The difference between public services and housing. What is the difference between utilities and housing services?

Every month you receive receipts for payment for services consumed. They are awarded to a citizen living in a given residential area. They indicate how much we pay for gas, electricity, water, etc. New samples differ in the set of abbreviations, color (for example, in St. Petersburg - a pink payment card, in other regions - yellow), etc. An example of a receipt will be given below. In case of accrual of illegal amounts, which means if two receipts are received, with double size, etc., then it is necessary to complain to the authorized bodies.

Who generates receipts for housing and communal services payments?

There are several aspects to consider when answering this question. So, according to the law, in an apartment building payment receipts utilities direct and form management organizations. They are authorized to calculate the consumption of the following housing and communal services:

  • for water supply;
  • per apartment (depending on the number of persons registered there);
  • behind major renovation and etc.

Citizens receive separate receipts for gas and electricity supplies. This is due to the fact that these organizations are direct suppliers of utility services, and therefore charge directly.

What does a utility bill look like?

A housing and utility bill looks like this: it is a written document that lists the services for which a fee is charged. Tariffs are also indicated there.

The rent act has the following content:

  1. Indication of the payer.
  2. Address and location of residential premises.
  3. The name of the service provider and its bank details.
  4. QR code.
  5. Data on the services provided.
  6. Tariffs that are applied during calculation.
  7. Total amount to be paid.

Depending on the management company, the receipt may also include services for garbage removal, sewerage, general house needs, heating, etc.

Housing and communal services and housing and communal services - what are they and what is the difference

Before you understand the difference between these concepts, you need to understand the meaning of this abbreviation.

Housing and communal services is understood as housing and communal services as a branch of the economy engaged in the study and formation of a range of services necessary for the normal life support of the population.

Housing and communal services are housing and communal services, that is, a specific resource provided to citizens - electricity, hot water, etc.

The concept of housing and communal services is much broader than the concept of housing and communal services, and includes, in addition to the list of services, other essential provisions, legal norms, standards, etc.

What is included in the rent, utility bills and on what basis is the rent amount in the receipt formed?

Depending on the basis on which a citizen owns housing, the receipt may include various elements. This includes rent, capital and Maintenance, for housing and communal services, etc.

It is also important to determine the basis on which the total amount payable is formed. First of all, the formation of payments is influenced by contracts concluded by citizens and government organizations (for example, a social rental agreement). Particular attention should be paid regulations adopted in the region on the provision of public services. You also need to take into account the tariffs in force in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. The readings of meters installed in citizens’ apartments are also very important.

What is included in utilities when renting an apartment?

In this situation, it is necessary to identify what kind of lease is taking place. If this is a social rental, then the rent for housing is also included in the communal apartment.

In situations where there is a civil lease, the rent is addressed directly to the landlord, and the tenant can actually pay it. These conditions must be specified in the contract. It is possible and reverse order calculation.

Legal regulation

In the housing and communal services sector, legal regulation includes such legal acts as:

  1. Constitution of the Russian Federation.
  2. Housing Code.
  3. Law on Privatization.
  4. Government decree in the housing and communal services sector.
  5. Private contracts.
  6. Regional legal acts.

It is in these legal documents that tariffs for utility services, the procedure for their payment, the procedure for repaying debt obligations, etc. are reflected.

As a rule, regulation most often occurs at the regional level, therefore Special attention It is worth paying attention to the regulatory legal acts of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Explanation of abbreviations on the receipt

A utility bill includes a lot of abbreviations that need to be deciphered and understood. Each abbreviation is designated by a set of letters and has its own name. Let's look at some of them.


This is a rather specific column in utility bills. SEON stands for unified public information system. As a rule, this includes sending messages to citizens about impending natural disasters, etc.


This is one of the most common columns in a payment order. It stands for the phrase “maintenance of common property.” It obliges citizens to pay mandatory expenses for the needs of common property in the house. SOI includes:

  • maintenance of stairs;
  • entrances;
  • elevators;
  • attic, etc.

The amount of payment for SOI is determined by an agreement between residents and the management company.


This payment applies only to those houses where an intercom is installed. The abbreviation stands for: “ intercom locking device ". In some cases, the fee for ROM is issued as a separate receipt.

Citizens are required to pay for its maintenance and maintenance of normal technical condition.


General house needs are an analogue of SOI. These are also expenses for the maintenance of common property. There are no differences in these abbreviations; it all depends on what set of letters the management organization uses to indicate these expenses in the payment slip.


