Great script for Mother's Day. Scenarios for Mother's Day

→ Mother's Day>" url="">

14.11.2018 | Looked at the script 1489 Human

Seems like an everyday word
In the bustle, what sounds not new -
Said so many times in my life!
We got used to it from the beginning
And sometimes we don’t notice anymore
The depths of hidden meaning in it.

IN difficult situations when we
There is no one to ask for help,
It will break out...

Business card for Mother's Day in verse

14.11.2018 | Looked at the script 495 Human

Family business card for Mother's Day

Mom comes out to the microphone to the sound of applause.

MOM: Thank you, and - hello, good people!
I will never forget this reception!
Sorry, I completely forgot from excitement
If I introduce myself to you, I’ll eliminate...

Scenario for a Mother's Day concert at school

14.11.2018 | Looked at the script 1870 Human

Scene - video sequence, music. background, voice-over text:

The day before his birth, the child asked God:
- I don’t know why I’m going into this world. What should I do?
God replied:
- I will give you an angel who will always be by your side. He's all for you...

Mothers Day. Celebration scenario at school

14.11.2018 | Looked at the script 1600 Human

There is no more precious word in languages ​​than MOTHER,
Heavenly music sounds in it,
It has a captivating range of rainbows
And the rays of the sun fan

Lullaby (music theme “Under the blue sky”)
(performed by a young woman with a child - accompanying...

Mini-scene for Mother's Day for schoolchildren “All means are fair!”

11.11.2018 | Looked at the script 1164 person

Mini-scene “All means are good!” (based on the fairy tale “About a Stupid Mouse” by Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak)

On the stage there is a bed, a table, a basket with rolls. Mother mouse is trying to catch a naughty little mouse. She catches him and sits him on the bed.

Scenario for the holiday "Mother's Day"

11.11.2018 | Looked at the script 5425 Human

Presenter 1. Mom, mommy... How much heat is hidden in this magic word, which is called the most dear, closest, only person. Mother's love warms us until old age. Mom teaches us to be wise, gives advice, takes care of us, protects us...

“Mom is my sunshine” holiday script/

11.11.2018 | Looked at the script 34739 Human

Host: Our dear mothers, today we invited you to this children's Cafe It’s no coincidence, because you become the hero of the occasion on the eve of Mother’s Day. That's why our cafe is called...
All: Mom is my sunshine
1 reader:
And we have...

Scenario for the holiday “I love you very much, mom!”

11.11.2018 | Looked at the script 13075 Human

Presenter 1:
Dear guys and dear mothers! We have gathered today in such an unusual atmosphere to talk to you about the dearest and closest person - your mother.
Today we celebrate Mother's Day. Therefore, allow me to congratulate all women mothers on...

Scenario for the holiday dedicated to Mother's Day, "Constellation for Mom"

11.11.2018 | Looked at the script 9683 person

Teacher: Dear mothers! We are gathered here today to express our deep love, respect and great gratitude to you. Children are the most precious thing for a mother. Her love is the most holy and selfless. Mother is the first teacher and closest friend...

Mother's Day is a holiday of love and gratitude

11.11.2018 | Looked at the script 9527 Human

Teacher. Good evening everyone! We are pleased to welcome you today to our celebration dedicated to Mother's Day. I am very pleased that you, having left your business, agreed to spend this day with us. We dedicate this celebration to Mother's Day. By order of the President...

The most joyful and bright holiday - Mother's Day

2nd grade

Leading : Hello, dear guests! On the last Sunday of November in Russia they celebrate special holiday- Mothers Day. This is a holiday to which no one can remain indifferent. After all, no matter how old we are - five or fifty - we always need our mother, her love, affection, attention, advice.

Mother's Day is a wonderful occasion to once again say words of love and gratitude to the closest and dearest person, to pay tribute to love, to generous mother's hearts, to their caring and affectionate hands.

What's the very first word?
What's the most important word?
What is the brightest word?

And I want it again
Say it quietly
Say it loud
The most important word of a child is

The most beautiful word on earth is mother. This is the first word that a person utters, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages.

To mom.

Becoming a good tradition

One day in November

Confess your love to your mother,

Say “thank you” to her.

She loves us endlessly

And there is no stronger love.

And we all know perfectly well

That we owe our lives to her.

Dear, beloved mother,

I'm ready to repeat it again.

I am growing, and with me

My love is growing too.

to the music “Mom,” girls with dolls in their arms enter the hall and stand in a semicircle.

    There is a holy and prophetic sign in nature,

    Brightly marked for centuries!

    The most beautiful of women -

    A woman with a child in her arms!

    Conjuring from any misfortune,

    She really doesn't have much to spare.

    No, not the Mother of God, but the earthly one,

    Proud exalted mother

    The light of love has been bequeathed to her since ancient times,

    And so it stands for centuries,

    The most beautiful of women -

    A woman with a child in her arms!

    Everything in the world is marked by traces,

    No matter how many paths you walk,

    The apple tree is decorated with fruits,

    A woman is the fate of her children.

    May the sun forever applaud her,

    So she will live for centuries,

    The most beautiful of women -

    A woman with a child in her arms!

    Happy Mother's Day,

    Happy autumn holiday, congratulations!

    Leading: Mother! What a great word! She gives life to her child. Mom has the kindest, most affectionate heart, the most tender, caring hands that can do everything. Love never fades in her heart!

    And today, our dear guests, your children and I have prepared a surprise for you - this is a magical flower. (Picks up a vase with a paper flower.) By tearing off one of the petals, you will receive one of our numbers as a gift holiday program, but before you touch the flower, you need to say the magic words, the guys and I will tell you.

    Together: Fly, fly petal

    Through joy and delight.

    Just touch your hand -

    Give our mother a gift!

    The presenter approaches one of the mothers, the selected mother picks off a petal.

    1 petal

    Leading . One mother had three daughters growing up, and one day they decided to dream.


