Rules of fortune telling on the Egyptian tarot. Fortune telling Egyptian oracle: find out online what will happen tomorrow Egyptian tarot online

One of the oldest symbols of Ancient Egypt is the Ankh. It accompanies almost every tomb of this ancient and mysterious country. It was worn by pharaohs, gods were depicted with it, and to this day many esotericists believe that it contains a mysterious and powerful force, which is why it is often used as an amulet.

Egyptian cross, Ankh - description and meaning

The ankh is also called the Coptic cross or the knot of life. The symbol represents an image of a cross with a loop-shaped top. In ancient times, it meant access to secret knowledge. People believed that those who possessed it could learn higher disciplines, so only enlightened representatives of society - priests, pharaohs, and servants - were allowed to use its power.

As a talisman, the Ankh acts in the following way - it makes the owner more resilient and strong, and helps people with magical potential to reveal their abilities.

One of the main meanings that was put into the meaning of the symbol is the infinity of existence. He says that the Egyptians believed that after death the existence of the soul does not end, and beyond it there is another life. They believed that consciousness is immortal and that with each cycle lived, experience and knowledge accumulates.

Many scientists and researchers suggest that the Ankh was considered the personification of the combination of heavenly and earthly forces, masculine and feminine, by analogy with Yin-Yang. The symbol defined the divine principle in every person.

The process of transmission from the god Ra to the pharaoh is depicted on many tombs and shrines of Egypt - this had a secret meaning that spoke of the divine election of the future ruler.

In appearance, the Ankh consists of several parts:

  1. The top element is made in the form of a circle and personifies the sun and the world in which the gods live, as well as the eternal cycle of things and events - the unity of the universe.
  2. Below it is a line in a horizontal position - like an image of the horizon above which the sun rises.
  3. The lower part consists of a line of vertical direction, meaning the path of a person striving for knowledge.

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Cross of Anubis

Anubis is a god in the kingdom of the dead. According to the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians, he transferred the souls of people from the world of the living to the afterlife. The duties of the deity included embalming the body, mummification and protecting the soul from the attacks of demonic entities.

Anubis also served as a judge. He was depicted as a creature with a human body and the head of a wolf, and later a jackal. In one hand he held the Ankh and in the other a scale. On the scales he decided the fate of the deceased. A heart was placed on one bowl, and a feather on the other. If the heart was heavier than the feather, a person did not go to heaven.

The Ankh was needed so that God could open the gates of heaven for those who successfully passed the test.

How to tell fortunes using Egyptian tarot cards

Tarot is a very ancient type of fortune telling card that has complex symbolism and holds deep meaning and potential. Some legends say that they were invented by the wise god Thoth. The deck consists of 78 cards. This type of fortune telling became especially popular in the Middle Ages.

The Egyptian version of the deck was created by a Freemason of French origin - Antoine Court de Gébelin. By conviction, each participant in a secret magical society is obliged to create his own unique deck, which would comply with all the rules of astrology and esotericism. Antoine gave it the name - The King's Path.


  1. The fortuneteller must have an individual deck of cards. In the modern world, acquiring it is not difficult.
  2. When choosing, they are guided not by reason, but by their own energetic instinct. You need to feel the Tarot and then the secret meaning will be revealed.
  3. Before using the image, symbolism and meaning must be mastered and understood, and given time to get used to it.
  4. It should be remembered that the semantic load of each card changes depending on the position and proximity to other Arcana, so a correctly interpreted layout will answer any question.
  5. Fortune telling on Egyptian cards is no different from ordinary Tarot.

The deck is treated with care, respect and with faith in success.


For fortune telling you will need 22 cards from the deck.

  1. Take the Tarot in your hands and, concentrating carefully, ask a question.
  2. Stir thoroughly. Carry out all actions in accordance with internal sensations. When the subconscious signals that it is ready to find out the answer, start laying out the images.
  3. To do this, randomly remove three cards from the deck. The first one reflects the past, the second one represents the present, and the third one represents the future.
  4. The peculiarity of the Egyptian Tarot is its meaning. For example, in the traditional Tarot the first Arcana, belonging to the major type, is called the Magician or Magician, but in this variation the name and meaning are changed to Amulet and Stages.

