Electric cabbage shredder. Knife for shredding cabbage. How to cut white cabbage for salad: methods

How to cut white and Chinese cabbage for different dishes? How to properly shred cabbage on a grater, in a blender and in a food processor? What methods are there for shredding cabbage?

It would seem that there is nothing easier than shredding cabbage. However, we regularly note to ourselves that chopped cabbage in salads of restaurants, canteens and other establishments Catering significantly different from shredded cabbage at home. In addition, for preparing different dishes it is advisable to use various techniques and methods for chopping this vegetable.

How to properly chop white cabbage for pickling and pickling, on what days?

  • As for the time of pickling and fermenting cabbage, our grandmothers preferred to carry out this procedure after the first night frosts hit the “cabbage” in the garden (from early October to mid-November).
  • It was believed that in this way the vegetable completely gets rid of unpleasant bitterness.
  • Nowadays, many housewives adhere to the same deadlines, since storing cabbage, fermented or pickled in late autumn, is much easier and more convenient - it can be placed on the balcony, unheated veranda or some other cool place.
  • For those who for some reason were unable to prepare cabbage pickles for the winter, you can make them at any other convenient time.
  • The only point is if you salt and ferment early varieties cabbages that have not been hardened, the fermentation process itself will take much longer.
  • Some housewives today also practice using cabbage in pickling.
  • It is believed that the most successful and delicious pickles will be those made during the waxing moon or 5-6 days after the full moon.
  • The waning moon and the full moon can cause souring and withering sauerkraut.

As for the technique of shredding cabbage for pickling or sourdough, the algorithm for its implementation is as follows:

  • We peel the vegetable from the top leaves - we leave them to cover the bottom of the jar and cover the top of the cabbage.
  • Cut out the cabbage stalk from the peeled head of cabbage.
  • Processing cutting board saline solution to remove all unnecessary microorganisms from its surface.
  • Cut the forks in half - if necessary, you can cut into 4 or 8 parts.
  • We take a suitable knife - you can use a special knife for shredding cabbage (chopper) or just take big knife with a wide blade.
  • Shred the cabbage across the sliced ​​part of the head.
  • We chop not finely or coarsely (1-2cm), but not to the smallest stripes, otherwise the cabbage will lose its crunchiness.

How to cut white cabbage for stewing: methods

  • The classic ways to cut cabbage for stewing are cubes (checkers) and slices.
  • For stewing, it is advisable to chop the cabbage into cubes ranging in size from 1x1 to 5x5cm.
  • To chop cabbage into slices, you must first cut it in half, and then cut each of the resulting halves into four more pieces.
  • This way you will get fairly large pieces of cabbage that can be boiled, stewed or fried.
  • It is also worth noting that our housewives, due to habit or their personal preferences, often stew cabbage cut into large strips.
  • This cutting method seems more convenient and familiar to them.

How to cut cabbage for borscht: methods

  • When preparing borscht, professionals prefer to chop cabbage into large or medium strips - at the discretion of the cook and the taste of his clients.
  • You can also use the technique of cutting the cabbage fork into slices or cubes for borscht and other first courses.
  • Not everyone prefers sliced ​​cabbage in borscht, but few will pay attention to it if the taste of the dish does not suffer from it.

How to cut white cabbage for salad: methods

  • The classic way to cut cabbage for salad is using strips.
  • If for borscht or pickling a straw width of up to 2 cm is acceptable, then for salad the cook should try to make it as thin as possible - up to 7 mm.
  • Today, Korean salads are becoming increasingly popular in our country.
  • For Korean salads you can use the technique of cutting into checkers or slices - it all depends on the type of salad and the method of its preparation.

How to chop cabbage with a regular and special knife?

The easiest way to cut cabbage is with a large knife with a long, sharp blade.
There are special knives for shredding cabbage on sale today, but mastering them requires some practice and skill.
To properly shred cabbage forks, you need to follow these steps and understand some points:

  • We place the knife in our hand in such a way that the entire palm is involved in wielding it.
  • Place your thumb on the side along the handle of the device.
  • Place your index finger on top of the knife handle.
  • With the remaining three fingers we grab the knife from below.
  • Make sure that your fingers do not touch the blade.
  • During the shredding process, pay attention to the fact that the tip of the knife does not leave the surface of the cutting board - its movements occur either forward or backward.
  • We choose one of two techniques - we cut either towards ourselves or away from ourselves.
  • When slicing cabbage away from you, we move the knife forward and downward at the same time - then return it to the starting position.
  • When cutting cabbage towards you, we move the knife towards you and downwards - then we also return it to the starting position.

How to shred cabbage on a grater: which grater to choose?