    Three girls under the window

    We daydreamed in the evening.

    The first sister says:

    Girl 1.

    I wish I could become an actress,

    It’s in our village that

    I would give a concert right now!

    Girl 2.

    If only I were a singer...

    Boy. Her sister says.

    Girl 2.

    I would sing great

    Like Larisa Dolina.

    Girl 3.

    Looks like a cute nose

    I would do a decent workout

    I would boldly tell everyone:

    I wanted to become a director!


    Have it your way, sisters!

    We'll give a concert now

    And we'll have fun for all of you.

    Ved: What is happiness? With such a simple question

    1. Perhaps more than one philosopher has asked this question.

    2. But in fact, happiness is simple!

    1. It starts with half a meter of height.

    2. These are vests. Booties and bib,

    1. A brand new described mother’s sundress.

    2.Torn tights... Broken knees,

    1. These are the walls painted in the corridor...

    2. Happiness is soft warm palms,

    1. There are candy wrappers behind the sofa, crumbs on the sofa...

    2. This is a whole heap of broken toys,

    1. This is the constant rattle of rattles...

    2. Happiness is barefoot heels on the floor...

    1. A thermometer under the arm, tears and injections...

    2.Abrasions and wounds. Bruises on the forehead...

    1. This is a constant “What” and “Why?” "...

    2. Happiness is a sled. Snowman and slide...

    1. A small candle on a huge cake...

    2. This endless “Read me a story”

    1. These are daily Piggy and Stepashka...

    2. This is a warm spout from under the blanket...

    1.Hare on the pillow, blue pajamas...

    2. Splashes all over the bathroom, foam on the floor...

    1. Puppet theater, matinee in the garden...

    2.What is happiness? Everyone will answer you;

    Together: Anyone who has children has it!


    The morning begins

    Mom wakes up

    And my mother's smile

    The morning is filling up.

    With warm palms

    Mom will warm you up

    With kind words

    Sadness will dispel.

    Why so often

    Is harmfulness kicking in us?

    "I do not want and I will not!"

    It is called.

    We know, mommy,

    You're always right.

    And "I'm sorry, please"

    The words sound again.

    Like the sun in the sky,

    Like leaves in a garden,

    Like living water

    Mom is important to us

    2 petals

    Through joy and delight.

    Just touch your hand -

    Give our mother a gift!

    Our mothers are the best - scene

    Leading. Who was sitting on the ladder?

    Who was looking at the street?

    Dima ate (holding a bag of chips),

    Sasha played (holds * Tetris"),

    Maxim drew with crayons.

    It was in the evening

    There was nothing to do.

    A car passed by.

    The cat climbed into the attic.

    Here Dima told the guys


    Dima. And I have chips in my pocket. And you?

    Olya . And I have clips in my pocket. And you?

    Sasha . And today our cat gave birth to kittens yesterday. The kittens have grown a little, but they don’t want to eat Kitiket!

    Maksim. And we have gas in the kitchen. And you?

    Seryozha . And we have a microwave. Clever?

    Nata. And from our window the whole Market is at your fingertips. Every day I look and wait... I want a playground!

    Sasha. And we had a quiet hour - This time.

    There is a hole in the middle of the yard - These are two.

    And fourthly, our mother is going to Novosib tomorrow, Mom will bring goods -

    Everyone will be invited to the market.

    Leading. Vova answered from the stairs...

    Vova . Entrepreneur mom? Cool!

    Olya . But Masha, for example, has a mom who is a policeman!

    Sasha . And Yulia’s mother, Dima’s mother are saleswomen in stores!

    Dima . And I have a simple answer - My mother is a speech therapist!

    Nata . Most important of all...

    Leading . Nata said...

    Nata . Mom from a food factory. Who will make you waffles? Definitely not an entrepreneur!

    Vova . And Alena and Ivan both have mothers who are accountants!

    Dima. And Valya and Katya Mama have teachers at school!

    Leading. And Maksimka said quietly...

    Maksim. My mother is not a dressmaker, Not a cashier, not a controller, My mother is just a director.

    Leading. Vova was the first to respond

    Vova . Mom is a holiday?! It's cool! The cook makes compotes, it's very good! In accounting reports, this is also good! The doctor is treating us for measles. There is a teacher at school. All kinds of mothers are needed! All kinds of mothers are important.
    . Well, our mothers are the cutest and most beautiful of all!

  • I will definitely be a mother.

    What should I name my daughter?

    I know there will be many difficulties:

    You need pacifiers, a stroller, a bed.

    I need to wash my daughter's panties.

    Rock, lull, sing,

    Kiss her scratches, bumps.

    How much does mommy need to do?

    Feed and wash dishes,

    And in winter, ride on a sled,

    Be patient and kind.

    Can I really do all this?

    How tired I must be!

    Who will take pity on me and warm me?

    Yes, of course, my mother!

  • Leading : Now your children will cry like they did when they were children. But don't worry, they will make fun of you. You need to guess your baby's cry.

    Dear mothers! I want to wish you that these are your last children'stearsthat you heard!

    3 petal All together: Fly, fly petal

    Through joy and delight.

    Just touch your hand -

    Give our mother a gift!


    Our friendly family is apart all day:
    School, music, friends, there is no room for boredom!

  • Student

    Only in the evening people gather in the apartment.
    Mom is a fairy in this world, we sit with our mouths open!

  • Student

    The hiss and whistle of our old frying pan pleases the ear,
    And as many as ten hands are reaching for the potatoes and herring!

  • Student

    We all adore our mother – we eat all of dinner.
    So as not to tire her, we quickly go to bed.

  • Student

    Who will feel sorry for women? Who will help them in everyday life?
    Grandmother often gets sick. She is often unbearable.

  • Student

    But it’s very easy to help: taking out the trash is a trifle,
    Should you wash your shoes? By the way, it’s not that stressful.

