When is the Shift holiday? Folk signs for the erection of what date will the movement of snakes take place?

Shift - this is what people call the holiday of the Exaltation of the Cross (exaltation - elevation, elevation - September 27). The Exaltation of the Cross is a purely church holiday in which the events of the discovery of the Lord's cross in Jerusalem in the 4th century are remembered.

The people celebrated it in their own way, poorly understanding the Christian meaning of the holiday. Therefore, he requalified the holiday and its name in his own way, connecting it with what happens in nature.

Thus, the holiday acquired a specifically folk ending and a new name, which carries a completely different meaning, connected not with the Lord or with the fact that
happened in the 4th century, but with what always and every year happens in nature: in the fall everything moves towards winter.

The people lowered the spiritual meaning of the Exaltation of the Cross from the vertical to the horizontal, to the sinful earth, giving the holiday an appropriate name. The shift marked the boundary between autumn and winter, the beginning of a transition period in the economy and nature.

But any transition from one season to another is blurred in time and space and is noted among the people by special signs associated with the connection of the earth with the bottom and the top, the underworld and the heavenly, with what was “before” and what will be “after” . The battle of worlds, old and new, begins.

The battle of truth and untruth, between “honor” and “unholy”, one force rises up against another, the holy against the unholy. Victory is achieved with the help of the Cross of the Lord, rising from the ground, truth. This is how the story of the discovery of the Cross of the Lord in the 4th century by St. Elena. And it was believed that it was in honor of the victory that the sun played on that day in the sky, rejoicing in it, just as on Easter it rejoiced in the victory of life over death

Slavic evil spirits

There is also an intermediate name for the holiday, intermediate between folk and church: the ancient one is the Day of the Cross or the Day of Stavr from stauros - cross (in Greek). So the same day received three different names, each of which has its own special meaning.

The Exaltation of the Cross is historical, celebrated in the church. Stavrov's Day is the Day of the Cross, no longer tied to the historical events of the distant fourth century, but associated with the traditions of church life.

On this day, it is customary to erect crosses on churches under construction, build chapels and temples of promise, organize processions of the cross to avoid misfortunes and misfortunes, pray for the sick, for the future harvest, and go to the fields with processions of the cross. Svizhenye carries a natural pagan meaning, associated, among other things, with household work. There was a popular saying:

"Summer closes the movement, the blue tick takes the keys with it overseas."

By this day the earth is freed from grain, the last sheaf is removed from the fields; the barns open; the animals go into dens and winter quarters; goblins and evil spirits hold their final gathering on this day, then go into their holes; birds fly away; snakes crawl underground to their mother. Since the Intercession, everything in nature has finally come to a standstill. But the movement from summer towards winter passes through this point - the point of Shift.

According to the church calendar, the Exaltation of the Cross lasts seven days, the Movement lasts two weeks, until the Intercession, just as winter Christmastide lasts until Epiphany. Nature freezes, but people come to life, and other winter work begins. Everything that is collected from fields and gardens requires processing: flax must be spun, cabbage chopped, sheaves dried and bread threshed. But it all started with cabbage. That's why the Movement was called the Cabbage Festival.

"On Vozdvizhenie the first lady is cabbage."

On this day, neighbors got together, congratulated each other on the cabbage holiday, chopped cabbage together, and after finishing the work, they held parties - cabbage parties or cabbage holidays. At the festival we were treated to cabbage pie.

The youth did not lag behind. Opening the Kapustino evenings, she first went from house to house, caroling and collecting treats, helped chop cabbage, and then, dressing up and praying seven times for a good groom, she went to the hut to find herself a couple: autumn is the time of weddings. Dancing, songs, round dances and fun continued for two weeks and not only in villages, but also in cities.

The shift was also a barn holiday, a barn name day, a threshing holiday: the stove in the barn was not lit on this day, the windows of the barn were decorated with an embroidered towel, and the grinding stopped.

In general, on this day it was customary to rest and not start any serious business.

The Exaltation is celebrated every year on September 27th. Orthodox believe it to be one of the 12 biggest holidays of the year. On this day, prayers that come from a pure heart have great power.

There are many beliefs and signs about the Exaltation that have come down to our time from our ancestors.

The holiday is dedicated to the Cross of the Savior, on which He was crucified, and symbolizes the raising of the Cross from the ground after its discovery.