Modern devices for shredding cabbage number dozens, or even hundreds. various models grater, because every housewife has the opportunity to choose the most suitable option just for yourself.
The differences between these devices are as follows:

  1. Operating method - mechanical, electrical or manual
  2. Device material: wood, metal, plastic
  3. Availability of a container for collecting the finished product
  4. Various types of cutting attachments (small, large, embossed)
  5. Having one or more knives

When it comes to choosing a grater for slicing cabbage main role A woman's individual preferences will play a role.

Each grater usually comes with instructions for its use. If the grater is manual, then the housewife will have to perform the following steps:

  • Wash the cabbage.
  • We clear it of the top leaves.
  • Cut the cabbage in half or into quarters.
  • Prepare a cutting board or other surface (if there is no container for collecting shredded cabbage).
  • We take the grater in our left hand.
  • Conveniently rest the grater against the surface of the board or simply press it against it.
  • IN right hand take some cabbage.
  • We begin to carefully grate the cabbage with smooth but firm movements from top to bottom.

How to chop cabbage in a food processor?

Each food processor comes with instructions for its operation, which clearly and clearly describes, and sometimes shows, how to use the device for chopping vegetables.
As a rule, combines with a slicing function have special attachments for different kinds vegetables
So, the algorithm for cutting cabbage in a food processor:

  1. We fix a suitable nozzle in the upper part of the bowl and cover it with a lid with a hole on top.
  2. Above the hole there is often a special trench into which we actually place the vegetables.
  3. Since the gutter has enough small sizes, pre-cut the cabbage into suitable pieces.
  4. Set the combine to the desired mode and turn it on.
  5. When the nozzle begins to rotate under the lid, carefully lower a piece of cabbage into the hole in the lid.
  6. Presses the cabbage on top with a special press.
  7. Repeat the procedure with all the cabbage.

How to cut cabbage with a blender?

It’s worth mentioning right away that a blender is a device that allows you to chop cabbage only to a chopped state - it’s impossible to make beautiful straws or checkers in such a device. It is easier to chop cabbage in a non-immersion blender.
Shredding cabbage in a blender:

  • We install suitable knives in the blender.
  • Cut the cabbage into small pieces that can fit in the blender bowl.
  • We load pieces of cabbage into it.
  • Cover the blender bowl with a lid.
  • We set the desired mode on the device.
  • Turn on the blender.

How to properly chop and shred Chinese cabbage: methods

Method No. 1

  • Wash the cabbage under running water holding the head of cabbage leaves down.
  • Dry the “Beijing” with a paper or cloth kitchen towel.
  • Lay out the cutting board on the table.
  • Remove the top leaves from the cabbage (usually 3-4 leaves are enough).
  • Place cabbage on the board.
  • Cut off the bottom part of the Chinese cabbage (about 5cm from the root) and throw it away.
  • Cut the cabbage in half.
  • Place one half of the head of cabbage on the board, cut side down.
  • We begin to make cuts lengthwise in the cabbage at a distance of a couple of centimeters from each other.
  • Then we chop the head of cabbage crosswise into strips of the required width.

Method number 2

  • Preparing cabbage using this method is identical to the same procedure in method No. 1.
  • The only difference is that we make only one cut along the cabbage.
  • With this type of slicing, the cabbage ribbons will be much longer than in the previous method.

Method No. 3

  • The third method is to cut the cabbage first in half, and then in half again.
  • This technique is often used to prepare the national Korean dish, kim chi.

Method No. 4

  • The fourth method of slicing Chinese cabbage can hardly be called slicing at all, since it involves chopping the vegetable with your hands.
  • In other words, you simply need to tear cabbage leaves into small pieces with your hands - the size of the pieces directly depends on where this product will be used.

How to properly and beautifully chop cabbage into strips, thinly?

To cut cabbage into strips, you need:

  • cut her head in half
  • cut the core
  • cut the forks lengthwise into strips 3-4cm wide
  • chop each strip crosswise into strips of the required width

Most often, graters are used to cut cabbage into very thin strips - only they allow you to make narrow and equal-sized strips of cabbage leaves.

How to properly and beautifully cut cabbage into cubes?

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Wash the cabbage
  2. Removing the core
  3. Cut the fork into two equal parts
  4. Divide half the head of cabbage in layers into pieces of 3-4 leaves
  5. We cut each part one by one, first parallel and then perpendicularly into cubes of the required size.

How to chop cabbage finely?

  • To chop cabbage finely, it is best to use a special grater.
  • Most experts prefer, of course, to chop cabbage with a knife. However, this requires good practice.
  • You can also chop cabbage in a food processor, but it cannot guarantee one hundred percent results - very often in finished material There are large layers of cabbage that fly past the knife.
  • But to chop the cabbage until chopped, it is advisable to use a food processor or blender. Only in this case you need to place knives in the food processor and grind the cabbage inside the bowl.
  • It is also worth mentioning the favorite way of our grandmothers and mothers to chop cabbage for cutlets or fine filling - a meat grinder. This device allows you to get finely chopped pieces of vegetables.