The meaning of the Egyptian Tarot

  • Fool- means a waste of time, taking hasty and thoughtless advice. It is recommended to change your attitude towards life to a more serious one, and not be afraid of changes.
  • Mage– personifies a freedom-loving personality, an intellectually developed person who knows how to lead competently. Indicates great willpower and self-confidence. However, the card speaks of the need to give yourself freedom to act.
  • Papess– shows a thirst for knowledge, both official and exoteric, and a well-developed intuition. She advises not to rush to achieve your cherished goal and check everything carefully. The advice is to surrender to the sequence of events, let everything go as it is.
  • Empress- in certain cases indicates that the woman is pregnant. In other situations, at a high potential energy charge. In general, the card advises: to follow the path of life without unnecessary leaps - smoothly and maintain a positive mood.
  • Emperor– speaks of control of all processes and a high-level reputation. Advice - if you have planned something, you need to think through everything carefully and build a sequence of activities.
  • Hierophant– talks about the search for meaning. The recommendation is to adhere to public social norms in behavior and find a mentor.
  • Lovers- means that the existing connection between people is strengthening or they are experiencing a feeling of strong passion. It is worth trusting your inner voice and intuition, and entering into a relationship with a person.
  • Chariot– occurs when a trip is expected, perhaps a long one. Another meaning is the promotion of important causes. The recommendation is not to shift things to another date if it can be done today.
  • Justice- the triumph of justice and truth. The card says that difficult goals will be resolved. The advice is to pay off debts and complete the deal.
  • Hermit– characterizes a person as a little detached and independent. Recommendation is to retire more often and listen to your inner voice.
  • Wheel of Fate– opening up new opportunities and horizons. Just don't let your guard down.
  • Force– shows the personality as a persistent person, with a strong character. The card says that it is necessary to implement plans, but there may be obstacles along the way that must be overcome.
  • Hanged– symbolizes self-sacrifice or punishment due to mistakes made in the past. Tarot advises you to pause your business and conduct introspection.
  • Death– it contains the meaning of the end of the cycle. This can be getting rid of and cleansing from past events, thoughts, personality restructuring. She encourages you to start making changes in your life without risk.
  • Moderation– a search for compromises is necessary to bring harmony and tranquility into life. Advice - forget about controversial situations and disunity.
  • Devil- indicates that a person is highly dependent on something. This is a person who can easily succumb to temptations and temptations. The call of the card is to control actions and thoughts, develop positive aspects of character.
  • Tower– the symbol carries a warning about the likelihood of losing one’s position - for example, planned affairs or started projects may fail. Tarot gives advice not to hold on to the old, but to give opportunities for the new to come.
  • Star– the card says that there is a chance that someone will offer help, and you should not refuse it.
  • Moon– warns of the likelihood of deception and severe stress. Advice - you should not take the word of the information provided, everything needs to be checked carefully. You cannot get involved in adventures and scams.
  • Sun– a positive card. Predicts a person’s happiness, joy and success in business. The person who received this Arcanum is enlightened. The recommendation is to believe in your own abilities and capabilities.
  • Court– Arcana of improving life and ending the black streak. The main thing is not to be afraid of the future.
  • World– the card indicates a rapid improvement in people’s understanding. There will be an opportunity to enter into an alliance or union with like-minded people.

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  • Don't be afraid of cards. They won't do any harm. The ritual does not require complex manipulations.
  • It’s easier to start learning with a classic deck and simple fortune telling. It is well developed by specialists and easier to interpret.
  • First, fully study the cards and master the meaning of the Arcana.
  • For learning, it is better to use only one type of card.
  • Keep a diary in which you will record the results of the layouts.
  • At first, interpret the meanings only for yourself.
  • If you are not feeling well, do not practice Tarot.
  • Do not neglect simple means of protection, such as a candle.

The Ankh carries colossal energy. It is a symbol of life, the key to the gates of heaven and a powerful amulet. It endows the owner with intelligence, insight, strength, and the ability to comprehend secret knowledge. Such a symbol will be an excellent gift and will give the owner health, joy and prosperity.

The Egyptian Tarot deck has mystical origins. The deck is known to esotericists; it was used during the reign of the pharaohs in Egypt.

In the article:

Egyptian Tarot - a legend from the land of the pyramids

There are many versions of the origin of Tarot cards. The French scientist, freemason and esotericist Antoine Cour de Gébelin put forward the Egyptian version. In the 18th century, Egyptology began to become fashionable along with tarot fortune telling, and the count managed to “get into the wave.” His version is supported by many followers.

