Review: Board game Our Family. Children's board game “Our Family”

Vishnyakov Vasily Nikolaevich 278

On New Year I gave my daughter the children’s board game “Our Family.” The gift looked bright and catchy: a picturesque picture depicting a young family was printed on the box. It seems to me that it was this factor that determined the future of the game. I didn’t notice how I rushed to the checkout, full of enthusiasm.

I don’t think it’s worth describing the joy that appeared in my daughter’s eyes when a glossy box containing the unknown sparkled in front of her. The essence of the game was caught by us immediately. This was facilitated by the insert included in the kit, which described the rules in detail and in an accessible way. I would like to note the fact that in the game there is a “correspondence” acquaintance of the child with all the delights adult life, consisting of various incomes, expenses, divorces (of course, without age-inappropriate details). Personally, while playing, my child also learned what taxes are, how a loan is repaid, why you have to pay rent, and how dividends are paid. It should be noted that even I, being an adult and a conscious person, spent time playing the game, not without some pleasure. We were very pleased with the set of cards in the form of money of various denominations; photographs of apartments that the player has the right to purchase for a certain amount; cars, the purchase of which is determined by taste. The game can become in a great way improvements mathematical abilities Your child. If you look at the growth in your daughter’s verbal counting speed, you will notice that the princess is now “friendly” with money, and how! My child enjoys the large number of cards included in the set, which are made of thick cardboard coated with bright paint. The card does not lose good view for a long time, and a special division into blocks avoids mixing cards with each other, which reduces time for unnecessary searches!

I cannot help but note one more, in my opinion, important factor. The game allows the child to face the problem of choosing between money and the good that can be purchased with this money. That is, my daughter now clearly knows that when she receives one thing, she loses another and excludes the possibility of acquiring a third. Now I look at my child and think that she will grow up to be a good economist!

But impressions of any game are impossible without a drop of ointment. My daughter and I encountered one minor problem. The “Rules” insert is huge! All the time I wanted to rearrange it, put it away, but the initial ignorance of the essence of the game constantly forced me to take out this sheet and spend a lot of time searching for the necessary information. Our attempts to install the liner against the wall were also unsuccessful. It is made of soft paper, which constantly bends and does not allow the sheet to “stand”.

Thus, my daughter and I had a good impression of the game. Since the game was purchased on New Year’s Day, the child and I spent the rest of the winter playing “Our Family” while away the long, cold evenings. I recently learned from a work colleague that they have been familiar with this game for about seven years, but I am pleased with the fact that it still remains on store shelves. Feel free to buy it as a gift for your children, nieces, and grandchildren. You won't regret it, I guarantee it!

Prices in online stores:

"Our family" is a socio-economic board game, designed for 2-6 players aged nine years and older (9+). Girls will play family (from marriage to silver wedding), play various life situations, solve problems of an economic and social nature, build relationships.

Any fairy tale ends with a wedding and a feast for the whole world, and the game “Our Family” begins with a wedding, because family life begins with this solemn and exciting event in the life of any married couple. Girls choose figures that will move across the playing field. At first family life participants receive gifts at the wedding - money. The amount depends on the value of the die rolled. Movement is carried out in the direction of the arrows on the playing field for the number of steps equal to the number of dots on the die.

On a red cell on the left or right of the playing field you need to skip a move or take a loan. The amount of money is determined by the value of the die rolled. Stopping on this square is mandatory, even if the die rolls higher. On the “loan repayment” cell – the loan must be repaid. On the playing field there are cells “vacation”, “meeting with friends”, “hospital” - at these marks you need to skip a move. There are cells where players get cards. For example, “birth of a child” - you need to select a card with a picture of a baby, the “professional development” card and “quarrel” also give cards of the same name. Once on the “betrayal” cell, you need to move to the “divorce” cell and start the game over (re-wedding and new husband). Three “quarrels” also lead to divorce and a new marriage. The quarrel cards are returned to the pile, and the rest remain with the player, because the store of knowledge and life experience always with us. The “reconciliation” card returns all “quarrel” cards. The "car" box makes it possible to purchase a car. With it, movement around the playing field will speed up a little (optional by 1-2 cells plus the rolled dice value). It will also be possible to buy an apartment and a dacha. On the “job” cell, you need to determine the category of work, and therefore the salary, based on the value of the dice rolled. There are other cells of monetary transactions in the game that will either generate income or add expenses, for example, “salary”, “bonus”, “rent payment”, “taxes” and others. The winner of the game is the participant who reaches the “silver wedding” cage first.

