Signs about the table. Folk signs about the table

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Dream Interpretation - Table

If you see a table set for dinner in a dream, it means that pleasant acquaintances and favorable circumstances await you soon.

If you see in a dream empty tables- beware of quarrels and disagreements.

If in a dream you clear the table, this promises that peace and joy will soon be replaced by sadness and indifference.

Eating at a table without a tablecloth in a dream means that you will soon achieve such an independent position that the prosperity of others will not upset you at all.

If in a dream the table moves in some mysterious way, it means that you will soon experience deep dissatisfaction with your life and will look for changes.

A torn tablecloth on the table portends quarrels in the family.

A broken table means decline, change for the worse.

Hearing tapping on the table in a dream is a harbinger that you will soon change your attitude towards your friends, and your destiny will be in jeopardy.

This dream warns that you will lose a lot if you neglect your loved ones and friends.

If in a dream you sit down at your desk- this warns you and encourages caution.

Money lying on your table portends that you will happily get out of difficulties.

Interpretation of dreams from

In the old days, when going into the field to work or to travel around the world, people always took a loaf of bread with them. In difficult times for the country, when the population received bread on ration cards- people were kind to even the crumbs, and sometimes saved others from starvation, sharing with them an already modest share...

“If there is bread, there will be lunch”, “if there is bread, and there will be people around the bread”, “if you want to eat, you will talk about bread”, “if there is a land of bread, there will be paradise under the fir tree”, “lunch is bad if there is no bread” - These are just some of the many proverbs about bread. Isn't this evidence that bread is and has been revered at all times?

From early childhood, our parents teach us to treat bread with respect. “Don’t throw the bread on the floor”, “don’t play with the bread” - isn’t it true, each of us heard such instructions even before we learned to speak? We ourselves have firmly internalized these rules and now we teach our children the same. However, in addition to the simplest rules, the meaning of which we understand clearly and do not even try to read between the lines, there are a lot of signs and superstitions, the meaning of which remains a mystery to many people. This is the topic that today’s article is devoted to.

If, while eating, you grabbed a new piece of bread, and then discovered that there was an uneaten piece left on your plate, it means that someone close to you is currently experiencing a feeling of hunger (or is in need).

If during a festive lunch (dinner) a piece of bread falls from the table, someone is in a hurry to visit you. If the bread falls on weekdays (an ordinary lunch), it means an unnecessary person is rushing into your house.

If you leave bread crumbs on the dining table overnight, illnesses will come into the house.

Cutting bread carelessly means trouble, a hard life (an uneven cut means an equally uneven life).

Starting a new loaf after sunset means a poor life.

Eating carelessly, dropping bread crumbs on the floor - means crop failure and poverty.

Putting a loaf on the table bottom up means closing the doors of your house for joy and good luck (upside down bread is a symbol of misfortune; everything in the house will turn upside down).

Leaving your piece of bread uneaten means leaving your happiness (if someone else ate it, they took yours for themselves). Another version is for disturbing, bad dreams.

Throwing bread in the trash means inviting poverty, hunger, and disease upon yourself.

Pricking bread with a fork (for a girl) means depriving yourself of happiness.

Eating moldy bread means protecting yourself from death in water.

Allowing someone to eat bread behind your back is allowing this person to take your strength.

Lending bread to someone at sunset means debt.

If during baking a part of the loaf separates and “goes” to the side, one of your relatives will have to travel.

If the loaf breaks during cutting, it means a quarrel between husband and wife.

Sharing bread with those in need, even if it is the last piece, means prosperity in the house and a rich life.

Starting and ending a meal with a piece of bread and salt means a happy life.

If you are greeted with freshly baked bread, this promises you wealth.

If, when cutting a loaf, the crumb sticks to the knife blade, next summer will bring a rich harvest. According to another version, the rainy weather will last a long time.

This is interesting…

How bread was used as a talisman:

Bread was often placed in the baby's cradle.