How to chop cabbage quickly?

  • The most in a fast way Shredding cabbage quickly is using electric devices. When using them, you can get finely chopped vegetables in a matter of seconds.
  • In second place in the speed of shredding cabbage is a professional chef - he is also able to shred cabbage with a knife in a few seconds. However, only a few have such technology.
  • Grating cabbage and chopping it in a meat grinder are considered longer processes.

That's all the best and proven ways to cut cabbage. Delicious dishes and easy cooking!

How to properly and quickly shred cabbage: Video

How to cut Chinese cabbage: Video

Many people love cabbage on the table, but not everyone likes to cut it with a knife. There are special hand shredders, but they cut thickly and are suitable for thoroughly preparing cabbage. At the same time, everything scatters around. For those cases when you need to chop a little cabbage for salad or for sourdough, there is a simple and easy way using a paring knife. People call it a housekeeper knife.

So the idea is this. There is cabbage. You need to make a salad from it. Using a knife to chop it thinly and evenly is very difficult. Even if the knife is thin and sharply sharpened, good dexterity and attentiveness are required during this work. The author of the video tutorial, passing by a housekeeper that is used for peeling potatoes, came up with the idea that it could be adapted for another important job.

As shown in the video, planing cabbage with a housekeeper is very convenient. Cut cabbage slices are very thin and tender. Nothing scatters to the sides, since this device is very small. The work is very fast, simple and pleasant.

All that remains is to chop up more cabbage, add the necessary ingredients and that’s it! Bon appetit!


It's summer cabbage. Chop it with a knife for 5 seconds. The main load comes when fermentation begins. Autumn cabbage is tough, the heads are huge. With this vegetable peeler you will be cutting one wheel all day long.

Bogdan Ribak
+natali s for pickling there is a special shredder, and for salad, this shredder can also be used to cut autumn cabbage, only the head of cabbage must first be cut into two or four parts.

Vasily velikanov
+natali s When I fermented cabbage, I chopped it on an electric bread slicer, you can use a combine or an electric vegetable slicer, very quickly. The vegetable cutter is inexpensive, unlike a combine, I use it to grind everything, including carrots into borscht and cabbage, the only thing is that you can’t use onions, it releases a lot of juice, you only have to do it by hand.

Natali s
There is a vegetable cutter. I rubbed a mark on it. And cabbage with your hands. I love it when it turns out to be a very thin and long straw. But the bread slicer is interesting option. I think it might turn out to be an excellent straw. Thanks for the idea.

Vasily velikanov
I'm glad you liked the idea. I meant bread slicer and cheese slicer. The width of the resulting slice is also set there, just as you need thin or thick, and then cut across and that’s it. I also love salads cut by hand, but I worked a lot and hard, so I only cut cabbage with machines, and now at home I only use my hands. But I really like electric assistants, they help out well.

natali s you won't. I didn’t even know that this blade was for potatoes; I always chopped cabbage. Large heads of cabbage. Of course, longer than with a simple knife but the result is worth it

Natalia Mironova is a gardening soul.
I have this thing, I only used it to peel potatoes. That’s great, now I’ll shred cabbage too. By the way, there’s also a garlic grater on top!

Alena is another miracle.
Tatiana Mamatova. You can not only peel vegetables and fruit peels (kiwi, apples), but also cut cucumbers into strips for salads or carrots, zucchini, etc. for stewing.

Nikiforova irina
I don’t have one for garlic, but there is a protrusion for eyes) although to use it you have to turn your hand inside out. You need to buy a new one and throw this one away. The advice is incredibly useful and thanks to the author for it!

Elena Morozova
thank you so much for your advice! I’ve been using this clean one for 16 years, but I’ve never thought of chopping cabbage with it. Cool, fast and convenient. Thanks again!

Pavlo Alexandrovich
+bogdan ribak this miracle is called a “paring knife”, today I bought myself one, the price is 1 euro, only the blade is parallel to the handle, I immediately protested - just super! Last time, when peeling with a knife, 3 kilograms of carrots for juice, the whole kitchen and I were yellow) this time 1.5 kg. Carrots + beets - cleaned very quickly, and without splashing, peeling vegetables has now become a pleasure.

Anastasia kutuzova
super method - thanks! I used to not like fiddling with cabbage, precisely because it’s not so easy to chop it) but with your method it’s just wonderful and easy and even fun to do. Once again, many thanks and a huge like to your know-how, and for sharing with us.

