rubles) for the first 20 days from the date the decision on the fine was made. If the traffic police sends a letter about the violation later than this deadline, the Constitutional Court decided that this deadline can be renewed.

Apart from this fine, there are no other criminal penalties. Also, this fine does not have a repeat violation.

Possible shortcomings in the implementation of the project to check the availability of an MTPL policy

Now many car enthusiasts are interested in what to do if the car was recently purchased. Since the Federal Law “On Compulsory Motor Liability Insurance” allows you to drive a car for about 10 days without taking out a policy. This is not reported anywhere in official sources. It also does not say whether CCTV cameras will be able to identify such a car.

Yes, and this is not feasible, because the fact of a change of owner is regulated only by the purchase and sale agreement, which during the first 10 days may be unknown to either the insurers or the traffic police, since the contract is concluded in paper form between the client and the merchant and is only provided to the traffic police upon registration , it doesn’t even need to be notarized.

Most likely, the only way out is to appeal such a fine from the camera for insurance after it has been issued on the basis of the same contract.

From September 1, 2018, it was planned to begin fining drivers without compulsory motor liability insurance using traffic police cameras.

The Russian Union of Auto Insurers, together with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, planned from September 1, 2018 to begin checking the availability of an MTPL policy using cameras recording traffic violations.

“According to our data, there will be very few errors even at the first stage, since the policy will be verified at two levels. All cars that were caught by cameras during the day will be checked at the end of the day for the presence of an MTPL policy using the RSA and traffic police databases. This check will occur with some time delay, because the newly sold policy may not immediately appear in the information system. Recheck will be carried out immediately before the fine is issued,” said RSA Executive Director Evgeny Ufimtsev.

The pilot launch of the system was planned in Moscow, since the launch of the project requires investments not only from the traffic police and RSA, but also from local government operators. Moscow is one of the first regions of the Russian Federation to create an information hub; with its help, data will be distributed and transmitted between cameras and information systems of the RSA and the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate.

“It is planned that after eliminating all possible failures and errors in Moscow, the system will be launched in Tatarstan, and then spread to all regions of the Russian Federation,” Ufimtsev previously reported.

However, at the last moment the launch of the system was postponed again, and for an indefinite period. According to the latest information from the same Evgeny Ufimtsev, RSA has done everything necessary to launch this system and RSA is ready for this process. There is a certain limiting factor, because we haven’t fully decided on which article and in what quantity to exhibit in this case fine. According to Ufimtsev, “now the ball is in the court of the Moscow authorities, because their task is to directly launch and work out this project.” “We sent such a letter to them about our full readiness, our technical capacity and the process itself,” concluded Ufimtsev.

At first, car owners will receive only warnings with a reminder of the need to buy “insurance” and only then a fine.

The fine for not having an MTPL policy is now 800 rubles. For now, only a road patrol officer can catch a driver committing this violation, but the situation will soon change. According to the executive director of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers, Evgeny Ufimtsev, from September 1, 2018, drivers without a “car license” will be caught by photo and video recording systems.

He immediately made a reservation that the date is still approximate. RSA is already completely ready for the system to start operating; all that remains is to wait for approval from the traffic police. At the first stage, the experiment will begin in Moscow, the next region should be Tatarstan. At first, motorists will begin to receive only notifications that they need to insure their civil liability, then the “chain letters” will include fines.

News / Auto and society

There were problems with OSAGO discounts

In the first quarter of 2018, the Central Bank received a total of about 13,400 complaints from citizens against insurers who issue MTPL policies. Most of them - approximately 5,500 requests - are due to absence or...

2934 0 0 17.05.2018

Insurers have so far set aside three months for the transition period from notifications to fines (that is, violators will receive their first decisions around winter), while the traffic police limit it to one month (which means that the first fines for the lack of compulsory motor insurance from cameras may begin to be issued as early as October of this year) .

The mechanism of operation of the system is reported by Rossiyskaya Gazeta with reference to the words of Evgeny Ufimtsev. He explained that the cameras will accumulate information about all cars passing during the day. Data from the complexes is planned to be transferred for processing at night, when traffic is not as high as during the day. Each car will be checked according to information systems The State Traffic Safety Inspectorate and the RSA, if the databases do not contain information about the presence of a valid policy, the driver will be issued a fine automatically. However, each case will be additionally checked by an inspector to eliminate errors and failures in the system.

This operating procedure will allow car owners who drive without compulsory motor insurance to be punished only once a day, and not after passing under each camera. Let us remind you that, according to the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, the driver must have time to eliminate the violation, that is, to issue a “motor citizen” policy.

According to current estimates from insurers, 5-10% of cars uninsured under compulsory motor liability insurance are currently on Russian roads, which amounts to two to four million across the country’s entire vehicle fleet. This also includes those who travel with fake insurance policies.

It’s interesting that they will begin to fine people for not having a “car license” with the help of cameras after the “insurance” becomes more expensive. The Central Bank plans to take the first step towards liberalizing compulsory motor liability insurance this summer. Then the tariff corridor will be expanded (by 20% both in the direction of increasing and decreasing the rate); In addition, the coefficients used to calculate the price of the policy will change.

Insurers will try to cover losses incurred in 2017 by increasing the base rate. Let us remind you that the average cost of the policy in this case is .