They took it with them when they went on a journey so that it would protect them from troubles.

They placed it where the body of the deceased lay, so that bread would triumph over death, and the deceased would not take fertility with him.

They were taken out of the house to the street when a thunderstorm was approaching in order to protect the crops from severe adversity.

When a fire started, they went around the house with bread to stop the fire.

This is interesting: in the fishing villages of Northern England, it was forbidden to turn a loaf of bread upside down (bottom up). It was believed that every time someone does this, one ship capsizes in the sea.

I would like to mention one more sign. Of course, Easter cake is not exactly bread, but still...

It is believed that if a depression (deepening) has formed on the Easter cake, this foreshadows the death of one of the family members. The omen is gloomy and, on the one hand, unsuccessful baking can be explained by “hands growing from the wrong place”, “stale yeast”, “untested recipe”, etc. But, on the other hand, when you cook from year to year Easter cakes according to one recipe, you are careful about the choice of products, compliance with proportions, as well as cooking technology - and suddenly, for no reason at all - all the Easter cakes turned out “with pits”, this cannot but alert you. I didn’t even know about this sign when two years ago I took a whole baking sheet of failed Easter cakes out of the oven. That same year we lost our grandmother. And later I learned about this sign.

Let's look at specific example, how can you explain the signs and superstitions associated with bread:

Don't brush bread crumbs off the table with your bare hand.

If an unmarried girl brushes crumbs off the table with her palm, she risks living alone all her life and not knowing what it is to be a mother. For a married girl, sweeping up crumbs means ruining her relationship with her mother-in-law. If a man shakes off the crumbs with his hand, his wife will be bald. And in general, shaking bread crumbs off the table with your hand means quarrels in the house and lack of money.

Where do the legs of these signs come from? One of the most logical versions is related to the attitude towards bread as a shrine. It is simply sinful to shake crumbs of bread onto the floor, while many people in the world are dying of hunger or living in poverty, feeding from garbage cans. Bread symbolizes prosperity in the house and, sweeping the leftovers from the table with an open hand, we thereby shake off wealth and all the good things we have into the void (we simply get rid of it). Another reasonable explanation: for many people, the gesture with which crumbs are swept away is associated with the gesture of beggars, and a subconscious fear arises that by doing this, you are trying on the role of a beggar, dooming yourself to a miserable existence. You can also draw another parallel: if bread crumbs can be shaken off the surface of the table with your hand, it means that it is smooth, that is, without a tablecloth (for many people, both in past times and now, a tablecloth on the table is associated with prosperity in the house, and its absence indicates the opposite).

Of course, there are signs and superstitions that seem very ridiculous and even funny to us today. In particular, the superstition “if a man sweeps crumbs from the table with his bare hand, he will have a bald wife.” But not all signs and superstitions can be explained logically. And how to treat them is a personal matter for everyone. It is likely that with the help of such horror stories they simply intimidated people who were not affected by other signs (“there will be no money”, “causing discord in the family”). Some men stubbornly continued to shake the crumbs onto the floor - and an attempt was made to intimidate them in another way. Later this attempt grew into another superstition. Or maybe the corresponding conclusion is based on someone’s real experience and observations. Although, it is quite difficult to imagine that in some families where men swept crumbs from the table with an open palm and in fact there were bald spouses.

This is interesting….

Why do you dream about bread?

According to Freud's dream book: the one who eats bread in his dreams - in real life I miss the normal ones human relations(tired of endless non-binding meetings). Seeing fresh warm bread in a dream portends a meeting with an energetic person who takes life lightly; stale bread symbolizes a long-standing relationship that has outlived its usefulness and has become uninteresting to you.

According to Miller’s dream book: for a woman to eat bread in a dream, in real life she promises to face sorrows and worries. Sharing bread with someone means that you are well off in real life, and you shouldn’t expect more from fate. Seeing a lot of dry bread in a dream foretells suffering and a poor life. Eating bread made from rye flour is a sign of a friendly, hospitable home. Seeing a crust of bread in your hands in a dream is a warning that it will be very difficult for you to cope with future troubles due to neglect of your responsibilities.