There is a legend that in Egypt there was a sacred temple that consisted of twenty-two rooms. The number of Major Arcana of the Tarot is the same. On the walls of each room there are symbolic scenes that correspond to the meanings of the Major Arcana. The Egyptians believed that the temple contained the wisdom of not only their civilization, but the entire world. The priests allowed entry into the building only after initiation.

After predicting the period of Egypt's decline, the priests encrypted the wisdom stored in the temple in a deck of cards. Playing cards feeds human vices: no one can guess that the cards have an important meaning. The priests preserved the accumulated knowledge, but took care that the uninitiated would not be able to learn about it.

According to legend, the name “Tarot” is translated from ancient Egyptian as “road of kings” or “royal path”. In fact, the words sound different in Egyptian. Archaeologists have not found even a temple similar to the one described in the legend. This is evidence to destroy the Egyptian version of the origin of the Tarot, but many prefer the legend and use the Egyptian Tarot.

Egyptian Tarot cards - decks by different authors

The first deck of Egyptian Tarot cards was created by Papus, a scientist, esotericist and author of many books, among which “ Practical magic" Papus believed that the Egyptian version of the origin of the fortune-telling system was the most correct. The Papus deck was published in 1909 as a black and white supplement to the book “Predictive Tarot”. Artist - Gabriel Gulin. Only in the 80s of the 20th century was the deck painted and published in color.

The Papus deck has several differences from the traditional one. Arcanum Jester without a number, located between the Court and the World. The Minor Arcana are not drawn. Papus paid great attention to the image Isis, which is depicted on the Priestess lasso.

Tarot Thor is a deck by Russian esotericists Viktor Khorkov and Alexander Klyuev. Published in 2002. Nothing to do with no: Crowley did not use the Egyptian style. The Thor deck is an attempt by the authors to rethink the meanings of the arcana, based on the Egyptian theme. The deck is designed for people with experience working with cards. The cards are accompanied by a book that introduces the reader to the world of Egyptian history and mythology, revealing the secrets of Tarot fortune telling. There are no names on Thor's cards: according to the authors' idea, the fortuneteller focuses on graphic images.

Popular decks are from the Italian publishing house Lo Scarabeo, which develops and produces Tarot cards, oracles and other decks for predictions. The publishing house has developed a line of Egyptian Tarots based on finds from Egypt and everything that is known about the culture and history of the country. All decks are modern stylizations, but many tarot readers use them.

There are five decks from Lo Scarabeo. The Egyptian Tarot gallery has a lot of interesting things, for example, Cleopatra's Tarot does not correspond to any school of Tarot. The decks are aesthetically pleasing to any connoisseur of Egyptian culture.

Egyptian Tarot - the meaning of each card

In most decks, the order of the arcana is the same as in traditional ones. With a few exceptions these are modern decks developed based on existing systems. The meanings of the cards cause difficulties for beginning fortune tellers.

The meaning of each card hides a piece of the mystery of the universe, according to tarologists who prefer the Egyptian version of their origin. The meaning of the meaning varies depending on the purpose of fortune telling. Let's look at brief interpretations of the Major Arcana.

Fool- thoughtless actions, a waste of resources. Promiscuity, following mundane desires, lack of willpower, frivolity, naivety, stupidity. In relationships - easy connection, open relationships, reckless hobbies. In the work - lack of experience, lack of professionalism, difficulty with analytics and planning. The Fool's advice is to give yourself more freedom, to embrace change. A reversed card signifies travel, a change of environment, work, or place of residence. Talks about instability.

Mage- willpower and intelligence. Self-control and determination are qualities that allow a person to independently create his own destiny. Non-susceptibility to suggestion and lack of prejudice. Personal interests, use of magic. In relationships - overcoming tightness, willingness to take the first step, sometimes manipulation. In work - confidence, professionalism, careful planning and implementation of ideas. The Magician’s advice is to make decisions on your own, to start a business that you haven’t decided on for a long time. Inverted - manipulation, cunning.

Papess- study of sciences, comprehension of secrets. Humility, acceptance of events. Mother. Healing abilities. In a relationship, there is a strong connection between people, acceptance of the partner’s shortcomings. In the work - the activities of healers, magicians and psychics, the ability to put your soul into your work and use intuition. Advice - trust your intuition, do not force events, enrich your inner world. When reversed, Papess means secrets.