  • Student

    And washing dishes with hot water is beautiful!
    IN kindergarten It’s easy for your brother to run after your sister!

  • Leading

    How do you help your mothers?

    Poem dramatization

    • 1 I help my mother:
      I'll make soup in the sandbox,
      I'll wash the cat in a puddle...
      How, Mom, I love you!

      2 And I’m on the wallpaper in the hallway
      I'm drawing a portrait of Mommy,
      My brother will help me too...
      Mommy, is it similar or not?

      3 I'll wear my mother's dress,
      As soon as I cut the length,
      It will suddenly become clear to everyone:
      I love only my mother!

      4 And I’m preparing a gift for her-
      On daddy's new car
      I scratch: “To mom – with love!”
      No one can replace you!”

      5 And I'm your new hat
      I’ll immediately turn you into a bunny:
      I'll sew his ears and paws...
      I want to give you a gift!

      6 And I got into a fight with Danil -
      Huge bruise under the eye.
      Said his mom was better
      I don't agree with him at all!

      7 I’ll wash my mother’s shoes,
      I'm leaving ships in the bathroom.
      And mom will come and see
      That I love her very much!

      8 I'm a ball on lipstick
      I replaced Katya's neighbor.
      And mommy will be delighted
      And he will say: “Here is my son!”

      9 We will not argue in vain,
      We will tell our mothers,
      That their children are simply beautiful...
      TOGETHER: After all, we never play pranks!

    • Joke poem "Housewife"

      Oh, I'm tired, I'm tired.

      She was busy with housework:

      The house is big, and I'm alone,

      Oh, my back hurts.

      I spent an hour fiddling with the laundry -

      It turned out to be a dress with a hole,

      I sat down to mend in the corner -

      Stuck on a needle.

      I washed the dishes, washed them,

      I broke my mother's cup.

      The floor was scraped white.

      Bam! I spilled the jam.

      Oh, I'm tired, I'm tired,

      She was busy with housework.

      All: If you need help with anything -

      Call us, we won't mind!

      I take care of my mother’s work,
      I help as much as I can.
      Mom's out for lunch today
      I made cutlets
      And she said: “Listen,
      Help me out, try me!"
      I ate a little
      Isn't it help?

      You guys don't interfere with us.

      I do laundry with my mother together.

      To make the dress cleaner,

      And the scarf was whiter,

      I rub without sparing soap,

      I rub, sparing no effort.

      The Panama hat has become clean.

      “Come on, mom, look!”

      Mom smiles at me:

      “Strongly, daughter, not three.

      I'm afraid that after washing

      I'll have to mend the holes."

      Blitz survey

      The guys bring out the chamomile. Mothers take turns plucking the petals and answering the questions written behind the petals.

      What did your child look like when you saw him for the first time?

      What songs did you sing while putting your baby to sleep? Sing the verse.

      What is your son or daughter's first word?

      Name the very first poem you learned together.

      The first gift your child gave you.

      Where did your child's first teeth appear: at the top or bottom?

      At what age did your child take his first step?

      Which word came first: mom or dad?

      What color was your child's hair at birth?

      Children's questionnaire about their mother

      4 petal All together: Fly, fly petal

      Through joy and delight.

      Just touch your hand -

      Give our mother a gift!

      Video “Mom and I are so similar” with wishes

      Miniature 1 – “The Color of Happiness.”

      Daughter: Mom, why are you wearing all white in this photo?

      Mom: Because this is our wedding photo with dad. I was at this

      The day is very happy as well White color– this is the color of happiness.

      Daughter: Yes, yes! Then it’s clear why dad is dressed all in black!

      Miniature 2 – “Two Brothers”.

      1st brother: They will take me to the cinema. Dad himself told me!

      2nd brother: And my mother herself told me that they wouldn’t take you.

      1st brother: But dad is the same as mom...Dad is much more...

      Miniature 3 – “Fairy Tale”.

      Mom: Well, we read “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.”

      Daughter: What a stupid old man! I asked the fish for something new house, then new

      trough, I would immediately ask for a new old woman!

    • SKETCH “Because of you...”

      Mom: (looks at the diary)

      Well, he was silent again, son,

      And staring at the ceiling?

      I answered three recently.

      Today I brought two!


      I stood and swallowed the words,

      Study? This is torment!


      You unfortunate lazy person, you Aziz,

      Get two points for reading!

      No, it’s my shame, not my son’s...

      This is not how I once studied...

      What to do? I will go crazy …


      But mom, it's my fault

      To tell the truth, you yourself!

      (turning to the side) You'll have trouble with the adults!

      And who said and repeated,

      To sit at your desk in class

      Didn't I say a word?

      I didn't deviate from the rules

      I stood and swallowed the words,

      Until the teacher put

      Because of you

      In my diary “Two!”

    • SKETCH “Bad object...”


      And I'm a good student

      Look at my diary

      Mathematics - "five"

      Drawing – “five”...


      But wait, wait a minute,

      What's the deuce for?


      And for the behavior!

      Not an object - torment.

      Sit like a stump all day,

      Don't fight all day

      Don't make noise, don't shout

      And don't knock your feet.

      This is “no” and this is “no” -

      What a bad item!

      Now let's give way to a joke -
      We can't live without her,
      It’s better with her in difficult times,
      Why don't we joke?

      And now a comic prediction of fate.
      Mothers are given envelopes with the following items:
      button - you will buy yourself something beautiful from clothes;
      candy - a sweet, sweet life awaits;
      a penny - you will be a very moneyed person;
      bay leaf - great success in work;
      thread - a long road to distant lands;
      smile - you have to look in the mirror and it will tell you that a smile suits you very well;
      butterfly - this year you will be lucky, you will flutter on the wings of success through life;
      heart - love;
      key - new apartment;
      book - new receipts for the savings book.

