A profitable and tasty business selling sushi. How to open a sushi bar

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Nowadays Japanese cuisine is very popular. Young people and middle-aged people are not averse to eating exotic dishes. Entrepreneurs can take advantage of this and open a sushi bar. How quickly a business will pay off depends on many factors. In order to start making a net profit within a few months, you need to draw up a business plan for a sushi bar and think through everything down to the smallest detail. Here are some tips to help budding entrepreneurs.

Pros and cons of this business

Before deciding to open such a business, you need to analyze its advantages and disadvantages. Let's look at the positive aspects first:

  1. Establishments where they produce and sell sushi and rolls are not considered as a place where you can celebrate a wedding or anniversary. This means that the entrepreneur does not have to look for premises with large area and overpay for extra square meters.
  2. The business of selling Japanese cuisine is profitable, the investment will quickly pay off, because most of the population of large cities love to eat sushi.
  3. When decorating the interior of a sushi bar, preference is given to a minimalist style, so renovation costs will not be too high.
  4. The cost of a finished portion of rolls and sushi is 2-2.5 times higher than the cost of the products used.
  5. To open a sushi bar, an entrepreneur can limit himself to only purchasing equipment for a cold shop, if he does not plan to include hot dishes in the menu of the establishment.
  6. For the initial investment in this business to quickly pay off, it is enough to hire a talented chef who knows how to cook deliciously and set an acceptable price level for the products.

The business idea is attractive and interesting, but it also has several disadvantages. You need to familiarize yourself with them in advance so as not to make mistakes:

  1. Limited audience. The clients of this establishment are young men and women with above-average income. The age range of guests is 17-40 years. Children do not like Japanese food, and elderly wealthy ladies and men prefer to spend their leisure time in restaurants or cafes.
  2. It will not be possible to reduce costs when purchasing products for making rolls. The main ingredient in Japanese cuisine is raw fish. It must be fresh.
  3. Sushi and rolls are exotic food. Its adherents are difficult to find in small towns. Opening a sushi bar in rural areas, you can go bankrupt.

What does it take to open a sushi bar?

When drawing up a business plan, you need to think through everything down to the smallest detail. The main tasks that need to be solved are:

  • registration;
  • selection of premises;
  • equipment purchase;
  • selection and hiring of personnel;
  • carrying out an advertising campaign.

There are 2 paths a new entrepreneur can take. The first is to use a franchise, that is, to open an establishment under an already existing well-promoted brand. In this case, it will be easier to start - the entrepreneur will be provided with assistance in many matters, however, the income will have to be shared. The second option is to open an autonomous establishment, relying only on your own strength and resources.

Business registration

To register a business, you need to contact the tax service and issue individual entrepreneurship or LLC. The entrepreneur is registered and asked to decide on the taxation system. If the business premises are small, its area does not exceed 180 m2, it is possible to pay tax fees using a simplified scheme.

  • 55.30 (activity of cafes, restaurants);
  • 55.52 (supply of products Catering).

By choosing such codes, the entrepreneur will be able to deliver Japanese cuisine to customers’ homes.

Attention! If you plan to sell alcohol at the bar, then you will need additional license permitting such activities.

Business registration includes obtaining relevant certificates from:

  • Rospotrebnadzor;
  • sanitary and epidemiological stations;
  • fire protection.

Important! All employees of the establishment must undergo a medical examination and receive health certificates.

Premises and location selection

The profitability of a business directly depends on the successful location of the premises. The ideal location would be one with good traffic in the central areas of the city. It is also important how convenient the transport interchange is there. It should be easy for guests to get to the establishment.

An entrepreneur should consider options for rented premises with small area– up to 100 m2. This will be enough to equip the production area, cozy hall for guests with 5-10 tables, two toilets and an office. If you have a small budget, you should give preference to options with low rent.

Attention! To reduce the cost of repairing a room, you need to carefully inspect it for serious damage.