Fertility, abundance, multiplication, help, housekeeping, vitality. Creativity, lots of ideas. A powerful woman, the mistress of the house. In relationships - love, passion, sometimes it occurs during pregnancy. In work - reliable partners, prosperity, growth. Advice - think positively and implement your plans. Reversed - care, home, harmony, generosity and hospitality. Mean mother, sister, good friend.

Emperor- control over the situation, responsibility, orderliness, good reputation. Discipline, refusal of harmful or unnecessary things. Implementation of ideas, elimination of problems. In relationships - marriage, family, serious intentions. In work - power, organization of company work, leadership position. Advice - think about a safe and secure future in advance, it’s time to move on to implementing your plans. Inverted - tyranny, suppression, rigidity.

Hierophant- duty, tradition. Teacher's instructions, search for meaning or purpose. Gaining knowledge or good advice. Teacher, sage, clergyman, rights defender, healer. In a relationship - strong friendship, stable marriage, attentiveness to traditions. In work - learning from the experience of others, apprenticeship, job search. Advice - follow moral principles and traditions, in a difficult situation ask for advice from an experienced person. Inverted - exaggeration of one’s own importance, judgment “from the height of one’s bell tower”, narrow outlook.

Lovers- love, rapprochement, following the chosen path, strengthening connections, friendship, joy, pleasant meetings. Responsibility, commitment, marriage, arrangement. In relationships - passion, affection, love, conflict resolution, compromise. In work - the importance of teamwork, choosing a direction, reliable partners. The advice is to listen to your heart and join forces with the right person or group of people. Inverted - the complexity of choice, contradictions, testing.

Chariot- courage and perseverance contribute to moving forward. Good luck in business and travel, a pleasant journey that brings success. In relationships - new relationships or newness in old ones, the desire to win favor, perseverance. At work - career advancement, vigorous activity, energetic implementation of ideas. The advice is to act, but control emotions and desires. Inverted - composure, control, power over the situation, obtained due to the control of the mind over emotions.

Justice- getting what you deserve, legality, compliance with the law. Legal activity. In relationships - marriage, respect. The work involves solving a confusing and complex issue, professionalism and integrity. Advice - conclude an agreement or sign a contract, pay off debts. Inverted - honesty, truth, truth, accurate knowledge of the situation, impartiality, revealing secrets.

Hermit- rejection of other people's opinions or influence, self-sufficiency, inner strength, caution and prudence. Healer, scientist, magician. In relationships - maturity and wisdom, connection with a spiritually rich person. In work - consistency, perseverance, search for the meaning of activity. The advice is to retire to understand yourself, and not allow someone else’s opinion to be imposed on you. Inverted - isolation, voluntary hermitage, life in your own little world.

Wheel of Fate- new opportunities, luck, progress, success. In relationships, it's better to go with the flow. In work - increase, acceleration of rhythm, profit. The advice is to start doing what was asked, but be prepared for any events, you will have to show foresight. Inverted - failures, bad changes, interference, delays.

Force- stamina, emotional management, physical, spiritual and moral endurance. Firm belief in one's own rightness, confidence and perseverance. In a relationship, one partner is wiser than the other, the predominance of the sexual component, desire and passion. In work - hard work, willingness to take risks, implementation of plans. The advice is to believe in your own strengths and be aware of the problems that prevent you from moving towards your goal. Reversed - patience, reconciliation, the need to wait to achieve a goal.

Hanged- self-sacrifice, punishment with which the questioner agrees, atonement, duty. To achieve what you want, you will have to give up something. In a relationship, they give up certain desires in order to get out of the crisis (the only chance to save the marriage). At work, a review of the situation is required, slowing down all processes until they stop. The advice is to pause and consider the situation from all sides. Inverted - insight, awareness, changes in the value system, abandonment of unnecessary habits, new relationships.

Death- the end of the old course of events and the beginning of a new one, the transition from one state to another. Expanding the horizons of the questioner. In relationships - changes or the end of a relationship. In the work - liquidation of the project, getting rid of unnecessary things, ending activities. The advice is to get rid of stagnation, take a step into a new life, discard everything that has ceased to be useful. When turned upside down, the meaning does not change.

Moderation- following the optimal line of behavior, resolving disputes, contradictions, stabilizing the situation, compromise, cooperation. Mediator, peacemaker, healer. In relationships - harmony, balance. There is a peaceful and calm stage of work, planning. The advice is not to rush, find peace in your soul and not think about ambitions and competition. Inverted - adaptation, adaptation to circumstances.

