Installation of soft roofing with gas repair of soft roofing. Repair of soft roofs: selection of materials and procedure for performing the main stages of work. How to choose roofing material

Soft roofing is quite easy to install and is available to the vast majority of developers, which is why it has remained very popular for many years. Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever, and breakdowns often occur with any objects and mechanisms that surround us, and roof cladding is no exception. Repair soft roof happens quite often, and the owners of the house have to fix it, sometimes even a couple of times a year people eliminate the defects that have appeared. The only good thing is that for such work it is not necessary to involve craftsmen, because the entire restoration process can be done with your own hands.

A plan for repair work is usually drawn up after a thorough inspection of the roof, which allows us to identify all the problems that have arisen. There are two standard way roofing repair:

  • major repairs of soft roofing;
  • current elimination of defects.

Each of these methods is performed using a separate technology, within which it is recommended to use various materials, and if there is an urgent need, you can get to work even in winter.

The main reason for the frequent wear of roofing material lies in the properties of bitumen, which is susceptible to sun rays and at high temperatures it begins to melt, hence the defects, expressed as swellings and irregularities that affect the further operation of the structure. The thing is that when precipitation falls, it accumulates in the formed depressions. rainwater or melted snow seeping through cracks in the bitumen. But even in winter you can encounter some problems, because during a thaw the snow melts, and with a sharp drop in temperature it turns into ice, which widens the cracks in the material and tears it.

To determine if the sheathing needs repair, carefully examine the roof surface. If the waterproofing has peeled off in some places, cracks have appeared, bitumen has swollen or depressions have been discovered, or moss has grown in, repair of the soft roof is inevitable. If the defects are minor, you will be fine with minor repairs and can easily handle it yourself.

Ongoing roof repairs

Let’s say right away that major repairs can be made less expensive if you carry out a preventive process every three years. As for the current repair, it provides for minimal cladding errors, and you do not need to dismantle old rolled materials with dried mastic, which, in fact, require repair. Here you will need to update the existing layer, namely:

  • elimination of bubbles;
  • replacement of funnels for water drainage;
  • replacement of parapet covering or eaves overhangs;
  • covering the old layer with primers;
  • fusing new waterproofing.

Experienced masters advise Special attention pay attention to the most problematic areas, which are the joints roofing elements, parapet structures and walls, as well as those areas where drains are fixed. In some cases, you can limit yourself to patches, but they often do not give a lasting result and do not guarantee the continued operation of the roof without leaks.

The soft roof repair technology consists of several stages, namely:

  1. Cleaning the surface of debris, dirt and moss;
  2. Examination of the surface for the presence of rot, and if it is detected, such segments should be cut off, capturing undamaged material (up to 2 cm on each side);
  3. Leveling unevenness with a special mastic, which will require mortar materials such as a cement composition;
  4. Cutting off all bubbles, removing dust, drying the surface and leveling it to firmly fix the patch;
  5. A patch is cut from new material with an allowance of 5 cm;
  6. Lubricating the surface with mastic and gluing patches.

Please note that with reverse side the patch must be treated with bitumen mastic. Next in the work you will need a torch, which needs to heat the patch, after which it is pressed with a press.

Repair over old coating

In professional circles, the expression is known as “old-fashioned repair,” which means that there is no need to dismantle old roofing materials, and defects are eliminated on top of them. This method is much cheaper and easier to implement than major repairs of a soft roof. It can be easily done with your own hands, which is why this method is used most often.

Laying new layers on top of old ones

IN in this case old roofing materials with defects identified will serve as the basis for a new coating. The final coating can be applied in one or two layers - it all depends on the scale of the disaster and the financial capabilities of the owner of the house, but a double carpet, of course, is better and more reliable, since its strength is higher. However, one cannot fail to mention that it is necessary to take into account the possibilities rafter system, because here the load on the roof surface increases by 5 kg/1m2 due to the rolled cladding, and additional weight is given by the mastic on which it is glued. Repairing soft roll roofing using this principle is suitable for a roof that is not in a completely deplorable condition. If the old roll cladding is very bad, the risk will be unjustified, and it is better to immediately get ready for a major repair. Also, this method should be abandoned if the previously laid layers of bitumen exceed permissible norm(maximum 6 - 8 layers), again due to the heaviness of the materials.