Natasha the sun
Borner shredder - I’ve been using it for 15 years. And for salad, and for sauerkraut in general a thing. For me, this method is good for salad. And sauerkraut should be long strips. But that’s how they say it, depending on who you choose.

Olga Abramova
The Internet is full of videos on how to use this device. So I don't think it's yours brilliant idea. Complete plagiarism, but everyone strives to present themselves as a genius. Why can’t I honestly say that I saw it and am sharing an idea. But no, “I thought and came up with it.” And I agree that half, or even more, could be thrown out of the video, this is exactly the same narcissism and the story of how you came up with the idea. Well, a masterpiece that blew my mind “you can say that the cabbage is organic.” Dear author of the video, everything created by nature is an organic product.

Tatiana Gavrilova
So much malice in the comments. Why not just assume that the person guessed it himself? In so many cases in history, even poetry was written almost word for word in the same way at different ends of the country different people. Are you offended that you weren’t the first to write about this? You watch the series of videos “Tatyana’s”, that’s where the plagiarism is! I’m just deleting it, although the topics there are interesting, he doesn’t speak, but expresses what even the youngest housewives know. But with such aplomb, as if she was the first to know about it or came up with it herself. And the channel is thriving. Although some call her a rude know-it-all.

Tatiana Gavrilova
Well done! I have such a device, but I haven’t tried cabbage. And regarding the comments: not everyone is as eloquent as the one who writes about unnecessary chatter. Thank you, everything was presented normally. We will use your advice.

good recipe
The idea is, of course, a good one. And I have special knife for cabbage, with double blade. It turns out the same small straws, only if the cabbage forks is large, then it is more convenient to chop it with a knife.

Olga Segeyda
Still, it’s better to buy one, since such a device only spoils the cabbage and you’ll have a hard time chopping it. There is a special universal knife, but I use it exclusively for chopping and even large heads of cabbage don’t scare me, but with this unit you will get tired.

Manzura lulaby
I really like this thing, it’s not convenient for potatoes, for long vegetables like asparagus, cucumbers, carrots, radishes. This peeler peels the peel on one side and shreds it on the other, a cool thing that is very necessary in the kitchen. I didn’t know you could shred cabbage this way. Thank you for the idea.

The shredder gets dull quickly! Forks, of course, for men. I can’t even find the word! This type of shredder is only suitable for scratching a cat’s balls! Your hand will get so tired trying to pickle cabbage in a bucket - it’s terrible! Complete bullshit!

Alena kov
This option works only with young, not large, loose cabbage. Just like in the video. But large, fully mature, dense heads of cabbage are inconvenient to shred with such a shredder. It’s easier to use a shredder that is familiar to many housewives. As a last resort, use the old fashioned way with a knife)

laura c
it costs up to 100 rubles in the comfort of a hardware store. And in Finland, Ukrainians sell them for 10-15 euros. And Finns buy 2 or 3 pieces for themselves and as gifts. ;He deftly shows cabbage and carrots and cheese

But I can’t chop cabbage this way. I have already purchased 5 similar devices - they only glide over the cabbage and don’t cut a damn thing. I can’t understand what’s wrong.

Helen brilliant
I shredded a bucket of cabbage with this vegetable peeler, it was quick and easier than with a knife. But the fastening of the cutting blade quickly broke: they sell similar peelers, but either the teeth are less sharp, or without teeth at all, and they are very poorly suited for shredding cabbage, and simply for cleaning the peel. Now I’m waiting for the opportunity to buy again such a cleaner, with sharp teeth, I’ve never come across anything like it. There are peelers that are even similar in shape, but you compare the teeth on the old broken plate with the teeth of the new one, and you can see that on the old one they are much longer and sharper, and accordingly they grip and cut better.

Lyudmila Zhenier
thanks for the advice. I need very finely shredded cabbage in some dishes; I used to shred it with a knife. In general, this is an ordinary vegetable peeler, I only have vertical blades, I’ve been using it for about 15 years, it’s very convenient

antoniya antoniya
I also have one, and I’ve been shredding everything with it for a long time, including cabbage, but it’s not convenient to peel potatoes with it, it’s good to peel potatoes with a side shredder, they are also sold.

I’ve been peeling potatoes and other vegetables with this thing for 20 years, but I never thought of shredding cabbage). Well, maybe because I have a special grater. We need to try this method, it’s much simpler and chops finer. Thank you!

Olga Pichugova
I have been using this knife for the last five years and for shredding. A large head of cabbage lies on the table, I hold it with my left hand, and chop it with my right, moving away from me. It turns out pretty quickly. You just need to periodically turn the cabbage for ease of work.

Raisa waschtschenko
Well done for suggesting it. This thing is called a vegetable cutter, it was designed for cleaning and cutting vegetables. I think that you were not the first to use it for its intended purpose, but not everyone realized that you can also shred cabbage with it! Good luck!