The board game "Our Family" develops independence in decision-making and responsibility. In the game, children play out various life situations and model social relationships.

  • Country of Origin Russia
  • Manufacturing company LLC "New Generation"
  • Brand New Generation
  • Material cardboard / plastic
  • Age (recommended) from 9
  • Age (recommended) up to 18
  • The gender of the child is not important
  • Size (length) in cm 45
  • Size (width) in cm 35
  • Size (height) in cm 4
  • Weight (kg) 1.22

The goal of the game is to bring the whole family together, not forgetting about friends.

Before the start of the game, each player chooses one individual card, the deck of cards is shuffled and laid out in a fan in the center of the table, face down. Players roll the dice, and the player with the first move gets the largest number. Players move clockwise. On the face of the card there is a color indication and dots that the player earns as an asset. On the back of the card is a picture of a cube with a number.

The players chose one individual card and placed it in front of them. The player rolls the dice and, according to the number on the die, takes a card from the deck with the same number, without showing it to other players. The next player does the same. Each player must gather together his family: mom, dad, brother, grandfather, grandmother, aunt, uncle and his friends (the number of friends is unlimited). If during his turn a player drew a card, a picture that matches one of the pictures on his individual card, then he puts it face down on his individual card, but if the picture does not match, then he puts it face down in front of him so that the rest of the players they didn't see her.

Each player can have only one card: “mother”, “father”, “grandmother”, “grandfather”, “uncle”, “aunt”, “brother”, “sister”, “aunt”, “uncle”. If during his turn a player draws another card from this set, and it matches the picture from his individual card, then he takes it for himself, if not, then he returns it back to the deck, since he already has one card from this set. This rule does not apply to Friends cards. All drawn “Friends” cards remain with the player. If the picture on the card matches the picture of the drawn card, then the points for this card are doubled.

The game ends when all the cards in the deck are gone. Players reveal their cards. The number of points on the map whose picture matches the picture on the individual card is doubled. The winner is the player who collects the most points.


  • 56 cards:
  • 4 “Mom” cards;
  • 4 “Dad” cards;
  • 4 Grandfather cards;
  • 4 “Granny” cards;
  • 4 “Uncle” cards;
  • 4 “Aunt” cards;
  • 4 “Brother” cards;
  • 4 “Sister” cards;
  • 24 “Friends” cards;
  • 4 individual cards;
  • dice;
  • rules of the game.
  • Reviews for the board game My Family


    We still didn't understand how to play it. An absolutely pointless game. At the end, when there are few cards left, it’s easier not to roll the dice, but just take the cards one by one, because this process can drag on for the whole evening. The rules say that at the end we reveal the cards and count the points, but why do we need numbers inside the cards??? Crazy game. Wasted money.


    The game is not bad in principle, although you have to figure out the rules as you go along. A child of 3.8 plays without any problems according to simplified rules - we just gather the family whoever is fastest. Cons: 1. The colors dark purple and light purple are practically the same. 2. Orange and yellow are mixed up on all cards. On cards with a family, only faces are indicated in orange/yellow, and on small cards it is the other way around.

    Answer: It’s very cool that at this age your child is already mastering games intended for older children. It will be much easier for him in the future! As for the game itself, we will definitely convey to the manufacturer your wishes and shortcomings that you found.

  • Hello. Board game Our Family! To be honest, I had never heard of such a game, but I came to visit a friend, she bought it for her daughter, so I became interested and began to look at the game. Thick box, high-quality design, the playing field is made of thick cardboard in a folder. The color of the cards is very bright. In general, the game immediately attracted my attention. The game is for girls from 8 to 9 years old, but my friend’s daughter was 6.5 and she was good at it and played with pleasure! The game set includes a playing field, 1 cube, 9 chips and lots of bright cards! The rules are as follows: we get up at the start, choose which chip we will move (this is a picture of a girl), we roll the dice and walk. When we get to a certain cell, we read the task. The task can be as follows: give birth to a child, get money, have a wedding or divorce, or we can also return to the beginning of the game. The one who reaches the silver wedding square before everyone else wins. But there may be various obstacles ahead in the form of quarrels, betrayal, at this stage you return to the beginning of the game. This game should first be played with children, as it helps to plunge into adult life , it confronts the child with typical situations that occur in the family, quarrels, everyday life, relationships! Children learn that money is earned, and it does not appear out of nowhere, that quarrels can destroy a family and much more interesting things! A very educational game, but very addictive.

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    My game (our family) Our l