    • 5 petal All together: Fly, fly petal

      Through joy and delight.

      Just touch your hand -

      Give our mother a gift!

      I am a colorful gift
      I decided to give it to my mother.
      I tried, I drew
      Four pencils.
      But first I'm on the red
      Pressed too hard
      And then, right after the red one
      Purple broke,
      And then the blue one broke,
      And the orange one broke...
      Still a beautiful portrait
      Because it's mom!

    • Competition "Collective Portrait"

    • We will divide the guys into two teams and line them up in columns.
      For the competition you will need: 2 sheets, 2 markers. The 1st runs and draws the head, ears,
      2nd – eyes,

      3rd - nose,

      4th - mouth,

      5th - hair,

      6th - torso,
      7th - hands,
      8th - legs without feet,
      9th - shoes,
      10th - beads,
      11th - handbag.

      Whichever team is faster wins.
      -Look at how wonderful the portraits of my mother turned out.

      6 petal All together: Fly, fly petal

      Through joy and delight.

      Just touch your hand -

      Give our mother a gift!

      Who's in the kitchen with a ladle?

      Always standing by the stove,

      Who darns our clothes?

      Who's humming with a vacuum cleaner?

      Who is the tastiest person in the world?

      Always bakes pies

      Even dads who are more important

      And who is honored in the family?

    • Who will sing us a song at night,

      So that we can fall asleep sweetly?

      Who is the kindest and most wonderful?

      Well, of course - grannies!

      This is, of course, grandma! Almost every person has warm childhood memories associated with their grandmother, with her care and kindness. On this day we also congratulate them, because grandmother is your mother’s mother.

      Mom is getting old. She is no longer happy about calls from her friends and pranks from her grandchildren...
      Years and fatigue weigh on your shoulders, and you don’t want to raise your arms.
      But my legs can’t move... my strength has run out. My eyes are watering, my voice is trembling a little...
      I heard her asking yesterday: “Give me, Lord, some more time to live!”
      My mother is sick. She can’t sleep at night. All dreams ended long ago.
      He lies and waits: suddenly a nimble tit will knock on the window with its beak in the morning.
      I’ll light the candles: help her, God, add health to her and my strength.
      Let mom become at least a little younger. And we have enough wisdom for two.
      I am a mother myself. I won’t hide it from anyone - I can be both unbearable and harsh.
      And I know that sometimes offensive epithets fly off the tongue.
      Of course, not out of malice, but out of frustration, I can say unnecessary words...
      Don't be offended, sons, don't! Forgiving is sometimes easier than understanding.
      And you, dear, smile bravely! Look, spring is on the way again!
      Live longer! You know, it’s so important for us
      That grandmother and mother are next to us!

      "Dance with a Stroller"

      7 petal All together: Fly, fly petal

      Through joy and delight.

      Just touch your hand -

      Give our mother a gift!

    • A special day, bright and clear,

      Autumn has found a golden day.

      "Mother's Day" - it sounds so beautiful,

      She brought dear guests to us!

      Mom is warmth and tenderness!

      Mom, I feel your hands.

      Mom is the wind of hope and freshness,

      Like the tread of spring in autumn!

      Remember this is the kindest person!

      Be grateful to mommy

      Cherish and take care of her,

      Give her a holiday gift with tenderness!

      The children made a gift with palms and a heart inside.

      You will give these hearts to your loved ones and dear mothers as a sign of your gratitude and love.

      And to our gifts we will add a few more warm words (watching a video).

    • Dear mom! I want to hug you tightly and kiss you on both cheeks.

    • Tell us how wonderful you are and how good it is that you exist, ready to help and give wise, practical advice!

    • Mom, you are like a good queen and fairy fairy, you give us your smiles and kind words.

    • Your hands are always the most tender. Your voice is always the softest. Mom, be happy and healthy.

    • My dear mom! There are not enough words in all the dictionaries in the world for me to express how much I love you!

    • Thank you for your caring hands, which always caress and...deliciously feed you.

    • Thank you for your kind heart, which forgives all insults.

    • Mommy, happy holiday to you!
      Health, happiness and good luck,
      And if something is wrong, forgive me
      You mean so much to me!

    • Mommy, mommy, dear mommy,
      It’s brighter to live in this world with you,
      I wish you from the bottom of my heart today
      Worry less, don’t be sad.

    • Only mom knows for sure
      Whether I'm feeling good or bad
      On this day I wish my mother
      May all the bad things pass!

    • From my first breath to this day, there is no person dearer and closer than you, mom!

    • This holiday is just a reason to tell you what I feel every day: I love you more than anyone on Earth!

    • Be beautiful, young
      Don't get sick with a cold!
      I promise to upset you
      I will never!

    • Leading: Here it is underwalks the end of our holiday. I think you liked it because it was dedicated to the dearest person - your mother!

      Ved.:- Our dear mothers, on this day the guys want to make you a promise.
    • Studying: We promise! (in chorus)

      Don't make noise, don't play around, don't shout, don't tumble.

      And don’t be stubborn with dear mothers.

      Our promise to you is to save you the hassle.

      But, of course, we are not making a promise to you for a year.

      Not for an hour. For two minutes, two minutes of silence, peace and quiet.

      Mothers should all understand what this is.

      Don't interfere for two minutes, don't shout for two minutes.

      Don't swing your legs. Try it yourself!