Snezhana Denisovna
Cool! And I threw away such a knife; it was of no use to me at all! I use borner graters, I think they are the best! According to testing, they are considered the best! But I bought this thing and I didn’t like it! I watched your video and you are doing great!

Svetlana Valeeva
I have the same knife. You didn't say the other side is for Korean carrots. You can also chop bell peppers, beets (boiled and raw), and cucumber into long strips.

Svetlana Valeeva
for convenience, place the vegetable on the table and hold it with one hand and plan it with the other. You'll like it. It takes a little bit of skill. At the same coleslaw, with the same grater, cut the pepper into thin, long strips - it turns out very beautifully. I wish you success)

vasily velikanov
great, thank you! I have such a tool for carrots and cucumbers, I use a smooth blade, and I keep this one inside this thing, I didn’t know where to use it, now I know thanks to you. I chop cabbage when I don’t have time in an electric vegetable cutter, and when I just eat it with a knife. But now I'll try this.

Valentina Germanovna
thanks a lot! Sorry, but I couldn’t resist and sent your video “for a walk” to the open spaces of “Oklassniki”. Let them rejoice at your find and chop cabbage without any problems! Thank you!

Marina Utkina
Excellent method, I’ve been shredding with this shredder for a long time. Only the author did not say or point out Special attention that this shredder should have fine teeth. Many people have these, but the smooth ones won’t work with them, but the ones with the teeth are great, great!

Pavel Steshenkov
+ bogdan ribak is very convenient, but only if your cleaner good quality. It is better to make Korean carrots not “in your hands,” but by placing the carrots or zucchini on a cutting board. I have been selling these knives for 5 years by demonstration. During this time I cut up more than one ton of vegetables. Using the same principle that you cut cabbage, it’s easy to cut onions. It is better to do this with a movement “from yourself”. It's safer and more convenient. Now I need to buy it for the shredder. A thin shredder is also good

Khavva Bagdalova
thank you very much for the advice, I’ll definitely try it, my dream is to cut cabbage so thinly and beautifully, a godsend for a left-handed person, since a special cabbage cutter is adapted for working with the right hand.

Natalie v
THX. Suddenly. It has its advantages.
I use a burner vegetable slicer. I have had it for more than 10 years and my incisors are so sharp that I am amazed that this is even possible. And its plastic is simply invulnerable. That's what it means German quality. There you can chop the cabbage so that it glows. The surface gap can be adjusted. And chop the cabbage even roughly - if necessary.

An electric household cabbage shredder is an extremely necessary device for every modern housewife. After all, with its help you can quickly chop required amount any amount of cabbage to make borscht or soup. The above-mentioned device also comes with several other attachments for grating and slicing vegetables. In addition, some manufacturers offer their customers cabbage shredders with the function of chopping vegetables into puree or cutting French fries. Read on for more details about the above device.

Types of shredders

It is known that there is a manual and electrical appliance for cutting cabbage. Manual shredder Designed mainly for use in the home kitchen, where it is necessary to chop small volumes of vegetables.

Things are completely different with an electric shredder. This device used by housewives to cut cabbage in large quantities.

Electric cabbage shredder is produced in several types. Each of them is designed for a specific type of work. So, there is an electric cabbage shredder for household and industrial purposes. The latter, in turn, are divided into several types:

  • device for ;
  • shredder for vegetable processing enterprises;
  • a device that is used in the agricultural sector.

Industrial shredders are distinguished by the following features:

  • have a relatively large weight (about 30 kg);
  • excellent power (up to approximately 1.1 kW/h);
  • vegetable slicing is carried out with a thickness from 0.5 mm to 5.5 mm;
  • have sharply sharpened knives made of of stainless steel.

In one day, workers manage to cut about 500 kg of vegetables using such a device. This is a very beneficial device for enterprises with large production scales.

cabbage: a brief description of the device

This device is distinguished by its advantageous features:

  • mainly has a plastic body;
  • knives are made of stainless steel;
  • The kit includes a container for grated vegetables;
  • the presence of a switch to regulate the speed of the device;
  • In addition to cabbage, it also perfectly cuts other vegetables;
  • has a function that allows you to grate beets or carrots;
  • the device is convenient to use;
  • Doesn't take up much space.

Features of choosing the above device

Experts advise paying attention to the following characteristics of the device when purchasing it:

  • Functionality (types and number of attachments - depending on what purposes you want to use it for).
  • Device power.
  • It also matters what material it is made from. A high-quality electric cutting machine must have knives that are made of stainless steel; they are very sharp and do not become dull during operation.
  • Availability of an automatic power-on blocking button.
  • Manufacturer country.

