Indoor rose: nuances of care at home. Indoor roses: photos and names of varieties for growing at home Care for indoor rose flowers

Hello, friends!

Today I’ll tell you about caring for miniature roses in pots at home. Moreover, Women's Day is coming soon, and many women will receive a pot of these beauties as a gift.

Why is this happening? Yes, because that’s what the manufacturer intended. As a rule, a miniature rose in a pot is just a long-lasting bouquet.

When a rose moves from a humid, brightly lit greenhouse into a dark apartment with dry air, it experiences extreme stress. There's no time for flowering here.

But is it really that bad? Of course not. If you agree to pay special attention to the “queen of flowers,” then you can “reprogram” it for a long life in your home. And then plant it in the garden, if possible.

But let's start from the very beginning. So, you decided to go to the store and buy yourself a rose...

How to choose a miniature rose

When choosing a miniature rose in the store, pay attention to the stems. They should be strong with intact bark. The foliage should also be healthy. But most often this is true; manufacturers monitor their products.

There are different things about the presence of flowers. If a plant has a lot of buds, this is good; it has not yet devoted all its energy to flowering.

If the flowers are already fading, but the leaves are strong and healthy, then that’s also normal. This means that life in a dark store has not taken all the strength, and this is a hardy plant.

But, of course, you want to choose a rose in full bloom. And we buy if there is such a desire. We choose the pot that we really like.

Sometimes in the store you can see very small plants, but with a huge flower. You must understand that the rose will not remain like this.

Most likely, this is a miniature variety, and the bush will grow up to 20-25 cm. And if this rose is a patio rose, then up to 50 cm. Unfortunately, the variety is very rarely indicated on pots.

If you buy a rose in winter, then you need to pack it well so that it does not freeze during the journey.

What to do with a miniature rose after purchase

If you want your miniature rose to live for a long time, then you won’t have to admire the blooms much. A day or two, and then the flowers need to be removed. At the same time, you will have to shorten the shoots with leaves. You need to leave only the densest leaves.

Thus, we give the rose a chance to get used to home conditions. And we will admire the flowers in the summer.

Transplanting a miniature rose

If you take a good look at the bush, you will see that there is not just one, but four. That's why the rose looks lush.

So they will have to be separated, no matter how sad it is. Because four bushes in one pot will be cramped. They will interfere with each other’s development, and the flowering will not be lush, but most likely, more sparse. And such thickened bushes get sick more.

So we soak the root ball in water, untangle it and plant it one at a time in small pots for growing.

If you still decide to leave all the bushes in one pot, then you need to transplant them into a larger pot in nutritious soil.

It would be good to treat the roots with a growth stimulator such as “Kornevin”. This will make the process of growing new roots more fun.

If you decide to divide the bush, then there will be practically no old soil left on the roots. A growth stimulator is only needed if you have severely damaged the roots when unraveling.

It’s good if you are a thrifty gardener and have prepared good soil or compost in the fall. In this case, mix the purchased soil with your own and get a good nutrient mixture.

If you don’t have your own land, then we buy ready-made soil “Rose” and plant it in it.

How to care for a miniature rose after transplantation

After transplanting, we inspect the rose. If necessary, we trim the crown so that the bush looks neat in the future.

We spray the rose with a solution of “Epina-Extra” or “Zircon” for speedy adaptation to indoor conditions. We dry the leaves and be sure to create greenhouse conditions for it - cover it with a bag, jar or plastic bottle. Be sure to leave gaps for ventilation, otherwise the rose may get sick.

If mold does appear, then spray it with a fungicidal preparation.

After a week, we begin to remove the bag and leave the rose for a while without shelter. Let him get used to the conditions of the apartment.

Then we take a tray, pour expanded clay into it, pour water and place a flower pot on the tray. Thus, the humidity around the rose increases.

Attention! The pot should not stand in water! Otherwise the roots will rot. Either add a little water or use a pot tray as well.

Don't be upset if your bushes don't look very good, they need time. Spray them again with an antidepressant.

When the young plants grow up, they are transferred to large containers for further growth and flowering.

What does a miniature rose need to grow successfully at home?

    In winter, it is dark for roses at home. Even if you have a very bright apartment. The days are short, and the flower needs light to survive. Ideally, you need a special lamp for plants, but a simple fluorescent lamp will do. Give your queen 16-18 hours of daylight.

    Moreover, the lamp must be turned on before dark, and not when it gets dark. Better yet, let it burn from morning until evening. When it gets dark, the rose falls asleep, and if you “wake up” it by turning on the lamp, it will not like it.

  • Roses love cool weather. Find her a cool window. Ideally, an insulated loggia or winter garden would be suitable. But don't create drafts! Otherwise you will have to treat for powdery mildew.
  • Rose loves high air humidity. A humidifier, of which there are plenty on sale now, or a tray with wet expanded clay will help. In my observation, spraying does not help much. And then everything around was splattered.
  • During flowering, the rose requires increased feeding. The easiest way is to buy ready-made fertilizer for flowering plants.

Pests and diseases of miniature roses when kept at home

The main danger to roses indoors is spider mites. It appears if the air in the apartment is dry. He can't stand dampness.