      Leading: Being a mother of girls, of course, is not the same: there are dolls, dishes, a hospital. Lotto…
      There are fluffy dresses and braids down to the heels... but God gave you and me guys.
      My house is decorated not with vases of roses, but with a cyborg killer. What did your son bring?
      Having found him in a puddle near his native house,
      I cleaned it, washed it and now it’s like new...
      No, it's not trash, and don't you dare clean it up!
      Do you want to destroy a military base???
      Do you want to demolish an airplane hangar???
      Come to your senses, woman! This is a nightmare!!!
      You will lead the tin soldiers into battle.
      Be daring and brave, don't take a step back!!
      So, go in from the flank and hit with artillery!
      If you don’t know what it is, ask your sons!
      You will learn all car brands with them,
      And they will become bigger - all types of their tires.
      They will grow up and enlighten you,
      How do the starter, cardan and jack work...
      Without them you might not know anything -
      Why do you need a jigsaw? Should I kiss?
      Why do we need a vice? Maybe squeeze someone?
      Bearings - what are they? Something with spikes?
      There is so much that could have passed by...

      • Leading:

        Take care of your children

        Don't scold them for their pranks.

        The evil of your bad days

        Never take it out on them.

        Don't be seriously angry with them

        Even if they did something wrong,

        There is nothing more expensive than tears

        That the eyelashes of relatives have rolled off.

        If you feel tired

        I can’t cope with her,

        Well, my son will come to you

        Or your daughter will extend her hands.

        Hug them tight

        Treasure children's affection

        This happiness is a short moment,

        Hurry up to be happy.

        After all, they will melt like snow in the spring,

        These golden days will flash by

        And they will leave their native hearth

        Your children have grown up.

        Flipping through the album

        With childhood photographs

        Remember with sadness the past

        About those days when we were together.

        How will you want

        Return again at this time

        To sing a song to them little ones,

        Touch your cheeks with gentle lips.

        And while there is children's laughter in the house,

        There's no escape from toys

        You are the happiest person in the world,

        Please take care of your childhood!

      • Final song “We wish you happiness”

      • TLyrics of the song “Mom, always be by my side”

        I kiss your hands, my dear

        You are the most tender in the world, I know for sure

        There is no one more precious in the world than you, in my heart you are

        Hold me tight, I want to warm you up!

      • CHORUS:

        Mom, always be by my side!

        Mom, don't be sad!

        Do you hear, mom, always be by my side!

        Mom, I don’t need more!

        Mom, don't be sad!

        And forgive me for everything, mommy!

      • Only you will always support and reassure

        And you will protect me from envy and anger.

        I love you, you are an angel, I live by you.

        I kiss your hands with gratitude.


        (verses 12 measures):

        Light in the window, we are together,

        The soul is light.

        Dear Mommy, how warm it is to be with you!

        I pray at night that you live

        May you be healthy, mommy!

        My mom gave me life!

        I love you more than anyone in the world!

Municipal Autonomous educational institution

additional education"CDT"


holiday dedicated to Mother's Day

"Look into mom's eyes"

Prepared by:

Kalibovets Olga Nikolaevna –

additional education teacher

Birobidzhan, 2015

November 27, 2015

15 – 00

Teenage club "Alyonushka"

The purpose of the educational event: nurturing love and respect for the mother, a feeling of gratitude for her care and love.

Equipment: computer, speakers, video projector, “Happy Mother’s Day!” poster, children’s crafts.

The song “Mom, the first word...” plays.

Diana G. - In the world kind words a lot,
But one thing is kinder and more important:
The simple word “mother” is made of two syllables.
And there are no words more precious than it.

Svetlana V. - This word is our happiness
Our life and beauty.
Mom, dear mommy -
This is what is sacred forever.

Daria P. - How we want to say a lot of words
To all women of our beloved land
We wish them health and happiness
Hope, patience, joy, good luck.

Anastasia K. - We have been living in the world for a few years
And there is much more, friends, we don’t know.
But I believe in victory and success,
When mom is next to you!

Alena K. - Our friendly team is happy to congratulate you,
To all mothers around the planet
They say thank you to mom
Both adults and children!

Leading: Good afternoon, dear mothers Hello, dear women! Let me congratulate you on a tender family holiday, Mother's Day!Mother's Day is a wonderful occasion to once again say words of love and gratitude to your nearest and dearest person, to pay tribute to love, to caring and gentle hands.
- Mom, mommy! This is what we call our dearest and most beloved person. The first word every baby says is the word “mom”. In all languages ​​of the world it sounds affectionate, warm and gentle.

Christina M. - We are happy to congratulate you today
Women of all who are close to us!
But special congratulations,
Our grandmothers and mothers!
And we lovingly dedicate our concert today to you.

Valeria F. - Mom is loved by everyone in the world,
Mom is the first friend
Not only children love their mothers,
Loved by everyone around.

Anastasia P. - If anything happens
If suddenly there is trouble,
Mommy will come to the rescue
It will always help.

Alina T. - Moms have a lot of health
They give it to all of us.
So, really, there is no
Better than our mothers.

Tamara F. - Our life is easy and simple
Because with its warmth
Our grandmothers, our mothers
They warm our sweet home.

Anastasia K. - The world is for us, ready to defend
Any mother has a kind heart.
We will give you our word for this,
This is how we become like this in life.

Raisa K. - You can travel all over Russia,
Spend many days on the road
You won't meet anyone more beautiful
You won't meet anyone closer to you.

Children sing the song “Mom, Mom, Mommy...”

What a pity that our days are flying by
Alas, at insane speed,
Can't scroll back
Pages of this story

Sometimes changing cities
Stubborn fate carries
But we are rushing there again
Where will we be next to mom?

Mom-mummy dear, beloved
Mommy, vulnerable heart

What a pity that tender words
Will not be told again
But we are all a thread of magic,
Forever connected with mom,

We will appreciate every moment
And wait for the meeting with excitement
You and I have two
One heartbeat

Mom-mummy dear, beloved
Mommy, vulnerable heart
Mommy, don't cry in the dark night
Mommy, your daughter is with you

Mom-mummy dear, beloved
Mommy, vulnerable heart
Mommy, don't cry in the dark night
Mommy, your daughter is with you

Leading: And, indeed, there is no one better than mothers in the world.