A brief overview of the famous brands of the above device

The modern market of household appliances is distinguished by a wide range of choices. Well-known global brands advertise their electric shredders as the highest quality products. But what should the average buyer do? How to choose the one you really need among many devices this thing? So, short review the above special device for cutting cabbage:

  1. The ETM-2M electric shredder from the Belvar company has the following features:
  • the device has different functions of slicing (large or small slices), shredding (medium, coarse or fine), and can grate vegetables;
  • there is an attachment for cutting French fries;
  • The device has double electrical insulation;
  • the wheels are all metal;
  • 130 W - device power;
  • the knives move in a vertical direction;
  • has a butter churn attachment;
  • Belarus is a producing country.

2. Electric cabbage shredder “Smile SM2711” has the following characteristics:

3. The Moulinex Fresh Express Cube S s Stick cabbage shredder has the following features:

  • 280 W - device power;
  • has 5 different attachments for cutting, grating (fine and coarse) and chopping vegetables, including French fries;
  • there is a compartment for attachments;
  • France is the producing country.

Shredder for cabbage: price in Russia and Ukraine

The cost of the above device depends on the number of attachments and functions it has. Cabbage shredder in Ukraine is sold at the following prices:

  • The Belvar ETM-2M electric shredder costs from approximately 1079 UAH, the same device, but with a grater - about 1829 UAH.
  • Electric cabbage shredder “Smile SM2711” is sold in stores for 2150 UAH.
  • The electric shredder “Moulinex Fresh Express Cube S s Stick” costs about 2442 UAH.

In Russia, an electric cabbage shredder “Smile SM2711” costs 4,614 rubles, and an electric cabbage shredder “Belvar ETM-2M” costs 3,640 rubles, and the same device “Moulinex Fresh Express Cube s Stick” costs approximately 7,990 rubles.

Advantages of the above device

A cabbage shredder (in other words) has a number of advantageous characteristics:

Household electric cabbage shredder: reviews

Given electrical device- a device that has its own subtleties of purchase. Experts advise that before purchasing the above device, you need to accurately determine:

  • what power of the unit is needed;
  • what types of cutting are needed?

The buyer has the opportunity to buy an electric shredder with a special container where chopped vegetables are placed.

Today, food processors for various purposes are no longer uncommon; they help solve problems that arise in the kitchen, because for them there are no unsolvable problems in terms of preparing food for further use. If you want to delight your family with vegetables rich in vitamins at any time of the year, then purchase a universal food processor with a vegetable cutter.

With the help of such a unit, you can quickly chop vegetables for salads, prepare vitamin cocktails, and its participation in preparing various pickles for the winter is especially invaluable. All the advantages and negative sides of these household appliances, as well as how to choose high-quality models, we will tell you in this article.

Participation of a food processor in summer vegetable harvesting winter period invaluable: manually the process of chopping cabbage for pickling is long and tedious. Before you pay attention to household appliances, where there must be electric vegetable cutter, let's look at the most popular manufacturers.

This company is the most popular among Russian consumers - original design, exceptional reliability, great functionality. The vegetable cutter includes at least 5 attachments - they differ in color and perform the following functions: chopping, grinding (fine and coarse graters), cutting into cubes or into strips of different thicknesses.

The guide groove has such a configuration that the product does not scatter to the sides - you can chop vegetables and fruits directly into the plate, which is quite convenient. All components are stored in a special compartment inside the device body. The cost of the product starts from 2 thousand rubles, user reviews are only positive.


An electric shredder from Chinese developers is very popular due to its low cost and availability; it is used for cutting any vegetables, as well as for processing fruits. The body is made of durable white plastic, the equipment is small: 2 graters, 3 pushers for individual products, a nozzle for making purees, a tray and a container. Reviews vary, but most are positive.


The German concern has always been different high quality products and enjoyed the trust of customers, the household vegetable cutter has the following arsenal on board: 3 graters, a container for placing products, a blender, with which you can beat egg whites or knead dough at home. IN expensive models All necessary attachments are made of stainless steel, which greatly increases the service life of the unit and the quality of product processing.

How to choose the best

Experts conditionally divide all household units into two separate categories:

  1. Compact food processor- has small dimensions, narrow functionality and low cost. Its working bowl has a volume of no more than 2 liters, but it takes up little space, which is important in small kitchen. The power is rarely higher than 700 W, there are no more than three speeds, but despite this, it is used for preparations for the winter, kneading dough of various consistencies.
  2. Multifunctional unit - has a wider range of capabilities, therefore its power reaches up to 1.5 kW and there are more speeds in its arsenal. This technique is aimed at large volumes, which is why its price is much higher. As a rule, the combine includes several types of household appliances, and its bowl volume is at least 3 liters, which means it can process much more products.

