Why are there rusty spots on apple tree leaves? Causes of and control of rust on apple tree leaves. Juniper is a bad neighbor for apple and pear trees

Apple trees are often affected by various diseases. All pathologies have characteristic symptoms, by which the disease can be quickly identified and taken. necessary measures for saving plants. Let's look at the main diseases of apple trees and methods of treating them.

Apple trees can get sick for many reasons. It may be unfavorable weather, neglect of the rules of agricultural technology, nutrient deficiency and many others. Any disease negatively affects the yield and can cause the death of the tree.

Signs of damage depend on the pathogen.

Pathologies are divided into 3 groups:

1. Fungal (mycoses):

  • fruit rot (moniliosis);
  • powdery mildew;
  • scab;
  • rust;
  • brown spot (phyllostictosis);
  • black cancer;

2. Bacterial:

  • bacterial burn;
  • bacterial root cancer;

3. Viral:

  • star-shaped cracking of fruits;
  • paniculation (proliferation);
  • rosetteness (small leaves).

The sooner you start treating the apple tree, the greater the chance of saving the harvest and the plant itself.

Fungal diseases

Fruit rot (moniliosis)

Description of symptoms: small brown spots appear on ripening fruits (pictured above). Later they grow and the apples become inedible. The disease spreads very quickly, covering the entire crop. It is almost impossible to detect in the initial stages.

Treatment of fruit rot in the active stage is not possible. It is necessary to carry out prevention, which gives excellent results. In early spring, treat the trees with 3% Bordeaux mixture; you can use fungicides (for example, Horus). The second treatment should be carried out before flowering, using Bordeaux mixture (1%).

After harvesting, repeat spraying the trees with a solution of copper sulfate (0.1 kg per 10 liters of water). Each plant will require 3 liters of solution. Collect mummified apples, you need to get rid of them.

Powdery mildew

The pathogen affects the bark, buds, shoots, and leaves. The main symptom is an off-white coating, which later turns brown. The leaves turn yellow, dry out, and fall off. The apple tree stops producing new shoots and does not bear fruit.

Therapeutic and preventive measures against powdery mildew begin in the spring.

2 treatments will be required:

  1. Before flowering, spray the apple trees with a solution of fungicides (Skor, Topaz) at the rate of 2 ml per 10 liters of water.
  2. After flowering, treat the plants with a solution of copper oxychloride (40 g per 10 l of water) or with Hom in the same concentration (40 g per 10 l of water).

In autumn, a 3rd treatment is required. Spray the tree with Bordeaux mixture (1%). You can try to treat the plant with a solution containing: 20 g liquid soap, 50 g of copper sulfate, 10 liters of water.


The main symptom is the appearance of an olive-brown coating on the leaves of the apple tree, they begin to crumble. Subsequently, cracks and dark gray spots form on the fruits.

Treatment consists of spraying plants with biofungicides (Fitosporin-M, Fitolavin, Gamair, Horus, etc.). Carry out the first treatment before the buds open; throughout the entire season you need to perform 2-4 sprayings with an interval of 2 weeks.

A method of treating scab is spraying with Bordeaux mixture. For the first treatment (before buds open), a 3% solution is required; later (after the leaves appear) use a 1% solution. Spray at intervals of 2 weeks. Up to 7 treatments will be required per season.

Spraying with mineral fertilizers has a good effect.

For treatment purposes, the following solutions can be used in the following concentrations:

  • potassium salt - 15%;
  • ammonium nitrate - 10%;
  • potassium nitrate - 15%;
  • ammonium sulfate - 10%.

If fertilizers are used to prevent the spread of fungus, reduce the concentration of the solutions.

Carry out additional work:

  • trim dry branches;
  • strip the affected bark to healthy wood;
  • whiten the treated areas.


Symptoms: the appearance of stripes and brown spots on the leaves, on which black inclusions (accumulation of spores) are visible. In the future, the fungus spreads to branches, bark, and fruits. Some of the young shoots die off. The bark in the affected areas cracks, unripe fruits fall off.

Treatment needs to begin in early spring, before the buds open.

How to treat:

  1. Remove affected leaves and branches, cut them 10 cm below the diseased areas.
  2. Disinfect the sections with a solution of copper sulfate (5%).
  3. Treat the trees with Bordeaux mixture (1%). Spray 3 times at 3 week intervals.

If juniper grows in the garden, it needs to be removed and the area needs to be dug up. The plant is a source of rust infection.

Brown spot (phyllostictosis)

Symptoms: the appearance on the leaves of small brown spots with a dark brown rim. In the center there are black dots (fungal spores). The spots can cover the entire surface of the leaves.

Start treatment at autumn period. Procedure:

  1. Destroy fallen leaves.
  2. Dig up the tree trunk circles.
  3. Trim the thickened crown; this should be done annually.
  4. In the fall, spray the trees with a urea solution (5%), treat the soil with the same preparation, but at a concentration of 7%.

What to do in spring:

  1. Spray the trees with Bordeaux mixture (3-4%) before flowering. After the buds have formed, treat only with a 1% solution.
  2. Perform a second spray after flowering is complete.

In the future, 1 more treatment will be required (no later than 20 days before harvesting).


Signs of damage: the appearance of ulcers on the bark dark color. In the future, they penetrate the trunk, increase in size and become brown-red. The bark and branches gradually die off.

Treatment is as follows: in the spring it is necessary to treat the tree 3 times:

  • during the period of bud swelling (Hom fungicide - 40 g per 10 liters of water);
  • before flowering (copper sulfate solution - 50 g per 10 liters of water);
  • after the end of flowering (Hom - 40 g of substance per 10 liters of water).