According to Vanga’s dream book: seeing bread in a dream means a comfortable life and making a profit. Eating bread means that without special effort benefits will be obtained in some business. Slicing bread means obstacles in business and temporary difficulties.

According to the Vedic dream book: eating good bread in a dream means longevity and good health, eating black (burnt) bread means a funeral.

According to the gypsy dream book: seeing someone hand you a loaf means the birth of a child. Slice bread - share good luck with others. Eating fresh bread means having good friends, stale bread means a possible illness.

According to the wanderer’s dream book: dreams of bread mean prosperity in the house, good prospects in business.

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In no other European country was the Inquisition as fierce as in Germany. Someday I will dare and write a detailed article about this; it’s very interesting to dissect the psychology of people who believe or refuse to believe that their neighbor, or indeed neighbor, sister or wife, is a witch. In the meantime, I’ll go over the top - through superstitions.

I myself am not superstitious, but not at all. I'm interested in horoscopes, but I immediately forget about their predictions, not to mention folk superstitions. It happened to me that I received harsh signs, but it was like a shadow of future events. They did not warn, but simply ahead of time.

What are the signs on which most superstitions are based? I did some digging on the Russian and German Internet and found some interesting theories.

The desire to avoid uncertainty

Almost all the theories that I found can be combined under the single heading “everything in the world is interconnected, nothing is random and you need to be able to read information.” Sometimes a small, insignificant event is only the first link in a chain of subsequent events, not necessarily bad, sometimes very good.

Man, as a rational being, differs from animals in that he knows how to find patterns. The accumulated experience is passed on from generation to generation. Understanding the relationship between cause and effect - an important part survival.

Look, this is an example: a young, inexperienced member of the tribe ate a handful of unfamiliar berries and died in agony. The berry from his hand was sniffed and also eaten by another member of the tribe and received severe colic in his stomach. It’s clear that you don’t need to eat these berries, even though they look tempting and taste good. This experience is consolidated, passed on and saves lives.

But, alas, there are also erroneous conclusions when the logical chain fails. An example: leaving a hut, a woman brushed a large black spider that had descended on a web from her face, and then stepped on a viper near a stream and died from a poisonous bite. Tragedy? Yes. And then her husband also brushed the black spider off his head, already in the hut. And this man also died, not from a spider, of course, but from an attack by a predator. So we got a false pattern: the spider is a harbinger of misfortune.

This is how superstition was born - a false signal. It will not bring harm, perhaps even make a person be doubly careful on this day, but this is a false signal. You can throw stones at me, but I read the list of omens that Anna shared with us and realized: if you start the day with omens, then a trumpet... I don’t want to live like that! I want to create my own reality, without regard to predictions. Let there be uncertainty better - it leaves freedom of action!

Slavic superstitions and German superstitions

I'm not a researcher, I just get used to local life year after year. With all its applications, including superstitions. Sometimes they exactly repeat ours, sometimes they are very unique. It seems to me that the Russians and the Germans were once a single tribe, in any case, many of the signs that have come down to us from pagan times are very similar.

A broken mirror, a black cat, an unkind eye, standing on the left foot, spilled salt - all this is interpreted unequivocally - not good. By the way, here I came across a more expanded version of the “left leg” - with left hand.

Once I gave a gift to my godfather, and, as is customary here, I cordially shook his hand, naturally his right hand. And with her left hand she handed him a gift, which she kept ready. I was greatly surprised when he, smiling, shook his finger at me and motioned for me to transfer the gift to right hand. I didn’t understand anything, but I translated it. It turns out that this is a superstition - only people with bad intentions give gifts with their left hand. Oh how!