The pagans, after the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ, covered Calvary and the Holy Sepulcher with earth, and built a temple on top in which they worshiped their idols. So the pagans tried to erase memories of this event from human memory.

The greatest shrine of Christianity was rediscovered only 300 years later, under Emperor Constantine the Great.

Queen Helen Equal to the Apostles, mother of Emperor Constantine (306-337), found the Cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified in a cave near Jerusalem in 326. The cave under the pagan temple was found with the help of an elderly Jew named Judas, who knew where the Cross of the Lord was located.

In the cave, when they dug it up, they found three crosses and a tablet lying separately from them with the inscription: “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.” To find out which of them was the Cross of the Savior, one after another they began to bring the crosses to the seriously ill woman. Two crosses did not work a miracle, but after laying the third cross she recovered.

According to legend, at this time the deceased was being carried past for burial. Then they began to lay crosses one after another on the deceased. And when they laid the third cross, the dead man came to life. In this way they recognized the Cross of the Savior, through which the Lord performed miracles and showed its life-giving power.

Saint Helena, Patriarch Macarius of Jerusalem and the people around them bowed to the Cross of Christ with joy and reverence and kissed it. Christians, having learned about this great event, gathered to the place where the Cross of the Lord was found (found).

Everyone wanted to venerate the Holy Life-Giving Cross, but since it was impossible to do this due to the multitude of people, everyone began to ask to at least show it. Then Patriarch Macarius stood on an elevated place and, so that everyone could see, erected (raised) it several times. The people, seeing the Cross of the Savior, bowed and exclaimed: “Lord, have mercy!”

Empress Helena brought part of the Holy Cross to her son, and left the other part in Jerusalem.

By order of Emperor Constantine, a temple was built in Jerusalem in honor of the Resurrection of Christ, the construction of which took almost ten years. Temples were also built on the Mount of Olives, in Bethlehem and in Fevron near the Oak of Mamri.

The further fate of the Shrine is unknown to historians for sure - some say that the Cross was in Jerusalem until 1245, and others that it was divided into parts and carried throughout the world.

To this day, part of the Holy Cross rests in a reliquary in the altar of the Greek Temple of the Resurrection in Jerusalem.

Beliefs on the great church holiday of the Exaltation

On September 27, it has long been customary to observe a strict fast: it is forbidden to eat meat and dairy products, as well as eggs and sweets. People believed that a person who fasts on this day is freed from sins and generational curses.

A snake in the house means trouble: according to legend, it is on the Exaltation of the Cross that snakes crawl into holes and fall into hibernation. A snake crawling into a house, in addition to the obvious danger, is considered a sign of an imminent and serious illness of someone living in this house.

If you go into the forest, you will be lost forever: according to popular belief, if you go into the forest on the day of the Exaltation of the Cross, you will not be able to return back. According to legend, the ban on visiting the forest was imposed by the King of the Forests - Leshy. On this day, from morning to night, he counts the animals in his forest, and a person who comes to such a meeting will forever get lost in the forest so that he cannot tell anyone about it.

It is forbidden to start any business on the Exaltation of the Cross: it is believed that luck does not accompany any undertakings on this day. It is better to complete all current affairs, but not take on new ones: there will be no success.

The cross on the dome is evil spirits from the village: this is what people thought in the past, and they turned out to be right: the cross, like prayers to saints, helps against evil spirits. On this day, it is customary to cleanse houses and apartments of negative energy using special techniques.

Prayers for the great church holiday of the Exaltation

Troparion to the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

Save, Lord, Your people
and bless Your inheritance,
victories by Orthodox Christians against the resistance, granting
and preserving Your residence by Your Cross.

Glorification of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross

We magnify Thee,
Life-giving Christ,
and we honor Your Holy Cross,
You also saved us from the work of the enemy.

Troparion for the Forefeast

Life-giving Cross of Your goodness,
This is what you have given to us unworthy, Lord,
We offer you in prayer,
save your praying people and your city, Mother of God,
One is more humane.

Signs for the great church holiday Exaltation

The peasants perceived the Feast of the Exaltation as the final onset of autumn and the change of seasons, with which most folk signs are associated. On this day, people used to say: “On the Exaltation, the fur coat is reaching for the caftan” or “The Exaltation is in the yard, the last haystack from the field is moving, the last cart is in a hurry to the threshing floor.”