Devil- temptations, passions, obsessions. Manipulation, enslavement, power, dependence. Alcohol, drugs, sex. In relationships - passion, strong affection, attraction, marriage of convenience. In work there is an obsession with material things, tests for moral principles. The advice is to go to extremes, awaken vivid feelings and attractions. Inverted - indulgence, passion, excitement, pleasure.

Tower- destruction of the existing way of life. Loss of everything meaningful, wasted effort. Catastrophe, accident, threat of falling from a height. In a relationship - a serious test of love or friendship, the end of a relationship. At work - dismissal, stress, conflicts, loss of reputation and clients. Advice - to gain the new, destroy the old. Inverted - devastation, crisis, guilt, trouble.

Star- hope, new desires and goals. The intention to start moving towards your plans, confidence in your own capabilities. Accepting timely assistance. In a relationship - a long-awaited meeting, new love, romance, a desire to strengthen the connection. At work - a new workplace, a higher position, good luck and fortune. Advice - follow the goal, take advantage of new opportunities, trust your own instincts. Reversed - inspiration, creativity, healing, assistance, happiness and optimism.

Moon- deception, fear, confusion of mind and emotion. Lack of information, insincerity, jealousy, envy. Mental disorders, stress. In relationships - self-deception, reluctance to notice changes, the presence of a lover, issues that were not previously addressed. At work - ulterior motives, dishonesty, incompetence. Advice - be careful, beware of deception, check incoming information, creativity will relieve stress. Inverted - fantasy and imagination, adventure, extrasensory abilities, connection with the other world.

Sun- prosperity, success, happiness. Fulfillment of desires, well-being, problem solving. Birth of a child. Awareness of truth, insight. In relationships - mutual understanding, love, unbreakable union. In work - successful overcoming of difficulties, new projects, good luck. The advice is to be open and generous, remain confident and radiate joy. Inverted - joy, love of life, confidence, self-realization, creativity.

Court- revival, truce, changes for the better. Restoration of energy, recovery, new life. In relationships - forgiveness, renewal. In work - changes, the end of old problems or a change in their qualities, creativity. Advice - do not be afraid of changes and improvements in life, return to what you have put aside for the future. Inverted - atonement, return to the past or original position, repentance, retribution.

World- connection, unification, introspection and mutual understanding, like-minded people. Receiving reward for work or retribution for sins. Dropped before travel. In relationships there is reconciliation and harmony. In work - achievements, material success, fame, the opportunity to do what you love. Advice - it’s time to seek wise advice from a knowledgeable person, put your thoughts in order and look at what is happening in the world. Inverted - a happy ending, achieving a goal, harmony, peace, relaxation.

Fortune telling on the Egyptian Tarot

Fortune telling with the Egyptian Tarot involves following the rules that apply to traditional decks. There are many layouts suitable for fortune telling on a deck - complex and simple. Any of the Egyptian decks is universal, suitable for fortune telling about the situation, work, children, relationships, health, and is used for self-analysis.

Feather Maat

Ma'at is the embodiment of justice, legal action and spiritual conformity; it is a complex and integral concept of Egyptian civilization. Her symbol is the Feather of Truth. It lies on one side of the scale in the courtroom of the afterlife; the hearts of the dead were placed on the other side. The bowl with the “light” heart remained at the same level as the bowl where the Feather lay, which indicated that the soul was innocent. “Heavy” hearts and their owners were fed to the hungry monster Ammit. In fortune telling, the sign of Maat is quite insidious. He represents cosmic correctness - even when we ourselves consider ourselves right, Maat may not agree with this. Before you celebrate the “triumph of justice,” make sure that your position is sincere.



Correct relationships in accordance with the law of the Cosmos. Sincerity towards partners. Enlightenment of feelings.


Balanced finances, enough money for necessary needs. You will get what you deserve (for better or worse).


Law, law enforcement, governments (all in the most positive aspects). Social work and rehabilitation. In conflicts involving finances, work, or legal issues, justice will prevail, but it may not be the justice that is expected.


Balance in everything. Simple discipline and strengthening of positive characteristics.


Follow a suitable diet and other healthy practices. No frills. Without understanding the underlying causes of the disease, simply treating the symptoms will not make any progress. The natural course of life, including its end. Heart problems.

Spiritual development

Be sincere in all your affairs. Try to remain balanced and avoid extremes of any kind. Work on chakras, cleansing, yoga.