For big family where a lot of food is prepared daily, not to mention seasonal preparations, it is necessary to purchase a professional food processor, which will facilitate the housewife’s routine work in the kitchen and speed up food processing.

For those consumers who are financially constrained and do not cook as often or a lot, a compact model is ideal, and choosing the appropriate option is not a problem.

Best models

Power 650 W, working bowl volume 4 l, 2 speeds, pulse mode, average cost 54 thousand rubles, weight 13.6 kg. Aid 5KFP1644E is considered the most complete and productive unit in model range Artisan. It contains two new technologies:

  • visual control of slice thickness;
  • cutting into cubes.

The processing process can involve 3 bowls with different capacities, which ensure a continuous processing process. Three pushers of different diameters help push the ingredients to the auger.

A disk with a specially grooved blade will ensure cutting pieces of a certain thickness within 1-6 mm, and adjustments can be made even while the unit is operating. For cutting into cubes there is a set of a disk and a mesh with 8x8 mm cells - a unique device for vegetables and fruits or cutting cheese into original salads. You can crush chocolate and even ice. Users speak positively about its capabilities and performance, but complain about its heavy weight.

The combine model is distinguished by German pedantry to the most small details, smooth speed control, there is a pulse mode, the bowl capacity is 3.9 liters, so that it is clear to everyone - minced meat from 1.5 kg of meat plus 3 large onions can be easily placed. The average price is 9.5 thousand rubles, power 1 kW, there is a separate 1.5 liter plastic blender and a juicer, but only for squeezing citrus juice.

Attention! Smart technology will not start working until the user aligns the grooves on the lid and the working bowl until a characteristic click is heard.

The kit includes: a utility knife; attachments: for working with dough, whipping cream and egg whites; grater, disk for slicing vegetables - shredded cabbage and carrots come out in perfect shape, there are two options - large and small. The advantages include power, versatility, protection against unauthorized launch, and convenient storage of all attachments. There are no disadvantages.

Multi-cutter with a power of 280 W, equipped with five attachments various applications, 2 speeds, controlled automatically, average cost 7.7 thousand rubles. DJ9058 is a unique French quality, enclosed in an elegant, ergonomic body, which means not only the use of attachments, but also their storage using small magnets.

Using replaceable cassettes, you can cut food into cubes or uniform strips, which is so necessary when preparing sauerkraut for the winter. The power of the device allows you to quickly prepare any salads, which is very helpful when friends suddenly come to visit.


  • very unusual design;
  • convenient storage of components;
  • quick cutting without scattering food;
  • you can substitute any container;
  • uniformity of cutting;
  • ease of disassembly/assembly;
  • easy to wash.

Some users complain that sometimes there are stuck pieces in the mesh or grater - they can simply be removed with a toothpick. No other deficiencies were found.

A multifunctional combine with a power of 0.8 kW and two plastic bowls with a capacity of 2.0 and 0.75 liters has an average price of 15.99 thousand rubles. Until the working part is sufficiently fixed, the device does not begin to function - this is done for the safety of users. The kit includes a variety of attachments, you can use a grater or shredder, there are 2 types of juicers: for vegetables and citrus fruits.

Perfectly sharpened knives, smooth speed switching and a wide range of modes make this equipment indispensable for working in the kitchen. With such an assistant, any housewife will quickly cope with the daily preparation of any dishes. In the rating among analogues, the FX 3030 model received 9.9 points out of 10 possible.

Users in reviews note the following: positive traits products: quiet operation, exceptional reliability, many attachments and functions, 2 bowls of different sizes, so it is quite convenient to chop vegetables for cooking, for example, borscht, where there are many different components. Among the disadvantages - there is no place to store all the parts, it does not squeeze juice out of hard vegetables well.

The new food processor with vegetable cutter is recognized by experts as the best among analogues at an average cost of 9.6 thousand rubles and functionality. The product includes a 2.1 liter bowl, a blender with a plastic transparent body with a capacity of 1.75 liters, as well as a juicer that can prepare fresh juice from citrus fruits and a mill used for grinding coffee beans. The abundance of accessories allows you to perform more than 30 functions.

The 850 W electric motor allows for maximum productivity in food processing. Unique technology

Powerful Chopping (PowerChop) ensures the quality of chopping of any ingredients, just cut them in portioned pieces so that they pass through the transparent feed cylinder to the cutting disc.

Low speed is used for preparing dough and whipping cream or eggs, and high speed is used for chopping vegetables, fruits or meat, as well as for grinding, chopping and slicing. All accessories can be washed in dishwashers. A blender is useful for making 5 servings of smoothies at once - a cool dessert made from crushed fruits or berries with the addition of ice, milk or honey.

