History Olympiads. All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in Russian history

1.Medieval cities arose as settlements:

A) peasants B) priests C) warriors D) artisans

2. Who left these notes about India?

“Here there is Indian country, and the people walk around all naked, with their heads uncovered and their hair braided in one braid. They give birth to children every year, and they have many children. And the husbands and wives are all black. Wherever I go, there are many people following me: they are amazed to the white man»

A) N.N. Miklouho-Maclay B) Afanasy Nikitin

C) V. Bering D) Vladimir Atlasov

3. Whose name is associated with the annexation of Western Siberia to the Russian state?

A) Khan Mamai B) Ermak Timofeevich C) Marfa Posadnitsa D) IvanIII

4. During the period of appanage Rus' (12th-14th centuries), boyar republics existed in:

a) Pskov and Novgorodc) Novgorod and Kyivb) Vladimir and Kyivd) Novgorod and Chernigov

5. B result military reform Ivana IV in Russia in XVI century appeared:

A)Streltsy army;b)guardsmenc) recruits;d) cavalry;

6. The annexation of the Kazan and Astrakhan khanates to Russia took place during the reign of:

A)Ivan Kalita;b)Ivan the Terrible; c) Vladimir Monomakh; d) Yuri Dolgoruky;

7. Indicate the correct chronological series of the princely dynasties of the Rurikovichs:

A) Oleg - Igor - Olga - Svyatoslav B) Rurik - Vladimir - Svyatoslav - Yaroslav the Wise

C) Igor - Oleg - Olga - Svyatoslav D) Olga - Oleg - Igor - Svyatoslav

8. By what principle are the rows formed?

A) Ryadovich, stinker, purchase

B) Dry, Grass, Worm, Leaf fall

9 On what principle is the series formed? What and why is redundant?

Filigree, granulation, fresco, enamel

10. Arrange events in chronological sequence:

A.Creation of Yaroslav's Truth.B. Introduction of “lessons and churchyards”. B. Adoption of Christianity in Ancient Rus'.

G.Congress of princes in Lyubech, affirmation of the principle “everyone maintains his fatherland.”

11. Match:

Date Event

1.1223 A. Publication of the first set of laws single state

2.1242 B. First edition printed book in Moscow

3.1478 V. Battle of Kalka

4.1497 G. Battle of Lake Peipsi

5.1564 D. Annexation of Novgorod to Moscow (loss of independence)

12. Match the saying with the event to which it refers:

Saying Event

1. “Let everyone keep their patrimony” A. “Teaching to the children of Vladimir Monomakh

2. “I’m coming to you!” B. reign of Vladimir (980-1015)

3. “Honor the old like fathers, and the young like brothers...” V. uprising of the Drevlyans

4. “If he doesn’t come, who will go to the river tomorrow - be it rich,

either the poor, or the beggar, or the slave, will be my enemy.” G. Congress of Princes in Lyubech

5. “A wolf gets into the habit of the sheep and drags the whole flock…” D. Reign of Svyatoslav

13.Names in history. Match:

Prominent people Russian state

Area of ​​their activities

1.Ivan Fedorov

A. architects of St. Basil's Cathedral (Pokrovsky Cathedral)

2.Barma and Postnik

B.Russian artist

3. Yuri Dolgoruky

V. First printer in Moscow

4.Aristotle Fioravanti

D. first mention of Moscow

5.Andrey Rublev

D. Architect of the Moscow Kremlin

6. Alexander Nevskiy

14. Read the passage and answer the questions. “...The battle began, and many fell, but God helped the Grand Duke and the Tatars were defeated and suffered complete defeat... Grand Duke Having won a glorious victory, he came to Sergius, offering gratitude for his good advice. He glorified God and made a great contribution to the monastery.”

1. What event is it about? we're talking about? Say the name of the prince. Give the date of the event.

2. What are the results and significance of this event for the further history of Rus'?

15. Which Russian prince was nicknamed “money bag”?

16. The names of which wars indicate their duration?

17.When in military history was a “pig” a danger?