Costs associated with cosmetic repairs should not exceed 300,000-350,000 rubles even in a large city, since the interior is Japanese style Quite discreet. To decorate the walls, it is better to use calm shades of green, brown, and gray.


Equipment for a sushi bar is a significant expense item, but you cannot save on it. It's better to buy new refrigerator for storing fish and ready-made dishes, rather than later losing customers and ruining your reputation due to the provision of low-quality services.

What equipment will you need to open a sushi bar:

  • industrial refrigeration chamber;
  • rice cooker;
  • thermos for rice;
  • kitchen utensils – cutting boards, knives, spoons, silicone mats, bowls, food containers;
  • plate;
  • 2 sinks;
  • racks, display cases;
  • kitchen hood;
  • furniture for the production area;
  • tables and chairs for guests;
  • Japanese style dishes;
  • microclimatic technology.

Reference. The cost of purchasing equipment will average 1 million rubles.


Considering that sushi bars are usually open from 11 a.m. until almost midnight, you will have to hire staff to work in shifts, for example, every other day. This schedule assumes:

  • 2 administrators;
  • 2 sushi chefs;
  • 2 assistant cooks;
  • 4 waitresses;
  • 2 bartenders;
  • 2 phone order takers;
  • 2 drivers to deliver rolls to clients’ homes;
  • 2 cleaners.

The entrepreneur needs to decide in advance whether he will keep track of the establishment’s expenses and profits and manage the sushi bar, or whether he will also have to hire an accountant and director.

Attention! In order for a sushi bar to earn the favor of customers, it is better to find a cook and waiters of Asian origin.

Supplier search

To make sushi and rolls you will need raw materials High Quality– fresh fish, shrimp, caviar and other products. The entrepreneur’s task is to choose reliable suppliers. This can be either private fisheries or large companies engaged in the sale of fish and seafood. It is possible to organize profitable cooperation with both of them. It is important to choose suppliers who have a good reputation.

Advertising campaign

  • V in social networks(this is where the bulk of the audience aged 17-40 is concentrated);
  • in local media;
  • in leaflets;
  • signs.

Attention! Creating your own website is something that should not be neglected. Using this tool, the entrepreneur will be able to inform customers about various promotions, new dishes, and master classes.

How much money will it take to open?

Starting any business requires start-up capital, opening a sushi bar is no exception. Taking into account all the listed costs - registration, purchase of equipment, redecorating premises, hiring staff and an advertising campaign, the entrepreneur will need an impressive amount - from 1.5 to 2 million rubles. It is important to understand that the establishment will pay for itself in the first few months, but you will have to spend money on:

  • rental of premises;
  • wages;
  • communal payments;
  • taxes;
  • purchasing products from suppliers.

If an entrepreneur does not have enough money to open a sushi bar, it is worth thinking about supporting partners. However, in this case, you will have to give part of the profit to them.


The period during which a business will pay off directly depends on the popularity of the establishment. The more customers you can attract and retain, the better. In this regard, you need to pay a lot of attention to the quality of sushi and rolls and the level of guest service. It is difficult to determine how long it will take for the investment in opening a sushi bar to pay off; it depends on the competitiveness of the establishment, the location of the facility, and the solvency of the population in the area.

On average, a well-promoted sushi bar is visited by 40-50 guests every day. Each of them leaves about 500-700 rubles in the cash register, that is, in 1 day the establishment receives 15-30 thousand rubles. Multiplying this amount by 30 days, we get approximately 450-900 thousand rubles. A significant portion of the monthly revenue will be spent on staff salaries, rent, purchasing products, paying taxes, and also on small expenses. In this situation, the business will pay off in 1.5-2 years.

Opening a sushi bar is not so difficult if you have start-up capital, but even in this case, in order not to “burn out”, you need to think through everything carefully. The payback period of a business depends on the number of satisfied visitors, so all efforts should be directed to the quality of customer service.

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Opening a sushi bar is very profitable idea business. Many people like sushi. This means that you will sell products that are in demand.