A wife, a mother is a cheerful, affectionate sun in the sky of a home community; it is a source of affection, compassion and comfort. All of you, dear mothers, daily play the role of a big mistress of a small state. You are a teacher, a psychologist, an economist, a diplomat, a doctor and a baker, an actress and a playwright, a director of family scenes, a leader and a subordinate at the same time.

Anastasia P. - Busy with good deeds at home,
Kindness walks quietly around the apartment.
Good morning with us, good afternoon and good hour.
Good evening, good night,
It was good yesterday.
And where do you ask,
There is so much kindness in the house.
That flowers take root from this kindness,
Fish, hedgehogs, chicks!
I'll answer you straight
It's mom, mom, mom!

An excerpt of a song is played with the words “Mom is the first word...”

Polina K. - Help your mom
And you will see for yourself:
Her smile will bloom
Like the sun in spring.
The day will be bright and bright.
Your help is like a gift -
And priceless and beautiful -
To your mother dear.

Evgenia G. - Mom has a lot of worries and troubles,
We know that she often gets tired,
And to my beloved mother
We give our word
That we will help her
Always and in everything.

Leading: The words mother, mother are among the most ancient on Earth. This suggests that all people honor and love their mothers. The word “mother” is also used to describe one’s homeland in order to emphasize that she treats her children – the peoples inhabiting it – like a mother.

Now let's playgame “Mommy” . I will ask questions, and you will answer in unison: “Mommy.”

Who came to me this morning?
– Who said it’s time to get up?
– Who managed to cook the porridge?
-Did you pour me a cup of tea?
-Who braided my hair?
-Who kissed me?
– Who as a child loves laughter?
-Who is the best in the world?

Julia B. - On mommy's cheeks -
Two magical dimples.
And when she laughs
The light is so radiant,
That snowdrops are blooming!
Mom is my sunshine!
I am her sunflower
It's good to be happy
Love your mommy.

Alina K. - Me and our mommy great friends,
My mother is kind and caring.
Wherever you go
Wherever you go -
We have a better friend than our mother,
Nowhere for mom.

Anastasia P. - Mom fussed for a long time:
All the work, the work...
Mom was so tired during the day,
She lay down on the sofa,
I won't touch her
I'll just stand next to you.
Let her sleep a little -
I'll sing her a song.
I will become closer to my mother -
I love her very much!
It's just a pity that he doesn't hear
Mom my song
There is no more wonderful song
Maybe I should sing louder
To give this song to mom
I could hear it in my sleep too.
-For you, dear mothers and grandmothers, this musical gift

Children perform “The Baby Mammoth Song”

Song about a baby mammoth

Across the blue sea to green earth, I'm sailing on my white ship
On your white ship, on your white ship.
Neither the waves nor the wind scare me,
I'm swimming to the only mother in the world,

I swim through the waves and wind to the only mother in the world.
I want to get to the ground as soon as possible,
I'm here, I've arrived, I'll shout to her,
I'll scream to my mom, I'll scream to my mom.
Let mom hear, let mom come,
May my mother definitely find me.
After all, it doesn’t happen in the world that children are lost.
After all, it doesn’t happen in the world that children are lost.

Leading: Now, mothers are asked to guess the name of the flower. This flower is called the sister of mercy. Its popular names: popovnik, whitehead, Ivan's flower. This flower is considered a symbol of Russia.

That's right, chamomile.

Our magic chamomile will help you find out the features of your appearance and character. The variety of this chamomile is called “The Samaya.”

Mothers tear off the petals of a flower, on which is written:

    The most charming

    The most attractive

    The most caring

    The most beautiful eyes

    The most charming smile

    The kindest

    The most affectionate

    The most economical

    The most generous heart

    The most charming.

Children all together: Our dear mothers!
We will always love you.

Music is playing. Children present their mothers with handmade crafts.

Leading : And now, together with our mothers, we will try to guess the song from its three words and sing one verse. Let's start!

Sky, coconuts, bananas. (“Chunga-changa”)

Minutes, horizon, driver. ("Blue carriage")

Pear, song, fogs. (“Katyusha”)

Viburnum, stream, guy. (“Oh, the viburnum is blooming”)

Presenter: I know that all our mothers are needlewomen, skilled craftsmen, and therefore now I invite the most courageous and skillful to come to me.

We all love to dress beautifully, both adults and children. I invite you to a workshop for making clothes from newspapers.

Moms make a dress out of newspapers using paper clips for their children.

Leading : Do you know your children well? (question for moms). And you will never confuse your child with someone else's? Yes? Let's check it now. So, the competition is called: “Recognize your child by... his palm.”

Mothers with closed eyes recognize their child by the palm of their hand

Leading : Next competition: “Guess who I am.” The rules of this competition are as follows: the child is given a word on a piece of paper, he must use gestures and facial expressions to explain this word to his mother, and his mother must guess it.

(Words: Glutton, singer, crybaby, teacher, driver, dancer)

Ksenia B. - Thank you, beloved women, to you
And to your skillful and gentle hands,
They are golden, like the sun always,
We will never forget our mother's hands!
Let mother’s deeds be famous everywhere,
Honor and praise to working women.

Leading: Dear guys!
Let's go together
Let's say thank you to grandma
Let's say thank you to mom.

For songs, for fairy tales,
For troubles and affections,
For delicious cheesecakes,
For new toys.
Together: Thank you!

Leading: For books and counting rhymes,
For skis and jump ropes,
For sweet jam,
For your long patience.
Together: Thank you!

For mothers there is a song performed by children “Zorenki are more beautiful and miles away from the sun”
The dawns are more beautiful and the sun is miles away,
The one who is called my mother.

Mommy, dear, my mother,

The wind will howl, there will be a thunderstorm outside the window,
Mommy in the house - no fear.

Mommy, dear, my mother,
It's so good that I have you!

The matter is in dispute, the fun is in abundance -
Mommy, that means, is next to me.

I love you very much, mommy,
I will give this song to her.