18. When in history was the broom held in special esteem?

The first (school) stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren

in history 2016-2017 academic year. year

7th grade

Explanatory note

The tasks for the school stage of the History Olympiad for grade 7 were compiled from the textbook by A. A. Danilov, L.G. Kosulin “History of Russia” (from ancient times to the 16th century) and the textbook on the history of the Middle Ages, the authors of which are E.V. Agibalova, G.M. Donskoy (Enlightenment"). Several types of tasks are presented:

Part 1 – 7 tasks with the choice of one correct answer from several proposed ones.

Part 2 – more complex tasks. They involve determining the principle of constructing series, choosing what is superfluous and explaining why, reading the text and drawing conclusions about what you read, correlating dates and events, names of historical figures andarea of ​​their activity,sayings and their authors.

Evaluation criteria

For completing part 1tasks 1-7 is given 1 point, the total number of points is 7.

Task 8 is worth 2 points. Total 4 points

Task 9 is estimated at 3 points. (find a word - 1 point and explain the choice - 2 points).

Task 10 is estimated at 4 points.

Task 11

Task 12 rated 5 points. (1 point for each correct correlation)

Task 13 is estimated at 10 points (2 points for each correct correlation)

Task 14 is estimated at 8 points.

    2 points for each correct answer for a total of -4.

    4 points for the correct answer

Task 15 is worth 2 points

Task 16 is worth 6 points (2 for each correct answer)

Task 17 is estimated at 3 points.

Task 18 is estimated at 3 points.

The total number of points is 50 points.









8.A. dependent population of the Old Russian state

B) names of months

9. This is the jewelry craftsmanship of Russian artisans. Extra fresco.

10. B, C, A, G.

11. 1-c 2-d 3-d 4-a 5-b

12. 1-d 2-d 3-a 4-b 5-c

13.1-c 2-a 3-d 4-d 5-b

14.1. Battle of Kulikovo. 1380 Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy

2. The process of collapse of the Golden Horde accelerated. Moscow strengthened its position in the process of forming a unified Russian state. Moscow became the center of the liberation struggle of the Russian people against Horde rule. For the first time, the Russians defeated the main forces of the Horde. (There may be other answers).

15. Ivan Danilovich Kalita

16.Seven-year-old, Thirty-year-old, Hundred-year-old

17.1242 Battle of the Ice. The German knights were built in a formidable wedge - a “pig”.

18. In Russia in the 16th century under Ivan the Terrible during the oprichnina period. This was the distinctive sign of the guardsman.

We wish you success!

Choose the correct answer.

1. Decree on “lesson summers”:

a) prohibited the free transfer of peasants from one owner to another;

b) established a five-year period for searching for fugitive peasants;

c) determined the transfer of peasants to another landowner only on St. George’s Day;

d) established an unlimited search for fugitive peasants

2 . The strengthening of the role of the guard is associated with an era called the period:

b) Regency;

c) Favoritism;

d) Palace coups;

3 . Which battle refers to Russia's naval victories in the Northern War?

a) under Grenham;

b) at Poltava;

c) at Lesnaya;

d) at Narva;

4. What event are the lines talking about?

Severe was in the science of glory

She was given a teacher: not one

An unexpected and bloody lesson

The Swedish paladin asked her.

a) Denmark’s withdrawal from the war with Sweden;

b) lifting the siege of Riga by Polish troops;

c) the defeat of Russian troops near Narva;

d) Prut campaign

5. The highest church body under Peter I:

a) Monastic order;

b) Chief Magistrate;

c) Governing Senate;