The concept of the establishment

The correct concept of the establishment is very important. It depends not only on your desires, but also on the area where you are opening an establishment, on the contingent of people and on the pricing policy. For example, there is no point in opening an elite sushi bar in a residential area with five-story buildings.

Also consider who you are targeting. If it’s for students, it makes sense to create a menu of inexpensive types of sushi and rolls, as well as offer set lunches. If you are counting on people with high incomes, you will have to come up with something exclusive. For example, original sushi recipes that will be prepared by a real Japanese chef.

Attractive design is equally important. Whatever concept you choose, it should be cozy. The design must also match general idea your establishment.

Legal registration of business

WITH legal side The issue must be sorted out long before the establishment opens. This will help avoid problems with regulatory authorities. You will need to collect documentation for:

  • Registration with the tax office;
  • Obtaining permission from the SES and fire inspection;
  • Obtaining a license for alcohol if you are going to sell it;
  • Renting or purchasing premises.

Registration form for a sushi bar: individual entrepreneur or LLC. For premises up to 150 sq.m. UTII taxation system is possible. If the area of ​​the sushi bar exceeds 150 sq.m. — it is best to choose the simplified tax system with a tax rate of 15% on net profit. When registering with the tax authorities, you should select the OKVED code:

  • The main activity is the operation of cafes and restaurants;
  • Additional activities include the operation of bars and the supply of catering products.

Location for sushi bar

A sushi bar is an establishment that will be in demand if you choose the right location. The most profitable rentals seem to be on central streets or in shopping centers. This a good choice, but you need to be prepared for tough competition. Competition will come not only from neighboring sushi bars, but also from establishments with a different concept: snack bars, cafes, fast food.

An advantageous location may be an area where there are several educational institutions. Prices should be quite affordable. You can attract students with different promotions.

The location in a residential area will save you from more competitors. But placing a sushi bar far from busy places is quite risky. In order not to burn out, it is necessary to first study the demand.

Selection of equipment for business

Minimum set of equipment for a sushi bar:

  • Rice cooker;
  • Fridge;
  • Plate;
  • Rack for storing dry products;
  • Freezer;
  • Deep fryer;
  • Electronic balance;
  • Cabinet for dishes;
  • Work surfaces made of of stainless steel– special tables;
  • Deep dishwasher;
  • Hand wash;
  • Showcase for ready-made dishes.

You will also need various dishes for preparing food, cutting and laying out finished sushi.


The number of employees depends on the number potential clients your sushi bar, menu and number of services provided. For a small sushi bar, 5-6 people are enough to start with. These are 2-3 waiters, a cook, a cleaner and an accountant. To save money, you can take care of the accounting yourself. A little later you will need a purchasing manager, cashier, and HR specialist. You don’t need to hire everyone at once - it’s better to start with a small staff.

Important: if you expand the menu, you will need more chefs. If, in addition to sushi, you will serve hot dishes and snacks, you will need 1-2 cooks per workshop. As for waiters, one person, on average, can serve 5 tables.


You can start advertising on social networks. Organize contests with subscriptions and reposts, invite people, publish interesting information. Be sure to make your website easy to find in search engines. A good, but quite expensive way of advertising is billboards. You can install at least one near your establishment. You need to spend money on promotion in the initial stages sparingly, using as many inexpensive methods as possible.

Investment calculation

There are quite a lot of expenses for opening a sushi bar. They are related to premises, purchasing products, taxes and much more. Here are the main ones:

On average, it costs about 200-300 thousand rubles per month to maintain a sushi bar.

Profit calculation

Sushi bar – enough profitable business. Traffic can reach 500 people per day. The average bill is 500-1000 rubles. This indicator is individual. It depends on the location of the sushi bar, it target audience and pricing policy of the establishment.