UUTE in the receipt is responsible for the provision of thermal energy to apartments. It reflects how many resources were supplied and at what tariffs the payment is calculated. The inclusion of UTE occurs depending on the season.
Explanation of the abbreviation: u evils of thermal energy metering.


Stands for " additional cable program television systems". This column is not available on payment cards in all regions. It constitutes a fee for the provision of telecommunication services, maintenance of a common house antenna, etc.

DSKPT can be appealed by a citizen in a situation where he uses cable TV and an antenna.


In order to understand what POVK means, you need to refer to the norms of housing legislation. This is an additional fee for providing heat to the apartment. A couple more letters are added to this abbreviation, for example, ТХВ.


APPP involves citizens paying for the development and maintenance of systems that protect the house from sudden fire. Such systems do not protect the apartment itself, but entrances, stairs, attics, etc.


AUR is also a specific line of expenses in payments. This includes a set of payments aimed at ensuring the work of the administrative and management apparatus, for example, a management company.


OPU includes the volume and types of costs for the collection, repair and installation of various metering devices, such as water or gas meters.


This is the “daily consumption on the electric meter”. As a rule, such consumption is not indicated in all regions. The night consumption of the EBDT can also be indicated in a separate line.


TPP includes payment for water - “coolant”.


The interpretation of this concept includes the provision and maintenance of gas equipment. VDGO includes both slabs and gas boilers, and columns. Citizens are required to pay for inspection, repair and maintenance of these devices.

PD number

Water disposal in housing and communal services receipt

Citizens are also required to pay for wastewater disposal. Payment for this is charged every month. The management company issues such a receipt and also issues an invoice for the allocation.

Water supply

DHW and cold water are indicated in a separate column. This is, in essence, delivery to the apartment of hot and cold water. This is done through common pipes.


DHW refers to the provision of hot water supply. The column must be filled out in accordance with legal requirements. Per consumption hot water in a situation where there is a water pump at home, no fee is charged.


This is the supply of cold water to the apartment. Payment is collected according to general devices accounting (general) or individual ones in the apartment. The calculation is generated for a certain period.


Abbreviations for heating have already been discussed above. It should be noted that the provision of this service is seasonal and, for example, in the summer, no payment for heat is charged.

Example of a utility bill

The form and form of the payment notice (invoice) is a written act that includes the name of the organization, personal account, indication of the consumer and description of housing and communal services (housing and communal services).

Receipt for major repairs

As a rule, a separate receipt for major repairs is not printed. This expense line is included in the overall receipt. The amount of contributions is determined by regional legislation or an agreement with the regional operator. As a rule, these are small amounts of money.

Receipt for gas supply

This document is published separately. The law sets the tariff, after which the consumption rate is determined. It can be calculated based on apartment metering devices or common house meters installed in the basement.

Tariffs set by the general consumption rate in the region may also apply.. In the situation where there is use gas cylinders, there is no charge for gas supply.

Norms and meter readings

They play a huge role in determining the amount of payment. Devices must reliably indicate how much of a particular resource was consumed. Testimony is verified periodically by authorized officials.

In a situation where the device is faulty, the consumed resources are accounted for according to the general standards provided for in the region of residence of the citizen.

Errors in housing and communal services receipts - what to do

In this situation, you must contact either management company(to the one that sent you this receipt with an error), or to the resource supply organization. As a rule, a written claim is written with a request for recalculation.

If this does not help, the citizen has the right to complain to Rospotrebnadzor, the prosecutor's office or the court, which will oblige the unscrupulous organization to correct its mistakes.

Application for a reduction in payment

Payment reductions may occur based on various reasons, for example, due to the fact that the family is low-income, a disabled citizen lives in the apartment, etc. The application must be in writing. It can be submitted either directly to the organization that provides the service or through a multifunctional center. The application can be completed by the resident or a representative.

A sample application for recalculation (reduction) of payment for utility bills is available. ⇐

Rules for reducing rent

In this matter, the following points need to be taken into account:

  1. You can reduce the fee when providing low-quality services.
  2. In the absence of necessary maintenance of metering devices.
  3. With illegally inflated fees.
  4. In situations where the fee exceeds 20 percent of total income.

Only in these situations can you really count on a reduction in utility bills. Everything happens exclusively at the written request of the person, since the reduction is exclusively of a declarative nature.