Major repairs of soft roofing

If you have carried out an inspection and found that a significant area of ​​the roof has been damaged, and defects reach 60% of the entire surface, patches and mastic will not be enough. In this case, only complete dismantling of the dilapidated damaged cladding and laying soft material in a new way can help correct the situation. As a rule, major repairs are resorted to in the event of regular and excessive roof leaks, as a result of which the insulation is damaged and loses its properties or the cladding freezes.

The minimum set of works for major roof repairs includes dismantling bitumen and replacing it with new material lubricated with mastic, replacing funnels and cornices, drying insulation using special devices, replacement of the parapet structure. If the condition of the roof is more than deplorable, and the defects affect the rafter system, you will have to update not only the cladding, but also the frame with vapor barrier and insulation, and the order of work will be as follows:

  1. We dismantle old materials;
  2. We eliminate screed defects;
  3. We carry out the entire roofing process in a new way.

It is better to do a major overhaul of a soft roof with your own hands with assistants, because here you will have to tinker not only with bitumen and mastic, but you will also need to install some roof elements that are difficult for one person to lift, let alone fix.

This video shows in detail the entire roof installation process. After viewing, you will be able to do all the work yourself.

Any roof covering wears out over time. Of course, the service life of different materials can vary significantly. So, if ordinary roofing material was used to cover the roof, then repair of the soft roof may be required after 5-7 years. Using roll materials III and IV generations or bitumen shingles the roofing covering will last two or even three times longer. But this coating will also require repair over time.

Soft roofing is widely used today; this type of roofing is also used by private developers in the construction of cottages, garages and other low-rise buildings. Some types of soft roofing are used in the construction of multi-storey buildings, industrial and public buildings.

A properly installed soft roof made from modern materials can successfully serve for 15 years or more. But over time, the soft roof of the roof will need to be repaired. Let's look at how you can hold this event yourself.

Roof condition inspection

In most cases, owners begin to think about repairing their roofing only when leaks appear. The following may start to drip from the ceiling in the house:

  • During or immediately after rain. In this case, the coating most likely has mechanical damage. However, constant leaks can also be caused by the fact that the roof was installed incorrectly.
  • In the spring, some time after the snow begins to melt. When leaks of this type appear, you should first check the junctions with pipes and ventilation shafts. And on flat roofs - and the joints between the floor slabs. Cracks often form here, which lead to leaks.
  • Leaks can be “shimmering,” as they say, if the ceiling starts to drip not after every rain, but from time to time. As a rule, such leaks occur when microcracks appear on the coating or when incorrect installation covering aprons.

Types of defects

When inspecting the roof, at first glance it may seem that the covering is well preserved. However, a closer inspection usually reveals defects, for example:

  • Cuts and other mechanical damage that can be caused by tree branches or during the installation of antennas or other structures on the roof.
  • The presence of bubbles and swellings on the coating;
  • Presence of cracks;
  • Peeling of the coating from the base, and in the case of a rolled roof - separation of the layers of the coating from each other.
  • Peeling of patches that were previously applied to the coating.

What repairs will be required?

Depending on how badly the roof is damaged, major or partial renovation.

  • If up to 40% of the roofing area is damaged, then partial repairs are allowed. In this case, patches are applied and cracks are filled with mastic.
  • In case of extensive damage, if the defects occupy more than 40% of the covering, a major repair of the soft roof is necessary. This involves a complete replacement of the roof covering.

Repair materials

What materials will be needed to repair a soft roof? To apply patches and completely replace the coating you will need:

  • Technoelast, Bireplast or similar elastic materials - to form the lining layer of the coating;
  • Linocrom, Isoelast, Uniflex - materials with coarse-grained toppings, used to form the top layer of coating:

In addition, you will need mastic to repair the soft roof. This material is used for filling cracks and gluing material when applying patches.

Advice! Mastics are hot and cold. The former require heating to a temperature of 160-180 degrees, the latter are applied cold. It is clear that for independent work it is much more convenient to use cold-applied mastics.

How to make an estimate for repairs?

Having decided on the number of defects and the type of repair, you can begin to draw up an estimate. As a rule, an estimate is required if necessary overhaul, since to eliminate minor faults, a can of mastic and a small amount of patching material is usually enough.