I don’t think it’s necessary to talk about Friday the 13th. Everyone knows this ominous date, thanks to the horror movie of the same name. In fact, no one particularly believes in the “sinisterness” of this date. It’s just that it repeats itself very often... well, it’s Friday, well, the thirteenth... so now - don’t leave the house? This superstition is relatively young, dating back to the times of Christianity, because it is associated with Carry Friday, and even with the devil’s dozen.

And here is another sign that smoothly passed from paganism to Christianity - the chimney sweep and his connection with the “unclean”. In my opinion, the Slavs do not have it. In times of polytheism, it was believed that evil spirits hid in the fireplace in the home. They can howl there with sepulchral voices, make all sorts of uncomfortable sounds and generally create obscenity:

  • soot in the chimney could burst into flames and cause a lot of trouble,
  • coals from the hearth fell onto the broom and also caused a lot of trouble,
  • stove fumes could kill everyone in the household...

A man who bravely cleaned chimneys and even made it his trade was both feared and respected. It was and is believed that he belonged among the “strangers” and concluded with them contract If you manage to touch the chimney sweep without him noticing, you'll be lucky! But if he notices, this is not good... it would be better if you didn’t touch him...

A chimney sweep comes to us to clean the fireplace every year in October. So, when he leaves, he always hesitates a little in the corridor, somehow hunched over funny and turning away. I naively thought that he was waiting for money... and tried to “thank him.” And my husband stopped me and enlightened me - the chimney sweep is used to the fact that they try to “unnoticed” touch him and pretends that he is not at work and does not notice anything. Touch me, they say, I’m blind and deaf)). Interesting, isn't it?

Here's another superstition that we don't have. Starfall. The Germans call it “showering stars” - Sterneschuppen. Let’s say you looked at the sky and saw that a star had fallen. How wonderful, you can make a wish! The Germans also have this, but three stars falling simultaneously, or one after the other, is a formidable sign, a harbinger of death! But not everything is so scary! You just need to wait for the fourth star - and phew, exhale... this time it happened.

Or whatever you think - you can’t walk under a ladder placed against the wall or under a sliding stepladder. This is a sure and unpleasant sign... but it seems to me that this “sign” was invented by a master who did not like it when either his wife and his children were running around under him. Every minute a nail will fall on their head... or worse, a hammer. Otherwise the master himself will fall down along with the ladder.

I was amused by the completely opposite German superstition about sweeping crumbs off the table. Here my points of view with my husband completely disagree. I remember from childhood that crumbs from the table cannot be swept away with your palm. Yes? Sound familiar? So here they are you need to scoop it up with your palm and throw it in your mouth, or on a plate - this is a guarantee of frugality, and therefore wealth.

True, no one does this in public, but I swear, I saw at a party how the wife of my husband’s school friend, a refined lady who spends every winter on cruises, lost herself, absentmindedly swept up crumbs from the cake and deftly threw them into her mouth. The movement was so refined... many years of training)). Why don't you train yourself? Look, I’ll save up for the cruise!


The Germans have two types of talismans: “for misfortune” and “for happiness.” The latter are called “Glücksbringer”. Many of them coincide with ours, but not all either. For example, not so long ago it was believed that an elephant figurine brings happiness to the house, right?

For the Germans, this is definitely mumps. This is a symbol of wealth, happiness and prosperity. But there is a little trick here, how can I put it mildly... Well, a pig, with its snout and hooves, as you know, is somewhat reminiscent of an “unclean” one, and it itself is not entirely clean... So Now, this is like an innocent agreement with him: a pig in the house is tantamount to a non-aggression pact. Something like this.

Another powerful talisman- horseshoe. This must be a horse shoe, not a mule or a donkey, and found personally and by accident. Oh yes, and there should be exactly seven holes for the nails, and they should be located so that one falls exactly on the center of the horseshoe. It should be hung above the door, positioned like a bowl, with the ends up.

If we're talking about doors, I can't help but remember funny story: how scared I was on Christmas Eve. Here it is customary to walk with a star on Christmastide and glorify Christ, as in Ukraine. This is done by little children under ten years old. So children came knocking at our house, when we were still living in a house on the very outskirts, where the famous Black Forest began.