Slide presentation - congratulations for mothers.

This is where our holiday ends. And we tell you again:

Children together with the teacher: Happy Holidays, dear mothers!

Scenario for children 10-12 years old. The work can be used in school for classroom hours or in preparation for a holiday. The script requires little preparatory work: children are given the task of composing a poem for one of the competitions and bringing their mother’s photograph from ten years ago. It is also necessary to purchase props: whatman paper, cardboard, flowers, markers.

Scenario for Mother's Day “Heart for Mommy”

Small children and teenagers all confess their love for their mother, they give them their concert numbers. They read poetry to them. They thank their mothers for their kind hearts and give them little hearts in return. Official congratulations and honors are inserted into the script.

Scenario for Mother's Day for children 5-6 years old “My dear mother”

Scenario of a matinee in kindergarten, dedicated to the day mother. A selection of small quatrains for children, as well as easy-to-sing songs. The scenario involves a group of twenty children. If there is no special hall, all the action can take place in a group.

Scenario for Mother's Day "Family Game: Mom and Me!"

Game for children school age and their mothers. Number of teams - 4-6. The number of spectators is unlimited. The game requires preparation on the part of the participants. You need to come up with a team name and logo. Prepare a small joint room. Prepare a story about each other: the mother briefly talks about the merits of her son (daughter), the child talks about his mother (my mother is the most...

Scenario for Mother's Day for high school students “The light of motherhood is the light of love”

Touching, heart-warming congratulations to moms on Mother's Day. Children will read poetry, dance a waltz, sing songs - everything for the most beloved person on earth. If the scenario for the event is implemented wisely, I guarantee that the children will be able to make the mother cry.

A small script for children "Mother's Day"

Every year in the spring the whole world celebrates the wonderful Mother's Day. This little script is designed for children. senior group kindergarten or primary classes schools.

Scenario for the children's holiday “Happy Searches with Kuzya and Anfisa”

Scenario children's party“Fun Searches with Kuzya and Anfisa” can be used for children 5-8 years old and dedicated to Mother’s Day. You can celebrate the holiday in any room if there is enough space (cafe, kindergarten, school, apartment). The hosts of the holiday are clowns Kuzya and Anfisa. They and the boys are looking for stolen gifts or sweets.

Scenario for Mother's Day in elementary school “I love my mother very much, I will sing a song to my mother”

Mother's Day is an excellent, touching holiday filled with tenderness. Preparing for this event takes time, but the warmth of feelings and sincerity of emotions is worth it. In order for the holiday to be successful, you need to take care not only of the design, but also of the script. This version of the holiday concert is perfect for students in grades 3-4.

Mom is the dearest and close person, who will always understand and support. Who, if not mommy, will give advice and warm us with warmth when it’s hard and sad for us?! Mother's Day scenarios will help create a sincere and festive atmosphere, and celebrate this celebration with dignity. Mom is the first word, the main word in every destiny...

Elena Baykova
Scenario for Mother's Day "Best Mom in the World"

Holiday script for Mother's Day.

Target: fostering a good attitude towards mother, the desire to take care of her, protect, help.


Progress of the holiday.

Holiday begins with video presentation No. 1, children enter the hall and sit on chairs, and those who read poetry remain in their proper places; at the end of the presentation, children read poetry.

Who opened this world to me,

Sparing no effort?

And always protected?

The best MOM in the world.

Who's on the cutest in the world

And it will warm you with its warmth,

Loves more than himself?

This is my MOMMY.

Reads books in the evening

And he always understands everything,

Even if I'm stubborn

I know he loves me MOTHER.

Never gets discouraged

He knows exactly what I need.

If suddenly drama happens,

Who will support? My MOTHER.

(Fanfare sounds, presenter exits)


Hello, dear viewers! We are pleased to welcome you to our holiday! In Russia since 1998 Day mothers celebrated on the fourth Sunday of November based on Presidential decree Russian Federation B. N. Yeltsin. On this day, traditionally, women whose name is congratulated Mother, and we have gathered here to congratulate our mothers, grandmothers and simply the women close to us, because they are the kindest, gentlest, and most importantly, during their stay at the center they became loved.

The floor for congratulations goes to the director of the State Government Institution of Social Rehabilitation Center of the village of Kushchevskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna Sachko.

(Fanfares sound)


From the bottom of my heart in simple words

Let's talk about mom, friends.

We love her like a good friend

Because she and I have everything together,

For always being straightforward and straightforward

We can trust her with our hearts

And simply because she is ours Mother

We love her deeply and tenderly.

Leading: And now the pupils of our center have prepared for your attention skit, it's called « Holiday»


Participants: presenter, Mother, dad, daughter, son.

Attributes: a cup for dough, a vacuum cleaner, a saucepan with a ladle, a rag to wipe off the dust.

Son:- Today's holiday is Mother's Day! But we can sleep with my little sister laziness: A ray of sunshine is just coming through the window, We are already playing with the cat.

(A boy and a girl come to the door next room, listen).

-The daughter tells her brother: Mom and Dad are fast asleep, And they don’t want to feed us!

-Son: We won’t wake them up, we can cook the soup ourselves! (Takes her sister into the kitchen.) They can knead dough AND vacuum a chair!

-Daughter: Let's decorate the closet with flowers. What a surprise it will be for mom! (Children drag a vacuum cleaner, open a can of paint, spill it on the floor. Knead dough on the table, which sticks to their hands, clothes, hair).

- Daughter: The sound of footsteps along the corridor... who is it?

-Son: We'll find out soon! If Mother, that's the problem, we didn't have time, as always! (Dad comes in and looks in amazement at the mess in the kitchen).

- Dad: I don’t understand what happened! I'll punish you both!

Daughter (upset): We wanted, don’t be angry, to give mommy a surprise!