The main working bowl allows you to prepare ingredients for soup, which is enough for a family of 5 people. This container can be used to store all used attachments. User reviews note the optimal set of various attachments and their high-quality work, Beautiful design, during operation, you can visually monitor the work of grinding products. Some skeptics believe that plastic bowls are a fragile structure and will not be able to withstand the load.


Food processors of various capacities and configurations have become a fixture in our lives; they help quickly process any product - from meat to delicate berries. When preparing large quantities of vegetables for the winter, such mechanical assistants become indispensable: in a matter of minutes they chop, grind or grate so many products that you would have to spend a whole day doing it manually.

Without a blender, the housewife would hardly be able to quickly prepare an original dessert for big family, and a vegetable cutter helps chop food for your favorite salad, where all the ingredients will be the same consistency in the form of, for example, ideal-sized cubes. In order for the combine to serve for a long time and without breakdowns, it is necessary to treat household appliances with care, wash the components and carry out timely preventive inspection of rotating parts.

Power650 W1000 W280 W800 W850 W
Bowl capacity4 l3.9 l2 l2 l2.1 l
Controlnumber of speeds: 2, max. rotation speed: 1600 rpm, pulse modenumber of speeds: 2smooth adjustment, pulse modenumber of speeds: 2, max. rotation speed: 21000 rpm, pulse mode
NozzlesDicing disc, utility knife, dough attachment, whipping attachment, grater, slicing attachment, julienne disc total number of attachments: 13universal knife, dough attachment, whipping attachment, grater, disc for cutting into strips total number of attachments: 7; citrus juicer; blenderDicing disc, grater: 2 included, slicing attachment: 1 included, julienne disc: 1 included total number of attachments: 5Citrus juicer/universal, utility knife, dough attachment, french fries disc, emulsion nozzle, grater, slicer, julienne disc total number of attachments: 8Citrus juicer, grinder, utility knife, dough attachment, emulsion attachment, grater, slicer, julienne disc total number of attachments: 12
Storage area for attachmentsThere isNoThere isNoThere is
Pricefrom 33,000 rub.from 10,000 rub.from 8000 rub.from 13500 rub.from 8000 rub.
Where can I buy

With the onset of cold weather, it is especially pleasant to treat yourself to homemade preparations. Salted and pickled vegetables and ready-made salads delight the eye and taste buds, and the central place at this winter vegetable festival is occupied by the appetizer that is not only tasty, but also extremely healthy. But its appearance on the table is preceded by a labor-intensive and unloved by many housewives process of preparation, or rather, cutting cabbage.

Shredding cabbage is a costly task and requires some skill. In order to get it into thin strips, you need to master the technique of chopping with a knife - an ordinary kitchen knife or a special one.

How to chop cabbage with a knife?

If you don’t have a special knife for cabbage at hand, an ordinary one – large and well-sharpened – will do just fine. Using kitchen knife one thing to remember little secret– The cabbage head should be cut not along the head, but across it. It is at the top that the thinnest leaves are located, which are suitable for pickling. The second part can be left for stewing or borscht.

When slicing, the main thing is to hold the knife and, of course, your fingers correctly. But, in principle, everything is simple: when cutting, the tip of the knife does not come off the surface of the board, and its blade makes a circular movement vertically. You can choose one of the convenient directions:

  • the knife moves evenly forward and down, while cutting and returning to its original position;
  • the knife moves away from itself and down, and then back towards itself and up.

You need to hold the knife correctly in this way: thumb lies along the handle, the index finger clasps it from above, and the rest only lightly press the handle to the palm. This grip may seem uncomfortable at first, but over time you get used to it.

But, of course, for your own convenience it is better to purchase a special knife for shredding cabbage. This simple, like all ingenious, device will become easy an indispensable assistant in the kitchen.

What is a cabbage knife?

A cabbage shredder is a plastic or wooden base with a handle to which are attached several fairly sharp steel blades located at an angle. This design makes it absolutely safe to use - it is simply impossible to accidentally cut yourself. All-steel shredders are also available.

How to chop cabbage with a special knife?

If you see it for the first time, then the question is quite natural: “How to use a cabbage knife?” Shred cabbage special device much easier than with a regular knife. You need to cut the head of cabbage as conveniently as possible, you can even along the stalk and make reciprocating movements with the knife in the forward and downward direction, and then return it to its original position. A small detail - it is better to cut the cabbage across the fibers, then they will lose less juice, which is so necessary when pickling.

Alternatives to a knife for slicing cabbage

Technological progress does not stand still and technology is being improved with the goal of turning the process of cooking into pleasure and minimizing the time a woman spends in the kitchen. Therefore, if you have to chop cabbage in large volumes, you should consider more productive devices:
