Transplanting marigolds at home. Planting marigold seedlings - we grow unpretentious bright flowers on the site. What you need for growing

These bright annuals are valued by amateur gardeners and specialists involved in landscape design, for the excellent combination of unpretentiousness and excellent decorative qualities. Knowing when to sow marigold seedlings, you can admire their flowering from spring until the first frost. A race in time will allow you to shift the flowering period of Tagetes (this is the botanical name of this plant).

Sowing time

You can sow marigolds both before winter and in spring. Sowing in middle lane In Russia, they are carried out when the threat of return frosts disappears - from the end of May to the beginning of June. Shelter non-woven material will allow us to push back these deadlines by another 2 weeks - to the beginning of May. In more southern regions, sowing in the ground can be carried out starting at the end of March.

Sowing seedlings depends on the following factors:

  • timing of frost-free weather for planting;
  • desired timing of flowering of marigolds.

Tagetes flowering occurs 1.5-2 months after emergence. Consequently, planting marigold seedlings occurs from March 15 to April 10. Additional illumination of annual crops during the winter months will allow the flowering time to be brought forward for a short time. For getting flowering plants already in April-May, seeds are sown at home in January-February.

Soil preparation

A fungal disease, colloquially called “black leg,” can completely destroy young marigold seedlings. To prevent this from happening, the land for sowing should be carefully prepared. There are several ways to disinfect it.

  1. A container with an earthen mixture for sowing seeds is spilled with a fungicide solution - Fitosporin, Vitaros, Maxim or any other will do in accordance with the instructions.
  2. The soil is shed with a dark pink solution of manganese.
  3. The earth is steamed in a double boiler or in a water bath for 0.5-1 hour.
  4. The earth mixture is processed in microwave oven for 10 minutes in “Medium power” mode.

Place a drainage layer of expanded clay or crushed stone on the bottom of the seedling box with a layer of at least 2-3 cm.

The composition of the mixture for sowing can be as follows:

  • humus – 1 part;
  • garden or garden soil - 2 parts;
  • peat – 1 part;
  • coarse river sand - 1 part.

There should be holes at the bottom of the container or box to allow water to drain. Before planting seeds, the soil must be watered in advance and left for a day at a temperature of +18 to +21⁰С.

Sowing seeds

On the surface of the prepared substrate, grooves with a depth of at least 1 cm are made every 3-4 cm, into which Tagetes seeds are sown at a distance of 1.5 cm from one another. The grooves are sprinkled with a mixture of soil and sifted sand in a 1:1 ratio. Sowing is carried out not only with dry, but also with swollen and pre-soaked seeds. They are kept in a damp cloth and a plastic bag for 3 days.

You can add a little sifted furnace ash to the mixture for filling the furrows. This measure will be an additional prevention of the appearance of “black leg”.

If you plan to grow seedlings of several varieties, the crops must be labeled with the name of the variety. At home, it is convenient to use thick foil on which the name of the variety is squeezed out. This label does not get wet or fade from sunlight.

The seedling box is placed in a warm place (from +22 to +25⁰С), covered plastic cover, plastic film or a layer of plexiglass. Before emergence, this mini-greenhouse needs to be ventilated regularly. Shoots with this temperature conditions will appear after 4-6 days. The container with seedlings is transferred to a cooler place, reducing the temperature to +18⁰С.


This operation is carried out when the seedlings have at least 2 true leaves. The soil for placing picked plants has the same composition as for sowing seeds. Growing annuals will be more successful if you add 1 tbsp to the soil. l. full mineral fertilizer and half a glass of ash for every 5 liters soil mixture. Place the picked plants 7 cm apart from each other. It’s even better to do picking using small or seedling cassettes.

When transplanting, you need to pinch off the central root of the seedling in half. If this technique is carried out correctly, then root system the tagetes will be fibrous, and the seedlings will be strong and stocky.

The prepared plants are planted in a recess in a pot or cassette up to the cotyledon leaves, the roots are straightened and carefully sprinkled with soil. Then the picked seedlings are carefully watered warm water, trying not to wash away the soil from the roots. When it settles, add fresh mixture. If mineral fertilizer was not applied before picking, after 10 days the plants need to be fed with any fertilizer. It is convenient to do this by timing the fertilizing with the next watering.

Tagetes seedlings are grown with infrequent watering. It is correct to water it only after the top layer has dried.

If seedlings are cultivated in February or early March, they need to be illuminated for 2-3 hours a day, increasing daylight hours to normal. At home, it is convenient to use fluorescent fluorescent lamps.

Preparing the soil for transplanting into open ground

The brightest and beautiful specimens Tagetes can only be grown on sunny place. It is not necessary to select exclusively fertile soil for transplanting marigolds to permanent place. For this unpretentious plant, it is enough to follow simple conditions:

  • loose, breathable soil;
  • permeable earthen substrate without stagnant water.

Before planting seedlings in the dug up soil, you need to add complete mineral fertilizer (30 g per 1 sq. m.) and seal it.

Improvement of severe clay soil contributes to the introduction of sand and peat.

Planting in open ground

You need to transfer seedlings to a flower garden in order to continue growing them there in a certain sequence.

  1. Prepare holes for seedlings in advance. They need to be done at a distance specified by the characteristics of the variety, from 15 to 35 cm from each other.
  2. The root system is placed in the hole, the plant should be planted so that the roots start at 1-2 cm deeper than the surface land.
  3. The planting hole is sprinkled with earth, the soil is compacted.
  4. The plant is watered at the leaves or at the root.

Caring for marigolds

Further cultivation of this annual plant is not difficult even for inexperienced gardeners. This unpretentious plant Withers only in severe drought. Tagetes needs regular watering, weeding, one-time feeding for lush flowering. An excess of nitrogen can cause marigolds to increase vegetative mass to the detriment of flowering.

Mulch the soil around plants to retain moisture during the dry season.

Marigolds can very rarely be affected by pests, most often aphids. The pest is washed off with a stream of water when watering or the marigolds are treated with a systemic pesticide for ornamental plants.

If you follow all the subtleties of growing seedlings and systematic care, marigolds will delight you with their flowering and bright greenery throughout the season. This unpretentious plant recovers very quickly after transplanting and picking. By carefully selecting the timing of sowing seedlings, you can significantly extend the flowering season for this annual.

Varieties of marigolds differ in the size of the adult plant, the size of the flowers, and the color of the petals. The richness of shades (from red-brown to lemon yellow) allows you to choose the ideal option for the design of each area. The living flower decoration that delights passers-by is very easy to grow.

Features of marigold seeds

First, let's find out what marigold seeds look like. These are oblong dark “sticks” with a white tip that remain in the center of the inflorescence after the petals dry. The germination rate of marigold seeds is high and lasts up to 3-4 years. Thanks to this, flowers successfully reproduce by self-sowing.

African varieties germinate more slowly than French ones, but hybrids cannot be propagated by seeds. They either will not sprout at all or will not show parental properties in new plants.

Sowing dates for marigolds

Marigold seedlings can be purchased ready-made, but most people prefer to grow them themselves: firstly, it is cheaper, and secondly, this way you will be confident in the quality of the planting material. Sowing and growing marigolds from seeds at home is not difficult and can be done by any summer resident.

When is the best time to sow marigolds?

  • Since March , marigolds are sown as seedlings in cassettes, pots or boxes. Further, seedlings of these flowers are usually grown on the windowsill.
  • In the beginning of May You can sow marigolds in a greenhouse protected with film.
  • If you want to do without future transplants, you can plant marigolds in the ground with seeds at the end of May. By this time, the risk of frost returning has already passed, and you can sow flowers directly into the garden bed or flowerbed.

ON THE PICTURE:The March seedlings of marigolds will have time to fully strengthen by the time they are planted in the flowerbed in May.

From the moment of sowing, only a month and a half will pass, and you will see marigolds blooming in all their glory.

In the northern regions, where the climate is continental and frosts are possible even in May, it is better to use the seedling method of growing marigolds.

Timing for planting marigold seedlings

Marigold seedlings of different varieties may exhibit their own specific requirements for planting time and care in the early growing season. So low-growing compact varieties marigold mimimix sow towards the end of spring, so as not to risk overcooling the young shoots.

ON THE PICTURE: Mimimix marigolds decorate the garden bed.

If you become the happy owner of seeds rejected marigolds (another low-growing variety), it is better to plan sowing in mid-spring or later. They are considered more resistant to cold weather and frost.

ON THE PICTURE: Rejected terry marigolds of the "Carmen" variety.

Many people like unusual Mexican marigolds , they are thin-leaved. Optimal time for planting them - end of April or beginning of May. The variety is heat-loving and develops well only with plenty of sunlight.

ON THE PICTURE:Thin-leaved marigolds "Lemon Jewel".

How to properly collect seed material

It often happens that suddenly beautifully blooming or some unusually colored marigolds are found somewhere. How to collect the seeds of these flowers in order to plant them next season?

Wait until the inflorescences fade and dry out, when the seeds begin to separate from the flower calyx easily, without effort. They should be dry and crumbly. Lay them out on a newspaper or napkin until completely dry, then put them in an airtight container and place them in a cool place.

ON THE PICTURE:This is what marigold seeds look like.

Pre-treatment of seed material

Before sowing, it is advisable to soak marigold seeds in a manganese solution for several hours.

Disinfection with potassium permanganate will greatly reduce the risk of fungal, bacterial and viral diseases flowers in the future.

You can germinate wet seeds on a saucer, covering it with glass or film, but this does not make much sense. Marigolds sprout well even without prior germination.

Technology for sowing marigolds for seedlings

Soil preparation

Growing marigold seedlings requires preparing the substrate before sowing. The soil should be loose and fertile. Make up the soil mixture according to the following recipe:

  • 2 parts peat;
  • part of the humus;
  • 0.5 parts sand.

The substrate is spilled with a solution of one of the drugs: Vitaros, potassium permanganate. If there is none of the above, you can replace the treatment with steaming for an hour. This is necessary for the prevention of dangerous fungal diseases, including.

Growing marigolds from seeds in individual cups is the most convenient and plant-friendly method for the gardener. You can arrange your own drainage in each cup using shards or small stones.

Agricultural technology for sowing marigolds in boxes

  1. The wet mixture is poured into a container, compacted and grooves half a centimeter deep are laid.
  2. Using tweezers or your fingers, place the marigold seeds into the grooves.
  3. The grooves are covered with the same substrate on top (layer thickness - approximately 1 cm).
  4. Cover the box with a lid and place it in a warm, light place. After 5-7 days, the first shoots should appear.

It is important to prevent overheating and hypothermia of seedlings. Temperatures above 25°C and below 15°C are detrimental to seedlings.

Marigold seedlings in cassettes

The most in a convenient way Growing marigold seedlings for many gardeners is a cassette method.

The same mixture is used as a substrate as when sowing in boxes. But it is enriched with additional fertilizers: according to tablespoon mineral fertilizing (with nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus in the composition) and half a glass of ash for every 5 l. substrate.

ON THE PICTURE: Marigold seedlings in a special cassette.

Fertilizers must be mixed well with the soil so that they are evenly distributed in it. The soil in the cassettes is lightly compacted, then a hole is prepared for each seedling, and the plants are buried 1 cm into the soil. After planting, the shoots are carefully watered. The soil settles a little after watering and you can add fresh substrate.

For “hardening off”, young plants can be taken out to Fresh air in good weather and bright sun, which marigolds love so much. Growing flowers from seeds into seedlings will be more successful if you give them such “walks” regularly.

Picking marigolds

Marigolds peak after the sprouts have two true leaves. At this time, seedlings usually reach a height of 5 cm.

Planting is carried out at a depth that allows the entire lower part of the stem to be hidden in the soil, down to the oblong leaves. At the same time, they remain on the surface and do not sink underground (and do not even touch it).

Picking can be done as in open ground, and in the seedling box. The transplant is tolerated very well by marigolds. They can be planted from cassettes into a flowerbed, even while blooming. The root system of these plants is unpretentious; it quickly recovers and adapts to new conditions.

ON THE PICTURE: Correct picking will improve the health of seedlings.

Planting marigold seedlings in open ground

Now you know how to plant marigold seedlings. A few words about transplanting seedlings to open air. Planting marigolds with seeds in the ground eliminates unnecessary hassle, but exposes the plants to the risk of frost. The seedling method will allow you to preserve every sprout.

Choose a cloudy day for planting seedlings. Heat slows adaptation and exposes disturbed plants to transplant shock.

Strong marigolds, reaching a height of 15 cm, are planted in a flowerbed. Growing seedlings to these levels is done in boxes or cassettes.

ON THE PICTURE:Thanks to the strong root system, marigold seedlings easily take root in a new place.

Stages of planting flowers in a flower bed

  1. The soil is dug up to a depth of at least 15 cm.
  2. Debris, stones and sticks are removed from the soil so that they do not interfere with the normal growth of the root system.
  3. The holes are dug with a reserve so that the entire root system of the seedlings fits there freely.
  4. Sprinkle the roots with soil and tamp it down carefully. Watered. Add more soil if it has settled too much.
  5. Mulch the plantings.

Marigolds in a flower greenhouse

Flower greenhouse – a good option for growing marigolds. Such a greenhouse is usually constructed from boards and polyethylene film. With this sowing technique, you can do without picking young plants, which slows down their growth during the adaptation period.

ON THE PICTURE: Marigolds in a flower greenhouse.

Marigolds transplanted from a greenhouse usually delight with flowering in the flower bed earlier than with the seedling method of cultivation.

How to sow marigolds in open ground

So, you have chosen a place to sow marigolds. Growing these flowers from seeds in open ground has its own characteristics. Proper sowing will ensure good conditions for future plant development.

For this purpose, wide holes are prepared. The depth of the holes is usually 5 cm, the distance between them depends on the type of flowers you have chosen for sowing. So, for compact varieties, a distance of 20-25 cm is sufficient. These include:

  • "Spray Petite";
  • "Disco Orange";
  • "Dainty Marietta";
  • "Order of Honor".

Tall marigolds are usually separated by a distance of 30-40 cm. These are, for example, “Tall Yellow”, “Silver Light”, “Hawaii”.

ON THE PICTURE: Marigold variety "Hawaii".

Before sowing marigolds, the holes are well moistened, and the sown seed material is sprinkled with a centimeter layer of soil on top.

In the future, the sown seeds need careful care: moderate watering, moisture control: the soil should not dry out.

How long does it take for marigold seeds to germinate? The first pair of leaves appears quite quickly: already at the end of the first week after planting. If you see that the sprouts have sprouted too close to each other and are preventing neighbors from developing, transplant the extra ones to another place.

Caring for plantings is not difficult: just water them regularly and weed the rows. And the bright inflorescences will delight the eyes of the owners and guests of the site for a long time.