In late autumn, trim off the affected branches and burn them. Clean the wounds with a sterile instrument. Up to 2 cm of healthy tissue needs to be removed.

Disinfect the cuts with copper sulfate (3%), cover with garden solution. Treat tree trunks with lime, feed apple trees with mineral fertilizers (phosphorus or potassium).

Black cancer

Signs of damage: the appearance of black spots on the leaves, the formation of black rot on the fruits. In addition, the bark begins to darken, multiple cracks appear on its surface, and it begins to turn in the opposite direction.

Start treatment in the spring, before the temperature environment will rise to 15 °C and above. Using sharp knife, remove the affected areas (down to the wood), capturing healthy bark (1.5-2 cm). They need to be burned.

Disinfect wounds with a solution of copper sulfate (1-2%) and cover garden varnish. After the trees bloom, spray with Bordeaux mixture (1%). Black cancer may reappear within a year or two. In this case, it is better to cut down the diseased trunk or the entire tree and burn it.

milky shine

The disease affects the bark of the apple tree. The first symptoms of the disease can be seen on the leaves. They turn yellow and white-silver stripes appear on them. Then the leaves fall off. Subsequently, dark spots form on the bark.

Methods of control: remove the affected areas of the tree bark, treat the cuts with a 1% solution of copper sulfate and garden pitch. It is recommended to spray the tree with Bordeaux mixture (1%). Carry out 2 treatments in the spring - before and after flowering. Timely spraying with fertilizers has a good effect.

Bacterial diseases

Bacterial burn (bacteriosis)

Main signs: the appearance of black spots all over the apple tree. The leaves begin to darken and curl, but they remain on the branches. The flowers turn dark brown and fall off. The fruits acquire dark shade, do not ripen.

Treatment measures include:

Main symptoms: the appearance of growths on the roots (main, lateral), root collar. At first the formations are small and soft, then they increase in size and harden. In autumn, the growths rot and collapse. At the same time, a large number of bacteria are released into the soil.

Bacterial root canker is introduced into the garden only with seedlings; the disease cannot be treated.

Prevention measures include:

  1. Careful selection of seedlings (no growths on the central root, root collar).
  2. Trimming lateral roots with growths.
  3. Disinfection of the root system after pruning in a solution of copper sulfate (1%) for 5 minutes, followed by rinsing in clean water.

It is necessary to add phosphorus and potassium to the soil mineral fertilizers. You cannot use only nitrogen. From organic fertilizers It's better to take manure.

Bacterial necrosis

All parts of trees are affected (from bark to fruits). The flowers turn brown, then black, and fall off. Spots appear on fruits and leaves. The edges of the leaves become necrotic, the leaf blade curls along the main vein and dries out. Spots appear on the shoots, which then cover the entire young shoot.

A necrotic spot forms on the branches and trunk of the tree, which subsequently increases in size. Oily spots appear, from which liquid oozes. Cambium, inner layer the bark swells, turns yellow-orange, and peels off from the wood.

Treatment consists of the following activities:

  1. Trim the affected branches, including 2-3 cm of healthy tissue, and burn them.
  2. Disinfect the sections with carbolic acid (5%) or copper sulfate (1%).
  3. Cover the cuts with oil paint or garden putty.
  4. Treat stains on trunks with a 5% solution of zinc chloride. There is no need to clean the wounds. This procedure should be carried out every 3-4 years.

Biological bactericides with targeted action are effective: Gaupsin, Pentofag-S, Fitosporin, Alirin-B. To prevent the spread of bacterial necrosis, treatment with Bordeaux mixture (1%) is necessary.

Viral diseases of apple trees


Symptoms: the appearance of pale green or yellowish spots on young leaves. The veins are colored normally. As the disease progresses, the leaves become fragile and fall off. The apple tree grows and develops poorly.

Control measures: the disease cannot be treated; a tree with signs of damage must be uprooted and burned.

As preventive measures use the following:

  1. Purchasing healthy planting material.
  2. Compliance with quarantine measures.
  3. Spraying against sucking insects will prevent the spread of the virus.

Star cracking of fruits

The disease affects young fruits. Shapeless spots appear on them, in the center of which star-shaped cracks form. The surrounding tissues become dark brown, almost black. The leaves on the branches of the upper tier become lighter, and the tree grows poorly.

The apple tree will remain sick for life, having become infected with viruses. Fighting them is impossible. If a disease is detected, the tree must be uprooted and burned.

Preventive measures:

  • use of virus-free planting material;
  • spraying against sucking insects (aphids, mites);
  • weed control.

Paniculation (proliferation)

Signs of damage: side shoots appear on apple trees in huge quantities. They are distinguished by short internodes, the bark acquires a reddish tone. A sick tree stops growing.

Sharp, large teeth appear on the edges of the leaves. The flowers become green and ugly. Fruiting slows down, the fruits become very pale and tasteless.

Diseased apple trees cannot be treated; the trees must be uprooted and burned as quickly as possible. As a preventive measure, also use sprays against sucking insects that carry viruses. You can purchase varieties that are resistant to viral diseases, for example, Antonovka vulgaris.

Rosette (small leaves)

Signs of damage: leaves become small, hard, ugly, yellow-green. The edges curl and the leaf blades take on a cup-like shape. The fruits of a diseased apple tree are small and tasteless. The internodes of the shoots are greatly shortened, and rosettes of leaves (normal and deformed) appear at the tops.

Treatment consists of timely removal and destruction of the part of the tree with signs of the disease. Process the cuts oil paint, adding zinc sulfate to it.