They sang their Christmas songs and I gave them candy. And she closed the door behind them. They seemed to have left... and so did I, I swept in the corridor and was about to leave, when I heard someone fiddling around near the door and puffing. And something creaks and taps... I'm not a coward and I don't like the unknown. I fly up to the door with a broom, throw it open and... the smallest of them, the children, falls right on top of me.

The company left him to write the letters of the traditional blessing on the joint with chalk, and they themselves moved on - competition, you can’t hesitate, otherwise other companies will steal all the candies, obviously! A child of about seven diligently walked on the door frame, standing on tiptoes, “S+M+B.” Literally this means: christus mansionem benedictat - Lord, bless this house.

These letters also coincide with the names of the three kings who visited the baby Jesus: C: Caspar, M: Melchior, B: Balthasar. I even did a whole research on the last name. Alternative historians believe that Baltasar is nothing more than Valda the Tsar, that is, Vladimir, who baptized Rus'. And that these three kings were written into the Bible much later, as a symbol of the spread of Christianity to the three directions of the world.

Interesting, isn't it? Well, as always, I got carried away because I want to tell everything at once, but I can’t fit it into one article. Share your opinions about signs. Do you even believe in omens? Oh, I almost forgot, that ancient absurd idea of ​​the “sinister spider” is very much in vogue here! There is even a saying: “Spinne am Morgen bring Kummer und Sorgen.” Olya Khramushkina will understand without translation, but I will still translate: “a spider in the morning is not good.” They believe, well, they have to.

SIGNS that we have definitely heard about, but did not know why exactly it is necessary to observe them

In our lives we come across many signs that prohibit us from doing something. Or warnings from the older generation that something is not allowed. But sometimes they can’t explain why it’s impossible.Why not:

Celebrate 40 years

It is not customary to celebrate a fortieth anniversary, especially for men. This tradition has very ancient roots. In ancient times there was a tradition of checking dead people for incorruptibility. The grave was checked 40 days after death. If the relics remained incorrupt, they were considered sacred. This tradition has changed over time. Always on the 40th day, relatives organized a memorial, since it is believed that the soul of the deceased wanders around the world for 40 days and only after this period, having calmed down, goes to another world. Therefore it is considered bad omen celebrate 40 years. A person who celebrates this date defies death, which may not end well. So don't tease higher power, ignoring this tradition.

Take out the trash in the evening

Since ancient times, every family believed in the existence of its own brownie. In order for the brownie to eat, the garbage had to spend the night at home. Therefore, the garbage was not taken out in the evening or at night. Nowadays, not everyone believes in the existence of the brownie. It is believed that taking out trash from the house in the evening means taking money out of the family. Perhaps there is a connection between this action and there is no need to anger the brownie, who likes the garbage to spend the night at home. You should not have a negative attitude towards this ban, so as not to disturb the aura of your family.

Sweep crumbs off the table with your hand

There is a belief that sweeping crumbs off the table with your hand means lack of money and quarrels, since everything naked and uncovered serves as an analogue of emptiness. The hand must be covered with a rag, the table with a tablecloth. Popular wisdom advises keeping a few bills under the tablecloth. It is also believed that unmarried girls Under no circumstances should you sweep crumbs off the table with your hand. This promises her loneliness and even childlessness. And another popular wisdom says: if a man sweeps crumbs off the table with his hand, then his wife will be bald. We don’t know whether this is true or not, but folk signs were born through observations.

Kill spiders

Since ancient times, the spider was considered a good omen. If a spider descended on a person, it was believed that he would soon be rich. The spider has always been considered an insect that brings good luck. The appearance of a spider in the house means receiving news. Spiders were never touched by people who wanted health for themselves. The money weaver is a small red spider. It was believed that if you put it in your pocket, it would always be filled with money. Although the spider is a source of psychological fear, it is not worth killing, it is not an enemy to humans.