On this day, bears go into hibernation, snakes hide in holes until spring, and the last migratory birds fly away. If there is frost on Exaltation, spring will be early.

The Feast of the Movement, or the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord, is one of the twelve important Orthodox holidays. It began to be celebrated only three centuries after the crucifixion of Jesus. At that time, an expedition was sent, its goal was to find the cross on which the Savior was crucified. The expedition was led by Queen Helena. After a long search, she managed to find the shrine and return it to the Orthodox people. In honor of this event, the Movement began to be celebrated on September 27, which became one of the most revered holidays by Christians.

history of the holiday

Emperor Constantine the Great was the first of the kings to stop the persecution of Christians. He won three wars over his enemies. A sign of God appeared to him in the sky - the Cross. On it was the inscription “This way you will win.” After this, Constantine decides to find the Cross on which Christ was crucified.

The search was not easy. The Roman pagans tried to destroy all mention of the sacred places where Christ was crucified and resurrected. Emperor Hadrian covered the Holy Sepulcher and Golgotha ​​with earth. On the resulting hill, he installed the temple of the goddess Venus and a statue of Jupiter.

However, this did not stop the search. As a result of excavations in 326, the Holy Sepulcher was found, and not far from it - three crosses. According to one legend, the true Cross was found by applying all three crucifixes to a sick person in turn. After applying another cross, the patient was healed.

There is another legend that speaks of the resurrection of a deceased person who was carried along the street for burial. After coming into contact with the Cross, the man was resurrected.

The Shift holiday is based on another important event - the return from the Persian lands. King Khozroes captured Jerusalem in the seventh century. There he plundered the Church of the Resurrection. All treasures and shrines were removed from it. In 628, King Heraclius, after his victory over the Persians, discovered the Cross and brought it to Jerusalem, where its erection took place on September 14.

When is the holiday

What date is the holiday Shift according to the new calendar? The holiday is celebrated on September 27. From this period, autumn begins to transfer rights to winter. When the church holiday of the Movement passes, frost sets in. It will still be warm during the day, and in the mornings and evenings people will start to dress warmer.

Features of the holiday

The Movement differs from other Christian holidays in its joy. On this day, the Cross on which Christ was crucified returned after many years. It symbolizes the memory of all humanity about the terrible suffering that he had to endure, remaining faithful to his Father until the last moments of his life.

The Shift holiday is a symbol of tribute to Christ, a symbol of faith. Without sparing himself, at the cost of his own life, Christ atoned for the sins of all the people of the planet.

The Cross is believed to have great power. It is capable of healing from various ailments and protects against evil spirits. It helps to find hope, love, humility in the heart, and also to evaluate the attitude towards living people.

Every person has a purpose in life: there are obstacles, through which people find their place in life. Everyone carries their own burden, and often it seems unbearable and unfair.

If you imagine how strong Christ was and what torment he endured, then everyday life is understood more clearly, and difficult problems seem completely solvable.

They prepare in advance for the Orthodox holiday of the Movement: they read prayers, go to services in churches. The main icon that is prayed for on this day is the icon of the “Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord.” It depicts the place where Queen Helena, mother of Emperor Constantine, found the Cross. This icon helps to get rid of diseases.


Religious traditions have always been strictly revered; there were various signs that were revered by all Christians.

  • On the holiday of the Movement, they bought three candles in the church and took them home. These candles were used to baptize the corners of the house. It is believed that this protects the house and its inhabitants from evil spirits and the bad eye.
  • Crosses were placed on the doors of the house to protect property.
  • It is believed that no work should be done on the holiday of the Shift. By this day, the peasants had completed all earthworks: they were preparing for arable land.
  • It is believed that on this day the bride should be matched. She should read a special prayer in which she would ask to give her a happy family life, support and mutual understanding. If the weather is bad on September 27, then it is customary to go on a visit, and on a sunny and rainy day, mass celebrations are held.
  • Strict fasting must be observed during the Shifts. On this day you cannot eat food of animal origin, fish. But everything that is grown on the ground is welcome. Previously, on this day they prepared dishes from cabbage and lentils, baked pies, made dumplings, made amazing cabbage casseroles, cabbage rolls with mushrooms.
  • If you give alms on a holiday, you can atone for your sins and cleanse yourself of evil thoughts.

The elders saw how the warm days were leaving after the celebration of the Exaltation. From that moment on, the mornings and evenings became cold, and only during the day it was still possible to bask in the rays of the warm sun.