Before buds open, spray the plant with a solution of zinc sulfate. If the disease is not very advanced, use a 5% solution, for moderate lesions - 8%, for severe lesions - 12%. If necessary, re-treat with a 0.5% solution. Prevention measures include: spring application of fertilizers for trees and timely removal of weeds.

Apple tree rust is a dangerous disease caused by a fungus. A cunning and sophisticated pathogen is Gumnosporandium tremelloides, genus Phragmidium. Leaves under its influence become incapable of photosynthesis. Disturbed water and mineral metabolism lead to a sharp decrease in yield. The plant is progressively withering. Young promising shoots suffer. They will no longer bear fruit, and the most infected will die. If you do not take action and treat the tree, the prognosis will be unfavorable. The apple tree will die in the coming years. During which, the disease will persistently progress. There can be no talk of any harvest.

What to do in the midst of illness?

Typically, the first symptoms appear in the summer during the period of active and stormy growing season. Round spots appear on the leaves - brown or rusty. As soon as you notice them, you need to urgently get down to business. All infected parts are completely removed:

  • leaves;
  • shoots;
  • branches;
  • ovaries;
  • unripe apples.

Pruning should be done 10 cm below the damage site. The pruning shears must be disinfected several times with a strong antiseptic solution.

Everything that you cut and torn off needs to be burned quickly or taken away from the garden.

Now is the time to treat the apple trees with fungicidal solutions. The choice of chemicals is quite wide. The most popular antifungal agents are:

  • "Topaz";
  • "Kuproksat";
  • "Vectra";
  • 0.4% "Zineba";
  • 1% Bordeaux mixture.

Spraying is carried out three times. The first time on the day of pruning, the second and third time every 10 days.

What anti-rust medications are there?

The huge selection of fungus control products presented in agricultural stores is divided into the following main groups. These are the following groups of drugs:

  1. copper-containing;
  2. having sulfur as a base;
  3. systemic fungicides;
  4. biological products.

Systemic fungicides

For treating rust, fungicides are the number one remedy. It is with them that you need to start treating the disease at its peak. Especially if you want to hit the bull's eye. The most top scores in this fight they bring contact and systemic-contact drugs. These primarily include:

  • "Strobe";
  • "Topaz";
  • "Vectra";
  • "Zineba";
  • “Polishing.”

All drugs work approximately the same. They destroy fungal colonies. At the same time, they infect spores, from which, after exposure, fungi will never appear. They can be easily alternated, which makes it possible to avoid addiction. Since rust fungi have an excellent ability to adapt to chemicals. To do this, they wait out the adverse effects in the form of spores. And then they attack with even greater activity. Systemic fungicides are universal preparations that allow correct use cure trees from rust infection once and for all.

What dosages should be diluted in 1 bucket of water:

  • Strobe -2g;
  • Topaz-2 ml;
  • Vectra -2g;
  • Polisher -2g.

For all of the above remedies, the rule of two applies. This way you can never go wrong when preparing a solution against pathogens. Only Zineba needs 40g.

If at the time of fighting rust, you managed to spray the apple trees, for example, against scab, then there is no need to carry out additional spraying. This will be enough to act on two types of pathogens at the same time.


The drug has a powerful antifungal effect. It is produced in liquid and powder form. The consumption for an apple tree is 2 liters per 10m2. Treatment can be carried out several times, after waiting 2 weeks.


An excellent drug with beneficial benefits. It can be used even during flowering. It is safe for bees. Spraying can be carried out in wet weather and when low temperatures. Highly effective in combating many fungi, especially rust.


A good powerful drug for treatment. The active substance is bromuconazole. A young apple tree requires up to 2 liters. An adult fruiting tree needs 10-15 liters. The maximum frequency of spraying is no more than 3 times. Do not mix with other products.

Copper-containing drugs

Spraying with Bordeaux mixture is one of the most famous ways to combat rust fungus. Use a 1% working solution. The first treatment begins when the temperature in the garden approaches positive values. It is forbidden to spray in hot weather when the temperature is high. If you neglect this rule, you will severely burn the trees. What else is suggested to be used to treat fungus?

Blue Bordeaux

An alternative option for replacing Bordeaux mixture. Available in the form of convenient granules. Quickly and completely dissolves in water. Can be used even in bad weather. The drug copes not only with colonies of pathogens, but also destroys spores. Refers to contact means.

Abiga Peak

The drug contains copper as the main substance. From the contact group antifungal agents. Has a special adhesive. Apply superficially. Does not penetrate inside the bark, acting in upper layers. Important - use only in dry weather. 50 g of the product are diluted in a bucket of water.


Contains nitrogen and copper acetate. At a concentration of 0.25%, it effectively neutralizes all spores of rust fungus. Can be used for root watering. At the same time, it combines the features of a powerful antifungal substance and a beneficial mineral.


Effective both for the prevention and treatment of rust. It forms a protective layer on the leaves, preventing infection and spread of the fungus throughout the tree. Fights fungus, creates negative conditions for its existence. But it doesn't completely kill. 60 g are diluted in a bucket. Do not use in hot weather.

Sulfur-containing drugs

Colloidal sulfur

Gardeners recommend a solution of colloidal sulfur as one of the best means against rust. To prepare it, take 5 liters of liquid and 40g of sulfur powder. Effective upon direct contact. When apple trees are in bloom, spraying cannot be done.


A worthy chemical based on sulfur. Available in a convenient form. It has fast and good solubility in liquid. Doesn't get dusty.

Proven regimens, drug combinations

Experienced gardeners recommend using ready-made diagrams rust treatment. Their use requires precise and correct execution. The first thing that is important to remember is that all tree treatments are carried out before and after flowering. This is done so as not to destroy the beneficial insects that pollinate apple trees during flowering. Take care of your helpers, do not harm them. These are bees ladybugs, bumblebees, ground beetles.