Thus, the receipt includes many alphabetic symbols and codes: IPU, IND, ZPU, ADS, AZU, AKHN, BULA, VIC, ASPZ, AHR, IKU, OID, SOID, GUP, etc. Essentially, this is one and the same same name for different utilities. For example, OID and SOID apply to the general property of MKD, IPU and IND - mean payment for metering devices, ZPU and ADS - also to metering devices in terms of sealing.

Utility bills are quite hot topic, which interests almost all individuals. In this regard, this article will discuss what is included in housing and communal services, as well as how citizens Russian Federation can make their payment. In addition, each of the methods with which you can list cash for the use of one or another public service.

Public utilities

Every person has heard at least once in his life about such a concept as housing and communal services, but not everyone fully understands what it means this term. All services the provision of which is necessary for a consumer living in a residential building, apartment or separate room for his comfortable stay are called utilities. Any isolated property, the condition of which is considered suitable for long-term human habitation, belongs to the category of residential properties and can act as a consumer of utilities.

Attention! All issues related to the procedure for the provision and use of utility services, as well as the timing and methods of payment, and many other nuances, are regulated by such a legislative source as the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

What is included in this list

Utilities is a fairly broad term. In this regard, we propose to understand what exactly is included in this concept. Depending on the specific property in which an individual lives, he will use and pay for one or another package of utility services. The exact composition of these services is directly related to the improvement of a residential building. However, it must be remembered that garbage removal should not be included in this list in any case. The main types of housing and communal services, without which comfortable living for individuals is impossible, include the following:

Payment of utility bills

Some individuals pay for their entire lives housing services using the same method and don’t even realize that this can be done much easier and faster. In this regard, we propose to consider a list of all the ways in which you can transfer funds for the use of water or gas resources, as well as electricity:

  1. Payment via mail. This method is popular among pensioners who are accustomed to making all payments outside of in electronic format, but with cash. You can pay for the use of utilities in this way by visiting one of the branches of a state company such as Russian Post. This organization is the operator of the state postal network. In addition, payments can also be made through banks.
  2. Payment by ATM/terminal. In the twenty-first century, there are ATMs at almost every step. Some individuals are mistaken in thinking that an ATM is a device intended only for automated dispensing Money. By using of this device you can also transfer material assets, even if the individual does not have bank card. In addition to ATMs, you can pay for housing and communal services using a terminal, which is designed for making a variety of payments by individuals. However, you will need to do this manually, in self-service mode.
  3. Payments through the portal. The least common way to pay for the use of gas, water and electricity is the city services portal, which is an Internet resource containing various background information. With the help of this site, people who are users of public services have the opportunity to receive all the information they are interested in on this topic in electronic form.

The second of the above payment methods is good because, since every individual has used an ATM or terminal at least once in his life, transferring money for water supply, gas and electricity will be quite easy and quick. However, these devices usually charge a certain commission percentage of the amount transferred by the individual. In addition, in some cases you will need to stand in line, and if there is no exact amount that is required to be paid, then you can’t count on receiving change.

The method of transferring funds for housing and communal services, which has the greatest number of advantages, is payment using the Internet portal. The most important advantage this method is that individuals they don’t even need to leave the house, and they can use a service of this nature at any time of the day. No interest is charged for transferring funds. However, for some citizens of the Russian Federation, using the portal seems at first glance to be a difficult and insufficiently reliable option. This opinion is erroneous, since the site is quite easy to use. The main thing is to go through all stages of registration and not miss any important details.

It should be noted that in order to make payments of this kind with the help of a bank, it is not at all necessary to come to the appropriate organization. In 2019, individuals are given the opportunity to make payments using online banking.

A detailed list of persons for whom it will be mandatory to make payments for housing and communal services can be found in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

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The main payers are:

  • residential tenants;
  • tenants of residential real estate;
  • citizens using an apartment in accordance with the lease agreement;
  • members of residential cooperatives;
  • citizens who own living space by right of ownership.

Payments for housing and communal services will be charged only to those persons who are officially registered in a house or apartment, with the exception of cases where a citizen living in a property temporarily or for other reasons has not been registered, takes the initiative to pay for utilities. In this case, it is recommended to conclude an agreement that will officially confirm the fact that a person has paid for housing and communal services.

Payers of this payment can be both individuals and legal entities, and individual entrepreneurs.

Legal regulation

The main document regulating many of the nuances on this issue is dated May 6, 2011. Information on utility bills is also contained in Order No. 234 adopted by the Russian government on June 26, 2013.