In order not to sin

On the holiday of the Shift, all sorts of feasts were held: weddings, mass celebrations, a harvest feast! But most importantly:

  • You can't take on a new business. If you start one, it will be disastrous and end in failure and conflict.
  • It is forbidden to raise your voice or swear.
  • Handicrafts are prohibited.
  • It is forbidden to open windows and doors, otherwise snakes may climb into them to hibernate. It is believed that on the holiday of the Shift, snakes go into hibernation and look for a warm place.

You can't go into the forest on Sdvizki. It is believed that whoever goes there will disappear.


Signs of Shift:

  • On this day, the last birds fly away for the winter.
  • If you do not fast on the day of the Movement, you will suffer seven sins.
  • Autumn is moving faster towards winter.
  • During the Shift, the house is rid of evil spirits.

On September 27, you need to watch for geese. If they fly high, there will be severe flooding in the spring. If a cold wind blows on the day of the Shift, a warm summer will come.


The current version of the icon was received in the fifteenth century. The image is of a crowded scene with a temple behind it. In the very center is the partisan, holding a cross above his head. It is decorated with plant branches.

In the foreground of the icon are saints, singers and people who came to worship the shrine. On the right are Tsar Constantine and his mother, the great Helen. Sometimes images are depicted that helped to identify the real Cross from the three found: a dead person who was resurrected by the touch of a shrine, a sick person who was cured of an illness.

There are many options for icon images. Earlier versions depict Helen and Constantine holding the Cross or standing on either side of it. There are versions where the king and queen are depicted on either side of the patriarch holding the Cross. Later, this option was supplemented by the image of Tsar Alexei and Queen Evdokia. This option is becoming the most common.

The icon “Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord” tells about the discovery of the shrine by Helen, the mother of the Roman Emperor Constantine. After the crucifixion, resurrection and ascension of Christ, the instrument of torture was lost. Queen Helen managed to find him centuries later. This is shown on the icon.

The icon “Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord” is capable of healing from any ailment. If you sincerely pray to the Cross, then any illness will recede. The image helps to heal from infertility, heal bones and joints, get rid of migraines, toothaches, and also get rid of various incurable diseases.

In honor of the holiday

Emperor Constantine built a temple in Jerusalem dedicated to the Resurrection of Christ. It took ten years to build. On September 26, 335, the church was consecrated, and the next day, September 27, a celebration was established in honor of the Exaltation of the Cross.

The movement is a great holiday. On this day, snakes go to sleep, and people should celebrate and rejoice. There is a belief that if a person is bitten by any snake on this day, it will die in winter.

Another interesting thing on this day is that during the service the Gospel is read not in the middle of the church, but in the altar.

The Exaltation is considered one of the most important Orthodox holidays and is celebrated annually on September 27. Its history reaches back to the 4th century, when the Holy Cross was discovered in Palestine. It is one of the twelve holidays. People also call this day the Third Autumn, which has its own traditions and signs.

History of the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross

The main symbol of this day is the cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified. One day, Empress Elena went in search of the burial place of the Savior, but in front of her there were three crosses. Initially, no one could indicate exactly which of them the Son of God was crucified on, but the clue came on its own. One of the women who helped excavate the burial site was suddenly healed of a serious illness after touching one of the crosses. The legend also tells that the cross once resurrected a dead man.

Each of these events is now carefully recorded in the history of Christianity, so around the year 335 the church decided to celebrate this event with the Feast of the Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. Empress Helena, who managed to discover the cross, founded a temple in honor of the Holy Cross, and was later canonized.

In the modern world there are many fragments of the Holy Cross. Of course, most of them are not real, but the largest fragment is located in Jerusalem. Previously, several parts were stored in Russia, but now they are not.

Believers go to church for the All-Night Vigil, which ends with the liturgy and the removal of the cross for worship. During the service, everyone can ask the Higher Powers for help and repent of unseemly actions.

On the day of the holiday, it is customary to organize dinner parties for the whole family and relatives, at which cabbage pies are always present. The tradition dates back to ancient times, when our ancestors collected a new harvest.

It is worth sprinkling the house with holy water to cleanse it of any evil and ward off people with evil thoughts.

Our ancestors believed that on this day you can make a wish that will definitely come true. They make a wish for a flock of migratory birds flying past.