Let's calculate the profit for an establishment with daily revenue of 20 thousand rubles. It will amount to 600 thousand rubles per month. We subtract monthly expenses, take 300 thousand rubles. The remaining 300 thousand is pure profit. Divide the amount of initial capital invested by the monthly net profit, and you get approximate period return on investment for your establishment. This parameter varies for each sushi bar.

Important: a sushi bar pays for itself in, on average, 2-3 years. However, it may take more or less time. It is impossible to say exactly when the establishment will break even and start making a profit - this is very individual and depends on many factors.

At the right approach a sushi bar can become very profitable view business. It is very important to competently develop a menu, marketing strategy and study competitors in detail. With a competent, attentive and responsible approach, the business will pay for itself in the shortest possible time and begin to generate good income.

To open a profitable business, you need to find a good niche. Most of the truly profitable niches have been occupied for a long time and the competition in them is very high. But there are many free industries in which you do not have to fight for a place in the sun for the sake of a minimum income. One such niche is home delivery of sushi. And if in large cities this business is more or less established, then in medium and small cities it is completely absent, despite the presence of demand.

Why is it beneficial?

The popularity of oriental food in Russia is growing every day - sushi and rolls have become almost national dishes. They are ordered to the home for a romantic evening, to the office for a snack, to a large group for parties.

Sushi is a tasty and nutritious food that is popular

At the same time, people often don’t want to go to a sushi bar or don’t have the opportunity. They prefer to make a phone call or order delicious food online. But there are very few really good delivery services. That is, we have a sought-after service in the complete absence of competitors.

How to calculate profitability

In order to evaluate profitability, it is necessary to draw up business plan for sushi and roll delivery in your city. To do this, you need to study the market in your city and find out about the presence of competitors. If they exist, then evaluate the list of their services, the average cost of sushi, delivery time, working hours, etc. You need to find their mistakes and suggest Better conditions for clients.

You will also need to think through and describe the following points:

  1. Is there demand in your city?
  2. What expenses are needed to start a business?
  3. How clients find out about you.
  4. How will delivery be organized?

Assessing demand

We already wrote above that sushi is a popular and sought-after food in Russia. Let’s add what is good about delivery and what advantage it gives over a restaurant.

The main advantage of food delivery is saving time. Not everyone has the opportunity to go to a restaurant at lunch or in the evening and spend a couple of hours there. By ordering delivery, the client saves time: he can have a normal snack during his lunch break or relax in the evening after work, rather than having to travel across the city to a catering establishment.

The second advantage is savings. Even with delivery to your address, sushi and rolls are often cheaper than in a restaurant due to its markups. Well, thirdly, it’s just convenient. Many people don't like going to sushi bars. They just want to sit at home and eat delicious food. interesting film. There are a lot of such people, and they will become the “backbone” of your business.

Sets are a good choice for large companies

How exactly to work

There are two options:

  1. Delivery of homemade sushi.
  2. Sushi delivery from operating restaurants and bars.

The second option is the most budget-friendly and simple, but brings minimal profit. It also has many risks since you cannot influence the quality of the final product. It is worth starting such a business only if you do not have start-up capital or for some reason you cannot open your own production.

The second option is more preferable. To do this, you will need to organize your kitchen, purchase food yourself and deliver your products to customers. In this case, expenses will be higher, but profits will also increase significantly. In addition, you will be able to control the entire process and develop, subsequently opening an entire chain in the region or a full-fledged restaurant.


Before opening sushi delivery , You should go to the tax office and register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. With an individual entrepreneur there is less paperwork, but an LLC will allow you to enter into contracts for the regular supply of food to offices or even restaurants. If you open own kitchen, then you will also need to select a room (even 20m2 is enough) and apply for permits from the sanitary station and fire inspectorate.

What should you buy?

If you are going to deliver already prepared food, then you do not need to buy anything at all. In fact, you can even do without a car - hire yourself a driver and pay him a certain percentage of each order.

