Registration of admission sro. Official registration of admission is due. Apply for SRO - what does it mean?

As you know, previously existing licenses for certain types of work were replaced by SRO approval. It is possible to obtain an SRO permit only if certain conditions are met.

Our company offers professional assistance in obtaining SRO approval in construction, design, surveys and other activities at a minimal cost, without additional markups and payments. We have been working with all regions of the Russian Federation for more than 5 years, have information on regional self-regulatory organizations and have an established document delivery service.

With our help, you can obtain the following SRO permits:

In addition to obtaining permits, our company provides other services necessary for both existing members and those newly joining the SRO. To get more detailed information For the SRO approvals you are interested in, go to the appropriate section.

Order calculation of SRO admission

Since difficulties, delays and refusals often arise when preparing documents for and subsequent obtaining a permit, the practice of professional legal assistance when undergoing these procedures. That is why we offer assistance in obtaining SRO approval in 1 day. We will issue all necessary documents FREE OF CHARGE.

What is SRO approval?

This is an official certificate of admission of your company to carry out a certain type of work in Russia. Only if this document is available, the company has the right to carry out a certain type of activity in accordance with government regulations and standards.

Each issued permit is entered into a special register of the SRO that issued it and is an official document, the legality of which can be easily verified.

We offer

  • Assistance and support at all stages of joining an SRO;
  • Decor necessary documents(you will only need constituent documents);
  • If necessary, for a positive decision on admission;
  • your company;
  • Consultations and support after obtaining SRO clearance.

What is SRO?

Each self-regulatory organization is a non-profit partnership (NPO), which brings together entrepreneurs engaged in similar types of production or professional activity in a particular industrial segment. Both legal entities and individual entrepreneurs can become a member of the organization.

It can be difficult to choose an SRO on your own. We offer our services for selecting SROs in any region of Russia and assistance in obtaining SRO approval urgently in 1 day.

Self-regulatory organizations are a new level of management, responsibility and control adopted in Russian state. Through special mechanisms, the market regulates itself, while responsibility for the quality of work of each company rests not only individually with the management, but also with all members of the organization in which it belongs.

Each self-regulatory organization develops and approves the requirements that SRO member companies comply with. Admission to a certain type of activity is possible only if these requirements are met.

In addition to developing requirements, issuing permits, and using a system of disciplinary measures and control, the self-regulatory organization provides an additional insurance system to its members. Thus, joining an SRO provides additional financial guarantees from insurance companies.

Which companies require permits?

Today, it is possible to indicate a number of areas of activity in which permits must be issued without fail:

  • SRO approvals are required in construction and micro-construction;
  • in design;
  • when conducting engineering surveys;
  • energy auditors;
  • companies providing transport services.

What do you need to get permission?

To do this, just contact us in a way convenient for you: call, order a call using a special form on this website, submit an application online or write us an email, describing your situation and needs. We will carry out the procedure for joining a self-regulatory organization and provide design, survey and other activities without delays, delays or any obstacles, with maximum benefit for you.

Organizations planning to engage in design, construction, participation in tenders and engineering surveys need to obtain an SRO permit in order to provide services legally. First of all, you should select the type of activity, then you need to prepare the appropriate documentation. Permits can be issued in the following areas of work:

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· Engineering survey;

· Housing and communal services;

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Individual entrepreneurs (IP, PE) and legal entities can become members of the SRO. Organizations wishing to register as an SRO must pay fees and submit a minimum package of documents for entry.

Required Documentation

To obtain admission in accordance with the standards of current legislation, you will need the following copies of documents certified by the head of the legal entity:

· Extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (for individual entrepreneurs) or the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (for legal entities)

· Candidate questionnaire and application for membership

· Charter of the legal entity

· State certificate registration and registration with the tax office

· Work records, certificates, diplomas and employee permits

· Certificate containing Rosstat codes

· Originals of the insurance contract and insurance policy

· Protocol on the appointment of gene. directors

· Memorandum of association legal entity

In addition, you will need a power of attorney to conduct business, on the basis of which employees of the Alliance legal center will be able to represent the interests of their client. Required can be transferred by post, by courier or in person at the representative office.