Utilities have become firmly established daily life of people. It is difficult to imagine even a day of life without the usual electricity, hot and cold tap water and heating in winter.

  • providing housing with water;
  • provision of electricity;
  • gas supply;
  • elevator maintenance (if the building has them)
  • heating provision.

Various specialized organizations provide certain types of services.

Typically, contracts with suppliers are concluded apartment building management companies.

However, certain services (for example, gas supply) are connected directly under an agreement between the homeowner and the service provider.

Who can provide public services to citizens:

  • housing cooperatives;
  • specialized companies that can provide this type of service.

Utility providers sell them, and therefore for them there is a monthly fee. The rules for calculating services will be discussed below.

Rules for providing services to owners

These rules are developed on the basis of legislation in this area. defined for each service provided.

Each of the services is provided according to the contract, concluded between the one who provides the service and the one who receives it.

The service agreement is concluded for an indefinite period. It can be changed or terminated on the basis of the relevant legislative clauses of the Rules.

The contract must be agreed upon with regional control services.

The consumer can legally protest his rights if he does not agree with something in the text of the contract.

The mode under which services are provided must necessarily comply with legislative standards and be confirmed by technical documents.

For example:

  1. For heating sanitary standards there must be those that determine the temperature in the rooms established by the contract during the entire period for which the service is provided.
  2. Electricity must be supplied according to standard around the clock. Wastewater must be removed continuously and efficiently and cold water must be supplied.
  3. The pressure of the supplied gas must meet the standard parameters specified in the contract throughout the year.
  4. The service provider is also obliged to ensure the safety of using elevators if they are installed in the house.
  5. The organization responsible for waste disposal must ensure its complete removal, creating sanitary and epidemiological safety.

Possible deviations from the service regime established by the contract must be specified in the signed contract.

Calculation of utility tariffs

A tariff is the cost of a utility resource supplied to a home (for example, the price 1 m3 of gas or cost 1 kW/h electricity).

Tariffs for services are determined by the municipal service or regional committee, which calculates the cost of utility bills. The same service installs .

The standard is average resource consumption, corresponding to the degree of improvement of the apartment or house.

Tariffs are set based on the cost of supplying resources, i.e. depends on the costs borne by their supplier.

This includes costs for:

  • construction, uninterrupted operation all utility networks;
  • fuel and raw materials;
  • purchase of electricity and heat;
  • wages for supplier employees.

Each region has its own utility tariffs. This depends on various factors:

  • duration of the cold period,
  • temperatures in cold weather,
  • remoteness from sources of electricity, fuel and gas.

Calculation of resource consumption volume

If an apartment or house has meters for water, gas and electricity, they are paid according to the meters.

If there are none, there are special standards for the supplied resource per person.

Heating is in a special place. According to the decree of June 1, 2013, the payment for the provision of heating is not divided into 2 periods. According to the new rules heating fees are distributed evenly throughout the year and without dividing the payment for its consumption for the needs of residential premises and for general house needs.

But the amount of payment and heating standards, as before, are determined based on the duration of the cold period in the region.

What is the payment procedure for the resources provided?

. Now this is not a problem and you can do this, for example, through:

  • bank, by personally visiting the utility payment window;
  • the bank, writing an application to deduct payment from income passing through the bank account;
  • terminal, for example, the terminal of Sberbank of Russia;
  • Internet.

Many banks provide the opportunity to pay for utilities via the Internet 24/7.

Recalculation of service fees

Recalculation of payments for consumed utility services is possible in the cases specified in the Regulations on the procedure for recalculation.

Recalculation is possible if a person leaves for a long time and does not have water and gas meters. But such recalculation is done in cases where a person warns about leaving in advance.

Recalculation service There are no elevators or rent.

If the fact of the citizen’s return during the period indicated by him as the period of absence is established, the fee for services is charged in full.

Suspension and restriction of the supply of individual resources

Limiting a utility service is a reduction in the quantity supplied to the consumer.

Suspension of the service or its limitation does not mean that the contract is terminated.

Without notification, this situation is possible when:

  • an emergency or threat of an emergency has occurred,
  • in utility networks are carried out renovation work to avoid emergency situations or repair and restoration after an accident.

Services may also be suspended in case of unfounded debts to pay them.

If a citizen cannot pay for “utilities” for a good reason, he. In this case, services are only limited for the period of registration of the right to a subsidy.

Where to go if you are overcharged?

If you think that your tariffs are too high, you can check this by contacting the regional tariff control service or the housing and communal services department. You can also contact the prosecutor's office if the regulatory agencies did not help you.