Marigolds harmoniously decorate gardens and repel pests. If you plant them among cabbage, you can protect it from cutworms and whiteweeds, strawberry flowers protect from weevil attacks, and onions from onion fly. In order for the plant to grow well, it is important to know how to feed marigolds. abundant flowering. You also need to know how flowers are grown and propagated, as well as what types they come in.

Varieties of marigolds

Marigolds come in different types and varieties. This allows you to choose more suitable option for garden decoration. Main varieties of flowers:

  • erect - a bush with large double inflorescences of a single color. The flowers reach 12 centimeters in diameter. The height of dense and stable shoots can be 1 meter;
  • Antigua marigolds bloom in rich shades of yellow or orange. Each inflorescence is 10 centimeters in diameter. The bush grows up to only 20 centimeters above ground level;
  • in small-flowered marigolds, the height of the bush reaches 35–50 centimeters. It blooms in July and delights with flowering until the first frost. Some inflorescences can bloom in two-color shades. Often such plants are planted near borders;
  • thin-leaved marigolds have a height of no more than 40 centimeters. A lush compact bush with greenish, dissected leaves and basket-shaped inflorescences. This type of plant grows best in good light and warmth. It is often used for cooking as a seasoning;
  • rejected marigolds have lush bushes with big amount inflorescences. The shrub reaches a height of 20 - 40 centimeters. You can also find dwarf variety up to 20 centimeters. Blooms in different shades, single-color or combined two-color;
  • annual plants include marigolds of the tangerine variety. Their height is only 25 centimeters. It blooms with rich orange, double flowers. This variety blooms profusely even before the first frost.

Upright varieties include white marigolds, which in turn are divided into subspecies such as Kilimanjaro, Eskimo and Vanilla.

Bushes of the Kilimanjaro variety grow up to 70 centimeters, bloom with double, spherical, white or beige inflorescences.

Bushes of the Eskimo variety grow up to only 35 centimeters. The color of the inflorescences is somewhat reminiscent of the color of vanilla. The height of Vanilla bushes is 70 centimeters. They bloom with cream or white flowers, 12 centimeters in diameter.

Marigolds are grown for culinary use, protecting roses, phlox, strawberries and vegetables from pests. They attract beneficial insects. Marigolds are grown using seedlings or directly planted directly in the beds.

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Take fresh flower seeds. Their germination period is 2 years. Soaked or dry seeds are planted in the soil. Directly into open ground planting material It is sown after constant heat has been established.

Seedlings are planted at home in early spring in small containers. Two months after sowing, marigolds will already begin to bloom profusely.

If you want to receive flowering bush marigolds in May, sow the seeds in March, providing them additional lighting. At temperatures above 22 degrees Celsius, the first shoots will appear in a week. The sprouts are strong and stable. When two carved leaves appear on each sprout, you can pick marigolds.

Plants tolerate transplantation into open ground well, as they have strong stems and root systems. Planting marigolds in the ground is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. high varieties are planted at a distance of 40x40 centimeters from each other;
  2. medium varieties - 30x30 centimeters;
  3. low-growing varieties and dwarfs - 20x20 centimeters.

After planting marigolds in the ground, you need to water them generously with warm water.

Features of flower care

In order for marigolds to bloom profusely, it is necessary to next care: water regularly, feed three times a season, weed and loosen the soil, remove faded flowers, thin out thickened plantings. To propagate flowers, you can collect seeds.

Providing lighting

Marigolds grow better and bloom more abundantly in well-lit areas, sunny areas. If there is no such place in the garden, you can plant them in partial shade. But in this case, you need to take better care of the bushes so that they bloom profusely. It is also important to protect flowers from strong winds and drafts. Germination of marigold sprouts is recommended to be carried out at a temperature of 22 - 25 degrees.

Features of watering

During the period of active growth of marigolds, it is important to regularly water the flowers. Watering should be done moderately and evenly. When overwatered, the roots may begin to rot, and the bushes themselves will not bloom. IN summer period It is recommended to water marigolds in the evenings.

Frequency of feeding marigolds experienced gardeners determine themselves. Often the procedure is carried out three times per season. When sowing seeds, picking and planting in open ground, there is no need to add fertilizer to the soil. The first time they are introduced a couple of weeks after planting in open ground, when the plants have already taken root and become stronger.

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Marigolds need to be fed so that they grow well and bloom profusely. Feeding is carried out three times per season:

  • When the seedlings reach a height of 10 centimeters: two weeks after planting in open ground. Fertilizing is carried out with urea diluted with water in the proportion of a quarter of a tablespoon of fertilizer per 2.5 liters of liquid.
  • When the first buds appear. Fertilizing is carried out with an aqueous solution of superphosphate and potassium sulfate.
  • At the beginning of flowering, the flowers are fed with nitrophoska (30 grams) diluted in water (10 liters).

Before applying fertilizer to the soil, it must be moistened, or fertilizing is carried out after rain. It must be remembered that marigolds tolerate all types of fertilizers, except humus. But, it is best to feed them with complex fertilizers.