Therefore, the rose should be bathed more often in the shower, protecting the flowers from water. The same humidifier will help. Spraying in my conditions does not bring any effect, although many recommend this procedure.

If, however, you see that the leaves are covered with white spots, turn yellow and fall off, then there is a tick. Spray with acaricide immediately.

And don’t believe old recipes like “wash the rose with soap.” This doesn't help. And you will most likely have to spray more than once, changing the preparations. The tick is difficult to remove. And it can spread to other plants that stand next to the rose. Keep this in mind, spray everything.

I wrote about powdery mildew above. If you haven’t noticed, spray with a fungicide. In my conditions, this disease has never been observed.

What to do after the rose blooms

If you want to keep a rose at home, then it needs to have a cool winter. And in the spring, cut the bush about halfway so that it produces new shoots. This way you can control the height of the plant.

I planted my miniature roses, bought in early spring, in large pots in the summer and sent them to the dacha. There they bloomed all summer. In the fall, at the end of October, I pulled them out of the pots and buried them in the garden, covering them with soil on top. I think everything will be fine with them. I'll plant them in pots again in the spring.

What you need to know when planting a miniature rose outside

If you decide, like me, to keep your rose outside, prepare for constant treatments for black spot. Roses turned out to be not very resistant to this disease. And treatment should begin at the beginning of the season, when there are no signs of the disease yet.

If you plant a miniature rose in the ground, it may happen that it turns out to be completely non-miniature, but grows into a hefty bush. I saw this too. After all, the manufacturer rarely writes on the label what kind of variety it is. It turns out to be a lottery, and we don’t know what kind of rose we are buying.

What to do if you bought a miniature rose bush at a discount?

If you have purchased a faded bush of a miniature rose, then the steps are the same as when purchasing a healthy bush: replanting, pruning, adaptation. If the rose is not completely tortured in the store, then it has a chance to grow and bloom if you take good care of it.

Last year I bought several of these stunted bushes, I felt sorry for them. Almost all survived and bloomed all summer. And they cost me about 100 rubles.

Well, friends, you have learned about caring for miniature roses in pots at home. When buying a rose in a pot, keep in mind that this is not a houseplant. And if possible, let her breathe fresh air, at least on the balcony.

That's all I have for now. If the note was useful to you, share with your friends.

Have you ever been given a miniature rose in a pot? How did it end?

I'm waiting for your comments!

Rose bushes in pots prefer not to fight the vicissitudes of the cold season, but simply hibernate, accumulating strength for subsequent successful flowering.

Reference! A rose may not go on vacation only if the winter turns out to be very warm. The plant can set buds in December.

Some gardeners achieve year-round flowering by stimulating the rose with fertilizing and additional lighting, but it is important to remember that with this regime the plant is quickly depleted and can either take a long pause in flowering or die altogether.

Secrets of care

What to do with a potted plant after purchase?

A domestic rose, which has been pleasing its owner with its beauty for many years, in winter, as a rule, remains in a dormant period and requires appropriate care, the same every year.

A potted rose brought from the store is usually in the flowering stage and needs to be cared for as follows:

Step-by-step instructions on how to grow an indoor flower in cold weather at home

Preparing for the rest period

In autumn, after flowering has ended, the rose is prepared for a period of dormancy.. and at this time they reduce and provide air humidification after turning on the central heating. Nutrients added to the soil at this time should not contain large amounts of nitrogen.

Do I need to move it to another location?

Heating radiators should not be located near the wintering bush., so if the rose spent the summer on the windowsill, you need to move it to another place for the winter. It is not recommended to move the pot from place to place during the dormant period of the rose, as well as to suddenly change the conditions of its home maintenance.

In the room where the rose bush overwinters, the temperature should not exceed 15-17 degrees. In December, you can take the plant out onto a glassed-in balcony, and place the pot in a bucket of sawdust so that the soil and roots do not freeze.

If for some reason the temperature in the room where the rose is kept drops below zero degrees, you need to take into account that the crop can only survive in this mode for a few days. To prevent frostbite, the soil in the pot should be covered with a layer of pine needles, and wrap the container itself with warm material.

The rose is a light-loving plant and in winter, when there is a lack of sunlight, it is compensated by illumination with phyto- or fluorescent lamps, which are placed at a height of 30-35 centimeters above the crown of the rose. The backlight is turned on three to four times a day.

The main problem for roses during the heating season is too dry air. Humidity can be increased by spraying or by placing a flower pot on a tray with wet expanded clay.


Wintering roses do not need frequent watering., the plant rests and recovers after flowering. The soil can be moistened only two to three days after drying. About twice every ten days. Use soft water and a temperature no higher than 18 degrees.

Top dressing

In winter, there is no need to add nutrients to the soil for potted roses. The plant is in a state of dormancy, allowing for the successful initiation of future bud formation. Stimulating the plant during this period will bring it out of hibernation and force it to gain green mass, which will negatively affect the general condition of the rose. Read about how to fertilize a rose at other times of the year.


The best time to prune is in December.. The procedure is carried out as follows:

We offer a visual video:


The best time to transplant a healthy plant is the first half of spring, but if for some reason the rose needs to be replanted in winter, it is advisable to do this in December, while the flower has not yet fallen into deep hibernation. You can replant a flower brought from a store in winter without fear, since such a plant, as a rule, is in the growing season and flowering.