In former times, on the day of the Exaltation, crosses were drawn with chalk on the entrance doors and on the back side in order to protect themselves and animals from unclean spirits and diseases. They did the same thing in the barns where livestock lived. In addition, they used amulets to protect against evil.

On the day of the holiday, it is customary to bring three candles from church, go around the corners of the house, connecting the candles together, and read a protective prayer.

Celebration of the Exaltation in Rus'

After the introduction of Christianity in Rus', people did not associate this holiday with any biblical events. Even in the pagan era, the harvest festival and farewell to summer were celebrated at this time. Only after some time did ordinary people begin to go to church and perceive this holiday as worship of the Cross, which has great power.

For Orthodox Christians, the Exaltation is considered a day of struggle between good and evil, light and darkness. In this struggle, God's cross ultimately wins. Currently, on the occasion of the Exaltation, a solemn service is held in churches, in which parishioners remember the events of two thousand years ago.

Regardless of the day of the week, the church calls for strict fasting on this day. It is no coincidence that the Exaltation is also popularly called cabbage. This product is most often prepared for the holiday. Housewives manage to prepare a lot of delicious dishes containing cabbage on a fast day, such as:

  • borsch;
  • pies;
  • vareniki;
  • pies;
  • all kinds of salads, etc.

In some regions, the Exaltation is called Stavrov Day. This name comes from the ancient Greek word “stavros”, which means cross.

Previously, in Russian villages there was a tradition of burning or painting crosses on their homes in order to protect themselves from diseases and troubles. In the villages, all sorts of amulets in the shape of a cross were also brought to the barn so that the cattle would not get sick. They didn’t forget about the bins with the harvest. On this day they were consecrated so that old stocks would be preserved until the new harvest.

In order for life to pass in abundance, religious processions were held in Russian villages. People conveyed congratulations to each other and wished them prosperity and health.

What are you allowed to do on a holiday?

You can perform necessary household chores: washing, cooking, cleaning, washing dishes and bathing. The Church does not prohibit such events if they are truly necessary. For example, there are sick relatives in the house who require care, or small children.

On the day of the holiday, it is customary to bring three candles from church, go around the corners of the house, connecting the candles together, while reading a protective prayer.

On the Exaltation, holy water has strong healing properties. You can wash your face with it and give drink to seriously ill people so that they get better.

Prohibitions on a holiday

You cannot start new cases that may turn out to be unsuccessful or cannot be completed for various reasons.

It is prohibited to eat products of animal origin.

It is worth giving up entertainment events and watching entertainment programs.

According to the behests of the ancestors, there was no entry into the forest on this day - the animals were preparing for winter hibernation, and they could not be disturbed.

You cannot scold, indulge negative emotions and enter into conflicts.

You should give up needlework and working with the soil.

On the day of the holiday, necessary activities are not prohibited, but the clergy urge people to remember that the day is intended for prayer and spiritual growth. On the 27th, you can get together with the whole family, visit church and thank the heavenly powers for their help and protection.

This holiday is over a thousand years old. However, Christians of all denominations continue to revere him. The celebration of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in 2018 will also confirm this. All Christian people will visit churches and worship the Cross on which our Savior was crucified. Parishioners will again remember the suffering that Jesus went through for our redemption.

What date is the holiday celebrated?

The Exaltation is one of the twelve most important holidays in the Christian faith. It is celebrated by all denominations without exception. True, different movements have different dates.

Our people are mostly Orthodox, so the holiday is celebrated on September 27, 2018. It will be Thursday, a working day.

When and how did the holiday originate?

According to an ancient legend, one day the Roman Emperor Constantine, on the eve of an important battle, was visited by Jesus Christ himself, in whose hand there was a cross. He told the commander that he would defeat the enemy only thanks to the cross. The emperor believed Jesus and even inscribed a cross on his banner. As a result, a brilliant victory was won. After this, Constantine was finally convinced of the correctness of the Christian faith. He instructed Queen Helen to find the cross on which Christ was crucified. The emperor's mother made a lot of efforts to find the place where the Savior was executed. Well-known historians, cartographers and archaeologists of that time were involved in this.