Procedure for obtaining admission

Qualified lawyers will help you in preparing documents with minimal costs time and material resources. In fact, the procedure is carried out in several stages:

1. Selecting the type of activity in accordance with the classifier (geodetic, geological surveys, preparation of technological solutions residential complexes, treatment facilities, development and drilling of soil, construction of buildings, etc.).

2. Agreement of conditions. Obtaining information about the cost and timing of obtaining permits (the amount of remuneration is determined individually for each enterprise).

3. Filling out an application for a service (concluding an agreement). If the customer is satisfied with the conditions, then Alliance specialists begin to perform their duties. First of all, experts analyze the provided documentation for compliance with legal requirements.

4. Submission of documents and payment of fees. After the documentation has been brought into compliance with the requirements of an individual company, it is sent to a self-regulatory organization. A day after sending the application form to the association, the candidate receives invoices for paying the membership fee to the compensation fund, as well as for repaying the entrance fee.

5. Obtaining permission to work. The self-regulatory organization makes a decision to grant a certain organization permission to the declared types of work within a week. After full payment of the contract, the client will be given invoices, originals of received documents and certificates of provision of the requested services.

Basic aspects of obtaining admission

Organizations wishing to obtain SRO approval are faced with a wide range of questions. Specialists of the Alliance legal agency clarify the main aspects of documentation:

How many specialists will be required to obtain a permit?

At least 5 specialists with specialized secondary education or three employees with higher education.

Who will need permission?

Registration is necessary for legal entities and private individuals wishing to engage in the construction of facilities, design of buildings or engineering surveys.

Will a building license be required?

In accordance with current legislation, all construction licenses have been cancelled. Survey, design and construction firms are required to belong to associations.

In what cases can organizations refuse to obtain permission?

A lot depends on whether the prepared documentation meets the stated requirements. The Alliance company will help you obtain SRO admission to as soon as possible.

Features of obtaining a permit

Any company associated with the construction industry is necessarily faced with the need to obtain the so-called SRO approval - a special permit to carry out design, construction, survey, audit or evaluation work. The process of obtaining such admission involves the entry of a company starting its activities into an SRO - a self-regulatory organization.

What is SRO

SRO is an association in the form of a non-profit partnership of companies working in construction and exercising control over construction activities. The main purpose of the existence of such an organization is to provide the right to certain types of work ( SRO admission) only to companies that have been verified, which, among other things, have prepared and submitted the necessary documents to the organization and paid an entrance fee to the SRO.

Types of SRO approvals

It is most rational to divide all currently granted permits from self-regulatory organizations by the type of activity for which this permit is issued. In this regard, the following are distinguished:

  • SRO of builders
  • SRO auditors
  • SRO of designers
  • SRO survey engineers
  • SRO appraisers

For each type of SRO approval, specific requirements that differ from each other must be met. Such requirements also depend on the organization you contact.

How to obtain an SRO permit yourself

Of course, a beginning development company may not try to obtain permission on its own, but immediately turn to professionals - specialized firms, whose specialists will take care of all the preparation and submission of documentation to the self-regulatory organization, and will act as intermediaries. Such services cost a lot, but in such cases the whole procedure will take only 1-2 days, and most intermediary companies provide the opportunity to obtain SRO admission in installments.

Independent registration of SRO admission is the most optimal way obtaining this permission, unless, of course, you intend to work with known violations. The most important thing in this process is to comply with everything necessary requirements, prepare documentation, pay entry fees.

The main requirements for obtaining admission are:

  • availability of material resources;
  • the presence of a certain number of specialists with higher and secondary education working in the organization;
  • Employed specialists have a certain amount of work experience in their field.

If such requirements are met, then the rest of the process is almost formal (except perhaps an initial contribution to the compensation fund for possible violations not formal at all).

Cost of SRO admission

The final cost of an SRO permit consists of several components, and also depends on the specific NP SRO you contacted and the type of permit required.

The components of SRO approval are:

  • entrance fee- since SRO organizations are non-profit partnerships, then entry fees are most often not charged;
  • monthly membership fee in NP SRO - about 5-8 thousand rubles for design and construction organizations;
  • insurance fee- not required for auditors and appraisers, but for other areas of activity it ranges from 5 to 10 thousand rubles.
  • contribution to the compensation fund- the total amount directly depends on the type of SRO admission and is about 300 thousand rubles for construction companies, about 150 thousand - for design and survey organizations.