The following fertilizers can be used to feed marigolds:

  1. universal multicomponent fertilizers with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. The most famous fertilizer is Agricola-7;
  2. Gardeners, together with Agricola, use potassium sulfate, superphosphate, and urea. It is important to use the products strictly according to the instructions, diluting them in the right amount water so as not to harm the flowers;
  3. bushes are often fertilized with herbal infusions. Grind the grass (nettle) and fill it with water. Leave in the sun for a couple of days to allow the product to ferment. After a while, the resulting herbal fertilizer can be watered over marigolds or other plants;
  4. It is possible and even necessary to fertilize marigolds with wood ash.

Herbal infusion and wood ash can successfully replace mineral fertilizers. Apply half a glass under each bush. wood ash and 500 milliliters of herbal infusion. But before watering the bushes, it is recommended to dilute the infusion with water in a ratio of 1:5.

Protection from diseases and pests

Marigolds emit a strong, specific aroma, which protects them from fusarium and other diseases caused by fungi. If you plant flowers around the perimeter of the site, you can protect all the plants in the garden from fungal attack.

Rules for protecting marigolds:

  • In dry climates and lack of moisture, flowers may suffer from spider mite. To prevent its occurrence, it is necessary to water the bushes with plenty of water. To improve the health of marigolds, its leaves and stems can be sprayed with water.
  • If you over-water, fungus may develop. To combat it, stop flooding the plant, or transplant it to a new place, better illuminated by the sun.
  • If the bushes are attacked by slugs or snails, simply pick them up by hand and destroy them. It is not recommended to use special chemicals so as not to harm the inflorescences.
  • Due to the low temperature, excess humidity or too dense planting may appear gray mold. If dark brown spots are found on the stems and leaves of marigolds, the plant must be dug up and destroyed, since it is no longer possible to save it.
  • If the bushes are frozen after wintering, dig them up and bury them in a compost pit. Thanks to this, you will protect the pit from the appearance of midges and other insects.

Read also: Ornamental grasses: lagurus

Marigolds reproduce using seeds or seedlings. Both methods allow you to grow abundantly flowering bushes if the propagation procedure is carried out correctly.

Propagation by seeds

Seeds that are less than two years old are suitable for propagation. Older seeds may simply not germinate.

  1. Seeds are sown in open ground to a depth of 2.5 centimeters.
  2. The seed can be pre-soaked with water at room temperature.
  3. Then they are covered with earth and watered. When they sprout a little, they are sown on the site.
  4. 10 days after sowing, the first shoots will appear, and after a couple of months, the first flowers will form.

Propagation by seedlings

If you are planting marigolds for seedlings, be sure to consider the following factors:

  • the end of destructive frosts for young plants. Since frosts can destroy plants, seedlings can be planted in open ground only when the ground has warmed up well after winter;
  • seedlings planted in open ground will produce the first inflorescences only after two to three months.

To obtain healthy, beautiful marigold bushes, plant the seeds from March 15 to April 10. At proper care and planting seedlings in open ground, marigolds will bloom in early summer.

If you want to get bushes to bloom in April, sow the seeds for seedlings in January or February. In this case, it is important to provide the young shoots with additional lighting and warmth in the room.

Now you know how marigolds are grown and propagated, and also how they need to be fertilized so that the bushes bloom profusely and for a long time. It is important to properly care for plants, water, fertilize, weed and plow the soil, and protect them from diseases and pests.

Without exaggeration, marigolds can be called the most beloved and popular summer flowers. Throughout the season, elegant baskets of inflorescences decorate city flower beds and suburban areas. However, many fans of marigolds prefer to grow them not only outside, but also on the windowsill. It must be said that such an unexpected decision met the wildest expectations - in indoor culture The marigolds have settled in perfectly. Lush, profusely flowering bushes look great in the interior, are not capricious in maintenance, and make you happy bright colors petals and a pleasant aroma. A true embodiment of sun and optimism! Do not deny yourself the pleasure and add marigolds to your collection, and in gratitude for this they will give you a summer mood.

When to plant

Marigolds can be grown on a home windowsill all year round, the main thing is to create for plants suitable conditions. First of all, culture requires high-quality lighting, so winter time You can’t do without artificial lighting.

Sowing technology

To grow marigolds at home, a purchased universal soil for flowering plants or a nutrient substrate composed of turf soil, peat, humus and sand (2: 2: 2: 1) is suitable. For disinfection purposes, be sure to spill the planting soil mixture with a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate. For early flowering, it is recommended to germinate the seeds before sowing - wrap them in a damp cloth, place them on a saucer, and pack them in plastic bag and wait for the sprouts to appear. The further procedure is as follows:

  • The sterilized substrate is poured into the seedling box.
  • Shallow grooves are cut along the surface of the soil and spilled with warm water.
  • The seeds are placed in grooves at intervals of 1.5–2.5 cm and sprinkled with soil.
  • The crops are moderately sprayed with a spray bottle and placed at a temperature of +22…+25 °C.