If you are organizing own production, then you will need:

  1. Rent a room (approximately 30 thousand per month).
  2. Make repairs to it, install a hood and fire alarm(approximately 20,000 rubles).
  3. Buy a professional rice cooker, refrigerator, thermoses and kitchen utensils (about 60,000 rubles).
  4. Buy a car (optional) - 250 thousand.
  5. Install a refrigerator in the car (10,000 rubles).

Note:you don’t have to rent a room in the very center - it’s better to choose a place in a residential area near the highway so as not to stand idle in traffic jams.

Buying a car is also optional. It’s easier to find a good driver who will deliver orders around the city for 70-100 rubles.

The team will consist of 3 people:

  1. An operator who will accept orders over the phone and via the Internet.
  2. Cook.
  3. Driver.

At first, you can play one of these roles - this will allow you to quickly recoup your investment.

In total, you will spend about 250 thousand rubles on opening (excluding the cost of the car).

Mandatory monthly expenses will be:

  1. Salary for staff (45,000 rubles).
  2. Rent and public utilities(35,000 rubles).

You will also need to spend about 10 thousand on advertising.

Basic operating principles

Your business will be successful only in one case - if you comply with everything we list below.

  1. Be sure to monitor the quality of the products. Everything should be fresh, tasty and appetizing.
  2. Delivery should take minimal time. It is optimal to get people to call in advance and place an order for a specific time. You must be as punctual as possible.
  3. High-quality advertising. You will need not only to distribute paper advertising, but also to create profile topics on city forums, on social networks, ideally create your own website with an order form and telephone numbers. You can decorate your car with advertising and order the placement of several billboards.
  4. Conduct various promotions for clients. Create large sets for companies, introduce a discount system, make discounts.


How profitable is it to open a delivery service? The cost of one unit of sushi is about 8 rubles, but it sells for 40-50. Usually one person orders 6-10 sushi. On average, such a business brings in 200,000 rubles per month, of which about 70-80 will be “clean”. Thus, all investments pay off in 4 months.

Profitability can be increased by expanding the range. Offer your customers juices and soda, add pizza to the menu - this will allow you to reach a larger audience and build the most effective business.

In contact with

Register a business best as an LLC to simplify work with large suppliers and give the company credibility. Required codes OKVED: 55.30.— “Activities of restaurants and cafes”, 55.40. - “Bar activities”, 55.52. — “Supply of catering products.”

Other permissions:

  • Certificate of registration with the tax service;
  • Permits from SES, Rospozharnadzor;
  • Certificate from Rospotrebnadzor allowing;
  • License to sell alcohol from Federal service on regulation of the alcohol market;
  • Medical records for all employees.

For preparation of a package of documents from scratch it will take several months and about $1,500.


A small bar of oriental cuisine should be opened in a crowded place. Rolls and pizza are great as a snack, so good places for placement - near universities and office centers. More profitable options– placement close to parks, shopping and entertainment centers. These are the most “passable” places in both big and small cities.

Premises requirements:

  1. Ceiling height from 2.5 meters;
  2. Hot and cold water, availability of sewerage and ventilation systems;
  3. Availability of an emergency exit and fire extinguishing system;
  4. Kitchen walls need to be covered tiles, the floor covering is wear-resistant and non-slip;
  5. A bathroom is required.

Detailed requirements and conditions are described in SNiP 2.04.01-85 and SP

Capital costs for opening (registration, premises, equipment, purchase of products long-term storage, advertising) - 27-28 thousand dollars. Monthly (rent, salary, utilities, taxes, raw materials) - 7-8 thousand.

The average bill for a sushi bar is $8-9. With a minimum occupancy of the establishment (20-25 people per day) and the presence of 8-10 daily delivery orders, monthly revenue will be 9-10 thousand dollars, and net income - 2-2.5 thousand. After six months to a year of active work, this figure reaches $4000-5000.

To properly organize own business in the catering industry, you will need a clear business plan and financial reserves. Be prepared to work for about a year to achieve payback, but then the business will bring in a stable, growing income.