6. Russia became an empire after:

a) Azov campaign;

b) suppression of an uprising led by;

c) Prut campaign;

d) Northern War

7. Strengthening the role of the noble guard in 1725-1762. in government affairs:

a) contributed to the strengthening of autocracy;

b) became one of the reasons for the ease and frequency of palace coups;

c) led to the limitation of the absolute power of the Russian emperors;

d) led to conflicts and upheavals

8. All privileges given to the nobility after the death of Peter I were confirmed during the reign:

a) Elizaveta Petrovna;

b) Peter III;

c) Catherine II;

9. The strengthening of power and arbitrariness of landowners over peasants during the reign of Catherine II led to:

a) Copper riot;

b) an uprising led by;

c) the uprising led by S. Razin;

d) peasant war led by

Part B

IN 1. Of the listed events relate to the reign of Catherine II:

a) secularization of church lands;

b) cancellation of the decree on single inheritance;

c) restoration of the powers of the Governing Senate;

d) provincial reform;

e) “Manifesto on the freedom of the nobility”;

f) “Certificate of Letters to Cities”;

g) formation of the Office of Secret Investigation Cases;

h) introduction of freedom of enterprise

i) convening of the Statutory Commission

AT 2. The Council Code approved: a) the full right of the feudal lord to the land and dependent peasants;

AT 3 . Set the correct match:

1) 1697-1698 a) Russian-Turkish war

2) 1700-1721 b) Grand Embassy to Western European countries

3) 1722 c) adoption of the Table of Ranks

4) 1787-1791 G) North War

Answer ______________________________________________________

AT 4. Of the listed events during the reign of Peter I include: a) the dissolution of the Supreme Privy Council;
b) establishment of the Senate;

d) creation of a system of collegiums;
e) convening the Statutory Commission;

g) establishment of a poll tax;

j) establishment of the Holy Governing Synod

AT 5 . Who are we talking about?

And in the grave he had no peace: rumor spread among the people that at night a fire was visible there and cheerful music was heard; Therefore, after eight days, they dug the corpse out of the grave, burned it to ashes and, having loaded a cannon with it, fired at the gate through which he entered Moscow,

Answer _________________________________________________

All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren in history

School stage

8th grade

2016-2017 academic year year

Instructions for performing the work.

You are given 40 minutes to complete the history work. Write your answers to the assignments in the answer fields in the text of the work. If you write down an incorrect answer, cross it out and write a new one next to it. If necessary, you can use a draft. Entries in draft will not be reviewed or graded. We advise you to complete the tasks in the order in which they are given. To save time, skip a task that you cannot complete immediately and move on to the next one. If you have time left after completing all the work, you can return to the missed tasks.

We wish you success!

Last name, first name________________________________________________________________

Class ____________________________________________________________________

Option 2.

Choose the correct answer.

1. Manufactory is:

a) a type of enterprise based on the division of labor and manual craft techniques;

b) a system based on the production of small batches of goods intended for sale on the market;

c) a special place where the purchase and sale of goods and securities took place

2. Main role V palace coups played:

a) Sagittarius;

b) representatives of the old family aristocracy;

c) noble guard;

d) Cossacks

3. The need to update church books and rituals was one of the reasons:

a) the conflict between Patriarch Nikon and Alexei Mikhailovich;

b) church reform of the mid-17th century;

c) abolition of the patriarchate;

d) secularization of church lands

4. After the end of the Northern War, a peace treaty was signed a) in Narva;
b) in Nystadt;
c) in St. Petersburg

5. Under Peter I, the army was formed on the basis of:

a) universal military service;

b) gathering of noble militia;

c) conscription;

d) mercenary troops

6. The main meaning of the “Table of Ranks” was:

a) elimination of localism;

b) confirmation of the principle of nobility and birth in promotion;

c) determining the rules of conduct for officials;

d) opportunities for career growth for a serving person, regardless of his origin

7. The main significance of the victory of the Russian army near Poltava:

a) expulsion of the Swedes from Russian territory;

b) restoration of the Northern Union;

c) joining the Northern Alliance of Prussia;

d) a turning point in the war in favor of Russia

8 . Form of government under PeterIThis:
a) republic;
b) absolute monarchy;
c) constitutional monarchy

9.The policy of “enlightened absolutism” during the reign of Catherine II includes:

a) convening of the Statutory Commission;

b) general land surveying;

c) provincial reform;

d) decree on unified inheritance

Part B.