Resources whose supply paid by meters, in the quantities they show, proof that you used the service in the quantities indicated. As a rule, there are no disputes here.

If there is no counter, controversial situations often arise. But payments can be recalculated if there is documentary evidence.

It is illegal, for example, to include the area of ​​a loggia or balcony in the heating calculation.

Video: Innovations in charging for utility services

The video talks about the new rules for calculating payments for housing and communal services in 2017:

House management

The Housing Code of Russia obliges citizens to pay for housing and utilities. In this case, the providers of utility services can be legal entities or individual entrepreneurs. They acquire resources, carry out work and are responsible for the serviceability of all intra-house communications.

The following have the right to use public services:

Owners of residential premises with their families;

Persons who received housing from a cooperative organization;

Tenants of premises; persons who have rented an apartment (room).

Public utilities:

Drinking cold water. The supply must be around the clock. Carried out along the central or intra-house network. The volume and quality of water must be at the appropriate level.

Hot water. Must be supplied around the clock through centralized networks for all areas of the house.

Drainage. Sewage disposal should also be carried out around the clock - through centralized networks and in-house systems. Sewage systems should be in most living areas of the house. If a residential premises does not have a centralized sewerage system, then it should not be taken into account in the list of utilities.

Electricity supply. Electricity in the required volume must also be supplied around the clock, without interruption. However, power outages are recorded on metering devices. Please note that resource supply organizations are not required to maintain networks inside the home. The consumer is obliged to provide the meter data before the date indicated on the receipt. If the data has not been received, then the RSO has the right to calculate the volume of consumption according to the standards if a system has not been installed in which the data from the metering devices is automatically sent to the organization’s control room.

You will have to pay for general house expenses even if you have not lived in the apartment for some time. The volume of general house services is calculated taking into account the space occupied by each. In the absence of a common house meter, the calculation is made according to the standards. Experts assure that it is very beneficial to have both common and entrance meters at the same time. They allow you to calculate the “left” connections to the general house electrical network. They also make it clear which entrances know how to save money and which ones don’t.

Gas supply. Gas must be supplied around the clock. Gas meters provide real savings and quickly pay for themselves in apartments with big amount residents.

Heating. Thermal energy should be served in houses, apartments and non-residential premises centrally. Residents were deducted from paying for common heating costs. There is no need to pay for heating an entrance where there are no radiators. In 2013, new changes were made that relate to the rules for the provision of utility services. Regulatory coefficients were introduced for those who are in no hurry to install individual metering devices. For such owners, increased standards have been introduced for all types of utilities. Every six months the payment increases. As a result, the excess will reach 60%.

Housing services:

Provision of residential premises for use under a social tenancy agreement or a rental agreement for residential premises of the state or municipal housing stock;

Removal of solid and liquid household waste from apartment buildings.

Housing and utility payments

For employers:

For the use of residential premises (rental fee);

For owners:

For the maintenance and repair of residential premises. Consists of service fees and management work apartment building. The owner of premises in an apartment building is obliged to bear the costs of maintaining not only the premises belonging to him, but also the common property in the house: house structures, corridors, stairwells, attics and basements, utility networks, elevators and garbage chutes, etc. Article 39 of the RF Housing Code. Moreover, the amount of the amount is determined by the residents themselves at a meeting of the owners of the apartment buildings. This is declared by parts 2 and 4 of Art. 158 Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

The management organization has the right to propose taking into account certain works and costs. Sometimes management companies offer a shortened list of services and work for the maintenance and current repairs of a house for a maximum cost, which is set annually by the local administration. “Missing” services are offered to be paid additionally. This shouldn't happen, of course. The list of house maintenance services and routine repair work is in Rosstroi Decree 170 of September 23, 2003.
Do not confuse the fee for the maintenance and current repairs of the COMMON PROPERTY of the owners of apartment buildings, which is included in the payment, and paid work for minor repairs in your apartment, which are carried out according to your order.

Extra lines

In payment bills, columns with antennas, cable television or Internet, radio, locking device, concierge, parking lot security, and so on periodically appear next to legitimate utilities and housing services. All these services are neither utilities nor housing. It is illegal to include them in a payment order. Such payments should be excluded from the single payment document. Do not allow the management company to include a vague clause in the management agreement about its right to conclude any other agreements. Otherwise, unnecessary services may be imposed on you. All additional decisions are made at the meeting.