Advice! When carrying out major repairs, it is recommended to start drawing up an estimate after all layers of the previous coating have been removed. Only then will it be possible to know for sure whether only the roofing material will need to be replaced, or whether it will be necessary to make a new screed and replace the layers of hydro-steam and thermal insulation.

  • The roof area is measured. It is very important to take into account the area of ​​all protruding structures. 20% should be added to the roof area, the resulting result will be equal to the area of ​​material that will be required for repairs.
  • If the foundation requires repairs, materials for repairs must be included in the estimate.
  • Next, consumables (mastic) are included in the estimate, taking into account the manufacturer’s recommended consumption for square meter roofs.
  • If necessary, the estimate also includes the purchase of tools that will be required to carry out repair work.

Advice! If necessary, the estimate also includes the purchase of work clothes - thick trousers, boots with thick and non-slip soles, work gloves.

Carrying out repairs

Let's look at the technology for repairing soft roofs.

Carrying out minor repairs

For minor damage to the surface, it is sufficient to carry out minor repairs to the roof covering.

  • Narrow cracks can simply be filled with bitumen mastic.
  • If a hole has formed on the surface, it should be covered with a patch cut from roofing felt or other material suitable for the top layer of coating.
  • In the event that a divergence of joints has formed between individual strips of material, then first lift the diverging edges, apply mastic to them and heat them with gas burner. The defect on top is coated with mastic again.
  • If swelling is detected on the coating, it is necessary to cut the bubble crosswise. The edges of the material are folded back and dried, heating them with a burner flame. Then mastic is poured into the resulting cavity, and the previously bent edges are put in place. Roll the swelling area with a roller. Then the surface of the defect is again coated with mastic and a pre-cut piece of roofing felt or other rolled material is applied to it; the area of ​​the applied patch should be larger than the area of ​​the defect. The applied patch is rolled several times with a roller.

Major repairs

It is much more difficult to carry out major repairs yourself, since the work requires special tools. A complete replacement of the coating occurs as follows:

  • First you need to remove the old coating to assess the condition of the base.
  • If necessary, restore the cement screed.
  • A layer of bitumen-based primer is applied to the screed. This is necessary to ensure better adhesion between the roofing and the base.
  • After the mastic layer has dried, you can begin laying the lining layer. Previously, glassine was used for this purpose, however, today it is better to take modern materials made on the basis of fiberglass or fiberglass.
  • Laying the lining material begins from the very bottom edge of the roof. The strips of material are laid so that an overlap of 7-10 cm wide is formed.
  • Modern materials are laid using the fusing method. The lower part of the roll is heated by the flame of a burner (gas or diesel), then the material is rolled out onto the base and pressed well using a roller.
  • The top layer of the coating is installed from a material with coarse-grained topping. It is laid in the same way, only you need to make sure that the joints of the strips of the second layer fall in the middle of the sheets of the bottom one.

So, major and even more minor repairs of a soft roof can be done independently. But in order for the coating to last longer, it is recommended not to wait for leaks to appear, but to carry out a preventive inspection of the coating 1-2 times a year. If small defects are identified, they must be corrected immediately. Such preventive work will allow you to postpone the need for major repairs for several years.

Our roofers are ready to carry out installation from scratch and eliminate any defects in short time. We recommend that you contact us immediately if you discover the following defects:

  • Formation of swellings and deformations on the surface of the roofing covering;
  • The appearance of fungus and signs of rotting;
  • Detection of areas of water accumulation on the surface. To look for damage, you can pour water on the roof to find areas where moisture has accumulated. They are marked with chalk and then they begin to repair the damage;
  • Problems with overlap at joints;
  • Mechanical damage to the material as a result of careless work (installation of antennas, removal of ice and snow).

If you think that everything is in order with the roof of your house, but you want to make sure of this and prevent the formation of defects, then we recommend carrying out routine repairs. It includes visual inspection roofing surfaces.

As a rule, even if you thought that the roof was in order, problems such as small cracks or leaks at the joints will still be discovered. This is the most common type of soft roof repair.

Capital installation work are considered the most expensive and are done in case of serious damage, when the tightness is broken and moisture penetrates into the premises.

Emergency repairs are also called urgent repairs. It is necessary in case of sudden damage, for example due to a fallen tree or strong wind.

Soft roofing is one of the popular types of roof covering. It is successfully used both in the construction of private houses, outbuildings, and for multi-storey buildings. Materials of this group are made on the basis of bitumen and fiberglass. They have such advantages as: ease of installation, increased noise, hydro and heat insulation properties. Moreover, even for repairs special costs not required. And you can do all the work yourself.

Roof repair documentation

When carrying out repair work on a soft roof, the following documents are used:

  • estimate (work performance document). It takes into account all planned repairs on a given roof. For example, dismantling the roof, preparing the base, installing new material and sealing seams, creating a waterproofing layer. The estimate includes the cost of consumables and combustible materials, as well as the cost of their delivery. This document will help you estimate the budget for future repairs and decide whether to carry it out yourself or to allow specialists to do it;
  • SNiP ( building codes and rules). During repairs, it is important to follow the requirements set out in the SNiP document “Repair of Soft Roofing” number 11-26-76. It lists everything necessary materials for waterproofing, types of mastic, roofing materials and requirements for the order of work;
  • PPR (works project). This document is important if roof repairs are being carried out apartment building. It indicates the rationale for the repair work, the results of the roof inspection, its characteristics, methods of organizing and methods of performing roofing work.

Types of damage and types of repairs

Soft roofing requires periodic inspection. It will help to identify any violations of the integrity of the roofing covering in a timely manner and carry out restoration work in a timely manner. Common problems with soft roofs are:

  • bloating;

    Swelling of a soft roof may occur as a result of violation of the technology for laying materials

  • rotting, the appearance of fungus and moss as a result of the formation of cracks with accumulated water;

    Moss on a soft roof appears as a result of improper installation technology

  • delamination of material at the joints of the canvases;

    Delamination of the roofing material can be repaired by sealing the ends and strengthening the seam with a patch

  • mechanical damage - appears due to possible contact of the roof with antennas and branches;

    A soft roof may crumble after the end of its service life or when unfavorable conditions use

  • dark spots;

    Asphalt shingles can change color and even delaminate over time.

  • curved edges of asphalt shingles.

A preventive examination should be carried out at least twice a year. It is recommended to regularly clean the roof of branches, debris and snow. These measures will increase the service life and minimize repair costs.

Depending on the type of damage, there are three types of soft roof repair work:

  1. Local or current - involves the elimination of small defects in the roofing sheet.

    Local repair of fused roofing ensures quick restoration of the coating at low cost

  2. Major - performed in cases where local repairs have not produced results in ensuring proper waterproofness of the roof. Or if the damage area exceeds 40% of the roof area.

    Major roof repairs involve removing the old covering and laying new material

  3. Emergency - most often performed as a result of a serious leak or after an unexpected violation of the integrity of the roof (when a small part of the covering is damaged).

    Emergency repairs are carried out immediately after an unexpected violation of the roofing covering to avoid even bigger problems.

Video: local repair of bituminous tile roofing


Current repairs are carried out when minor defects in the soft roof are detected. The solution to the problem depends on its type. For example, for roll roofing they use the following options repair:

  • swelling of the material - pierce the place of swelling and make a cross-shaped incision. Bend the ends, clean the inside of the material, dry it all inner part coat with mastic. Next, place the edges of the material on the base of the roof and iron it well. If necessary, stick a patch on top and cover it with mastic again;

    The area of ​​swelling on a soft roof can be covered with one or two patches, depending on the size and complexity of the coating violation

  • peeling of the joint - lift the material a little, dry the roof under it with a burner or construction hairdryer. Only after this, apply bitumen to the damaged area, lower the material, press it firmly or roll it with a roller. Problem area It is recommended to treat the seam with mastic;

    At the joints of the material, better painting with mastic is required

  • roof with uneven surface, water accumulates in some places - fill the entire surface of the roof with water and mark the places where the water lingers. After this, remove the water, dry the roof, cover the marked areas with hot mastic or cover with an additional layer of roofing material more than one millimeter thick to level the surface. Then lay upper layer roof and cover it special composition, preventing Negative influence external environment.

    If the surfaces of a soft roof are not leveled in time, stagnation of water will lead to cracks in the material, and then the roof will begin to leak.

A damaged section of bitumen shingles can also be replaced. To do this, use a trowel to carefully lift all the damaged plates, as well as those adjacent to them, in order to pull out the defective ones. Remove the nails with a nail puller. Lay new pieces of roofing material, securing them with nails, and additionally treat the joints with silicone sealant.

For local repair of bitumen shingles, only damaged tiles need to be replaced

Video: partial repair of a soft garage roof

Major renovation

Major repairs of soft roofs are carried out in the following sequence:

Video: step-by-step implementation of a major overhaul of a fused roof

Emergency repairs

Emergency roof repair involves urgent restoration of the damaged part of the roof. For example, creating a large patch where materials are damaged.

This measure can prevent the formation of a leak, but is only effective if the area of ​​the damaged area does not exceed 20% of the total roof area.

To install patches you need:

The patch can also be applied to an asphalt shingle roof. The repair method is similar, only a special solution or silicone sealant is used for gluing.

This repair method is only effective if the cause of the leak is a visible defect.

Video: replacing damaged areas on a shingle roof

Necessary materials

Used to repair soft roofs different materials. The choice depends on which layer of the roofing pie is intended to be repaired:

  • for the top layer - “Uniflex”, “Linokrom”, “Isoplast”. Their service life is more than 10 years;
  • for the bottom layer - “Beriplast”, “Stekloelast”, “Tekhnoelast”. They are characterized by increased elasticity and the ability to create additional thermal insulation.

The materials of the top layer of the roof must contain a mineral coating, which serves to protect against solar radiation. The thickness of such a canvas should be chosen in the range from 4.5 to 5 mm. And for the bottom layer, the rolled roofing felt can be thinner.

Cold styling mastic

The most commonly used mastic is suitable for laying roofing felt without heating. It is used for repairs inner layers roofing pie. You only need to choose a mastic that contains bitumen and a dust-type mixture, for example, gypsum or lime.

You can prepare mastic yourself if you have the necessary ingredients.

If desired, you can make mastic yourself.

To do this, you will need to mix one portion of filler and two portions each of bitumen and gasoline. But the components must be connected after the bitumen has heated to 180 o C and the water has completely evaporated from it. Before repair, the resulting mixture must be cooled.

The method of using this mastic is as follows:

Video: urgent roof repair with liquid mastic

Liquid rubber

Sometimes liquid rubber is used to repair soft roofs. It is capable of creating a seamless coating, which virtually eliminates the penetration of water into roofing pie. Liquid rubber is used to seal small cracks and cracks and for major repairs.

It is more convenient to apply liquid rubber from a spray bottle.

Its peculiarity is that the material can be applied in two ways:

  • using spraying from a spray bottle - this method is relevant when repairing roofs of large areas;
  • with a roller or brush - it takes longer, so it is only suitable for local repairs or small buildings.

If you have no experience working with special equipment, then self-repair roofs, it is better to choose the second method.

Liquid rubber is applied in several layers. Moreover, each subsequent layer can be applied only after the previous one has completely dried. This is usually done at intervals of 7–10 minutes.

The application technology itself is as follows:

Video: spraying liquid rubber onto roofing felt

Rolled waterproofing is usually used for major repairs of soft roofs. This requires complete dismantling of the old coating.

Gidroizol - inexpensive roll waterproofing material on a glass base, made with double-sided application of bitumen and coating

This deposited material has the following structure:

  • base (fiberglass or fiberglass);
  • modified bitumen coating on both sides of the base;
  • slate powder as a protective layer.

The waterproofing is spread in two layers. Both cold and hot installation methods are used. The laying technology using the fusing method is as follows:

Remember that excessive heat will lead to damage to the material or fire. Hydroisol is also available in the form of cold mastic.

Waterproofing in the form of mastic consists of polymer bitumen and is used as a protective roofing layer

Video: how to properly fuse rolled roofing material

Repair equipment

Before starting work, not only the material is prepared, but also necessary equipment. You will need:

  • gas burner - but it can be replaced with a blowtorch if local repairs are performed on a small area of ​​the roof;

    You can apply repair compounds using a paint brush: working surface should be wide and with strong pile

  • broom.

If emergency repairs are performed in winter time, then you will need a shovel to clear the roof of snow.

Repair work are carried out in special work clothes: gloves, boots, pants made of thick fabric, safety glasses.

Before working on restoring a soft roof, it is important to consider how badly damaged the covering is. Based on the inspection data, it is easy to make a decision about the upcoming work. And then determine: what materials to use, how extensive the repair will be (whether the entire roofing covering will need to be replaced or only the restoration of some layers of the roofing pie).

The durability of rolled soft roofing is largely due to its high maintainability. There is no problem in eliminating minor defects and even replace entire sections of the coating, but this must be done correctly and carefully, preventing the development of damage in the future.

Select season and weather

Like installation, roll roofing repairs must be carried out under appropriate weather conditions. There are three negative factors that can complicate the process or negate the quality of the final result.

The most significant obstacle to repairs is atmospheric moisture. Roll roofing consists of several layers of material tightly fastened together and tightly glued to the base. This requires good adhesion of all surfaces, which is impossible if there are accumulations of rain or melt water on the roof, and even more so if it rains during repairs. At the same time, you need to understand that the repair of a soft roof can take several days; during this time there should be no precipitation.

Another important indicator is air temperature. Elimination of defects in rolled roofing coverings is carried out mainly by the fusing method, in which the materials are heated to very high temperatures. high temperatures. A sharp temperature change during cooling helps to weaken the gluing; also, because of this, materials can lose their elasticity, as a result of which they will be susceptible to cracking, which means the period between repairs will be greatly reduced. For these reasons, it is not customary to carry out roll roofing repairs in winter and off-season, optimal conditions The weather is considered to be on a hot sunny summer day.

Third negative factor- wind. When using cold mastics, its influence is insignificant, however, during the fusing process, gusts can knock down the burner flame, which will not allow uniform and thorough heating of the surfaces of the materials being glued. Repair work can be carried out with moderate wind strength of up to 3-4 m/s, but if there are turbulence and gusts, it is better to postpone the event until more suitable weather conditions.

Repair kit materials and tools

Depending on the extent of the damage, different repair techniques may be used. Of the basic materials for planned repairs, you will need a protective coating of the same type that is used on the roof, baseless waterproofing to restore the intermediate layer, as well as bitumen and solvents for it, or cold-applied mastic.

Initially, it is extremely important to conduct a roof inspection, during which all existing defects and damage will be identified, the damage will be assessed and calculated. required amount materials for forming a repair kit. To do this, you need to know what defects are typical for soft roofs, how they manifest themselves externally and how much materials will be required for repairs in each individual case. As we already said, weather during repairs are of decisive importance, and therefore there is a delay in searching and purchasing additional materials can result in very disastrous consequences, for example, more serious damage to the coating due to the rain.

So, the most frequently occurring defects can be called a violation of the integrity of the upper protective and decorative layer, that is, simply mechanical damage to the roof. Traditionally, they are removed with patches, applied over existing coverage an additional layer with the upper surface protected by stone powder or modified plastic compound. When calculating the material for the patches, you need to take into account that it should be laid with an overlap on the “healthy” areas of about 30-40 cm on each side.

Another type of damage stems from the first and is associated with the penetration of moisture into the multilayer coating. In such situations, swelling and delamination of the roof is observed, often over fairly large areas. Such defects require removal of a part protective coating and repair of waterproofing in exposed areas with subsequent restoration of the outer layer. As with patches, roofing material With protective surface you need to choose with a reserve, while providing for the laying of several layers of waterproofing.

In the most advanced cases, biological damage to the roof develops, sometimes to the full depth right down to the base. This type of defect often requires a complete replacement of the roof covering with accompanying exposure basic basis, antiseptic treatment, removal of bitumen substrate residues and, in fact, installation of a soft roll roof from scratch on a local site. Such damage is often found at the edges of the slopes and at the places where they converge; the most obvious reasons are: incorrect connection of the top layer to the protective linings, errors in the slope, due to which places of constant accumulation of water have formed. If moss or mold damage affects more than a quarter of the surface of a single strip, the most reasonable solution would be to completely rip off the coating along that line and restore it entirely.

To perform the repair, you will need a fairly modest list of tools. The most difficult thing to acquire is a gas torch burner, which is a gasoline blowtorch will not replace, because if you spill fuel on bitumen roof, the material will only have to be torn down and laid again. You will also need high-quality sharp knife for cutting rolled materials and cutting damaged areas. From additional accessories Containers for melting bitumen, spatulas, a metal brush, a broom and a synthetic brush for removing debris, a brush for applying molten mastic and a heavy iron roller for rolling the edges of patches will be useful.

Dismantling damaged materials

The success of roof repair largely depends on how correctly the dilapidated fragments are removed. It is also important to understand that excessive zeal during the dismantling process leads to waste of materials, so you need to remove the roofing covering wisely, correctly marking the cutting lines and not trying to remove parts of the covering that can be restored by simple melting.

First you need to make a marking, outlining with chalk the contours along which the destroyed coating will be removed. In this case, with an indentation of 30 cm outward, you need to mark the second contour, according to which the amount of the required protective coating on the patches will be calculated. When marking the roof, it is necessary to establish the extent of damage by assessing the tear strength of the layers and the ultimate breaking force. Areas where the layers cannot be torn apart from each other with one hand are considered intact. Moreover, if the edge of the peeled material is not frayed and cannot be torn by force of hands, it can be glued back. Eventually required quantity protective coating, waterproofing and mastic are installed according to the area of ​​the marked areas, the number of layers and the rate of material consumption specified by the manufacturer.

Before repairs, roof fragments must be cut with a knife so that a smooth edge without tears is formed. In corners, trimming should be done with a slight rounding. After the bulk of the material has been torn off, you need to expose the lowest layer that has not been destroyed. The remnants of all materials glued on top should be removed from it, otherwise small irregularities may appear in the repaired area. The surface to which the patch will be glued must be cleaned with a metal brush, sweep away the dust and wipe without using solvents. Remember: if the main dismantling work can be carried out in all areas at once, then cleaning and preparation should be carried out immediately before repairs.

Elimination of local damage

Cuts, cracks and tears on a soft roof are the easiest to repair, but you should immediately open the “wound” and accurately determine that there is no damage to the waterproofing. After cleaning the damage, it is thoroughly heated and filled with mastic. You need to make sure that the mixture is distributed as far as possible. larger area contact, after which the edges of the tear should be folded back and the surface leveled by applying the melt to the adjacent surviving areas 10-15 cm in each direction. In this case, the layer of protective powder in these places should be cleaned off as thoroughly as possible, and then the material should be heated well until a shine forms on the surface. The final stage of repair - installing the patch - is carried out in the same way as during installation: first the upper edge is glued, then the contacting surfaces are heated and all edges are rolled until an influx of bitumen appears.

If water gets under the outer covering or deep into the waterproofing during the preparation process, the exposed area must be dried. Using the fusing method, all damaged layers of waterproofing are successively restored. In this case, the material does not need to be glued overlapping; it is enough to carefully fill all the joints with mastic. After restoring the hydraulic barrier using the technology already described, a patch is installed.

Damage from organic matter and vegetation usually requires the entire pie to be removed and the roof base exposed. The problem is that, according to the rules, before applying the coating, the surface is treated with a primer, which improves adhesion only once and does not give a repeated effect. If we are talking about a concrete base, it is better to burn off the primer and thoroughly clean the surface with a brush. On wooden bases A rough grinding method is used to expose a layer of fresh material. Restoration then occurs in the same order as the installation of the roof: primer, adhesive layer of bitumen reinforced with fiberglass, waterproofing and patch. It is only worth noting that when restoring the reinforcement, the new canvas should be laid with an overlap of 15-20 cm in those areas where the adhesive layer is not affected.

In what cases is a major overhaul required?

In conclusion, we will tell you at what degree of damage it makes sense to carry out fragmentary repairs, and in which cases it is easier and even cheaper to carry out complete replacement coverings. Flat roofs They require major repairs the least often; they are often simply heated up and a new layer of protective material is applied on top, after pouring bitumen into all the cracks and holes. It makes sense to think about “capital” only if there is deep damage from organic matter or if the roof is completely saturated with water and the base needs to be dried.

With sloping roofs, things are not so happy. Since the slopes of such roofs are usually visible from the ground, numerous patches will greatly harm the aesthetics of the entire building. As a rule, such a roof is patched as a temporary measure, understanding the inevitability of major repairs over the next 1-2 years. But there is good news: on such a roof it is quite easy to replace the material in separate strips. The only possible trouble with this is incomplete matching of the color of the new and old coating.