IN 1. Of the listed events during the reign of Peter I include:

a) dissolution of the Supreme Privy Council;

b) establishment of the Senate;

c) refusal to impose death sentences;

d) creation of a system of collegiums;

e) convening the Statutory Commission;

f) adoption of the “Table of Ranks”;

g) establishment of a poll tax;

h) creation of the Cabinet of Ministers;

i) division of the country into provinces;

j) establishment of the Holy Governing Synod

B 2. Set the correct match.

3) 1697-1698 a) Russian-Turkish war

4) 1700-1721 b) Grand Embassy to Western European countries

5) 1722 c) adoption of the Table of Ranks

6) 1787-1791 d) Northern War

Answer ___________________________________________________

AT 3. Place in chronological order events relating to the reign of PeterI:

1) Azov campaigns;

2) “Great Embassy”;

3) regency of Princess Sophia;

4) conclusion of the Northern Alliance;

5) proclamation of Russia as an empire

In 4. The Council Code approved: a) the full right of the feudal lord to the land and dependent peasants;
b) the right of the landowner to exile peasants to Siberia and to hard labor;
c) a 15-year search for runaway peasants;
d) attaching state peasants to the land

Q 5.What great Russian commander are we talking about?

At the beginning of December 1790____ sent a letter to the Turkish commander-in-chief demanding the immediate surrender of Izmail:
- I give you twenty-four hours to think about it. My first shot is bondage. Assault is death. I leave it up to you to decide what to choose.
“The Danube would sooner stop flowing and the sky would fall to the ground than Ishmael would surrender,” was the response of the Turks, confident in the impregnability of their fortress.

Answer ____________________________________________________________

School stage

2016/2017 academic year.

    strengthened the role of Zemsky Sobors

    formalized the class structure of Russian society

A) “Table of Ranks”

B) “Combat position”

B) “Admiralty Regulations”

    craft production

    formation of an all-Russian market

    Russian - Polish

    Russian - Turkish


    Seven years old

    uprising led by S.T. Razin

    Astrakhan uprising

    Bashkir uprising

    Vasily Shuisky

    Ivan groznyj

    Fedor Alekseevich

    Mikhail Fedorovich

1772, 1793, 1795

    sections of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

    dates of creation of digital schools

    about Stefan Batory

    about Malyuta Skuratov

    about Ermak Timofeevich

    about Andrey Kurbsky

September 28, 1708, y(1) ____________ Pavilion 2) _________________ (3)_____________ Not

XII ran together in (5) .

, as well as Prussia and Hanover.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

A) Smolensk War

B) Livonian War

B) Seven Years' War

D) Northern War

    Tver merchant, traveler. Made a “walk” to Persia and India (1468-74). On the way back I visited the African coast (Somalia), Muscat, Turkey. Author of travel notes "Walking across Three Seas"?

Answer: _______________________________________________

    Nizhny Novgorod townsman, since September 1611, zemstvo elder. Initiator and one of the leaders of the Second Militia of 1611-12. In the battles for Moscow against the Polish garrison he showed personal courage. In 1612-13 member of the zemstvo government ("Council of the whole earth"). In 1613 he became a member of the Boyar Duma (he was granted a Duma nobleman).


    Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' in 1652-67. He carried out church reforms with the aim of unifying worship and church texts.


4.Patriarch. Father of the Russian Tsar

Answer: ___________________________________________

    Self-taught mechanic. Headed the mechanical workshop of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1769-1801). Improved the grinding of glasses for optical instruments. He developed a project and built a model of a single-arch wooden bridge across the Neva River with a span of 298 m. He created a “mirror lantern” (prototype of a spotlight), a semaphore telegraph, a “water channel”, a salt mining machine and other mechanisms.