It is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Water the rose generously, wait until the soil is saturated with moisture.
  2. Turn the flower pot over and shake a little, holding the plant with your hand.
  3. At the bottom of the new container, which must have holes for water drainage, place a layer of expanded clay one centimeter high.
  4. The soil must be nutritious. The optimal composition of the soil mixture is sand, humus and turf soil in a ratio of 1:4:4. You can use ready-made store-bought soil mixtures.
  5. The rose is placed in a new pot and covered with soil so that there is a distance of two to three centimeters between the edge of the pot and the surface of the soil.
  6. The transplanted crop should be placed in a dark place for a day and under no circumstances should it be watered immediately; you can only sprinkle the leaves a little.
  7. After a day, the rose is moved to the east or south side.

We invite you to watch a visual video of the process of transplanting an indoor rose:

Mistakes in winter care and dealing with their consequences

  1. If a potted rose is frozen due to too low temperatures, it can be revived by transplanting it into a new container with nutrient soil, removing all frostbitten shoots and leaves.
  2. A sudden change in temperature or care conditions during dormancy can lead to flower failure. In this case, you need to restore the previous microclimate and prune.
  3. Excessive humidity invariably leads to rotting of the rose. It can be saved by replanting with the preliminary removal of all rotten roots and subsequent compliance with watering norms.
  4. If the plant has dried out due to poor watering, you need to remove all dead shoots so that a few centimeters remain from the trunk, then moisten the soil generously and cover the rose with a plastic dome so that new shoots can quickly form in conditions of high humidity.

Carelessness in picking a rose inevitably leads to problems. a plant is always more difficult than following care recommendations, so when growing a prickly beauty, you should rely primarily on monitoring the condition of the flower and maintaining optimal conditions for it.

Useful video

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Exquisite and bright, a miniature decorative rose will decorate any interior. It belongs to the Rose family (Rosaceae) and when grown indoors it is a small neat bush from 35 to 45 cm. Proper care will give beautiful flowering from spring to autumn. Today there are several hundred varieties of indoor roses. Some varieties exude a delicate aroma, while others have no smell at all.

This is a temperate climate plant, so it does not require special conditions for cultivation. Caring for it is not very difficult, but during the flowering period it will require attention. And, of course, he will thank you with luxurious flowers.

Features of growing home roses

The indoor rose blooms in spring and summer, at which time it needs light and good watering. For abundant flowering, it definitely requires a period of rest, which is best organized in winter.

This indoor plant tolerates low temperatures well, but is demanding on air and soil humidity. She is very photophilous, but direct sunlight can harm her. Rose loves to “swim”, so you should follow the water procedures. She needs fresh air all year round.

Important! After purchasing, do not rush to replant it. It’s better to do this in two weeks, then she will better adapt to the new conditions.

Planting an indoor rose

Planting an indoor rose is not a troublesome task. It is important to know that the root system of the plant is very delicate, so it is better to replant by transshipment. Before planting a rose, you need to prepare a pot. The new pot needs to be soaked - pour water and leave for a day. The pot from under the old plant must be thoroughly cleaned with a brush without using detergents. If the pot has a drainage hole, then the expanded clay layer can be no more than 1 cm; if not, then 3 cm.

Planting methods

Planting indoor roses is done by cuttings.

Optimal time for planting

The best time to plant indoor roses is from May to September.

Soil for the plant (Soil composition)

A rose in a pot requires nutritious, breathable soil. It is best to use ready-made soil, purchased in a store. The optimal soil composition for the plant is turf and humus soil, sand in proportions of 4:4:1, respectively. It is not recommended to loosen the soil due to the risk of damaging the roots. Rose prefers neutral soil.

There are some care features that are specific to this houseplant.

Location and lighting for the plant

Rose needs fresh air, so the ideal placement for her is a balcony or garden bed in the summer (you can take her with you to the dacha if you spend the whole summer there). However, it is not recommended to leave it unattended because it requires frequent watering in the summer during the flowering period.

At home, it is best to place the rose on the southeast or south side, because it loves a lot of light. In autumn, when daylight hours are short, she needs to turn on additional lighting from a fluorescent lamp. This is done to extend the flowering period.

In winter, during the dormant period, a comfortable temperature for a rose is +10 - +12 degrees. If it is possible to place her on a glassed-in loggia or balcony, she will have a good rest. Room temperature in winter is not very suitable for it. If it is not possible to keep the flower at a low temperature, you should protect it as much as possible from the heat of radiators and dry air.

It is advisable to turn the pot with a miniature indoor rose from time to time in different directions to the light.

Important! If the rose overwinters on a glassed-in loggia, to prevent the soil from freezing, the pot with the plant can be placed in a box and sawdust sprinkled around it.

Air humidity

Indoor mini roses need high air humidity. When they are outdoors (on the balcony or in the garden), no additional moisture is required. In winter, if the rose is in the room, it is better to keep the pot with it in a tray with wet pebbles.

Rose needs weekly water treatments in the form of spraying. If the room is cool in winter, it is better not to spray the rose. If the air is too dry and warm, spraying should be carried out 1-2 times a week, even in winter.

