OGE English language options. OGE in English: what it consists of, how to prepare yourself and what parents should do

Description of material: I bring to your attention the article “Tips for students or how to successfully pass the English language exam.” This article will be useful for 9th grade students who are going to take the English language exam in the form of State Examination on texts Federal service for supervision in the field of education and science of the Russian Federation. Perhaps my article will be of interest to teachers working in 9th grade.

Tips for students or how to pass the English exam successfully

As you know, the English language exam consists of five sections: listening, reading, vocabulary and grammar, writing and speaking. Each section

consists of several tasks, each of which requires its own execution strategy, since the time required to complete the written and oral parts of the exam

quite limited. I offer you some tips, following which you can successfully pass the exam.


Establishing a place - B1

“You will hear 4 short dialogues, labeled A, B, C and D. In task B1, determine where each of the dialogues takes place...”.

Tip 1- Check out the proposed options.

Tip 2- listen carefully to the recording, try to “hear” - identify the words that are typical for the proposed places.

Tip 3- during the first listening, mark those options that do not cause you doubt. And also those that you are not very sure about.

Tip 4- during the second listening, clarify your assumptions, if you are still not sure - use the method of elimination to make your choice.

Establishing correspondence between the utterances of each speaker - B2

“You will hear 5 statements. Match the statements of each speaker A-E with the statements from the list

Tip 1

Tip 2- during the first listening, take notes, look for words that will help you make a choice.

Tip 3- usually the necessary information is located at the beginning of the statement or at the end.

Tip 4- during the second listening, clarify your options and make a choice.

Selecting the correct answer A1-A6

“You will hear a conversation. In tasks A1-A6, circle the number 1,2 or 3 that corresponds to the answer option you chose..."

Tip 1- read the assignments carefully and sign their translation next to or on the draft.

Tip 2- during the first listening, mark the most suitable option.

Tip 3- usually the tasks are arranged in chronological order, and if it is A1, A2, etc., then the answer should be sought at the beginning of the dialogue.

Tip 4- during the second listening, clarify the information and make the final choice.


READING section

Matching headings and text

"Read the text. Match headings A - G with numbered paragraphs of text..."

Tip 1- read the headings carefully and write down their translation.

Tip 2- look for clue words, remember that the necessary information is most likely located either at the beginning or at the end of the statement.

Tip 3- make a choice as you work, don’t dwell on the details (if you don’t know a word, skip it), you are interested in the general meaning of the proposed text.

Tip 4- substitute all the headings and check whether they correspond to the content of the paragraphs.

True/ False/ Not stated

"Read the text. Determine which of the statements A7 - A14 correspond to the content of the text (1 - True), which do not correspond

(2 - False) and what is not stated in the text, that is, based on the text, neither a positive nor a negative answer can be given (3 - Not stated)"

Tip 1- read the statements and write down their translation.

Tip 2- keep in mind that statements are usually arranged in chronological order, so the answer to 1 question is most likely contained in the first paragraph, etc.

Tip 3- it is very important not to speculate on information, but to look for confirmation of its presence or absence in the text.



“Read the text below. Transform the words printed in capital letters at the end of the lines designated by numbers B4-B12 so that they grammatically correspond to the content of the text ... ".

Tip 1

Tip 2- a noun will most likely require a number change, exceptions are possible. Adjective - degrees of comparison. If the article “the” is used, it is a superlative degree of comparison, if the conjunction “than” is used, it is a comparative degree. If a numeral name is used, it may need to be converted from quantitative to ordinal. These parts of speech do not require special attention to the content of the text and appropriate changes can be made by scanning only this sentence. If a pronoun is used, then you need to read the sentence carefully; from the context it will immediately become clear which pronoun should be used.

Tip 3- with a verb everything is much more complicated:

It is necessary to analyze previous and subsequent sentences, determine the voice, time, etc. and only then make appropriate changes.


“Read the text below. Transform the words printed in capital letters at the end of the lines designated by numbers B13-B18 so that they grammatically and lexically correspond to the content of the text ... "

Tip 1- determine what parts of speech are words printed in capital letters.

Tip 3- remember the suffixes that form this part of speech, make up a word and check it in context. Tip 2 - read the sentence in which the word is missing and determine which part of speech should be used.

REMEMBER - when filling in the blanks you must use


Section LETTER

C1 - this task involves writing a letter of a personal nature, the task completion time is 30 minutes, but practice shows that if in grades 8-9 students wrote personal letters at least 2 times a month, then in the exam they will need approximately 10-15 minutes.

Tip 1- read the task carefully, determine who wrote the letter, you will have to write a response to this person. Underline the questions you will need to answer in your letter.

Tip 2- remember the format of the letter, write in the upper right corner your address, date, do not forget about the message and its place in the letter, be sure to thank for the letter and (or) express regret that you did not have the opportunity to answer earlier, or, conversely, the joy of receiving letters. You need to determine these phrases for yourself; it is advisable to learn universal phrases suitable for any situation and use them in your letters. (At least, this is how I “train” my students to successfully complete this type of task)

Tip 3- in the main part, answer all the questions posed in the letter, it is advisable to use linking words, remember to use grammar and vocabulary, but most importantly, do not forget about phrasal verbs, fixed expressions and phrases with dependent prepositions.

Tip 4- be sure to count the words, and remember that you should count the words not at the end, but in the middle of the letter, after writing the main part.

The 9th grade writing range is 100-120 words, I suggest my students use 105-110 words.


The oral part of the exam involves a monologue on one of the topics and a combined dialogue.

The first task, Task 1, involves testing monologue speech.

Tip 1- When completing the task, you must follow the instructions on the card. Even if the topic seems difficult, you need to carefully read the plan.

Tip 2- the answer plan presented on your card is most often questions, by answering which you can build your monologue on the proposed topic.

Tip 3- and if you also use linking words or introductory sentences/phrases, and add your own opinion on this issue, then you will end up with a good monologue that lasts 1-1.5 minutes.

The second task, Task 2, involves testing dialogic speech.

Sample task from the demo:

You play the part of an exchange student in an international school in Malta. You come to your classmate Anna/Andrew to borrow her/his Grammar book. You need it to write an essay on a British tourist attraction.

· Ask for the Grammar Book and explain what you need it for.

· Answer your classmate’s questions about the attraction you are going to write about.

· Do not accept any suggestions for the day as you want to start writing the essay as soon as possible

· Invite your classmate to see a new film tomorrow.

You begin the conversation. The examiner will play the part of your classmate.

Mention all four aspects of the task

Be active and polite

Let's start from the end - be active and polite

Tip 1- be sure to greet the examiner at the beginning of the dialogue, pay attention to the address. The task usually offers two names, female and male, you are required to use one of them depending on the gender of the examiner.

Tip 2- pay attention to the options that you must highlight in your dialogue. They are highlighted in bold dots on your card.

In the assignment you must ask for a book to write an essay. What phrases will be useful to you:

Could you give me?

Tip 3- during preparation, sketch out sample questions and answers.

Tip 4- at the end of the dialogue they usually offer to either accept the examiner’s offer or refuse it

How to politely refuse an offer:

Sorry, I can't. I am afraid, I can’t. I am afraid I can’t, maybe tomorrow.

How to politely accept an offer:

Yes, with pleasure. Sure, let's go to the cinema. Thank you for inviting me.

It is imperative to remember the time, the answer per student is 6 minutes for both tasks.


Trial OGE in English 2015-2016 academic year

Task No. 1 (No.FABF6E ) You will hear four short dialogues labeled A, B, C and D. Identify where each of these dialogues occurs. Use each setting from list 1-5 only once. There is one extra scene in the task. You will hear the recording twice. Record your answers in the table.


1) At a skating rink

2) At home

3) At the doctor's

4) In a cafe

5) In a shop

Task No. 2 (№3 E 8130) You will hear five statements. Match each speaker's statements A-E with the statements given in list 1-6. Use each statement from list 1-6 only once. There is one extra statement in the assignment.

You will hear the recording twice. Record your answers in the table.


The speaker talks about

1) his/her career in music.

2) a film he/she enjoys.

3) changes in music preferences.

4) the role of music in films.

5) a negative childhood experience.

6) a musical instrument

Task No. 3 №4 B 0 CEE You will hear a conversation between a language school student and the owner of the house in which she lives. In tasks A1–A6, circle the number 1, 2 or 3 that corresponds to the answer option you chose. You will hear record twice .

3 How long was Jane’s English course?

1) Less than one month.

2) One month.

3) Longer than one month.

4 What's Mr. Gray's profession?

1) Teacher.

2) Musician.

3 Journalist.

5 What foreign language does Mr. Gray speak?

1) French.

2) Russian.

3) Arabic.

6 What aspect of English does Jane find the most difficult?


2) Writing.

3) Listening.

7 Where is Jane going to spend next summer?

    At home.


    3)At her granny's.

8 What does Jane want to buy before her departure?




9 Task No. B4148 Read the texts and match texts A–G with headings 1–8. Record your answers in the table. Use each number only once. IN task There is one extra title .

1) The symbols of London

2) Means of travel

3) World record holder

4) A sweet in the street

5) On the road

6) A healthy but difficult choice

7) An unusual hobby

8) Conflict over roads

A)The British are enthusiastic about mobility. They think that the ability to travel far and frequently is their right. People can spend up to two or three hours commuting to London or another big city and arrive back at their homes in the countryside only late in the evening. They put up with the long journey because they want their families to avoid the unhealthy lifestyle of big cities.

B) Most journeys to work are made by private road transport. It leads to the pollution so familiar to many big cities, and to traffic jams. Congestion is especially high in Britain because the British do not welcome the idea of ​​building new roads. They don't like living close to them. Each proposal to build a new road is criticized so it’s not easy to improve the road situation.

C) Perhaps because the trains were the first means of transport in Britain many people still have a romantic outlook on them. Thousands of train-lovers spend a lot of time looking for information about trains, especially old steam engines. Many enthusiasts spend their free time restoring and repairing old trains. They even earn some money by offering rides to tourists.

D)It is possible to travel between any two towns or cities by either road or rail. In some parts of the country there is a very good rail network but the most commercially successful trains run between London and the largest cities in the country. By modern European standards British trains are not fast. Coach services are generally even slower than trains but are much cheaper. It explains why they are still in use.

E)Britain is one of the few countries in Europe where double-decker buses are a common sight. Although single-deckers have been in use since the 1960s, London still has many double-deckers in operation. They are world-famous, an image associated with the city. Another London icon is the black taxi. Normally, these traditional taxis cannot be hired by phone. You simply have to find one on the street.

F)In 1953, most schoolchildren walked to school. For this reason, school crossing patrols were introduced. This ‘patrol’ consists of an adult wearing a bright waterproof coat and carrying a stick with a circle on top of it, which reads ‘STOP’. Armed with this ‘lollipop’, the adult walks out into the middle of the road, stops the traffic and allows the children to cross.

G)On 9 January 2013, the London Underground (or the Tube) celebrating 150 years since the first underground journey. It is both the world"s oldest underground railway and the oldest rapid transit system. It was also the first underground railway to operate electric trains. The Underground has 268 stations and 400 km of track, making it the longest metro system in the world by route length.

10 Read text . Determine which of the given statements correspond to the content of the text (1 – True), which do not correspond (2 – False) and what is not stated in the text, that is, based on the text, neither a positive nor a negative answer can be given (3 – Not stated) .


Many Americans enjoy running marathons – a forty-two kilometer race. More than three hundred marathons were held in the United States last year and that number is expected to grow.

The New York City marathon is held every year on the first Sunday of November. It is a big sporting event with thousands of participants. One can see celebrities and famous sportsmen among the marathon runners. A famous cyclist, whose excellent physical condition helped him complete the marathon in less than three hours, admitted that the race was ‘the hardest physical thing he had ever done’.

While the New York City marathon is the biggest, the Boston Marathon is the oldest one. Boston's is held in April. Boston is famous for the fact that Roberta Gibb became the first woman to unofficially run that marathon in 1966. At that time, people did not believe women could run marathons. The Olympics did not hold a women’s marathon event until 1984 in Los Angeles, California.

Today’s marathons welcome everyone. The popularity of the sport has spread among people who are interested in health and fitness. Many middle-aged people like to spend a weekend visiting a new city and running a marathon there. Some magazines call the middle-aged people of today the ‘marathon generation’. Forty-three percent of marathon runners in the United States are 40 years old or older. There are many organizations for marathoners. Nowadays many local running clubs offer training programs that can prepare runners for the big race.

A marathon really starts several months before the race. You need to run about five days every week to prepare. Most runs should be for half an hour. You should also try to run for an hour or more each Sunday. This is a very basic way for an average runner to prepare.

What you can’t prepare for is running in a big marathon with thousands of other participants. A marathon is in many ways a social event. There is a sense of community. The spectators are as much a part of the race as the runners. Almost every age group is present. At the start of the race there is a lot of shouting as the runners want to release some tension. They have three to five hours of hard running ahead of them.

However, there are people who want to run farther. For them ultra-marathons are organized that take running to a different level. An ultra-marathon is any race longer than a marathon. One of the oldest ultra-marathons is held annually in California, USA. It is 160 kilometers long. Last year, 210 people finished the race. The winner, Graham Cooper, finished in eighteen hours and seventeen minutes.

10 Marathons in the USA are held in different seasons.

1)True2)False3)Not stated

11 The well-trained athlete finds a marathon a difficult activity.

1)True2)False3)Not stated

12 Training for a marathon includes special diets.

1)True2)False3)Not stated

13 People who are over forty are not allowed to take part in marathons.

1)True2)False3)Not stated

14 A marathon with a large number of participants is called an ultra-marathon.

1)True2)False3)Not stated

15 In the 20th century doctors believed that marathons were harmful for women.

1)True2)False3)Not stated

16 At the start of a marathon the runners keep silent to save energy.

1)True2)False3)Not stated

17 The best way to prepare for a marathon is to join a running club.

1)True 2)False 3)Not stated

    Read the text below.

Transform words printed in capital letters at the end of lines so that they are grammatically consistent with the content of the text. Fill in the blanks with the given words. Each pass corresponds to a separate task 18–24

People of all ages like cartoons. Wewent to the cinema yesterday to see an action film when, suddenly, I ___________a poster for a cartoon.

18 SEE

I’m the _________among my friends, so I wasn’t sure they’d want to see the cartoon too, but they did. Even Mike didn't mind.


I___________the action film anyway. Let’s watch a cartoon for a change,” he said.

20 SEE

It was a story about four _________.


They saved an injured cat that___________ Bart.


The cat recovered but ___________to leave his new friends.


They had funny adventures together. “I think I ________ the cartoon again, together with my girlfriend.” Mike said on the way home.


    25 - 29 Read the text below.

Transform words printed in capital letters at the end of lines so that they are grammatically and lexically consistent with the content of the text. Fill in the blanks with the given words. Each pass corresponds to a separate task.

I do sports_______Life is impossible without motion and people can’t live if they are not active.I’ve been into sports since my childhood.


When I was seven, a karate _________, who trained my elder brother, said that I should


exercise a lot to look sporty and ___________.


He was right – I was too fat and looked _____________.


My parents and I followed his advice and now I’m quite happy with the way I look and feel.


30 You have 30 minutes to do this task. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend,

...My parents want me to do music. It’s not what I really want to do but I have no choice. I’ve promised my parents to take at least 20 lessons. It means I won’t have any free time for about three months! Awful, isn’t it?...

What do you do in your free time? What kind of music do you like? What musical instrument would you like to play, if any?...

Write him a letter and answer him3 questions.

Write100–120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

Oral Part

Task 1. You need to read the text aloud. You have 1.5 minutes to read the text silently, and then be ready to read it aloud. Remember that you will not have more than 2 minutes for reading aloud.

The ninth planet of the solar system was discovered not long ago. It happened in1930. Scientists had been hunting for the planet for a long time. They had calculated its probable position but there was no proof that the planet really existed. It was too far away for the telescopes of that time to find it. It’s worth mentioning that the first photos of the planet were taken by a very young researcher. He was only twenty-four and had no formal education in astronomy. However he was deeply involved in the search for the ninth planet. The planet at the edge of the solar system was called Pluto, after the Roman god. The name for the planet was suggested by an 11-year-old British girl.

Task 2.Take part in a telephone survey. You have to answer six questions.

Give full answers to the questions. Remember that you have 60 seconds to answer each question.

Tapescript for Task 2

Electronic assistant: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the Dolphin Sports Club. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need to find out how people feel about doing sports in our region. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous – you don’t have to give your name. So, let's get started.

Electronic assistant: How old are you?

Electronic assistant: How many times a week do you do sports?


Electronic assistant: What sport is the most popular with teenagers in your region?

Student: ___________________________

Electronic assistant: What sports facilities are available in the place where you live?

Student: _________________________

Electronic assistant: Why do you think it is important to keep fit?

Student: ___________________________

Electronic assistant: What would you advise a person who wants to keep fit?

Student: ___________________________

Electronic assistant: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your cooperation.

Task 3.You are going to give a talk about photography. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not more than 2 minutes.

Remember to say:

why people like taking pictures

why taking photos is more popular today than it was in the past

what the best photo you have ever taken is

You have to talk continuously.

Test 1

Relationships with friends and at school

Section 2 (Reading Assignments)

  1. Variety helps socializing
  2. The Net socializing
  3. Negative socializing
  4. Fears of loneliness
  5. Socializing dominates education
  6. Eager to socialize
  7. Family socializing
  8. Kids need more socializing

A. Most students that don’t have any friends at school get depressed or something because they feel lonely, down, and that nobody wants to talk to them. They also might get those phobia things, like for instance, being insecure when talking to someone, or people, for one of the “first” times. So therefore, when a teacher calls them, they might feel uncomfortable with answering. They also might have stuff going through their heads and can’t focus on a test, worksheet, or whatever class assignment.

IN. In many instances, the failure to socialize may be a key factor in qualifying for special education. It is one of the triad of feature for a diagnosis of autism, for example. Special education has a very strong emphasis on inclusion, which in significant part provides for increased social interaction. Learning how to get by in society is an absolutely key component to education, irrespective of whether it is the subject of a performance test.

WITH. In order to get through school properly you need to be able to socialize. It is especially important for little children. That’s why in my early childhood education course we are learning that developing ways of having healthy social interactions is so important for children.

D. Various societies have varied socializing skills among their members. It does not mean that one culture is superior to others. It just depends on the way that the under civilization study has progressed. A civilization which has cultivated its young generation with a common set of rules and a uniform educational system is more likely to be at harmony. But on the other hand in the United States of America each minor community brings its culture, its ethnicity and their customs. Having so many socializing influences makes the society more tolerant.

E. My boyfriend used to go out clubbing all the time. But I’m an introvert and I can’t stand that way of easy living. I told him how it made me feel but he says he wants to start going out more, he says socializing is part of his path in life. I asked him what it would be like if we had our own place, he said he would be working all day and then out socializing every night except for the weekends, then he would spend it with me, this is what he would be like if we lived together.

F. Every time I use Myspace, Facebook or Bebo, I have a chance to socialize. I use these websites to talk to old friends and make new friends, but the thing is I never ever get that chance to meet a friend, it would be cool to try that, but I don't know what socializing websites guarantee that, I would like a safe teen site, where I can meet and make cool mates.

G. There are two types of socializing, depending on the nature of factors that influence them. One is positive when a person learns through good and happy experiences. Parents teaching their children from their experiences, learning from books or from peers are some examples of positive socializing. Positive socializing can take on the form of natural socializing and planned socializing.

I have a problem socializing with girls

I try to follow the rule ‘treat others the way you want to be treated’. But the thing I’ve realized is that a lot less seems to bother me than bothers girls. If a girl told me something like ‘I really like you but you’re in a dead end job and I am accustomed to a more expensive lifestyle therefore I wouldn’t compromise.’ I would just say okay.

I don’t know, but the way I am, I prefer if people tell me the truth like that so at least I know what’s wrong and maybe I can do better next time. However with girls I noticed telling the truth gets me hated. Girls call me rude and everything. I started lying to girls in college recently and I managed to get back relations pretty easily so I can imagine why lots of guys do it.
The interesting thing is the girls seem to suspect that I’m lying but they still smile and go along with it anyway. Telling girls what they want to hear gets me much further than I used to get. I always had difficulty lying to people because of my morals but these results are astonishing. Women always shun me for telling the cold hard truth so I didn’t know what to do. So I just started doing what got results.

A 7 The guy tries to follow his own rule.

A 8 Girls don’t worry much about many things as the guy thinks.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A 9 Many girls told him that they prefer a more expensive lifestyle.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A 10 If a girl explains her choice to date or not, the guy just submits.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A 11 The guy likes being told what the real matter is.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A 12 All girls like the truth about them as the guy finds it.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A 13 Girls find the guy rude as he tells openly his opinion.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A 14 Telling lies makes all business with girls easier according to the guy’s opinion.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

Section 3 (tasks on grammar and vocabulary)

AT 10

AT 11

AT 12

People these days don't have timeto meet people, but they still _____ to have friends or even dates. The trendy new option is _____ a Partner for the day, evening or even for the weekend _____ to ding invitations or to get together to office. You may also spend the whole nights out and even take a trip abroad for the week-end or _____.