  1. The first treatment before buds open is carried out with 1% copper sulfate. The second - copper oxychloride, as an option - ordan or oxychome. The third - back with Bordeaux mixture or “Kuprosil”. Many recommend repeating blue spraying again after 10 days.
  2. “Topaz” is sprayed only 3 times. But this is quite enough to no longer have problems with rust.
  3. The first and second spraying is “Champion”, “Kuprosil” or Bordeaux mixture. For the third, take “Tiovit” or colloidal sulfur. For the fourth, a universal fungicide or “Propi Plus”.

Protecting apple trees from rust with biological products, why is it beneficial to use them?

To grow environmentally friendly apples, you can try to defeat the enemy using biological means. They are absolutely non-toxic and do not accumulate anywhere. The effect after spraying lasts 3 weeks. Processing can be carried out as much as you like, right up to apple picking. The only conditions that must be met:

  1. Carry out treatment only at a certain temperature (12-18 degrees).
  2. Correctly follow the proportions indicated on the packages.

Basic biological products, methods of their use

Biological products increase the immunity of trees, making them more resistant to fungal pathogens. Their use does not cause any harmful effects. They are absolutely safe for:

  • person;
  • plants;
  • insects;
  • animals.

By using biological products, you get 100% natural organic apples that you can safely eat yourself and give to children.


An effective remedy for the fungus that causes brown rust. Preparation method: 50 ml per 10 liters of liquid. In addition to the antifungal effect, it causes strong growth of young shoots.


One of the most widely used fungicides. Has a wide spectrum of action. Rust is one of the indications for use. It is prepared as follows: 100 ml of working solution is diluted in 10 liters of water. The first treatment begins immediately after the buds open. Continues throughout the season. Frequency - 2 times a month. During the flowering period, treatment is not carried out.


An effective drug with a huge number of positive reviews. Apple trees are treated throughout the growing season. 15 ml are diluted in 10 liters of liquid. Not only trees are processed, but also fruits stored for storage.


Successfully fights pathogenic fungi. The effect is not inferior to Planriz. Method of preparation: 30g of Phytodoctor per 10 liters of water. Apple trees are treated every 2 weeks throughout the growing season. The starting point is the time of bud break. Finish before harvest.

Tank mixtures

Once you understand the action of biological products, you can combine them at your discretion. Tank mixtures - effective method fight against rust. To prepare them, mix in 10 liters of water:

  • Planriz - 50ml;
  • Ecoberine -50ml;
  • Trichodermin -100 ml;
  • Gaupsin -100ml;
  • Phytodoctor -30g.

In case of rust damage, treatment is carried out 2-3 times a month. From the moment the buds open until the harvest.

Be careful juniper, why is the shrub dangerous for the apple tree?

Planning orchard even at the planting stage, it is important to consider helpful advice. Never plant juniper bushes next to apple trees. If the garden has already been laid a long time ago, and you discover such a combination, immediately take up the shovel. Replant the bushes somewhere further away, preferably to a park or small forest. You can simply get rid of them if your plot is no more than 10 acres.

The juniper tree is not a comrade, not a friend, but a very dangerous roommate. It is in it that pathogens of the disease appear, multiply and persist. Spores are carried by the wind to apple trees, causing a dangerous infectious process. Insects actively flying around the garden also contribute to infection. The spores comfortably overwinter in the needles, and in the spring they begin new attacks on the trees. If this process is not interrupted, you may soon be left not only without apples, but also without all the trees. Since, having eaten and played enough in the leaves, the pathogen moves to the trunk, branches, and fruits. First year shoots are especially sensitive to it.

Decorating dachas with conifers is fraught with the spread of disease in the form of an epidemic. If you are hesitant to get rid of your favorite spruce or pine tree, inspect it for infection. Colonies of the pathogen attach to twigs coniferous plants characteristic brown-rusty color.

There is a way out in this case too. Armed with a file and pruning shears, prune conifers. Dig the soil deeply or pour boiling water over it. Treatment with fungicides brings good results. Therefore, spray your coniferous favorites every spring. And at the same time, do not forget to thoroughly cultivate the soil layer underneath them.

Remember that if you regularly care for juniper and Christmas trees, it is possible to stop the spread of the pathogen. With perseverance and perseverance, you will preserve not only apple trees, but also evergreen fuzzies.

In addition, there is evidence that even the complete destruction of juniper bushes will not save you from rust. Spores can travel enormous distances - 50 km or more. Even more so in strong winds. Therefore, the best way out is to be a caring owner and set aside time to care for the Christmas trees.

Rust fungi are terribly afraid of wormwood. Therefore, bitter plants are absolutely safe to use. But with high efficiency. Wormwood decoction is used to combat pathogenic fungi. At the same time, do not forget to burn diseased leaves every autumn.

To defeat rust once and for all, use only proven effective fungicides. A one-time treatment may not be enough. Therefore, be patient and carry out treatment in several approaches. Don't put off spraying for too long. The sooner you take action, the less fungi will have time to multiply and take over healthy areas on the tree. If nothing is done, the apple trees may die.

The apple tree is one of the most popular fruit trees that can be found in almost any garden in our country. This is due to the unpretentiousness and fairly high yield of the crop. In addition, the apples themselves can be used to make many wonderful dishes and are easy to preserve for the winter.

Most often, the apple tree does not require special effort from the gardener and grows well “on its own”, but some may experience small yellowish or black spots appearing on the fruits and leaves. Most likely, it will be a disease called rust.

Description and signs of the disease

Rust is an infection of a tree with fungal spores, which begins with the leaves and, if not properly cared for, can spread to the branches and fruits of the tree. If you do not start fighting fungal spores early stages, then the apple tree, which is covered with rust, will begin to wither and may simply die. Light spores of a fungus called Gymnosporangium tremelloides are carried by wind over distances ranging from a few centimeters to tens of kilometers and are most dangerous to young shoots. Some of them die under the influence of the disease, some become non-bearing, and the rest produce a harvest of diseased fruits. In addition, spore carriers can be birds or insects flying from a diseased plant to a healthy one.

Determining whether an apple tree has rust is quite simple: you just need visual inspection. First, small round spots of a yellow-brown hue appear on the top of the young greenery. Over time, they grow in diameter and in number until they begin to turn into small growths. Gradually, not only the leaves, but also the branches of the trees become covered with growths, and the first fruits are already growing with spots. Affected apples may be dry on the outside but completely rotten on the inside.

Of course, if you notice the first signs of the disease in time and begin to fight the fungus, the risk of getting a diseased crop is minimal. To do this, it is enough to regularly pay attention to the young shoots of the tree and not miss the moment the first spots appear.

However, rust is not the only reason for the appearance of round spots on apple tree leaves. Sometimes such a change in green color indicates a lack of certain substances. If spots appear on the leaf, but their color does not resemble rusty metal, then you need to carefully study their shade. This will help you understand exactly what you should fertilize your apple tree with. The spots can be of different colors.

  • Yellow spots. Such marks on the leaves of the tree, along with a change in the color of young shoots to dark brown, indicate a lack of nitrogen in the soil.
  • Bluish tint and a sharp cessation of growth of young shoots signals a lack of phosphorus. If you do not add a special additive to the soil, flowering and fruit ripening may not occur.
  • Brown spots on drying apple tree foliage - this is a lack of potassium. Large leaves will begin to fall off, but new ones will not appear. Thus, the tree can fly around without waiting for autumn.
  • Reddish tint lesions is an indicator of magnesium deficiency. Such a tree will bear fruit, but the apples will be very small and tasteless. If the spots are located only along the contour of the leaf, then instead of magnesium the plant needs copper.
  • Not exactly spots, more like dark yellowish coating, appearing along the edges of apple leaves indicates a manganese deficiency.

The sooner the cause of the change in the color of the leaves and the appearance of lesions on them is identified, the more effective the treatment will be. Red spots are much more dangerous for wood than a deficiency of any of the elements and minerals.

If you promptly and correctly distinguish a fungal disease from common disadvantage it doesn’t work out in terms of nutrients, it’s better to combine feeding the apple tree with treating it for rust.

Causes of defeat

In most cases, the fungus enters the plant from the beginning of spring to its end. The carrier of this disease is usually coniferous trees and shrubs, and especially juniper. A few decades ago, only gardens in the southern regions of the country were at risk, since only there these two types of plants could grow side by side. With development landscape design There are more and more households with decorative areas, on which a juniper bush is planted. This led to the spread of fungal spores, which are increasingly attacking apple trees every year.

The disease develops most rapidly in conditions elevated temperature and humidity. With frequent rains and early summer, fungal spores feel most comfortable on apple tree leaves. Since they are easily transferred even by the person himself on his clothes, skin and hair, after contact with a separate infected apple tree, the gardener can with my own hands infect other trees. In dense apple thickets, the infection spreads at an alarming rate and without proper treatment can lead to the death of all apple trees. Spores, falling on a leaf, germinate into it and feed on the juices of the apple tree. They disrupt the process of photosynthesis and the nutrition of the plant itself, so short term(about 30–40 days) active inhibition of fruit and shoot growth begins, the tree begins to crack and die.

How and with what to treat?

If signs of infection of an apple tree with a fungus are detected, it is necessary to begin to fight them as soon as possible. Treatment consists of several stages and includes not only simple spraying, but also other necessary measures.

  • Remove the cause of the disease. If there is juniper growing on or near your property, it is best to get rid of it. In almost 100% of cases, this is the root cause of the appearance of the fungus. After the plant has been uprooted and destroyed, the freed area of ​​land must be carefully dug up. If a juniper grows at your neighbor's dacha and it is impossible to get rid of it, it is worth planting the part of the garden closest to it tall plants, which can protect fruit-bearing trees from fungus. They will block access to the apple tree and spores will not be able to get onto it.
  • Remove affected areas. Those leaves, branches and fruits of the apple tree that are already affected by the fungus are almost impossible to cure. In addition, even if various sprayings and treatments are done, diseased shoots can infect healthy parts of the tree or neighboring apple trees. To prevent this from happening, diseased branches will have to be cut off or sawed off. The cutting site should be no higher than 10 cm from the last source of disease. This will preserve healthy fruits and reduce the risk of missing incipient rust spots.

It is best to burn the cut parts so as not to create new threat. If there is no possibility of destruction by fire, then they should be taken away from the site and buried in the ground.