Carry photo in wallet

Many people carry photos of their loved ones in their wallets. It is believed that carrying his photo in a wallet has a negative effect on a person’s aura. Bad events will gradually happen to your family. And it will be very difficult to get rid of them.

It is also believed that these photos become a kind of energy breaker, crossing the flow of money that you could receive. If you love your family very much, then put their photo on your desktop. It will be better this way.

Give a watch

In China, it is believed that giving a watch means inviting someone to a funeral. In our country, this sign is interpreted differently: giving a watch means a long separation or separation in general. It is believed that while the clock is ticking, you are communicating, and if it stops, the relationship will come to an end. There are many possible answers to this question and they all say one thing: a watch is not a good gift.

If you are not a superstitious person, you can try to ignore the warnings. But still, it’s not worth it.

Signs have been around since ancient times. However, not all have survived to this day. Many of them relate to the dinner table. When inviting guests to your home, you need to remember ancient signs, although some believe that this is stupidity and ignorance. But often they are reasonable and are able to anticipate something, especially if you do not have much intuition.

Since ancient times, the table has been considered a symbol of comfort and a prosperous life. Some are sure that he has magical power for family. And even today this reverence continues - you cannot find a housewife who would not dream of a large, roomy piece of dining furniture. Let's figure out what superstitions there are, for example, why you can't wipe the table with a napkin or paper.

Why can't you wipe with paper?

Today modern people They don’t see anything wrong with wiping the dining table with a regular napkin. But our ancestors thought completely differently. For them, wiping this piece of furniture with paper meant insulting the family conflict situations, quarrels and other troubles. Of course, this could not be allowed under any circumstances. But why was such an ordinary action associated with such a bad omen?

In ancient times, the table at which family members dined was considered an object that personified the respect of all family members for each other. During meals, all the residents of the house and their guests gathered here, and this piece of furniture always had to be kept clean.

The rustle of paper was taken as the basis for this superstition. This is what people used to associate with noise during a quarrel. This is where the ban on wiping the table with paper or paper napkins came from. Therefore, for these purposes, people used exclusively a cloth rag.

Important! The use of paper is determined not only by the presence of this sign, but also by saving money. Previously, books and sheets for notes were very expensive, and no one had ever heard of free newspapers and literature. Therefore, in order to avoid getting into trouble and reduce financial expenses, paper was used for completely different purposes.

Other signs

In addition to the sign that you should not wipe the table with a napkin, there are many other superstitions that relate to the table. Let's take a closer look at them:

  • Don't fight for dining table, play or knock on it with a spoon. In old times this item furniture was considered “God’s hand,” and all dishes appeared on it as the mercy of the Almighty. Therefore, every family treated this piece of furniture with special respect.
  • You cannot wipe the crumbs with your hand - there will be no money.
  • Do not put empty dishes - it means poverty. Previously, the wealth of a family was judged by the table set. If he was bursting with delicious food, then everything was in order with his income. If there was nothing on the table, or the dishes were empty, then the pockets were empty.

Important! By placing empty plates or bottles, you are setting yourself up for lack of money.

  • If you're getting ready to go, hold on to the edge of the table. This superstition meant that a person, when going on a journey, would take with him the protection of his family and home.
  • If you start to stagger, then this is not a good sign. This means that the oldest family member in the house may become ill. In the old days, such a piece of furniture was immediately disposed of so as not to attract trouble.
  • You cannot put money, bags or other things that are completely unrelated to food. This is a sign of disrespect for the home.
  • Do not leave crumbs and dirt on the table overnight - this will lead to illness. Every time you remove crumbs, it’s like you are performing a ritual to eliminate problems, troubles and illnesses.

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All these superstitions and folk signs, for example, why you can’t wipe the table with your hand, are based on centuries-old observations of our ancestors. To believe in them or not is everyone's business. In any case, it would be a good idea to trust only the good ones.