    Russian admiral (since 1695). Swiss by origin. Since 1678 in Russian service. Companion of Peter I, commanded the fleet in the Azov campaigns of 1695-96. In 1697-98. one of the leaders of the Grand Embassy.


    Don Cossack, leader of the uprising in 1670-71.


    Count of Rymnik (1789), Prince of Italy (1799), commander, generalissimo (1799).


All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in history – 8th grade

2016/2017 academic year.


    “Cathedral Code” 1649 (1 point)

    strengthened the role of Zemsky Sobors

    formalized the class structure of Russian society

    expanded the rights of peasants and townspeople

    determined the timing of the transition of peasants to other feudal lords

2.What was the name of the document that, since the 18th century, determined the system of ranks and the procedure for promotion in public and military service? (1 point)

A ) "Table of Ranks"

B) “Combat position”

B) “Admiralty Regulations”

    What period of history do these concepts belong to: Senate, collegiums, assembly, engraving, Kunstkamera. (1 point)

  1. XVIII century

    What new feature has appeared in the economy Russia XVII V.? (1 point)

    the peasant's possession of land

    craft production

    formation of an all-Russian market

    dominance of subsistence farming

    During which war did the battle near the village of Lesnoy and the naval battles at Cape Gangut and Grengam Island take place? (1 point)

    Russian - Polish

    Russian - Turkish


    Seven years old

    Which event happened before the others? (2 points)

    uprising led by S.T. Razin

    uprising led by K.A. Bulavin

    Astrakhan uprising

    Bashkir uprising

    Place the names of the rulers in chronological order (2 points)

    Vasily Shuisky

    Ivan groznyj

    Fedor Alekseevich

    Mikhail Fedorovich


    On what principle is the series formed? (2 points)

1772, 1793, 1795

    peasant unrest associated with church schism

    sections of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

    dates of monetary reforms

    dates of creation of digital schools

10. Who is spoken about in the excerpt from the work of N.M. Karamzin? (3 points)

“This hero died untimely, but having accomplished the main thing: for Kuchum, having slaughtered 49 sleepy Cossacks, could no longer take away the Siberian Khanate from the great power, which once and forever recognized it as its property. His majestic valor is not only in chronicles, but also in holy churches, where we still solemnly pray for him and for the squad of brave men who fell with him on the banks of the Irtysh.”

    about Stefan Batory

    about Malyuta Skuratov

    about Ermak Timofeevich

    about Andrey Kurbsky

    What year of events are discussed in this excerpt from the Russian historian’s work? (3 points)

    “Old Rus' stood up here and revealed itself to Peter with all its centuries-old work and its fruits. When the Kremlin palace turned into a large barn and stupefied archers ran and rummaged around it, looking for the Naryshkins, and then went on a rampage throughout Moscow... the clergy was silent, doing the will of the rebels, blessing the dual power, the boyars and nobles hid, and only the boyars' slaves stood up for the trampled order... From then on, the Moscow Kremlin became disgusted with him and was condemned to the fate of an abandoned manorial estate.”

    1682 g.

    Insert words and combinations of words in place of the gaps by selecting them from the list provided. The words are given in the list in nominative case and in singular. In the table, indicate the correspondence between the pass number and letter designation the corresponding word. Please note: the form of these words (case, number) may change in the text; there are more words and combinations of words in the list than there are gaps in the text. (14 points)

September 28, 1708, y(1) ____________ Pavilion 2) _________________ was intercepted and defeated by a “flying detachment” led by Peter himself. As a result of the battle, Charles XII lost the reinforcements and convoy he needed so much. The Swedes' confidence in their invincibility was undermined, but the morale of the Russian army rose. Peter called this victory “the mother of the Poltava battle.” Charles XII's calculation to strengthen the Swedish army in connection with the transfer of the hetman of Ukraine to its side (3)_____________ Not

was justified: only a small part of the Cossacks, deceived by the hetman, went over to the side of the Swedes.