  • Treat with special means. After pruning, you can begin treating with fungicidal (antifungal) drugs. There are several types of such solutions.
    • Fungicides. Such remedies are considered the most powerful in the fight against fungal infections of apple trees. Treatment with their help can give a positive result even if the tree begins to dry out and die. Some of the most popular fungicides that can be purchased at any flower or pet store are Topaz, Polyram and Strobi.
    • Preparations with copper. Such preparations can be used if the weather is not too hot, which is associated with the risk of burns from young shoots of apple trees. One of the most popular copper-containing products is ordinary Bordeaux mixture. You can also purchase a product called “Blue Bordeaux” or “Kuproksat”.
    • Preparations with sulfur. Sulfur is also a popular way to combat rust on fruitful plants. It protects apple trees especially effectively when directly spraying diseased branches. Unfortunately, sulfur cannot be used during the flowering period, since the sprayed plants will not be pollinated. One of the most inexpensive and popular drugs is colloidal sulfur. You can also order online or purchase in large stores. shopping centers"Cumulus", which is highly soluble in water and can be mixed with various fertilizers.
    • Biological products. Treating sick trees with such preparations not only gets rid of fungal spores, but, unlike chemicals, is harmless to people, animals, insects and the plants themselves. Processed apples can be safely eaten even by children. The most effective means, according to customer reviews, are “Planriz” and “Fitosporin-M”. It is necessary to dilute the drug in a bucket of water in the amount indicated in the instructions on the package. Most often, spraying is carried out three times with intervals of several days. It is necessary to spray the entire tree, starting from the very top leaves and ending with the soil near the apple tree roots.

It is not advisable to eat the fruits of the sprayed apple tree for several weeks after the end of treatment. Even after this time, it is worth thoroughly washing the fruits under running water before eating or cooking them.

The apple tree is the favorite tree of most gardeners, and all thanks to the fact that the crop is easy to care for and is unpretentious. A wide range of uses of fruits, leaves and flowers in everyday life further adds to its popularity. fruit trees. Apple trees, like other plants, are susceptible to various diseases that arise due to certain negative factors. It is worth considering in more detail the reasons for the appearance brown spots on foliage, and ways to deal with rust on apple tree leaves.

The main reason for the appearance of rust stains is due to the presence of fungus. Very often fruit crops planted next to coniferous plants suffer. As they grow, you can notice the appearance of star-shaped outgrowths on the leaves of apple trees, on which new spores are formed, which in the spring will be carried around by gusts of wind. garden trees. After infection, the disease spreads to the leaves, shoots and fruits.

The most disadvantaged regions for rust on apple trees are the Southern, Southwestern, Southeastern regions of Ukraine and the Republic of Crimea.

The period of active development of the fungus and how it is dangerous for the apple tree

The disease is fungal in nature and after the tree is damaged, it disrupts the ability of the leaves to photosynthesize. The yield is noticeably reduced due to disruptions in water-mineral metabolism. The tree begins to wither right before our eyes. First, a rusty coating appears, then brown spots appear, and then brown spots.

Additional damage is caused to young shoots, from which it is no longer useful to expect a harvest. Severe damage causes the death of young trees. Most often this happens at the beginning of summer - in June-July.

As soon as the disease is identified, it must be treated, otherwise you may lose all the fruit trees in the garden. Apple trees affected by rust die within a few years, during which time the fungus develops more and more.

Signs of tree disease

Any spots on the foliage, or if the leaves are curled, is a signal to the gardener. Rust becomes noticeable from the moment the leaves bloom. Special attention should be given to plants in the last spring months.

At the first appearance of rust, it is necessary to begin treatment to prevent the spread of infection throughout the garden and protect future fruits.

Systemic fungicides to control fungal infections

To get rid of rust, fungicidal agents are most often used as control measures. They are best used to identify the disease. The most effective drugs are those classified as contact or systemic-contact.


  • "Strobe";
  • "Topaz";
  • "Vectra";
  • "Zineba";
  • “Polishing.”

All products have approximately the same effect, aimed at destroying the fungal colony. The spores are defeated, which, thanks to the active particles of the drug, will no longer be able to generate fungi.

Universal preparations include systemic fungicides, thanks to which, if used correctly, you can completely cure the garden of red leaves and disease.

As for dosages, medicines are diluted in a bucket of water in the following quantities:

  • "Strobe" - 2 grams;
  • “Topaz” - 2 milliliters;
  • "Vectra" - 2 grams;
  • “Polyram” - 2 grams.

All of the above products are diluted in the same quantity, and therefore it is difficult to make a mistake when preparing a medicinal solution. But “Tsenebu” is added to water in the amount of 40 grams.

Worth knowing: if horticultural crops have been treated for scab, there is no need to additionally spray the trees against rust. The chosen remedy will have an effect on both pathogens.


The product is a powerful anti-fungal drug. Release form: liquid or powder. One tree requires 2 liters per 10 square meters. Treatment is carried out up to several times with a 14-day break between them.


The drug has some advantages that allow you to use the product at the time of flower formation. The fungicide is not dangerous to bees.

Processing can be carried out at low temperature, high humidity. The product is effective against various fungal diseases; it is especially successful in fighting rust.


Active active substance This powerful drug is called bromuconazole. For young tree Two liters of diluted product is enough. Adult fruiting apple trees are sprayed with a solution of 10-15 liters.

The spray product can be used a maximum of 3 times and must not be mixed with other preparations.

Copper-containing drugs for the treatment of disease

Rust fungus is successfully attacked by Bordeaux mixture, which is considered one of the most known methods treatment of the disease. A working 1% solution is used.

The garden is treated for the first time in the spring when installing more or less warm weather. In hot weather, it is strictly prohibited to use the product due to the risk of burns on trees.

There are also drugs that can fight rust on apple trees.

"Blue Bordeaux"

It perfectly replaces Bordeaux mixture and is available in granular form. The product dissolves easily in water. The advantage is that the solution is suitable for use in inclement weather.

"Blue Bordeaux" destroys pathogenic colonies along with spores. The tool is contact.

"Abiga Peak"

The main substance is copper. The drug also belongs to the contact group of substances. The product must be applied to the affected areas of the tree. The drug will not penetrate into the inner layers of the wood.

You need to know that the use of “Abiga Peak” is possible only in dry weather. To obtain a working solution, you need to dilute 50 grams of the drug in a bucket of water.