If all conditions are met, seedlings will appear after 4–6 days. In the phase of 3-4 true leaves, seedlings are planted flower pots, water abundantly and place on a warm, well-lit windowsill.

In terms of maintenance, homemade marigolds are unpretentious, just like their garden relatives. Caring for them involves only regular watering followed by loosening the soil. It is worth considering that the substrate in a pot dries out much faster than in an outdoor flower garden, so you need to monitor the soil moisture more carefully. You cannot leave potted marigolds without moisture for a long time: the bushes will be puny and the inflorescences will be too small.

Marigolds do not require systematic feeding, but if you feed the plants 2-3 times during the growing season with a solution of complex mineral fertilizer for ornamental flowering crops, they will bloom even more luxuriantly in response to the procedure.

From time to time, shoots of marigolds that are too elongated are shortened, giving the bushes a beautiful spherical shape. To maintain visual attractiveness, faded flower heads are plucked off in a timely manner, making the bushes look neat and grow new buds faster.

Diseases and pests

Systematic waterlogging of the soil can provoke infection of marigolds with black leg and gray rot. In the early stages, the disease can be stopped with the help of fungicides (Fitosporin, Fundazol, Ridomil Gold). In case of severe damage, it is better to destroy the diseased bushes to prevent the spread of infection.

Types and varieties

For growing in pots, rejected marigolds (French, small-flowered) are best suited - compact, highly branched bushes with graceful pinnately dissected leaves, dark green leaves and medium-sized (4–6 cm in diameter) velvety inflorescences-baskets. Popular varieties: Carmen, Bolero, Fiery Hero, Bonita, Lemonchiki, Harmony, Cherry Bracelet, Fairytale Casket, Providence, Apricot, Bee, etc.

If space allows, you can plant erect marigolds (African). Tall spreading bushes with pinnately divided leaves and large monochromatic pom-pom inflorescences will look very impressive in the interior. Varieties: Ekinox lemon, Hercules, Lunar Rhapsody, Porthos, Amber, Fantastica, Glitter, Eskimo, Dune, Sunshine and others.

Lovers of refined forms will appreciate thin-leaved (Mexican) marigolds with lacy-lace foliage and a scattering of small sparkling flowers that exude a delicate aroma. Varieties: Paprika, Mimimix, Golden Jewel, Ursula, Starshine, etc.


Marigolds on the windowsill are not only beautiful, but also useful. Due to the high content of phytoncides, they disinfect the air around them, thereby protecting themselves and neighboring plants from fungal infections. Mosquitoes and flies do not like the spicy aroma of sunny flowers, which means that annoying insects will not get into the house. Marigolds and malicious pests will not be allowed close indoor flowers– aphids, thrips, whiteflies.

Healing infusions and decoctions are prepared from flower heads to help with asthma, bronchitis, stomatitis, and colds. Baths with marigolds are indicated for stress and neuroses. Flower petals are added to soothing facial lotions and nourishing lip balms. In addition, gourmets around the world value marigolds primarily as a spice. In cooking, their leaves and inflorescences are added to sauces, baked goods and marinades. Marigolds are not deprived magical power: It is believed that they drive ill-wishers and envious people away from home.

Marigolds (lat. Tagetes) is a genus of perennial and annual plants belonging to the Asteraceae or Asteraceae family. The plants are native to South and Central America. They have long been used in rituals of local Indian tribes, as well as to get rid of various diseases. Marigolds came to Europe in the 16th century and were the first overseas flowers to appear in Russia. Marigold flowers owe their name to Carl Linnaeus, who named them in honor of Tages, an Etruscan demigod, grandson of Jupiter, famous for his gift of fortune-telling and beauty. Today marigolds, or, as they are also called, black-browed ones, number about 40 species and are cultivated in many countries around the world.

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Planting and caring for marigolds

  • Landing: sowing in open ground at the end of May or beginning of June. For seedlings - in March.
  • Bloom: from June until frost.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight or partial shade.
  • The soil: loamy, well moistened at the beginning of the growing season, nutritious, neutral.
  • Watering: regular and sufficient until flowering begins, then moderate.
  • Feeding: mineral solutions: 1st - at a seedling height of 10 cm, 2nd - during budding, 3rd - at the beginning of flowering.
  • Trimming: possible, but not required.
  • Reproduction: seed.
  • Pests: spider mites, thrips, aphids, caterpillars, snails, slugs.
  • Diseases: gray rot, black leg, root rot, viral infections.

Read more about growing marigolds below.

Marigold flowers - description

The stems of marigolds are erect or branched, forming a bush with a height of 20 cm to 130 cm. The root system is fibrous, the leaves are pinnately divided or pinnately dissected, opposite or alternate, the color of the leaves is from light green to dark green. Flower baskets in different shades of yellow, brown and orange flowers. The middle flowers are tubular, bisexual, the marginal flowers are pseudolingulate, with five stamens. The pistil has two stigmas and the ovary is inferior. Marigolds bloom very profusely from June until the first frost. The fruit is a linear achene. Marigold seeds self-sow abundantly and remain viable for 3-4 years. The flowers do not emit a strong spicy smell as much as the leaves of marigolds.