Thus, before starting construction, design or any other activity that requires an SRO permit, you must take care of obtaining it. Work without such permission is a violation of current legislation and may entail serious penalties, including a complete ban on work.

To carry out certain types of activities and perform work on major renovation, construction and reconstruction of capital construction projects require obtaining admission and joining an SRO (self-regulatory organization). This is necessary to legalize your professional activities in the chosen industry.

Cost of SRO admission

Who needs an SRO permit and why?

Entrepreneurs and legal entities planning to conduct their business in the construction industry are required to register an SRO, which confirms compliance with the requirements and norms of the current legislation of the Russian Federation. Thanks to this, you can significantly expand your professional capabilities by participating in tenders for government orders and performing certain types of work that require permission.

Joining an SRO makes it possible to make the activities of your organization much more transparent and allows you to avoid claims from supervisory authorities. For carrying out the work specified in the list, which was approved by Order No. 624 of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation without obtaining an SRO permit, criminal liability is provided for, in accordance with Article No. 171 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Obtaining an SRO permit is mandatory for all organizations whose activities are directly related to work that affects the safety of capital construction projects under construction, reconstruction or repair.

The procedure for joining an SRO - step-by-step instructions

Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, including foreign ones, who can confirm their compliance with all standards and requirements provided for by current legislation, can submit documents to join the SRO. The procedure for joining the SRO is as follows:

Step 1. Collection of necessary documents. This includes:

  • candidate information sheet with his details;
  • certificate of entry into the state register of registration individual entrepreneur or legal entity(notarized copy);
  • a sheet of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or a certificate of state registration of changes that were made to the constituent documents (notarized copy);
  • constituent documents of the applicant (notarized copies);
  • certificate of tax registration at the place of registration (notarized copy);
  • an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs, which was issued no earlier than 30 days before the date of the applicant’s application;
  • documents confirming civil liability insurance by the applicant in cases of damage due to poor quality work that has a direct impact on the safety of capital construction projects being built, repaired or reconstructed;
  • permission to work for which the applicant plans to obtain;
  • information about the existing qualifications of individual entrepreneurs, employees of a legal entity, and managers, along with copies of diplomas, certificates and other educational documents.
  • documents confirming that the applicant’s employees have passed the FS certification for technological, environmental and nuclear (if necessary) supervision;
  • documents confirming that the applicant’s employees have completed advanced training courses (copies);
  • documents confirming that the person entering the SRO has equipment, inventory, premises, buildings and other property necessary to perform work within the framework of their professional activities;
  • availability information current system control over the quality of work performed;
  • statement.

Also, if necessary, it may be necessary to provide documents confirming that the individual entrepreneur or legal entity joining the SRO of an accredited laboratory has an agreement for the provision of services (with the laboratory), documents confirming the presence of workers who have the main professions for carrying out work at facilities where nuclear energy is used), accounting balance sheet and others.

Step 2. Submission of documents. After the package of documents has been prepared, it is handed over personally to an employee of the self-regulatory organization. In this case, an appropriate act and inventory of the transferred documentation must be drawn up. This can also be done by Russian post, with mandatory notification to SRO employees in an official letter or through a courier service.

Step 3. Preparation of contracts with the insurer. The self-regulatory organization is engaged after the entire package of documents has been received.

Step 4. Construction control. During which all the candidate’s documents are checked. If during construction control If the applicant's compliance with all requirements is confirmed, then the head of the SRO signs the report.

Step 5. Payment of contribution to the compensation fund.

Step 6. Obtaining an SRO certificate. Occurs after payment and signing of documents.

From this moment, the candidate can begin to perform the work for which the permit was issued and which were specified in the application.

How long does it take to review an application and issue an SRO permit?

The time frame for obtaining an SRO permit ranges from 3 days to 21 days and depends on the timing of the transfer of the documentation package and where the location is located Building company and how far from your SRO.
The law provides that any company or organization can join several SROs at the same time. The main thing is that they must be registered on different types activities and works. In this case, this can be done in parallel.

Some features of registration and membership in an SRO

In order to obtain SRO approval, it is often necessary to conclude an agreement with an insurance company for civil liability insurance of construction company employees.

It should be taken into account that tolerances for work of the same type may have significant differences. This is due to the specific activities carried out by the company. But it is still characterized by great responsibility and fairly stringent requirements for specialists who perform this type of work.