Consists of nitrogen and copper acetate. If you prepare a 0.25% solution, it will neutralize all fungal spores.

The product is suitable for root watering. The benefit of the product is that it destroys rust and saturates the soil with useful components.


Can be used both prophylactically and remedy. The leaves are covered with a protective layer, and therefore the fungus cannot infect and spread throughout the apple tree.

When fighting rust, conditions are created that are completely unsuitable for the fungus, but complete destruction cannot be achieved. A bucket of water requires 60 grams. The product is contraindicated for use in hot weather.

Next group medicines against red spots on leaves and spoilage of fruits are preparations containing sulfur.

Colloidal sulfur

The greatest effect occurs if the product comes into contact with the affected crop. It is important to remember that colloidal sulfur is not used when trees bloom.


The main component is sulfur. Convenient release form, quickly and easily dissolves in water. Does not create dust.

Basic biological products

Biological preparations against rust spots and diseases of apple trees differ from other remedies in that they improve the immune system fruit crops and increase resistance to fungal diseases. Negative consequences not detected during use.

The products are not dangerous for:

  • of people;
  • flora;
  • insects;
  • pets.

When using biological products, the harvest is completely safe for both adults and children.


If brown rust occurs, it is advisable to use this product. The drug in an amount of 50 ml is added to 10 liters of water. "Planriz" effectively fights fungus and enhances the growth of young trees.


It is a very common product with a wide range of effects, including successfully fighting rust. You can prepare the working solution as follows: 100 ml of the product must be diluted in 10 liters of water.

The first treatment is carried out after the buds open, and then twice a month throughout the season. When the apple trees begin to bloom, the product is not used.

"Fitosporin M"

A product with a huge number of positive reviews from gardeners. Trees can be treated throughout the growing season. To obtain a solution, you need to dilute 15 ml of the product in water - 10 liters.

It is possible to process not only trees, but also crops that are difficult to store.


It has proven itself as a successful means of combating fungus. To prepare a working solution, you need to dilute 30 grams of the product in 10 liters of water. Fruit trees are processed every 14 days during the growing season.

You can start spraying from the moment the buds begin to bloom. Stop using the product before harvesting apples.

Tank mixtures

Now it becomes clear how to use biological drugs; if desired, you can create a combination of several drugs at once. The use of tank mixtures is very effective method to combat fungus.

It’s very simple to prepare, for 10 liters of water you need to take:

  • 50 ml "Planriza";
  • 50 ml "Ecoberine";
  • 100 ml “Trichodermin”;
  • 100 ml "Gaupsin";
  • 30 grams of “Phytodoctor”.

If the trees are already affected by the fungus, then the crop must be treated up to 3 times a month, from the moment the buds open until the harvest.

Technology and processing time

If the leaves of apple trees are covered with rust, then you can fight the infection as follows:

  1. On the first day, as soon as diseased shoots appear, they must be cut 7 cm lower than the affected area. Mandatory destruction of the source of the spread of the disease, for example, diseased juniper. The tree trunk circle is cleared, the soil is treated with copper sulfate in the form of a solution.
  2. On the second day, spray the apple trees with a fungicidal solution. The choice of drug depends on the growing season. Juniper also needs to be treated with the same product.
  3. On the fourth day, potassium monophosphate is used for foliar feeding of apple trees. Using potassium humate for watering.
  4. On the seventh day, treat the fruit trees and juniper with the same fungicide that was selected earlier.
  5. On the fourteenth day, ash lye is used to treat apple trees.
  6. On the thirtieth day, a new fungicidal agent against the fungus is selected.
  7. On the thirty-seventh day - another fungicidal treatment.
  8. On the fortieth day - potassium monophosphate is used for foliar feeding apple trees

After the harvest is harvested, the apple trees pass sanitary pruning, shoots are removed from the trunk or root shoots. It is necessary to whiten the trunk and lower parts of the skeletal branches. "Fitolavin" is used for processing trunk circle, mulching is additionally used.

Beginning of the next season - copper sulfate is used to spray trees when the buds begin to bloom. The juniper also needs to be treated.
Before flowering begins, apple trees are treated using a tank mix.

Preventive measures to prevent infection

Any disease can be overcome if treatment is started in a timely manner. Protective measures can help prevent the spread of infection. This practice is called prevention, thanks to timely measures taken you can save garden trees.

To prevent the formation of fungus, you must:

  • cleaning the garden - after the harvest is harvested, it is recommended to remove plant debris as much as possible;
  • compliance with agrotechnical measures (timely processing, fertilizing, proper watering);
  • use of fungicides to treat apple trees;
  • planting varieties resistant to fungal diseases.

If you promptly inspect fruit crops to identify diseased trees and start treatment on time, losses can be avoided. Any disease is always easier to prevent than to cure.

Why is juniper dangerous for an apple orchard?

Not many gardeners know about the danger juniper bushes pose to apple trees. It is in them that rust pathogens arise and persist. The spores of this fungus are carried by the wind or on the legs of an insect to apple trees. IN winter period rust is found in juniper needles, and in the spring it comes to life and attacks the apple tree again.

In order to interrupt this process and not be left not only without a harvest, but also without the entire garden, you should either get rid of the juniper or transplant it from the apple trees at a great distance. Young shoots are especially susceptible to the influence of the fungus.

Fruit tree rust is a common disease that affects apple trees, significantly reduces yields, and leads to the death of plantings. In this article we will tell you why rust occurs, how to deal with this disease and how to carry out preventive spraying of apple trees, which will completely solve the problems with this tree disease.

General definition of the disease

Apple tree rust is caused by fungal infections, which without proper treatment can quickly destroy the plantings, affecting various fruit trees on the site. Fungal pathogen of this disease Both young trees and mature fruit-bearing apple trees are susceptible.