Growing marigolds from seeds

Planting marigolds is not difficult even for a beginner, since these flowers are completely unpretentious. You can dig in a ready-made flowering bush, and it will almost certainly take root and delight you with long flowering. Or you can easily sow the seeds directly into open ground. This should be done in May, when the soil has warmed up sufficiently. Use a hoe to make a furrow approximately 5 cm deep, water it, sow seeds into the furrow and cover them with soil. The shoots will appear in a couple of weeks, and if they grow too thick, replant them.

But for those who are not looking for easy ways and are ready to test themselves as a breeder, we will tell you how to sow marigolds, how to grow marigolds from seedlings, how marigolds are obtained from seeds and when to plant marigolds as seedlings.

Preparing marigold seeds for planting

Marigold seeds are purchased only for the first planting, since at the end of flowering you can easily get seeds from your faded marigolds. You just need to let a few inflorescences dry well right on the bush and, if there is no rain, you can easily remove the ripened seeds from the cup, dry them and save them until spring sowing. Just remember that almost all marigolds existing in cultivation are hybrids, which means that every fourth seedling does not retain varietal properties and can inherit either paternal or maternal characteristics. Many gardeners plant marigold seedlings with sprouted seeds. To germinate, place the seeds on a saucer covered with a damp cloth, place the saucer in a plastic bag and place in a warm place. After three days, the seeds should hatch.

In the photo: Marigold seeds

When to sow marigolds for seedlings

The sooner you sow marigold seedlings (even in early spring), the faster they will bloom. If you are growing different types, then know that upright marigolds are sown earlier than others (in mid-March), low-growing and small-leaved marigolds are sown in early April, and then all three species will bloom in June. Growing marigold seedlings is a simple process, but there are points that should not be missed. Prepare a soil mixture: humus, peat, turf, sand (1; 1; 1; 0.5) and disinfect by pouring a disinfectant fungicide solution or a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Make sure that at the bottom of the container there is a drainage layer of crushed stone, sand or expanded clay 3 cm high, add fertilizer to the soil (any organic matter, except fresh manure).

Make grooves at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from each other, place the seeds in them and sprinkle with a small layer of soil. You need to water very carefully so that the water does not wash the seeds out of the soil. Keep the containers in a warm place (22-25 ºC) and make sure that the soil does not dry out. Sprouts should appear no later than a week later, then the container should be moved to the light and the temperature should be slightly reduced (15-18 ºC).

In the photo: Sowing marigold seeds for seedlings

When to plant marigolds

Seedlings are planted in open ground when the threat of late frosts has passed: marigolds come from warm regions and cannot tolerate cold weather. In addition, you need to wait until the seedlings have formed at least 3 leaves and a powerful root system. This usually occurs at the end of May or beginning of June. Marigolds need nutritious soil, well-moistened in the first half of summer, loamy and neutral. If the soil is infertile, you will have to fertilize 2-3 times during the growing season.

In the photo: Marigold seedlings in pots

The distance between seedlings depends on the species and variety. Tall marigolds are planted every 40 cm, the distance between the rows is also 40 cm (40x40 pattern), medium-sized ones - according to the 30x30 pattern, low-growing ones - 20x20. After planting, there is a need for frequent and abundant watering of marigolds, because despite the fact that they are considered drought-resistant plants, if marigolds are not watered enough, they will grow puny and their inflorescences will be small.

In the photo: Marigolds blooming in a flowerbed

Caring for marigolds

Marigolds love bright lighting , and although they tolerate partial shade and even shade well, they bloom most magnificently in the strongest sun. During growth watering should be sufficient, but as soon as the inflorescences begin to form, watering must be reduced so that the moisture does not stagnate: this causes the plants to rot and not bloom. Fertilize marigolds are not necessary at all, but if you feed them, the marigolds will respond gratefully. You need to feed with complex fertilizers when the seedlings reach a height of 10 cm, then when the first buds appear and, finally, at the very beginning of flowering.

Marigolds need regular weeding and loosening the soil, otherwise it is difficult for them to breathe. In summer, if the marigolds have grown, spend pruning to form beautiful bushes. Remove spent blooms and the plants will bloom even more. The peculiar aroma of marigolds and the phytoncides they contain serve as protection against fungal diseases not only for the plants themselves, but also for those growing in the neighborhood. It’s not for nothing that many flower growers frame the entire landscape with marigold plantings. garden plot. But if the summer is too wet, they may appear snails And slugs. The smell of bleach placed in jars between the plants can scare them away.

Sometimes it still appears on leaves and stems. gray mold. In this case, the affected plants will have to be destroyed so that they do not infect the rest of the marigolds. In dry summers, plants may be attacked by spider mites, which will have to be combated by spraying with infusion of onions, yarrow, and red hot pepper. But to prevent this from happening, try to increase the level of air humidity by spraying water around the marigolds several times a day.