In cases of poor quality work, the SRO participant may be deprived of his certificate.

The activities of self-regulatory organizations are controlled by Rostechnadzor. The requirements for organizations and entrepreneurs applying for SRO approval are determined by the current law. The SROs themselves, as well as the companies that represent them, do not have the right to independently correct the list of requirements and the availability of any mandatory documents.

Sum Money, contributed to the compensation fund is legally established by the norms of the Russian Federation and cannot be less or more than required. It is paid one-time in one payment (without installments).

The SRO certificate has legal force throughout the entire Russian Federation, and its validity period is unlimited.

How to choose a reliable SRO

It is very important to choose the right self-regulatory organization, since there are also unscrupulous companies on the market. Therefore, it is best to turn to already verified and positively proven SROs. In this case, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  1. Duration of activity of the selected SRO on the market.
  2. Availability of representatives and a network of branches in different regions of Russia.
  3. How long does the core core of members of the self-regulating core last?
  4. The reliability of SRO members, as well as the quality of the work they perform, can be judged by the absence of payments from the compensation fund and its safety.
  5. According to the information openness of a self-regulatory organization.
  6. The content of the website of the selected SRO must comply with current legislation.
  7. Availability of information and the opportunity to receive prompt and comprehensive advice to SRO members and companies just joining them, including online.
  8. No additional financial expenses as a result of membership in an SRO.
  9. The opportunity for candidates to independently choose insurance companies and centers providing advanced training courses.
  10. Deadlines for consideration of the application, verification of documentation and registration of SRO admission.

Join SRO with "URGENT SRO"

Our organization, "URGENT SRO”, providesservices for joining SRO : highly qualified specialists will advise you on any issue related to joining an SRO, or on the types of work that you need, as well as on the cost of entry and other issues of interest. You are guaranteed to receive extensive information on all issues of joining an SRO, and if you make a positive decision to work with SROCHNO SRO, our specialists will help you obtain SRO admission in the shortest possible time, from 1 day!

To obtain a permit, you must select the type of SRO:

    SRO in construction;

    SRO in design;

    SRO in surveying;

Why join an SRO?

To carry out construction/projector/survey activities, companies must go through a procedure such as registration of membership in an SRO. Self-regulatory organizations, according to the law, are authorized to give permission to carry out this activity. Lack of SRO approval entails the inability to engage in construction, design, and survey activities.

What do you need to pay for? issuing SRO permits ?

    Entrance fee. (Installed by each organization and for eachSRO approval for the developer separately).

    Membership fee;

    Compensation fee.

    Insurance fee. This amount goes towards liability insurance for the company receivingSRO approval. Liability insurance will allow you to reimburse material costs in case of damage to property or human health.

List of required documents

List of documents for obtaining SRO admission:

    Enterprise card (details);

    Articles of association;

    TIN certificate;

    OGRN certificate;

    Order on the appointment of a manager;

    Decision to create an organization (Protocol);

    Extract from ERGUL (not older than 3 months);

    Evidence of changes (if any, then the latest);

    Statistics codes;

    Lease agreement or certificate of ownership of the premises;

    Passport general director;

    Notification of the inclusion of specialists in the National Register and a package of documents for specialists submitted to the National Register.

You can send all of the above to our email by the address:[email protected] .

Throughout the entire period of obtaining an SRO license, from consultation to the issuance of admission and further work, our specialists are always ready to help in resolving issues regarding SRO, insurance, payment of fees, etc.

Why is it safe and convenient to work with SROCHNO SRO?

    The deadline for obtaining an SRO permit is from the 1st working day;

    We work throughout the territory Russian Federation, and we also have representative offices in other cities, such as: Nizhny Novgorod, Voronezh, Krasnodar, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnoyarsk, Yekaterinburg, Perm, St. Petersburg, Simferopol;

    We provide services for the preparation and execution of a full package of documents for obtaining SRO admission;

    We provide assistance in passing annual SRO inspections;

    Assistance in adding types of work to the SRO permit;

    Selection of necessary specialists (discussed with the manager);

    A personal manager will be assigned to you throughout the course of your work;

All methods of contacting our employees are listed above. Specialists will calculate the cost of services according to the selected scope of work.

At any time, you can get a detailed consultation with our specialists and join an SRO as soon as possible!