Identifying this disease on an apple tree and fighting the fungus is not difficult. Clearly visible spots with a characteristic rust color may appear on the leaves, which must be treated immediately after their detection. The spots may have small black spots containing fungal spores.

It should be said that the fungal pathogen of this disease overwinters in the ground and in the bark of a tree, and with the onset of the first warm days becomes active and affects apple tree plantings.

When leaves are infected with rust, they quickly dry out, and fungal spores are spread throughout the garden by wind and rain. In most cases, only the leaves of the tree are affected by rust.

However, a mutated fungus can also be observed on branches and fruits. The most vulnerable are young shoots, which, when affected by rust, quickly dry out and die. The fruits of apple trees that have such rust spots stop growing and quickly fall off.

Spots and foci of such a fungal infection that appear on the leaves of an apple tree invariably disrupt the photosynthesis of trees, and difficulties in metabolism are noted. All this negatively affects the growth of trees.

Rust spores penetrate the foliage and shoots, drawing off some of the moisture. As a result, the entire tree suffers from a lack of life-giving water, which can also, with extensive damage, quickly lead to the death of the plantings. Treat landings in in this case necessary with appropriate agrochemicals, which can be purchased at garden stores.

How it spreads

How this disease spreads and what to do to prevent it. The smallest fungal spores of apple tree rust can be carried by the wind 50 kilometers. Therefore, it is often difficult to completely protect your garden from this disease.

At the same time, it is necessary to eliminate all pockets of possible infection, which will minimize the danger, and when the first signs of such a disease appear, you can quickly take action and cure all your trees.

It has been established that the main carrier of rust fungal spores is juniper. Therefore, if this shrub grows on your site or nearby, it must be completely uprooted, and the ground should be dug up deeply.

Fencing apple trees with various other plantings that retard painful spores has shown effectiveness. Do not forget also that the fungal pathogen of this disease overwinters in the bark of trees, so appropriate therapeutic fungicidal treatment will allow you to destroy the infection even before it begins to become active on the trees.

That is why it is extremely important to properly treat trees in early spring, which will be an excellent preventive measure against various diseases.

Prevention of rust on apple trees

Proper prevention of fruit tree rust will protect your apple orchard from this dangerous disease. It is only necessary to determine why the damage to the plantings occurred and provide proper care for the plantings.

As such preventive measures, we can recommend that you abandon the practice of landing on personal plot ornamental coniferous plants. Therefore, if you have ornamental pines, fir trees, thujas or other similar trees growing in your garden, they must be uprooted, and the ground must be plowed and disinfected accordingly.

Every spring, after the snow melts, trees should be pruned, even before the buds appear, and the plantings should also be treated with a solution of copper sulfate. In garden stores you can find various antifungal fungicides that are effective; they can be used both for preventive purposes and for the treatment of this unpleasant disease.

Rust or any other diseases of fruit plants do not occur on empty space. A suitable biology for the causative agent of the disease is required, as well as a significant weakening of the plantings.

The optimal environment for the development of rust, like any other fungal diseases, is high temperature, high humidity. To prevent this, you should properly water the plantings, and make appropriate pruning of the crown every spring, which will avoid its thickening.

Treatment of rust on apple trees

With timely initiation of treatment for this disease, the gardener will be able to quickly cope with this disease, restoring the growth and productivity of his apple orchard. Currently, there are various effective fungicides that quickly destroy the fungal pathogen of fruit tree rust.

To disinfect leaves with characteristic rust stains, we can recommend that you use a 5% solution of copper sulfate. Treatment can be carried out in early spring and summer after rust-affected leaves are detected.

Also high efficiency show sulfur-based products. One of the most common such fungicides is colloidal sulfur, which is easy to use.

You can also use 1% Bordeaux mixture, such as Strobi, Polyram, Cumulus and Abiga Peak. Let's talk in more detail about using these effective fungicides from rust.

Strobi is an effective new generation of fungicides that destroys various diseases caused by fungal spores. This drug is completely safe to use and can be used both for the prevention and treatment of trees and leaves with spots affected by fungus.

One of the advantages of using this fungicide is its complete safety, since after two to three weeks it is completely removed from the trees, without compromising the quality of the grown crop. Strobi is sold in the form of a dry powder, which is diluted in water immediately before spraying.

To spray, you will need to dilute one teaspoon of powder in 10 liters of water and use the prepared solution to treat one fruit tree. It is recommended to carry out two treatments of the affected apple tree plantings within 10 days, which will completely destroy the causative agent of this disease.

Abiga-pik is a contact copper-containing fungicide with broad action. It is sold in the form of a suspension, which must be diluted in 10 liters of water before use. The active copper contained in this product quickly destroys various fungal diseases, while it is completely safe for planting and ripening crops.

Cumulus is actually colloidal sulfur, which is made in an easily digestible form. This product is produced in the form of granules, which are dissolved in water before use.

It should be remembered that plantings can be processed in a strictly defined temperature range from +18 to +28. It is best to stick to the upper temperature range, since at 20 degrees and below the processing efficiency decreases somewhat.

The granules must be diluted in a bucket of water and used to spray one tree. This product has certain restrictions on its use, but it is extremely effective.


Apple tree rust is a common bacterial disease that affects fruit plantings and is localized mainly on tree leaves. You can identify rust by seeing spots on the foliage of apple trees with a characteristic yellow or brown color.

If you notice such signs of a disease, you need to fight it using appropriate fungicides, which will allow you to quickly deal with the problem that has arisen, and your garden will grow quickly and bear fruit well.