In the early morning of June 27, 1709, a decisive battle took place between the troops of Peter I and Charles XII under (4) By 11 o'clock, Russian troops completely defeated the Swedes. Showing miracles of courage, in a fierce hand-to-hand battle the Russian army overthrew the Swedes and put them to flight. Of the 30 thousand Swedish soldiers, 9 thousand were killed and 3 thousand were captured. The Russians captured another 16 thousand Swedes during the persecution. Karl himself XII ran together in (5) .

The Poltava victory, as a result of which the Swedish ground forces were destroyed, determined the outcome(6) war. It demonstrated the increased power of the Russian army, strengthened the international authority of Russia, to whose side Poland and (7) again went over. , as well as Prussia and Hanover.

A-Grengam, B-Lievenhaupt, V-Rehnskiöld, G-Narva, D-Mazepa, E-Khmelnitsky,

F- Seven Years, W- Lesnaya, I- Poland, K- Poltava, L- Otechestvennaya, M- Turkey,

N- Kunersdorf, O- England, P- Vygovsky, R- North, S- Denmark

13. Match the portrait historical figure and its characteristics. Write your answer in the table (20 points)
A) The grandson of the great emperor, the son of his beloved daughter, raised in a foreign land and adopted the customs and language of a foreign country. He was named heir to the throne by his own aunt, who came to power as a result of another coup.
B) Having become emperor at the age of two months and having “reigned” for a year, he was imprisoned for the rest of his life and died at the age of 23 while trying to be released from the most impregnable Russian prison.
C) The grandson of the great emperor, the son of the murdered prince, who became emperor in adolescence. Lover of hunting and court entertainment. Died of smallpox in the midst of preparations for the wedding.
D) During his lifetime he was called the Great, who cut through a “window to Europe”; he did not have time to leave a will and name an heir, which marked the beginning of a long struggle for power.
1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

15. Place the following events in chronological order. Enter your answer in the table. (5 points)

A) Smolensk War

B) Livonian War

B) Seven Years' War

D) Northern War

16. Who are we talking about in these passages? (5 points per answer. 40 points in total)

1Tver merchant, traveler. Made a “walk” to Persia and India (1468-74). On the way back I visited the African coast (Somalia), Muscat, Turkey. Author of travel notes "Walking across Three Seas"?

Answer : _____A. Nikitin __________________________________________

2. Nizhny Novgorod townsman, since September 1611, zemstvo elder. Initiator and one of the leaders of the Second Militia of 1611-12. In the battles for Moscow against the Polish garrison he showed personal courage. In 1612-13 member of the zemstvo government ("Council of the whole earth"). In 1613 he became a member of the Boyar Duma (he was granted a Duma nobleman).

Answer : K. Minin

3. Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' in 1652-67. He carried out church reforms with the aim of unifying worship and church texts.

Answer : Nikon

4.Patriarch, father of the Russian Tsar

Answer : ______Filaret_____________________________________________

5. Self-taught mechanic. Headed the mechanical workshop of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1769-1801). Improved the grinding of glasses for optical instruments. He developed a project and built a model of a single-arch wooden bridge across the Neva River with a span of 298 m. He created a “mirror lantern” (prototype of a spotlight), a semaphore telegraph, a “water channel”, a salt mining machine and other mechanisms.

Answer : I. Kulibin

6.Russian admiral (since 1695). Swiss by origin. Since 1678 in Russian service. Companion of Peter I, commanded the fleet in the Azov campaigns of 1695-96. In 1697-98. one of the leaders of the Grand Embassy.