The fact is that after the Resurrection of Jesus, the pagans tried in every possible way to destroy this important event from the people's memory. They literally razed to the ground everything that reminded us of the Savior and even buried the cross on which he was crucified. Pagan religious buildings were built on the site of Christian churches. So, on the site of Solomon's Temple, the Altar of Jupiter was built. The cave in which Jesus was buried was filled up. On the main gate of the city of David, the pagans placed an image of a pig so that the Israelites would forever forget about their holy city. More than three hundred years have passed since then, but Elena still managed to find the place of Jesus’ death and the cross on which he was crucified. For this purpose, the ruins of the temple of Venus were cleared and the cave of Christ’s burial was excavated.

In fact, it was not easy at all. After all, not one cross was found, but three at once. As you know, two more thieves were crucified with Christ. Elena, together with Bishop Macarius of Jerusalem, turned to God to indicate which of the crosses was the sign of Salvation. At this time, a funeral procession was passing near this place. A dead woman was brought to the artifacts, and the queen’s servants placed all the crosses on her one by one. The first attempts did not yield any results. But when she touched the third cross, the woman opened her eyes, stood up and began to glorify the Lord. All those present immediately realized that in front of them was the instrument of execution of Jesus Christ. Thus, one of the shrines of the Christian world was rediscovered.

Celebration of the Exaltation in Rus'

After the introduction of Christianity in Rus', people did not associate this holiday with any biblical events. Even in the pagan era, the harvest festival and farewell to summer were celebrated at this time.

Only after some time did ordinary people begin to go to church and perceive this holiday as worship of the Cross, which has great power and no force can resist it. For Orthodox Christians, the Exaltation is considered a day of struggle between good and evil, light and darkness. In this struggle, God's cross ultimately wins.

Currently, on the occasion of the Exaltation, a solemn service is held in churches, in which parishioners remember the events of two thousand years ago.

Regardless of the day of the week, the church calls for strict fasting on this day. It is no coincidence that the Exaltation is also popularly called cabbage. This product is most often prepared for the holiday. Housewives manage to prepare a lot of delicious dishes containing cabbage on a fast day, such as:

  • borsch;
  • pies;
  • vareniki;
  • pies;
  • all kinds of salads, etc.

In some places the Exaltation is called Stavrov Day. This name comes from the ancient Greek word “stavros”, which means cross.

Previously, in Russian villages there was a tradition of burning or painting crosses on their homes in order to protect themselves from diseases and troubles. In the villages, all sorts of amulets in the shape of a cross were also brought to the barn so that the cattle would not get sick. They didn’t forget about the bins with the harvest. On this day they were illuminated so that old stocks would be preserved until the new harvest.

In order for life to pass in abundance, religious processions were held in Russian villages. People conveyed congratulations to each other and wished them prosperity and health.

There was a belief that after the Exaltation, nature froze:

  • migratory birds are leaving our region;
  • forest creatures hide in holes;
  • everything falls into winter sleep.

The last warm days are ending.

What not to do on this day

  • During the Exaltation, you cannot eat food of animal origin. There is even a saying about this, which says that whoever fasts will have seven sins forgiven.
  • On the holiday, you also cannot start new things or do hard physical work, as well as sewing or washing.
  • As on other Christian holidays, it is not recommended to commit bad deeds against other people, use foul language or even think badly about anyone.
  • There is still an opinion that you should not go into the forest for the Exaltation. There on this day the goblin counts all the animals.
  • It is also recommended to keep the house closed. On this day, snakes may crawl into your home, looking for a place to hibernate.
  • The old people claim that on the Annunciation it is necessary to go around the places where the murders were committed.
  • You should also not cross unknown tracks on the ground. They can be left behind by forest evil spirits. Otherwise, the person may get sick.

On the Exaltation, it was customary to sprinkle one's house with blessed water to protect the residents from evil spirits.


Very often on this day birds fly to the southern regions. When you see them, you can make a wish, which, according to experts, will definitely come true.

Installation of the cross on the crown and bells in the church: this procedure is performed exclusively for Exaltation
The high flight of geese indicates: big flood
Wind from the North to: warm summer
A frosty morning on Exaltation foreshadows: early winter
Clear and warm day by: late winter
A cold snap means there will be: early spring


Immediately after the holiday, the so-called girls' evenings begin. If a girl, walking towards them, reads a special spell seven times, then one of the guys will definitely pay attention to her.

Previously, from the Exaltation to the Intercession, girls burned bonfires and performed all kinds of love spells.

Particularly popular were conspiracies that should be pronounced in the evening at dawn right on the porch of the house. True, for this the house must have its own basement.