The culture of Egypt remains incomprehensible and alluring for most archaeologists and art historians today, since the secrets of the emergence of civilization and the emergence of stunning myths excite the imagination of any traveler.

We know from history that ancient Egypt was famous for its powerful gods, with their help they resurrected loved ones and restored lost strength and youth. To this day, fragments of ancient wisdom are found in excavations, which continue to arouse undeniable interest not only among archaeologists, but also among famous healers and magicians. The ancient world of Egypt was filled with beautiful and mysterious rituals, which at that time were constantly recorded on papyri and safely stored in dungeons.

The work of archaeologists and historians has led to the fact that the secret writings of the past mystical world have been preserved to this day. Through centuries of centuries, Tarot cards have come to us from antiquity, without which it is difficult to imagine a magician or fortune teller. At that time, the Egyptian pharaohs wanted to understand how to build a life and conduct politics so that the whole world would be subject to them, and their reign would never end. But, as one wise man said, peace cannot last forever, and people even in ancient Egypt had questions about how to maintain calm and balance. This is how predictions were invented in ancient times.

Where to begin

Even the pharaohs wanted to find out what awaited them in the future.

The real Egyptian Oracle (online fortune telling) will take you into the world of ancient mysteries. From the very first seconds of turning on fortune telling, pleasant and specific music begins to sound, allowing you to relax and immerse yourself in meditation.

The user of original and truthful fortune-telling must take the most convenient and comfortable position for him and focus on his inner sensations. To get a more reliable answer, you need to try to clear your mind and think exclusively about the topic that worries you.

After this, you should ask a question; the accuracy and reliability of the received answer directly depends on the accuracy of the wording.

The Egyptian Oracle, fortune telling online for free, will remove the veil of mystery and invite the user to use the three movable plates of the pyramid. Mentally asking an exciting question, the fortuneteller must intuitively turn over the slabs, behind which the constantly changing number is hidden. The user does not need to remember the order of the numbers, he just has to navigate according to the oracle's instructions.

Interpretation of the answer

After completing the online fortune-telling Egyptian Oracle, the user will see the full answer, revealing the whole essence of the question. Having studied it, the user will be able to understand for himself how he behaves in society, how correct and worthy his behavior is, whether his actions will lead to something greater and more significant in his life than the baggage that he has today.

A distinctive feature of fortune telling is the fact that the Oracle directs the user to fulfill his desire and gives him colorful motivation.

The answer to the question is just one small benefit for the fortuneteller; the main help is that the Virtual Fortune Telling Egyptian Oracle online guides and corrects a person’s actions for free, while answering the question asked and can provide practical and meaningful advice. Fortune telling will reveal the true worldview of the fortuneteller and possibly guide a person to make adjustments, leading to a complete change in the strategy of behavior and attitude towards people around him or his life position.

Features of virtual fortune telling

The oracle will completely dispel doubts and remove the veil of mystery regarding the question of whether the fortuneteller’s wish will come true. In addition, having received an answer, a person will see instructions on how to behave in the future in order to feel recognition and respect from the world around him.

Find out what the future holds for you. A real oracle from Egypt online will tell you everything for free!

Colorful and original fortune telling will allow you to completely relax and transport yourself to the virtual world of the Cheops pyramid and ancient papyrus, through which the powerful Oracle will reveal all the secrets and provide answers to long-standing questions.

What can you learn from the Oracle? Any question can be asked by a person who decides to communicate with an ancient and mythical creature. You will be able to find out how correctly you have chosen the path of development or how to build your relationship with a certain person.

It is worth noting the pleasant musical accompaniment and design of the account, which engages and attracts you to the monitor screen. The user does not need to go through complex and multi-step registration procedures. Moreover, Egyptian fortune telling is among the free ones, which, undoubtedly, should be considered another advantage.

Every person longs to receive answers to all the questions that arise, but having received answers, people are not always able to competently manage the information received. The peculiarity of the Egyptian Oracle is an accurate, modern and truthful prediction, but also correct assistance to the fortuneteller. After all, getting an answer does not mean saving the result.

The oracle will tell and guide the user on what to do correctly, how to preserve or correct the current situation as much as possible. Feel the opportunity not only to get answers to your questions for free, but also to reveal the secret, inner powers that allow you to achieve amazing success in life! Egyptian fortune telling is available to everyone!