Marigolds after flowering

As a rule, decorative marigolds are annual plants, so after flowering they are simply pulled out during autumn digging. If you want to grow marigolds in next year, collect the seeds, dry them and leave them for storage until the end of March or beginning of February.

Do not throw away dried inflorescences, they will be useful to you in the household and in home medicine cabinet. For example, if you have to work at the computer for a long time, eat 2-3 small heads of dark-colored marigolds before meals or add them to a salad.

In the photo: Dried marigolds

For roundworms or pinworms, adults need to eat 5 heads of marigolds, and children – 2-3 (depending on age), before bedtime for a week.

If you throw a bucket of wilted marigolds at compost pit, there will be no midges around her.

Place it on the windowsill and front door a bouquet of marigolds, and unexpected unkind guests will pass by your house.

And finally, we offer several recipes that may arouse interest among women:

  • Lip balm(to achieve softness): mix 2 tablespoons of chopped marigold heads with 1 tablespoon of apricot oil and 1/3 cup olive oil. Leave the mixture in the dark for a week, then strain, carefully squeezing out the raw materials. Lubricate lips as needed.
  • Facial lotion. Pour 2 tablespoons of crushed marigold inflorescences into a glass of boiling water and leave overnight, then strain, squeezing out the remainder, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of vodka. Store the lotion in the refrigerator. Wipe your face with the infusion three times a day.
  • For inflammation or irritation of the skin of the face, prickly heat, use this remedy: pour 2 tablespoons of crushed marigold heads into one and a half glasses hot water, bring to a boil, then leave for 3-4 hours under the lid, strain, squeeze out the raw materials, pour in the juice of a large aloe leaf and 2 tablespoons of water. Store the mixture in the refrigerator. Wipe the inflamed areas twice a day.

Properties of marigolds

A flower bed of marigolds is an invaluable home pharmacy: modern scientific research confirms healing properties marigolds, known from legends and traditions, therefore growing marigolds not only gives aesthetic pleasure, but also brings real benefits to human health. Lutein, for example, which they contain, reduces the likelihood of developing cataracts.

Also ethnoscience Treats diabetes mellitus and inflammation of the pancreas with marigolds. Medicinal marigolds, dried and then infused, treat stomatitis, bronchitis, asthma and colds, and cleanse the blood. To prepare the infusion, you need to pour a tablespoon of crushed flowers into a liter of boiling water, leave for three hours, then strain and drink a glass half an hour before meals for a month.

In the photo: Dried marigold inflorescences

Baths with the addition of marigold decoction have a beneficial effect on nervous system, relieve stress and anxiety, so they are recommended for depression and neuroses. In addition, peoples have long been South America Marigolds were eaten as a seasoning, for making sauces and baked goods, and for marinades. In the markets of the Caucasus, marigolds are sold as a powder added to pilaf, satsivi and soups and called “Imereti saffron” by culinary specialists. The French, to satisfy the demands of their gourmets, grow marigolds in industrial scale. Marigold leaves included in marinades give canned vegetables elasticity and a pleasant aroma.

In the photo: Dried crushed marigolds

Here is a recipe for homemade cookies that you will definitely like: beat 4 egg whites into a foam; Grind 2 tablespoons of fresh marigold petals with 100 g of sugar; rubbing 4 tablespoons butter, gradually add 4 yolks, petals with sugar, then 100 g of flour, and then carefully place the whipped whites on top and mix carefully; Place the dough on a baking sheet and bake until the crust is golden. Cut the cooled cake into squares.

Types and varieties of marigolds

There are many varieties of marigolds in culture, but three types of varieties are popular: erect marigolds (usually tall), deviated marigolds (short) and thin-leaved marigolds, which are less common in our latitudes than others. The varieties of these three species are very diverse: among them there are large-flowered and small-flowered marigolds, double and densely double marigolds in all shades of yellow, orange and brown.

Tagetes erecta

Or African marigolds, are giants of the genus, their height is from 30 to 100 cm. The inflorescences, as a rule, are single-colored and double, reaching 15 cm in diameter. Among the most popular varieties are Vanilla marigolds, 70 cm tall with creamy white double inflorescences 12 cm in diameter; Kilimanjaro marigolds 60-70 cm tall with densely double spherical inflorescences; Antigua marigolds, low, up to 25 cm tall, but erect, with large flowers– up to 15 cm in diameter, golden, lemon yellow, orange and bright yellow in color.

In the photo: Erect marigolds (Tagetes erecta)

Low growing marigold (Tagetes patula)

Or marigolds rejected, or French marigolds rarely grow above 60 cm. They are compact bushes with many double and non-double inflorescences, the diameter of which rarely exceeds 8 cm. These marigolds are also called spreading marigolds. Varieties of the Bonanza series up to 30 cm high (Bonanza Bolero, Bonanza Orange, Bonanza Flame, etc.), which have highly decorative double inflorescences, are in demand among gardeners bright colors 5-6 cm in diameter and long flowering time; The Carmen marigolds are very beautiful, decorating the flower garden with double inflorescences with corrugated petals of red-brown on the edges and orange-yellow in the middle shades.