Never spray your rose during the day in hot summer weather.

Important! In a dry atmosphere, pests may appear on the flower.

Temperature regime for a flower

The most comfortable temperature for roses in the summer is +14 - +25 degrees. In winter, the rose needs coolness - no higher than +15 degrees.

How to water correctly

Indoor roses do not tolerate either drying out or excessive watering. In summer, when the rose blooms, watering is necessary 2 times a day - morning and evening. You need to water with settled water at room temperature.

In the fall, when the rose sheds its leaves, watering should be reduced to once a week if the rose overwinters on the balcony. If it is in a room at a fairly high temperature, it should be watered as the top layer of soil dries.

You can alternate top and bottom watering (watering the soil and filling the pan). In any case, excess water from the pan must be drained to avoid rotting of the roots.

In the spring, as the plant awakens, watering should be gradually increased.

Feeding and fertilizing rose flowers

Due to prolonged flowering, the rose loses its strength and needs to fertilize the soil. They begin to feed her towards the end of February once every 10 days. It is recommended to alternate mineral fertilizers with organic ones.

If you have just transplanted a flower into fresh soil, you do not need to fertilize it.

Important! Before applying fertilizer, the flower must be watered with warm water.

Pruning mini roses is necessary in order to stimulate the ovary. During the flowering period, it is imperative to trim faded flowers as short as possible.

The flower is routinely pruned in the fall in preparation for the dormant period. You can also do this in the spring.

Trimming methods

Pruning must be done with a sharp tool so that there are no torn parts left on the branch, this can lead to the death of the entire plant. Trim the branches to healthy tissue, above the bud, which faces outward. An oblique cut is made approximately five millimeters above the kidney.

It is necessary to remove all weak or dry shoots, as well as those that do not have an upper bud. When two shoots are intertwined, one of them is removed. If, after pruning, two stems appear from one bud, the excess ones need to be cut off.

Important! Spring pruning should not be carried out until there is at least 10 hours of daylight, otherwise the young shoots will not be able to fully develop.

Transplanting a domestic rose

A rose needs a transplant in two cases - after purchase and as the plant grows.

Transplant methods

After the purchase

Before replanting a rose after purchase, it must be allowed to adapt. You don’t need to touch it for two weeks. First, the flower itself is prepared. The pot with the rose is placed in water, so it needs to stand for about half an hour. Then the rose needs to be bathed in a contrast shower (hot water no higher than 40 degrees). After bathing, a greenhouse is made from a plastic bag so that it does not touch the leaves (the edges of the bag can be pinned to the ground). The greenhouse needs to be ventilated daily. The rose will be ready for transplanting when the flowers begin to fade. They need to be removed, and the plant can be replanted.

Immediately before planting, the flower must be removed from the pot and its roots immersed in warm water to wash off any remaining chemicals that were fed to the rose in the greenhouse. Soak the ceramic pot in water for a day.

Drainage is placed at the bottom of the pot, then a layer of soil. The plant is placed in a pot and covered with soil so that it is compacted tightly. The size of the pot should be slightly wider and higher than the previous container.

As needed

The rose does not like unnecessary disturbance, so annual replanting is not required unless the pot becomes too small for it. New dishes for roses are prepared in the same way - cleaned and soaked. The pot with the rose is placed in a container of water for 30 minutes to make the earthen lump easier to separate from the pot. Next, the flower is simply transferred to a new pot and fresh substrate is poured in, compacting it around the flower.

After transplanting, there is no need to water the flower, but it is better to put it in a shady place. Later you can move it to a permanent, well-lit place.

Important! Start feeding no earlier than a month after transplantation.

Indoor roses can be propagated by cuttings. The cutting is cut with a sharp knife; its length should be no more than 10 cm. It is better to treat the tool with a solution of potassium permanganate or alcohol. The cut should be oblique, right under the bud, so the cutting will take root better. The upper cut is made 5 mm above the kidney. It is better to remove the leaves from the bottom of the cutting. There are two options for cutting indoor roses:


The cuttings can be briefly placed in water with the addition of heteroauxin (14 tablets per glass of water). After 10 hours, the cuttings are planted in a mixture of sand and peat, or just sand. Then greenhouse conditions are created for them using film or a cut-off water bottle. You don’t need to water a lot so that the cuttings don’t start to rot. The temperature should be at least +18 degrees, direct sunlight should be avoided.

The cuttings will take root in about a month, after which they can be opened to acclimate to drier air, and then transplanted into separate containers


The cuttings need to be prepared in the same way, only their length should be about 15 cm. Then they are placed in a jar or glass of water, covered with a cardboard lid with holes into which the cuttings are inserted. The lower part should be immersed in water by 1.5-2 cm. If the humidity is too low, the cuttings should be sprayed. They can be replanted into pots when the roots grow 1-1.5 cm and begin to branch well.

Important! For good rooting and development of cuttings, they need at least 15 hours of daylight.

If you follow all the rules for caring for an indoor rose, it will bloom from late spring until autumn. If faded buds are removed in a timely manner, the rose will bloom continuously during this period. To prevent the pots from overheating in the sun, they can be wrapped in white paper.

When the plant blooms (flowering period), flower shape

In spring, the rose begins its active growing season, and then it blooms. Flowers can be of a variety of colors - from amazing tea to dark burgundy. The flowers are much smaller than the garden rose we are used to.

Plant care after flowering

At the end of flowering, the rose needs pruning and preparation for rest. If the roses were kept outdoors, they should be brought into the room as soon as the temperature begins to drop below +12 degrees. After pruning, you should gradually reduce watering and stop fertilizing.

Problems, diseases and pests of a flower

Problems with indoor roses can arise due to improper care. The reason for the lack of flowering may be:

  • Eating disorder
  • Increased soil acidity
  • Lack of lighting
  • Incorrect transplant
  • Drafts

Among the diseases, roses can be affected by chlorosis, which is treated with iron chelate. Yellowing of the plant indicates it is infected with a fungus. In this case, you need to treat the rose with a fungicide.

The same should be done in case of powdery mildew (white coating on the rose).

Of the pests, indoor roses are most often affected by spider mites (a thin web appears between the leaves). Spider mites on indoor roses can lead to viral diseases. You need to treat the flower with Apollo or Fitoverm.

Thrips or aphids on indoor roses pose no less of a threat. They affect buds and leaves, deforming them. Treated with insecticidal preparations for indoor plants.

Common types

Bengal rose

This is perhaps the most common variety of indoor roses. The Bengal rose is absolutely unpretentious and is distinguished by the fact that it does not shed its leaves after flowering. The flowers are odorless. Does not require pruning, except for dried or diseased branches.

miniature rose

The bushes are no higher than 30 cm, the flowers are collected in inflorescences and have a delicate aroma. Flowers can range from white to black. It blooms profusely and does not require pruning.

Baby Carnival

Characterized by abundant flowering, great for both rooms and garden borders. This yellow indoor rose invariably enjoys the love of gardeners.


This variety is distinguished by two-color double flowers - white with a pink center. It blooms profusely and for a long time, reaching a height of only 20 cm.


More common in the south. Bushes 30 cm tall are strewn with coral-colored flowers. The flowers themselves are collected in inflorescences of 10-15 pieces.

As a reference: do not confuse miniature indoor roses with Chinese indoor roses. The latter has nothing to do with roses and is called hibiscus.

Some more useful tips for caring for your beautiful rose:

  • Remember, a rose will do poorly both in a too cramped and in a very spacious pot. When replanting, take a container slightly larger than before, and when planting, gradually increase the size of the pot
  • When planting and replanting, you can add special granules to the substrate, which will prevent the roots from rotting and rotting.
  • The smaller the pot, the more often you should water the rose (in a small pot the soil dries out faster).

Answers to readers' questions

This plant is perennial and with good care lives a long time.

Is this flower poisonous?

The indoor rose is not a poisonous plant.

Why doesn't the rose bloom?

Previous chapters described situations when a rose stops blooming or does not bloom at all. This may be a consequence of disturbance in the maintenance of the plant, as well as exposure to pests. It is necessary to inspect the flower. If no pests are observed, you need to change some care parameters and observe the plant.

Why does an indoor rose dry (wither)?

If the plant withers and the buds fall off, it means that it does not have enough watering. If this continues with normal watering, look for signs of disease or pests.

How does the plant overwinter?

The best wintering environment for indoor roses will be a balcony with a temperature no higher than +15 degrees. This is a dormant period for the plant, so minimal watering is required and fertilizing is needed.

Beautiful roses can be seen in the flower beds of many gardens. In addition, there is also an indoor variety of the plant that can be grown at home on the windowsill of a city apartment.

The nuances of caring for this crop will be discussed in the article.

How to save an indoor rose after purchase

Plant in question needs constant attention from the grower. An indoor rose placed on a store counter has an attractive appearance. This crop is fed with growth stimulants and all kinds of fertilizers.

Once inside the house, it is deprived of all necessary nutrients, so The main task of the new owner is to preserve the original appearance of the flower. Many gardeners are faced with the problem of yellowing leaves or falling buds.

Proper care after purchase will help prevent these unpleasant phenomena:

  • remove packaging, it interferes with normal air circulation between the branches of the crop, and this is a direct path to the development of fungal diseases;
  • cut off damaged or drying leaves and shoots with pruning shears;
  • remove buds and formed inflorescences, because the flowering of indoor roses is supported by growth stimulants present in the soil;
  • if the flower consists of several bushes, separate them and transplant into different flowerpots;
  • After moving the plant to a new container, treat the flower against diseases and pests with Fitosporin and Fitoverm.

This video explains in detail how to care for a rose in a pot after purchase:

How to replant an indoor rose

To transplant a crop into a new, larger pot, you need to carefully remove it from the previous container and assess the condition of the root system. If the roots are thin and black or brown, then the plant will not be able to take root in the new soil and will soon die. The only way out of this situation is to root the cuttings.

A healthy root part is dense, white or yellow. The partially missing underground part is cut off with sharp pruning shears, and the cut areas are treated with crushed coal. Replanting after purchase begins with pouring drainage consisting of small pebbles or expanded clay onto the bottom of the new container. Then store-bought nutrient substrate is poured into the pot.

Advice! You can prepare the soil mixture for replanting roses yourself. To do this, you will need 1 volume of peat, as much as pine soil and sand. As an additional component, 3 parts of turf soil are used.

The drainage layer is covered with earth and compacted. You need to place the flower in the middle of the container and add soil to the desired height. Then the plant is watered with rain or settled tap water at room temperature.

Next, you need to treat the plant with Epin to prevent stressful situations. Further care of the flower consists of periodic spraying. Small roses are covered with a plastic bag to increase humidity, which promotes rooting in new soil.

Caring for indoor roses

To obtain long-lasting abundant flowering, you need to know how to care for a rose. Let's look at the nuances.


Rose is considered a light-loving crop, for normal development she will need a lot of warmth and sunlight. When growing, it is recommended to place a flowerpot with a flower on windows facing the southern side of the horizon. In winter, the flower needs additional illumination with phytolamps.


Favorable temperature conditions for growing flowers are within +18…+25 degrees. Besides, The rose needs a constant supply of fresh air.

In summer, the plant can be taken out to an open veranda or balcony; in winter, when growing roses on a windowsill, the room must be ventilated.


Normal development of culture is possible with maintaining soil moisture. For irrigation, it is necessary to use water at room temperature; cold liquid can cause many diseases and rotting of the root system.

In addition to moistening the soil in summer, roses benefit from spraying.

Advice! Not all flower growers know how to water an indoor rose in winter. To simplify maintenance when the heating is on, place a container of water next to the flowerpot, which will help humidify the air.


The rose needs both mineral and organic fertilizing; in the summer they alternate. Special water-soluble fertilizers for flowering plants purchased in the store are suitable as mineral fertilizers.

Nutrients are added to the soil every 3 weeks.

During the flowering period, the interval between fertilizing is 12-15 days.

As an organic solution, many gardeners use a solution of mullein or bird droppings at a ratio of 1:10.

In winter or during flower illness, fertilization must be stopped.

How to propagate an indoor rose

For this purpose, shoots and cuttings up to 15 centimeters long are cut from the mother plant, and each vegetative organ must have at least 2 buds.

The shoots are rooted in a moistened nutrient substrate. The cuttings are covered with glass jars or plastic wrap. After about 2 weeks, the plants will have their first roots and leaves. In the future, they can be transplanted into new containers. More about this below.

How to prune a rose

Pruning allows you to form a bush.

The main operations to give the plant shape are carried out in the spring.

In autumn, only weak, dried shoots are removed.

Diseases and pests

During the growing season, a houseplant may suffer from various diseases and pests. Next, we will consider the main problems that may arise when growing crops on a windowsill.

The rose is drying

A similar situation can occur in winter when the heating is running or in summer when there is prolonged hot weather.

To prevent the crop from drying out, it is necessary Constantly monitor the soil moisture in the pot and carry out timely watering.

The appearance of dry leaves on an indoor rose occurs in the following cases:

  • damage or death of the root system;
  • insufficient soil or air moisture;
  • installing a flower pot in close proximity to heating appliances.

Advice! When the first drying leaves appear, immediately water and spray the crop. If this does not help, check the root of the plant, and if necessary, separate the cuttings for further rooting.

The leaves of the rose are turning yellow

Yellowing of leaves can occur in the following situations:

  1. Intensive watering. Overmoistening the soil prevents air from reaching the plant's root system.
  2. Nutrient deficiency in the substrate.
  3. Pest attacks.
  4. Rotting of the root system of the flower.
  5. Impact of diseases.

The soil under a rose in a pot should be slightly moist, but the gardener is not obliged to turn the nutrient substrate into a swamp.

Overwatering a rose can cause the root part to rot. Rotten roots cannot be restored; they are carefully trimmed and the plant is moved to a new pot with drainage.

Advice! Timely watering of the plant with warm water and adding nutrients to the soil will help prevent yellowing of the leaves. If chlorosis is detected, it is necessary to feed the crop with ferrovite according to the instructions.

The rose's leaves darken, wither, and fall off.

Problems with rose leaves can be caused by the following:

  • influence of cold air, drafts;
  • fungal and viral diseases;
  • pest attacks;
  • using cold water to water the flower.

Fading leaves and shoots need to be trimmed. Signs of infections can be identified by the characteristic mosaic on the surface of the leaves. Diseases are treated with special medications, for example, Fitosporin.

This video also explains how to care for your indoor rose to prevent disease and ensure long flowering:

Reproduction of indoor roses

The crops in question are propagated by cuttings. To do this, it is necessary to select lignified shoots up to 15 centimeters in length with two buds from the mother bush. There are several ways to propagate indoor roses; let’s look at them in more detail.


For rooting, it is necessary to treat the lower cut of the vegetative part of the crop with the preparation “Epin”. After this, the cutting is buried 1/3 of its length into a moistened nutrient substrate with the lower bud embedded in the soil.

The shoot is oriented at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the surface of the earth. Next, the plant is covered with a plastic bag or glass jar. The cover is removed after rooting.


Annual shoots of indoor roses, cut after flowering, are rooted in water.

The cuttings are placed in settled tap liquid at room temperature, until roots appear, and then transferred to a moistened nutrient substrate.

During the rooting process, it is necessary to periodically add liquid to a jar or other container.

In potatoes

For this method of propagation, you need to make a hole in the potato tuber along the diameter of the crop stem.

Now we fill the flowerpot with a nutrient mixture, place a tuber there and stick a cutting in, make an impromptu greenhouse using a cut plastic bottle or plastic bag.

We transfer the container to a warm room, protecting the culture from direct sunlight.

Note! The decorative rose receives the carbohydrates and starch necessary for development; moreover, the cutting is constantly in a humid environment, which contributes to the rapid formation of the root system.

Blooming indoor rose

The plant in question blooms in the warm season from spring through summer until autumn, but in stores you can find crops that form inflorescences in winter.

How to keep flowering until spring?

This can be achieved by spraying the plant with special substances and stimulants. At the same time, crops are fed with complex mineral fertilizers. The inflorescences of the plant have simple or double petals of various shades, the diameter of the buds, depending on the variety, is from 1 to 6 centimeters.

Many gardeners wonder why a rose in a pot does not bloom. This occurs due to the lack of a dormant period, as well as due to a lack of lighting or lack of microelements in the soil.

In addition, you need to choose the right pot. In a small container, the roots of the crop will be cramped; in a large flowerpot, the roots of the flower will begin to actively develop and absorb nutrients.

Common types, photos and names

There are quite a few varieties of indoor roses. Let's get acquainted with the most popular of them.

Bengal rose

The eastern part of India is considered the birthplace of the culture in question. This plant does not shed leaves, blooms two or three times a year, there is no need to arrange a dormant period.

Bengal beauty has a spreading, dense bush with long shoots. The inflorescences are medium-sized, up to 7 centimeters in diameter, the petals on the buds are golden, white, pink, orange, yellow or red.

miniature rose

These dwarf flowers appeared in our country in 1810, they were brought from China. Miniature roses are small plants with a compact bush 10...30 centimeters high. In appearance, the plants are similar to their relatives, which we are used to growing in the garden.

The leaves of the crop are standard dark green in color, small with a matte surface. The inflorescences are fragrant, terry, of various colors. The crops do not need pruning and bloom throughout the summer. Some varieties of these plants can be seen in the photo.

This plant belongs to miniature varieties. The flower bush is up to 45 centimeters in height with a diameter of about 40 cm. The shoots of the crop are branched, well-leafed with a minimum number of thorns.

The leaves are dark green with a glossy shiny surface. The shoots are reddish, the buds in the initial phase of development are golden, then red, the petals are double.

The diameter of Baby Carnival's inflorescences is from 3 to 5 centimeters. The crop blooms throughout the summer.

The miniature Pixie rose has a small compact bush up to 40 centimeters in height. The inflorescences are small, up to 3 cm in diameter, of various colors with simple or double petals.

The culture is propagated using cuttings. The rose blooms profusely throughout the summer.

This miniature analogue of garden roses has a small pointed bud. The inflorescences are coral with a pink tint, up to 2.5 centimeters in diameter, and have double petals. The bushes of the crop are spreading, dense, up to 35 centimeters in height. The leaves are green with a leathery glossy surface.

Today, indoor varieties of beautiful roses are becoming widely popular. They differ from ordinary garden ones in size, but are just as beautiful. Before purchasing miniature flowers, it is better to learn how to care for a rose in a pot.

Choosing a mini rose

If you choose the right indoor rose, then caring for it at home will be easier. You should pay attention not to the number of buds, but to the condition of the plant itself. The presence of young shoots on it indicates better opportunities for adaptation. A decorative rose will take root more easily in a new place and will begin to bloom faster. There is no need to rush to immediately replant the plant you bought. Let it get used to different temperature and humidity conditions for a week or two. Before replanting, purchased bushes should be treated against pests for preventive purposes. Regular soapy water is suitable for this procedure. You need to spray all the leaves with it, including the underside, and then rinse with running water - first hot, then cold. This is where the preliminary care ends, if all the rules are followed.

Landing in the ground

If you need an indoor rose, then caring for it at home should begin with a proper transplant. Having taken the plant out of the pot, you need to inspect its roots and carefully clean them of the previous soil, and then rinse them. If you find rotten parts in the root system, you should carefully trim them. After drying a little after the shower, the mini rose from the store can be transplanted into a new container. It should be larger in diameter, increased by about 2.5-3 cm. Drainage is placed at the bottom, then soil is filled. The best option is a soil mixture with the following ratio of components:

turf soil - 2 parts;

leaf - 1 part;

humus - 1 part;

sand - 0.5 parts.

To prevent diseases, it is advisable to keep the roots of the plant for 20-30 minutes in a disinfecting solution. Flowers and buds must be torn off. Replanting an indoor rose is stressful, which it can more easily endure if it does not waste nutrients on the growth of buds.

If everything is done correctly, the plant will feel comfortable in its new place:

lay a layer of soil on the drainage material;

Place a bush in the middle of the pot and straighten the roots;

Gradually adding soil, lightly compact it.

There should be no bare roots left, but the trunk should not be deepened too much either. Potted plants don't like this. You need to focus on the root collar.

If the roots of the plant are healthy, you can water the indoor rose immediately after transplanting.

If the root system is weak, it is better to start watering after a week, and until that time you can spray the bush with water more often.

It is better to start feeding the transplanted plant after a few weeks.

It is necessary to ensure proper care of roses after purchase and replanting. They should be watered regularly, avoiding dryness of the soil, but not over-moistening it. Usually they are guided by the top layer of soil. Water is especially necessary during the development of buds, which usually occurs in warm weather. Tea roses do not tolerate temperature changes, so watering should be done with settled water. The leaves love spraying. It is better to do it in the evening, when there is no bright sun. In summer you can spray twice. In spring, the condition of the plant will depend on how to care for the indoor rose during dormancy, i.e. in autumn and winter. During these months, you need to water the flower with water cooler than the ambient temperature. This should also be done less often and sometimes even leave the soil dry for two days.

For some varieties of mini roses, a cool room with a temperature below room temperature is chosen for wintering.

But there are varieties adapted to bloom all year round - they need sufficient lighting.

It is important how to care for your home rose throughout the year. In early spring, young shoots begin to appear. This indicates an awakening from winter rest. Care for a rose in a pot at this moment involves the following. It involves proper pruning of the bush. Using a sharp pruner, all bent, weak or too thin shoots are removed. Using blunt instruments leaves ragged cuts. They can lead to the death of the entire plant. The cut should be made just above the bud, at an angle of 45 degrees.

To properly form a bush, you need to leave the buds located on the outside of the shoot and remove those that are directed inward.

If two or three shoots appear from one bud, the excess ones need to be cut off.

The weaker intertwined branches are also removed.

Stems that are too long are shortened to 3-5 buds. With the help of pruning, you can give the rose bush different shapes.

Shoots that appear after pruning must be removed immediately. Then the plant’s forces will be directed to the growth of large buds.

After they bloom, another pruning should be done and small shoots and fading buds should be removed.

How to properly care for indoor roses at home

Annual transplant

As the root system grows, the bushes require more space. Immediately after purchase, it is not recommended to transfer it to a larger flowerpot. Therefore, caring for an indoor rose requires regular replanting - usually this is done in the spring. As a container, it is best to choose a ceramic flowerpot, the diameter and height of which is several centimeters larger. The drainage layer in it should not be less than 1 cm. The earthen ball with roots is carefully transferred to the prepared pot, and earth is added to the sides. After replanting, the bushes should be sprayed in the morning and evening. The intensity of flowering of the plant depends on how well the indoor rose is chosen and how to care for it.


When caring for a rose in a pot, you need to ensure the regular addition of organic matter and mineral compounds. This is especially important during the flowering period, when the plant consumes especially a lot of nutrients. The first feeding after transplantation is done approximately a month later. Fertilizers can then be applied once every two weeks. But if there are fewer flowers and shoots, you should do this more often. We must remember that before fertilizing the bushes need to be well watered. By the end of summer, the indoor rose is already preparing for sleep, so the dose of nitrogen compounds should be reduced. In winter, during the dormant period, you need to reduce the total amount of fertilizer.


Roses in pots reproduce well by cuttings if this procedure is performed correctly:

for reproduction it is better to choose a warm season;

Using a sharp pruning shears, cut the stalk with 2-3 buds obliquely - the bud should be directed upward;

Having removed the bottom leaf, place the cutting in a glass of water;

add a stimulant tablet to it - without it the plant will not take root;

place the container with the cutting in the light;

As it evaporates, add water to the glass, but under no circumstances change it.

The first roots begin to appear after about two weeks. When they reach 1.5-2 cm, you can plant the cuttings in a small pot. To disinfect the soil, add a little activated carbon or wood ash. The cuttings are carefully sprinkled with soil and after watering they are placed in a shaded place, away from direct sunlight. As the soil dries, it needs to be watered. With proper care of the rose at home, it should begin to grow within two weeks. Sometimes 21 days pass, but no more. House roses can be propagated in other ways, for example, by grafting, dividing the bush or layering. But the simplest and most effective is rooting cuttings. The advantage of cuttings is that the mini-rose is grown at home and no longer requires adaptation.

If excessive watering was allowed in caring for roses in pots, small insects and a sour smell may appear on the surface of the soil around the bush. In this case, the mini-rose must be urgently transplanted into another pot, having first cleared its roots from the remnants of the previous soil.

Powdery mildew may indicate an excess of organic fertilizers, as well as poor ventilation in the house. It leads to yellowing and falling leaves.

Brown leaf spotting may be due to overwatering. In this case, spraying with a solution of copper sulfate will help.

Too low air humidity in the room and high temperature can cause brown rust spots to appear on the leaves of the tea rose. They indicate poor care for your home rose in a pot. The entire affected part of the plant must be removed, providing the bushes with better conditions.

If, in the absence of diseases, the leaves of the plant begin to turn yellow, it means that caring for your home rose was incorrect or insufficient:

direct rays of the sun can cause burns;

Cold water, drafts or excessive watering can have a harmful effect;

with a lack of nitrogen, the leaves turn pale;

Iron deficiency causes yellowing of the veins in the leaves;

The cause may be either an excess of fertilizers or a lack of them.

Knowing how to care for an indoor rose at home, it will not be difficult to create a comfortable climate for it. In response to your care, she will give you wonderful bright flowers and a unique aroma.