Men and ______ are using our services as it is an easer andsafer way of getting a perfect Partner without _____ time. All our Partners or normal people that _____ and qualified through our professional staff before we add them to our portfolio. People ____ Perfect Partner Time Jobs UK for many years not only for their looks but for their intelligence, good manners and sense of humor. You are sure to have the _________ time possible with us.
















Every child comes into this world like wet clay, completely without any habits and ______ patterns. Socializing is the process by which a child makes himself and learns the process of _________ and surviving in society. There are various key factors that influence this process – the family, the peers, the school, society and ______ beliefs. The first point of contact to the child and also the most ______ factor is always the family.

The ethics and behavior that is followed at home is always copied ________ by the child. Parents are generally role models for children. Hence the socializing skills are passed on in most cases to the offspring. Elder children are also a source of influence. It is because of this reason that in the joint family system that existed previously in India, the ____ were always better adjusted to society.







Section 4 (Writing Assignments)

You have 30 minutes to do this task.

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend Joe.

White a letter to him and answer his 3 questions.

Write 100–120 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

Section 3

Task B4-B12

B4 – would like; B5 – to hire; B6 – to escort; B7 – longer; B8 – women; B9 – spending; B10 - are taught; B11 – have been choosing; B12 – best.

Tasks B13-B18

B13 – behavioral; B14 – interacting; B15 – religious; B16 – important; B17 – unconsciously; B18 – children.

Section 4

Task C1

Hello Joe,

I am glad to receive your letter as it’s been a long time you wrote to me. You mentioned your new school. It’s nice to have everything new as you have a chance to turn over a new leaf in your life. But remember what ever you do that’ll build your new reputation. You should try to do your best at your studies even if you had problems in your old school.

You have also asked about my school. I go to a day school. We have a class of twenty two pupils and some of them are my friends. I like my school as we have interesting lessons and the teachers are also very professional.


I will pass the OGE! English language. Workshop and diagnostics. Babushis E.E.

M.: 20 1 7. - 108 p. + Audio

Study guide “I will pass the OGE! English language. Workshop and Diagnostics” was created by the Federal Commission for Developers of Testing and Measuring Materials OGE and is intended to prepare students in grades 8–9 for the state final certification. The manual contains: a brief description of examination work, analysis of typical mistakes of participants in the OGE of previous years, recommendations for completing tasks in listening, reading, grammar and vocabulary, writing and speaking, standard exam options, audio recordings for the sections “Listening tasks” and “Speaking tasks”, assessment criteria. The manual is addressed to teachers, schoolchildren and their parents for checking/self-testing the achievement of the requirements of the educational standard for the level of training of graduates.

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Preface 3
Section 1 (Listening tasks) 6
Section 2 (Reading Assignments) 19
Section 3 (Tasks on grammar and vocabulary) 30
Section 4 (Writing Assignment) 40
Section 5 (Speaking tasks) 45
Verification work. Option 1 55
Verification work. Option 2 66
Appendix 1. Key 77
Appendix 2. Listening texts 83
Appendix 3. Additional exercises for task 1 of section 5
(Speaking tasks) 100
Appendix 4. Evaluation criteria 102

Educational and methodological manual “I will pass the OGE! English language. Modular course. Practice and Diagnostics" is intended to prepare 9th grade students for passing the main state exam in a foreign language.
Benefit includes guidelines on completing examination tasks, additional exercises that will help students prepare for examination tasks and are aimed at practicing certain foreign language communication and language skills, as well as two options for examination work for independent completion.
This manual reflects the content and format of the 2017 OGE in foreign languages. The examination work consists of two parts: written and oral.
The written part includes four sections: “Listening tasks”, “Reading tasks”, “Grammar and vocabulary tasks” and “Writing tasks” (33 tasks in total). The time allotted for completing the written part is 120 minutes (2 hours). The oral part contains speaking tasks (3 tasks). 15 minutes are allotted for completing the oral part tasks (including preparation time).