Answer : Lefort

7. Don Cossack, leader of the uprising in 1670-71.

Answer : S. Razin

8. Count of Rymnik (1789), Prince of Italy (1799), commander, generalissimo (1799).

Answer :_____Suvorov_________________________________________

Array ( => Array ( => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/3380/2016-04-21_Olimpiada_Den_1_03.jpg => Arrival of participants. Photo of the organizers => Mathematics) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/3250/ 10.JPG => Before the opening => Biology) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/3030/IMG_0984.jpg => Before the road to Kursk. Photo by D. Sergienko => Russian language) => Array ( => / files/m_foto_vos/1690/1.4.jpg => First round. Photo of the organizers => Economics) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/3320/DSC03137.JPG => To the Olympiad. Uploaded by a participant => Art (MHC)) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/2090/image.jpeg => Check-in of participants to the hotel => Technology) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/1701/IMG_4074.JPG => Uploaded by participant => Computer Science) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/3271/-eFx4X_nB-w.jpg => Opening of the Olympiad. Photo by the press service of Tver State University => Geography) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/1771/DSCN9991.jpg = > Road to Smolensk => English language) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/2221/DSC_7893.jpg => Grand opening. Photo of the organizers => Ecology)) => Array ( => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/1710/IMG_4616.JPG = > Test tour => Computer Science) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/3270/bHq6Hj42oVc.jpg => Opening of the Olympiad. Photo by the press service of Tver State University => Geography) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/1770/ DSCN9989.jpg => Road to Smolensk => English) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/2220/IMG_9576.jpg => Resettlement of participants. Photos of the organizers => Ecology) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos /3010/IMG_6037.jpg => Day of the first theoretical round Photo of the organizers => Right) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/2310/IMG_6046.jpg => Written round => Chinese) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/2251/IMG_8151.JPG => Opening => Physics) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/1251/1-1.jpg => Opening of the Olympiad. Participants from the host region - Mordovia team => Astronomy) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/3071/fWbhe8SBjJo.jpg => Grand opening. Photo by Kristina Masaltseva => German) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/1371/image_1P_kopiya_2.jpg => SmolSU Concert Hall => History)) => Array ( => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/2260/IMG_8312.JPG => Opening => Physics) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/1260/Theoretical_tour_-_11_grade22222.jpg => Theoretical tour - 11th grade => Astronomy) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/3070/0if1ixmGipU.jpg = > Grand opening Photo by Kristina Masaltseva => German) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/1370/image.jpg => Rally in the Heroes Memory Square => History) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/ 2380/IMG_4410.JPG => Photo of the organizers => OBJ) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/2300/IMG_6023.jpg => Written tour => Spanish, Italian, Chinese) => Array ( => /files/ m_foto_vos/1571/IMG_3948.JPG => Opening of the Olympiad Photo by Tatyana Kulikova => Chemistry) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/1641/IMG_0601.jpg => (photo by D. Sergienko) => Literature) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/1451/DSC_3046-2.JPG => Grand opening of the Olympics. Photos of the organizers => French) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/3511/image-24-04-16-08-35-2_result.jpeg => Opening of the Olympiad => Social studies)) => Array ( => Array ( => /files /m_foto_vos/1570/IMG_3954.JPG => Opening of the Olympiad. Photo by Tatyana Kulikova => Chemistry) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/1640/IMG_0599_(10).jpg => Opening of the Olympiad (photo by D. Sergienko) = > Literature) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/1450/DSC_3036-2.JPG => Grand opening of the Olympiad. Photo of the organizers => French) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/3510/image-24 -04-16-08-35-1_result.jpeg => Opening of the Olympiad => Social studies) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/2080/5.jpg => Opening ceremony => Physical education) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/3381/2016-04-21_Olimpiada_Den_1_06.jpg => Arrival of participants. Photos of organizers => Mathematics) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/3241/5.JPG => Taking out flags => Biology) = > Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/3031/IMG_0983.jpg => Before the road to Kursk. Photo by D. Sergienko => Russian language) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/1691/1.1.jpg => First tour. Photo of the organizers => Economics) => Array ( => /files/m_foto_vos/3321/DSC03135.JPG => To the Olympiad. Uploaded by a participant => Art (MHC))))