-Leading: Dad immediately became sad, He talked about I forgot the holiday: Didn’t buy a bouquet of flowers, No gift, no pies! He rolled up his sleeves, put his hands in paint, and said...

-Dad: Well, kids, let's get to work! One or two! (To the accompaniment of cheerful music, everyone gets down to business. Cleaning quickly takes place, breakfast is cooked, a cake is baked, flowers are drawn on the closet doors, dad runs off to bed).

-Leading: Mom got up this morning, She quietly trudged into the kitchen. The door opened, froze...

Mother: Bah, how clean! It smells like pies when it's hot, the closet is painted all over with flowers, the cat is purring by the window...

-Son and daughter: Mother, With Happy holiday to you!

Leading: Mom hugs the kids, Caresses them on the head, And quietly speaks:

-Mother: It's a pity... dad is fast asleep!


Thanks to our young artists.

Words MOTHER, MOTHER are one of the most ancient on earth and sound almost identically in the languages ​​of all peoples. This suggests that all people respect and love mothers. Many countries celebrate the Day Mothers. People congratulate their mothers, come to visit them, give gifts, arrange for them holiday. Word Mother the most beautiful thing on earth. For the first time a person pronounces it and it sounds equally tender and poetic throughout the entire planet Earth. Only our mothers have the most affectionate and gentle hands, only our mothers have the most musical and lacquer words. They have a very sensitive and wise heart that understands and forgives everything. And that’s why we also decided to make such a beautiful one for you. holiday.

So that our mothers do not get bored, we will now perform for them ditties about our beloved mothers.


We'll sing ditties

Funny, funny!

So that there are all mothers

SATISFIED on this day!

After a delicious lunch

I’ll help mom right away.

And get up off the couch

For some reason I can't.

To mom on Sunday

Don't oversleep on work

I'll set her alarm clock

And I'll slip it under the bed.

I love my dear mother

I'll give her some candy.

I'll bring it home

Mom, will you share with me?

To mom smiled

And she was pleased

I’ll draw it in her passport

Cool face.

To mom wasn't sad

I won't sleep at night!

I'll jump on the bed

And sing ditties.

I'm also happy with cleaning


I'll break all the dishes -

May everyone be happy!

We sang ditties for you,

How much we love you!

And now we ask you,

Let's clap now.


What great fellows, how wonderfully and fervently they sang!

And now. I want to make riddles.

You need to listen to them carefully,

And then answer in unison.

1. Who goes to bed later than everyone else?

And gets up earlier than everyone else?

Spends the day in worries

And very tired? (Mother)

2. Mom’s ears sparkle

And they don’t melt at all.

Crumbs of ice turn silver

In mom's ears (earrings)

3. These balls are on a string

Would you like to try it on?

For all your tastes

In my mother's box (beads)

4. Its edge is called fields,

The top is decorated all over with flowers,

Mystery headdress

Our mother has it (hat)

Name the dishes:

The handle stuck to the circle.

Damn bake her - nonsense

Same. (pan)

He has water in his belly

Seething from the heat.

Like an angry boss

Boils quickly. (kettle)

This is a dish for everyone

Mom will cook for lunch.

And the ladle is right there -

He will pour it into plates. (soup)

The dust will find and instantly swallow -

It brings cleanliness for us.

A long hose, like a trunk-nose,

The rug is cleaned. (vacuum cleaner)

Irons dresses and shirts,

He will iron our pockets.

He is a faithful friend on the farm -

He has a name. (iron)


What great guys. All the riddles were solved. Now it's time to play with our mothers.

A game "Decorate Your Mom"

The music turns on.

Several pairs of interested persons are invited to play - children with mothers. In the middle of the hall there is a table with accessories: hats, scarves, beads, clips, hairpins, etc. Mothers sit on chairs around the table. At the signal, the children begin "decorate" their mothers to everyone. What's available. Then the participants demonstrate the result. Those present appreciate the effort with applause.

Presenter: What wonderful stylists we have. Let's applaud them loudly. Now the children have prepared a dance for your attention "Cupid's bow".

Dance performed by 2 reb. Groups "Cupid's bow"

Leading: Well done, we played, danced and got a little tired. We are now offering the game. I will ask questions, and you will answer in unison "Mommy"

Who came to me this morning? (Mommy)

Who said “It’s time to get up!”

Who managed to cook the porridge?

Did you pour some tea into my cup?

Who braided my hair?

Who kissed me?

Who childishly loves laughter

Who's on best in the world?


What great guys. We present to your attention naughty girls with a cheerful folk dance.

(Folk dance)


As soon as we don't call ours mom: dear dear, dear, most the best. But this is already inherent in every name. I wonder what the name of your mothers and grandmothers is? Inviting you to play a game called "Tender words".


Children invite their parents and everyone stands in a circle. A ball is passed along to the music, and whoever lands on it has to say a kind word to mom. Whoever does not say the word leaves the game. The remaining 2-3 people win and are awarded balls.

Leading: We had a great time playing, so we heard what our mothers were called. How beautiful they all are female names, Maria Anna Lydia, Lyudmila...

I would like to focus on one name, Maria. Mother Mary, God's mother, is the birth mother of all Christians. The Blessed Virgin Mary will help and protect. The Virgin Mary is a symbol motherhood, I also want us to treat our mothers, honored them, loved them, protected them, helped them, but we must remember that not only today, but every day Mother needs our help, care and love. We present to your attention a concert performance from our littlest angels.

(Video clip starts, “My angel, always be with me”, in the middle of the act, children dressed as angels come out and perform movements)


May adversity and sorrow

They will bypass you.

So that every day of the week,

It was like a day off for you.

We want it for no reason

They would give you flowers.

All the men smiled

From your wonderful beauty.

Presenter: And in conclusion of our holiday we give our modest gifts and sing a song about mother together.

A video is played on the screen, the children stand together in the middle and sing a song. "Baby Mammoth" .
